HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957_12_10 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 10, 1957, IN THE AU- DITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Brush Councilman Kane Councilman Waterman Councilman Santoro ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer Mr. Orsino - Comptroller Mr. Finson - Accountant Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways Mrs. Brewer - Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 14th and of the special meeting of November 23rd, 1957, were approved as pre- sented. PUBLIC HEARING--ADOPTION OF 1958 BUDGET The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication and posting of the notice of public hearing as published in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on November 29 and Decem- her 6, 1957, and posted in seven (7) public places in the Town of Ma- maroneck located within the said Town, and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, together with a certified copy of the list of water arrears for 1957 as submitted by the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1. The Supervisor declared the hearing open and briefly defined the law governing the budget and described the three main classifications of the budget, General Town, Outside of Villages, and Special Districts (such as Water, Sewer, etc. ). He then stated that he would present the budget departmentally and suggested that those who wished to speak to a particular point or item do so as that section Was presented and the fol- lowing persons were heard on the following points of discussion: First -- the question of salary increases to the Supervisor and Councilmen: Mr. George W. Burton, 34 Edgewood Avenue, Town. r., r Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bragdon, 4 Rock Ridge Road, Town. Mr. Adolph Le Moult, 28 Stuyvesant Avenue, Larchmont. Mr. Le Moult spoke representing the Larchmont Park Association. Mr. Gerard Murphy, Elkan-Road, Town. Mr. Otto Scheuble, 3 Rock Ridge Road, Town. Mr. John C. Forrar, 10 Wildwood Road, Town. Mr. Michael McAuliffe, 410 Warren Avenue, Mamaroneck. Mrs. Spencer Weart, 14 Echo Lane, Town. Second--the matter of recreation: Mr. Harry J. Seery, 17 Elkan Road, Town. Mr. George W. Burton. Mr. Otto Scheuble. Mrs. Arnold Belchetz, 30 Walnut Avenue, Larchmont. Mrs. Spencer Weart, 14 Echo Lane, Town. Mr. Richard J. Scheuer, 31 Mayhew Avenue, Larchmont. Third--the matter of snow removal and highway equipment: Mr. George E. Mills, Jr. , 11 Kenmar Road, Larchmont. Fourth--the matter of the Engineer's salary as Building Inspector and the question of General Town and Outside of Village charges: Mr. William G. Ball, Jr. , 19 Concord Avenue, Larchmont. Trustee Ball of the Village of Larchmont Board of Trustees, addressed the Board on behalf of the Larchmont Board and presented a prepared statement as received and filed with the Town Clerk. The Supervisor welcomed the representatives from the Village of Larch- mont, Mayor Coffinberry, Trustee- McCann and Trustee Ball, and also Trustee Faillace from the Village of Mamaroneck, and thanked Trustee Ball on behalf of the Town Board. Upon ascertaining that no one else wished to address the Board on any matter pertaining to the budget, the Supervisor thanked those present for their attention and suggestions, and upon motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously, RESOLVED that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. TOWN OF MAMARONECK R2RZR0'anZD T8"a K 3 OF DGE:6 FOR 1958 TOWN OF MAMARONECK NEW FORK Nov ,-ynbe r the 15taa 19 a7 To the residents of our `i`savvw Your o Board herewith aubm to for your con- sideration the Preli.mina>y .fax Budget for tare Term for 1958o The fallowing points are called to your attention to facilitate your atudyr of this laucl et, I In Departrsaeaat of Llections You will note that &e. cost for election inspectors is de- creased by aupyaroxiarnatwiyr $6, 400300 as wita Permanent Personal Re istrsatian. now in oporatson, there will be fewer regiotration day;a in 1958. `f°ehe pure'nase of three addlitione. voting machines at aan estimated -lost of $4, 000. 00 is incbuded,, �a Mi acetla leoaas aais t r � It is proposed that .,a Capital Reserve Fund be pv no izae? with annual app :opriatio nsa for trrae replacemaent; of exist- ing raunkLpa2 improvenaunts such as the Loan Higra3tsaar Garage, An x.cr,::aa of $Z8, 000„00 :fear. 1958 5o provided i. thig budget: 31 Polico iDepar'tmernt Provision 9a 3`%%uS.da for an .addi"uvanal p>3t<.°'`tmr2 o The Po- ' lice Commission £ @ that v at°a the 9 aEcem section of our ` `own rarakfflq expanding, morn comp eherna;,ee cover- age of this area is -needed and in order to a r®vride such protection, additional personnel is required, To the residents of o.a£ Town, page 2 4. Library you will mote � propost,,d increase, of $6, 773. 00 i n the ap- propriation for Library aer xicee for the reaidento of the Unincorporated Area, The raMor portion of this isncx case is caused by an increase of borrowers from 50, 51a in 1956 t® 59 in 1957 5 Sanitation epartmenxt We 'have pa-„ided for the repkkeement of a Garbage r%-, equip with Load Pan°,per ubaeb° at an ea stiz r'ied coat of 13, 000, 000 To offset this appropriation, the sum of $6, 500,00 is available which is zhovca as an e 3tima ed rev- enue of the Garbage District and thereby the gross appre- priatig n for thins Department is re,duceZ by that azaount: 6, Fire Department This budget includes wa appropriation of $5, 400,00 vehich r pre eents the final p :yment for the . ew � uz per ordered this year,) 70 Sewer Department A budget appropriation in the amount- oi” $15, 000.00 10 roc- S&Rffnmended, which together '�.�'V�ith Capitol Notes, vfffl fi7.n.a-ace needed sewer construction, during 1950 Sack Capital 'Notes Ica II be, liquidated by Inclusion in lane lf� - budgeta i Recreations Department You will note that an increased grovs bual6et for recreagion is proposed, HowenFer, an estimated revenue item of $7, 946„ 00 is ancl: eed as a. reduction,' To the r€side ws of our %o. page 3 a; Recreation Department 'kcorati.nued An e aannded prograrn is planned for the coming year but with the feex contemplated, it will reasadm in a lower net cost to the tacpayera than Vae- 1957 program, 97 Social S4csa5'.°5¢y 'i" Included in various departmental budgets are pxoviwirans for Social Security Taxes which will be new major item otaraing in 1958 when Social Se€taarity is extended to asaagnicipal arnrjAoye•e s, During i 9id,, we are obliged to provide the Town's -Aware of such taxes not only for the current year but retaoar-. ti`aely for 1956 and 1957 as The 1958 budget rz uet include a total of 17, 46?.00 _- of wIMcIz 695.00 is for retroa€°tiy i vo c rags. and $6, 7661.00 for ?r c current ren yeas., AQ„ Compensation The Town Board has re levv kz' in detail the sc'aties wnd responsibilities of each position, and b a@ steadied an,ail- able compeneativn schedules :ko?, such positions in com- parable communities, The avtjustmentfR this yew constitute a step toward -am— penaa5.`-vS'ag more equitably bnose e'2'nployees who vere ahem low the wn°c gage of carepa;abie. cornraunities, .. Abe Revenues You will note azn increase in the agnount the Town antici,- patea for per capita assistance. This increase results from the special census conducted throughout the County of Westchester this past spring:, To the reside, a of our To v n Page s„ IL Revenues Icontinued> The Generad Town Tax is again eliminated this year for the last time by ugi: g tum-- remaining cash Furplux, 2t should be, noted that beginning with 1959» it appe, h there will be a General Town Tax, It is t1he belief of you— Board that this budget reflects ,a continuation of tlm� long estahlia'w,d policy of �mintafte n Town user- vices and facilities at a high level at miwrnnam cost founded in a sound and economical plan of financing, Re ape,,-,tfully sub-pitted, by, George tea:, Burclnell. Chairman u-icter F, Kane, Jr, .were ialn C, Water-man Baltista J" Santoro C,oanailmAn I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary of Proposed "fax Budget Estimated Revenues 3 GENERAL TOWN Departmeant of 'down Offices 4 Department of Supervisor 5 Department of Comptroller 6 Department of Town Clerk 7 Department of Elections 8 Department of Receiver of Taxes 9 Department of Assessor 10 Department of Law i A Department of Justices of the Peace 12 Contributions & Donnatioana 13 Department of Engineer 14 Department of ReoreAtion Department of lklighways 16 Miscellaneous Expenditures i7 Department of Civil Defense 18 Debt Service 19 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Police Department 20 Planning Board Zi Building & Plumbing Department 22 Department of Board of Appeals 23 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24 Debt Service ?,5 Department, of Highways z6 GARBAGE DISTRICT 140, S Department of Sanitation 27 Garbage Incineration zg TABLE OF ONTENT c ontinuedl,, Page FIRE D1STRZCT NOS 1 Fire Department 29 Hydrant Rental 30 Street Lighting 30 WATER D'[STRffC ` NO. l Capital Construction 30 Debt Service 30 PARK MISTRICT NO, I Department of Parks 31 Debt Se:-,- tie 32 SEWER DISTRICT NO, I Sewer Department 33 Debt Service 34 MSCELLAINEOUS Compaxis on of v aessmente nK Tax Rates 35 Scho axle of Outstinai g Bonds 36 Tax Rates 37 I I I 00 ,c 0-c, €,L, `0 1Z L P ROBOT 11TW0 T ------- --------------- 00 'LIZ 0 my, to—cc! 00 00 'Ogg so '09, DUTMWE18- WPM I A join! aswc WNW 0 c we "nalo on we 'w" cuum 'sc co 'coc 's ' Culaw 60 'sez ,17 ovas 's'' - away 'l womy 'll mcsols, on CT q V.: MONTI ce -my 'n wqn ?: 00 ,01 71 f 0, Gwcml so cm GOMM C045T "Z ' nowull Gawl 's jF , 00 ,0GYM WC61 'M do z dd i�- 0573 ZOSPUE BES go 'coy 'no ISIVY, JA a 7: 7 a on 'Cot Im 51 my 'W- rn=Ana I mc AN 008 1601 to 's 7v an 1 0 i 72, TVAS8 WES CC v go -1, to 321 'all v 'I w Tl-- ;V- 1 to qsr '00 zi my 4 &72:, w 'm VI cc 'nos 'S aons:� ce '062 10 to wr nano MCI COOT ,z.- jaxj, G07AZOE: wo: no 'Us '? cc "m 1", AA01 CA '090 LAC cc wu W AI:97G -to Wviv 0S *090 'a C S nqec, Go 'm CI cc woe :2 pry', L SWETAan 0 0 W-7 Va ,mly MGM 0.1" 'R, KA 0,- 0 0 yo JL J OmInTo Co woo 'Ce aan- CoMp D Cc l'S USK., wwwynowl 0167 wn mommIC', va -ccr LIAM r 'Coo T on ,coo aw a C5 'Stu 4 1c cusu 'a 0201� owunsl ----- ----- -- 15-1 women as 'cue TV woul cons owscal U40- "e� r. sMaTiz I IMOWD "It 52Z C ` yO 00 ,011 4 cc wc C0 ,06016 Wal '03 wcon 00 ,000 "al 00 ,00F wwm A wo 'con Wool OWN e0( Ya:; oncoc 'u, Hills 2261 WIT t,7 --f c 1 4,, TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GsENERALTOWN IT 1958 BUDGE REC2 L.IT REMENTS DEPARTMENT oF ,roWN OFF SCE S 1957 1958 Budget Budget COMPENSAT"ON Approp, App r op 101 Tovm Accountant 7, 000,00 7, 650,, 00 102 Int, Account Clerk & Ste-no 3, 980 00 -- 103 Telephone Operator 3, 820, 00 4, 020, 00 104 Ent. Account Clerk 3, 900, 00 4,, 180, 00 105 Cuotodian, P. T 1, 200, 00 1, zm 00- 106 ?:ant. Account Clark L Typiot -- 3, 300, 00 107 Office Manager b® 200. 00- OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & other expenses 1, 700. 00 1, 500, 00 , 202 Telephone 2, 000� 00 2, 100, w 203 Light 510, 00 600, 00 - 206 Rent 3, 600. 00, 3, gm 00 27, 790, 00 28, 650, 00 TOWN OF MAMAR .NE K - GENERAL TOWS! 1958 BUDGET REQUIRE a°'1'uS DEPARTMENT OF SUIPErRV-5011 1957 1958 Budget Budget 141 Super via ar 6, 0M00 1, 5419, 44 142 Clerk. 10 Sujpervisor 4, 100,00 4, 680, 00 OT'H'ER EXPENSES 241 Supplies E Car expenses 144,419 244: 114 , 10, 240, 44 12, 380, 00 00°019 'z 6G, °0,91 `Z _ TO-7-0 0—Z jgq3O 12 satiddug 102 doadcly odo-,cider molivsmadwoo 1, Spnq 10�3pn €s6i LS 61 G1M2WallMO2U Lq-'Dafl'a 9561 09 7 TOWN OF MANsARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 195$ BUDGET REQU, EEMEN .S PAR=s NT OF TOWN CLERK 1957 1958 Budget Budget COMPENSATION App r op. Approp, 101 Town Clerk 7, OM 00 7, 65M0 OTHER EXPENSES 201 supp se5 ax Other expenses � 35M0 3 Q, 00 7, 350.00 00 8, 000, 00 I Go 'WIll Go `010 c'd��i'iv*1s� ...Jr ya_a rT fsol: r-Fd'r:'vs &oz 00 '009 00 1196 T/I z3l M,OIL,IVSM21 SAO 0 —PS 61 lse4i` i/c Ta`t's "'• 5`a`°1f1,01 ', rVSU UM-12 a.a _°�i;3 .f�+? 'd u'� +� v''�'. Ho iM 4aOIL V 91, TOWN OF MA-MA-RONECK GENERIOL TOWN 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES 1957 1958 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp, -6-pprop. 101 Recelver of Taxes 7, 000, 00 7, 650,00 102 Senior Account Clark 5, 240, 00 5, 240, 00 , OTHER EXPEENSES 201 Supplies & other enpenzeo 2, -,00, 00 2, 250. 00 EQUIPMENT 301 Billing Machine 2,35`130 116, 697, 30 15, 140. 00 'D, T.a v OF PIA V41,114 -MA-`iIONI X K GENERAL, DO' DE.-VARTNIENT OF ASSESSOR 1957 Lys Badget Budget, COMPENSATION Approp, Ajpxop� 101 Assomoor Semor Ty'pir3'! 3, 9so' co 4, 1soloo 103 Clerk, 3, 980,00 4, 180now 104 bnteymediatc Clerk 3' 6s000 3, 880000 750100- 0 75 Bu''rrd of R'CvJevv 750,00 WIS kppra"JioaO,s 3, 000,00 30000,00 OT3 ER ENCIPEINSES 201 smPr"'Imlen & othex 650,00 500, 00- Zio Ty velixxg exp� sev 300. 00 t5o' oo- Zli Prinnnig Asseowmen't ,Al NPI E3 300, 00 KOM& 300, 00 212 tzar O:qonsos 00 24, 8-�0,00 TOWN OF MAMARONIECK - GENERAL TOWN 1958 BUDGET REOU'REMENTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1957 Budget COMPENSATI'MN Approp. Axarop- 101 Town Attorney 7, 500,, 00 8, 150, 00 102 Ssencgrai�hic &�rvic�s 1, 500 00 500 00 , OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies & other exec ns4��s 325u 00 350., 00 210 Tra-veling expenses 300„00 300, 00 212 Title searchea and other legal (;osts 800, 00 800r 00 10, 425. 00 All 1100o 00 lzo TOWN OFMAMARONIECK - GENERAL TOWN 1950 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARKTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1957 1958 Budget Budget COMP ENS.kVO , 0�a- Approp� — 101 jasticeo of the Peace 5, 960x00 6, 4M00 102 Clerical Ao3istance 1, 350. 00 1, 350a 00 103 Court Stenographic servic_ew> zoo, 00 100, 00 OTHER EXPENSES zol Supplies & other JE; ensez 2M 00 i so. 00 7, 71MG S, Omoo 130 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1958 BUDbET 1 EEQUIR E E TS 1957 1958 Budges; Budget Apprapa Apprope A-01 Patriotic Dam baervance$ 1, 000000 1, 000. 00 -Mairtenance of Post Quarters 402 American Legion, 2 Post& 400.00 4000 00 403 V. F. W. 1 Post- 200.00 200Q00 1, 6000 00 1, 600. 00 i n 127751110707 &Z 1.956 B�3�33GET REQ�7°r;�� �iENTS 1957 1958 Budget Budget 101 Superintendent of Recreation 5, 500. 00 6„ 600,, 00 102 Secretary 60. 00 60a 03 103 wages 4530 00 1, 2033;: 00 - OTHER EXPEINTSES 20;z Supplies & other Expenses 3M00 345 00 216 raveling & Ca.s° ExPe'I seB SM 00 5M 00 RECREATION 401 Recreation 2e zoo, 00 4, 345, 00 402 Supplies Fia,,d Maintenance 1 600400 6M00 403 Summer Recreation Program 7, 500, 00 6, 364. 00 404 Pre School-PIWY School 3, 5.70,00 17, 2555 00 23, 1649 00 1958 BURG '" R Q"J aZ m ,;,rs 1957 058 Budget Budget Appr c' � fa pry w, Bridge F and, "texn, >..i 1, omq" 00 1, 000 00 S o-vr & if a , Fv d u s it" 16,10T 00 t% 45% 00 Loco, ,a,sti aed vmemapended b0.ala,,a Leo 1, ? 20 5,, Ooo, oo Net Levy 29, 80v 00 30, 370, 00 Analysis - zeyn 31 Maintenance of garage,e etc 1 3-'-',0 00 Broom materials 1, 600oop Tools, etc,, 1,475, 00 Replacement equipment loomo State, & aC 2umvy HUg 2w yss a to, va to 00 Street aigno, etc. - 300,00 rrc""'12N, 'DF' IMI '� ,���r _ IPF + _. D V5 57 1958 TOWN BOARD Approp, 401 pal+U"s+ i "F7, D£ Do 2+ 000 0 403 shado xu d 0Cs son Go OTHER EXPIENSES) 4it' '.�.5 \+L3.S,"a� a,�r,..it tF_iei "a" .; 'rz ✓&'d°n 2'��, ;e F•U , 'V S) ''F0 .0 601.. ain x r7' ,,, 4„ 2&13 01,3 2 0100, Dag . 405 Bond ek A dump sin Fero Us"s" 00 Z !s:,00 407 Care To':'-;vu C -.:rnvt-r 400:, 0 '400, 00 409 4 4 19c iO° 9 45,o"S 5- 410 .R';istxre memt. 3`. wnd n,@awyAa)'utl,4?no `°; 6,50, 00 10 750€ : 00 411 Taxos 40ri,00 5, 114 00 12 ka1:!!,n"it'L+'F e So ,,c Car G`nt .ec—t !3;V U, 00 'Q 0''l 413 `ee _.Pog Eaume iw+itii ')., a t v 0 'ioc' 100 51 0001,00 416 k3omyn cks Area Improvement - 5, 000. 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK -, GENERAL TOIWN 39F-8 BUDGET R Wit;% x�lZINTa 1957 1953 102 St2`.2'd!.'g u hdC Services 20V 00 200, 00 O In IEY.° R EF.P..4."ILIN' PLJES 20.,. s9ut:plles S- wheT M:pp-,,nat-€ 100, 00 109,00 202 Tu-laphone zoo,00 ZOV 00 210 TraymUng Emy ansea 30T 00 HT 60 S00, 00 750 , 00 L nsm, 50% payable by Village, of Lawahm��-at 400100 00 Net zudgot 400, 00 375, 00 .._`'h a.,uw _......_...„�....�...a.,.. 2u-R 7 A .'3z 5€bdmul uo UG P3pZ?o te'za"sugD R Ell IvmW:?,$ a 01° To aoy�vztljotuv- I.'1. x '43 °rk')..:3.M0av!1`lvv''k '10 .N,eIA "y` L . _. MY BUT,)IGET 7,,,`,,-QI�JR y DEPA" R" ENVI 1 PZ S AT 1-3,r4 Map, U �Oi 6, 600 Orl W3 Z'2, 60 ' DO, $0" 680, 00 IN 51420, 00 6 000 , 00 105 Patrolmen 435 , go MY 260, wu 106 Custodian, P , 7 , 11,130 00 21 569" CIO IU7 5(7hoW Oc' 3, 6,,w, ow 0 "HEIR IH-Ix'Pr"-'IIjSEA, 20 4 00, 0_. ZGZ ZVZ50, 00 2, 250, 00 2 c 351 L-ght) Gaz 9a -�,/wwjer 700, 00 400 , Oft M4 Fnel 600 00 700 Oil & 3, 000, 00 3 000 , O't, Tf'c4' el'gyp. z'R33 -.is 700, 00 450, 00 Qer�z pm F-',n,9erpvxn* suppilea ,r£'50 , 0 39V GO ,Pistol Ramzqjo-- nt-k "pl, t'g' 600, 00 400, so 103 Sign-v 2, GOD 00 2, 000 On 3 0'v x"S 0 21 500000 500 00, z e 00 5, 3 0 0 0,01 101 Clothing 3 Swoo Soo 0(111 401 Building Owlypijoe li, tj 00 SUO, 00, 4,0 e 4, or On 4 Do 2, 404 Jnourt.imc v 200, 00 4 V) Retireynow F,,vnd) C m� SW 13, 900 00 v 6no, co 405 Securvy Tenon - - 7, 245o 00 00 09, 97400 TOWN OF MAMARONIECA. fD-F 1958 BUIIGET PLANM'NV,," 2"W,)ARD) 9 IRUA ot B CIgg,et COMPENSATION Am�rcp- 101, Secretary 0C OTHER EXPENSES zol Supplies m), 00 A 0 IIIISCELLANZOUS 401 Conoultant's servic"To, Pub- 3, 5C)0,01) Rolling Notices, etc. 3 30 i .. � '. .. axe 00 -09 OV09 Aiv3aa3ae, 101 OS 61 L561 1958 BSa.F.;.GIET REQUIREMETNTS ML»�tiCEL;_;A3`EOUS 1 d`S''.END.at URs4_,»;M'M°.. 1957 1958 aa&dset Budget 402 Pablic lloa'th Nuvae 4, 7 lo 00 4, 440 00 403 Fe.ea— ita stp atic-a 50; 00 5000 404 P blishlh,g a p i ating of Zoning O'rdhaamceo 2, oco, 00 25, a , TOWN OF MAMARONECK m OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1957 1958 Budget Budget Appropa Appropo 501 Amortization of Highway and Drainage Bonds 3, 0000 00 3, 000, 00 502 Interest on Highway and Drainage Bonds 742. 50 577a50 3,742. 50 3, 5770 50 j 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMENT'S 1951 1958 Budget Budget Approp- RepaiTe, Improvements to Highways and Drzd am 100E 0000 00 83, 000, 00 Less, Cash ear. Hand 10, 000, 00 1.0, 000, 00 $7, g00, 00 70, SM 00 knalysis - Atepe `1 ApproprJatiam Labor w 5 , 000°a 00 Seal Coating 12, 000,00 Moral atenanp p4tchmns g 100,041 Drains I& Paving Z; S00a 00 400. 00 63; 49013 00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GARBAGE DISTRICT NO� 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT Or SANI'1'A°1'IMzN 1957 1958 Budget Budget 101 Salar=ies &6 Wages 53, 080 00 59, 0000 00 OTHER EXPE:NSES zoo Supplies & aitaer e ensea 417000 600.00 z05 Geri & Oil 1, 5007 00 1, sm 00 402 Track repairs 1. 452� 04 1, 500. 00 404 Insurance 3, 2000 00 3, 1000 00 405 Contribution--Retirement Sy5tern 3, 225�00 3, 325. 00 407 Dump maintenance 1, 000,00 1, 234, 00 404 Social Security Taxes -- z, 144400 QU�Ply%ENT 501 Truck & Load Packer - • 13, 0000 04 . 63, 874, 00 05, 779, 00 TOWN OF MAM C91` ECK BAGS DISTRICT NO. 1 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS GARBAGE INCINERATION 1957 1958 Budget Budget 403A Town 5hare €ax"mc ne ator Operation M 090:, 00 19, 200"00 29a TOWN Off' Akda`6SROI ECK W FIRE DISTRICT NO,, n 1953 BUDG T REQUIREMENTS `IRE DEPARTMENT 1957 1958 COMPENSATION Budget Budget L oral L- L 22- 101 Fire Lieutenants 10, 480p 00 5, 52G_ 00 102 Fare Truck Drivers 33, 900,, 00 41, 105" 00 r 103 Fire Inspector, P T,, 960 00 104 Clerk 960. 0"0 - OTHER EXPElqSES 20 l Supplies, materials & Misc. 1, 8000 0 1, 500, 00, 202 Telephane & Alarm Symtem 1, 000,00 1, 000"00 , 203 Light, Gasp, anij Water 600o oo 600, 00 - 204 Fuel 1, 2000 00 $g zoo„00' 205 Gas & Oil 250,00 350, 00 ' 219 Traveling & Conv ntioc rm � e- uses 300,00 300-100 301 Hooe & Equipment 2, 500 00 3, 0000 00 302 Chit a Car iO3 Clothing 00. 00 850, 00 304 Fire Pumper 7, 000, 00 6, 400, 000 401 Repair & Ba fld rg Masnten ar�ce 3., 500o 00 3, 000" 00 , 402 Equipmexat Repairs 1, 800. 00 1, 35000 -404 Ixasuraance 4, 900,00 4, 900 0 405 Contribution Retirement Systt 6, 800. 00 71100. 00- 406 Fire InsPectio n Expenses 2;, 100:, go R„ $00, go 407 Des rice Chiefs E er esneny Plan 0,1 €0 W 00 408 Social Security Taxev, � e y 2„ 226 00 scon, 090a 00 82, 211. 00 . os 9TIVS, X A 1 00 b X59 `7 T. A of S IS' "G." 'a' fill co 'aric, "s uory saq2tj o 0 c-,o ga I,�F f o "o C,o z" 1- 1, L �mr-qqS-q u 0o "I a o '-'t 1 00 �000 IT, �fc-1 Nflv r j��,6 L561 V, MSTI�tl JINIVIM"U-1 j"MOCC19- gs�'51 I �Okli 'ZI-XINTj's-ra, Slu-j"Z dlD MIVAOIL 31, TOWN OF ANIMMARONECK ^ PARK DJSTM'CT NO, I 195-8 BUDGET REQU-�REYIENTS DEPARTMENT OF P,4-RKS 1957 1958 Budget Budget COIMPENSATION Aopropn Approp. 101 Park Foreman 6, 000, 00 6, 500, 00 142 AssioEaa`® Park Foremen 4' 7m 00 5, 00M0 103 LabiDrers 10, 5500 00 8, 800"00 104 Secretary 64, 00 64044 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies, materials, etc, 2, 265. 00 1, 0040- 44 203 Light, Water, Telephone 630,100 500_ 00 205 Gas, Oil & Equipment repaira 2755 00 275000 401 Building maintenance 1, 500. 00 250, 00 404 3ns-'arance, 1, 300,00 1, 350 00 - 405 Retirement Fund Co-atributi-om 1, 175, 44 975000 406 Soci4l Security Taxao -- 732, 00 ?'8r455500 25, 44Z: 00 ¢� �a maw-] uo jg4aaju: X65 u .. los ,%,ospns la56i LS61 P r 000002 "61 00'0s,9 'EI 00"09 00 °0 s LMI OO 'OSI 00"00E t0f, 00 ,00s, '1 00'00 0 sallcidlzs 102 HI O 00°00s l 00°00s 6z Y0y mollvsmsdwoo 8561 LS61 i a auras IUDanEl 9561 �OkT lilo,lumst a mia"as " xnamo .°10 mmol c�€ 34. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER ISTRICT NO. I 1958 BUDGET REQUIREMEN TS DEBT SERVICE 1957 1958 Budget Budget 501 naortimat a n on Sewer Daatract Bonds 550 5 m 00 55, 500, 00 - 502 Intereot on Sewer Diatrict Bonds 41, 031. 12 38, 586. 87 96, 531. 12 94, OW 87 UNWIMUMNi OF T`.,�,,X RATES AlrTD, A-S&ESSM3 )NITS Aaoe3��ed Valuation I CD 3, 346 9, 474 19 6, 7 2 9,72 2 Win. toide villagen 43, 707, 990 45, NO, 100 Outaide Villagez ighvva7 Dz -bfict 'a's, 7a l, 990 15, 100, ISO y Garbage Kamriv 43, ?S7, 990 4s, Roo, 100 Fire LGHNN; to, ?37, 99a 45, 190, 100 Mgjaing his Wamy WoMict 43, 79, 493 45, 104, 6so Park Tuatrict 12, OZ40 607 43t Z90, 600 senver MUM& 3s, 61s, 172 39, 688, 2851 M I mxn�',k, Vakley SmnreY ID-istrict 7s, 300' m M, 437, 613 saydtwy senver EM&K s may Z96, 266 31, 630, 5?9 101-� T- R AT 1957 1958 Mcneme Docreave Tam Movict Actual zloamnmted Chvc�: R"1957 1957 Geaeral Tumv-D. Wtzide viliagea Q 539 1513 TH"ip" Z a 00'Evnn"', 0utsi�a-- ViLla."geo 1. 57 aarbage Motrim-, L90 203 M Fire Diatrict & K 207 . 01 WfAing & Water MOW M 02 04 Park LIMA& L 07 . 99 . 08 Sewer Diz�rict 205 2173 112 'Total 15. 35 M95 � m ' 68 31WNidM-9MY By A2ZLA151 V�Ilag ,!;�- of mamaooaeck Villag Lavr4ma-C,2at (,Jmin,,�,epozat ecd Axaa 00,000 Pe6 4a OPUKOU 43'E ,61'a Zara.I0 OO 1000 06M SPU®SIT aaxa.40scg 31"'d 00'000 `ZLZ spuo(a iatz sl ;E,24vig'i 00 ,000 1m OPUGS -asTi1xa.& apaail-il"o pa��°00S coos K os °00S, `Wqi, o c�,qoob "ga "T pp p BBs zs?, O PLC"z _ 00,1000 ,g LL61 05 °7001H 05 °Z09 O0 °000 °11 L61 00 OuT, 692 OO°sZf, �1 00 °000 'a SL61 05 °55O °Z* 05 °059 `Z 00 1000 lov, 1IL61 09 *?a FSS Oa °ZLL 1, 00 `000 00 EL61 000909195 00°50869 00°000 405 ZL61 OS °LSZ ac)`9 OS `LEV6 00 °OOO lzs IL61 05 1101 9L OS 03,01 °Z1 00°0006v9 OL61 Z9°f,19 ass Z9 OPT x UST. 00°005 40L 6961 WLSV26 Leo LSE 681 00`005 r-t 0961 Z9°5ZZ OSOd 79 0UCIZ 00 °OOa "1O x,961 Z1 OS `O11 Z1 ogcy� °SZ 00`005 ,se 9961 Lf of u 'vu LE°15Z `62 00°OOS °5O 5961 Z9Of,69I Z1 290V616££ 00°005 `69 T7961 LO°LS9 4921 L9"LS1 `L5 00 0005660 E961 L 665 %L1 La °660 °1, 00 `005 550 2961 Z9`085 '5I:I WOWST— OO°OOS 06 1961 W069 °xV1 LS`E61 `6; 00 °OOS 'Z6 0961 Z9 °6Ze ocivi 79 °OZIE 6£S 00°OOS °Z6 6561 LS °£96 16K LS '9W 'LS 00°005 6Z6 0561 FVI—01 gs61 I &Uvnkwr ao gv San's ''I amog 7 'No la 0 JAS $tIAOJ 69C <, .� u� � w � v_ .. u. � �o, �` �;., -� ;. 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Fri r - AIk- LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights $ 28, 000. 00 Less: Revenues Net Levy 28; 000. 00 WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT Construction Costs & Equipment 7, 200. 00 Debt Service 34, 846. 50 Gross Total 42, 046. 50 Less: Revenues 37,446. 50 Net Levy 4, 600. 00 PARK DISTRICT NO. I Park Department 25, 44Z. 00 Debt Service 17, 452. 50 Gross Total 42, 894. 50 Less: Revenues Net Levy 42, 894. 50 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department 19, 200. 00 Debt Service 94, 086. 87 Total Levy 113, Z86. 87 Less: Revenues 5, 000. 00 Net Levy 108, Z86. 87 Grand Total $ 705, 643. 58 and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Con- solidated Laws known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "A', the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or par- cels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck un- der the name "Water Rents". A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolution and after roll call, the vote was recorded as follows: Councilman Brush - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro - Aye The motion was carried unanimously. J% After a short discussion by the members of the Board and the Town Attorney in connection with the matter of establishing in the Town of Mamaroneck a $25, 000. 00 Capital Reserve Fund and a Park, Playground, or Recreation Area to be known as "Hommocks Area" with a $5, 000. 00 improvement appropriation, the following two reso- lutions were introduced: On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane: RESOLVED that there is hereby established a Capital - - Reserve Fund for the reconstruction or acquisition of buildings necessary for Town purposes and for the equipment and furnishing such buildings pursuant to Section 6 C, Subdivision 2 (b) of the General Munici- pal Law, and that there is hereby appropriated to such Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $25, 000. 00 in the budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958 on page 17 under General Town--Miscellaneous Expen- ditures, which said sum of $25, 000. 00 is to be held by the Town Board pursuant to Section 6 C, Subdivision 8 of the General Municipal Law, and that no expenditures shall be made from such Capital Reserve Fund except upon a permissive or mandatory referendum as pro- vided by law. A roll call vote was taken upon the foregoing resolution and re- corded as follows: Councilman Brush - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro Aye i The motion was carried unanimously. And, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush: RESOLVED that there is hereby established in the Town of Mamaroneck a Park, Playground, .or Recreation Area to be known as Hommocks Area", which area lies to the south of the Boston Post Road and approximately 100 feet distant therefrom and to the west of Hommocks Road, and which is known as Block 411 - Parcels #1 and #76 and also Block 413 - Parcels #1, #25, and #39 on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck comprising approximately I2 acres, and that there be appropriated for the improvement of such "TSommocks Area" the sum of $5, 000. 00 in the budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958 on page 17 under Gen- eral Town--Miscellaneous Expenditures, _ FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a per- missive referendum as provided in the Town Law and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, the following notice: I Whereupon, pursuant to and in line with the previous discussion on the matter of transferring part of the salary of the Town Engineer from General Town - Department of Engineer to Outside of Villages - Build- ing and Plumbing Department for his services as a Building and Plumb- ing Inspector, it was upon motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, unanimously RESOLVED that the sum of $2, 500. 00 be transferred from page 14 of the Town of Mamaroneck budget for 1958 under General Town--Department of Engineer, line item #101 known as "Compensation Town Engineer" to page 22, under Outside of Villages--Building and Plumbing Department, as line item #102 to be known as "Compensation Building and Plumbing Inspector"; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that on page 3 of the Town of Mamar- oneck budget for 1958 under General Town--Estimated Rev- ' enues, the line item described as "Cash on Hand' be reduced by the sum of $2, 500. 00, or from the sum of $93, 090. 00 to the sum of $90, 590. 00. The following resolution was then moved by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Kane; WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore made, compiled, and filed with the Town Clerk a preliminary tax budget contain- ing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expendi- tures for the several departments, offices, and other Town and special district purposes for the year 1958; and WHEREAS, notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly - published on November 29 and December 6, 1957, in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, and posted in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held this day in accordance with the notice so published; and WHEREAS, all persons present were afforded an oppor- tunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the items in said pre- liminary tax budget as required by Section 113 of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the final estimates as compiled by the Town Board and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, be and the _ same hereby are adopted as the budget for the year 1958 pur- suant to the provisions of the Town Law, and that said esti- mates, as so adopted, be entered in detail in the minutes of the Board as follows: (Insert Budget) and it is further RESOLVED that the annual budget estimates of the expendi- tures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1958 be adopted and confirmed and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes; and that the sums of money hereinafter stated are hereby ap- propriated from the current revenues as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions, and purposes hereinafter enumerated for expenditure in the manner directed by law, to wit: (1) GENERAL TOWN PURPOSES Town Offices $ 28, 650. 00 Supervisor I2, 380. 00 Comptroller 2, 610. 00 Town Clerk 8, 000. 00 Elections 13, 936. 00 Receiver of Taxes 15, 140. 00 Assessor 24, 890. 00 Law 11, 100. 00 Justices of the Peace 8, 000. 00 Contributions & Donations 1, 600. 00 Engineer 12, 420. 00 Recreation 23, 164. 00 Highway--General Town 33, 370. 00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 83, 939. 00 Civil Defense 375. 00 Debt Service 350. 00 (2) FOR PURPOSES IN TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Police Department 219, 975. 00 Planning Board 1, 660. 00 Building & Plumbing 3, 100. 00 Board of Appeals 210. 00 Miscellaneous 32, 969. 71 Debt Service 3, 577. 50 (3) HIGHWAY DISTRICT - O/V Highway Department 83, 000. 00 (4) GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. I Sanitation Department 85, 779. 00 Incineration 19, 200. 00 (5) FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department 82, 211. 00 Hydrant Rental 11, 000. 00 (6) LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights 28, 000. 00 (7) WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Construction Costs & Equipment 7, Z00. 00 Debt Service 34, 846. 50 i i KJ i (8) PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Park Department $ 25, 442. 00 Debt Service 17, 452. 50 (9) SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department 19, 200. 00 Debt Service 94, 086. 87 Grand Total $ 1, 048, 834. 08 and it is further RESOLVED that as the Estimated Revenues and Cash on Hand equal the Estimated Expenditures for the General Town purposes, there be no General Town tax levied for the year 1958; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that for the fiscal year 1958, the sum hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed be- low, be levied, assessed, and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, the properties of the several districts specified below and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments, and persons within the Town and within such special districts be extended on the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such as- sessments, or parts thereof, to wit: For purposes in Town, Outside of Villages, as mentioned and described in the foregoing budget $ 261,492. 21 Less Revenues 2, 120. 00 Total Levy for purposes in Town Outside of Villages $ Z59, 372. 21 DISTRICT LEVIES HIGHWAY DISTRICT - O/V Highway Department $ 83, 000. 00 Less: Cash & State Aid 1z' 200. 00 Net Levy 70, 800, 00 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Sanitation Department 85, 779. 00 Incineration 19, 200. 00 Gross Total 104, 979. 00 Less: Revenues 6, 500. 00 Net Levy 98, 479. 00 FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department 82, 211. 00 Hydrant Rental 11, 000. 00 Net Levy 93, 211. 00 C,k, LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights $ 28, 000. 00 Less. Revenues Net Levy 28, 000. 00 WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT Construction Costs & Equipment 7, 200. 00 Debt Service 34, 846, 50 _._ Gross Total 42, 046. 5o Less: Revenues 37, 446. 50 Net Levy 4, 600. 0_O PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Park Department 25, 442. 00 Debt Service 17, 452. 50 Gross Total 42, 894750 Less: Revenues Net Levy 42, 894, 50 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department 19, 200. 00 Debt Service 94, 086. 87 Total Levy 113, 286. 87 Less: Revenues 5, 000. 00 Net Levy 108, Z86. 87 Grand Total $ 705, 643. 58 and it is FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Con- solidated Laws known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked Exhibit "A', the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or par- cels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the Tax Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck un- der the name "Water Rents". A vote was taken upon the foregoing resolution and after roll call, the vote was recorded as follows: Councilman Brush - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro - Aye The motion was carried unanimously. After a short discussion by the members of the Board and the Town Attorney in connection with the matter of establishing in the Town of Mamaroneck a $25, 000, 00 Capital Reserve Fund and a Park, Playground, or Recreation Area to be known as "Hommocks Area" with a $5, 000. 00 improvement appropriation, the following two reso- lutions were introduced: On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane: RESOLVED that there is hereby established a Capital Reserve Fund for the reconstruction or acquisition of buildings necessary for Town purposes and for the equipment and furnishing such buildings pursuant to Section 6 C, Subdivision 2 (b) of the General Munici- pal Law, and that there is hereby appropriated to such Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $25, 000. 00 in the budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958 on page 17 under General Town--Miscellaneous Expen- ditures, which said sum of $25, 000. 00 is to be held by the Town Board pursuant to Section 6 C, Subdivision 8 of the General Municipal Law, and that no expenditures shall be made from such Capital Reserve Fund except upon a permissive or mandatory referendum as pro- vided by law. A roll call vote was taken upon the foregoing resolution and re- corded as follows: Councilman Brush - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro - Aye The motion was carried unanimously. And, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brushz RESOLVED that there is hereby established in the Town of Mamaroneck a Park, Playground, .or Recreation Area to be known as "Hommocks Area", which area lies to the south of the Boston Post Road and approximately 100 feet distant therefrom and to the west of Hommocks Road, and which is known as Block 411 - Parcels #1 and #76 and also Block 413 Parcels #1, #25, and #39 on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck, comprising approximately 12 acres, and that there be appropriated for the improvement of such "biommocks Area" the sum of $5, 000. 00 in the budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958 on page 17 under Gen- eral Town--Miscellaneous Expenditures, FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a per- missive referendum as provided in the Town Law and that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, the following notice: i NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, at a meeting held on December 10, 1957, adopted the resolution published here- with. Such resolution does not take effect until thirty (30) days af- ter its adoption, nor until approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such Town voting on a propo- sition for its approval, if, within thirty (30) days after its adop- tion, there is filed with the Town Clerk a petition signed and ac- knowledged in the manner required by Section 91 of the Town Law, protesting against such resolution and requesting that it be sub- witted to the electors of such Town for their approval or disap- proval. Dated: Mamaroneck, New York, December 17, 1957. CHARLES J. GRONBERG Town Clerk I RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 10; 1957 RESOLVED that there is hereby established in the Town of Mamaroneck a Park, Playground, or Recreation Area to he known as "Hommocks Area", which area lies to the south of the Boston Post Road and approximately 100 feet distant therefrom and to the west of Hommocks Road, and which is known as Block 411 - Par- cels #1 and #76 and also Block 413 - Parcels #1, #25, and #39 on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck, compris- ing approximately 12 acres, and that there be appropriated for the improvement of such "Hommocks Area" the sum of $5, 000. 00 in the budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1958 on page 17 under General Town--Miscellaneous Expenditures. FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in the Town Law. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution and recorded as follows: Councilman Brush - Aye ` Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Aye Councilman Waterman - No Councilman Santoro - Aye The motion was carried and the resolution adopted by a majority vote of four (4) "Ayes" to one (1) "No". OLD BUSINESS a. Approval of Escrow Agreement--First Westchester National Bank The Supervisor presented a proposed escrow or depository agree- ment between the Town of Mamaroneck and the First Westchester Na- tional Bank (Mamaroneck Branch) in the amount of $100, 000. 00 for the purpose of securing all Town of Mamaroneck funds on deposit in said bank and requested the necessary approval thereof. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the escrow or depository agreement as submitted is hereby approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute the escrow or depository agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and the First Westchester National Bank (Mamaroneck Branch) in the amount of $100, 000. 00 for the deposit of Oyster Bay and Babylon Union Free School District #22 bonds in such amount by the First Westchester National Bank (Ma- maroneck Branch) with the Manufacturers Trust Company, Personal Trust Department, 55 Broad Street, New York City, New York. NEW BUSINESS The Supervisor stated that there was no new business on the pre- - pared agenda and inquired whether there was any new business to be brought before the Board at this time. (1) Mr. Frank O'Donnell--Tennyson Nursery Mr. O'Donnell of 100 Palmer Avenue, Town, called to the Board's attention the expansion of business at the Tennyson Nur- sery at 144 Weaver Street, Town, and requested that an investi- gation regarding possible non-conformity of use and this recent expansion be made. The Board referred this matter to the Town Attorney and Building Inspector for study and report. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Elkan Park Association--Request for traffic light at Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue The Clerk presented a communication from the Elkan Park Associa- tion, dated December 3, 1957, requesting the installation of a push but- ton walk signal traffic light at the Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue in- tersection. The Supervisor informed the Board that he had reviewed this matter with Chief Yerick to whom such request had been referred over a year ago and was advised that the Police Department had referred the re- I l quest to the State Traffic Commission (under whose jurisdiction this matter lies) with no decision to date and further he reported that the. Police Chief advised that the Department was still in correspondence with the State Commission in connection with this matter. Mr. Harry Seery, present at the meeting, suggested that the Board request the Town Attorney to visit the Commission personally when he was in Albany the following week on legislative matters in order to expedite this matter in any way possible and at the Board,s _re- quest, the Attorney stated that he would be very glad to do so. 2. Town of Lancaster--Two resolutions The Clerk presented two resolutions concerning sand pits, quarries, etc. forwarded to the Town Board by the Town of Lancaster, Pennsyl- vania, which were referred to the Town Attorney for study. 3. Civic Committee, Larchmont Chamber of Commerce--Resolution con- cerning Thruway construction The Clerk presented a communication under date of November 19, 1957 from Jerome N. Wanshel, Chairman of the Civic Committee of the Larch- mont Chamber of Commerce, Inc. , enclosing copy of a resolution in con- nection with the construction of the New York State Thruway at Larchmont. The Supervisor advised that this matter had been reported publicly in the press and inquired whether anyone present had any further question or observation in this connection, and since there were no questions or obser- vations, the communication was received and placed on file. j 4. Public Service Commission--Notice concerning increased passenger fares, N.Y. , N.H. & Hartford R.R. The Clerk presented a notice issued at a session of the Public Service Commission held in Albany on November 12, 1957, stating that the Com- mission had approved and confirmed an increase in one-way first class and coach fares of 45 cents and 30 cents respectively. This communication was received and placed on file. 5. Board of Elections--Official Statement of Canvass for Town The Clerk presented a certified copy of that portion of the Official Statement of Canvass applicable to the Town of Mamaroneck enclosed in a communication so stating received from Deputy Commissioner Carl J. Noe of the County Board of Elections under date of November 29, 1957. The statement was received and placed on file. REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were received and placed on file: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November, 1957. a Qj Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of November, 1957. Report of the Building Inspector for the month of November, 1957. Statement of Bank Balances, Town of Mamaroneck, as of Decem- ber 1, 1957. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor stated that he had no report at this time. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Brush -- (1) Park Department Meeting Councilman Brush reported that it had been decided at the Park Department meeting to place the Christmas Tree on Myrtle Boulevard this year due to Thruway construction at the station tree site. Councilman Kane -- (1) Planning Board -- Councilman Kane reported that he had attended the meetings of the Planning Board and that that Board was working most diligently. (2) Use of steel mats at Larchmont Station Parking areas Councilman Kane reported that he had engaged in making in- quiries as to the possibility of using army surplus steel mats used in air field construction on the parking areas but to date could not find any available. The Board thanked Councilman Kane and requested him to follow through on this matter and report further should such material become available. Councilman Waterman -- (1) Widening of curve--Old White Plains Road Councilman Waterman reported that the Police Chief and he were concerned about the curve in the road south of the en- trance to the Winged Foot Golf Club on Old White Plains Road and questioned the possibility of widening this section. The Supervisor called on the Superintendent of Highways who stated that this was a prohibitively expensive proposition and for that reason had no recommendation in this connection at this time. (2): Construction of sidewalk--Weaver Street Councilman Waterman referred to a request made at the September 18th meeting concerning construction of a sidewalk along Weaver Street near Bonie Way and asked whether a report was ready on this matter. The Town Engineer stated that he was working on this matter and would report thereon in the near future. Councilman Santoro -- (1). Storm Sash--Weaver Street Firehouse Councilman Santoro reported that some defects in the storm sash recently installed at the Weaver Street Firehouse were being corrected. (Z) Recent snow storm -- Highway Department Councilman Santoro commended the Highway Department and Superintendent, Mr. O'Brien, on the outstanding job done in connection with clearing the Town streets during the recent. storm and at the direction of the Board the Supervisor was requested to write a note of commendation to Mr. O'Brien and his department. (3) Fifth Avenue Councilman Santoro reported on the reconstruction of Fifth Avenue now completed and passed pictures to each of the members of the Board. (4) Request for extension of water main--M. P. Medwick Councilman Santoro presented the following communication from the Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 under date of December 10, 1957: "As long as our normal requirements for location and cover are met, it is agreeable to lay the proposed 8" water main extension on Fenimore Road, east of Cornell Street, in the existing stone-lined drainage ditch on the north side of the road, wherever practicable." This coma unication was written in connection with the re- quest of Mr. M. P. Medwick of 1000 Fenimore Road, Town, to extend the 8" water main on Fenimore Road from its exist- ing dead end at the east side of Cornell Street to a point oppo- site the property occupied by Mr. Greco at an estimated cost of $1, Z81. 66, not including the cost of excavation, back-fill, and pavement restoration, if any, at his own expense. Councilman Santoro agreed with Mr. Medwick that it would be advisable to lay the pipe in the existing stone-lined ditch pro- viding Mr. Medwick would fill in, grade and seed said ditch to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck and pointed out that Mr. O'Brien, under our ordinance, had requested from Mr. Medwick a $1, 000. 00 de- i ( - posit to insure the completion of the grading, filling, and seeding of said area. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Coun- cilman Kane, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby au- thorizes the installation of an 8" water main extension on Fenimore Road from its existing dead end at the east side of Cornell Street to a point opposite the prop- ___ erty occupied by Mr. Greco in the existing stone-lined ditch on the north side of the road at a cost of $1, 281. 66 to be paid by the applicant, Mr. M. P. Medwick; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant, Mr. M. P. Medwick, shall deposit with the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 the sum of $1, 281. 66, and in addition, shall pay the cost of excavation, back-fill, and pavement res- toration, if any, and shall comply in all respects with the ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck regarding street opening permits; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with the ordi- nance of the Town of Mamaroneck regarding street opening permits, the applicant, Mr. M. P. Medwick, shall deposit with the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of $1, 000. 00 to in- sure the completion of filling, grading, and seeding said ditch so that it meets the approval of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY The Attorney stated that he had no report at this time. MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA (1) Date for next Board Meeting The Supervisor requested the Board to set a date for the second meeting in December and following a short discussion, by common consent, the date for the meeting was fixed for Wednesday, Decem- ber 18, 1957. (2) Mr. Frank O'Donnell Mr. O'Donnell addressed the Board regarding the dangerous condi- tion existing for traffic exiting from Howell Avenue into Weaver Street and suggested that a two-way reflector be installed in front of Grant's Greenhouse to alleviate this very real driving hazard. The Board thanked Mr. O'Donnell for his excellent suggestion and requested the Attorney to take this matter up with the State Traffic Commission when in Albany next week. The Attorney stated that he would be glad to do so. I 4 t ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 11.00 p.m. , to reconvene on December 18, 1957. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. REPORTS Commissioner Waterman presented the following reports which were received and placed on file; Fire Report for the month of November, 1957. Attendance Report for the month of November, 1957. CLAIMS Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Department claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief. On motion by Commissioner Waterman, seconded by Commissioner Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp- troller be and they hereby are authorized to paythe same out of the budget for the Fire Department. Atlantic Service Station $ 47. 25 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 31. 17 Con Edison 46. 13 Fabric Fashions, Inc. 27. 60 Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan 100. 00 McGuire Bros. , Inc. 7. 50 New York Telephone Company 76. 99 Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 209, 95 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Inc. 95. 70 Con Edison 43. 37 Wesco Fire Equipment & Service 206. 90 Grand total $ 892. 56 COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Waterman stated that there were no communica- tions to come before the Board at this time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. , to reconvene on December 18, 1957. To vP' Gler c I