HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956_03_21 Town Board Minutes om- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MARCH 21, 1956, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8: 15 p.m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Waterman Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilman Santoro ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Finson - Accountant Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways Mr. Orsino - Comptroller THE SUPERVISOR -- In the interest of time before proceeding with the regular order of business, the Supervisor inquired whether anyone present wished to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. MR. GORDON EDWARDS--REQUEST FOR ERECTION OF FENCE In order to obtain some degree of privacy at his home, Mr. Gordon Edwards of 61 Fernwood Road, Larchmont, which property is known as Block 218 - Parcel 526 on the Assess- ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, appeared before the Board to request permission for the erection of a six-foot woven plank fence on the easterly boundary line of his property. This, he stated, was an appeal from the ruling of the Building Code prohibiting the erection of a fence higher than four feet. Councilman Brush stated that in accordance with past pro- cedure, he felt the Councilmen should inspect the premises, and also suggested that the neighboring property owner be notified. The Clerk was directed to so notify the adjoining property owner and the matter was put over to the next meeting of the Town Board to be held on April 4, 1956. OLD BUSINESS APPLICATION HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB--ERECTION OF DIKE Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel, 6 Beverly Place, Larchmont, Attorney for the Club, requested that this matter be de- ferred to the meeting of April 18, 1956, as no bids for the work had been submitted to date, the delay being due, in part at least, to the inclement weather. The Board directed the Clerk to put this matter on the agenda for the April 18th meeting. NEW BUSINESS PETITION--RE RE-NAMING EMERSON PLACE TO MAPLE HILL DRIVE The Clerk presented a petition, dated March 6, 1956, ad- dressed to the Town Board and carrying the signatures of all the residents of Emerson Place, requesting that Em- erson Place be re-named "Maple Hill Drive". On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the street now known as Emerson Place, running from Murray Avenue to Maple Hill Drive for a distance of approximately 250 feet, be re-named "Maple Hill Drive" as of April 1, 1956, which street was formerly known as Edgewood Place and shown on the Map of Chatsworth Heights, the property of Chatsworth Heights Realty Company, Sections 1, 2, and 3, situate in the Town of Ma- maroneck, County of Westchester, as made by L. E. Van Etten, Civil Engineer, August 3, 1915, and filed in the County Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records, as Map No. 2108 on August 17, 1915; and also formerly known as Edgewood Place as shown on the Second Amended Map of Maple Hill, situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester, made by Ward Carpenter, Civil Engineer and Sur- veyor, May 26, 1927, and filed in the County Reg- ister's Office on June 9, 1927, as Map No. 3159. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to notify the Postal Authorities of this change. -- COMMUNICATION--ELKAN PARK ASSOCIATION RE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The Clerk presented a communication from Charles Nicita, President of the Elkan Park Association, dated March 9, 1956, expressing their appreciation to the Highway Depart- ment for the excellent service to the Elkan Park Area at all times. i The members of the Board added their commendation for the excellent job done by the Highway Department during the last storms and suggested the Supervisor send a communication to this effect to be posted on the bulletin board at the Town Yard. The Superintendent of Highways thanked the Board on behalf of his department, and also expressed his --- gratitude and thanks to the Police Department for their splendid cooperation during this entire period. WEAVER STREET SIDEWALK--BONNIE WAY TO ROUKEN GLEN Councilman Waterman reported that Mr. L. Lauritano of 19 Althea Lane, Larchmont, had spoken to him re- garding the construction of a sidewalk from Bonnie Way to the entrance of Rouken Glen. Mr. Lauritano and Mr. David L. Robbins of 18 Althea Lane, Larchmont, appeared and explained to the Board that about 60 children resided in this area and that there was a dire need for this sidewalk in order to pro- tect the children in their travel to and from school. The Board pointed out that many complications were ex- istent in connection with the construction of such a side- walk. For one, the fact that Weaver Street is a State Highway necessitating permission from the State for such construction. Also involved would be the probable ac- quisition of private property in order to obtain the proper width of sidewalk, and the rock formation existing along the route of the proposed sidewalk. An estimate prepared by A. J. Foote, Civil Engineer, un- der date of January 5, 1955, was presented, which showed the cost of such a sidewalk as approximately $10, 940, 00 without land acquisition at that time. At the suggestion of the Supervisor, who explained that there were no funds available in the current Budget for this project, the matter was referred to the Town Engineer and Town Attorney for further study and report. COMMUNICATION--STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RE MAP NO. 896, PARCEL NO. 896 The Clerk presented a communication, signed by P. G. Baldwin, Director, from the New York State Department of Public Works concerning the New York State Thruway, The New England Section, Subdivision NE-3, Westchester County, Map No. 896, Parcel No, 896. The Attorney advised that as of this date he could not see that the Town had any interest in this matter, but that he had written for further information and recommended that the matter be held over to the next meeting of the Town Board, April 4, 1956. COMMUNICATION--RECREATION COMMISSION RE EMPLOYMENT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR The Clerk presented the following resolution from a com- munication, addressed to the Supervisor under date of March 16, 1956, from the Chairman of the Recreation Commission: "RESOLVED, that the Recreation Commission recommend, subject to the approval of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, a full-time recreation director be employed to conduct an integrated recreation program for the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck, including the resi- dents of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamar- oneck residing within the Town, at a salary not to exceed Six Thousand Dollars ($6, 000) per an- num and that the Recreation Commission be au- thorized to take all necessary steps to carry out such program. " The Supervisor informed the Board that $9, 000. 00 was in the present Budget for Recreation, and Councilman Brush added that the School Board also had a Recreation appropriation of approximately $11, 000. 00 in its Budget and suggested that it might be possible to develop an overall Recreational program incorporating that of the School Board. Councilman Santoro suggested that a meeting be held with the officials of the Village of Mamaroneck as that Village is sit- -- uated partly in the Town of Mamaroneck and partly in the Town of Rye, with the thinking that the Village of Mamaroneck might be interested in contributing to the cost of the Recre- ational program in order to include the residents of that por- tion of the Village of Mamaroneck located in the Town of Rye in such a program. After further discussion, the following resolution was unan- imously adopted by the Board: WHEREAS, the Recreation Commission, on March 12, 1956, passed a resolution recommending the employ- ment of a full-time Recreation Director to coordinate an integrated recreational program for the entire area, including the Village of Larchmont and that portion of the Village of Mamaroneck situate within the Town of Mamaroneck, at a salary not to exceed $6, 000. 00 per annum; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Recreation Commission is hereby approved by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck with particular reference to the employment of a Recreation Director at a salary not to exceed $6, 000. 00 per annum; and FURTHER RESOLVED that every effort possible be made to secure State Aid for any future program upon which the Recreation Commission may decide. I COMMUNICATION--MR. NORMAN TISHMAN RE WATER MAIN ON OLD WHITE PLAINS ROAD The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Tishman, dated March 15, 1956, and enclosing photostatic copies of previous correspondence and copy of a letter to the former Supervisor from George Straub, Superintendent of the West- chester Joint Water Works No. 1, dated July 15, 1954, in- dicating cost of a 12-inch water main from Winged Foot Drive to Old White Plains Road, requesting that this matter again be brought before the Board. Mr. William Glaser, Cabilane Road, Mamaroneck, who was attending the meeting in connection with another mat- ter, addressed the Board suggesting that a water line through his property, Glen Rock Estates, which lies between Fenimore Road and Old White Plains Road and for which he has filed a subdivision, might change the situation since the Tishman property could be connected with this line. After some discussion, the matter was referred back to Mr. Straub for further study and consideration in view of the proposed line through the Glen Rock Estates subdivision as shown on the map filed by Mr. Glaser. MR. WILLIAM GLASER--RE SEWER DISTRICT EXTENSION Mr. Glaser appeared before the Board to request considera- tion of his request for sewer district extension for his sub- division known as Glen Rock Estates between Fenimore Road and Old White Plains Road. A map, prepared by Ralph Cronquist, Civil Engineer, was exhibited. RE CLOSING OF TOWN OFFICE AT NOON ON GOOD FRIDAY The Supervisor called the attention of the Board to the fact that it was the custom to close the Town Offices at noon on Good Friday. The Board indicated that the usual proce- dure be followed. REPORTS -- The Clerk presented and filed the following reports: Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of February, 1956. Supervisor's Report, January 1 to February 29, 1956. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR Re: Board of Supervisors The Supervisor reported that there was no meeting an Monday, March 19, 1956, due to the snow storm. Re: County-owned- Properties The Supervisor reported that, in accordance with the request of the Board, he would deliver a letter to the Westchester County Park Commission, with copies to The Honorable James D. Hopkins, County Executive, and Mr. Hugh R. Pomeroy, County Director of Plan- ning, recording the interest of the Town in obtaining the various County-owned properties in the event the County does not intend to make use of them for County purposes. Re: Thruway The Supervisor reported that Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Aitchison, and he had conferred with Mr. Gordon Skau, Associate Engineer for the New York State Thruway Authority, with regard to the preservation of trees and the retention of the small area used as a Nursery by the Park Department, which area is lo- cated on the site proposed to be used as a temporary parking lot. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN-- Councilman Brush-- Re: Claim of Deputy Director of Civil Defense Councilman Brush presented a claim from the Deputy Director of Civil Defense in the amount of $68. 94 for expenses from January 1 to March 15, 1956. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the claim of Edward S. Hartley, Deputy Director of Civil De- fense, for car, gas, and miscellaneous expenses from January 1, 1956, to March 15, 1956, in the amount of $68. 94, be approved; payment to be made from the item in the Budget for such pruposes. Councilman Kane-- Councilman Kane had no report. Councilman Santoro-- Re: Thruway Councilman Santoro reported that the Attorney and he attended a conference at the office of Chief Land Negotiator G. M. Shaw of the New York State Thruway Authority to discuss mat- ters relating to Thruway construction at the Larchmont Railroad Station. It was suggested that a meeting be arranged with the officials of the Village of Larchmont to discuss de- tails and the various plans concerning Thruway con- struction at the Larchmont Railroad Station. Re: Town Engineer Councilman Santoro reported that a number of ap- plicants had been interviewed and that the com- mittee would like to recommend Mr. Maurice Friedlander for the position. The Supervisor gave a brief resume of Mr. Fried- lander's background, educational and professional. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, upon roll call, it was RESOLVED that Mr. Maurice Fried- lander be and he hereby is employed as Town Engineer of the Town of Ma- maroneck for a term commencing May 1, 1956, and ending December 31, 1957, at a salary of $7, 020. 00 per annum, payable semi-monthly, effective as of May 1, 1956. Roll Call: Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Councilman Brush - Aye - Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro - Aye Councilman Waterman -- Re: New Police Cars Councilman Waterman reported that one of the new Police cars had been delivered and would be ser- viced and in operation by the end of the week. Re: Request of Chief Yerick Councilman Waterman reported that he had a request from Chief Yerick for authorization to have Patrol- man James Knox attend a school of instruction at the Dual Parking Meter Company in Canton, Ohio. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Coun- cilman Kane, it was RESOLVED that Patrolman James Knox be and he hereby is authorized to attend the Dual Parking Meter Company instruction course at the factory of said company in Canton, Ohio, the week of April 2, 1956, with an allowance to cover his expenses, including transportation, in an amount not to exceed $150. 00, to be paid from the item in the Police Department Budget for said purpose. REPORT OF THE ATTORNEY Re: Thruway The Attorney reported further on various aspects of the Thruway construction at the Larchmont Railroad Station and suggested that the Supervisor, members of the Board, and the Attorney go to Albany to confer with Mr. B. D. Tallamy, Chairman of the New York State Thruway Authority, about these matters. Councilman Waterman stated that he would like to attend this meeting if it were at a time when it was possible for him to do so. The Supervisor advised that he would arrange such a conference. Re: Amendments to General Ordinances The Attorney reported that Chief Yerick had requested certain amendments to the General Ordinances re- spective to pavement markings, parking regulations, and a provision that dirt and refuse spilled on streets in the Town must be removed, and that it would be nec- essary to prepare a detailed notice and hold a public hearing on same. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Coun- cilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that a Public Hearing be held at the regular meeting of the Town Board on April 18, 1956, for the purpose of considering amendments to the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamar- oneck regarding pavement markings, parking reg- ulations and a provision that dirt and refuse spilled on the streets of the Town must be removed. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary Notice of Public Hearing and the Town Clerk be authorized to publish said Notice in the Daily Times, the official news- paper of the Town of Mamaroneck. Re: Certioraris The Attorney suggested that a conference might be held with some members of the Board and the At- torney for Larchmont Properties, Inc. , owners of Knotty Knolls Apartments, to discuss a possible settlement of the Certioraris now pending for five years. The Supervisor stated that he would try to arrange such a conference. Re: 65 Palmer Avenue 311, ,max The Attorney reported that the action brought by Topping and O'Donnell against the Town of Mamaroneck had con- cluded in Court and that no decision had been handed down as yet. Re: Ferndale Center, Inc. The Attorney reported that no decision had been handed down to date. ADJOURNMENT-- There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:45 p. m. , to reconvene on April 4, 1956. MEETING--BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. REPORT--FIRE PROTECTION COVERAGE This report was deferred to the next meeting on April 4, 1956. ADJOURNMENT-- There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. , to reconvene April 4, 1956.