HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_04_20 Town Board Minutes 3A I
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 5: 15 P. M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen McKeever, Kane, Brush, and Waterman
Presence was also noted of Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk, and Mr. Delius,
Town Attorney.
The minutes of March 23rd were approved as presented .
The Clerk presented a letter dated. April 8, 1955, from the Board
of Elections, with regard to the division, alteration, or creation
of districts 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, which have a registration
greater than 950, the limit, pursuant to Section 64 of the Election
Law, and requested that the Board authorize him to make a survey
of these districts in order that they may comply with the pro-
visions of Section 64 of the Election Law.
Mr. Martin Stern, the Democratic Town Chairman, who was present,
urged the Board to take some action regarding this matter.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Clerk
to make a survey of the election districts in the Unin-
corporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck, namely
Districts Eleven (11) through Sixteen (16) , for the
—._ purpose of creating, dividing, or altering the present
districts in order that these districts comply with the
provisions of Section 64 of the Election Law.
The Town Clerk presented a letter dated April 18th, from the Plan-
ning Board asking for an Official Map and a Land Use Map which
had been included in their budget but taken out as they were
informed that there was sufficient help in the Town Office to
complete the maps . The letter concluded by stating that the Board
finds the lack of these maps very inconvenient.
No action was taken on this matter.
The Town Clerk presented a letter dated April 19th, from the Plan-
ning Board, stating that in response to the request made by the
Town Board as of January 10th, after interviews with several
architects, and following careful study and consideration of their
experience and professional competence, it was decided to recom-
mend to the Town Board that they employ the firm of Eggers and
Higgins to make a survey, study, and report to the Town Board on
the matter of the new Town Mall.
The Town Clerk was instructed to write to the planning Board to
learn the details about the cost of such a survey or study.
- The Clerk presented a letter dated April 19th, from the planning
Board, stating that the request contained in a letter from the Town
Board, dated January 10, 1955, re a "complete review of the present
n judg-
ment set-up has been carefully studied,and giving as the J -
anent of the Board that the present Zoning Ordinance appears to
be generally satisfactory and that the expense incident to "a com-
plete review" would not be justified at this time, and going on
to recommend that the current Zoning Ordinance, including the Map,
be reprinted.
Councilman Brush asked that no action be taken at this time and
he will submit a complete report on this matter at a later meeting.
The Clerk presented a letter dated April 12, 1955, from the Recrea-
tion Commission, recommending by resolution, that the Town retain
certain property on Hommocks Road for an additional three months,
which property the Town had previously agreed to retain for
their purpose.
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the
retention, for an additional three months, of
certain property= on Hommocks Road, described
as follows =
Commencing at the juncture of the Long Island
Sound inlet and Hommocks Road; running thence
northwesterly approximately two hundred (200)
feet along Hommocks Road; thence at right angles
to Hommocks Road southwesterly approximately two
hundred (200) feet to or across an abandoned road-
way; thence at right angles southwesterly two hun-
dred and fifty (250) feet to the said Long Island
Sound inlet; thence northeasterly to the point or
place of beginning.
The Clerk presented a letter dated April 21, 1955, from J. J.
Barbieri, District Clerk for Union Free School District No. 1,
Board of Education, asking that arrangements be made to have
available for them, one voting machine for the election of trustees
for the school district election which has been scheduled for
May 4th .
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the request of the District Clerk of
Union District No. 1 for one voting
Free Sc
machine to be used at the election of trustees for
the Board of Education, on May 4, 1955, be and it
hereby is granted.
The Clerk stated, with regard to the application of Mr. John N.
Ledbetter, 6 and 8 Senate Place, for permission to erect an 8-foot
high wooden fence along the side of his property, that he had
written to the adjoining property owners and had received an
approval from Mr. Hurd Whitney, 89 Colonial Avenue, and Mr. Ronald
J. Condon, 91 Colonial Avenue. He further stated that he had also
written to Mr . Carl Guglielmo whose property adjoins Mr. Ledbetter's,
and had received a letter from Mr . William S . Brill, Mr. Guglielmo's
attorney, asking that this matter be adjourned inasmuch as Mr.
Brill is confined to the hospital .
Mr. Ledbetter was present and said he had been living at his
present address for 4 1/2 years and he is requesting this fence
h house Mr. Guglielmo is
n walls of the
to hide the
foundatio g
Pictures of the house were submitted to the Board.
Mr. Guglielmo, who was also present, requested that the fence not
be erected until after his house is sold.
Various suggestions were made toward compromise as to the height
of the fence, by both Mr. Ledbetter and Mr. Guglielmo and the
d to inspect the
Board finally agree remises before any action is
The Town Clerk, reporting on the application of Mr. W. H. Aldridge,
Cornell Street, which application was taken up at the last meeting,
said that the fence would run 31 feet 6 inches at the rear of his
property which borders on Bonnie Briar Club, and 52 feet 6 inches
on Fenimore Road; that the fence would be erected at least 4 feet
in from the property line; would be 8 feet in height; and would
be set in concrete posts 2 . feet 'high; also that along the Fenimore
Road side, it would be 8 feet at the juncture of Fenimore Road
and the Bonnie Briar property and then graduate to approximately
5 feet . The Clerk also reported that there was one objection to
this fence, i.e . Mr. Maury P. Medwick of Fenimore Road .
Councilman McKeever reported that he had visited the property and
would recommend the granting of permission to erect the fence.
On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Brush,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS , w. H. Aldridge heretofore requested a permit for
the erection of a solid board fence to be erected along the
southeasterly corner of his property known on the Tax Assessment
Map as Block 212 Parcel 1 ; and
WHEREAS , the Building Inspector refused to grant such permit
on the g round that construction or erection of said fence violated
the provisions of Section 112 Article 21 of the Building Code;
WHEREAS, W. R. Aldridge has appealed to this Board for modi-
fication of the Building Inspector's decision, pursuant to Section
23, Article l of the Building Code, so as to allow the erection
of said fence,
RESOLVED that permission is granted to W. R. Aldridge
to erect a solid board fence to a height not exceeding
16 feet, on the southeasterly corner of his property
A s x
known as Block 202 Parcel l on the Tax s e
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck.
The Town Clerk read the notice of public hearing on the applica-
tion of Fordham Transit Co. , Inc . for the consent of the Town
of Mamaroneck, under the provisions of Sections 66 and 67 of the
Tra,nswortatio n Corporations orations Law of the State of New York, for the
operation of motor buses or omnibuses for transportation of
passengers and property carried by said passengers for hire, in,
upon, along and across certain streets, avenues and highways in
the Town of Mamaroneck, as part of their through route from post
Chester, Rye, Harrison, Mamaroneck, Larchmont, New Rochelle and
North Pelham to Yonkers Raceway.
No one appeared in favor of the application and after hearing
Mr. Winton L . Miller, Jr. , 125 'heaver Street, who opposed the
application on the ground that it would adversely affect property
on Palmer Avenue because of the great number of buses which
would run to the race track, upon motion by Councilman Waterman,
seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was, upon roll call, unani-
RESOLVED that the application of Fordham Transit Co. ,
Inc . , for the consent of the Town of Mamaroneck gander
the provisions of Sections 66 and 67 of the Transpor-
tation Corporations Law of the State of New York, to
operate buses over certain streets in the Town of
Mamaroneck as part of a. through route from port Chester,
Rye, Harrison, Mamaroneck, Larcfamont, New Rochelle,
North Pelham to Yonkers Raceway, be and it hereby is
denied without prejudice.
The Town Clerk presented the following reports:
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane society, Inc . , for March, 1955
Building Inspector's Report for March, 1955
The Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Westches-
ter shore Humane Society, Inc . , informing them that numerous
complaints have been received about dogs running at large through-
out the Town.
Councilman Brush said he had attended a. meeting of the Recreation
Commission and that there had been a report received from them here
tonight, with a request that the Town Council, on behalf of the Town,
enter into a lease for a portion of the Hommocks property. Actu-
ally, this group wants to go into a, two-year lease arrangement
and they are studying that with a great deal of care . It is com-
plicated and they want to go into it thoroughly. Mr. Brush said
it is his understanding that they hope their plans will include
erecting a building and hiring a supervisor for one year at least
and that they would like to turn the project over to the Recrea-
tion Commission or some other Commission to handle it . After the
beginning of the year, it would be up to the Town to handle it .
Councilman Kane had nothing to report.
Councilman McKeever then requested that the Board pass a resolu-
tion to be sent to Ear. Robert W. Briggs, Consulting Engineer
to the New England Thruway and to the Thruway Authority itself,
asking that consideration n be g iven to the action of the Mayor's
Committee on the Clover Leaf in the village of Mamaroneck.
After a lengthy discussion on this matter, the Clerk was instructed
to invite Mr . Briggs to the next meeting of the Town Board to
further acquaint the members with the facts concerning the present
status of the Thruway between Larchmont Station and the Clover
Leaf in Mamaroneck.
Councilman McKeever presented the following petitions received
from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as
to permit the apportionment of taxes , and on motion by Councilman
McKeever, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolu-
tion was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted .
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correc-
tion of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the
provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County
Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said
assessment roll,
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1954, taxes
of 1955, which shows property now appearing on the
roll as follows:
Flock Parcel Same Land only
333 324 E. Goodman & ors . $12 , 100
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Marcel Name Land only
333 324 B. Goodman & ors . $9, 100
333 674 (24) Stanwich Coast. Corp. g 1, 500
333 734 Stanwich Const . Corp. 1$ 00
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Dame Land only
333 17 Canmer Bldrs . , Inc . 9, 330
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
333 17 Charles B. Anderson 500
333 63 Ca.nmer Builders , Inc . 8, 830
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
217 810 Alexander P. Gest, Jr. 5,400 51100 10, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
217 810 Paul H. E$rshon & W. 3, 500 5,100 81600
217 830 Alexander P. Gest, Jr . 1,900 1, 900
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Dame Land Improvement Total
220 420 Mary E. Robertson 2,000 3, 500 5, 506
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
220 420 Mary E . Robertson 1,€ 00 3, 500 4, 500
220 425 George A . Roddy & W. 1,000 1,000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel name Land Improvement Total
223 474 Daniel P. Fogarty & W. 2,900 5,000 7, 900
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Dame Land Improvement Total
223 474 Daniel P. Fogarty & W. 1,900 5, 000 6,900
223 484 Eugene De Veau & W. 1,000 1,000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Dame Land only
313 1 Rockledge Holding Corp. 4, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
313 1 C . William bloody 2,000
313 10 Rockledge Bolding Corp. 2, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel name Land only
325 104 see Helen R. Lee 3, 615
805 564
304 564 see Helen R. Lee 700
325 104
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
324 104 see Helen R. Lee 115
804 550 500
325 112 see William McPeak 3 , 500
804 564 200
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Name Land only
333 234 B. Goodman & ors. 12, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section. 557:
Block Parcel name Land only
333 324 B. Goodman & ors . 12,100
333 449 Marbourne `sliest . Inc . 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
610 393 Ragnhild M. Remson 3,000 31000 6,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Improvement Total
610 393 Ragnhild 1 . Remson 1, 500 3,000 4, 500
610 398 Jacob Ernst 1, 500 1, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of i
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Marcel Name Land only
614 220 & 240 Martin Estates, -Inc . $21, 800
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block parcel Name Land only
614 220 Martin Estates , Inc . 5,000
614 240 San Marco Const . Corp. 15, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block ?parcel Name Land only
707 404 Flint Park Realty Corp. 1,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
707 404 Flint Park Realty Corp. 500
207 409 Emerson C . Beyworth & W. 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Name Land only
SOS 1 Village of Mamaroneck 5, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 552:
Block Parcel Name Land only
806 1 Village of Mamaroneck 500
806 6 Bernardo F'raioli 6,000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1954, taxes of 1955, which shows property now
appearing:ran a
on th e
roll as follows :llows :
Block Parcel Name Land improvement Total
958 1 Salmar Develop. Corp. 21,000 26,000 42,000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name band Improvement Total
958 1 & 132 Salmar dDevel . Corp. 12,000 16,000 28,000
958 14 Kurt Schlegal & W. 100 100
958 123 & 227 Kurtmar Realty Corp. 100) 100)
800) 800)
958 202 Kurt Schlegal & W. 5,000 102000 15,000
958 278 Walter C. Boughton 3,000 81000
cgs j
Reporting on the Prince Willows sewer, Councilman McKeever said
that Mr. George Straub, Superintendent of the Westchester Joint
Water Works, had written a letter to the State Department of
Health, objecting to the sewer line crossing the Mamaroneck reser-
voir, and had then submitted a recommendation of his own. At
present the State Department of Health is investigating the matter.
The Supervisor read a letter, dated April 13th, from Mr. Julian
Cargill, submitting his resignation as a member of the Board of
Park Commissioners because he is moving to Mattituck, Long Island,
and expressing his regret at so doing. He went on to recommend
Mr. John W. Oliver to replace himself on the Board.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brush,
the following resolution was, upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Julian Cargill has retired from the Board of park
Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, where he served for many
years, first as a member and then as Chairman; and
WHEREAS, he has given unselfishly of his time and talents
to the Board of park Commissioners, contributing in large measure
to the beauty and development of the Station Park as well as the
other parks throughout the areas and
WHEREAS , during the time of his devoted service as a Park
Commissioner, he has seen the Town Honor Roll replaced by the
permanent Memorial; the Larchmont Gardens Lake dredged; and the
shoreline of the island and the Lake itself restored ; and
WHEREAS, he has always held himself available for any com-
munity service and has been prepared to join in lending a. helping
hand whenever help was needed; and
WHEREAS, no citizen has contributed more to his Country,
RESOLVED that this Board looks with regret upon the
retirement of JULIAN CARGILL as a member of the Board
of Park Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck and
expresses, by means of this resolution, its appre-
ciation and gratitude for service so generously
and competently rendered .
FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
sent by the Clerk of this Board to Mr. Cargill .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brush,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that John W. Oliver be and he hereby is
appointed a member of the Board of Park Commis-
sioners of Park District No. l of the Town of
.Mamaroneck, New York, to serve for the unexpired
term of Julian Cargill .
Supervisor Mandeville reported that the Pryer Manor Bridge bill
had been signed, and requested Mr. Delius to get in touch with
the ;Sew Rochelle officials and do everything in his power to get
the project started.
The Supervisor reported that 50,000 cars will go through toll gates
in the County which will turn in to the County, $3, 100,000 at a
cost to the County of $400,000. He also reported that the Saxon
Woods Golf Course already has received 3, 500 applications for
Westchester County players at $1 each, and the Superintendent of
Parks in the County feels there will be 10,000 applications .
The Town Attorney presented the following resolution which was, on
motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman McKeever,
on roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, this Board, on Larch 17, 1954, adopted a resolution
pursuant to Section 152, subdivision 1 of the Tax Law as follows:
"RESOLVED that from and after March 17, 1954, the
Town of Mamaroneck elects to adopt the provisions
of Title 3, Article VII-A of the Tax Law, for the
purpose of enforcing the collection of delinquent
taxes in such Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York.
"FARTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor of the
Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant to subdivision C
of Section 151 of the Tax Law, is designated as
Collecting Officer for the purposes set forth in
Article VII-A of the Tax Law."
WHEREAS , this Board now desires, pursuant to subdivision 2
of said Section 162 of the Tax Law, to rescind the election to
foreclose tax liens pursuant to Title 3 of Article VII-A of the
Tax Law,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby rescinds the resolution heretofore adopted on
March 17, 1954, electing Title 3 of Article VII-A
of the Tax Law in connection with the foreclosure
of tax liens in the Town of Mamaroneck as defined
in Section 161 of the Tax Law.
The Town Attorney reported that he would have a report on the
matter of the taxes on property being taken over by the Thruway,
at the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it
adjourned at 9 :45 P. M. , and immediately reconvened as the Board
of Fire Commissioners .
Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had
been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller
and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be
and they hereby are approved and that the Super-
visor and Comptroller be and they hereby are
authorized to pay the same out of the budget
for the Fire Department:
Burton & Fenton, Inc . $104.40
Consolidated Edison Co. of New York,West . 48.00
Martin Garren 35. 50
Mitchel Oil Corp. 55.02
Smith-Miller Co. 97.00
-- Westchester Joint Water works #1 2, 350.00
(hydrant rental)
Total $2, 689 .92
Councilman Waterman presented two bids for furniture for the
sleeping quarters in the Weaver Street Fire Rouse as follows:
Schombert - Rich & Co. $ 487.00
Nepture Furniture Co. 517.28
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the contract to supply furniture
for the sleeping quarters at the Weaver Street
Fire douse be and it hereby is awarded to
Schombert - Rich & Co. , who was the low bidder,
264 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, N. Y. , at
a price not exceeding $4$7 in accordance with
bid submitted by that Company.
Councilman Waterman presented a letter from Corbett & Company,
501 Tiffany Street, New York 59, N. Y. , stating that they have
inspected the flagpole in front of the Fire House and noted that
it is considerably out of proportion in size, and the lower avast
is too heavy for its length. They also noted that the foundation
does not p ermit proper drainage,
which accelerates the decaying
action at the base of the pool.
They offer to furnish and install a, new lower-mast 35' overall
with a. 12" diameter butt and fit existing top mast to it and set
in a steel sleeve for $7€30.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman McKeever,
it was, up on roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that Corbett & Company be and they hereby
are authorized to proceed to furnish and install
a new lower-mast 35' overall with a 12" diameter
butt and fit existing top mast to it and set in a
steel sleeve at a cost not to exceed $700 in connection
with the flagpole located in front of the Weaver
Street Fire Headquarters .
The Town Attorney stated that Test Hooker has brought an action
against the Town Board as Fire Commissioners, the Fire Council
and the Fire Chief to compel them to let him use the auditorium
of the weaver Street Fire mouse .
The Board, acting as the Board. of Fire Commissioners, instructed.
Mr. Delius to appear and defend the action.
Winton 125 Weaver Street suggested that a Police-
man be stationed at the corner of Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue,
whenever the fire apparatus uses this intersection in responding
to a. fire.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
adjourned at 10 P. M. to meet again on May 4th.
own Clerk