HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956_12_05 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 5, 1956, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Waterman Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilman Santoro ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: None Mr. Gronberg - Mr. Delius - Mr. Friedlander - Mr. Finson - Mr. O'Brien - Mr. Orsino - Mr. Kronenberger - Mr. Leone - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Clerk Town Attorney Town Engineer Accountant Superintendent of Highways Comptroller Superintendent of Recreation Fire Chief The minutes of November 14, 1956, were approved as corrected, PUBLIC HEARING--BUDGET FOR 1957 The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of Notice of Public Hearings said Notice was published in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on No- vember 24th and December 1st, 1956, and posted in seven (7) public places in the Town of Mamaroneck located within the said Town, and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk. The Supervisor declared the Hearing open and presented the bud- get, explaining the law governing the Hearing. The following persons were heard: Mr. Maurice Austin, President of the Murdock Woods Associa« tion and resident of 7 Split Tree Road, Town, who submitted the following questions which were answered by the Supervisor. 1. Clarification of and origin of the General Town Surplus. Z. Explanation of the $28, 000, 00 item included in the Highway budget, 3. In what item in the Highway budget the salary of the Highway Superintendent was listed. Mr. George B. Butcher, member of the Murdock Woods Asso- ciation and resident of Split Tree Road, Town, who asked the following questions which were answered by the Supervisor and the members of the Council. 1. Explanation of the $10, 000. 00 item included in the Sewer budget. 2. Explanation of the Parking Meter Revenue item. 3. Explanation of the $800. 00 automobile item in the Engineer's budget. 4. An outline of the duties of the Superintendent of Recreation. Mr. Butcher's question led to a lengthy discussion of recreation, and of the Board of Education's request that the Town include in its 1957 budget an item in the amount of $7, 500. 00 for the sum- mer recreation program to be conducted under the auspices of the Town rather than the Board of Education. The Supervisor outlined the background of recreation in this com- munity, the formation of the Recreation Commission under the previous administration, and the employment by the Town of a professional Superintendent of Recreation on June 1st last. He, then, along with Councilman Santoro and the other members of the Board, presented, in some detail, a report of the recreation programs completed to date and those now being planned and im- plemented by the Superintendent of Recreation for the winter and coming spring and summer. The Supervisor pointed out that the basic problems to be con- sidered were those of the coordination of recreation in the entire Town, the consideration of what the people wanted in the future, and of how much the people wanted to pay for what they wanted in the line of recreation. At this time, the Supervisor requested the Clerk to read a. re- port received from the Recreation Commission under this date, signed by Walter E. Warner, Jr. , Chairman of that Commission. This report stated that the Recreation Commission had no ob- jection to the Town's taking over this program providing the tax- paying public clearly understood the matter with regard to the tax situation, and recommended a two-step procedure to be followed in conducting such a program should the Town decide to take it over. The report was received and filed with the Town Clerk. Mr. Warner addressed the Board stating that he was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Education and he stated that while the Commission had suggested that the program be taken over in two steps rather than one, the Commission was by no means adamant about it. The Clerk then presented a communication from the Board of Trus- tees of the Village of Larchmont under date of December 4, 1956, advising that the Village of Larchmont wished to go on record at this Hearing as approving the inclusion of this $7, 500, 00 item for the stated program. It also noted that the Village Board would be willing to discuss the possibility of having the Town Board provide supervisory personnel over Village recreation activities should the item be approved. Councilman Waterman submitted a prepared statement explaining the reasons for his "no" vote at the last meeting of the Town Board on the matter of the inclusion of the $7, 500. 00 item for a summer recreation program in the preliminary budget., his stand on recrea- tion, and the part he had played in connection with recreation in the past. This statement also presented his views on recreation at the present time and on the inclusion of this $7, 500. 00 in the budget. The statement was received, filed with the Town Clerk, and marked as an exhibit to these minutes. Councilman Kane voiced the following thoughts with regard to this matter pending time for a thorough study to be made* (1) That he was for the inclusion in the budget of the $7, 500. 00 for summer school recreation. That he thought it should be available but not necessarily expended until a complete study and investigation could be made of the many mitigating circumstances and problems to be resolved. —" (2) That the claimed $1, 500. 00 saving to the taxpayers if the Town takes over the school summer recreation program has no basis in fact. That the Town is now receiving the maximum in State Aid. In the course of this lengthy two-hour discussion, the following per- sons were heard, all of whom, whether speaking as individuals or as official representatives of various Civic Associations, were in favor of the inclusion of the $7, 500. 00 item in the Town budget for 1957* Mr. Edward F. X. Ryan of 2 Thompson Place, Larchmont, speaking as a citizen and as a member of the Advisory Com- mittee on Recreation. Mrs. F. Warren Green of 9 Cliff Way, Larchmont, speaking as a citizen and as Chairman of the Advisory Committee. Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel of 6 Beverly Place, Larchmont. Mr. John B. Forrest of 198 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, speaking for the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Youth Club. Mr. John Stahr of 65 Briarcliff Road, Larchmont, speaking as an individual and as a member of the Town Recreation Commission. Mr. Marshal N. De Noyelles, Jr. , 22 Rock Ridge Road, Town, speaking both as an individual and as the President of the Rock Ridge Civic Association. Mr, Theodore E. Tuck of 76 West Carden Road, Town. Mrs. T. J. Morrison, 148 Valley Stream Road, Town, Mr, Andrew Steele, 156 Beach Avenue, Larchmont, speaking as the President and representative of the Larchmont Park Civic Association, Mr, Frank X. O'Donnell, 100 Palmer Avenue, Town, speaking for the Executive Committee of the Howell Park Association, Mr. Maurice Austin, Split Tree Road, Town, speaking as the President and representative of the Murdock Woods Association. Mr. Lee H. Bloom, 22 Myrtle Boulevard, Town, speaking as the President and representative of the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association. The Supervisor, at this time, requested the Clerk to read a commun- ication, in accordance with the writer's request that this letter be in- cluded in the minutes of this meeting, from Mr. Owen A. Mandeville, dated November 23, 1956, addressed to the Supervisor, and stating his comments regarding the preliminary budget for 1957. Following this reading, the Supervisor read his reply written on behalf of the Town Board. The Town Clerk presented a certified copy of water arrears received from the Westchester Joint Water, Works No, 1. The Supervisor inquired whether anyone else wished to speak, and upon ascertaining that no one did, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Public Hearing be declared closed. The following resolution was moved by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Waterman; WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore made, compiled, and filed with the Town Clerk, a preliminary tax budget contain- ing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expendi- tures for the several departments, offices, and other Town and special district purposes for the year 1957; and WHEREAS, notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a Public Hearing thereon has been duly published on November 24 and December 1, 1956, in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, and posted in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing upon said tax budget was duly held this day, in accordance with the notice so pub- lished; and WHEREAS, all persons present were afforded an oppor- tunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the items in said pre- liminary tax budget as required by Section 113 of the Town Law, TOWN_ Off_ NAIIARON'ECK ADOPT ED ETw7n TAX B'i 2n2GET FOR 1957 ®V®ERtlI50R GEORGE D. SURCHELL OUN4ILW EN JEREMIAH C. WATERMAN EIaE POLICE PETER F. KANE, JR. PLANNING ASaeSSmexsS C. BENJAMIN BRUSH, JR. CIVt4 OFFENSE pA0.K5 BATTISTA J. SANTORO PV6LIC WORKS aECREATION FINANCE TowN c CHARLES J. GRONSERG FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 1661 TOWN OF MAMARONF GN WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N. Y. TOWN OFFICES 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. November 14, 1956 To the Residents of our Town: TEL. MAMARONECK 9-1800 HENRY R. DILLON RE4EIV ER OF 4AXE5 ANO ASSESSMENTS JOHN L. DELIUS AT80RNEY LEO N. ORSINO COMPBROLL£R THOMAS J. MoEVOY ASSESSOR HU{LOING AND PLNMBING INSPECTOR FRANK R. O'BRIEN SVYT. OF HIGHWAYS MAURICE FRIEDLANDER, P.E. TOWN RNGINEER Your Town Hoard submits herewith for your consideration the Preliminary Tax Budget for the Town far 1957. Herein you will find a detailed ex- planation of the anticipated receipts and expenditures for the coming year covered by this budget. ,.. The following table presents the overall comparison of the proposed 1957 Budget as compared to the 1956 Budget: Net Operating Budget Capital Budget Net Levy 1996 Budget $632, 589. 69 $632, 589. 69 1957 1956 1957 Budget Tax Rate 'tdx_Rate $641, 992.90 43„QQQ,.QQ $685, 992: 90 $1574 $14. 83 1. 01 $15a 74 $15. 84 Note that although the net operating budget for both years is approximately the same, the tax rate for 1957 is decreased by $-1. 01 per thousand. The primary reason for this lower rate is an increase of $2, 612, 000> in the, total assessed value of all properties in the unincorporated area, The total 1957 Tax Assessment Roll including all areas in the Town in- creases by $4, 867, 013. 00. _ l To assist in your study of this budget, the following points are called to your attention: 1. Department of Elections -- Increased approximately $7, 000. to meet the cost of installing Personal Permanent Registration in Westchester County. This is a non-recurring item. 2. Department of Assessor -- New appropriation of $3, 000. for outside appraisals in the preparation of the new assessment roll, 3. Recreation -- The inclusion of an additional $7, 500, for a summer recreation program now conducted by the Board of Education. Your Town Board did not recommend that the Town Government take over this program or include the said amount in this budget. It was only after a specific request of the School Board that the additional amount was included herein subject to further consideration of the question at the Public Hearing on this budget. 4, Fire Department -- $7, 000, is provided as partial payment for the purchase of a new Fire Pumper. The entire cost to be spread over a 3-year period. 5. Capital Replacement Funds The establishment of Capital Replacement Funds to maintain and extend our investment in High- ways, Sewers, and the Water Distribution System is provided as follows. 1. Highways $28,000. 00 2. Sewers 10, 000. 00 3. Water Distribution System 5�p00, 00 $43,000. 00 -3- 6, Salaries -- Adjustments in salaries based on duties, responsibilities, and comparable compen- sation amounting to $7, 010 , t=gether with increments of $1, 534, are included, The total increases amount to slightly over 214 of the 1956 payroll, 7, General Town Tax -- Provision for the use of $85; 752, 93 of avail- able t:reneral Torn Surplus ie made resulting in no General Town Tax for 1957. It is the belief of your Board that this Budget reflects a continuation of the long esta'niishe6 policy in maintain'"S, " services and facilities at a 1_irh level at mini.n°sm cost founded in a sound and economical plan of financing. Respectfully submitted, TOWN BOARD George D, B-»rchell, Chairman C. Berjamin Brush, Jr, Peter F. Kane, Jr. Battista J, Santoro Jeremiah C, Waterman PAGE SUMMARY OF PRrD?0Z :L" TAX 1- 2 3 ESTIMATED REVEN'T ES GENERAL TOWN 4 Depar'" rtm'f Town Offices 5 Departnae_.t of Sunervisar 6 Departrneat of Comptroller 7 Depart`-t en f Town C 3r17 8 Departmer--:> o° L'.ea-in:: ; 9 Depzzlizznant o'= to Elvc>x rf Taxes 10 Department o€ Asse so . 11 Department of Law 12 Department of ,u0,_s cz tt:e Peace 13 Contributions of Donations 14 Departmet of Board of Appeals 15 Department of Engineer 16 Building & Plumbing Department 17 Department of Recreation 18 Department of'%ighways 19 Miscellaneous Expenditures 20 Department of Civil Defense 21 Debt Service OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 22 Police Department 23 Planning Board 24 Building & Plumbing Department 25 Department of Board of Appeals 27 Miscellaneous Expenditures 28 Department of Highways GARBAGE DISTRICT NO, 1 29 Department of Sanitation 30 Garbage Incineration FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 31 Fire Department 32 Hydrant Rental STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 32 Street Lighting TABLE 0 ,: ..... .... ........... TOWN O^ NAMAR01,T CK 196, 878. 00 SUMMARY OF P., ra ' _ -`" T OR 1957 3; 660. 00 6 1957 600, 00 3'a�;r:=`� Badger GENERAL TOWN 30 2i , 00 Town Offices 10 13 0 10. 200, 00 Supervisor 1- oi,SG„ Oil 2, ;,60, 00 Comptroller ,S., , , 6, 7 350. 00 , Town Clerk 1.0, 00 g, 4F.G, 00 17; I00. 00 Elections 14,010,00 16, 697. 30 Receiver of Taxes 16, 730, 00 23, 640, 00 Asseeso- 20, 0 50, 0 0 10, A125. 00 Law c:i ^^ 00 7, 710. 00 �V I :�x, 00 1, 600, 00 1, 600. 00 Contributic -.,g ,�-+ icns - Board i4, b0, 00 13, 570. 00 Engle - Building i& Plumbing, 9; c-' 0'0 17, 255, 00 Recreation ' 28, -3i 00 30, 800. 00 Highway - General =cVn 63, 1,'50, 00 49, 525. 00 Miscellaneous Expe2dicares 840, 00 400. 00 Civil Defense 7. ?9^� 75 4, o66. 75 Debt Service 7- 23',, 75 240 i,39. 05 Gross Total 23"`_2^ ° 7° 240, Z39. 05 = _ Less: Revenues --_ Net Levy - OUTSIDE OF V1F-LAGES 192, 302. 00 196, 878. 00 Police Depasv;ne-_zt 4, 000. 00 3; 660. 00 Planning Boar,'! - 600, 00 Building %L Plumbing 1100. 00 Board of Appe-?`_s 24, 5571, 06 24,566. 78 Miscellaneous 3, 007 50 3, 742. 50 Debt Service 224, 780056 ZZg, 507. 28 Gross Total 100. 00 2, 150. 00 _,e�;,,: :.e-revues 224, 680. 56 227, 357. 28 Net Levy HIGHWAY DISTRICT - O/V Highway Department T2, 300. 00 100, 000. 00 Cash & State Aid 10, 000.00 12, 300. 00 Less: 87, 700. 00 ive'_ Levy 62, 300.�0 1. SUMMARY OF PRCPOSLi` TAX BUDGET FCR !957 (Continued) 1"'i , 1957 n z.at Budget GARBAGE DISTRICT NO, 1 Ap_crop, Approp. Sanitation Dept. 61, 012, 26 19; 000 00 63, 874. 00 19, 090: 00 Incineration -- 80, 0_"` `'5 g2, 9b4. 00 Gross Total 2, DO(), 00 - Less: Revenues 78, 012,'Z6 82,954. 00 Net Levy FIRE DISTRI+;!. NO. I Fire Deoar4:..C, 74, 466, 00 80,090.00 Hydrant Renta' 10, 750, 00 11, 000. 00 85, 216. 0© 91, 090. 00 LIGHTING D-"`.";'>:: D T I cy, 1 - 23 700,. OC 26, 000. 00 Street Lights , _1, 000. 00 Less: Revenues Net Levy 23 70n70-0 25, 000. 00 WATER SUPPLY D STRICT 8, 300. 00 Construction Costs °z Equipment 8, 000, 00 35, 879. 00 Debt Service 36, 911, 50 Gross Total 44, 9':1,50 44, 199. 00 Less: Revenues 36. 91L50 35, 879, 00 Net Levy 8, 000.00 8, 300. 00 PARK DISTRICT NO, 1 Park Department 26, ^83. 00 28, 455. 00 18; 433. 50 17;945. 50 Debt Service Gross Total 44, 52i. 50 46, 400. 50 Less: Revenues T4,Net Levy 44 521, 50 44, 900. 50 SEWER_DISTRICT NO. 1 13, 650. 00 Sever Department 7, 184. 00 98, 97537 96, 531, 12 Debt Service 181. 12 Net Levy 106, 159. 37 110, SUMMARY Total Operating Gross Budget 749, 273, 32 Total Debt Service 165, 530, 62 Gross Total 914, 803. 94 Less: Revenues 282, --)14. 25 Net Levy 632,589.69 812,446. 08 158, 164. 87 970, 610.95 293, 118, 05 677,1 492 90 Z. Town OV MAIII9AHQKIrMK 1957 WWRT RIQUIM001% SIMWRY OF MT1WTM RMIMM s A - 1 00 90000,00 y0 a 2#000* 2 #cows lo*000400 %O # s0 Li 4: TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDOTET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES EQUIPMENT 301 Office Equipment 350. 00 30, 400. 00 27, 790. 00 *Transferred to Assessor's Budget 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Lpprop. 101 Town Accountant 6, 720. 00 3,980. 00 7, 000. 00 3, 980. 00 102 Int, Account Clerk & Steno. 3, 580.00 3, 820. 00 103 104 Telephone Operator Intermediate Account Clerk 3,980. 00 3, 980. 00 105 Custodian, P. T. 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 106 Intermediate Clerk *3, 390. 00 - OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies &Other Expenses 1, 540. 00 1, 850. 00 1, 700. 00 2, 000. 00 202 Telephone 510. 00 510.00 203 Light 3, 300. 00 3,600. 00 206 Rent EQUIPMENT 301 Office Equipment 350. 00 30, 400. 00 27, 790. 00 *Transferred to Assessor's Budget 5.. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUIDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF SUPERVISOR 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Y Approp. Approp: 101 Supervisor 6, 000.00 6, 000. 00 4, 100. 00 102 Clerk to Supervisor 4, 000. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 100. 00 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 10, 000. 00 10, 200. 00 6. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROLLER 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. AP- COMPENSATION Prop-101 Comptroller 1,480. 00 1,960.00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 200. 00 200. 00 1, 680. 00 2, 160, 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQ'TJ'IBEMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN CLERK 1956 Budget COMPENSATION Approp. 101 Town Clerk 6, 720. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 200. 00 6, 920. 00 1957 Budget Approp. 7, 000. 00 350. 00 7, 350. 00 71 8. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BL-1)i 9. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Appro . 101 Receiver of Taxes - 6, 720. 00 000. 00 7,5, 240. 00 5, 240. 00 102 Senior Account Clerk OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses Z, 050. 00 2, 100. 00 EQUIPMENT 357. 30 301 Billing Machine 14, 010. 00 16, 697. 30 10. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSOR COMPENSATION 101 Assessor 102 Senior Typist 103 Assessment Clerk 104 Intermediate Clerk 105 Board of Review 106 Appraisals OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 210 Traveling Expenses 211 Printing Assessment Maps 1956 Budget Approp.6, 720. 00 3, 980.00 3, 880. 00 750. 00 1957 Budget Approp. 7, 00n. 00 3, 980. 00 3, 980. 00 *3, 680. 00 750. 00 3, 000. 00 $y0. 00 650. G0 250. 00 300, 00 300. 00 300. 00 16, 730, 00 23, 640, 00 *Transferred from Town Office Budget. 11. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp, Approp. 101 Town Attorney 7, 500. 00 7, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 102 Stenographic Services 1, 500. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 250. 00 325. 00 300. 00 210 Traveling Expenses 300. 00 212 Title Searches & Other 500. 00 800.00 Legal Costs 10, 050.00 10,425.00 12. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF 711Z. PEACE 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Approp. 101 Justices of the Peace 5, 960. 00 5,960. 00 1, 350. 00 102 Clerical Assistance 1, 350. 00 200. 00 103 Court Stenographic Services 400. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 2 0. 00 200. 00 7, 910. 00 7, 710, 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 401 Patriotic Days Observances Maintenance of Post Quarters 402 American Legion, 2 Posts 403 V. F.W. I Post 1956 1957 Budget Budget APprop. APProp. 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 400. 00 400.00 200. ()0 200. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 13. 14. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQU:REMENTS DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 100. 00 100. 00 Transferred to Outside of Villages Section 15. TOW14 Oir MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEER 1956 Budget COMPENSATION Approp. 101 Town Engineer 8, 500. 00 102 Senior Engineer Aid 4, 880. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 500. 00 210 Traveling Expenses 400. 00 EQUIPMENT 1957 Budget Approp. #7, 020. 00 5, 200. 00 300.00 250. 00 301 Automobile 800. 00 14, 280. 00 13, 570. 00 *Balance payable by Larchmont-Mamaroneck Joint Incinerator TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUI-REMENTS BUILDING AND PLUMBING DEPARTMENT COMPENSATION 101 Examining Board of Plumbers OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 210 Traveling Expenses 1956 Budget Approp. 150. 00 150. 00 250. 00 550, 00 Transferred to Outside of Villages Section 1957 Budget Approp. 16. 171 TOWN OF 1,1AMI-A raT ERAL TOWN 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION ±22ag. LP�Prop- 101 tr-dent of Recreation Superiee 6, 000. 00 5, 500. 00* 60. 00 102 Secretary 450. 00 103 Wages OTHER 100.00 375. 00 201 Sur)rj,1-,.6, ,. Expences I - 570. 00 210 Travel-,,,,�" H-:.PeGe3 RECREATION 3, 500- 00 2, 200. 00 401 Recreation 600. 00 402 Maintenance of Fields - 7, 500. 00 403 Summer Recreation Program 9, 600. 00 17, 255. 00 Note* Insurance costs of recreation programs carried under Miscellaneous Expenditures - Insurance. *1956 Salary for superintendent of Recreation was set at $5, 500. at time position was filled in June 1956. 18. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1956 Budget Approp. Bridge Fund, Item II 1, 000. 00 Machinery Fund, Item III 10, 615. 00 Snow & Misc. Fund, Item IV 17, 020. 00 1957 Budget Approp. 1, 000. 00 13, 400. 00 16, 400. 00 Less: Estimated Unexpended Balances 6, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Net Levy 22, 635. 00 29, 800. 00 19. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN �y 1957 f3tiD'�.�t:T ,,7Q iTt„_;?!.,s_ENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1956 1957 Budget Budget TOWN BOARD Approp. Approp. 101 Salaries - Councilmen 7, 200. 00 7,200. 00 1,200. 00 401 Publishing Notices & Reports 1, 200.00 2, 400. 00 2,400. 00 402 403 Audit Shade Tree Fund 2, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 210 Traveling & Convention Expenses 400.00 - 650.00 2, 000. 00 301 Automobile & Expenses 225. 00 225. 00 405 Bond & Coupon Servicing Fees 9, 100. 00 406 Insurance & Surety Bonds 10, 400. 00 200..00 407 Care Town Cemetery 200. 00 125. 00 250. 00 408 Association of Towns Dues 450. 00 450. 00 409 410 Real Estate Taxes Retirement Fund Contributions 8, 800. 00 9, 650. 00 411 Social Security Taxes 1, 300. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 800, 00 412 Humane Society Contract 1, 800. 00 250. 00 413 Fees Dog Enumerator 250. 00 2, 450.00 250, 00 414 Parking Meter Rental & Expenses 9, 980. 00 10, 000. 00 415 Contingency Fund 416 Pryer Manor Bridge 14, 000. 00 63, 180. 00 49, 525. 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET RFQUIMEMENTS DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE 1956 Budget COMPENSATION Approp. 102 Stenographic Services 300. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 200. 00 202 Telephone 180. 00 210 Traveling Expenses 1000. 00 1, 680. 00 Less: 5076 payable by Village of Larchmont 840.00 Net Budget 840. 00 1957 Budget Approp.200. 00 100. 00 200. 00 300. 00 800. 00 400. 00 400. 00 20. 2i. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1957 BUDGET R 2"'T.REMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1956 1957 Budget Budget Apgron. Approp. 501 Amortization of Highway Im- 4, 000. 00 provement and General Bcnds 7, 000, 00 502 Interest on Highway Improve- ment and General Bonds 297.75 66. 75 7, 297, 75 4, 066. 75 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 201 202 203 204 205 210 211 212 213 301 302 303 401 403 402 404 405 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Approp. Police Chief (1) Lieutenant (1) Sergeants (4) Detective (1) Patrolmen (20) Custodian, P. T. School Guards (2) OTHER EXPENSES Supplies & Other Expenses Telephone Light, Gas & Water Fuel Gasoline & Oil Traveling Expenses Camera & Fingerprint Supplies Pistol Range Supplies Traffic Signals & Signs General Eq'APP''.er:t Automotive Equipment Clothing Building Supplies & Maintenance Radio Maintenance Automotive Maintenance Insurance Retirement Fund Contribution 7, 4200 00 6, 140.00 22, 680, 00 5, 420,00 101, 953, 00 2, 380 00 3, 040. 00 1, 600. 00 1,900, 00 600. 00 600,00 2, 800,00 450, 00 250,00 400, 00 1, 500, 00 400000 6, 500, 00 3,000,00 400. 00 2, 550. 00 3, 000. 00 6,000. 00 ]1, 319. 00 192, 302. 00 7, 420. 00 6, 140. 00 22, 680, 00 5,420.00 102,438. 00 2, 380. 00 3, 600.00 1, 200. 00 2, 250.00 700. 00 600. 00 3, 000. 00 700. 00 250. 00 600. 00 2, 000. 00 500. 00 4, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 1, 600. 00 2,000. 00 4,000.00 6, 000. 00 13, 900. 00 196, 878..00 22. (1) (1) (4) (1) (20) (1) (3) TOWN OF 1✓1A.MARO^?ECIK - CUTS.;-1)E OF VILLAGES 1957 B i 67F'T REL UZR.7 :Mv;ENTS PLANNING BJ.ES.RD 1956 Bndg et COMPENSATION A pp:op. 101 Secretary 300, 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 200, 00 MISCEI LieNTEOI'.S 401 Consultant's Services, Etc. 3, 500, 00 4, 000, 00 1957 Budget Approp, 60. 00 100. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 660. 00 23. 24. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REQUiRZY-F:, BUILDING AND PLUMbIl�G DEPARTMENT 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Appro 101 Examining Board of Plumbers 150. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 200. 00 210 Traveling Expenses # 600, 00 *Carried in General Town Section in 1956. 25. TOWN OF MA1,1 RON.V K - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REr ULREPIENTS DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS 1956 19 57 Budget Budget COMPENSATION- Approp. Appro . 60. 00 101 Secretary OTHER EXPENSES 100. 00 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 160. 00 *Carried in General Town Section in 1956. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXP ND.TURES 401 Public Lib rary 402 Public Health Nurse 403 Fees Vital Statistics 1956 Budget Approp< 20, 381.,06 4, 140. 00 50, 00 24, 571.06 1957 Budget Approp, 19, 706. 78 4, 710. 00 50. 00 24, 466. 78 26. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REQfl.<'-,'lAE NTS DEBT SERV''-,'GE 1956 Budget Approp, 501 Amortization of Highway and Drainage Bonds 3, 000.00 502 Interest on Highway and Drainage Bonds 907, 50 3,907. 50 1957 Budget Approp. 3,000. 00 742. 50 3, 742. 50 27. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Repairs & Improvements to Highways and Drains Less: Estimated State Aid Cash on Hand 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. APProp. 720300, 00 100, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 2, 300.00 9, 000, 00 10, 000. 00 62, 300. 00 87, 700. 00 28. 29. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMIENTS DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Approp. 101 Salaries & Wages 50, 190. 00 53,080. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies 1,071. 26 417. 00 205 Gas 8c Oil 1, 200.00 1, 500, 00 402 Truck Repairs 1, 050,00 1,452. 00 404 insurance 3, 400. 00 3, 200. 00 405 Contribution Retirement System 2, 946. 00 302Z5. 00 407 Dump Maintenance 1, 155. 00 1, 0 0 61, 012. 26 63, 874. 00 30. TOWN OF MAMARONECK. GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS GARBAGE INCINERATION 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. 401 Town Share Incinerator Operation 20, 724. 00 21, 840. 00 Less: Unexpended Balance 1, 724, 00 2, 750. 00 Net Budget 19, 000. 00 19, 090. 00 31. *Two (2) Inspections - 1 yearly inspection 1,400. 00 1 anniversary inspection 500. 00 2, 100. 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - FIRE DISTRICT NO. I 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. APproP- 10, 000. 00 10, 480. 00 101 Fire Lieutenants 3i, 860,00 33,900. 00 102 Fire Truck Drivers 860. 00 960. 00 103 Fire Inspector, P. T. 150. 00 950. 00 104 Clerk OTHER EXPENSES 201. Supplies, Materials & Misc. 2, 200.00 1,800. 00 1, 000. 00 202 Telephone & Alarm System 575. 00 600. 00 203 Light, Gas & Water 1, 200,00 1, 200. 00 204 Fuel 250.00 250. 00 205 210 Gas & Oil Traveling 8x Convention Expenses 300. 00 300. 00 301 Hose & Equipment 4, 200. 00 2, 500. 00 302 Chief's Car 1,200,00 ' 800. 00 303 Clothing - 7,000. 00 304 Fire Pumper 401 Repair & Building Maintenance 4, 000.00 3, 500. 00 402 Equipment Repairs 1, Z50. 00 5, 500. 00 4,900. 00 404 405 Insurance Contribution Retirement System 6, 221.00 6, 800, 00 406 Fire Inspection Expenses 1, 600. 00 2, 100. 00* 50. 00 407 Dues Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan 50. 00 74, 466. 00 80,090. 00 *Two (2) Inspections - 1 yearly inspection 1,400. 00 1 anniversary inspection 500. 00 2, 100. 00 32. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - FFRE D STR':CT NO. 1 1957 BUDGET '= HYDRANT RENTAL 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. 401 Rental of Fire Hydrants 10, 750. 00 11, 000.00 STREET LIGHTING 401 Street Lighting Maintenance, 22, 700. 00 25, 000.00 Rentals and Energy 402 New Street Lights Including 1, 000, 00 1,000. 00 Installation 23, 700. 00 26,000. 00 WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. i CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION 401 Water Distribution System 4, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 Extension Costs 402 Meters Installed 4000. 00 8, OQ0. 00 3, 300. 00 8, 300. 00 WATER DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE 501 Amortization of Water Bonds 23, 000. 00 23, 000. 00 879. 00 502 Interest on Water Bonds 13, 911,: 50 35,911.50 35, 879. 00 33. TOWN OF MA.MIARCNrrf K _ PARK DISTRICT NO. I ' Of L 1957 BUDGE v DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 1956 1957 Budget Budget ArYESOpl Ap--rop. COMA Ep NSA=I —ON 5, 400, 00 6, 000. 00 101 Park Foreman 4, 410- 00 4, 700. 00 102 Assistant Park Foreman 10, 540. 00 10, 550. 00 103 Laborers _ 60. 00 104 Secretary OTI�7 a y'XPENSF'S 2, 015. 00 2,265, 00 201 Suplies, 1Jlater:ais, Et c• 550. 00 630. 00 203 Light, Water: Te-aahcne 375., 00 275. 00 205 Gas, Oil & Equipment Repairs 150, 00 1, 500. 00 401 Building Maintenance 1, 300, 00 1, 300. 00 404 Insurance Fund Coutribution 1, 0_"._o r0 __ 1, 175. 00 405 Retirement 26, 083. 00 28,455. 00 TOWN OF MAMARON ECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 1957 BUDGET REQU;IREMSENTS DEBT SERVICE 501 Amortization of Park District Bonds 502 Interest on Park District Bonds 1956 1957 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. 11, 000. 00 11,000. 00 7, 438. 50 6,945. 50 18,438. 50 17,945. 50 34. 35. TOWN OF' MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1957 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SEWER DEPARTMENT 1956 1957 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Appro . 2, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 101 Wages OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & Other Expenses 350. 00 800. 00 250. 00 300, 00 404 405 Insurance Retirement Fund Contributions 358. 00 - 407 Lease Rental 50. 00 50. 00 408 Reconstruction Pump Stations 3, 676. 00 10� 000. 00 408 Sewer Construction 7, 184. 00 13, 650. 00 TOWN OF MAM.ARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1957BuDCEi ?ES� Ik;. :IrciVTS DEBT SERVICE 501 Amortization on Sewer District Bonds 502 Interest on Sewer Dis- trict Bonds 1956 Budget Approp. 55, 500.00 43, 475. 37 98, 975. 37 1957 Budget Approp. 55, 500. 00 41, 031. 12 96, 531. 12 36. 37. TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEI:EST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1957 Year Amortization Interest Total Water District Bonds 1957 96, 500.00 61, 664.87 158, 164.87 1958 92, 500.00 57; 463. 37 149, 963. 37 1959 92, 500,.00 53, 328. 62 145, 828.,62 1960 92,.500. 00 49, 193. 87 141, 693. 87 1961 90, 500. 00 45, 080.62 135, 580. 62 1962 88, 500. 00 41,099. 87 129, 599. 87 1963 89, 500.00 37, 157. 87 126, 657. 87 1964 89, 500. 00 33, 194.62 122, 694. 62 1965 85. 500. 00 29, 231. 37 114, 731. 37 1966 85, 500. 00 25, 438. 12 110, 938. 12 1967 81, 500. Q0 21, 723. 62 103, 223. 62 1968 74, 500. 00 18, 357. 87 92, 857. 87 1969 70, 500. 00 15, 114. 62 85, 614. 62 1970 64, 000. 00 12, 104. 50 76, 104. 50 1971 57, 000. 00 9,237. 50 66, 237. 50 1972 50.000. 00 6, 885. 00 56, 885.00 1973 49,000. 00 4, 772. 50 53, 772. 50 1974 40, 000. 00 2, 853. 50 42, 853. 50 1975 27, 000. 00 1,423. 00 28, 423.00 1976 11, 000. 00 602. 50 11, 602. 50 1977 5, 000.00 237. 50 5, 237. 50 1, 432, 500. 00 526, 165. 31 1, 958, 665. 31 Recapitulation by Taxing Districts: General Town Bonds 4, 000.00 Outside Village Bonds 15, 000. 00 Water District Bonds 295, 000. 00 Park District Bonds 160,000- 00 Sewer District Bonds . 958, 500. 00 $1, 432, 500. 00 38. COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS Assessed Valuation 1956 1957 General Town Outside Villages Outside Villages - Highway District Garbage District Fire District Lighting & Water District Park District Sewer District Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District N. R. Sanitary Sewer District Tax District 98, 546, 966 41, 202, 025 41, 202, 025 41, 202, 025 41, 202, 025 41, 206, 525 39, 514, 134 36, 331, 306 75, 384, 922 29, 998, 150 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES General Town Outside Villages Highway - Outside Villages Garbage District Fire District Lighting & Water District Park District Sewer District SUMMARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck Village of Larchmont Unincorporated Area 103, 413, 979 43, 814, 528 43, 814, 528 43, 814, 528 43, 814, 528 43, 819, 028 42, 051, 1I2 38, 643, 504 78, 930, 318 31, 296, 266 1956 1957 Increase Decrease Actual Estimated Over 1956 over 1956 5. 45 5. 19 - . 26 1. 51 2. 00 . 49 1. 89 1. 89 2. 07 2. 08 . 01 . 77 . 7b . 01 1. 13 1. 07 , 06 2. 92 2. 85 , 07 15.74 15 84 .50 .40 15. 74 15. 84 39. TAX RATES Year Town vu,:nt; SJhool Assessment 1957 (Est. ) 15. 84 103, 413, 979 1956 15. 74 10. 80 23. 20 98, 679, 416 1955 16. 38 11. 13 21. 45 95, 095, 314 1954 16.06 11. 01 18, 87 91, 702, 213 1953 16. 15 10.93 18. 94 89, 456, 000 1952 15. 59 10. 25 18. 81 87, 754, 000 1951 15. 59 10.24 17. 87 85, 445, 000 1950 14. 37 10. 54 16. 94 83,939,.000 1949 14. 71 10. 76 17. 38 81, 011, 500 1948 14. 43 10. 10 15. 99 78, 602, 000 1947 15. 76 10. 63 16. 64 77, 627, 000 1946 16;91 9. 21 13. 49 75, 688, 000 1945 16. 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 1944 17. 04 8. 52 11.78 77, 719, 000 1943 16. 62 9. 02 10. 69 79,490, 000 "AT UAO OBE LI A IVIA M 01-11tIMS LRV�y I 3% NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the final estimates as'completed by the Town Board and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, be and the same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1957, pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, and that said estimates, as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of the Board as follows: (Insert Budget) and it is further RESOLVED that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1957, be adopted and con- firmed and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions, and pur- poses hereinafter enumerated for expenditure in the manner directed by law, to wit: (1) GENERAL TOWN PURPOSES Town Offices Supervisor Comptroller Town Clerk Elections Receiver of Taxes Assessor Law Justices of the Peace Contributions & Donations Engineer Recreation Highway - General Town Miscellaneous Expenditures Civil Defense Debt Service 27, 790. 00 10, 200. 00 2, 160.00 7, 350. 00 17, 100.00 16, 697. 30 23, 640. 00 10, 425.00 7, 710. 00 1, 600.00 13, 570.00 17, 255.00 30, 800. 00 49, 525.00 400.00 4, 066.75 (2) FOR PURPOSES IN TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Police Department 196, 878.00 3, 660. 00 Planning Board 600. 00 Building & Plumbing Board of Appeals 160.00 Miscellaneous 24, 466.78 Debt Service 31 742. 50 (3) HIGHWAY DISTRICT - O/V Highway Department 100, 000. 00 (4) GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Sanitation Department Incineration (5) FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department Hydrant Rental (6) LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights (7) WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Construction Costs & Equipment Debt Service (8) PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Park Department Debt Service (9) SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department Debt Service and it is further $ 63, 874, 00 19, 090,00 80, 090, 00 11, 000, 00 26, 000,00 8, 300.00 35, 879. 00 28, 455. 00 17, 945.50 13, 650.00 96, 531. 12 Grand Total $970, 610. 95 RESOLVED that as the Estimated Revenues and Cash on Hand equal the Estimated Expenditures for the General Town purposes, there be no General Town tax levied for the year 1957; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that for the fiscal year 1957, the sum here- inafter set forth and for the purposes listed below, be levied, as- sessed and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Ma- maroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, the properties of the several districts specified below and the sev- eral parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments and persons within the Town and within such special districts be extended on the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several par- cels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof, to wit: For purposes in Town, Outside of Villages, as mentioned and described in the foregoing $ 229, 507. 28 budget Less Revenues 2, 150.00 Total Levy for Purposes in Town Outside of Villages $227, 357. 28 1- DISTRICT LEVIES HIGHWAY DISTRICT A O/V Highway Department Less: Cash & State Aid Net Levy GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Sanitation Department Incineration Gross Total Less: Revenues Net Levy FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department Hydrant Rental Net Levy LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights Leas: Revenues Net Levy WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT Construction Costs & Equipment Debt Service Gross Total Less: Revenues Net Levy PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Park Department Debt Service Gross Total Less Revenues Net Levy SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department Debt Service Net Levy and it is $ 100, 000,00 12, 300,00 87, 700,00 63, 874.00 19, 090.00 82, 964.00 82, 964. 00 80, 090.00 11, 000.00 91, 090.00 26, 000. 00 1, 000.00 25, 000. 00 8, 300.00 35, 879. 00 44, 179. 00 35, 879.00 8, 300. 00 28, 455. 00 17, 945. 50 46, 400. 50 1, 500.00 44, 900. 50 13, 650.00 96, 531. 12 110, 181. 12 Grand Total $677, 492.90 FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws known as the Town Law as amen- ded, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land con- '�e tained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "A, ," the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents," A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolution, and after roll call, the vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Councilman Brush Councilman Kane Supervisor Burchell Councilman Waterman Councilman Santoro Noes: None RE: MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA At this time, the Supervisor inquired whether anyone present wished to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda, MR. ALBERT GOULD -- Mr. Gould, 626 Cortland Avenue, Mamaroneck, developer of Winged Foot Knolls, appeared in connection with his request for a Building Permit on property located at the end of Bruce Road which had been - denied. The Engineer reported that he was unable to issue this Permit due to the fact that there was no paved street in front of this property. Mr. Gould advised that he intended to construct the road but was un- able to do so at this time of the year due to weather conditions and inquired as to whether the Permit could not be issued under these conditions. The Town Attorney advised that this might be possible upon the filing of a Performance Bond in the proper amount by Mr. Gould and the Supervisor requested Mr. Gould to submit his application in writing so that the Board could give it further consideration. NEW BUSINESS EXTENSION OF WATER LINE.--FENIMORE ROAD (Application of A. F. Beringer) The Clerk presented the application of Mr. A. F. Beringer of Fenimore Road, Town, for the extension of the 8-inch water main in Fenimore Road so as to reach his property, a distance of approximately 390 feet from the point established by the ex- tension of said main to the property of Charles A. Newbergh, and enclosing estimate as submitted by the Town Engineer in the amount of $2, 370.63 including excavation, backfill, and pavement restoration. a M After discussion, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ma- maroneck hereby approves the application of A. F, Beringer for the extension of the 8-inch water main in Fenimore Road so as to reach his property for a distance of approximately 390 feet from the point es- tablished by the extension of said main to the property of Charles A. Newbergh, which point is approximately 280 feet from the present terminus of this water main, at a total cost of $2, 370.63 including excavation, back- fill, and pavement restoration. FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is contingent upon the deposit by the applicant, A. F. Beringer, with the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, of the sum of $1, 570.63 to cover the costs of such extension except for the excavation, backfill, and pavement restoration, which is to be paid for by the applicant, A. F. Beringer. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the usual agreement between the Westchester Joint Wa- ter Works No. 1, A. F. Beringer, applicant, and the Town of Mamaroneck, providing that the amount de- posited by A. F. Beringer, i.e. $1, 570.63 plus $800. 00 for excavation, backfill, and pavement restoration, shall be subject to refund up to 9010 from revenues de- rived from the sale of water to customers along this line over a period of ten (10) years from the date of this resolution, or until the total amount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur. EXTENSION OF WATER MAIN--LAUREL AVENUE (Application of Mrs. Frank Polera) The Clerk presented the application of Mrs. Frank Polera, 108 Laurel Avenue, Town, for the extension of the 6-inch main in Laurel Avenue so as to reach her property at 112 Laurel Avenue, a distance of approximately 83 feet, and enclosing an estimate as submitted by the Town Engineer in the amount of $493.47 in- cluding excavation and backfill. After discussion, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck hereby approves the application of Mrs. Frank Po- lera for the extension of the 6-inch water main in Laurel Avenue so as to reach her property at 112 Laurel Avenue, a distance of approximately 83 feet from the terminus point of the existing said main, at a total cost of $493.47 including excavation and backfill. FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is contingent upon the deposit by the applicant, Mrs. Frank Polera, with the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, of the gum of $328.47 to cover the costs of such extension except for excavation and backfill, which is to be paid for by the applicant, Mrs. Frank Polera. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the usual agreement between the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, Mrs. Frank Polera, applicant, and the Town of Mamaroneck, providing that the amount deposited by Mrs. Frank Polera, i.e. $328.47 plus $165. 00 for excavation and backfill, shall be sub- ject to refund up to 90% from revenues derived from the sale of water to customers along this line over a period of ten (10) years from the date of this resolu- tion or until the total amount of the deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to approval by the Town Attorney and the Town Engineer of an easement for the pipe line to be given to the Town by an appropriate deed or an.offer to dedicate the street by deed or conveyance to the Town. COMMUNICATION--SOL PASELTINER Re: Playland Route The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Sol Paseltiner, Attorney At Law, 20 South Broadway, Yonkers, dated Novem- ber 16, 1956, enclosing for filing application of Liberty Coaches for the transfer of the consent of the Town of Mamaroneck to Mayflower Tour Corporation and requesting the Board's con- sideration of said application. Upon advice by the Town Attorney, on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unani- mously RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the transfer of the consent or franchise of Bernacchia Bros. , Inc. , as contained in resolution of the Town Board adopted on October 14, 1936, and thereafter transferred to Liberty Coaches, Inc. by resolution of the Town Board adopted on March 3, 1954, to the Mayflower Tour Corporation, as requested in pe- tition to this Board under date of October 30, 1956, and filed herewith. COMMUNICATION--HUBERT M. FINNERTY Re: Job No. 32 The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Finnerty of the Construction Office of Hubert M. Finnerty, 86 Lincoln Avenue, Pelham, requesting a letter for submission to the Dime Savings Bank from whom a mortgage commitment had been received on premises at the southeast corner of Blossom Terrace and Mer- rit Street, Mamaroneck, with regard to the Bank's requirement of the installation of sidewalks and curbs on said property as a condition for granting such mortgage loan. c 9°' 4 The Engineer, Mr. Friedlander, reported on the matter stating that he did not recommend such installation, and after due consideration, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor notify Hubert M. Finnerty or his Corporation that the Town of Ma- maroneck did not favor sidewalk and curb con- struction on premises located at the southeast cor- ner of Blossom Terrace and Merrit Street, Ma- maroneck, at this time. COMMUNICATION--DAVID L. EGGERS Re: Dumping, Hommocks Area The Clerk presented a communication, dated November 27, 1956, from Mr. Eggers of Eggers and Higgins, Architects, and resident at 5 Locust Avenue, Larchmont, directing the Board's attention to the continued dumping of rubbish and other non-acceptable types of trash in the Hommocks area, and making certain suggestions and recommendations with regard to this area., The Board referred this matter to Councilman Santoro and the Town Engineer for consideration, study, and report, and directed the Town Clerk to so notify Mr. Eggers. COMMUNICATION- SOUNDVIE,W WOODS, INC. Re; Adjournment of Closing of Title (Block 227 - Parcel 1) The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Joseph E. Muson, attorney for Charles. A. Newbergh, President of Soundview Woods, Inc., respectfully requesting adjournment of the closing of title to January 7, 1957. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the closing of title on Soundview Woods, Inc. , known as Block 227 - Parcel 1 on the Tax Asses.s- ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is adjourned to January 7, 1957, provided all adjustments be met as of February 13, 1956. COMMUNICATION--POLICE DEPARTMENT (Chief Yerick) Rea Bids The Clerk presented a communication from Paul A. Yerick, Chief of Police, dated November 8, 1956, submitting bids on three (3) civilian suits at $65.00 each, purchased locally, and advising that the Police Commission had so recommended. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman San- toro, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby accepts the bid as reoommended by the Board of Police Commissioners, to wit: the purchase of three (3) civilian suits for the. Chief of Police and two (Z) detectives at $65,00 each, to be purchased locally, for a total sum not to exceed the amount of $195. 00, RE: COMMUNICATIONS NOT ON AGENDA. COMMUNICATION--MRS,. FRANK POLERA Re: Installation of Additional Street Light The Clerk presented a communication, dated November 29, 1956, from Mrs. Frank Polera of 108 Laurel .Avenue, Town, requesting the installation of an additional street light near the end of Laurel Avenue, now badly needed for the protection of the residents at this end of the street due to the erection of new homes at the far end of said street, The Board referred this matter to the Superintendent of Highways and the Chief of Police for study and report, REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were received and filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of November, 1956. Report of the Assessor for the month of November, 1956. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society for the month of November, 1956. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of October, 1956. Statement of Bank Balances, flown of Mamaroneck, as of December 1, 1956. Report of the Supervisor for the period from January 1 to October 31, 1956. Report of the State Commission of Correction approving the Report of Inspection of the Town Lockup, Mamaroneck, under date of October 2, 1956. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR Re: New Water Line The Supervisor requested a. resolution by the Town Board authorizing the transfer of $7, 800.00 from the Water District Surplus to the Capital Fund for the purpose of paying the Town of Mamaroneck's share of the costs of the preliminary engineering plans to be furnished by Hazen and Sawyer under contract approved by this Board under date of July 11, 1956, He advised that this amount could be included as part of the total costs of construction and included in the bond issue. for the pro- posed new pipe line authorized by this Board in resolution adopted on August 15, 1956, On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, upon roll call, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to transfer the sum of $7, 800, 00 from the Water District Surplus: to the Capital Fund, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that he is hereby authorized, upon audit by the Comptroller, to pay this sum to the Westchester Joint Water Works No, 1, as the Town of Mamaroneck's share of the cost of prepara- tion of such preliminary plans for the construction of a proposed new water line, REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Brush -- Re: Safety Award Councilman Brush reported that, at the request of the Supervisor, he had attended a dinner at the Roger Smith Hotel in White Plains on November 29th, representing the Town, and had received a plaque from the State In- surance Fund as an accident prevention award. He fur- ther stated that the Town of Mamaroneck was the only municipality in Westchester County to receive the award and he was indeed proud to present this award to the Supervisor, Councilman Kane -- Re; Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was unanimously adopted; WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16, of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll; Re* Budget--Summer Recreation Program Councilman Kane suggested that notwithstanding the fact that the Town budget included an item of $7, 500.00 for a summer recreation program, the Board of Education likewise place such an item in their next budget. This, he stated, should be done because the Town Recreation Commission is not actually committed to spend this sum to take over and replace the summer recreation program heretofore conducted by the Board of Education, and it might be that after consideration of the various problems involved, particularly that of a consolidated recreation program in which the Villages would share, it would de- velop that the Recreation Commission actually would not apply the $7, 500. 00 to the summer recreation program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1956, taxes of 1957, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows* Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 8.07 10 Barnet Dovman $ 14, 000 $ 16, 100 $ 30, 100 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557* Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 807 10 & 84 Barnet Dovman 11, 300 11, 300 807 126 Ernest A. Shalders & W 1, 500 7, 800 9, 300 807 136 Bernard A. Palumbo & W 1, 200 8, 300 9, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1956, taxes of 1957, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows* Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 901 49 A. S. Pizzimenti 2, 350 9, 550 11, 900 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557* Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 901 49 A. S. Pizzimenti 2, 300 9, 550 11, 850 901 420 Alda Sobrero 50 50 Re* Budget--Summer Recreation Program Councilman Kane suggested that notwithstanding the fact that the Town budget included an item of $7, 500.00 for a summer recreation program, the Board of Education likewise place such an item in their next budget. This, he stated, should be done because the Town Recreation Commission is not actually committed to spend this sum to take over and replace the summer recreation program heretofore conducted by the Board of Education, and it might be that after consideration of the various problems involved, particularly that of a consolidated recreation program in which the Villages would share, it would de- velop that the Recreation Commission actually would not apply the $7, 500. 00 to the summer recreation program. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Waterman, upon roll call, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor direct a communi- cation to the Board of Education informing that Board that the Town had included the sum of $7, 500. 00 in the 1957 Town Budget to be available for use for a summer recreation program, and recommending the inclusion of said item in next year's Board of Education budget pending the im- plementation of said summer recreation program through the Town Recreation Commission. Councilman Waterman -- Re. Thruway Surfacing of New Parking Lots Councilman Waterman inquired as to whether there were any further developments regarding the sur- facing of the new parking lots by the Thruway. The Town Engineer reported that it looked as though an oil treatment would be applied, but that arrange- ments were being made for the Supervisor, Council- man Santoro, the Town Attorney, the Superintendent of Highways, and himself to meet with the Chief En- gineer of the New York State Thruway Authority in Albany one day next week in order to further discuss this matter. Councilman Santoro -- No report. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY No report. THE TOWN ENGINEER--RE: THRUWAY BLASTING (Communication not on agenda) The Engineer presented a communication concerning Thruway blasting operations received by him too late to be included on the agenda. This communication from Mr. E. J. Klecan, Office Projection Mana- ger of the A. E. Ottaviano, Inc., Company, under this date, was in answer to the Engineer's letter of November 26th concerning a corn- - plaint about blasting operations made by Mr. Edwin E. Berliner of Cabilane Road, Mamaroneck. It advised that all blasting on the job was being processed in accordance with procedure set up by the Thruway and overseen by the Thruway representatives on the job, Briggs, Blitman & Posner, consulting engineers. The Board directed the Clerk to communicate with Mr. Berliner, for- warding to him copies of this correspondence. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 10:42 p.m. , to reconvene December 19, 1956, BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. CLAIMS Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Department claims, which had been audited by Mr. Orsino, Comptroller, and approved by the Fire Chief. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Kane, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are au- thorized to pay the same out of the Budget for the Fire Department: Central Wholesale Grocery Go. $19. 60 Consolidated Edison Go. of N.Y. , Inc. West. 5. 00 New York Telephone Company 73.70 Grand Total $98.30 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. , to reconvene December 19, 1956.