HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956_10_17 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Waterman
Councilman Kane
Councilman Brush
Councilman Santoro
- Town Clerk
- Town Attorney
Friedlander -
Town Engineer
Finson -
O'Brien -
Superintendent of Highways
The minutes of September 19, 1956, were approved as presented,
The Clerk presented 'the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of
Notice of Public Hearing; said Notice published in the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on
October 6, 1956, Posted on October 6, 1956, in eight (8) public
places in the Town of Mamaroneck, located within the proposed
extension, and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk,
The Supervisor declared the Hearing open and after briefly out-
lining the background, recognized Mr. Morton Levin of Old
White Plains Road, Town, who, as spokesman for the Prince
- Willows Association, spoke in favor of the proposed extension of
the present sewer district, Mr. Levin emphasized the very real
necessity existant for this extension and stressed the importance
of timing in this matter.
Following Mr. Levin's presentation, the following persons were
As residents of the Prince Willows section --
Mrs. Minnie F. Tulcin - 5 Prince Willows Lane
Mr. Charles H. Levitt - 7 Stonewall Lane
Mr. Levitt spoke several times and presented
a resolution to the Board for its consideration.
Mr. Harry M. Jacobson - 9 Stonewall Lane
Mr. Frank Becker - 11 Stonewall Lane
Dr. Stanley R. Drachman - 29 Stonewall Lane
Dr. Drachman presented a formal statement,
which was received and filed with the Town
Mr. Maurice Stahl - 30 Stonewall Lane
As representatives of the Civic Associations --
Mr. Richard Fisk of 10 Oxford Road, Town, speaking for the
Larchmont Ridge Association.
Mr. Lee H. Bloom of 22 Myrtle Boulevard, Town, speaking
for the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association.
Mr. Arthur G. Bogardus of 17 Overlook Terrace, Town,
speaking for the Larchmont Hills. Association.
Mr. Lionel P. Marks of 60 Howell Avenue, Town, speaking
for the Howell Park Association.
Mr. Edmund B. Van Hook of 198 Weaver Street, Town,
speaking for the Council of Civic Associations.
As individuals --
Mr. Theodore E. Tuck - 76 Garden Road West, Town
Mr, Ralph C. Kline - 99 Garden Road West, Town
Mr. George Schuler - 70 Garden Road West, Town
Dr. Daniel S. Lukas - 152 Valley Stream Road, Town
Mr. Peter Shuebruk - 52 East Brookside Drive, Town
Mr. Maurice Austin - 7 Split Tree Road, Scarsdale
Mr. George B. Butcher - Split Tree Road, Scarsdale
During the discussion, at the request of the Supervisor, the
Town Attorney outlined the present Sewer District No, 1 of
the Town of Mamaroneck as follows;
1922 - Construction of the first section which ran
from the Larchmont Station northward
along Murray Avenue and in the area surrounding
the Firehouse in general,
1932 - 1938 - During this period, seven or eight
extensions were added. In these
areas, the houses had been built with cess pools
prior to the extensions. In each case, bond is-
sues were floated to cover the costs and the
houses made individual connections to the trunk
line at the expense of the individual property
1934 - The County took over the trunk line,
1938 The last extension was added. This was
not paid for by the developer as the work
was done as a W.P. A, project, Since this time,
extensions have been paid for by the developers
but there have been no extensions necessary
since 1938.
The present situation might be described as a sort of hybrid
thing. The Prince Willows area was developed by Kadel-
Fischer, who also supplied septic tanks, The County takes
the position that this area cannot support any additional sep-
tic tanks due to the character of the soil.
In the course of this discussion, a question was raised as to
the correct terminology to be used in describing the proposed
Prince Willows extension that is, whether it is to be des-
cribed as a trunk line or a lateral, The Town.Engineer,
Mr. Friedlander, advised that this extension is a trunk line
with several lateral lines,
Councilman Waterman asked whether the estimated increase of
29� per thousand dollars of assessed valuation would apply to the
entire present sewer district, and also inquired as to what the
increase would be were a new sewer district to be created in
this area with the entire cost borne by the area as had been sug-
gested during the discussion,
Mr. Finson, the Town Accountant, advised that the estimated
increase of 29¢ per thousand dollars of assessed valuation would
— apply to the present entire sewer district with the exception of
the Prince Willows area,where no sewer exists, and where the
cost would be approximately $3.29 per thousand if the present
sewer district were extended.
Mr. Finson further stated that were a new district to be created,
the cost to the area concerned would be approximately $12.00
per thousand dollars of assessed valuation, a somewhat prohibi-
tive figure.
For example, on an assessment of $20, 000, 00, the increase
would be as follows.
If the present sewer district is extended. --
Increase in present sewer district - approximately $5. 80 per year
Increase in Prince Willows area
If a new sewer district is created: --
- approximately $65,80 per year
Increase in present sewer district - nothing
Increase in Prince Willows area - approximately $240,00 per year
The question was raised as to whether the proposed extension
would cast an additional burden on existing sewers, particu-
larly Larchmont Gardens, and it was explained that the new ex-
tension would be served by an entirely new trunk not in any way
connected with the existing sewers and that it would drain into
the County trunk sewer in Mamaroneck Avenue.
Mr. Van Hook, President of the Larchmont Council of Civic As-
sociations, expressed the opposition of the Associations due to
their reluctance to add further to the tax burden in view of the
additional costs for schools, water, and other items. The rep-
resentatives of the various Associations present endorsed the
statements of Mr. Van Hook, and agreed that the feeling of
these groups was that the area under discussion should be a
separate sewer district assuming the entire cost.
A written statement of the position taken by the Larchmont Hills
Civic Association, dated October 11, 1956, was presented and
filed with the Town Clerk. The Supervisor requested that the
representatives of the other Associations file such statements
with the Board.
The Supervisor inquired whether anyone else wished to be heard,
and as no one did, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded
by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Hearing be declared closed.
Decision on this matter was reserved pending further study by
the Board.
At the request of the Supervisor, the Town Attorney pre-
sented a brief resume of this matter.
The attorneys for the parties concerned, Mr. Roger H.
Harper, representing Dr. Arnold S. Breakey, and
Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel, representing Mrs. Bette W.
Schapiro and Dot-Mort Holding Corporation, discussed
this matter with the members of the Town Council at
some length and submitted the following exhibits which
were received and filed with the Town Clerk.
Submitted by Mr. Harper. --
- (1) Affidavit from Therese Richard, verified
August 15, 1956,
(2) Affidavit from C. W. Moody, verified
October 2, 1956.
Submitted by Mr. Wanshel. --
(1) Certified copy of deed from executors of
Richard Nathan to Bette W. Schapiro.
(2) Photostatic copy of tax receipts showing
payment of taxes on Block 203 Parcel
500, being the street known as Ormand
(3) Copy of Assessment Map Block 203.
(4) Photostatic copy of letter from Receiver
of Taxes to Jerome Wanshel with photo-
static copies of Assessment Roll for
1953, 1954, and 1955, showing assess-
ment on Block 203 - Parcel 500,
(5) Photostatic copy of Assessor's Field
(6) Twenty-four (24) photographs of Ormand
Following some further discussion, the Supervisor stated
that he felt the Board should obtain legal opinion from
Town Attorney Delius before taking any action on this
Dr. Breakey, explaining that he wished to build a house
for his own occupancy on the property concerned, re-
quested that a decision be given at the next meeting of
the Board, pointing out that this matter had now been be-
fore the Board for some time.
The Town Attorney presented an application for the exten-
sion of Sewer District No. 1 to include property on Pryer
t i 55
Manor Road known as Block 506 - Parcels 6, 16, and 26
on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
recommended that a Public Hearing be held at the next
meeting of the Town Board on November 14, 1956,
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Brush, upon roll call, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted.
Section 1, The following order is hereby adopted and ap-
proved and, when signed by the members of
this Board present at this meeting, the same shall con-
stitute an order by this Board.
Sewer District No, 1 of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, County of Westchester, State of
New York
WHEREAS, a petition purporting to be signed by the
requisite number of property owners as required by Section
191 of the Town Law, petitioning the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck to create an extension designated as Sec-
tion "O" to Sewer District No, I of the Town of Mamaroneck,
and to construct a sewer system therein, said petition des-
cribing the boundaries of the proposed extension and stating
the maximum amount to be expended for proposed sewer sys-
tern to be constructed in said extension, together with a map
and plan prepared by H. G. Johnston, Professional Engineer,
New Rochelle, New York, entitled, "Plan and Profile of
Proposed Addition to Sewer District No, 1 to be known as
Section "O", Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
N. Y,", dated February 13, 1956, showing the boundaries of
the proposed extension, a general plan of the proposed sewers
to be constructed therein, including all outlets and the ter-
minus, course, and the profiles of each proposed sewer or
drain and showing the manner in which said sewer system
will connect with and drain into the trunk sewers of the
Westchester County Sanitary Sewer Commission (New
Rochelle Sewer District) has been filed in the Office of
the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck on the
- 17th day of October, 1956; and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of said proposed exten-
sion of Sewer District No, I of the Town of Mamaroneck
are as follows:
ALL, that lot or parcel of land situate
in the Town of Mamaroneck, County
of Westchester, State of New York,
known and designated as parts of Lots
28 and 29 as shown on "Map of Pryer
Manor in the City of New Rochelle and
the Town of Mamaroneck, Westches-
ter County, N. Y,", made by William
A. Smith, Surveyor, April 5, 1924,
and filed in the County Clerk's Office,
Division of Land Records as Map No,
2852, and also shown on the Town of
Mamaroneck Assessment Map as
Section 5, Block 506, Parcels 6., 16,
and 26, said piece or parcel of land
being more particularly bounded and
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the southerly
side of Pryer Manor Road where the
same is intersected by the boundary
line between Lots 29 and 30 as shown
on the above mentioned map; thence
running southerly along said boundary
line 44 feet more or less to a point on
the boundary line between the City of
New Rochelle and the Town of Mamaro-
neck; thence running westerly along
said boundary line 350 feet more or less
to a point on the easterly side of Dogwood
Lane; thence running northerly along the
easterly side of Dogwood Lane 159 feet
more or less to a point on the southerly
side of Pryer Manor Road; thence running
easterly along the southerly side of Pryer
Manor Road 328 feet more or less to the
point or place of beginning.
WHEREAS, said proposed extension is situated in the
Town of Mamaroneck wholly outside of any incorporated
village; and
WHEREAS, the estimated amount to be expended in
constructing and completing the improvements proposed
is $1, 000, 00 to be borne exclusively by the petitioners,
Bernard Kaplan and Arlene L. Kaplan;
At a meeting of the Town Board to be held on the 14th day
of November, 1956, at 8-15 p.m. in the Council Room of
the Weaver Street Fire House, corner of Edgewood Ave-
nue and Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, the Town
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck will meet to consider
the said petition for the extension of Sewer District No, 1
of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying in the said Town of Ma-
maroneck outside of incorporated Villages of Larchmont
and Mamaroneck, and to hear all persons interested in the
subject thereof, concerning the same,
by George D. Burchell
Jeremiah C. Waterman
Peter F. Kane, Jr,
C. Benjamin Brush, Jr,
B. J. Santoro
Section Z. A copy of such Order together with a Certificate
by the Town Clerk showing the date of the
adoption of the same, shall be published once, i.e. on the
26th day of October, 1956, which is not less than ten (10)
nor more than twenty (20) days before the date set therein
for the Hearing, in the Daily Times, the official news.
paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, and shall be posted in
five (5) public places within the proposed extension to Sewer
District No. 1, and also on the Bulletin Board at the Town
Clerk's Office, 158 West Boston Post Road, in the Village
of Mamaroneck, not less than ten (10) nor more than
twenty (20) days before the date of said Hearing.'
Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Mr. Charles A. Newbergh appeared before the Board and
presented estimates furnished to him by Mr. George H.
Straub, Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water
Works No. 1, for the extension of the water line for a dis-
tance of approximately 440 feet to his property on Fenimore
Road and reported that he had been advised by Mr. Straub
that water would be furnished to his premises.
Mr. Newbergh referred to an Agreement, dated November
29, 1929, between Caroline L. Bill and the Westchester
Joint Water Works No. 1, which, in general, granted to
the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 an easement for
a water line through the Bill property, now owned by Mr.
Newbergh or his development, 5oundview Woods, Inc., in
return for which the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1
agreed to lay 1800 feet of 6-inch water main in this prop-
erty within six months after notice or demand from the
owner and provided that the water pipe be laid in a portion
of the property to be designated as a street. Mr. New-
bergh suggested that since the Town was obligated to fur-
nish this 6-inch water main, the cost of the Fenimore Road
estimate might be charged against this contractural obliga-
tion. Mr. Newbergh also submitted estimates from Mr.
Straub for such work and stated that Mr. Straub had ap-
proved this procedure.
The Supervisor explained that Mr. Straub was out of Town,
and that while he had a copy of the Agreement between the
Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, which is an agent
of the municipality, and Caroline L. Bill, to date he had
not been able to locate any resolution on the part of the
Town. Therefore, he advised that the application for the
extension of the water line to Mr. Newbergh's property
should be treated as a separate application and not be in
any way tied up with the Agreement referred to above. He
requested Mr. Newbergh to submit such an application to
the Board for consideration at the next meeting.
Mr. Roger H. Harper, attorney, representing Mr. A. F.
Beringer of Fenimore Road, requested permission to ad-
dress the Board in connection with this matter for his
client who asked that this extension of the water line be
continued for a distance of approximately 230 feet in addi-
tion to that requested by Mr. Newbergh so as to reach his
property. The Supervisor requested that Mr. Harper
submit such an application to the Board for consideration
at the next meeting.
The Clerk presented the following reports which were received
and filed.
Affidavit of Publication of Registration Notice in the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times,
on September 29 and October 6, 1956.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society for the
month of September, 1956,
Rea Interest on Certificates
The Supervisor reported to the members of the Board that
the Certificates of Deposit in the amount of $450, 000 had
matured on October 10, 1956, and that the Town had_re-
ceived the sum of $3, 760, 51 as interest on these Certifi-
Councilman Brush --
Re: Civil Defense
Councilman Brush reported that the Civil Defense
Deputy Director, Mr. Edward S. Hartley, was
doing a splendid job and that our department was
represented with both men and equipment at
Crown Point Park,
Councilman Brush also submitted for payment the
claim of the Director for expenses in the amount
of $119. 95 covering the period from April 1 to
October 1, 1956.
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the claim of the
Deputy Director of Civil Defense,
Edward S. Hartley, for car, gas,
and miscellaneous expenses from
April 1, 1956, to October 1, 1956,
in the amount of $119. 95, be ap-
proved; payment to be made from
the item in the Budget for such
Councilman Kane --
Re; Rezoning of area around commuter parking lots
Councilman Kane reported that he had received a call
from Mr, George Forbes as attorney, requesting that
action be taken on the petition presented to the Board
with reference to the request for rezoning of property
in the area of the new commuter parking lots.
The Board directed that this matter be referred to the
Planning Board for study and consideration.
Councilman Waterman --
No report
Councilman Santoro --
Re: Senate Place
Councilman Santoro reported on the following problem:
Two houses have been constructed which front on or
have access to a portion of Senate Place, This street,
shown on a filed map, has been improved with paving
and sewers for the greater part of its length but an
area at the easterly end, approximately ninety (90)
feet in length, has never been improved. He stated
that he believed the improved part of Senate Place
must be considered as a public street because of this
improvement and its use, but that the unimproved
portion could not be considered as Town property,
The structure of these two houses has caused com-
plaints to be made by some of the residents: on this
street, principally having to do with the parking of
vehicles which has been caused by this construction
and the residents generally seem to object to this area
being used by these residents of the two houses as
driveways or means of entrance and egress from
their properties, and seem to foresee parking problems
and otherwise a change in this dead-end of Senate
Place which formerly had trees and vegetation on it,
Councilman Santoro stated, however, that he be-
lieved if the Town were to take over this unimproved
portion of the street, which some had suggested, many
complications would be caused with plowing of snow,
drainage, etc„ and suggested that the Supervisor write
a_letter to the persons from whom these complaints
originated explaining the situation and stating that the
Town could not assume responsibility for this area
which is not a public street nor could it interfere with
the use of said area as a means of access to these two
houses which have been constructed,
No report
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. , to reconvene on November
14, 1956,
Y 57
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
Councilman.Waterman presented the following Fire Department
claims, which had been audited by Mr. Orsino, Comptroller,
and approved by the Fire Chief.
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby
are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and
they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the
Budget for the Fire Department:
Atlantic Service Center
$ 27.40
R. G. Brewer, Inc.
12. 70
Consolidated Edison Co, of N.Y. , Inc.
Charles Deshensky, Deputy Chief
75. 00
Leonard Johnson, Deputy Chief
25. 00
Reginald Jubb Garage
90. 52
Kramers Auto Top
35. 00
McGuire Bros. Inc.
10. 00
G. W. Merrell, Inc.
New York Telephone Company
73. 60
The Seagrave Corporation
Wesco Fire Equipment and Service
$ 528.02
Hydrant Rental:
Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 2, 420. 00
The New Rochelle Water Company 56. 25
Grand Total $3, 004.27
Councilman Waterman presented the following report which
was received and filed:
Fire Report for the month of September, 1956.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. , to reconvene November 14, 1956.