HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954_11_03 Town Board Minutes _ 787 I MINUTES OF t REGD7LAR MEETING OF 'T'"_" TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARO_ NECK HELD NOVEMBER 3, 1954, IN THE COURT ROOM OF MAMARONECK TOWN POLICE NEAI7'LTisTERS AT 11 EI3CiE4QCi: AVENUE, TOWN. Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 3 : 15 P. M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen McKeever, Vane, and gush ABSENT* Councilman Waterman Presence was also noted of Air . Cronberg, 'Sown Clem, Mr . Delius , Town Attorney, and Mr . O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways . The minutes of October O, 1954, were approved as presented . The Clerk presented and read a. letter, dated October 31, 1954, from kTrs . Mary L . Scherm, 18 Elka.n Road, Secretary of the F:lkan Park Carden Club, on behalf of said Club, expressing their appreciation for the fine work the Town has done on the F.lkan Par':, Circle, and asking, if possible, that the men who did the work be thanked . The letter was received and filed . The Clerk presented and read a. letter, dated September 21, 1954; from. Mr . Louis Csenge, 42 Maplewood Street, expressing thanks for the improvement o3 the water supply on Maplewood Street . The letter was received and filed . a and read a. letter, dated September 24, 1954, The Clerk prase me '_. from Edward J. Oa.nter, Finance Commissioner of Westchester County, _. expressing thanks for the final tax payment in the amount of =15o,000 for the year 1954 . The letter was received and filed. -.-_ Clerk oresented and read a. letter, dated October 23, 1954, from i le_ The C ,. � c; 5 - •on Mr . Lloyd A. 11.Taeder, Director of the State Traffic Commission, 1= ashington Avenue, Albany 1, N. N. , addressed to the Town Clerk, acknowledging receipt of his letter, dated October 22, together with a copy of a resolution requesting a, parking restriction on leaver Street, route 125, between Palmer Avenue and Boston most toad , and advising that a. check of conditions is being initiated and that Mr .&ia.eder will advise the Clerk, at a. later date, of the C ommission s conclusion . The letter was received and filed . The Clerk presented and read a, letter, dated October 25, 1954, from Mr . Lawrence Sparer , 1237 Knickerbocker Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y. , addressed to the Mamaroneck Town Council, expressing deep concern about the proposed cloverleaf of the New :England Thruway to be located at Barry and Mamaroneck Avenues , and asking the Board to reconsider its decision of October 21 (when it was agreed that the Town Board would take no act on the matter) a,nd lend its influence to the opposition against this cloverleaf . The letter was received and filed . After a. great deal of discussion, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it wa.s, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that this Board, in the event the Thruway Authority has not , as of this date, provided for a continuous passage for foot and vehicular traffic Village town of � e from the .�e of Dare hmon t to t Mamaroneck, at ? r ' - ont Railroad Station, during the period of construction of the New England Thruway, hereby requests the Thruway Commission to provide such passage for the use of the public . 789 Pier , Jerome wa,nshel, 6 Beverly Place, Larchmont, said he was repre- senting the Larchmont Park Association and would request, on behalf of that organization, that the Town Board would go on record recom- mending to Mr . Robert Briggs , the Engineer and resigner of the Thru- o Mamaroneck be assigned parking space or area - equivalent h Town �f Pia way, the 9 - e equivalent to what it now has, instead of �*rnat at had three years ago. The Supervisor suggested that Mr . Wanshel report to his Association that the Town Board is doing all it can. Councilman McKeever said this Board will try to obtain all possible parking space . Councilman Kane said he thinks Mr . 5'Ja.nshel has a good point . He ' . believes some additional parking space might be obtained . The Clerk presented a. letter , dated October 4, 1540 addressed to police Chief Yerick from police Chief Fred C . ponty, of Port _ Chester, commending four cycle men who pa.rticipa.ted in a. parade in Port Chester on October 2nd, and a memorandum from Chief Yerick Caputo Lovele Mamcusi and stating that the men were Officers Caputo, y> Mulcahy. The Clerk presented a. letter from Hornidge a Harper, attorneys , with offices at 1 42 Mamaronec k Avenue, Mamaroneck, dated October 29, Mamaroneck 1954, stating that Mr . Gustave G. Pernod of Ma.ma.roneck ha.s made application to their client , Mamaroneck federal Savings & Loan Association, for a mortgage on premises known as 13u' a��ighview Street, Block 803 , parcel 51, of which he owns the fee . The letter goes on to state that a search has been made against said premises for back taxes and none are to be found on the Town tax records . The following, however, has been reported by the Title Examiner to be listed in the County finance Office : County Finance Vol . 57, Map Washingtonville - Town of Mamaroneck Page Lot Year .?mount Sale To years leased 331 42 1872 v 2 . 51 3/34/74 Town of Mamk . 1,000 Inasmuch as the Town tax records indicate nothing against the property, it is concluded that all taxes have been paid, and as a, should ° e cancelled , On be- n siao�. Finance returns- � � - County f n the Cou consequence .T f pernod who joins in this application, the a'ttorney's be- half of Ex . request that the Receiver of Taxes be authorized to prepare and transmit to the County Finance office, a. request that the above mentioned taxes which have been sold to the Town of Mamaroneck, be cancelled on the records of that office . Upon recommendation by the Town Attorney, on motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that the following taxes , liens or leases appearing on the records in the County Finance Commissioner's office, be cancelled, the same having apparently been paid according to the __ records in the office of the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck r Page Lot Year Amount Sale To yeas lease d 311 42 1372 $ 2 . 51 3/303/74 Town of Mamk . 1,003() 9: 1 The Clerk presented a. letter dated October 21 , 1954, from the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of the County of Westchester, advising that the County has extended for another year its contract 17 removal of ice and € Department of Public .,ores for the re with the State snow from the State highways in Westchester County, and incuiding if the 'town is desirous of continuing its contract, dated -November 3, 1940, for the removal of snow and ice on State highways within the Town by Town forces . On motion by Councilman -KcKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS , section 12 of the Highway Law, as amended by Chapter 305 of the saws of 1946, provides that if the removal of snow and ice from the State Highways is taken over by, the County, the County can arrange with the Town Superintendents of the various towns in the County of s'estchester and/or the villages therein, for the removal of the snow from such State Highways as are within their municipal' i al boundaries and the entire cost of such work will be , reimbursed by the State ; and WHEREAS , the Town of Mamaroneck under date of November S, 1946, entered into a. contract with the County of Westchester for the removal of snow and ice from. the State Highways within this Town, including the villages of Mamaroneck and Larchnont, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of the Highway Law as amended , and under date of November 4, 1953 , extended this contract for the season 1953-19547 N,C3;P, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck extend the above - mentioned contract with the County of Westchester for an additional year, and be it further RESOLVED that a. certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Westchester County Commissioner of Public ';Uorks . The Clerk presented an agreement with the County of Westchester, for removal of sno w on County roads for the winter season of 1954-1955 at a flat rate of $200 per mile . On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVEl3 that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the agreement with the County of Westchester for the removal of snow from the county roads within the Unin- corporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a flat rate of $200 per mile . The Clerk presented a, letter from the Westchester Chapter of the Association for the Help of Retarded Children, Inc . , 975 Split Rock Road, Pelham 14.a.ncr, N. Y. , dated June 30, 3-954, stating that their fund raising drive for 1954 will be a Soother°s March in the form of r �g S*'estchester Count between the _ _ throughout S > a house t o House canvas d £ ��,ovember, a.nd asking for official. permission to 14th and 21st o_ � P solicit funds during that period in the Town of Mamaroneck . On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that permission be and it hereby is granted to the �,`destchester Chapter of 'the Association for the Bella of Retarded Children, Inc . , to solicit funds in the Town of %�ama.roneck, between the =4th and the 21st of November . 793 The Cleric presented: Building report for October , 1254 Report of Receiver of Taxes and assessments for October, 1°54 Statement of ,Bank Balances as of November 1 , 1954 East of Claims Audited and Maid by the Comptroller from October 1, to November 1, 1954 For presented the budget requests for 1955 . _or the record, the L°,erl� _ -- For the record, the Clerk announced that the Department of Elections of the Town has complied with the order of Governor Dewey, and all machines have been sent to Mamaroneck !venue School and records to Thite plains under police protection. Councilmen Brush, McKeever, and Kane had nothing to report . Mr . Delius reported that the contract with Dual pa.rhing Meter Company 1' has been negotiated and signed . H� that the adoption of a meter ordinance will be necessary ,, stated tha., t e p to enforce payment of the meter charges and he was , therefore, instructed to publish notice of public hearing on the adoption of a, meter ordinance for the meeting 'to be held November 24, 1s54. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman McKeever ; it was unanimously R'E30LVED that the following notice be published in the Daily Taxies , not later than the 13tH of November, 1954: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck will hold a. public hearing on the 24th day of November, 1955, at the Weaver Street police Station , 11 Edgewood avenue , Earchmont, N. Y. , -- � consider the adoption of an ordinance authorized ° 1 C®i_ogdea at C� _5 under the provisions of Sections 54 and 86 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, providing for the limitation of parking on certain streets or highways in the Town of Mamaroneck, by instal- lation of parting meters, which meters will permit one hour parsing for 5Q, the said streets or parts of streets , being as follows : 1 . Southwest side of Madison Avenue from Maxwell Street to Byron Place 2 . Northeast side of Madison-Avenue from: °aashington Street to Myrtle Boulevard; S . North side of Myrtle Boulevard from Madison !avenue to Chatsworth Avenue 4. South side of Myrtle Boulevard from Byron place to Chatsworth Avenue 5. Southwest side of Chatsworth Avenue from the Tillage- 'own lane to Myrtle Boulevard 6. Southeast side of Myrtle Boulevard from Vine Street to Wood Street (a map street) 'f Northwest side of Myrtle Boulevard from Preston Street to no-parking sign opposite Cabot Road on myrtle Boulevard And also providing for parking in certain areas around the westbound station of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad at Ea,rchmont, 795 1,T. y. , approximately 140, 600 sauare Beet , which is part of the station grounds and also in the -cu-113ljc parking area, in the Town of Mamaroneck Park at the said railroad station, allowing parking for or 12 hours for 25� and which ordinance will provide rules and regu- lations for such parking and punishment for violation thereof . TAI FURTHER SGT CE, that- all persons present a.t said public hearing will laa.ve an opportunity to be heard . r . Delius presented to each member of the Board, a. memoranduf n with t-,.- I connection -ice . -,e possible iurisdiction of any violation of the meter ordinance . S21r . Delius also presented a diagram. showing "he location of the meters . This was received and filed . The Supervisor said that he, together with -he Chief of Police, had made an arram-er.,ient with the Bank to bank the m01JeV from the meters , when they are ins ta.11ed . Mr . Paul Trompeter who had appeared before this Board at a recent meeting and had been told to obtain the approval of his neighbors for his project, again appeared with a blue print or plot plan which had been approved by the following: Chas . L. ?Myers , October 21 , Ix54; Lenette L . Butler, October 21, 1954; 71. T. Trenan, October 22, 1954 -2 and Helen H. Eklund, October 25, 1554 . On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Lane, the following resolution was unani- mously adopted: WHEREAS , Stephan Coidan made application for a. curb-cut permit under Section 1, Chapter Vl of the General Ordinance of the Town of lZamaxoneck, so as to permit him to drive across the curb and sidewalk in front of premises known as 22 Alden Road , in connection with the construction and maintenance of an area for parking a. property ; and -orivate automobile on his -W l Superintendent o-1 fIEREAS , such permit was refused by the Highways ; and INHEREAS, this property is now owned by Paul Trompeter who has submitted to this Board a. plan showing the said parking area, and has obtained the consent or approval of persons owning property in the immediate vicinity, NOYI�� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a curb-cut permit shall be issued to Paul Trompeter in accordance with the plan filed by him. Mr . ,Iianshel addressed the Board and said that some months ago he had come before the Board on behalf of his client Fir . Charles Spence r rnoff, Grand Park Avenue, in connection with an alleged violation -a ID of the Town Zoning Ordinance by Mr . SarnOff's neighbor, a Mr . III It'>orton Solomon, and this Board had adopted a. resolution authori- zing the Town Attorney to take steps to abate that violation. He said he understood Mr . Delius had written a. letter, and having re- _ ceived no reply, had then drawn up a complaint . Mr . -Nanshel wanted t o learn the present status of the matter . After discussion by the Board, upon recommendation by 2Jr . Delius, the Supervisor signed the complaint, in the 1-Jatter of the Town of -i G. Solomon. Mamaroneck against Dqortoi a.Dd Gladys ltp:r . Morton S . Levin, Old White Plains Road , appeared and stated that he had secured the necessary signatures for the petition requesting sewers for the Prince Willows a.rea. and would present it when such signatures had been properly tarized . no 797 nfr . Delius stated that the petition should have attached to it, a. certificate^at from the Assessor certifying that the persons who had signed , represented 50% of the assessed valuation of the property as well as 50% Of the residents owners . 1,,4r . Delius presented a memorandum which dealt with the payment by the Town of one-half the cost of certain studies, maps and plans made in connection with the proposed extension of the sewer district . On motiom by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Buush, the following resolution was , upon roll call, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS , heretofore and on August 11, 1954, this Board retained T. Stanley Gregory to make certain studies , maps and w District No . 1 . Sewer"on oat,� a n extension to Se plans in connection in the Prince Willows and Griffen Avenue area; and T711?311EAS , such plans, maps and studies were made and duly filed with the Town Clerk; and WHEREAS , the Town is obligated to pay for such wort:, so done by T . Stanley Gregory, a licensed professional engineer, the sum. of $315, `TOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town pay to T . Stanley Gregory the sum of ; 375 for services rendered in connection with plans , studies and maps for the extension of Sewer District No . 1, which said sum shall be a Town charge h and for which $875 is app ropriated from Surplus . FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is adopted nursua.nt to authority contained in Section 1-01-A of the Town Law, subject to permissive referendum and said sum is to be reimbursed from Sewer district funds in the event that the Sewer district is extended . FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby instructed to post and publish this resolution as pro- vided by law. The ;Supervisor requested approval of a. l•.ough payloader from the Eh-.bar Company, in the amount of $8, 000, and the Board ga.ve such o the approval, s to publication of the usual advertisement for bids ° "there being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 9 :40 P . M. and immediately re-convened as the Board of Fire Commissioners . Councilman gush submitted the Eire Report for October and the Fire Department clai4ns , which had been approved by the spire Chief and audited by "the Comptroller . On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Lane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following described claims be and - they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and t p .. � a °��.d to .. hereby ....0 inOrl y ,� _ ten. are e Comptroller be a.�b_. they J the ame out of the budget fo-r the Eire department: e 799 Consolidated Edison Company SS . 11 R. Jubb Garage 83 .22 X . Goldman 194.00 The Laxchmont Print 7 .50 McGuire Bros . , Inc . 5.00 New York Telephone Company 59 .40 Ronconi 1 .70 Ward LaFrance Truck Corp . 20 .75 Wesco Fire Equipt . & Service 39 .80 West . joint Water Works 16.25 Hydrant Rentals : Westchester Joint Water Work 2 s 1341 .11 New Rochelle Water Company 56.25 Total $2,90S .0c, The Clerk announced that the next meeting would be a statutory one, for the presentation of the preliminary budget and must be held between the 10th and 15th of November . It was decided the next meeting would be held on the 15th of Novem- ber . There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 9 :45 P . M. , to meet again on November 15th, 1954. ler C To TO C