HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955_01_05 Town Board Minutes 873
Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P. M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville
Councilmen Kane, Brush, and Waterman
ABSENT: Councilman McKeever
Presence was also noted of Mr . Gronberg, Town Clerk, Mr. Delius, Town
Attorney, Mr. Finson, Town Accountant, and Mr. O'Brien, Town Super-
intendent of Highways.
Mr. Jerome Wanshel, 6 Beverly Place, appeared and said that after
the last meeting of this Board and in an attempt to save money for
the Town, he had asked the Town Clerk not to publish the recent
proposition submitted, and had prepared instead, two different peti-
tions to give the Board an option. One of these petitions is about
the same as the original one, except that it asks for 10 feet in-
stead of 100 feet, and there will be a new map which Mr. McEvoy is
The other petition asks that the Zoning Ordinance be amended by
adding a new section to Article III, Section 13, subd . 7, which
shall read as follows:
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained,
a corner lot in the Class C district in which one side of
the lot fronts on a main thoroughfare and the other side of
the lot fronts on a side street, and which lot is adjacent
to a residential A, A(2) , B, or B(2) use or area district,
the minimum side yard on the side street shall be not less
than ten (10) feet, and there shall be no exits or entrances
for loading or unloading or for business uses on that side
of the lot which fronts on said side street . All entrances
and exits to such corner lot in such C zone shall be on the
front main thoroughfare ,
Mr. Wanshel discussed the petition at some length and submitted
copies and asked that they be studied by the Board .
Mr. Anthony Sansone opposed both of these propositions . He said he
did not understand on what theory of law such an amendment could be
made and suggested that before the Board called a public hearing on
this matter, he would recommend that it be referred to the Town
Attorney for an opinion.
Mr . Waterman moved that the matter be referred to the Town Attorney
for an opinion.
Mr. Irving Keenan, proprietor of Kenny's, 1323 Boston Post Road,
addressed the Board and reminded them that when he purchased his
property, he knew it was zoned for business 100 feet back. He
erected an expensive building, in accordance with all codes and
zoning laws . He now feels that he is being asked to donate 10 feet
of his land .
The Supervisor said it was his understanding that an amendment
would only apply to property to be developed or improved in the
Mr . Keenan said it would apply if his building were to be des-
troyed . He feels the property owners who bought property abutting
the. Boston Post Road should have known what they were getting.
Mr. Paul Weber, who owns two houses on Rock Ridge Road, said he
is satisfied with the present conditions but is worried about
what will happen in the future . He is in favor of the amendment.
Mr. Wanshel submitted photographs of Kenny's building, which were
received and filed .
Mr . John N. Thompson, a real estate broker, with an office at 310
North Avenue, New Rochelle, suggested that the Town Board re-zone
the land on the Boston Post Road and make it business for 200 feet,
instead of the present 100 feet . Mr . ,Thompson said he represented
an owner of property on the Post Road .
Mr. Rudy Novak, 1331 Boston Post Road, asked certain questions con-
cerning the present zoning on the Post Road.
Mr. Marshal de Noyelles , Jr. , 22 Rock Ridge Road, said that the
Rock Ridge Road people merely want a decent entrance to Rock Ridge
Road .
Mr. Wanshel said he has no objection to amending his petition so
that the "area" could be used in the form of a driveway to go to
the front or rear of the building, provided there were no
entrances or exits on the side of the buildings .
The Supervisor suggested that Mr. Wanshel and Mr. Sansone should
meet with the Town Attorney and perhaps come in with a recommenda-
tion at the next Town Board meeting, and Mr . Waterman formally moved
that the matter be referred to the Town Attorney for him to confer
with Mr. Wanshel and Mr . Sansone and, if possible, work out some
solution of the whole matter .
Mr. Wanshel said he wanted to have it on the record that there is
"something" before the Town Board .
Mr . Thompson protested this .
The Supervisor explained that it would be necessary to hold a public
hearing before any action could be taken.
Mr . George P. Forbes appeared as Attorney for the Village of Larch-
mont and stated that the Village had requested Mr. Delius to prepare
a bill to be introduced in the Legislature, giving the Town Board,
acting as Fire Commissioners in Fire District No. 1, the power to
contract with the Village for fire protection in the Dillon Road
area. He said that the Village requested this because of the diffi-
culty which now exists there with respect to the Volunteer Firemen
who are not residents of the Village and may not be legally members
of the Village Fire Department. The Village had passed a local
law but there are doubts as to whether it is any good . The situation
can be remedied if the Town can contract with the Village for
protection of the Dillon Park area as most of the firemen live there
and in that case they can be legally members of the Village Fire
Department .
Supervisor Mandeville stated that he believed the people in
Dillon Park are opposed to such an arrangement but as he under-
stands it, the bill is primarily permissive .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Brush,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the bill
prepared by the Town Attorney which reads as follows:
AN ACT to amend Section four of Chapter eighty-two of the
Laws of 1939 as added by Chapter three sixty-three of the Laws
of 1939, so as to empower the Town Toard of the Town of Mamaroneck,
acting as the Board of Fire Commissioners for Fire District
Number one of the Town of Mamaroneck, to make contracts
for fire protection with a duly constituted and organized
company, companies , or fire department in any village within
such town or with the authorities of any such village for
a period of not to exceed five years, providing the fire
department in fire district number one of the Town of
Mamaroneck is, in the judgment of such fire commissioners,
unable to render adequate fire protection.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate
and Assembly, do enact as follows :
Section 1. Section four of Chapter eighty-two of the
Laws of 1939 as added by Chapter three sixty-three of the
Laws of 1939, is hereby amended to read as follows :
§4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
require the election of fire district commissioners or a
fire district treasurer for said fire district . The town
board of the Town of Mamaroneck shall have and may exercise
in such district, all the powers conferred upon fire dis-
trict commissioners pursuant to the town law including the
power to make contracts for fire protection an the ex-
tinguishment of ires in fire district number one of the
Town of amaronec with aduly constituted and organize
company, companies or fire department in any va age within
the Town of a.maroneck, provided e fire company, companies
or fire department in fire district number one of the Town
of Mamaroneck is , an the judgment of such fire commissioners,
unable to render a. equa a fire protection an all e powers
conferred upon fire district -commissioners By or any
other law, except that the supervisor of the town of Mamaro-
neck shall act as treasurer of the district and chairman
of the commission and the town clerk of the town of Mamaro-
neck shall act as secretary thereof. Said supervisor
shall not be required to give the additional undertaking
provided in subdivision four of section one hundred seventy-
six of the town law but the undertaking executed pur-
suant to section twenty-five of the town law shall in-
clude and cover the moneys and property of the fire
district coming into his hands as treasurer.
§2. This act shall take effect immediately.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be
and he hereby is instructed to use all
honorable means to secure the passage of
this bill and, if necessary, to consent
to amendments not substantially altering
the purposes and objects to be attained .
FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolu-
tion be furnished to Assemblyman Hunter
Meighan and Senator Frank S . McCullough,
who are hereby urged to secure passage of
this bill by the Legislature .
FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolu-
tion be forwarded to the Governor of the State
of New York and to his Executive Secretary when
and if this bill is passed by the Legislature and
that he be requested to sign this bill, if passed,
so that the same may become law.
The Town Clerk presented:
Building Report for December, 1954
Building Report for the year 1954
Town Clerk's Report for December, 1954
Report of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for December, 1954
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements, January 1 to November 30, 1954
Analysis of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures, January 1 to
November 30, 1954
Analysis of Estimated Revenues, January I to November 30, 1954
The Clerk reported that he had issued dance hall permits to Bonnie
Briar Country Club; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1156; Waller's
Post Lodge ; and Winged Foot Golf Club, Inc . , applications for which
permits had been approved by the Police Department, the Building
Department, and the Fire Department .
The Supervisor presented his Annual Report of Highway moneys for
the year 1954. On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by
Councilman Kane, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor's Annual Report of
Highway moneys for the year 1954, be and it
hereby is approved .
Supervisor Mandeville suggested that the Board proceed with the
matters of organization.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the salaries of all elected officials
and appointed Town officers of the Town of Mamaroneck
for the year 1955 are to be the salaries stated and
appropriated in the annual Budget or Estimate for
the year 1955 as follows :
Name Title Salary
Owen A. Mandeville Supervisor $6,000
John T. McKeever Councilman 1, 800
Peter F. Kane, Jr. Councilman 1,800
Jeremiah C . Waterman Councilman 1, 800
C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. Councilman 1,800
Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Taxes 6,480
Charles J. Gronberg Town Clerk 6,480
Munn Brewer Justice of the Peace 2, 800
Charles M. Baxter Justice of the Peace 2, 800
John L. Delius Town Attorney 72080
Frank O'Brien Supt . of highways 5,240
Thomas J. McEvoy Assessor 6,480
Leo N. Orsino Comptroller 1,480
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following positions shown in the
Budget or Estimate, are hereby continued and/or
created and the annual compensation for the same in
the year 1955 is hereby fixed and shall be paid from
the amounts appropriated in the annual Estimate or
Budget for the year 1955, or so much thereof as shall
be sufficient to pay such annual compensation to be
paid as of January 1, 1955:
Civil Ser- Salary
Title of vice Cla.ssi- or Compen-
Name Position fication cation
Wilhelmina Schroeder Tel .Oper. & Dep. Clk. Comp. $ 3,340
Jean Corbia int . Acct. Clk. & Steno. IT 3, 740
Alexander Finson Town Accountant 6,480
Donna Wiedemann Int . Acct. Clk. 3, 740
Leo N. Orsino Sen. Acct. Clk. 5,000
Frances Riley Sen. Typist 3, 740
Margaret Barnes Sen. Steno. " 3, 740
William Paonessa Sen. Eng. Aide 4, 640
William Kirtland int . Acct . Clk. 2,990
Charles Kane Assessment Clerk 31640
Paul A. Yerick Police Chief " 7, 180
Francis Waterbury Police Lieutenant 5,900
Philip Millheiser Sergeant 5,380
William Cunningham Sergeant " 5,380
Eugene DeVeau Sergeant 5,380
Chauncey Smith Det . Sergeant 5, 580
Joseph Paonessa Patrolman 4,980
John Grenan Patrolman 4,980
John Caputo Patrolman 4, 980
James Knox Patrolman 4,980
Lawrence McAllister Patrolman 4,980
Christopher Loveley Detective 5, 180
James Mancusi Patrolman " 4,980
James Staropoli Patrolman 4,980
George Mulcahy Patrolman 4,980
John E. Rowan Patrolman " 4, 980
Louis Turco Patrolman " 4,980
Edward Bakker Patrolman 4, 980
James O'Brien Patrolman 4, 980
John M. Leonard Patrolman 4,980
Richard Winckler Patrolman 4, 980
David McClintock Patrolman 4, 980
John J. Welsh Patrolman " 4,980
Eugene Agnessanto Patrolman 4,980
William Celestino Patrolman " 4,980
Vincent Mazza, Jr. Patrolman 4, 580
Vacant Patrolman 4, 180
John Seufert Custodian 3,340
Thomas M. Aitchison Park Foreman Non-Comp. 40980
Arthur Johnson Asst . Park Foreman Non-Comp. 4,140
Michael Harrington Fire Lieutenant Comp. 4, 580
Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant 9° 4, 580
Joseph Miller Fireman It 4,440
Alfred Moll Fireman It 4,440
Earl Mellor Fireman It 4,440
Edward Muller Fireman It 4,440
Nicholas Soriano Fireman 4,440
Nicholas Giacomo Fireman ' 3, 880
Carl Mirande Fireman 3 , 720
Marion E. Sweatland Pub. Health Nurse PT 3,720
FURTHER RESOLVED that the employment of the last named
persons in the aforesaid positions, is in accordance
with the classifications made by the County Personnel
Officer, under the provisions of the Civil Service Law
of the State and any vacancies which now exist, or which
may, from time to time, occur in said positions, are to
-- be filled at salaries set in accordance with the pro-
visions of the salary scale adopted by the Town Board
and in conformity with the Civil Service Rules and
amendments thereto, for towns, villages and special
districts in Westchester County, New York.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following persons are hereby
appointed to positions classified as exempt under
the Civil Service Law, such appointments to be made
as of January 1, 1955, and to continue at the pleasure
of the Town Board, at the annual salary or rate of com-
pensation hereinafter stated, which is to be paid from
amounts appropriated in the annual Budget or Estimate
for the year 1955, or so much thereof as shall be
sufficient to pay the salary or compensation as
hereby fixed :
Salary or
Name of Incumbent Title of Position Compensation
Paul Fortuna Motor Eqpt. Oper. $3, 740
Curtiss Major Sanitation Man 3, 740
Matthew Halley Sanitation Man 3, 740
David Lyde Sanitation Man 3,740
Roscoe Faysoure Sanitation Man 3, 740
Ivrell Johnson Sanitation Man 31740
Peter Forti Sanitation Man 3, 740
Dominick Loiaconi Sanitation Man 3, 740
Sandy Lee Jones Sanitation Man 3,740
George W . Burton Fire Inspector 960
Pearl E . deGrau Ct . Clerk 750
Thomas J. McEvoy Bldg. & P1bg. Insp. PT ---
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that a. bond be required for the faithful
performance of the duties of the following officials
in the amount stated, with sufficient surety to be
approved by this Board and the form to be approved
by the Town Attorney:
Building and Plumbimg Inspector - , $ 1,000 for 1 year
Senior Account Clerk - 10,000 for 1 year (Tax Office)
Accountant - 10,000 for 1 year (Tax Office)
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the compensation for per diem em-
ployees is as follows :
Title Hourly rate
Labor Foreman - Highway $1 .85 - 2 .10
Motor Equip. Oper. - Highway 1 .45 - 1.60
Sewer Maintenance Man 1.45 - 1 .60
Laborer 1 .20 - 1 .50
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the salaries of all officers, elected
and appointed, and all employees , be paid semi-
monthly on the first and fifteenth days of each
FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions are
effective as of January 1st, 1955
The following letters were received :
December 31, 1954
Honorable Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Subject to your approval, I desire to deputize Mr.
Leo N. Orsino, Senior Account Clerk in my office,
to perform any and all of the duties of the Receiver
of Taxes and Assessments, including thereamong,
the duty of receiving tax money, giving proper
receipt therefor in his name, and entering same
upon the records and depositing the tax money in
the bank as required by law.
Very truly yours,
Henry R. Dillon /s
Receiver of Taxes
December 31, 1954
Honorable Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Subject to your approval, I desire to deputize Mr.
Alexander Finson, Accountant of the Town, to re-
ceive tax money, giver proper receipt therefor in
my name and enter same upon the records and deposit
the tax money in the bank as required by law.
Very truly yours,
Henry R. Dillon /s
Receiver of Taxes
Pursuant to Subdivision lm of Section 30 of the Town Law,
State of New York, I hereby appoint Miss Wilhelmina
Schroeder and Mrs . Margaret Barnes as Deputy Town
Clerks of the Town of Mamaroneck for the term of
office ending December 31, 1955.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck this 31st
day of December, 1954.
Town Clerk
Sworn to before me this
31st day of December, 1954
Leo N. Orsino
Notary Public in the State of New York
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that in accordance with a request received
from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, this Board
hereby approves of his appointment of Leo N. Orsino,
Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy Receiver of Taxes,
and his designation of Alexander Finson, Accountant,
as a person authorized to receive tax money, give
proper receipt therefor in his name, enter such
payments upon the records and deposit tax money
in the bank for the year ending December 31, 1955.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the appointment by the Town Clerk of
Miss Wilhelmina Schroeder and Mrs . Margaret Barnes,
as Deputy Town Clerks, in accordance with his certi-
ficate, dated December 31, 1954, and this day pre-
sented to the Board, is hereby approved.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was , upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the regular meetings of this Board be
held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month
at 8: 15 P. M. , in the Court Room of the Mamaroneck
Town Police headquarters at 11 Edgewood Avenue, Town.
The Supervisor recommended the appointment of the following com-
mittees for the year 1955:
Councilman John T. McKeever Assessments
Councilman Jeremiah C . Waterman Legislation
Police Pension Fund
Fire Department
Councilman Peter F. Kane, Jr. Incineration
Veterans ' Service
Civil Defense
Councilman C . Benjamin Brush; Jr. Planning
The Board unanimously approved the foregoing appointments.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the "Daily Times" of Mamaroneck be
and it hereby is designated as the official news-
paper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose
of publishing notices .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the firm of Glick-Freedman, Certified
Public Accountants of New Rochelle, New York, be and
it hereby is appointed to audit the records of the
Town for the year 1954.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation for this
service be in the amount of $2,400, which is the
amount in the 1955 Budget.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby are
appointed constables to serve for the term beginning
January 1, 1955 and ending December 31, 1955, with-
out salary:
Rocco V. Migliaccio, 243 Knollwood Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Thomas Faillace, 601 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Frank F. Herz, 1308 Crown Court, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the appointed constables,
Rocco V. Migliaccio, Thomas Faillace, and Frank
F. Herz, each file a bond in the sum of $2,500
for the failthrul performance of their duties,
said bond to be for one year and to be approved
by the Town Attorney, and the premium for the
same to be paid out of Town funds .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby are
appointed as members of the Board of Police Commis-
sioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, to
serve at the pleasure of the Board :
Cecil W. Borton
Loren R. Dodson
Cornelius J. Quinn
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that Town Councilman Jeremiah C . Waterman
be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Board
of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for the term
beginning January 1, 1955 and ending December 31, 1955.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roil call, unanimously
RESOLVED that John W. Sharbough be and he hereby
is reappointed a member of the Board of Park
Commissioners of Park District No. 1 of the Town
of Mamaroneck, New York, to serve for the term
beginning January 1, 1955 and ending December 31,
The Supervisor, in accordance with Article 2, Section 12 of the
Plumbing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck, appointed to the Examining
Board of Plumbers, to serve until the expiration date shown after
each appointee's name, the following:
Mr. William K. Fordyce - December 31, 1955
Mr . Victor Kriss - December 31, 1956
Dr . William H. Conway - December 31, 1957
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the following banks and trust com-
panies in which the funds of the Town of Mamaro-
neck and its various districts and departments are
now deposited, shall continue to be the depositories
of such funds for the year 1955, upon the same
terms and conditions as now obtain, including
security deposits now in effect:
County Trust Company, all branches
First National Bank, Mount Vernon
Chase National Bank, New York City
First Westchester National Bank, New Rochelle
Marine Midland Trust Co. , New York City
National Bank of Westchester, New Rochelle
The Supervisor presented the renewal of the contract between the
Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc .
for the year 1955, in the sum of $1,800.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign the contract between the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Westchester Shore Humane
Society, Inc . , for the year 1955, in the amount
of $1,800 as provided in the 1955 Budget.
The Supervisor presented the renewal of the contract between the
Town of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont, and the Larchmont
Public Library, in the amount of $18,345, as provided in the
1955 Budget .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to sign the contract between the Town
of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont, and the
Larchmont Public Library, in the amount of $18,345
for the year 1955, which amount is provided in the
1955 Budget.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the salary scale of Civil Service
employees of the Town of Mamaroneck, adopted
January 13, 1954, is hereby amended as follows :
Minimum 1st Inc . 2nd Inc . 3rd Inc . Maximum
Tel. Operator $ 2, 780 2,920 31060 3,200 3, 340
Int. Act . Clk. &
Steno. 3 , 100 3,260 3,420 3, 580 3, 740
Sen. Steno. 31100 3,260 3,420 3, 580 3, 740
Int. Act. Clk. 3, 100 32260 3 ,420 3,580 3, 740
Sen.Typist 3, 100 3 ,260 3,420 3, 580 3 , 740
Assmt . Clerk 3,040 3,190 3,340 3,490 3, 640
Int. Clk. 2, 860 3,005 3, 150 3 ,295 3,440
Sen. Act . Clk. 4,280 4,460 4, 640 4, 820 5,000
Town Acct . 5, 680 5, 880 6,080 62280 6,480
Sen. Eng. Aide &
Asst. Bldg. & Plbg.
Insp. 3,920 4, 100 4,280 4,460 4, 680
Custodian 2,780 2, 920 3,060 3,200 3,340
Public Health
Nurse 3,480 3, 720 3, 960 4,200 4,440
Minimum 1st Inc . 2nd Inc . 3rd Inc . Maximum
Park Foreman $ 4,260 4,440 4, 620 4, 800 4, 980
Asst. Pk. Foreman 3, 640 3 , 765 3, 890 4,015 4, 140
Police Chief 7, 180
Police Lieutenant 52900
Police Sergeant 5,380
Police Patrolman 4, 180 4,380 4, 580 4, 780 4,980
Detective Pay - $200 additional
Fire Lieutenant 3, 720 3 ,900 4, 080 4,260 4,440
Fire Truck Driver 3, 720 3 ,900 4, 080 4,260 4,440
Fireman 3,720 31900 4,080 4,260 4,440
Fire Inspector 750 800 850 900 960
Motor Equipment Operator (Garbage) 3, 740
Sanitation Man 3, 740
The Highway agreement for the year 1955 was presented and on motion
by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Lane, it was, upon
roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Highway Agreement, as presented
by the Superintendent of Highways for the year
1955, be and it hereby is approved.
The Clerk presented a letter, dated November 1st, 1954, addressed
to the Supervisor, received from Mr. Edward F. N. Uthe, Executive
Secretary of the Association of Towns of the State of New York,
announcing the annual meeting of the Association to be held at
the Hotel Statler, Buffalo, N. Y. , February 8th through 10th,
and requesting the Board to designate a delegate and alternate to
attend such meeting.
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Waterman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that John L. Delius and Alex Finson be and
they hereby are authorized to attend the Annual
Meeting of the Association of Towns of the State
of New York, to be held in Buffalo on February
8th, 9th, and 10th, 1955
FURTHER RESOLVED that John L. Delius is designated
representative of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
purpose of voting and Alex Finson is designated as
alternate .
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comptroller be and he
hereby is authorized to audit their claims for
expenses of the trip, said expenses to be paid
out of the item in the budget for traveling
expenses .
The Clerk presented a claim in the amount of $120 representing the
annual membership dues of the Town for the year 1955 in the Associa-
tion of Towns of the State of New York, for approval .
On motion by Supervisor Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck continue its
membership in the Association of Towns of the State
of New York for the year 1955, and that the annual
dues in the amount of $120. be paid out of the item
set aside for this purpose in the 1955 Budget.
Councilman Brush had nothing to report.
Councilman Waterman had nothing to report.
Councilman Kane brought up the matter (previously before this Board)
of house numbers on Palmer Avenue . After some discussion it was
agreed that Mr. Kane will visit the houses in question, in an effort
to work out a solution.
The Board discussed the matter of building a new Town Office and re-
ferred it to the Planning Board for study and recommendation. It is
to be combined with the Swimming Pool proposition, if and when it is
presented to the electorate .
Councilman Brush suggested that the Zoning Ordinance be referred to
the Planning Board for study.
Mr. Delius reported on the Pryer Manor Bridge. He said he had had
discussions with the officials of the City of New Rochelle with the
idea of introducing a bill in the State Legislature setting up some-
thing in the way of an authority to own the bridge and take charge
of it . Under the Town highway Law it cannot be taken over by the
Town. It has now been suggested that the bridge be physically owned
by the City of New Rochelle and that the deed or grant be given to
it . The New Rochelle people say they can take the bridge as it is
under their system of bridges, etc . They would obtain a. deed and
hold it in escrow until the bill is passed .
Among other provisions of the bill, the Town of Mamaroneck would be
authorized to contribute up to 50% of the actual cost of maintenance
including re-construction, if necessary. This would be paid
annually to the City of New Rochelle .
Mr . Delius reported on the new State Equalization rate and after some
discussion, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is
authorized to attend the hearing on the State Equali-
zation rate to be held in the City of Albany on
January 11, 1955, at 10 A. M. , by the State Com-
mission on Equalization.
The Superintendent of Highways presented plans showing proposed
sidewalk on Weaver Street from Bonnie Way to Rouken Glen as re-
quested by Mr. David L. Robbins . Mr . O'Brien said the cost is
estimated to be $11,000 exclusive of takings and a retaining wall .
This was referred to Councilman McKeever for recommendation.
The Clerk presented to the Board for approval, the usual Supervisor's
bond in the amount of $1, 100, covering the amount of State aid to
be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck for the repair and improvement
of highways, pursuant to the provisions of Section 283 of the
Highway Law.
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was
RESOLVED that Bond No. 5375416A in the amount of
$1, 100 of the National Surety Corporation, is
approved as to form and the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to execute the same and file it
pursuant to law.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 10: 10 P. M. , and immediately reconvened as the Board of
Fire Commissioners .
Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had
been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief,
and, on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman
Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following described claims be and
they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp-
troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the
same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
Chatsworth oil & Beating Co. , Inc. $ 84.60
New York Telephone Company 56.75
Hydrant Rental
The New Rochelle Water Company 56.25
Total $197.60
Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Report for December, 1954.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10: 15 P. M.
to meet again on January 19, 1955.
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Town Clerk /