HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958_01_08 Town Board Minutes Ar
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Brush
Councilman Kane
Councilman Waterman
Councilman Santoro
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr. Friedlander - Engineer
Mr, Orsino - Comptroller
Mr. Finson - Accountant
Mrs. Brewer - Secretary
The minutes of the regular meetings of December 10th and
18th, 1957, were approved as presented.
The Supervisor presented the organization matters for the
year 1958 in accordance with the prepared agenda and, after
due consideration, the following resolutions were adopted:
1. Resolution--Salaries of Elected Officials
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the salaries of all elected offi-
cials of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year
1958 are to be the salaries stated and appro-
priated in the annual budget or estimate for the
year 1958 as follows:
-- Name Office Salary
George D._Burchell Supervisor $ 7, 500.
Jeremiah C. Waterman Councilman 2, 400.
Peter F. Kane, Jr. Councilman 2,400.
C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. Councilman 2,400.
Battista J. Santoro Councilman Z, 400.
Name Office Salary
Henry R. Dillon Receiver of Taxes $ 7, 650.
Charles M. Baxter Justice of the Peace 3, 200.
Munn Brewer Justice of the Peace 3, 200.
Charles J. Gronberg Town Clerk 7, 650.
2. Resolution--Appointment of Town Officers
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following persons are hereby
appointed as Town Officers as of January 1, 1958,
in accordance with the provisions of the Town
Law, and for the respective terms and at an an-
nual salary or rate of compensation as hereinaf-
ter stated, such annual, salary or compensation to
be paid from the amounts appropriated in the an-
nual budget or estimate for the year 1958, or so
much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the sal-
ary or compensation as hereby fixed,
Name Office Term Salary
John L. Delius Attorney 2 years $ 8, 150.
Francis O'Brien Supt. of Highways 2 years 7, 650.
Thomas J. McEvoy Assessor 2 years 7, 650.
Leo N. Orsino Comptroller 2 years Z, 410.
Maurice Friedlander Engineer 2 years 5, 020.
3. Resolution--Approval of Bonds for Appointed Officers and Employees
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Council-
man Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that a bond be required for the faith-
ful performance of the duties of each of the fol-
lowing officials in the amount stated with suffi-
cient surety to be approved by this Board and the
form to be approved by the Town Attorney:
Office Amount Term of Bond
Comptroller $ 4, 000. 2 years
Supt, of Highways 4, 000. 2 years
Bldg. & Plbg. Inspector 4, 000. 1 year
Sr. Acct. Clk. -Rec. of Taxes 10, 000. 1 year
Accountant 10, 000. 1 year
Int. Acct. Clk. -Rec. of Taxes 10, 000. 1 year
Supt. of Recreation 4, 000. 1 year
4. Resolution--Setting Salaries in Competitive Class
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Council-
man Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following positions in the
Competitive Class of the Civil Service shown
in the budget or estimate are hereby continued
and the annual compensation for the same in
the year 1958 is hereby fixed and shall be paid
from the amounts appropriated in the annual
budget or estimate for the year 1958, or so
much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay such
annual compensation to be effective as of Jan-
uary 1, 1958:
Name. Title Salary
Alexander.Finson Town Accountant $ 7, 650.
Ruth Dammann Int. Acct. Clk. & Typist 3, 300.
Wilhelmina Schroeder Telephone Operator 4, 020.
Donna Wiedemann Int. Acct. Clk. 4, 180.
John Seufert Custodian 3, 760.
William Kirtland Int. Clk. 3, 880.
Leo N. Orsino Sr. Acct. Clk. 5, 240.
Frances Riley Sr. Typist 4, 180.
Charles Kane Assessment Clk. 4, 180.
William P aones s a Sr. Engineering Aid 6,000.
Paul A. Yerick Police Chief 8, 030.
Francis Waterbury Police Lieutenant 6, 600.
Chauncey Smith Sergeant-Detective 6, 400.
Eugene DeVeau Sergeant 6, 070.
Philip Millheiser Sergeant 6, 070.
William Cunningham Sergeant 6, 070.
James Mancusi Sergeant 6, 070.
Christopher Loveley Detective 6, 000.
Joseph Paonessa Patrolman 5, 670.
John Grenan Patrolman 5, 670.
James Knox Patrolman 5, 670.
Lawrence McAllister Patrolman 5, 670.
James Staropoli Patrolman 5, 670.
George Mulcahy Patrolman 5, 670.
Louis Turco Patrolman 5, 670.
Edward Bakker Patrolman 5, 670.
James O'Brien Patrolman 5, 670.
Richard. E. Winkler Patrolman 5, 670.
John M. Leonard Patrolman 5, 670.
David McClintock Patrolman 5, 670.
John Welsh Patrolman 5, 670.
Eugene Agnessanto Patrolman 5, 670.
William Celestino Patrolman 5, 670.
Hugh A. McGinley Patrolman 5, 320.
William H. OTRorke Patrolman 5, 320.
— Frank Silvestri Patrolman 5, 320.
John M. Bisaccia Patrolman 4, 870.
Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant 5, 520.
Elizabeth Jackson Public Health Nurse 4, 440.
James Kronenberger Supt. of Recreation 6, 500.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the employment of
the last named persons to the aforesaid posi-
tions is in accordance with the classifications
made by the County Personnel Officer under
the provisions of the Civil Service Law of the
State, and any vacancies which now exist or
which may occur from time to time in said
positions are to be filled at salaries set in
accordance with the provisions of the salary
scale adopted by the Town Board and in con-
formity with the Civil Service rules and
amendments thereto for towns, villages, and
special districts in Westchester County, New
5. Resolution--Setting Salaries in Non-competitive Class
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following positions in the
Non-competitive Class of the Civil Service as
shown in the budget or estimate are hereby
continued, and the annual compensation for
the same in the year 1958 is hereby fixed and
shall be paid from the amounts appropriated
in the annual budget or estimate for the year
1958, or so much thereof as shall be suffi-
cient to pay such annual compensation to be
effective as of January 1, 1958;
Name Title Salary
Paul Fortuna Motor Equipt, Operator $ 4, 300.
Joseph Miller Fire Truck Driver 5, 380.
(Head of Shift)
Alfred Moll Fire Truck Driver 5, 380.
(Head of Shift)
Earl Mellor Fire Truck Driver 5, 200.
Edward Muller Fire Truck Driver 5, 200.
Nicholas Soriano Fire Truck Driver 5, 200.
Nicholas Giacomo Fire Truck Driver 5, 200.
Carl Mirande Fire Truck Driver 4, 840.
Frank J. Felice Fire Truck Driver 4,4&0.
Thomas M. Aitchison Park Foreman 6, 500.
Arthur Johnson Asst. Park Foreman 5, 000.
Francis O'Brien School Crossing Guard 6.00 per day
Eugene Clark School Crossing Guard 6.00 per day
Luke Murtha School Crossing Guard 6.00 per day
FURTHER RESOLVED that the employment of
the last named persons to the aforesaid posi-
tions is in accordance with the classifications
made by the County Personnel Officer under
the provisions of the Civil Service Law of the
State, and any vacancies which now exist or
which may occur from time to time in said
positions are to be filled at salaries set in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the salary
scale adopted by the Town Board and in con-
formity with the Civil Service rules and
amendments thereto for towns, villages, and
special districts in Westchester County, New
6. Resolution--Setting Salaries in Exempt Class
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following persons are here-
by appointed to positions classified as exempt
under the Civil Service Law, such appointments.
to be made as of January 1, 1958, and to con-
tinue at the pleasure of the Town Board at the
annual salary or rate of compensation herein-
after stated, which is to be paid from amounts
appropriated in the annual budget or estimate
for the year 1958, or so much thereof as shall
be sufficient to pay the salary or compensation
as hereby fixed:
Name Title Salary
Angelo Misercola Sanitation Man $ 4, 300.
David Lyde Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Curtiss Major Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Matthew Halley Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Roscoe Paysoure Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Ivrell Johnson Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Eleutrio Grimaldi Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Sandy Lee Jones Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Lennert Johnson Fire Inspector, P. T. 960.
Pearl E. deCrau Court Clerk, P. T. 900.
Maurice Friedlander Bldg. & Plbg. Inspector 2, 500.
William Paonessa Asstt. Bldg. & Plbg. Insp. --
Lavenia Brewer Secretary to Supervisor 4, 680.
Ruth Dammann Secretary--Planning Board 120.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Donna Wiedemann Secretary--Park Commission 120.
Recreation Commission
Leo N. Orsino Office Manager 200.
Labor Foreman 2. 35 per hr.
Laborer 2. 00 per hr.
7. Resolution--Fixing Payment of Salaries (Semi-monthly)
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman
- Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the salaries of all officers,
elected and appointed, and all employees, be
paid semi-monthly on the 1st and 15th days
of each month.
FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions
are effective as of January 1, 1958.
8. Resolution--Approval of Bonds for Elected Officials
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following bonds for elected officials
are hereby required pursuant to the Town Law, and ap-
proved as follows:
Bond, George D. Burchell, as Supervisor of the
Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faith-
ful performance of his duties including the pay-
ment of all school moneys pursuant to Section 25
of the Town Law, upon which the National Surety
Corporation is surety in the penal sum of $25, 000
for a term of 2 years.
Bond, Charles J. Gronberg, as Clerk of the Town
of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of his duties including the depositing of
all funds or moneys of the Town received by him
pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon
which the National Surety Corporation is surety
in the penal sum of $4, 000 for a term of 2 years.
Bond, Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes of the
Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faith-
ful performance of his duties including the de-
positing of all funds, all moneys of the Town, re-
ceived by him pursuant to Section 25 of the Town
Law, upon which the National Surety Corporation
is surety in the penal sum of $20, 000 for a term
of 4 years.
Bond, Munn Brewer, as Justice of the Peace of
the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the
faithful performance of his duties including the
depositing of all funds or moneys of the Town re-
ceived by him pursuant to Section 25 of the Town
Law, upon which the National Surety Corporation
is surety in the penal sum of $4, 000 for a term
of 4 years.
9. Resolution--Appointment of Deputy Receiver of Taxes
The Clerk presented a letter from Henry R.. Dillon, Receiver
of Taxes, dated December 31, 1957, requesting approval of his
appointment of Leo N. Orsino as Deputy Receiver of Taxes, and
on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that, in accordance with the request of
Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, this Board
hereby approves his appointment of Leo N. Or-
sino, Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy Receiver
of Taxes, authorized to receive tax money, give
proper receipt therefor in his name, enter such
payments upon the records, and deposit tax
money in the bank for the year ending December
- 31st, 1958.
10. Resolution--Appointment of Persons Authorized to Receive
Tax Money
The Clerk presented two letters from Henry R. Dillon, Re-
ceiver of Taxes, dated December 31, 1957, requesting approval
of his appointment of Alexander Finson, Town Accountant, and
Mrs. Donna Wiedemann, Intermediate Account Clerk, as per-
sons authorized to receive tax money, and upon motion by
Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was
RESOLVED that, in accordance with the request of
Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, this Board
hereby approves his appointment of Alexander Fin-
son, Town Accountant, and Mrs. Donna Wiedemann,
Intermediate Account Clerk, as persons authorized
to receive tax money, give proper receipt therefor
in his or her name, enter such payments upon the
records, and deposit tax money in the bank for the
year ending December 31st, 1958.
11. Resolution--Appointment of Deputy Town Clerks
The Clerk presented a certification of his appointment of
Wilhelmina Schroeder and Lavenia Brewer as Deputy Town
Clerks of the Town of Mamaroneck for the term of office
ending December 3I, 1958 pursuant to Subdivision 10 of Sec-
tion 30 of the Town Law, State of New York, and upon mo-
tion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman San-
toro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the appointment by the Town
Clerk of Wilhelmina Schroeder and Lavenia
Brewer as Deputy Town Clerks in accordance
with his Certificate under date of December
31, 1957, and presented to this Board on Jan-
uary 8, 195% is hereby approved.
12. Resolution--Appointment of Registrar of Vital Statistics
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Charles J. Gronberg be and he
hereby is appointed as Registrar of Vital
Statistics of the Town of Mamaroneck for a term
of two years, beginning January 1, 1958 and end-
ing December 31, 1959.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and
he hereby is authorized to sign the Certificate of
Appointment of the Registrar of Vital Statistics to
be filed with the New York State Department of
13. Resolution--Fixing of dates for Town Board meetings
The Supervisor requested the Board to consider the matter
of fixing the dates for the regular Town Board meetings for the
year 1958, and after some discussion as to the number of meet-
ings to be held during the summer months, it was, upon motion
by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, unan-
RESOLVED that the regular meetings of this Board
be held at 8;15 p.m. in the Council Room of the
Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of
Mamaroneck, on the first and third Wednesdays of
each month with the exception of the months of
June, July, and August, during which said months
meetings shall be held only on the first Wednesday
14. Resolution--Designation of official newspaper
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that "The Daily Times" of Mamaroneck,
New York, be and it hereby is designated as the of-
ficial newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
purpose of publishing notices.
15. Resolution--Appointment of Auditors for 1958
On motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman
Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the firm of Click-Freedman, Cer-
tified Public Accountants of New Rochelle, New
York, be and it hereby is appointed to audit the
records of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year
FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation for
this service be in the amount of $2, 400. 00, which
is the amount in the 1958 budget.
16. Resolution--Appointment of Constables
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby
are appointed as Constables of the Town of Ma-
maroneck to serve without salary for a term of
one year, beginning January 1, 1958 and ending
December 31, 1958-
Rocco V. Migliaccio 243 Knollwood Ave. Mamaroneck
Frank Comblo, Jr. 122 Washington St. "
Joseph R. Tezzi 28 Madison St. "
Frank Herz 1308 Crown Court
17. Resolution--Approval of Bonds for Constables
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the appointed Constables --
Rocco V. Migliaccio, Frank Comblo, Jr. , Joseph
R. Tezzi, and Frank Herz -- each file a bond in
the sum of $2, 500. for the faithful performance of
his duties, said bond to be for one year and to be
approved by the Town Attorney with the premium
for the same paid out of Town funds.
18. Resolution--Appointment of Board of Police Commissioners
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following be and they hereby
are ;appointed as members of the Board of Police
Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, to
serve at the pleasure of the Board:
Edward P. Duffy 8 Homer Avenue Larchmont
A. C. Viebranz 126 Garden Road East "
Robert S. MacCallum 8 Lafayette Road
19. Resolution--Appointment of Trustee of Police Pension Fund
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Town Councilman Jeremiah C.
Waterman be and he hereby is appointed a mem-
her of the Board of Trustees of the Police Pen-
sion Fund for a term of one year, beginning Jan-
uary 1, 1958 and ending December 3.1, 1958.
At this time, the Supervisor was called from the meeting and, at
his request, Councilman Waterman, the senior member of the Board,
acted as Temporary Chairman in the absence of the Supervisor,
20. Supervisorss appointment of members of Examining Board
of Plumbers
The Supervisor, in accordance with Article 2, Section 12 of
the Plumbing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck, appointed to the
Examining Board of Plumbers to serve until the expiration date
shown after each appointee's name, the following:
Sam Paonessa - December 31, 1959
Dr. William H. Conway - December 31, 1960
21. Resolution--Appointment of member of Park Commission
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that John W. Sharbough, 24 Avon Road,
Larchmont, be and he hereby is appointed as a
member of the Board of Park Commissioners for a
term of three years, beginning January 1, 1958 and
ending December 31, 1960.
22. Resolution--Designation of Depositories for 1958
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following Banks and Trust Com-
panies are hereby designated as depositories of funds
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958, and
that the escrow agreements between these banks and
the Town of Mamaroneck presently in effect shall be
The County Trust Company
The First National Bank, Mount Vernon
The National Bank of Westchester
The First Westchester National Bank
The First National Bank in Yonkers
FURTHER RESOLVED that all withdrawals from the
above mentioned accounts shall be upon the signature
of the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck and the
counter-signature of the Comptroller of the Town of
�� eF
Z3. Resolution--Approval of contract with Westchester County
Dog Protective Association, $1, 900.
The Clerk presented the contract between the Town of Ma-
maroneck and the Westchester County Dog Protective Asso-
ciation for the year 1958, and upon motion by Councilman
Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the contract between the
Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester County
Dog Protective Association for the year 1958 in
the amount of $1, 900,00 as provided in the 1958
24. Resolution--Approval of contract with Larchmont Public
_ Library, $26, 479.71
The Clerk presented the contract between the Town of Ma-
maroneck, the Village of Larchmont, and the Larchmont Pub-
lic Library in the amount of $26,479.71, and upon motion by
Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the contract between the
Town of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont,
and the Larchmont Public Library in the amount
of $z6, 479.71 for the Year 1958, which amount
--- is provided in the 1958 budget.
2.5. Resolution--Authorization of Town membership in The Asso-
ciation of Towns of New York State
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck continue
its membership in The Association of Towns of the
State of New York for the year 1958.
Z6. Resolution--Authorization of mileage for Superintendent of
On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush; it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Recreation
be and he hereby is authorized to use his personal
automobile for all authorized Town business and
that he be reimbursed by the Town for all such
mileage at the rate of 8� per mile.
27. Resolution--Amendment of Compensation Plan
On motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman.
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the salary scale of Civil Service
employees of the Town of Mamaroneck adopted
January Z, 1957, is hereby amended as follows:
Compensation Plan
Town of Mamaroneck
Effective Jan. 1, 1958
4th Inc. 8&
Minimum lst Inc. Znd Inc. 3rd Inc. Maximum
Town Accountant, 5, 850. 6, 300. 6, 750. 7, 200. 7, 650.
Supt. of Recreation 5, 700. 5, 900. 6, 100. 6, 300. 6, 500.
Sr. a/c Clk. Tax Dept. 4, 280. 4, 520. 4, 760. 5, 000. 5, 240.
Sr. Engineering Aid 4, 800. 5, 100. 5, 400. 5, 700. 6, 000.
Int. a/c Clk. & Typist 3$ 300. 3, 520. 3, 740. 3, 96o. 4, 180.
Assessment Clk. 37300. 3, 520. 3, 740. 3, 96o. 4, 180.
Sr. Typist 3, 300. 3, 520. 3, 740. 3, 960. 4, 180.
Int. a/c Clk. 3, 300. 3, 520. 3, 740. 3, 960. 4, 180.
Telephone Operator 3, Z00. 3, 420. 3, 640. 3, 860. 4, 080.
Int. Clk. 3, 000. 3, 220. 3, 440. 3, 66o. 3, 880.
Sec. to Supervisor. 4, 680.
Custodian 3, 160. 3, 310. 3, 460. 3, 610. 3, 760.
Public Health Nurse 4, 150. 4, 440. 4, 730. 5, 020. 5, 310.
Police Chief 8, 030.
Police Lieutenant 6, 6.00.
Police Sergeant 6, 070.
Police Patrolman 4, 87o. 5, 070. 5, 270. 5, 470. 5, 670.
Fire Lieutenant 5, 520.
Fire Truck Driver 4, 480. 4, 660. 4, 840. 5, 020. 5, Z00.
Fire Inspector 960.
Sanitation Man 4, 300.
Park Foreman 5, 500. 5, 750. 6, 000. 6, 25A. 6, 500.
Asstt. Park Foreman 4, 200. 4$ 400. 4, 600. 4, 800. 5, 000.
Day workers:
Labor Foreman $2. 35 per hour
Laborer 2. 00 "
Sewer Maintenance Man 2. 00 it
Additional Compensation for:
Head of Shift--Fire Dept. $180. 00 per year
Detective--Police Dept. 330.00 0e
Office Manager--Town Offices 200.00 !'
28. Resolution--Appointment of Town Historian
On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman
Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that William Fulcher be and he hereby
is appointed as Town Historian of the Town of Ma-
maroneck, effective January 1, 1958, to serve at
the pleasure of the Board.
29. Approval of Supervisor's Committee Appointments (Board)
The Supervisor appointed the following Town Board Com-
mittees with the unanimous approval of the members of the
Councilman Brush - Civil Defense
Councilman Kane - Assessments
Councilman Waterman - Fire
Councilman Santoro - Finance
Public Works
30. Resolution--Approval of compensation for Confidential Sec-
retary to Supervisor
The Clerk presented a letter from the Supervisor under date
of January 8, 1958, requesting the Board to fix the compensa-
tion for his Confidential Secretary, Lavenia Brewer, appointed
by him in accordance with the authority given him under the
Town Law, at $4, 680. per annum, effective as of January lst,
1958, and on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Coun-
cilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the compensation for the Confi-
dential Secretary to the Supervisor be and it is
hereby fixed at the sum of $4, 680. per annum
beginning January 1, 1958.
a. Social Security--Effective date for Policemen and Firemen
Councilman Waterman presented a letter from the Board of
Police Commissioners under date of December 27, 1957, rec-
ommending the extension of Social Security coverage to mem-
bers of the Police Department retroactive to March 16, 1956,
and reported that this was also the recommendation of the Fire
Council pertaining to the Firemen. And thereupon, on motion
by him and seconded by Councilman Brush, the following reso-
lution was adopted unanimously:
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant
to Section 218 of the Federal Social Security Act and.
Article 3 of the Retirement and Social Security Law,
provide old-age and survivors insurance coverage
for eligible policemen and firemen effective on
March 16, 1956; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that such coverage be pro-
vided for positions of policemen and firemen cov-
ered by the New York State Employees' Retirement
System or by a local retirement system or pension
plan. Such local retirement system or pension
plan is the Town of Mamaroneck Police Pension
The Board directed the Clerk to forward said resolution to
the Security Agency of the New York State Department of Au-
dit and Control.
At this time the Supervisor returned and.resumed the Chair.
a. Approval of Highway Agreement
The Clerk presented the Highway Agreement for the year
1958 and upon motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Highway Agreement as pre-
sented for the year 1958 be and it hereby is ap-
b. Authorization--Publication of Notice for bids for gasoline, tires,
and Automotive equipment (various Town depart-
ment s)
Mr. Finson, Town Accountant, requested that the Town Clerk
be authorized to advertise for bids for gasoline, tires, and auto-
motive equipment for various Town departments required for the
Town of Mamaroneck for 1958 in accordance with the specifica-
tions for same to be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, and on
motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is
authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, notice for
bids for the purchase of gasoline, tires, and automo-
tive equipment (1 2.-door sedan for Town Offices, 1
2-door sedan for Highway Department, 3 2-door se-
dans for Police Department, I half-ton Pick-Up for
Highway Department) in accordance with the speci-
fications to be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk.
FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed bids for gasoline
and tires will be received by the Town Clerk at the
Town Offices, 158 West Post Road, Mamaroneck, up
to 5 p.m. on January 22, 1958 and for the auto-
motive equipment as above described up to 5 p.m.
on February 5, 1958, and that the bids for gaso-
line and tires will be publicly opened at the regu-
lar meeting of the Town Board on January Z2, 1958
and those for the above described automotive equip-
ment at the regular meeting of the Town Board on
February 5, 1958, said meetings to be held at 8;15
p.m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck.
1. McGovern, Vincent & Connelly--Yonkers Railroad Company
with Liberty Coaches, Inc.
The Clerk presented a communication from McGovern,
Vincent & Connelly, Attorneys at Law, dated December 18,
1957, advising that The Yonkers Railroad Company were
purchasing the Yonkers-Playland route (bus) formerly op-
erated by Liberty Coaches, Inc. , and requesting on their
behalf and in order for them to secure the approval of the
Public Service Commission, the prior consent of the Town
of Mamaroneck to the transfer of this franchise from Ber-
nacchia Bros. to Liberty Coaches, Inc. and the Town's
consent to its operation.
The Board directed that this matter be referred to the
Town Attorney and deferred to the next meeting.
Z. Board of Police Commissioners--Appointment of Police Surgeon
The Clerk presented a communication from the Board of
Police Commissioners under date of December 27, 1957, rec-
ommending the appointment of Dr. Fred F. Prausnitz. as an
additional Police Surgeon to serve the Town because of the
growing demands on the time of Dr. Curtis.
Following a short discussion in which it was established that
there was no legal objection to the appointment of a second Po-
lice Surgeon, it was upon motion by Councilman Waterman,
seconded by Councilman. Santoro, unanimously
RESOLVED that, in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Board of Police Commissioners,
Dr. Victor J. Curtis, 1860 Palmer Avenue, Larch-
wont, and Dr. Fred F. Prausnitz, Stoneerest Apart-
ments, Larchmont, be and they hereby are appointed
Police Surgeons for the Town of Mamaroneck.
1. Notice--Association of Towns of the State of New York
The Clerk presented a notice of the Annual Meeting of the
Association of Towns to be held at the Hotel Commodore and the
Hotel Roosevelt, New York City, February 10th through 1Zth,
1958, and requested the Board to designate the official voting
delegate and alternate for this meeting.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that John L. Delius, Town.Attorney, and
Councilman Peter F. Kane, Jr. be and they hereby
are authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the As-
sociation of Towns of the State of New York, to be
held at the Hotel Commodore and the Hotel Roosevelt,
New York City, on February 10th through 12th, 1958..
FURTHER RESOLVED that Town Attorney Delius be
and he hereby is designated as the delegate of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of voting and
that Councilman Kane be and he hereby is designated
as the alternate.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comptroller be and he
hereby is authorized to audit their claims for expenses
which expenses are to be paid out of the item in the
budget established for this purpose.
2. Request for approval--Highway Bond for Supervisor
The Clerk presented for the Board's approval the usual
Supervisorts bond in the amount of $2, 350.00 covering the
-- amount of State Aid to be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck
for the repair and improvement of highways pursuant to the
provisions of Section 28.3 of the Highway Law, and on motion
by Councilman Waterman, seconded by Councilman Santoro,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Bond No. F2075080 in the amount
of $2, 350.00 of the National Surety Corporation is
approved as to form, and the Supervisor is hereby
authorized to execute the same and file it pursuant
to law.
The Clerk submitted the following reports which were received
and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month
of December, 1957.
_- Report of the Town Clerk for the month of December, 1957.
Report of the Building Inspector for the month of December,
Report of the Building Inspector for the year 1957.
ems, _ Tai`
Statement of Bank Balances, Town of Mamaroneck, as of
January 1, 1958,
Following the Town Clerk's reading of the affidavits of publi-
cation and posting of the Notice of Adoption of the resolution re
garding the improvement of the parking areas as filed with him,
Councilman Santoro, pointing out that the time limit for the per-
missive referendum had expired with no petition being filed, re-
quested the Board to proceed with the installation of lighting on
these areas in accordance with the plan and estimate received
from the Whiffen Electric Company at the Special Board Meeting
on November 23rd, 1957 and offered the following motion, which
was seconded by Councilman Kane and unanimously adopted;
RESOLVED that the Whiffen Electric Company
of White Plains, New York, be and it hereby is
authorized to furnish and install poles, lighting
fixtures, and timing equipment in accordance
with the plan and estimate filed by said com-
pany with this Board on November 23, 1957, at
a total cost not to exceed the sum of $2, 100, 00,
(1) Officer James Staropoli
The Supervisor read an article appearing in The Daily Times„
on December 30th, 1957, regarding the fine work of Officer James
Staropoli of the Town Police force in saving the life of an infant
through his. alertness and application of technical knowledge,
The Board expressed high commendation of Officer Staropoli's
action and on motion by Councilman Waterman, seconded by
Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is directed to write to Officer Staropoli on behalf
of this Board expressing the Boardts commenda-
tion and complimenting him on his action in saving
the life of an infant through the performance of ex-
traordinary service while on duty,
FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this commun-
ication be directed to the Chief of Police and the
Board of Police Commissioners,
(2) Petition--Hommocks Area
The Supervisor read a copy of the petition and accompanying in-
formational statement calling for a special election upon the
,} +cz
proposition concerning the expenditure of $5, 000. for the im-
provement of the so-called "Hommocks Area" which he had
been informed was being circulated in both the Villages of
Larchmont and Mamaroneck and which had come into his
During the lengthy discussion of this matter, considerable
question was raised as to the authenticity of certain sections
of the informational statement, the use of the word "solely"
in the fourth paragraph of the statement, and the validity of
Mr. Cook's signature as Chairman for Mamaroneck, The Su-
pervisor informed the Board that he had talked to Mr. Cook
that evening and was advised by him that he had neither signed
the statement nor given permission for his name to be used.
Mr. Arthur Richards of 47 Rockwood Drive, Larchmont,
sponsor of the petition and statement and present at the meet-
ing, defended the statement in its entirety including the use of
the word "solely", although he admitted this was a poor choice
of words in this particular instance, and he stated with regard
to the use of Mr. Cook's name that he had been advised by a
certain Village of Mamaroneck official, whose name he did not
care to disclose, that his name was to be used for Mamaroneck
along with that of Mr. Oresman for Larchmont.
Mr. Richards further advised the Board that there were
some 460 signees on the petition at this time and that the peti-
tion would be filed on January 9th, 1958, the dead-line date for
filing, with at least the necessary 540 names as required by
The Supervisor expressed regret that no one concerned with
this matter had taken the time or trouble to contact any member
of this Board for accurate information with the result that a pe-
tition was circulated based upon incorrect and misleading in-
formation. In view of this, he had requested the Town Attorney
to submit an opinion for the purpose of clarifying and explaining
under the law any possible ambiguity or further question per-
taining to this resolution, which opinion after presentation by the
Supervisor was filed with the Town Clerk.
The discussion concluded with the Supervisor stating that the
Board was considering the appointment of a citizen committee to
be composed of qualified representatives of both Villages and the
Unincorporated Area to make a study of this entire subject with
the findings of this committee presented to the public for final
determination as to whether or not the development of such an
area was feasible.
(3) Thruway
The Supervisor reported that at the last meeting of the Larch-
- mont Village and Town officials with Thruway representatives, it
was recommended that both the Village and Town write to the
Governor and the Chairman of the Thruway Authority regarding
Thruway construction through this area in general with particu-
lar emphasis on the necessity for the completion of the footbridge
over the tracks prior to the opening of the detour bridge on Chats-
worth Avenue.
After discussing the Thruway problems at some length, the
Board directed the Supervisor to write such letters and sug-
gested that copies be sent to the Superintendent of the New York
State Department of Public Works and the President of the New
Haven Railroad,
(4) Bids on Bond Anticipation Note
The Supervisor informed the Board that the following bids
were submitted on a bond anticipation note in the amount of
$50, 000. for a period of one year from January 15, 1958, as
part of the cost of the new water supply line and that he had
awarded this note to the County Trust Company.
First Westchester National Bank - 210
First National Bank, Mount Vernon - 2%
First National Bank in Yonkers - 3-1/216
National Bank of Westchester - 2-1/4%
County Trust Company - 1. 9010
Councilman Brush --
Councilman Brush stated that he had no report at this time,
Councilman Kane --
(1) -Planning Board
Councilman Kane reported that the Planning Board was nearing
completion of its series of meetings with Civic and Home Owners
Associations regarding review of proposed zoning revisions,
(2) Apportionments
Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received from
the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to per-
mit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by him, seconded by
Councilman Brush, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the
correction of the assessment roll for certain years pur-
suant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the
Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the
Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of
said assessment roll;
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1957, taxes of
1958, which shows property now appearing on the roll as
Block Parcel Name Land only
811 56 village of Mamaroneck $ Z, 300
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557;
Block Parcel Name Land only,
811 56 Damon R. Finelli & W 800
811 66 Village of Mamaroneck 1, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property
now appearing on the roll as follows;
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
801 430 Geo. E. Baldwin Inc. $ 7, 000 $ $ 7, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.,
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
801 430 V. James Grasso & W 800 800
801 438 Geo. E. Baldwin Inc 1, 600 1, 600
801 453 Joseph A. Franzetti & W 800 8.00
801 460 see Puritan Const Corp 2, 950 2, 950
207 167
801 481 see Charles Veglia & W 700 700
207 191
801 488 see Geo. E. Baldwin Inc 150 150
207 pt 56
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property
now appearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
Z07 56 Geo. E. Baldwin Inc 37, 800 47, 500 85, 300
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
--_- 207 56-801-488 Geo. E. Baldwin Inc 37, 400 47, 500 84, 900
207 167 see Puritan Const Corp 300 300
801 460
207 191 see Charles Veglia & W 100 100
801 481
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel _ Name Land only
222 40 Mary Louise Devlin $ 2, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
222 40 Robert W. Fisher 1, 000
Z22 45 Albert W. Hughes 1, 000
222 68 James M. Watters, Jr, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Dame Land Imp. Total
722 383 Charles H. Greenall $ 9, 300 $ 8, 200 $ 17, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp, Total
722 383 Charles H. Greenall 7, 300 8, 200 15, 500
722 700 Dorothy Greenall 1, 600 1, 600
722 712 Joseph Mahler & W 400 400
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
807 86 Luceno Bldg. Corp. 4, 000 10, 700 14, 700
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
807 86 Luceno Bldg. Corp. 2, 8.00 2, 800
807 103 Harry Rosen & W 1, 200 10, 700 11, 900
-- FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
813 140 Cugmary Realty Corp 16, Q00 123, 000 139, 000
• '9 3 d }4 u'. ..
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp, Total
813 140 Cugmary Realty Corp 7, 000 7, 000
813 187 Mamaroneck Operating 9, 000 123,000 132, 000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp, Total
812 493 Damon R. Finelli & W 2, 500 11, 500 14, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
812 493 Damon R. Finelli & W 1, 700 11, 500 13, 200
812 522 Village of Mamaroneck 800 800
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp, Total
808 1 White Plains Develop Inc 6, 000 10, 000 16, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
808 1 White Plains Develop Inc 5, 700 5, 700
808 6 Anthony Riccardi & W 300 10, 000 10, 300
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
112 546 Puritan Construction Co Z, 500 8, 000 10, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
112 546 Ralph D. Whitmore Jr. 1, 250 4, 000 5, 250
& W
112 549 Sherwood A. Moore Jr. 1, 250 4, 000 5, 250
& W
Councilman. Waterman --
Councilman Waterman stated that he had no report at this time.
Councilman Santoro --
(1) Report on Bus Situation
Councilman Santoro reviewed the situation to date in connec-
tion with local bus service and reported on the Attorney's and
his attendance of the meetings held in connection with this. mat-
ter. He explained that the Town had no legal authority to oper-
ate, assist or subsidize a bus company in any manner but that
the Attorney and all of the members of the Board were willing
to assist in any way possible with the provision of such local
bus service.
The Supervisor explained that the company which had been
engaged to provide local bus service in Larchmont Village did
not feel that it could undertake such service in the Unincorpor-
ated Area at the present time due to the differences in the den-
sity of population and length of route and because it had only
one bus as of this date.
At this time and in connection with this matter, Mr. George
Forbes asked permission to address the Board as attorney
for his client, Josephine Mastocciolo d/b/a Leon's Taxi Ser-
vice and operator of the Larchmont Village local bus line.
Mr. Forbes presented a communication addressed to the
- Board by his client under date of January 8th requesting the
Board's permission to deposit commuters at the west bound
station of the New Haven Railroad located in the Town and to
use North Chatsworth Avenue, Myrtle Boulevard and Wood
Street; and in connection with carrying children from Larch-
mont to the Senior and Junior High Schools, consent to operate
over Palmer Avenue to Richbell Road, Richbell Road to the
Boston Post Road and the Boston Post Road westerly to the Vil-
lage of Larchmont.
The Board, after inquiring as to Whether there was any ur-
gency and upon advice that there was not, referred the matter
to the Attorney and postponed action thereon pending his re-
port at the next meeting of the Board.
(2) Storm sash--Weaver Street Firehouse
Councilman Santoro reported that all work had been com-
pleted on the installation of storm sash at the Firehouse.
(3) Thruway--Request to drain Larchmont Gardens Lake
Councilman Santoro reported that the Town Engineer advised
that the Thruway contractor was now ready to proceed with con-
struction in the Larchmont Gardens Lake area and that permis-
sion had been requested to drain the Lake.
Mr, Friedlander explained to the members of the Board
that although it might be possible for construction to be
carried on in this area without draining the Lake, this would
be a tremendously expensive process and that this was the
reason for the request,
Councilman Santoro then stated that in view of the ice-
skating at the Lake at this particular season, the Thruway
Authority Engineers had been requested to make this request
and to explain the necessity therefor directly to this Board,
The Town Attorney, still unable to be present, had no report to
be submitted at this meeting,
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
was adjourned at 10:00 p.m., to reconvene on January 22, 1958,
- The Board of Fire Commissioners convened in meeting immed-
iately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting,
1, Letter from Fire Council
Commissioner Waterman reported receipt of a letter from the
Fire Council under date of January 4, 1958, advising that all paid
Fire Department personnel agreed to go into social security with
the other Town employees; that the Fire Council was opposed to
establishing an auxiliary Firehouse on Old White Plains Road; and
that the Town Clerk be requested to advertise in the local paper
and in an official publication, "The Volunteer Fireman", for bids
on the 1929 Seagrave 1000 GPM pumper,
The Board directed the Clerk to prepare such a notice for bids
to be approved as to form by the Town Attorney and to be submitted
to this Commission at its next meeting,
Commissioner Waterman presented the following reports which
were received and filed:
ai f
p 4
Fire Report for the month of December, 1957.
Report of the Fire Inspector for the month of December, 1957.
Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Depart-
ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and ap-
proved by the Fire Chief, and upon his motion, seconded by Com-
missioner Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby
are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and
they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the
budget for the Fire Department:
American LaFrance Corporation $ 19.04
Atlantic Service Station 85. 15
Balentine & Schneier, Inc. 1, 979. 00
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 14. 04
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Inc. 195. 03
Con Edison, Westchester 5.00
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5. 00
Mamaroneck Plumbing Supply, Inc. 17.06
New York Telephone Company 73. 95
Ronconi Lawn Mower Service 12. 15
Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. 81.40
Soundview Tire & Supply Go. , Inc. 154.78
Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation 20, 497.00
Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 2, 129.74
Westchester Joint Water Works #1 16. 54
25, 284. 88
Hydrant Rental: New Rochelle Water Co. 60. 00
Grand Total 25, 344.88
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. to reconvene on January 22, 1958.
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