HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957_09_18 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8.15 p.m.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Brush
Councilman Waterman
Councilman Santoro
ABSENT: Councilman Kane
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr. Delius - Town Attorney
Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer '
Mr. Orsino - Comptroller
Mr. Finson - Accountant
Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways
Mrs. Brewer - Secretary
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 7th and the Special Meet-
ing of August 19th, 1957, were approved as presented.
a. Request for erection of fence--Louis J. Garcia
The Clerk stated that Mr. Garcia's request for the erection of a six (6)
foot high stained red-wood fence for a distance of 20 feet along the back of
his property located at 27 West Brookside Drive, Larchmont, had been pre-
sented at the last meeting of the Board, and that in accordance with usual
practise, adjoining property owners had been notified and the members of
the Board had personally inspected the site of the proposed fence.
The Clerk further stated that he had received two letters in connection
with this request from adjoining property owners -- one from David W.
Mervin of 107 West Garden Road, Larchmont, stating that he had no ob-
jection to the proposed fence, and one from Mrs. Melvin Gluss of 70 Fern-
wood Road, Larchmont, objecting not to the erection of a fence but to the
height of this particular fence.
Mr. Garcia, present at the meeting, in answer to inquiry by the Super-
visor, advised that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Gluss but had not
--- been able to reach an agreement with Mr. Gluss as to the height of the fence
and requested permission to erect the fence as stated and described.
The Supervisor suggested to Mr. Garcia that he discuss the matter fur-
ther with Mr. Gluss before the next meeting of the Board and that the mat-
ter be put over until that time, and as Mr. Garcia was agreeable, the Clerk
was directed to put this matter on the agenda for the next regular meeting
of the Board.
a. Opening of Bids--Improvement of Fifth Avenue
The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of notice re-
questing bids for the improvement of Fifth Avenue as published in
The Daily Times, the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, on September 11th, 1957, and submitted the following bids:
- Bidder Sidewalk Total Bid
Black Top, Inc. $ 3, 500.00 $ 35, 087. 50
Peckham Road Corporation 3, 750.00 35, 202.50
County Asphalt, Inc. 4, 500.00 36, 240.00
Daniel F. MacNamee & Co., Inc. 3, 600.00 33, 570.00
New Rochelle Construction Co. , Inc. 4, 250.00 36, 777. 50
Felix Contracting Corporation 4, 250.00 36, 513. 50
After discussion, it was decided to reject all bids submitted
for sidewalk construction and to award the contract for the im-
provement of Fifth Avenue exclusive of sidewalk construction, and
on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush,
upon roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby rejects all bids
submitted on sidewalk construction in accordance
with the Plans and Specifications for the Improve-
ment of Fifth Avenue filed in the Office of the Town
Clerk, Town of Mamaroneck.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Brush, upon roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby accepts the low
bid, to wit the bid of Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. ,
Inc., for the improvement of Fifth Avenue, Town
of Mamaroneck, exclusive of sidewalk construc-
tion, contract to be in accordance with the Plans
and Specifications as stated and filed in the Office
of the Town Clerk, for a total price of $29, 970.00.
b. Communications
1. William Gauthier--Orienta Bus Company
The Clerk presented a communication addressed to the Town
Council by William Gauthier of the Orient: Bus Company, dated
September 6, 1957, requesting consent to operate a bus route
over the Town streets listed as follows and stating that petitioner
agreed that said consent shall contain the same restriction with
respect to picking up or dropping off of passengers as contained
_ in the temporary consent heretofore granted by the Public Ser-
vice Commission,
The Clerk further advised that the communication stated
that by Order of the Public Service Commission of the State
of New York, dated August 27th, 1957, in Case #18516,
temporary approval had been granted to William Gauthier,
doing business as Orienta Bus Company, to operate a bus
line in the Town of Mamaroneck,
---- On Between And
Palmer Avenue West Village line Richbell Road
at Palmer Avenue
Richbell Road Palmer Avenue West Village
line near Bos-
ton Post Road
After a short discussion during which Mr. Joseph W. Cook,
President of the Orienta Point Association, explained to the
Council the need for service and the reason for selection of
the Orienta Bus Company, it was upon motion by Councilman
Brush, seconded by Councilman Waterman, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized to publish not later than ten (10)
days prior to the date of the hearing in the offi-
cial newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The
Daily Times, the following notice;
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by
the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on the 9th of Octo-
ber, 1957, at 8;15 o'clock in the evening of that day in the au-
ditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street and
Edgewood Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose
of considering the application of William Gauthier d/b/a Or-
ienta Bus Company, for the consent of the Town of Mamaroneck
under the provisions of Sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation
Corporations Law of the State of New York for the operation of
motor buses or omnibuses for the transportation of passengers,
and property carried by said passengers, for hire, in, upon,
along and across certain streets, avenues and highways in the
Town of Mamaroneck, as follows-
BEGINNING at the westerly boundary line of the Village
of Mamaroneck and the Town of Mamaroneck; thence
westerly along Palmer Avenue to Richbell Road; thence
southerly along Richbell Road to the boundary line be-
tween the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Ma-
maroneck and returning over the same route.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the purpose of said public hear-
ing is to consider the granting of such consent for the use of the
above described portions of streets or highways in the Town of
Mamaroneck to William Gauthier d/b/a Orienta Bus Company and
that at said public hearing all persons interested will be given an
opportunity to be heard, this notice being given pursuant to Sec-
tion 64, Paragraph 7 of Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws,
known as the Town Law, and Sections 66 and 67 of Chapter
63 of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Transportation
Corporation Law of the State of New York.
By order of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
New York.
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
Z. Jerome N. Wanshel--Memorandum of Law
The Clerk presented a communication addressed to the
Town Board by Jerome N. Wanshel under date of August
15, 1957, enclosing a memorandum of law entitled, "Mem-
orandum of Fact and Law Supporting The Contention That
The Present Use And Occupancy Of The Accessory Build-
ing Owned By Mortimer J. And Gladys W. Solomon Is Il-,
legal", and requesting that the Town take action to abate
the condition.
Following the Town Attorney's presentation of a mem-
orandum of law addressed to the Town Board under date of
September 18, 1957, and entitled, 'Me. Zoning Matter
Property Mortimer J. Solomon-Fenimore Road", and a
considerable discussion of this matter by the members of
the 'Board, Mr. Wanshel, and Mr. Solomon, it was upon
- motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman
Brush, upon roll call
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves
the request of Jerome N. Wanshel that the
Town Attorney be authorized to bring an ac-
tion to determine whether a zoning violation
exists in the present use and occupancy of
the accessory building on property owned by
Mortimer J. and Gladys W. Solomon.
Roll Call;
Councilman Brush - no
Supervisor Burchell - aye
Councilman Waterman - no
Councilman Santoro - no
The motion was lost by majority vote of three nos to one aye.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by
Councilman Santoro, upon roll call, it was unanimously
- - I
RESOLVED that for clarification purposes:, this
Board hereby request the Planning Board to
make a study of that section of the Zoning Ordi-
nance pertaining to occupancy use of accessory
buildings on property located in a one-family
3. Secretary of Planning Board--Official Map
The Clerk presented the following communication addressed
to the Town Board by the Planning Board under date of Septem-
ber 13, 1957:
"At a meeting of the Planning Board, held on September
9, 1957, the Official Map was presented.
The Planning Board examined the map and referred it
to the Town Board for study with the recommendation
that said map be adopted."
After examination, the Board referred the map to the
Town Attorney and Engineer for study and recommenda.
tion and requested the Engineer to furnish each member
of the Board with a print of said map for informational
At this time, the Supervisor with the consent of the Council, in-
quired whether anyone present wished to address the Board on any
matter not presented on the prepared agenda and the following per-
sons were heard:
1) Mr. Harold Klein
Mr. Klein of 140 Valley Stream Road East, Town, inquired
about the sewer situation on Valley Stream Road and was ad-
vised by the Supervisor and Town Engineer that notification
had been received from the County that the contract for an aux.
iliary sewer in this location was to be let this fall. The Super-
visor stated that both the Engineer and he would check for fur-
ther information and do all possible to expedite this matter.
2) The Honorable Hunter Meighan
Mr. Meighan of Meighan & Necarsulmer representing the
Chicken Box, Inc. , contractual vendee for the property located
on the corner of Rock Ridge Road and Boston Post Road,, ap-
peared before the Board in connection with client2s appeal for
reversal of the Building Inspector2s denial of application for re-
pair of said building for use as a coffee shop; application having
been denied on the ground that said structure was not of semi-
fireproof construction.
Mr. Alfred Willis, architect for the proposed alterations,
presented and described the plans for such work, and following
some discussion as to parking plans and the provision of park-
ing facilities, upon motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, upon roll call, the Board unanimously
adopted the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Chicken Box, Inc. , the contractual vendee
of certain premises known as Block 412, Parcel 288 on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck and lo-
cated at 1311 Boston Post Road in the Town of Mamaroneck,
has filed an application with the Building Inspector of the Town
of Mamaroneck for repairs and alterations to an existing build-
ing for use as a coffee shop or restaurant; and
WHEREAS, said application has been denied by the Building
Inspector because of non-compliance with Article 4, Section 7,
Subdivision 3 which requires business buildings not more than
4 stories or 46 feet in height to be of semi-fireproof construc-
tion; and
WHEREAS, the said Chicken Box, Inc, has appealed to this
Board pursuant to Article I, Section 23 to modify or reverse
the ruling of the Building Inspector in denying the said appli-
cation; and
_ WHEREAS, the revised plan has provided for the installa-
tion of fire resistant materials with a rating of at least two (2)
hours which is ample for this small area;
RESOLVED that permit be granted to Chicken Box, Inc,
for the repair and/or alteration of the present building
at 1311 Boston Post Road, Town of Mamaroneck, and
known as Block 412 - Parcel 288 on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, in accordance
with the plans filed with the Building Inspector on
September 16, 1957, subject to the following conditions;
1) The permit hereby granted is a temporary
permit and shall expire on October 1st,
2) Off-street parking shall be provided for not
less than 15 motor vehicles on the prem-
3) No part of the premises outside of the build-
ing shall be used in connection with the bus-
iness done on the premises other than the
parking area which shall be used only for the
parking of motor vehicles.
4) No neon signs shall be permitted and all other
signs in addition to meeting the requirements
of the Building Code shall be approved as to
size, lighting, and location by the Building
Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Dated. September 18th, 1957,
George D. Burchell
C. Benjamin Brush, Jr.
Jeremiah C. Waterman
B. J. Santoro
The Clerk presented the following reports which were received
and filed.
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of August, 1957.
Report of the Supervisor for the period from January 1
to August 31, 1957.
lj Communication--State Department of Public Works
The Supervisor presented the following communication
received from J. A. Brady, Resident Engineer, New
York State Department of Public Works, under date of
September 16th, 1957-
"Dear Mr. Burchell.
This Department wants you and the members
of the Mamaroneck Town Board to know that we are very
thankful for the assistance given to us by your Town
Highway Superintendent, Mr. Frank O'Brien, in connec-
tion with the resurfacing of Weaver Street by this De-
Very truly yours,
J. A. Brady
Resident Engineer"
The Board commended Mr. O'Brien and directed the
Supervisor to acknowledge Mr. Bradyts very thoughtful
letter expressing their gratification and on behalf of
Mr. OtBrien and the Board, thanking him for his
Councilman Brush --
1) Apportionments
In Councilman Kanets absence, Councilman Brush pre-
sented the following petitions received from the Assessor for
the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the ap-
portionment of taxes, and on motion by him, seconded by
Councilman Santoro, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain years,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16, of
the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the
Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of
said assessment roll.
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1956, School
taxes of 1957 and the assessment roll of 1957, taxes of
1958, which show property now appearing on the roll as
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
603 509 N.Y., N.H. & H RR $ 179, 734 $211, 095 $ 390, 8Z9
1957 - 1958
603 509 N. .Y., N.H. & H RR 143, 269 181, 095 324$ 364
be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro-
visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
603 509 N.Y.* N.H. & H RR $ 175, 234 $ 211, 095 $ 386, 329
603 1100 Alice Frost 1, 500 1, 500
603 1110 James M. Lynch 3, 000 3, 000
2 C13
1957 —1958
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
603 509 N.Y.,, N.H. & H RR $ 138, 769 $ 181, 095 $ 319, 864
603 1100 Alice Frost 1, 500 1, 500
603 1110 James M. Lynch 3, 000 3, 000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1956, School taxes of 1957, and the assess-
ment roll of 1957, taxes of 1958, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
810 143 Robert W. Doherty & W 3, 000 4, 000 7, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
810 143 Robert W. Doherty & W 1, 300 11300
810 163 Charles E.F. Millard & W 1, 700 4, 000 5, 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1956, School taxes of 1957, and the assess-
ment roll of 1957, taxes of 1958, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows;
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
920 161 Elena S. Lundy & or 7, 000 10, 200 17, 200
1957 - 1958
920 161 Elena S. Lundy & or 7, 000 22, 000 29, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
920 161 Ruth Paskilis 2$ 000 2, 000
920 169 Elena S. Lundy & or 2, 500 10, 200 12, 700
920 177 Stanley Harris & or 2, 500 2, 500
1957 - 1958
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
920 161 Ruth Paskilis 2, 000 11, 800 13, 800
920 169 Elena S. Lundy & or 2, 500 10, 200 12, 700
920 177 Stanley Harris & or 2, 500 2, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1957, taxes of 1958, which shows property
now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 6.0 Harris & Jensen Constr $ 6, 000 $ 21, 900 $ 27, 900
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 60 Harris & Jensen Constr 200 200
934 78 L.S.D. Corp 3, 100 21, 900 25, 000
934 500 Harris & Jensen Constr 2,700 2, 700
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll
of 1956, School taxes of 1957, and the assess-
ment roll of 1957, taxes of 1958, which show
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land only
958 132 J. Gordon Lippencott & W $ 9, 000
1957 - 1958
958 132 J. Gordon Lippencott & W 15, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
1956 - 1957
Block Parcel Name Land only
958 132 J. Gordon Lippencott & W 8, 300
958 196 Samuel Yolen 700
1957 - 1958
958 132 J. Gordon Lippencott & W 14, 300
958 196 Samuel Yolen 700
Councilman Waterman
1) Sidewalk--Bonnie Way
Councilman Waterman reported that he had been requested
to bring to the Board's attention the matter of the construction of
a sidewalk along Weaver Street from Bonnie Way to Rouken Glen.
- He stated that this matter had been before the Board previously
and that since there were no funds in the budget for such con-
struction at that time, the matter had been referred to the
Town Attorney and the Town Engineer for study.
The Board directed the Town Engineer, Mr, Friedlander, to
study this matter and prepare cost estimates for submission
to the Board.
Councilman Santoro --
1) Street Light Installation
Councilman Santoro stated that the Superintendent of
Highways reported that the mercury vapor light at the in-
tersection of Murray Avenue and Weaver Street was in-
2) Water main--Blossom Terrace
Councilman Santoro reported on this matter which had
been referred to him at the September 4th meeting advising
that after investigation it appeared that the present 211 main
would be sufficient to service the four additional houses be-
ing constructed on Blossom Terrace and therefore he rec-
ommended that the request to enlarge. the 2" main servicing
this area to a 4" main be deferred to a later time. Where-
upon, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Brush,
- it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Westchester Joint Water Works
No. 1 be and it hereby is authorized to permit not
to exceed four (4) additional connections to the ex-
isting 211 water main in Blossom Terrace.
3) Water main--Briar Dell Homes, Inc.
Councilman Santoro reported that the Town Engineer and
he had made a further study of this matter which had been re-
ferred to them at the September 4th meeting, and presented the
following estimates submitted by Mr. Straub, Superintendent of
the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, not including exca-
vation, backfill, and pavement restoration;
1211 main -- $ 6, 300. 57
6,, ❑ _. ?, 710. 29
Councilman Santoro further reported that Briar Dell Homes,
Inc. agreed with the Town's request for the installation of a 12"
rather than the 6" main with the Town paying the difference in
cost in the amount of $3, 590. 28, not including excavation, back-
fill and pavement restoration, which costs are to be paid en-
tirely by Briar Dell Homes, Inc. It was also agreed, he stated,
that Briar Dell Homes, Inc. will deed to the Town of Mamaro-
neck the necessary easements through the Briar Dell property
and that the Town will grant to Briar Dell Homes, Inc. the 9070
revenue refund on that part of the cost of said main, the sum of
$2, 710.29, which Briar Dell Homes, Inc. is paying due to the
_ presence of special circumstances in connection with this ap-
Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by
Councilman Santoro, upon roll call, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck hereby approves the application of
Briar Dell Homes, Inc, for the installation of a
12" water main in the property of Briar Dell
Homes, Inc„ known as Block 225 - Parcel 450
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Ma-
maroneck, said main to be laid in the road bed
of the proposed street known as Briar Dell
Circle and running from Winged Foot Drive for
a distance of approximately 460 feet, at a cost
of $6, 300, 57, not including excavation, backfill,
and pavement restoration, of which sum Briar
Dell Homes, Inc„ the applicant, shall pay as
part of the cost the sum of $2, 710,29 and the
Town of Mamaroneck shall pay the difference,
or the sum of $3, 590.28.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is con-
' tingent upon the deposit by the applicant, Briar
Dell Homes, Inc„ with the Westchester Joint
Water Works No. 1, of the sum of $2, 710.29 to
cover the costs of such installation or a part of
such installation except for excavation, backfill,
and pavement restoration which is to be paid en-
tirely by the applicant, Briar Dell Homes, Inc,
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board ap-
proves the usual agreement between the West-
chester Joint Water Works No, 1, Briar Dell
Homes, Inc., the applicant, and the Town of Ma-
maroneck, providing that the amount deposited
by the applicant, Briar Dell Homes, Inc., i.e.
$2, 710. 29, shall be subject to refund up to 9010
from revenues derived from the sale of water to
customers along this line over a period of ten
(10) years from the date of this resolution or un-
til the total amount of the deposit is refunded,
whichever event shall first occur.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is sub-
ject to approval by the Town Attorney and the Town
Engineer of an easement running from Winged Foot
Drive through the road bed of the proposed street
known as Briar Dell Circle for a distance of approx-
imately 460 feet and a proposed 50 foot easement in
the 50 foot strip for the proposed extension of the
proposed Briar Dell Circle for a distance of approx-
imately 50 feet.
4) Murray Avenue and Weaver Street
Councilman Santoro reported on the excellent work of
the Superintendent of Highways and the Highway Department
_ in connection with Murray Avenue and Weaver Street.
5) Village of Mamaroneck--Harbor Heights Playground
The Town Attorney and Councilman Santoro reported
that they had met at several conferences with the Manages
and Attorney of the Village of Mamaroneck in connection
withthe Village's request that the Town deed to the Village
for playground purposes certain property owned by the Town
and located in the Village, which matter the Board referred
to them at its last meeting,
Councilman Santoro stated that in the past certain
property foreclosed by the Town and located in the Village
had been conveyed to the Village by the Town for municipal
purposes but that some adjustment had been made as to
costs. He further stated that in this case particularly he
felt some consideration should be paid to the Town since the
Village intended to reconvey a portion of this property to Da-
mon Fanelli, who, in turn, had negotiated with the Village a
sale of certain property owned by.him so that the entire
property acquired and to be acquired by the Village would con-
stitute a playground.
The Town Attorney then stated that Mr, Finson, Town
Accountant, had worked out a price for this property on the
following basis; by taking the assessed value placed by the
Village on the property to be reconveyed by foreclosure and
using 1/3 of this value, which is the customary amount ac-
cepted by the Town on foreclosed property, arriving at a
figure of $325, 21 as the Townes share of such a sale and which
Councilman Santoro stated he believed the Village would be
willing to pay.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded
by Councilman Waterman, it was, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck deliver
to the Village of Mamaroneck a quit claim deed
for the following described property in consider-
ation of payment of the sum of $325.21.
"ALL that lot, plot or parcel of land lying, be-
ing and situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, West-
chester County, New York, known by and as Lots
466 to 477 inclusive on "2nd Map of Harbor
Heights on the Sound at Mamaroneck, Westches-
ter County New York" made by Fletcher Herdt,
Surveyor, January 20, 1905 and filed in the
County Clerk's Office, .Division of Land Records,
Westchester County, March 29, 1905 as Map No.
1482, and also known and described as Block 811,
Parcel 56 on the Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck, and described as Serial No. 33 in
--- a proceeding to foreclose tax liens pursuant to Ar-
ticle VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law, brought by
the Town of Mamaroneck, (List of Delinquent Taxes,
6) Stairway construction
Councilman Santoro reported that the Supervisor ad-
vised that permission for the construction of the proposed
stairway connecting Murray Avenue and Baldwin Street had
been obtained from the County Department of Public Works
and Park Commission and liability insurance coverage pro-
vided and therefore he recommended that the Board author-
ize the construction started,
After discussion including examination of the design
prepared and submitted by the Town Engineer with regard
to costs and checking with the Superintendent of Highways
as to maintenance, it was upon motion by Councilman San-
toro, seconded by Councilman Brush, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town proceed with the con-
struction of a stairway connecting Murray Ave-
nue and Baldwin Street in accordance with the
design and specifications prepared by the Town
Engineer at a cost not to exceed the sum of
$1, 200.00.
7) Barricade--Murray Avenue
Councilman Santoro again referred to the need for the
provision of a barricade protecting the drop-off at the loca-
tion of the proposed stairway and it was suggested that the
Supervisor redouble his efforts with the County in this di.-
re c'tion,
No report,
The Supervisor, on behalf of the Board, extended a cordial wel-
come to Mr, Robert MacCallum, Chairman of the Board of Po®
lice Commissioners, and Mr, Robert Parsons, member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals, and inquired whether anyone present
wished to address the Board on any other matter,
Mr, Cronberg, Town Clerk, stated that he had one matter to
present with regard to voting machines for the Town, He ex-
plained that he desired to purchase in addition to the two machines
rented by the Town and for which the contract included an option to
purchase same on or before October 1, 1957 at the price of
$1, 345,00 each, F.O, B. Jamestown, New York, less credit for
rental paid, a new machine which he felt was now badly needed due
to the growth of the Town and the demand made upon facilities.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Coun-
cilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized to purchase three (3) Nine Party Row,
30 Office Column, Automatic Voting Machines and
that subject to the provisions of Section 103 of the
General Municipal Law he be authorized to publish
a notice for bids to be opened by this Board at the
meeting of October 24, 1957, as follows.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will
be received by the Town Board of the Town of Ma-
maroneck until 5 otclock p.m. on the 24th day of Oc>
tober, 1957, at the Town Offices, 158 West Boston
Post Road, Village of Mamaroneck, New York, and
will be publicly opened at a regular meeting of the
Town Board on October 24, 1957, at 8;15 p.m., in
the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, New York,
for supplying three (3) Nine Party Row, 30 Office
Column, Automatic Voting Machines.
THE TOWN BOARD reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
And be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that for reasons of effic-
iency there is need for standardization in the purchase
of such machines which are manufactured only by the
Automatic Voting Machine Corporation and which are
in general used by municipalities in the State of New
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was
adjourned at 10;30 p.m., to reconvene on October 9, 1957.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened im-
mediately upon the close of the Town Board meeting.
l) Memorandum--Town Accountant
Commissioner Waterman presented the following memo-
randum from the Town Accountant under date of September
18, 1957, regarding the payment of additional compensation
to Fire Truck Drivers appointed as "Head of Shift";
"I have checked with the Personnel Office regarding
extra compensation for the men in charge of a shift
and, unofficially, they feel that such additional com-
pensation is in the same catagory as additional pay
for detectives, etc.
In accordance with our conversation with Chief John-
son, the recommended figure is $180. 00 per year."
Following a short discussion, it was, upon motion by Com-
missioner Waterman, seconded by Commissioner Santoro,
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck Com-
pensation Plan as adopted on January 2nd, 1957,
be amended by changing the Compensation Plan
so as to provide that additional compensation in
the amount of $180.00 per annum be paid to Fire
Truck Drivers who are appointed as "Head of
FURTHER RESOLVED that such additional com-
pensation shall become effective as of the date
when any such Fire Truck Driver is appointed as
"Head of Shift" by the Board of Fire Commis-
FURTHER RESOLVED that Joseph Miller, Fire
Truck Driver, be and he hereby is appointed a
"Head of Shift" to be effective October lst, 1957.
Commissioner Waterman presented the affidavit of publication of
notice requesting bids for supplying and installing Combination Storm
and Screen Sash at the Weaver Street Firehouse as published in the
official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on
September 9th, 1957, and submitted the following bids;
Bidder Bid
Balentine & Schneier Inc. $ 1, 979.00
The A.W. Barnhart Co. 2, 787.00
Alternate bids #2 $3, 004.00
#3 - 3, 304.30
Following a short discussion, upon motion by Commissioner Water-
man, seconded by Commissioner Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby accepts the low
bid, to wit, the bid of Balentine & Schneier Inc„
in the amount of $1, 9790 00, for supplying and in-
stalling Combination Storm and Screen Sash at the
Weaver Street Firehouse, Town of Mamaroneck,
in accordance with the specifications on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk,
Commissioner Waterman Stated that he had no claims to present
at this meeting,
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was
adjourned at 10:40 p.m., to reconvene on October 9th, 1957,
own Jerk _ �—