HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957_05_01 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MAY 1, 1957, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEA- VER STREET, TOWN OF MAMAR.ONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Brush Councilman Kane Councilman Waterman Councilman Santoro ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer Mr. Finson - Accountant Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways Mrs. Brewer - Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of April 3, 1957, were approved as presented. PUBLIC HEARING--EXTENSION OF SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 (Portion of Glen Rock Estates) At the request of the Supervisor, the Clerk read an Order of the Town Board calling a public hearing in relation to the creation of the proposed extension to Sewer District No. 1 in the Town of Ma- maroneck, to be held May 1, 1957, at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street and Edge- wood Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, and reported that a certified copy of said Order had been duly published and posted as required by law. The Supervisor thereupon declared the hearing open and asked if there were any persons present who desired to be heard in con- ' nection with the proposed extension of Sewer District No. 1 as requested in the petition filed in the Office of the Town Clerk on April 3, 1957. There being no persons who desired to be heard, the Supervisor declared the hearing closed. Councilman Santoro introduced the following resolution: RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester, State of New York, as follows: Section 1. The following Order and Determination is hereby adopted and approved and when signed by members of this Board present at this meet- ing, constituting a majority of the entire Board, the same shall constitute and Order and Determination of this Board: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER TOWN OF MAMARONECK IN THE MATTER of the proposed Extension of Sewer District No. 1 ORDER AND of the Town of Mamaroneck, County DETERMINATION of Westchester, State of New York WHEREAS, ON THE 3rd day of April, 1957, a petition, together with a map and plan, was filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck purporting to be signed by the requisite number of property owners as re- quired by Article 12 of the Town Law, petitioning the Town Board of said Town to create an extension designated as Section °P" to Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamar- oneck and the construction of a sewer system therein; and WHEREAS, the said Town Board on the 3rd day of April, 1957, adopted an Order and caused the same to be entered in the minutes of its proceedings, reciting in gen- eral terms the filing of said petition, the boundaries of the proposed extension, the improvements and services pro- posed and the estimated expenses thereof, and specifying the 1st day of May, 1957, at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck, as the time when and the place where said Board would meet to consider said petition, and hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof and concerning the same; and WHEREAS, said Town Board caused a copy of said Order, certified by the Town Clerk, to be published and posted according to law; and WHEREAS, said hearing was duly held at the time and place so fixed in said Order; and WHEREAS, the said Town Board has caused a copy of the aforesaid Map and Plan to be submitted to the State Department of Health; and WHEREAS, said Map and Plan was approved by the State Department of Health and as so approved, was duly filed in the Office of the State Department of Health and in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaro- neck, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DETERMINED as follows: (1) The petition referred to in the recitals hereof is signed and acknowledged or proved as re- quired by law, and is otherwise sufficient, (2) All the property, property owners and inter- ested persons within said Sewer District Ex- tension will be benefitted by the construction of the proposed extension and all the property and property owners who will be benefitted by said construction are included in said ex- tens ion, (3) It is in the public interest to grant the relief sought by the petition referred to in the re- citals hereof and the relief sought by said pe- tition shall be granted, (4) An extension to Sewer District No, 1, desig- nated as Section t°P" is hereby created and es- tablished in the Town of Mamaroneck, West- chester County, New York, pursuant to the provisions of Article I2 of the Town Law of State of New York as amended, said Extension to include the lands and premises described in said petition and shown on a map entitled, "Boundary of Proposed Extension to Sewer Dis- trict No, 1 and Plan for Improvements, Glen Rock Estates, Town of Mamaroneck, Westches- ter Co. , N. Y. , December 23, 1955", made by Ralph Cronquist and Chester Cronquist, profes- sional engineers, Mamaroneck, New York, which map is attached to the petition and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck. The lands and premises in- cluded in said extension hereby granted and established are more particularly bounded and described as follows: ALL those certain plots or pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and be- ing in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York, which lands are shown on a certairi map entitled, "Subdivision Map for Sections 2 and 3, Glen Rock Estates in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York", dated April 23, 1954, made by Ralph Cronquist and filed in the West- chester County Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records, on June 1, 1954, as Map No, 9103, as lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, and also Country Road lying Northward from the Cross County Park- way, and also a portion of Cross County Parkway shown on the aforesaid County Clerk Map No. 9103, which lands lie within the Unincorporated Town of Ma- maroneck, and when taken as one contig- uous whole are more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot 18 and running thence along the easterly boundary of said lot S 5° 24' 25" east 308. 28 feet to the northerly boundary of Cross County Parkway, running then on the prolongation of said easterly boundary of lot 18 S 5° 241 25" east 227. 07 feet to lot 9; running thence along lot 9 in a general southwesterly direction on a curve to the left with a radius of 4425. 00 feet, a central angle of 9° 541 05" and an arc length of 764, 69 feet to a point of compound curve; running then along still in a southwes- terly direction on a curve to the left with a radius of 950. 00 feet, an arc length distance of 447. 68 feet to a point of reverse curve; running then still in a general southwesterly direction on a curve to the right with a radius of 2500. 00 feet, a central angle of 5° 451 00" and an arc length of 250.89 feet to a point of reverse curve; running then still in a general southwesterly direction on a curve to the left with a radius of 1500. 00 feet, a central angle of 6° 391 20" and an arc length of 174. 26 feet to the southwesterly houndary of Gross County Parkway on the aforesaid map 9103; running then along said boundary and the southwesterly boundary of lot 13 N 39° 19' 4211 west 479.84 feet to the southeasterly boundary df lands of the Winged Foot Holding.Corporation; running then along said boundary N 38° 54' 5011 east 694. 57 feet and N 25° 581 0011 east 1025. 33 feet and N 87° 421 2011 east 50, 19 feet to the lands of Tishman; running thence along said boundary S 87° 081 00" east 87. 50 feet and S 33° 301 3561 east 593. 31 feet and N 56° 291 2511 east 75. 00 feet and N 84° 351 3511 east 182. 11 feet to the point or place of beginning. The said premises are also known as lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 on a certain map entitled, "Section Two and Three Glen Rock Estates in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, " made by Ralph Cronquist, dated April 23, 1954, and filed.in the County Clerkls Office, Division of Land Records on June 1, 1954, as Map No. 9103, as well as the portion of property owned by the County of Westchester and acquired for the Cross County Parkway as shown on Map of Cross County Parkway, Sheet 14, Parcel 5 (County Clerk Map No. 2736). {5) A sewer system shall be constructed in said exten- sion substantially in accordance with the map and plan prepared by Ralph Gronquist and Chester Cronquist, professional engineers, and approved by the State Department of Health of the State of New York, on April 10, 1956, and filed in the Office of the State Department of Health, and re- corded in the Office of the County Clerk of West- chester County, Division of Land Records on April 13, 1956, and thereafter filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck on April 3, 1957, but all such construction shall be without cost or expense to the Town of Mamaro- neck and shall be paid by the owners and/or de- velopers of the property to be added to the Sewer District. Dated: May 1, 1957. George D. Burchell Supervisor Jeremiah C. Waterman Peter F. Kane, Jr. C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. Battista J. Santoro Councilmen Section Z. A signed or certified copy of said Order and Determination shall be duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Westchester as pro- vided by Section 195 of the Town Law. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote. AYES: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Brush Councilman Kane Councilman Waterman Councilman Santoro NOES: None NEW BUSINESS LETTER--BOARD OF ELECTIONS RE CENTRAL REGISTRATION The Clerk presented a letter under date of April 17, 1957, from the Board of Elections of Westchester County advising that that Board contemplated appointing roving or mobile Boards (teams) of CENTRAL Registrars so that as many qualified voters who may be away, or who otherwise may not register during the Local registration period (Septem- ber 28-30, October 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, and 12)) may avail themselves of the opportunity to become registered under the system of P.P.R. (Permanent Personal Regis- tration), and requested that a room with the necessary tables, chairs, and enrollment booths (as normally are provided for Local registration) be provided on July 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1957, from 1.00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. , for 2 Teams of 4 members. The Supervisor asked the Clerk, Chairman of the Board of Elections, for his recommendations and Mr. Gronberg ad- vised that he had completed arrangements for the use of a room in the Junior High School and that he was now prepar- ing the register of streets by districts. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the recommendations for Central Registration as presented by the Town Clerk, Chairman of the Board of Elections. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING--VILLAGE: OF MAMARONECK (AMENDMENT TO ZONING MAP) For the information of the members of the Board, the Clerk read a Notice of Public Hearing from the Village of Mamar- oneck with reference to an amendment to the zoning map, which Notice, sent to the Town in accordance with the usual custom and pursuant to Village Law, was received and filed. REQUEST OF CHIEF YERICK TO SEND TWO MEN TO FBI CONFERENCE The Clerk presented a request from Chief Yerick under date of April 25, 1957, for approval of the expenses of two mem- bers of the Police Department to attend the FBI Police Con- ' ference at Bear Mountain on May 8, 1957, in an amount not to exceed $12. 00. On motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the request of Chief Yerick for authorization to have two members of the Police Department attend the FBI Police Conference at Bear Mountain on May 8, 1957, with expenses paid. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to audit the claims of these two members of the Police Department for expenses for said trip in an amount not to exceed the sum of $12. 00. LETTER--RESIGNATION OF POLICE PATROLMAN EARL W. MEALING For the information of the Board, the Clerk read the letter submitted by Patrolman Earl W. Mealing of the Police De- partment to the Board of Police Commissioners under date of April 15, 1957, tendering his resignation from the Town of Mamaroneck Police force in order to transfer to the Vil- lage of Briarcliff Police Department for personal and family reasons. The Board accepted with regret the resignation of Patrolman Mealing as submitted to and approved by the Board of Police Commissioners. APPROVAL OF RECREATION COMMISSION REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO OPEN BANK ACCOUNT The Clerk presented the following memorandum from the Town Accountant, Mr. Finson: N "The Recreation Commission has authorized by resolution the opening of an account with the County Trust Go. , in the name of the Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission, with withdrawals, to be made by the Chairman. The sole function of this account is to receive all fees and other receipts of the Recreation Commission, and monthly to transfer them in total to the Town together with a de- tailed statement of such receipts. This is similar to what the other Town Departments and of- ficers are doing and the County Trust Co. has asked for a resolution of the Town Board authorizing such an account." On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Recreation Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized to open an account in the County Trust Company--Mamar- oneck Branch, said account to be titled, 'Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Fund". FURTHER RESOLVED that withdrawals from this account shall be upon the signature of the Supervi- sor of the Town of Mamaroneck. AUTHORIZATION--REVISION OF EXISTING ESCROW AGREE- MENTS WITH FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN YONKERS AND NATIONAL BANK OF WESTCHESTER The Supervisor reported that he had in accordance with the authority granted by this Board made the following Time Deposits with The First National Bank in Yonkers and the National Bank of Westchester and he requested authoriza- tion from the Town Board to execute escrow agreements with the above mentioned banks to cover such deposits. On motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to enter into an additional escrow agreement with The First National Bank in Yon- kers for a time deposit in the amount of $175, 000. 00 and the deposit of securities for such amount by The First National Bank in Yon- kers with The First National City Bank of New York of United States Treasury Coupon Bonds in the amount of $200, 000. 00, and also to enter in- to a further escrow agreement with the National Bank of Westchester for a time deposit of $100, 000. 00 and the security deposit with the Chase Manhattan Bank of Treasury Bonds in the amount of $100, 000. 00, such agreements to be subject to approval by the Town Attorney. REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were received and placed on file; Report of the Building Inspector for the month of April, 1957. Report of the Supervisor for the period from January 1st to March 31st, 1957. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor stated that he had no report at this time. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Brush - Park Commission Meeting Councilman Brush reported that the Park Commission at its meeting on April 22nd expressed great distress in connection with Thruway operations in the park area. The conditions and agreements reached with Mr. Robert Briggs, formerly Consulting Engineer to the Thruway Authority, were reviewed and the hope expressed that the Town would still receive satisfaction as to redress for damages incurred. Mr. Friedlander, Town Engineer, stated that he was in touch constantly with the Contractor and Sub-contractor for the Thruway and that such redress was to be made to the Town upon the filing of such claims. Councilman Brush then brought up a second considera- tion in connection with this matter - that of the coopera- tion of our own citizens during this difficult time, stating that flower beds had been badly trampled, etc. Council- man Kane suggested in this connection that possibly if these flower beds were enclosed by fencing with chicken wire, some measure of protection might be secured. Councilman Brush stated that this was an excellent sug- gestion and that he would pass this along. At this time, Mr. Peter Mosher of 72 Vine Road, Town, suggested that in reference to the matter of redress, if a series of photographs were taken to show the "before and - after" conditions in connection with the Thruway operations in the park area, such photographs might be helpful to the Town at the time of filing claims for redress for damages. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Mosher and stated that this might indeed prove helpful to the Town. At this time, the Supervisor reported that at a recent conference with Thruway officials from the Pough- keepsie Office, the proposed plan for obtaining a pe- destrian walk for children received apparent approval and is to be submitted by these officials to the Albany Thruway Office for final approval. A proposal by the Thruway to close Weaver Street for a period of time during construction, leaving the present Chatsworth Avenue bridge and the detour bridge open, was out- lined and is to be submitted to the village of Larch- mont and the Town of Mamaroneck for approval in the near future. Councilman Kane -- Councilman Kane stated that he had no report at this time. Councilman Waterman Councilman Waterman stated that he had no report other than that pertaining to Fire matters. Councilman Santoro -- New Street Light--Rockridge Road Councilman Santoro reported that a new street light had been installed on Rockridge Road and that the residents who had requested same were pleased with the installation. Cargill Park Councilman Santoro reported that a fence had been erected on the roof of the former sewer disposal building in order to afford all possible protection for the safety of the children using that area. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY The Attorney stated that he had nothing further to place before the Board at this time. MATTERS NOT ON AGENDA The Supervisor inquired whether anyone present wished to ad- dress the Board on any subject, The following persons addressed the Board. Mr. Jerome N. Wanshel -- Mr. Wanshel addressed the Board for the Hampshire Country Club on the matter of the Club's budget for the coming year explaining that the Club had to do something in the very near future in connection with the flooding of the Golf Course and that the Club's course of action and the funds needed therefor would depend on the Town's plans and therefore he requested definite information as to the Town's determination in this matter. Councilman Santoro advised Mr. Wanshel that this matter was under consideration and that he was sure a final decision would be reached by the Town within the next two weeks or so. Mr. Joseph Faillace -- Mr. Faillace brought to the Board's attention the fact that no word had been received regarding the request of the residents of Blossom Terrace for rezoning to permit two-family houses in this area and that the residents were suffering great hard- ship meanwhile. He advised, further, that he had contacted Mr. Frederick P. Clark, Consultant to the Planning Board, to whom this request had been referred, but was advised by him that his recommendation with relation to this matter was not yet ready. The Supervisor advised that he would check into this and see if Mr. Clark's report could not be presented at the next meet- ing of the Planning Board. Mr. Harry Alpiar -- Mr. Alpiar appeared to request $300. 00 for the Annual 4th of July celebration held in Flint Park. The Supervisor inquired of the Town Attorney the classification of this kind of observance -- whether recreational or a patriotic day observance and the Attorney advised that he would like to look into this and report at the next meeting. In connection with the matter of the swimming pool, Mr. Alpiar asked whether the Town Attorney would prepare a petition to be circulated by him for a proposition to be voted upon by the voters of the Town with regard to the authorization for the construction of a swimming pool. Following some discussion, this matter was referred to the Town Attorney. J rty ,g CARGILL PARK -- The members of the Board brought up the matter of publi- cizing Cargill Park and urged that all publicity possible be given to this very fine park and its use through the news- paper and by word-of-mouth. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on May 15, 1957. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners convened im- mediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. CLAIMS Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Depart- ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief. On motion by Commissioner Waterman, seconded by Com- missioner Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp- troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department: Atlantic Service Station $ 116. 90 Con Edison-Westchester 39. 11 New York Telephone Company 82. 18 Wesco Fire Equipment & Service 11. 50 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 36. 04 Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 15. 55 Total $ 301. 28 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. , to reconvene on May 15, 1957. `1 `C,� I �f To Cle