HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_06_01 Town Board Minutes l l MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TON OF MAMARO- NECK, VELD JUNE 1, 1955, IN THE COURT ROOM OF MAKAROIvECK TOWN FOLIC HEADQUARTERS, TOWIT OF MA?LIRONECa;. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8: 51 P . M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Kane, Brush, and Waterman ABSENT* Done Presence was also noted. of Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk, Mr . Delius, Town Attorney, and Mr . Finson, Town Accountant . I The minutes of May 4th were approved as presented . The Clerk presented a. survey of the election districts in the ban- incorporated. Section of the Town, and recommended the creation of tour new districts . °r . B. C . Meighan, Republican Town Chairman, addressed the Board and stated that inasmuch as this is an "off" year election, he did not believe it imperative that new districts be created at this time. He did suggest, however, a meeting of Republican and Democratic leaders to discuss this matter as has been done in the past . E,r. ii?artin Stern, Democratic Town Chairman, addressed the Board in favor of the creation of the districts and said that if it were done this year, it would acquaint the voters with their respective district changes, whereas, next year there will be a large ovte at the Presidential election. He further stated that he believes that the Board of Elections will make the changes if the Town Board fails to do so. The Clerk, upon inquiry, informed the Board members that the cost for the additional inspectors and polling places , etc . would be approximately $1,000, which is not included in the budget . The Board agreed with Mr. Meighan's suggestion that the leaders of the two major parties meet and make a report for the next Town Board meeting. Mr. Harry Alpiar, who had shown motion pictures of last year 's July 4th celebration at Flint Park before the meeting, addressed the Board and requested that $300 be made available for this year 's celebration which, he said, w4 11 he sponsored by the Larchmont Legion, Larchmont Fire Department, Larchmont Civic Association, and Larchmont Soft Ball League, and which has grown to such proportions that additional funds are needed in order that addi- tiona.l rides may be provided for the youngsters, some of whom were unable to use the rides last year . He said that prizes, ice cream, candy and sandwiches are given to each child who attends . The Supervisor informed Mr. Alpiar that there is no money in the budget but that this matter will be given serious thought and he will bring in a recommendation at the next meeting. Mr. Morris Karnes, attorney for Marbourne Westchester, Inc. appeared and stated that he had received a. Report and Estimate from A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer, in the amount of $ 72004, coverning certain changes which he believes will make Stonewall Lane acceptable to the Town Board . He said his client is agree- able to file a bond in this amount in order to release the Certi- ficates of Occupancy which are now being held up because of the condition of the Street. 183 The Supervisor said that the Superintendent of Highways was unable to be at this meeting because of an accident to a member of his family but that he had suggested that the amount of the bound should be increased from $7,000 to $10,000. With reference to the bond, the Supervisor suggested that it be cash instead of a surety bond . Mr. Karnes asked if cash could be released as the work progresses and was informed that this would be a matter for the Town Attorney to decide . Mr. Charles Levitt, 7 Stonewall Lane, speaking for 5 residents of that area, present at the meeting, thanked the Board and said that they could "see this matter is in good hands ." After some further discussion, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, Marbourne 'ffestchester, Inc . is the owner of certain lots or parcels of land shown on 4 subdivision maps of "Stonewall" and filed in the County Clerk's Office of Westchester County as follows : Map of Stonewall, Section 1, made by A. J. Foote, October 8, 1952, Pap No. 7537; Map of Stonewall, Section 2, made by A. J. Foote, December 29, 1952, Map Igo. 7909 ; Map of Stonewall, Section 3, made by A. J. Foote, June 14, 1954, trap No. 9142 ; Map of Stonewall, Section 4, made by A. J. Foote, Map No. 9339 ; and WHEREAS, all of said maps were filed in the County* Clerk's Office as above stated, prior to the appointment of the planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on July 7, 1954 ; and WHEREAS , a number of houses have been constructed upon the lots or parcels shown on said subdivision maps for which either Certificates of occupancy or Building Permits have been requested, and the issuance of which have been refused by the Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck becuase of non-compliance with Section 280-A of the Town Law insofar as the street or highway known as Stonewall Lane has not, as yet, been suitably improved to the satisfaction of the Town Board ; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has indicated its willingness to alternatively and in lieu of the completion of suitable improvements to said street known as Stonewall Lane with respect to paving and dra.ina.ge, accept a deposit or cash bond of $10,000, as provided in Section 280-A of the Town Law, for the completion of the pave- ment and drainage of said street, in accordance with the speci- fications shown in a report made by A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer, dated June 1, 1955, which report and specifications are filed with the Town Clerk; and WHEFEAS$ it is desired, after the completion of such street improvements, to dedicate the street or road known as Stonewall Lane, to the Town of Mamaroneck, as a public highway, 185 NOT?, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL17ED as follows (1) That .wilding Permits for new buildings may be issued by the wilding Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck provided plans and specifications are filed in accordance - with the provisions of the Building Code, and Certificates of Occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector as provided for in the Building Code, for houses completed to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector, provided.: (a) That Marbourne Westchester, Inc . deposit or cause to be deposited with the Town of Eamaroneck, the sum of X10,000. which said sun is to be held by the Town to insure the completion of the pavement and drainage of said street and street lights , in accordance with specifications shown in the Report of A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer, dated dune 1, 1955, which is filed with the Town Clerk and incorporated herein by reference and which sa.id work shall be completed within 120 days from the date of this resolution. (b) That temporary repairs be made immediately i .e . before any Building Permits or Certificates of Occupancy are issued, to• that portion of Stonewall Lane immediately adjoining Old White Plains 'Road to the north and not exceeding 368 feet, so as to render this portion of Stonewall Lane passable . (2) That the term, manner of modification and method of en- forcement of the cash bond shall be determined by the Town Board in substantial conformity with Section 277 of the Town Law. (3) That Marbourne Westchester, Inc . shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, to the Town Attorney, deeds or releases to the bed of the street known as Stonewall Lane, as shown on maps filed in the Register 's Office and known as Maps Silos . 7836, 7909, 9124, and 9339, such deeds or releases to be signed by such persons and/or corporations, including mortgagees, as are shown by title search to have any right, title or interest in the bed of the street . (4) That Marbourne Westchester, Inc. shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered to the Town Attorney, a 10-foot drain easement agreement or conveyance signed by the owner and/or mortgagee of Lot Sao. 7 as shown on Map of Stonewall, Section 2, filed in the County Clerk's Office as Map No. 7909, and as shown on Survey made by A. J. Foote, dated May 31, 1955, for the purpose of draining the street known as Stonewall Lane . (5) That Marbourne Westchester, Inc , shall execute and deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered to the Town Attorney, an easement to the Town of Mamaroneck and Westchester Joint dater Works, No. 1, granting the right to maintain water lines or pipes for the purpose of furnishing water to the houses constructed or to be con- structed on the street known as Stonewall Lane . (6) That the deeds and releases provided for in Section (3) of this resolution, shall not constitute a dedication, and the street known as Stonewall Lane shall be deemed to be a private street until such time as it has been formally offered for dedication to the public and accepted as a public street by resolution of the Town Board, or alterna- tively, until it has been condemned by the Town for use as a public street . 187 Mr. Jerome Wanshel, representing Mr . Jack W. Strassburg, 167 Hickory Grove drive, East, an applicant for a. 6-foot fence, asked if the members of the Board had visited the property, and what was their decision. The Town Clerk informed the Board that he had visited the property and had talked with Lrs . Zelda Surge, who presently has a 4-foot wire fence adjoining Mr . Strassburg's property. The visit, he said, had been made in the hope of persuading Mrs . Burke to remove the wire fence . however, she said the fence is needed and she would prefer to have it remain . Councilman brush said he was ready to offer a resolution denying the application of Mrs . Strassburg for a 6-foot fence . Mr. Wanshel then announced that his client would withdraw the application. The Clerk next brought up the application of Mr . William D . Cayton, 25 Myrtle Boulevard, for a 6-foot fence to be erected in the rear of his yard for the protection of his daughter who has been blind from birth, and which application was before this Board at its last meeting, and had been laid over for consideration. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, William D . Cayton, 25 Myrtle Boulevard, heretofore requested a permit for the erection of a solid board fence, 6 feet in height, along the southeasterly corner of his property known on the Tax Assessment Map as Block 216 Parcel 361; and 71HEREAS, the Building Inspector refused to grant such permit on the ground that construction or erection of said fence violated the provisions of Section 112 Article 21 of the wilding Code; and WHEREAS, William D. Cayton has appealed to this board for modification of the Building Inspector's decision pursuant to Section 23 , Article 1 of the Building Code so as to allow erection of said fence, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that permission is granted to William D . Cayton to erect a. solid board fence to a height not exceeding 6 feet, on the southeasterly corner of his property known as block 216 parcel 361 on the 'Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, said fence to extend 22 feet from the corner on the easterly side and 27 feet from the corner on the rear property line. Mr . Mario Eorenti, an attorney representing several residents in the vicinity of the exit from the First National Stores onto Weaver Street, appeared to ask if Mr. Delius had a. report as to the owners ' intentions with regard to this exit . Mr. Delius said he had contacted Bianco & Pepe, the owners in question, and had been informed that this is a private driveway and not part of the parking area. Chief yerick was present and stated that he had checked this situa- tion and he believed the exit had taken pressure off the traffic at Weaver Street and the post Road and that the exit is used mainly by people from the Unincorporated Area. He further stated that it JL89 also takes pressure off traffic at post woad and Rockridge Road. The check was made on Tuesday, according to the Chief, and 300 cars had used the exit and he did not consider this to be a. hazard. He went on to state that he had written to the State Traffic Com- mission, asking that a full-stop sign be posted at this exit and also that left turns be prohibited. Further, the Chief would recommend a round corner instead of a. square corner at the exit . Both nor . Lorenti and qtr. Miller wished to go on record as pro- testing that this driveway is a violation of zoning and a hazard . Councilman Kane said he believes this to be a flagrant violation and suggested that a representative of the Bianco & Pepe orgami- zation be requested to attend the next meeting of the Town Board . Mr. Miller said he believes it is the duty of the Board to protect the property owners in this vicinity as this will certainly affect the value of their property. Er. Lorenti concluded by saying that the Town Board should accept the exit as a street or bring action as a violation of the Zon- ing Ordinance . Mr. Irwin Oster, representing the GB and Eli Realty Co. , addressed the Board with reference to the installation of 230 feet of water ,main in Split Tree Road, with one fire hydrant and asked for the usual agreement between the Town and the Westchester Joint Water Rorks . The Supervisor presented an estimate received from the 17ater Company in the amount of $1,344.80 for this installation. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was, upon roil call, unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the usual agreement between Westchester Joint water Works, Pilo. 1, GB and EM Realty Co. , and the Town of ?Mamaroneck, for the installation of an additional 2EO feet of water main, with one fire hydr:art, to be laid in 'SPlit Tree isoad, at a total cost not to exceed $1,344.30, provided that applicant furnish an easement satisfactory to the Town Attorney. FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement provide that refund up to 90% of revenues derived from the sale of water to customers along this line or extension, be spade for a period of 10 years , or until the total aaaaount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur. The Clerk presented a. request, dated May 24th, from :airs . Ellen :lade, Larchmont Acres apartments, for the placing of a bench at the soaethwest corner of Richbell Road and Palmer avenue, for the confenience of people awaiting for causes . Chief Yerick said he would recommiend this bench as well as one at the corner of Forest Avenue and Weaver Street. The matter wa.s then referred to the Chief for his attention. The Clerk presented a letter, dated May 24th, frown Louis argenta, asking for the installation of a street light at the end of Hartung Street . This matter was referred to the Superintendent of Highways for investigation and recommendation. 11 i For the record., the Town clerk presented a resolution from the Village � of Mamaroneck, approving the sale of Block Slv Parcels 213 and 193 to Pietro Fraioli, in the amount of $550 . I The Clerk presented the following: Report of Receiver of saxes for May, 1955 Report of Building inspector for Shay, 1955 List of Claims audited and paid by the Comptroller from May 1 to June 1, 19=55 Statement of Bank Balances as of June 1 , 1955 Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to April 30, "4_9:55 Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures , January 1 to April 30, 1955 :analysis of estimated Revenues, January 1 to April 30, 1955 Councilman Brush reported that he had attended a meeting of the Recreation Commission on May 9th, at which time Mrs . Henry R . Dillon of the County Recreation Commission, had presented as her guest, Dr . Sal J. Prezioso, `Superintendent of Recreation of Scarsdale, who outlined to the members of the Commission, the recreation program now in effect in Scarsdale . Mr . Brush said the Recreation Commission had also discussed and made final plans for the 'loam Golf Tournament . Mr. Brush reported that he had also attended a meeting of the Park Commission on May 23rd, when SFr. John Sharbough was elected Chairman and Mr. John Oliver was welcomed as the new member on the Commission. Councilman F=ame said he understands that playas Trade some time ago for a new Town Office, to which reference was made by Mr. McKeever before he resigned from this Board, are to be found in the Town Office, if anyone is interested in seeing them. Sir . Kane then brought up the Pryer Manor 'Bridge matter and was - informed by Mr . Delius that he is still waiting for figures from the City of New Rochelle . The Supervisor presented a. letter dated May 31, 1955, from Mr . George Straub, Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works , Sao. 1, saying that 13 years ago, the Town Council had ordered the removal of 4 fire hydrants in the Fenimore Road area, and Mr . Straub now recommends that these hydrants should be replaced . He estimates the replacement cost to be $925. On motion by Councilman Lane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was; upon„ roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the installation of four fire hydrants to be located at Fenimore Road near Mohegan Road, Fenimore Road west of Avon Road., Fenimore goad east of Winding Brook Drive, and Sohegan Road near South Ridge Road, be and it hereby is approved and that the cost, estimated by the water Company to be $925, shall be a. charge against the 'rater Supply District . The Supervisor presented a. letter, Gated April 14th, from Yr . Straub, Superintendent of the Water Company, saying that the New Rochelle Water Company= has agreed to sell to the Westchester Joint Water Works, _._-- _ No. 1, :e z.3 feet of �.',-i3:C'"n 6.`aSt ir€d"? S?1a'S;er main in Dillon RL'eY.d, which still serve the new :ryes Manor development, at a cost of .is 55. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded. by Councilman Kane, it was, upon. .roll call, unanimously 193 RESOLVED that the acquisition of 113 feet of 6" cast iron water main in Dillon Road and also the six active water services connected thereto, together with the water service supplying #3 Gaillard Place, from the New Rochelle Water Company, -for $250, to be part of the Water Distribution System in the Town, is hereby approved . The Supervisor then presented a letter, dated 34ay 26, 10-55, from the IMI'anager of the Village of Hamaroneck, saying that the Board of Village Trustees, in response to an advertisement in the Daily Times, had received a number of bids for a parcel of property known as Block 811 Parcel 416, the highest of which was that of Hazel and Edgar Guthrie, in the amount of $975. The letter further suggested that as the Town of Mamaroneck now has title to this property, that the usual resolution be adopted . On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was,upon roll call , unanimously adopted : NFEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, through the institution of actions in the County Court of Westchester County, pursuant to Article VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law, has become and now is the owner of a certain parcel of real estate known and described as Block 811 Parcel 411-0 on the Tax Assessment ,11ap of the Town of 11.1amaroneck; and THEREAS, various bids have been received for said plot or parcel, of which the highest was the bid made by hazel and Edgar Guthrie in the amount of $975; and WHEREAS, since the receipt of said bids, this Board has given careful consideration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bid hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms therein set forth: Village Assessed Purchaser Block Parcel See . Elk. Lot Amount Value Terms Hazel & Edgar Guthrie 1811 416 8 10 1, 2,3 975 $1, 200 Cash FDRTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver a deed to this parcel in accordance with the terms and contract of sale and the Town Attorney is authorized to take all steps necessary to complete the sale and transfer this parcel The Supervisor presented a memorandum indicating that a lien had been sold by the Town, covering Block 304 Parcel 296, for $162 . 5c, and later was redeemed by the Dome Owners ' Loan Corporation for $180.4-0 which represented the face amount with interest and charges . The Bonded Niunicipal Corp. who purchased the original lien has now filed a claim for payment, after which they will surrender the lien. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that payment be made to Bonded 111unicipal Corp . of $180 .49 for -which claira has been filed with -the Comptroller, and which represents payment due them because of redemption of the lien on premises known as Block 5b4 Parcel 296 ,which 'lien they purchased at the Tax Sale of 10-33 . 195 The Supervisor reported that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Eamaronech had by resolution, granted consent to have a house sewer at 139 Harmon Drive, connected to the Village trunk line . The Supervisor requested a resolution appointing Messrs . Robert S . McCoy, S . Mills Harris, and Silvio Rainaldi, to the Board of Review. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that, in pursuance of Section 529 of Chapter 852 of the Laws of 1948 (Westchester County Adminis- trative Code) the Board of aeview is hereby appointed to consist of Robert S . McCoy, S . Mills Harris , and Silvio Rainaldi, being resident tanpayers of the Town, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board . FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation of the afore- mentioned members is hereby fixed in the amount of twenty-five ($25) Dollars a day but not to exceed �"250 each Supervisor Mandeville reported that Mr. McEvoy, the Assessor, had notified him that the assessment roll for 1955 would be increased by approximately 4 1/2 million dollars . The Town Attorney informed the Board members that no definite action can be taken by the Board on either the proposed Town Hall or the Swimming Pool more than 45 days before the General Election as, otherwise, it may necessitate a special election. li Mr . Delius reported with regard to the lease for property on Hommocks Road for the Larchmont-Hamaroneck Youth Club, Inc . , that he had sent a written opinion to Mr . Walter E . Warner, Jr . , the Chairman of the Recreation Commission. The Supervisor suggested that no definite position be taken by the Town Board at this time . There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 10: 30 P. M. , and immediately reconvened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . Councilman Kane presented the Fire Department claims which had been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department : American La. France Foamite Corporation $29 .7S Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc . 42.47 Reginald Jubb Garage 157.20 G. W. Merrell , Inc . 43 .60 Memo claim - N. Y. S . Employees ' Retirement System 4, 931 .44 New York Telephone Company 41 .35 Printeraft 21 . 50 Ward La France Truck Corporation 100 .56 Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 834 .85 Total $6$202 .76 Councilman Kame presented a second group of claims which had been approved by the Fire Chief but rot audited by the Comptroller . Can motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved, subject to audit by the Comptroller, and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department : Henigson°s Lumber Company $ 3.25 McGuire Bros . , Inc . 5.50 hlerson Clothes, Inc . 371 .25 New York Telephone Company 32.53 5chombert-^ich & Co. 5.95 Total $ 423 .45 Councilman bane presented. the .Fire Report for May, 3953. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it a.d, ourned at 10:40 P. M. , to meet again on June l5th. 110141 Town 1,k