HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954_04_21 Town Board Minutes 603 W0UTES OF A REGULkh &EETInG OF TnE 10% hOhRr OF ThE 1U NE OF AAAARO- PECK, HELD APRIL 212 AM, in THE COURT allOM OF MAMARDAECK TOW POLICE HEADQUARTERS AT i! EDGLWOOD kNAUE, TOXIN . Supervisor Mandeville called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P . M. PRESENT: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen McKeever, Kane, Brush, and Taterman Presence was also noted of Mr. Gronberg, Town Geri , and Mr. Delius, Town Attorney. The Clerk presented a letter dated oprii 7, 1954, from Ar - J . j - Earcieri, District Clerk of Union Free School District to . 1, stating tnEt on hednesday, May 5, i954, the election of Trustees for the Board o! Education is scheduied, and asking that arrangements be made to have available for them, one voting nacting for the election of Trustees. fro Hr. Sheldon Tne Clerk also presented a letter dated April 9, 1954, m J . Evans, Business Manager of Union Free School District No. 1, stating that he had received a recuest from the Corresponding Secre- tary of the Senior High School General Association, -for the use of 3 voting machines for the annual G . A. and school elections . On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RE&uLvED tnat the request of the District Clerh of Union Free School District to . 1 for One voting machine to be used at the election of Trustees for the Board of Education, on May 5, 1954, be ana it hereby is granted. FURIHLR RESOLVED that the recuest of toe Business Manager of Union Free School District BO. l, for 3 voting machines to be used at toe annual General Association and School elections on May V and 14, be and it Hereby is granted. The Clerk presented a letter dated April 12, 054 from Mr . Frank Turco, 106 Myrtle Boulevard, stating that he feels nis nd which bor- ders a yarcel located on Baldwin and Myrtle Boulevard, shouid be in_ cluded in any re-zoninE for use as a parning iot2 �-�hich may I-,c ccn- tempiated for said parcel. The letter was receive? and filed. The Clerk presented the report of the lestchesteT Snore humane Society, Inc . , for March, 1954. Councilman Brush brought u; the matter of recreation and said he had read and studied a report Yhich had been made on this suboect in 1948 . He feels a further study snouid be made at this time, with particular e2pnasis on a Teenage Canteen. After further discussion, on motion by Councilman Vaterman, seconded by Councilman Plush, it was, upon roil call, RESOLVED that tnere he a nereby is appointed a com- mittee to study and investigate tne ruestion of wnetter or not a Teenage Canteen is cesired by the Pecyie Of this Town.5 to consist of the following: (505 1T. josept Farley hr. W . C . haterman Mrs. henry E. Coakley Mr. David Eggers Mrs. James Rayer, Chief Paul ±. Yeoic� Mr. G . Goraon UgZaT Mr. T . i , McKeever Mr. Dwayne Orton Mr . ionn 1. Forrest vote was recorded on this as follows: ZEE: Supervisor Handeviiie Councilmen Kane, Brush, and Taterman noEs: Council= McKeever Mr. McKeever said he feels the committee should consist of people who have no opinion either way, about tne Canteen. The SuDervisor asked for a resolution appointing UjIijam Facnessa Senior Engineering pile, effective lay & A54. On motion by CouncXlaan Kane, seconded by Courciioan McKeever, it was, upon roil call, unanimously RWOLVED that hiiiiam PaonessE be and he LeretY is ap2ointed Senior Engineering kid at an annual salary Of 64,400, such appointment to be effective as of May 11 1954• FuRIHLR RESOLVED that the Compensation Plan Of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby amended as fnilows% Mini= L111aly-lian Senior EngineerinE kids 13,600 104,400 The Board next discussed the matter Of tne swimming pool ;reject and on notion by Councilman Zrush3 seconded by Councilman Vaterman, it was, u;on roil Cali, unanimously HEsoi,vED to there be and nerebY is EogOinted a COn- to ,,, itn , similar committee aypointed by tne viiiage of Larchmont, maRing a study of and inves- tigating the question of Ynether or not a swimming pool is desired by We peopie of this Towni to cc--'!- sist of the following: No. 1 . J . Santoro Mr. Vainer A. Earner, Jr. h Mr. George 5cnuie Mr. Ledwit Brennan _-- Mr. Edward P . Meehan Mr . George E. Mills, Jr . Mrs . R. Z. kilerton, Jr . Mr , A. N . de 50yelles, jr. Mr. Robert H. Richeison Mr. C. Benjamin Brush, Jr . Mr. HcKeever oil! submit another name to be included in the committee. Inis co.imittee will meet, appoint a clairman, study the infOrmat ion available and seen the services of an engineer to draw u; pians and specifications . We Supervisor presented tne following letter and estimate from Ar- Straub, Superintendent of the Testchester Joint Water UOrks. April 16, 1954 Dear Mr. MEndeviiie; At tne present time we Lave agreed to lay a total of W feet of 6" main in wingea Foot Drive for the Rockledge hoWing 607 li i '. preViOUS a:U.ii7ori3ati0'Il J,v �-!= TO�i-P_ t,OarQ Covers "!,^� 1n1t1ai 25D "8.°,t vnich were laid in this Stretc!,'I. J ll `Tn 1nC P c,S Zne `Lol�r - Card to c t iorize e present 1J feet a+„ .1 Nloodyvs o pense to to co ;er eC by t-_o aslLc. CJn 1 r furair,g agreement? r nydrant will be recul_ ed in this stretch which it is understood the Town ,rill agree to pay for . An 2StlmaLe was se-_-: to Vv OI? rlwr CY <r�, l�SLy, COi�e n tine ' ,-4 -St 10 0 fee t or $498 .38 lnciu'.ed the exca Va+io n and b ch�1- 1 . Tic ccrficilea esti!late for the entire 23') feet is _770.15 . `'rie excavation and oac -fill in tre second rand ed lcet ere done privately =1r i-oo;,✓, W__J Ch aCCOui2ts I Ol” tIle differ- e-C- ir, uliit cost. very truly yours, George H. S traub /s 6u. erintendent The estina.te attached. to the letter wa.s for tine " second hundred -"oot -EXtenslon o ' .ain r'"' tivinged Foot Drive "roc 37G f.0 w50 feet, s.�U tr1 F r - 0-i- Cni:�Ore Road, Town 07 1lamaroTl2CIlPP , and was in „11e amount of ,r271 .77. On motion by Coun, l ' 'ian IVcl�_ee'ver, seconded- by Cou�ci la= Kane, it wa.s, upon roll call, unan_inously r.L,SOLvT.0 tna.t the 'T'o,ri2 Boars approves the usual agreement between the +nestcrester Joint VE.ter Iiorks and Rocs>ied-ge Holding Corporation c.nd the Town of Hamareneck for instailatio-i of a water line as described is acove letter, in a public street, known as i'-inged Foot Drive, �rroG°tided that C . ', . Moody, D s- hens i - cKied�e Holding Corp . , de o s i t n� c. xo g X770.-L5 'pit-' the Westcnester Joint ti'Jater idor_-,s to sta n. cover COSt of 'li''Lc.tCrl�:.l and in..�c�l1at10,_ R u'vL\IED t.iat the agree-mei7L l�,rovide gnat n e - " " -1e refund. up to 90% of revenues _:eriJcc. lrolr �_.e sa-., t - - '-r` ustoraers a1on� this line or en enslor_, of water �� c s _ be :lade for c Jef-iocl of 10 years, or un ' l t_Vie total amount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event snail first occur. " r . crush stated he, is anxious to see a RecreatlCT1 COPli;71ss1Cn appointed as soon as possible. - Air. AcTeever ±i1ins:s a survey should be merge to iea.rn wila,t a recrea- tion '�?r -n -r cost ! n �.on pr��_��_ �migh'., c�., � tre mown. _ - I=Ir. Ja_mes hlancusi oz the Town Bolice De-artnent, cp eared to ask per mission to use the Town Yard for a Teenage .Road-e-o an June 5th. Such 'er-r..ssion was granted. 14r. <ate , had nothing to report. 1r. ,Ic.Keever _oresented a petition_ received °ro�u the assessor for the correction of the as Sess;lent ro-Ii so as to rermit the apportionment -- of tares, Eno on motion 'y� ivlr . McKeever, SeCCY1C'leG d;J ' l Zd'P_2, tIle foilouing resolution was, upon roll Cali, unanimously adopted : ?vLZ-RC 611 t assessor ssessor has presented a perition for tie correc- tion of the assessment roll for certain ;ears, pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 557, rrticle lb of the U;estenester County PIdminis- trative Code, Knovn as the ''is estchester County Tax Law; and i 609 WHERE4s, after due consideration, this Loard finds it desirable to grant said i08tiUi on for the correction Of said assessment rcll, �J�<i9 =�iL1i.G F'� .�p DPri ST RESOLVED that the a.ssess,aent roil of 1953, taxes of 1954, which shows property nova ap=oeari�io on the roil as foiiows: BlOCk parcel Name Lane- SYaOrovClti°nt To tai 832. 194 Guiseppe Ricci & 11T. X3,000 2, 500 5, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with Lne Qro,aisio°ns of subdivision 5 of, Section 557: Block Parcel blame Land Irnrn_ove.-gin t got?1 832 i94 Guiseppe Ricci & iI, 1,250 1, 250 932 199 Guiseppe Ricci & W. 1,750 2 5'30 4, 250 Mr . Kane as-zed about Town funds on deposit in i�ew tor-: Ci .y baits . Le feels that tiie DemoCratiC Adasinis-t;ration i_^. New YorE Cityr is taming IflBails t0 S2CUr2 oddlti Ona,-1 reV2nue anC: there 1s a ruiaor that t, every Tight tax :coney in banecs. tie feels it would be advisable for t_�e Board- � to direct i^r. Delius to look into this. Tne supervisor said Fran_ M. Totten, a resident of the Town of ana.roneck, is vice President of the Chase National Tank of the City of lvew York, and ne feels sure Mr. Totten wi11 be watcnful of the Towns interests in this connection. 7VIr. Delius will look into this matter and :cake report. Dr. Israel Veinraua appeared to inquire a'oout the possibility of - refund of tar penalty Ile was informed by the supervisor gnat the Town has no legal authority to waive or refund tax penalties . Dr. Weinrsub also reported that he has an unpleasant situation with regard to water and was informed that his dater suapiy is obtained fronn the City of ivew Rochelie. The Town kttorney presented to the Board, the final List of Delinquent Taxes for verification by the Supervisor,. which had been prepared P froi,i the List of Dellnci_uent Taxes subiaitted- at the last imeeting of this Board, but with the exclusion of B1OCk i31 Parcel 65, Block 13i Parcel 68, Block 535 Parcel 264 and Block 506 Parcel 325, welch exclu- sion was reeo-mmended by the Supervisor who filed a separate or add_i- s , tional list of these parcels, on the ground that a Question ha.. been P e n - se parcels as to the r•- , ' interest 1._ size , raised by a person _rte ring an int.. validity of the tax lien affecting eac=i of such parcels. On .notion bd, C-o aT'Cil'-an nJaterman, seconded by Councilman McKeever, it was, upon roll cFil, unanimously REUOLVliD that Block 131 Parcel 65, blOCk 13'1 Pa.rCe.i 66, Block 505 Parcel 264, and Block 506 Parcel 325, be and they hereby are excluded fro:,. the List of Delinquent Taxes to be filed by the Town of Masaaroneck in the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens pursu .nt to E.rticie vII-A, Titie 3 (List of Delinquent Taxes, 1954) On the ground that a cuestion has been raised by a, person having an interest in these parcels, as to the validity Of the tax Lien affecting each of such pa-reels . FURTi-iER RESOLVED that tine Supervisor be and he hereby is sutnorized to verify tulle List as now submitted with! these exciusior_s, for filing as provided in Section 165 Of fife T'ax Law in t1- COUity Clerk' s Office of Westchester County. I- yr. Delius presented the affidavit of publication of notice of public hearing on the 21st day of April, 1954_, at the Weaver Street Police M- , r Y at '5:15 P . t�0_ the Station, Edgewooa Avenue, Larchmont, A. . , purpose of considering amendments to �ti!e 'General ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman McKeever, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED that Section 6, Chapter II (Use of Streets and Highways) of the General Ordinances of the Tow . of Mamaroneck, as last amended July 1, 1953, is hereby amended to read as follows: ;Section 6 . The following public highmays or parts of highways in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incor- porated villages,villages are hereby designated as main arteries of travel, and all vehicles approaching such main arteries of travel as hereby designated, shall, before entering the same, come to a full stop, unless other- wise directed by a peace officer or signal: Murray Avenue Ellsworth Road Dillon Road Forest Avenue - from Veaver Street to the _slew Rochelle City line Colonial Avenue Palmer Avenue provided t hat signs bearing the word "STOP" are erected I _ and maintained at or near the intersecting line of suer_ main arteries of travel with the following intersecting streets: Kurrav Avenue: — I Entrance to Rouken Glen Bryson Street Colonial Avenue Glenn Road Homer !venue Maplevzood Street Emerson ?lace Echo Lane Edgewoodr_venue Leafy Lane Ellsworth Rcad: Hickory Grove Drive Garden Road Stoneyside Drive Little Farms Road Dillon Road Parkland Avenue Chester Place Edgewater Place Forest Avenue: vine Road North Chatsworth Avenue Valley Road Boulder Road Villa Lane Birchfield Road Rockingstone Avenue 1 Colonial Avenue: Daymon Terrace Colonial Lane Palmer Avenue: Harrison Drive Carieon Avenue Hawthorne Road Old Deaver Street Town Driveway (exit from 'Town Yard) Elkan Road Burton Road Merritt Street FURTHER RLSOLVED that Section 8 of Chapter IV (Peace and Good Order) of the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck, adopted February 05 1937, and last amended July 1, 1953, be a nd it hereby b J is amended r y insertin g therein an ad.d_itiohal paragraph to read as follows: - The playing, using, operating or permitting to be played, used, or opera.ted, . of any radio, receiving set, musical instrument, Phonograph) loud speaker, sound amplifier, or other MWIne or device for the producing or reproducing of sound, which is cast upon the public streets from +. vehicle, for the purpose of sound truck ik Cr V e� 1 r any soup , commercial advertising or attracting the attention - �� and �is Hereby of the public, s..a11 be unlawful � prohibited. The Board discussed adoption of an ordinance regarding the wearing of bathing ut i attire or shorts on the public Streets, but no action was taken. The Town Attorney brought up the matter of the application of Mr. Louis A. Fribourg, 1308 Arlington Street, Mamaroneck, to waive penal- � ties on tar_ liens, on which he had been asked to repo. at the last meeting . As stated that in the past, under certain circumstances, penalties and interest on liens owned by the Town, had been wa.ivedi. The Board took no action. Mr. Delius reported that on April 13th, Governor Dewey signed a bill (which became Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1954) amending the Town Law, Village Law, General City Law, and Membership Corporations Law, in relation to membership of volunteer firemen and fire companies. It is intended to clarify and correct the present situation which exists with regard to members of fire companies Who are non-residents of ends protection b ° the fire district or a district to which it extends � 5 contract. Mr. Delius said that on November 5, UK, he had advised the Fire Council by letter that, in compliance with the existing law, n11 members of the fire companies constituting the Weaver Street Depart- ment who were non-residents of the Unincorporated_ A rea, must be dropped from the rolls . The Town Law, as no v amended, leaves no further doubt on this sub- ject and definitely establishes four things: (1) volunteer members of a fire department must be residents of the fire district when they are appointed; (2) If a member ceases to be a resident of the fire district, his membership is terminated; (3) Under certain circumstances, a member may be authorized to con- tinue his membership if he gives notice of moving from the fire dis- trict, and if ne has already moved, he may be reinstated under these same conditions; (4) The Board of Fire Commissioners may restrict the membership of volunteer firemen to residents of the fire district. Mr. Delius was instructed to write the Fire Department and notify them of the changes in the law. ?'+i.r. Delius, in the absence of the Superintendent of Highways, Hr. 0°Brien, stated that Mr . O' Brien desires to ask for bids for bitumin- ous paving material, transit mix concrete and stone to be used in the forthcoming road program, and suggested that invitations to bidders might be published pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, to be publicly opened at the next Board meeting, May W. The Board authorized the publication of !notice to Bidders for such material as the Superintendent of Highways will require. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad- journed at 10_P . .M. to meet again on May 5th, a_nd immediately re- convened � � Board of Fire Commissioners . convened. � .. the Bea Councilman Naterman submitted the claims for the Fire Department which had been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller and on motion by Councilman Waterman; seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously tRESOLUD that the following described claims be and they hereby are approved and that the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay r Department: o r �.rtme�.t: r h budget for the Fire lle�c the sane out �� the � - Z & A Automotive Co. w, 23 -60 Arrow Lamp L Gift SnOP2e 9 .95 Arthur Massey Brown 50.00 Chatsworth Oil & Heati ng Co. , Inc. 670.41 Consolidated Edison Co. of hew York, Inc . 40.10 Fire Chiefs` Emergency Plait for Westchester 50.00 Free Parking Gas Station 7 .00 Reginald. Bubb Garage 101.97 K1ein9s (Gustav C. Klein) 4.25 Albert Kuritzky & Sons 21. 00 Peter MCAti O j & Son, Inc. 60.00 G . V . Merrell, Inc . 33 .65 Pierson Clothes, Inc . 83 .32 Mitchell Oil Corporation 45 .21 pew York Telephone Company 74.70 Roberts 72.0.,n The Seagrave Corporation 102.40 Sound. Tire & Supply Co. , Inc . 26. 26 The State Insurance Fund 2,746. 26 Sidney S . Vogel 16. 50 Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 41.40 Westchester Joint Water Works, to. 1 7.63 Hydrant Dental: The New Rochelle later Company 5c.25 Vestchester joint Water Works, No. 1 2,326s22 Total 6,758. 08 617 it There being no furt' er business to Corte before the meet �-�- journed at 10: 05 Pe M. , to -meet again on 5, 1954• fl�l ' J i 1.