HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956_03_07 Town Board Minutes Y MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MARCH 7, 1956, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Waterman Councilman Brush Councilman Santoro ABSENT: Councilman Kane ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Finson - Town Accountant Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways Mr. McEvoy - Assessor APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of February 1, 1956, and of February 15, 1956; were approved as corrected. THE SUPERVISOR -- In the interest of time, the Supervisor, before proceeding with the regular order of business, inquired whether anyone present wished to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. JUDGE REUBEN SIRLIN -- Judge Sirlin, 935 The Parkway, Mamaroneck, addressed the Board, and after expressing congratulations and best wishes to the Supervisor and Councilman Santoro, re- quested that the property, known as Block 501 - Parcel 1, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, and located on the northerly side of Palmer Avenue between' the Larchmont and New Rochelle lines, be rezoned for use other than residential. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the advisability of rezoning the property known as Block 501 - Parcel 1, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Ma- maroneck, and located on the northerly side of Palmer Avenue between the Larchmont and New Rochelle lines be referred to the Planning Board pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, to report thereon to this Board. PUBLIC HEARING--FORDHAM TRANSIT CO. , INC. The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of Notice of a Public Hearing to be held March 7, 1956, at the Weaver Street Firehouse, Town of Mamaroneck, to consider the application of the Fordham Transit Co. , Inc. for the consent of the Town of Mamaroneck for the operation of motor buses or omnibuses for transportation of pas- sengers and property carried by said passengers for hire, in, upon, along, and across certain streets, avenues, and highways in the Town of Mamaroneck, along the routes as therein described. The Town Attorney described the requested routes. No one appeared in favor of or in opposition to the application. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Santoro, the following resolution was unanimously adoptedby the Board: WHEREAS, the Fordham Transit Co. , Inc. has applied for consent to operate its buses over part of the route presently operated by the New York & Stamford Railway Co, and/or County Transportation Company, between New Rochelle and Stamford, Connecticut; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Section 1. That the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck, pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law and Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York, grants consent to the Fordham Transit Co. , Inc, for the operation of buses on the following streets, avenues, and public places in the Town of Mamaroneck: BEGINNING at the northwesterly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck adjacent to the Town of Mamaroneck at Fenimore Road; thence along Fenimore Road to Avon Road; along Avon Road to Rockland Avenue; along Rockland Avenue to Sheldrake Avenue; along Sheldrake Avenue to Forest Avenue; along Forest Avenue to Rockingstone Avenue; along Rockingstone Avenue to Chatsworth Avenue; and along Chatsworth Avenue to the northwesterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont adjacent to the Town of Mamaro- neck; also along Weaver Street from Forest Avenue to Harmon Drive; and along Harmon Drive from Weaver Street to the southwes- terly boundary line of the Village of Mamar- oneck adjacent to the Town of Mamaroneck; as part of a route extending to and/or beyond the Village of Mamaroneck on the one hand and to and/or beyond the Village of Larch- mont on the other hand. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution incorpor- ate by reference all of the provisions and conditions of the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on October 19, 1955, with re- gard to the consent for the operation of buses by the Fordham Transit Co. , Inc. from the westerly boun- dary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont to the easterly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck; and FURTHER RESOLVED that Sections 2 to 19 inclusive as set forth in said resolution of October 19, 1955, are hereby made a part of this consent. OLD BUSINESS APPLICATION HAMPSHIRE COUNTRY CLUB--ERECTION OF DIKE Councilman Santoro reported that Mr. Latimer, Engineer for the Town, had filed his report on this project with the Board. After some discussion between Mr. Wanshel, attorney for the Club, and the members of the Board, the matter was deferred to the meeting of March 21, 1956. COMMUNICATION--GREENWICH EXTERMINATING SERVICE RE RODENT CONTROL The Clerk presented a letter from the Greenwich Exterminating Service, dated February 22, 1956, recommending a semi-annual treatment of all holes along the river banks by gasing and apply- ing poison at a cost of $190. 00 per treatment. The Extermina- ting Service further strongly urged that all residents in the vi- cinity affected keep garbage pails tightly covered at all times to avoid spillage and thus tend to keep the rodents in their burrows with only the poison to eat. After discussion of this matter, the Board recommended that funds for this service be incorporated in the Budget for 1957, and meanwhile, that the Board be kept informed of the condition in this area. The Clerk was directed to notify the Larchmont Gardens Civic As- sociation of the Board's decision and to request that the Board be kept informed of the incidence of rodents in the area concerned. COMMUNICATIONS--NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORITY RE PRESERVATION OF TREES The Clerk presented a letter under date of February 20, 1956, from Mr. Holden A. Evans, Jr. , General Manager of the New York State Thruway Authority, stating that the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on February 15, 1956, relating to the preservation of trees had been received and referred to the Chief Engineer. The Clerk also presented a communication from Mr. C. H. Lang, Chief Engineer of the Thruway Authority, addressed to Mr. J. S. Bixby, District Engineer, dated February 27, 1956, requesting that Mr. Bixby look into the matter and forward recommenda- tions with reference to the preservation of said trees. The Clerk advised the Board that copies of this correspondence had been forwarded to the Chairman of the Park Commission. The Supervisor stated that he had conferred with Mr. Robert W. Briggs, Consulting Engineer for the Thruway, and following this conference, had sent to him a letter enclosing copy of said resolution and overlay. Mr. Brigg's reply advised that Mr. Gordon G. Skau, Associate Engineer, would be in charge of the construction from Chatsworth to Mamaroneck Avenues and sug- gested that a pre-construction conference be arranged with him. The Supervisor will set-up such a conference. REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR--ZONING VIOLATIONS The Building Inspector, Mr. McEvoy, reported that Mr. Frank Guadagnolo was in violation of the Code by using a building, lo- cated on Garfield Street on premises known as Block 133 - Par- cel 148 on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which property is in a Residence A district, as a taxi office. He advised, however, that the violation was temporary waiting the completion of the new,garage on Fifth Avenue and that Mr. Guadagnolo had planted a row of Weeping Willow trees along the border of said property as a screen for the neighboring property owners. Mr. McEvoy also advised that Mr. Guadagnolo would have the new garage completed within a period of three and a half to four months time. Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel, representing Mr. Guadagnolo as his attorney, addressed the Board requesting a three-month stay for his client pending completion of the new garage. After discussion and comments by Mr. Bogardus, representing the Larchmont Hills Association, the Board decided to withhold action for a period of three months from this date, or until June 7, 1956, which action met with the approval of Mr. Bo- gardus speaking for his Association. The Clerk was directed to establish a follow-up file on this mat- ter for June 7, 1956. COMMUNICATION--WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS NO. 1 RE INSTALLATION OF 8" MAIN ON FENIMORE ROAD Mr. Thomas J. Quinn, Attorney of the Firm Milbank, Tweed, Hope, and Hadley, representing W. H. Aldridge of Fenimore Road, Scarsdale, appeared before the Board requesting prompt action for the application of his client for water service to said client's property. A communication from Mr. George H. Straub, Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, outlining what was needed to comply with said application and enclosing copy of the estimate submitted to Mr. Quinn, was presented by the Clerk. After discussion, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Santoro, the Board unanimously passed the follow- ing resolution: RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby approves the construction or extension of an 8" water line or main extending south from a point 10' south of the Town of Mamaroneck-Village of Scars- dale boundary line in Fenimore Road for a distance of approximately 320', the cost of which is to be financed as follows: The applicant, W. H. Aldridge, Weaver Street, Scarsdale, shall deposit with the Westchester Joint Water Works, the sum of $1, 217. 91 and in addition shall pay the cost of excavation, back-fill, and pavement restoration along Fenimore Road. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is sub- ject to the Village of Scarsdale consenting to supply water along this line, and also to Mr. Aldridge complying in all respects with the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck regarding street opening permits. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board approves the usual agreement between the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, W. H. Aldridge, and the Town. of Mamaroneck, providing that the amount deposited by him for the cost of construction of said water line or main shall be subject to a refund of 90% of the revenues derived from the sale of water to customers connected to this main for a period of 10 years, or until the total amount of his deposit is refunded, whichever event shall first occur. COMMUNICATION--VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT RE ELECTION EQUIPMENT The Clerk presented a communication, dated February 15, 1956, from the Village Clerk of the Village of Larchmont, requesting the use of the usual equipment for the Larchmont Village Registration on March 10, 1956, and Election on March 20, 1956. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of the Village of Larchmont for use of the usual equipment for Registration and Election purposes be and it is hereby granted. REQUEST--VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK RE ELECTION EQUIPMENT The Clerk advised the Board that he had received a similar request from the Village of Mamaroneck. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Council- man Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the request of the Village of Mamaroneck for use of the usual equipment for Registration and Election purposes be and it is hereby granted. COMMUNICATION--HENRY R. DILLON RE CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THRUWAY The Clerk presented a letter from Henry R. Dillon, Re- ceiver of Taxes, requesting that the School Taxes be can- celled on property acquired by the New York State Thru- way prior to September 1, 1955, as listed in said letter. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Council- man Brush, the Board unanimously passed the following resolution: RESOLVED that the following School Taxes which became a lien September 1, 1955, upon premises acquired by the New York State Thruway Authority prior to September 1, 1955, be cancelled: Total $ 1, 117. 81 COMMUNICATION--ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RE APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN The Clerk presented a letter from the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated February 28, 1956, requesting the Board to confirm the appointment of an acting chairman for the Zoning Board of Appeals as recommended by that Board. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that George Schuler be and he hereby is appointed Acting Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck to serve in the absence of the Chairman. COMMUNICATION--FRANKLIN FINSTHWAIT RE RENAMING OF EMERSON PLACE The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Franklin Finsthwait of 11 Emerson Place, Larchmont, dated February 26, 1956, 1955 School Tax Block Parcel District No. 1 131 416 $ 34. 33 801 366 320. 75 802 104 80. 46 -- 802 119 96. 55 802 129 42. 91 816 165 203. 82 820 130 171. 64 833 117 167. 35 Total $ 1, 117. 81 COMMUNICATION--ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RE APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN The Clerk presented a letter from the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated February 28, 1956, requesting the Board to confirm the appointment of an acting chairman for the Zoning Board of Appeals as recommended by that Board. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that George Schuler be and he hereby is appointed Acting Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck to serve in the absence of the Chairman. COMMUNICATION--FRANKLIN FINSTHWAIT RE RENAMING OF EMERSON PLACE The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Franklin Finsthwait of 11 Emerson Place, Larchmont, dated February 26, 1956, and addressed to Mr. John L. Delius, the Town Attorney, requesting that Emerson Place be renamed Maple Hill Drive. In concurrence with the suggestion of the Supervisor, the Board deferred action on this matter to the next meeting of the Town Board on March 21, 1956. ` COMMUNICATION--VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK RE SALE OF PROPERTY TO NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY AUTHORITY The Clerk presented a communication from the Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck, addressed to the Supervisor under date of February 27, 1956, re- questing approval of the sale of three pieces of In Rem property required for Thruway purposes to the New York State Thruway Authority. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Santoro, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the institution of foreclosure proceedings in rem, has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck held tax liens on said parcels of real property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165-H of the Tax Law, an agreement was entered into between the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaro- neck, which, among other things, set forth the interests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and WHEREAS, the property so acquired by the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck was acquired by the New York State Thruway Authority by the filing of a Map and Notice of Acquisition in the County Com- missioner's Office in the County of Westchester as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck and the New York State Thruway Authority, after nego- tiations regarding the value of the property thus acquired by the Thruway Authority, agreed upon a fair and reasonable price for said property which the Thruway Authority has agreed to pay and which the Village of Mamaroneck has agreed to accept; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consid- eration thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the price offered by the New York State Thruway Authority for the following parcels is hereby accepted: Total Town Village Assessed Blk. Par. Sec. Blk. Lot Bidder Amount Valuation Terms 817 635 8 51A 47B, 48 N.Y. State $ 1900. $ 1150. Cash 49, 50B Thruway Authority 831 Pt. 470 8 77 2, 11A " 2000. 1000. Cash 500 829 153 8 91 1, 2, 3, " 4000. 1850. Cash & 4 COMMUNICATION--VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK RE SALE OF BLOCK 903 - PARCEL 357 TO CHARLES A. RIGANO The Clerk presented a communication from the Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck, addressed to the Supervisor under date of February 27, 1956, re- questing approval of the sale of Block 903 - Parcel 357 to Charles A. Rigano. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Coun- cilman Brush, the following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board: WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck, through the in- stitution of foreclosure proceedings in rem; has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real es- tate situate in the Village of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck held tax liens on said parcels of real property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 165-H of the Tax Law, an agreement was entered into between the Village of Ma- maroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck, which, among other things, set forth the interests of said municipalities in the properties being foreclosed, the manner of the sale of said properties, and the manner of the distribution of the proceeds received from said sales; and WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck has, pursuant to an agreement had with the Town of Mamaroneck adver- tised for and has heretofore received bids on certain _ properties owned by the Town of Mamaroneck as well as on certain properties owned by the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck has given consid- eration thereto, and after due delibera- tion, accepted the bid hereinafter listed as to price and terms set forth; and WHEREAS, since receipt of said bid, this Board has given careful considera- tion thereto, and after due deliberation, it is RESOLVED that the bid hereinafter listed be accepted at the price and terms here- after set forth: BID ACCEPTED IN SECTION 9 Town Village Blk. Par. Sec. Blk. Lot Bidder Total Assessed Amount Valuation Terms 903 357 9 7 10, 11 Chas, A. Rigano $1575. $1500. Cash (Broker-- Francis Auleta) APPROVAL OF BOND--SUPERVISOR--HIGHWAY MONEYS The Clerk presented to the Board for approval, the usual Super- visor's bond, in the amount of $1, 100. , covering the amount of State Aid to be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck for the repair and improvement of highways, pursuant to the provisions of -- Section 283 of the Highway Law. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Water- man, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Bond No. 2007503-A, in the amount of $1, 100. , of the National Surety Corporation, is approved as to form, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to exe- cute the same and file it pursuant to law. SETTING DATE OF LAND AUCTION--APRIL 4, 1956 The Supervisor requested a resolution setting a date for the next public auction of Town-owned property. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the date for the next public auction of Town-owned property be and it hereby is set for April 4, 1956, at 8 p.m. , in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Ma- maroneck. PETITION--CREATION OF NEW ZONING DISTRICT Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel, 6 Beverly Place, Larchmont, ap- peared before the Board as attorney for the petitioners and presented a petition supplementing and increasing the area described in the petition requesting the creation of a new Zoning District previously presented to this Board at the meeting of February 1, 1956. On motion of Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, the Board unanimously RESOLVED that the petition with map at- tached requesting an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map whereby a new residence district would be created, namely AA1, covering certain parcels of land as described in said petition, be re- ferredto the Planning Board pursuant to Section 274 of the Town Law, to report thereon to this Board. RE POSITION OF TOWN ENGINEER Councilman Santoro reported that a committee of the Board had interviewed some six applicants for this position and that the Board would make its recommendation as soon as Councilman Kane, a member of said committee, returned. CANCELLATION OF TAXES--BLOCK 802, PARCEL 149 The Clerk presented a communication, addressed to the ---- Town Board under date of March 7, 1956, from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, requesting cancellation of taxes on Block 802, Parcel 149. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following taxes, liens, or leases appearing on the records in the County Finance Commissioner's office, be cancelled, the same having apparently been paid according to the records in the office of the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Ma- maroneck. Block 802, Parcel 149 Page Lot Year Amount Sale Date To Years Leased 321 224 1876 $ . 63 10-2-77 Town 1000 323 220 1877 1 . 23 10--1-78 if " 324 222 1877 1. 23 10-1-78 it " 324 224 1877 1. 23 10-1-78 It " COMMUNICATION--RE BIDS FOR ITEMS REQUIRED BY POLICE DEPARTMENT The Clerk presented a communication from Paul A. Yerick, Police Chief of the Town of Mamaroneck, dated March 2, 1956, quoting bids as submitted on _ items for the Police Department as follows: uniform shirts; printed forms; and radio equipment for new patrol car. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby accepts the bids as recommended by the Board of Police Commis- sioners, to wit: For uniform shirts -- the bid of Merson Uniform Company to supply for the Police Force 108 shirts at a price of $3. 30 per shirt in accor- dance with the specifications stated. For printed forms -- the bid of The Little Print to supply Police Head- quarters with printed forms as specified at a price of $250. 50. -- For radio equipment for new patrol car -- the bid of Motorola to supply radio equipment at the price of $482. 59 in accordance with the spec- ifications stated. COMMUNICATION--RE RESIGNATION AND REQUEST FOR TRANS- FER OF PATROLMAN RONALD BOERNER The Clerk presented a letter from Chief Yerick, Town of Mamaroneck Police Department, dated March 2, 1956, enclosing copy of Patrolman Ronald Boerner's letter ten- dering his resignation from the Police Force of the Town of Mamaroneck and requesting transfer, and advising that the Board of Police Commissioners had approved said resignation and request for transfer at the meeting of February 29, 1956. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Council- man Santoro, the Board unanimously - RESOLVED that the resignation of Patrolman Ronald Boerner, effective March 16, 1956, and approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, is hereby accepted with regret; and FURTHER RESOLVED that Patrol- man Ronald Boerner's request for transfer, as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, is hereby granted with the Board's best wishes for every success in the future in his affiliation with the Yorktown Police Department, i RESOLUTION--COLLECTION OF TAXES The Supervisor requested the usual resolution approving col- lection of taxes by the Receiver of Taxes for the 1956 State, County, and Town taxes in two instalments. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously — RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 96-A of Chapter 60 of the Consolidated Laws as amen- ded, known as the Tax Law, the Receiver of - Taxes and Assessments of the Town of Ma- maroneck is authorized to collect the 1956 State, County, Town, and District taxes and water rents, which become a lien January 1, 1956, in two partial payments, each amount- ing to fifty per cent of the total of said taxes and water rents. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments is authorized and em- powered to receive such partial payments or instalments of taxes and water rents at any time prior to the sale of tax liens but subject to the same penalties as are specified and provided in Section 542 of the Westchester County Administrative Code for the neglect to pay the total amount of said taxes and water rents. FURTHER RESOLVED that the acceptance of any such partial payments or instalments of the 1956 taxes and water rents shall not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under any general or special law to enforce collection of any un- paid balance of such taxes and water rents as may remain due and owing to the Town of Ma- maroneck, but such rights and powers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce the collection of the unpaid balances of such taxes and water rents together with interest, penalties, and other lawful charges. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that, in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 550 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, "The Daily Times", the official newspaper published in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is designated as the newspaper in which the Re- ceiver of Taxes and Assessments shall publish the Notice of the Collection of State, County, Town, and District Taxes and Water Rents; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that said publication be made on March 17, 1956, in The Daily Times; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 550 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, the Town Board does hereby direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for all taxes and water rents, the ex- pense thereof to be a Town charge. MATTERS OF BUSINESS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA The Clerk stated that there were some matters to come before the Board which had not come in in time to be listed on the agenda. The Supervisor requested the Clerk to present said matters at this time. 1. COMMUNICATION--CHIEF YERICK REEMPLOYMENT OF SCHOOL-CROSSING GUARD The Clerk presented a communication from Chief Yerick, dated March 6, 1956, recommending Mr. Eugene Clark, 232 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamar- oneck, for the position of school-crossing guard. The letter further stated that the Board of Police Commissioners recommended the appointment pending the result of the physical examination. The medical report, dated March 5, 1956, signed by Dr. S. H. Fine, 1860 Palmer Avenue, Larch- mont, was submitted therewith. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that, as recommended by the Board of Police Commissioners, this Board hereby authorizes the employment of Eugene Clark, 232 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, as school-crossing guard with compensation at a rate not to exceed $6. per school day, said employment ef- fective as of March 12, 1956. 2. COMMUNICATION--STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION RE TRAFFIC SIGNAL The Clerk presented a communication from the State Traffic Commission, dated March 1, 1956, advising that the operation of Signal No. 84, lo- cated on Weaver Street at its intersection with Myrtle Boulevard and Cooper Lane in the Town of Mamaroneck, had been reviewed and adjusted to provide more efficient operation for both vehicular traffic and pedestrians. 3. COMMUNICATION--JOSEPH E. MUSON RE SOUNDVIEW WOODS, INC. (BLOCK 227, PARCEL. 1) The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Muson, dated March 6, 1956, requesting an adjournment of the closing of title, scheduled for March 13, 1956, to April 13, 1956. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the closing of title on Soundview Woods, Inc. , known as Block 227, Parcel 1 on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, oe and hereby is adjourned to April 13, 1956, provided all adjustments be met as of February 13, 1956. 4. COMMUNICATION--RE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 and 11 OF TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD RULES AND REGULATIONS The Clerk presented a letter from Morgan J. Burke, Jr. , Chairman of the Planning Board, dated March 7, 1956, requesting that because the Board had been reduced from seven to five members, Sections 4 and 11 of the Planning Board Rules and Regulations be amended to state that the presence of three members constitute a quorum and an affirmative vote of three members present constitute an approval by the Board instead of by four members as previously stated in each case. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Council- man Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the first sentence of Section 4 of the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, as adopted on March 7, 1955, and approved by the Town Board on March 23, 1955, be amended by changing the word "four" to the word "three" so as to read as follows: Section 4. "The presence of three members at a meeting shall constitute a quorum. " FURTHER RESOLVED that Section 11 of the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, as adopted on March 7, 1955, and approved by the Town Board on March 23, 1955, be amended by changing the word "four" to the word "three" so as to read as follows: Section 11. "An affirmative vote of three members present shall con- stitute an approval by the Board of any matter put to a vote. " REPORTS The Clerk presented and filed the following reports: Town of Mamaroneck Statement of Bank Balances as of March 1, 1956 Town Clerk's Report for February, 1956. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. , for January, 1956. i Report of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for February, 1956. Affidavit of Publication of the "Annual Report of the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck for the Fis- cal Year Ended December 31, 195511, published in The Daily Times on February 20, 1956. REFUND--DEPOSIT FOR STREET LIGHTS ON POCCIA CIRCLE Mr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Highways, reported that the street lights on Poccia Circle had been installed and it was now in order to return the check in the amount of $500. 00, which had been deposited with the Town to insure the instal- lation of these lights. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, the Board unanimously passed the following resolu- tion: WHEREAS, on December 21, 1955, A. Poccia & Sons, Inc. , deposited the sum of $500. 00 with the Town to insure the installation of street lights in Poccia Circle, a street dedicated to the Town; and WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways reports that the work has been completed-. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $500. 00 be returned to A. Poccia & Sons, Inc. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR Re: Highway Authority The Supervisor reported that as the result of some changes, which were recommended by the Governor's Counsel and accepted by the Board of Supervisors, the Highway Authority bill seems nearer realization. Re: Engineer The Supervisor stated that this matter had been covered in the report given earlier by Councilman Santoro. Re: Water Supply The Supervisor reported that a meeting was held with repre- sentatives of all the municipalities concerned, the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck and the Towns of Harrison and Mamaroneck, to consider which route or method of supply was best. Re: Fluoridation The Supervisor reported that the Water Board had adopted a resolution authorizing fluoridation and that it would be in ef- fect in the Town of Mamaroneck within a period of some four to five months. Re: County-owned Properties The Supervisor reported that he had received a letter from George S. Haight, General Superintendent of the Westchester .173 1 County Park Commission advising that it seems inad- visable to extend the lease for a further period of one year on the County-owned Pelham-Port Chester Park- way in view of the fact that it is anticipated this area will be used for the construction of the Thruway. The Supervisor stated that he would like the Board's authorization to write to the County Park Commission stating for the record the request of the Town of Ma- -- maroneck to obtain this and the various other County- owned properties existing in the Town in the event the County was not going to make use of them. The Board so authorized the Supervisor, REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Brush -- Re: Park Commission Councilman Brush reported that the members of the Park Commission wished to express their thanks to the Town Councilmen for their quick action in the matter of the preservation of trees in connection with the Thruway con- struction. Re: Apportionments -- Councilman Brush presented the following pe- tition received from the Assessor for the cor- rection of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, the following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for the correction of the as- sessment roll for certain years, pursu- ant to the provisions of Section 557, Ar- ticle 16, of the Westchester County Ad- ministrative Code, known as the West- chester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said pe- ___ tition for the correction of said assess - ment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Block Parcel RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1955, taxes of 1956, which shows prop- erty now appearing on the roll as follows: Name Land only 102 1 Fred Maloof $ 20, 000 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 102 1 Reynolds $ 4, 500 102 6 Fred Maloof 12, 800 102 194 " 2, 200 102 250 it 500 Councilman Waterman-- Councilman Waterman stated that he had no report other than that which pertained to matters relating to the Fire Depart- ment. Councilman Santoro -- Re: A New Source of 'Water Supply Councilman Santoro stated that he had served on the Water Board for a period of eight years and was fairly conversant with the two engineering surveys made during this period. After some discussion and explanation of the rec- ommendation made in the latest survey, Council- man Santoro stated that it would be his recommen- dation that this Board go on record as favoring the plan proposing a new source of supply from shaft No. 22 in Yonkers, which plan is described in the above-mentioned report as Plan No. 6. Re: Recreation Commission Councilman Santoro reported that he was unable to attend the meeting of the Recreation.Commission held at the home of Mrs. Dillon on the evening of February 27, 1956, when Dr. Sal J. Prezioso was again the guest speaker at the invitation of the Commission. At this time, Dr. Prezioso spoke of the many advantages to be gained through the em- ployment of a Recreation Director and discussed in some detail, the functions and duties pertinent to this position. Councilman Santoro advised the Board that it would receive a communication from the Recreation Commission pertaining to the matter of the Recreation Director. Re: Planning Board Councilman Santoro reported in some detail on the last meeting of the Planning Board and recommended a joint meeting of the Planning Board with the Town Board to expedite matters of procedure and policy. Councilman Santoro further reported that he had had the happy privilege of sitting in at an interview with Mr. George Raymond of George Raymond Associates, — Planning Consultants, New York City, and that he was most favorably impressed by that gentleman. Re: Telephone Company Dinner Councilman Santoro reported on his attendance at the very enjoyable and excellently conducted Telephone Company Dinner on the evening of March 6, 1956. REPORT OF THE ATTORNEY Re: 65 Palmer Avenue The Attorney reported that the action brought by Topping and O'Donnell against the Town of Mamaroneck was now being heard in the Court and would be resumed March 8th at 10 a.m. Re: Zoning Violation--Mrs. Lynch --- The Attorney reported that this matter would be held over to the meeting of March 21, 1956. THE SUPERVISOR -- The Supervisor inquired whether anyone present had any other matter they would like to present to the Board. MR. LIONEL P. MARKS -- Mr. Marks, 60 Howell Avenue, Larchmont, addressed the Board, asking whether the joint Planning Board-Town Board meeting would be an open meeting. The Supervisor replied that he had not given the matter any special thought but that he rather thought not. Mr. Marks then stated that the Council of Civic Associations would like to register its concern regarding two points: 1. That this Council requests that the Planning Board hold open hearings. 2. That the Council is concerned that the Planning Board hold Public Hearings under Section 272-A of the Town Law, not act merely as a referral Board for the Town Board. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Marks and stated that the two points were well taken and that consideration would be given them. MR. JEROME N. WANSHEL -- Mr. Wanshel addressed the Board stating that matters were presented to the Planning Board which might affect the over- all picture and urged that spot decisions not be given which might be regretted at a later date in connection with overall planning. Mr. Wanshel also called attention to the fact that the Council of Civic Associations had offered its services to.the Planning Board on repeated occasions and that the offer still held. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Wanshel. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. , to reconvene on March 21, 1956. MEETING--BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. CLAIMS Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Department claims which had been audited by Mr. Orsino, Comptroller, and ap- proved by the Fire Chief. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp- troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the Budget for the Fire Department: R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 21. 20 Chatsworth Oil & Heat Go. 242. 30 Francis C. Carr & Co. 439. 77 Con Edison Co. 47. 15 Foley Hardware, Inc. 1. 21 William B. Lemon 10. 00 Anthony Librandi 316. 95 Keeler Associates 1, 221. 87 O. Mueller, Inc. 4. 80 Tommy's Hardware 13. 04 Wesco Fire Equipt. & Ser. 637. 15 West. Joint Water Works 3. 30 Total $ 2, 958. 74 Fr L Con. Edison Co. $ 5. 00 McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5. 00 New York Telephone Co. 73.40 Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 9. 15 Total $ 92. 55 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE CHIEF The annual report of the Fire Chief for the year 1955 was presented and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Annual Report of the Fire Chief for the year 1955 be accepted and placed on file. COMMUNICATION--RE DEPARTMENT NOMINATIONS Councilman Waterman presented a communication from the Secretary of the Fire Department listing the nominations for office for the year 1956. Councilman Waterman highly recommended each of these nominations, and on motion by him, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following officers nominated by the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department to hold office for the year 1956, be and they hereby are approved: Edward L. Leone Lennert Johnson Charles Deshensky Arthur M. Brown Harold O. Thomsen Dr. Lincoln Stulik Monsignor John J. Flynn Rev. Floyd E. McGuire Rabbi Irving Koslowe Joseph A. Garofalo Chief First Deputy Chief Second Deputy Chief Secretary Treasurer Surgeon Chaplain Chaplain Chaplain Sergeant-At-Arms The Supervisor asked Chief Leone to come forward and accept the congratulations and best wishes of the Board for himself and for his staff. REPORT ON AREA COVERAGE The Supervisor requested that this report be deferred to the meeting of March 21, 1956, FIRE REPORT FOR FEBRUARY, 1956 Councilman Waterman presented the Fire Report for the month of February, 1956. On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Fire Report for the month of February, 1956, be accepted and placed on file. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was adjourned at 9:50 p. m. , to reconvene on March 21, 1956.