HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_11_19 Town Board Minutes
November 19, 2018
PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson
Councilwoman Abby Katz
Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney
Councilwoman Sabrina Fiddelman
Councilman Jeffery L. King
ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Connie Green O’Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the Work Session was
unanimously opened at 5:00PM.
Mr. Povemba, 5 Glenn Road was additionally present and requested to speak with the Town Board. Mr.
Povemba addressed the issue regarding a basketball hoop he has installed on the Town right-of-way. He
has received a code violation and was requested to remove the hoop. He is here this evening to ask that
the hoop remain. The Board heard from Mr. Povemba, then Supervisor Seligson stated that since they have
not had a chance to review this or speak with Town staff they have no response at this time, adding that
the Town will be back in touch with him.
Meeting with Town Justices
Additionally Present: Town Justices, Jean Marie Brescia and Ronald Meister
The Justices were present to give an update on the state of the Court, with an overview of the types of
cases that the Town Court handles on a regular basis.
Continued Discussion of the basketball hoop in front of 5 Glenn Road
Mr. Altieri stated that the basketball hoop has been permanently mounted with cement in the Town right-
of-way. It is a dangerous situation, whereby trucks can hit the hoop causing potential harm and is a liability
for the Town.
November 19, 2018
Review - “Exemption from the Sewer Rent for Separately Metered Water that is not Discharged into the
Sanitary Sewer System, Law”
The Town Board reviewed the draft legislation. The Board discussed the definition of the word ‘sewage’
and if it is correctly being used in this context. The Board agreed, after comments from Mr. Maker, that it is
appropriate verbiage for this law. Setting of a public hearing is on the regular agenda for this evening.
2019 Preliminary Sanitation Commission Budget
The Town Board reviewed the Preliminary Budget. Mr. Altieri discussed the details of the Budget,
specifically noting that the increase in the insurance premiums is unconfirmed. The Preliminary Budget
does not include any changes to the food waste program. Mr. Altieri has prepared a separate memo to the
Village of Larchmont Mayor and the Town Supervisor to discuss four proposed alternatives for this
program. Supervisor Seligson stated that she would also like to plan a meeting with the Village of
Larchmont to discuss service options/changes.
Discussion - Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Altieri prepared a Draft Scope of Services Commuter Parking Analysis dated November 19, 2018, for the
Town Board to review. Councilwoman Elkind Eney asked that Mr. Altieri to add WSA Resident Parking
Permit as a factor in the scope. The Town Board continued their discussion of addressing the
Comprehensive Plan immediately or moving forward with the urgent issues. The Town Board discussed
inviting two of the consultants back in to discuss with them the dilemma the Board is having and receive
some advice on how best to proceed.
Update – Community Solar Project
Supervisor Seligson reported that there have been four responses to the RFP that was issued, and they are
currently being reviewed. It is anticipated that by the second meeting in December the Town Board will
have proposals before them for approval.
Boards and Commissions
The Town Clerk prepared a schedule of expiring terms for the various Board and Commissions.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Board unanimously agreed
to enter into an Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Commissions.
Appointments to Boards and Commissions
On motion of Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Board unanimously agreed
to resume the Regular Meeting.
November 19, 2018
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at
8:00 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits.
Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o’clock this
evening, adding this is an open meeting that all residents are welcome to attend.
PRESENTATION – STEM ALLIANCE – Co-Op Summer Enrichment Program
Supervisor Seligson introduced Margaret Kaufer who is a member of the STEM Leadership Team. Ms.
Kaufer gave an overview and an update on the Co-Op Summer Enrichment Program, and distributed the
Summer 2018 Annual Report.
The Town Board thanked Ms. Kaufer for this wonderful and informative presentation
We’ve had several budget review sessions in the past 2 weeks. The last budget work session
meeting before the budget hearing will be Monday November 26 at 5:30 in Conference room D.
The public hearing is set for Wednesday December 5 where the budget will be presented and
discussed. It can be changed up to adoption which must be December 19 according to NYS law.
Let’s review the sanitation schedule since its Thanksgiving week. Regular collection schedules will
follow Monday, Tuesday Wednesday schedules this week. No collection Thursday and Friday will
follow normal collection schedule. Maxwell will be open Tuesday regular schedule, closed
Wednesday and Thursday. Maxwell Avenue will be open Friday from 8 am till noon and Saturday
from 8 am to 11:45.
Thank you to American Legion Posts 90 and 347 for hosting Veterans Day events and to all
veterans including members of VFW Post David Potts 1156 for honoring our veterans and
contributing so much to our community.
Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board, and there was not.
PUBLIC HEARING (S) – “Vehicle and Traffic Law for the Town of Mamaroneck” Law
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
November 19, 2018
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New
York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on November 7, 2018
a Public Hearing will be held on Monday, November 19, 2018 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is
possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider:
“Vehicle and Traffic Law for the Town of Mamaroneck” Law.
The purpose of this law is to consolidate all of the Town’s laws involving motor vehicles, traffic
regulation and parking (including paid parking) into a single chapter of the Town Code.
The full text of this document can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the
Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August
until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an
opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior
Published: November 13, 2018
On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the Public Hearing was
unanimously opened.
Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed Local Law.
It was noted that this is a compilation of all of the Town’s Vehicle and Traffic Laws. A project
spearheaded by the Town Clerk and completed over the course of a few years. The Town is happy to see
this come to fruition as it will benefit many areas of the Town government.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman King, the public hearing was
unanimously closed.
On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the following Local law was
Local Law No. 9 - 2018
This local law shall be known as the “Vehicle and Traffic Law for the Town of Mamaroneck” Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
November 19, 2018
Section 1 – Purpose:
The purpose of this law is to consolidate all of the Town’s laws involving motor vehicles, traffic regulation
and parking (including paid parking) into a single chapter of the Town Code.
Section 2– Repeal of current chapters of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
Chapters 147 and 216 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby are repealed.
Section 3 – Repeal of current sections of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
Sections 108-3, 108-4 and 108-6 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby are repealed.
Section 4 – Renumbering of a current section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
Section 108-5 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is renumbered section 108-3.
Section 5 – Repeal and renumbering of portions of Section A250-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
(a) “Ch 147” appearing in section A250-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck in the column entitled
“Code Section” hereby is deleted and replaced with “§219-56”. The text associated with “Ch 147” in
the column in Chapter A250-1 entitled “Subject” from “commuter Lot 1 daytime permit, annual” to
“Parking permit replacement” hereby is deleted and replaced with “Paid parking” and the fees
associated with “Ch 147” in the column in Chapter A250-1 entitled “Fee or Deposit” hereby is deleted
and replaced with “Set by Town Board resolution”.
(b) The letters “TBD” first appearing in section A250-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck in the
column entitled “Code Section” hereby are deleted and replaced with “§219-63 D”.
(c) The letters “TBD” appearing for a second time in section A250-1 of the Code of the Town of
Mamaroneck in the column entitled “Code Section” hereby are deleted and replaced with “§219-63
(d) These new enumerations shall be placed in numerical order within section A250-1 of the Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
Section 6 – Catch-All repeal
All local laws, ordinances and resolutions passed or enacted prior to the effective date of this local law that
involve motor vehicles, traffic regulation and parking (included paid parking) in the unincorporated area of
the Town of Mamaroneck that are not enumerated in section 2 or 3 above hereby are repealed.
Section 7– Repeal and replacement of a current chapter of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
Chapter 219 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its
Chapter 219
November 19, 2018
General Provisions
§ 219-1. Definitions and word usage.
A. The words and phrases used in this chapter shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them by Article 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
B. Word usage. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the
future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular
number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
C. The following words and phrases, which are not defined by Article 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the
State of New York, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section for the purposes
of this chapter:
CURBLINE — The prolongation of the lateral line of a curb or, in the absence of a curb, the lateral
boundary line of the roadway.
HOLIDAYS — New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
INSIGNIA -The emblem issued by the Town Clerk to a permit holder.
MOTOR VEHICLE - Every vehicle operated or driven upon a public highway which is propelled by any
power other than muscular power.
PERSON - An individual, or a firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any
PUBLIC HIGHWAY – A street located within the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck
that meets the definition of a public highway contained in New York State Vehicle and Traffic Section
SCHOOL DAYS – Monday through Friday, September 1 to June 30
SCHOOL TIMES – 7:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.
November 19, 2018
Traffic Regulations
§ 219-3. Traffic control signals.
Traffic control signals shall be installed and operated at the following described intersections.
Forest Avenue and Murray Avenue
Forest Avenue and Weaver Street
Harmon Drive and Weaver Street
Murray Avenue and Myrtle Boulevard (2 separate signals)
Myrtle Boulevard and Weaver Street
North Chatsworth Avenue and Myrtle Boulevard
Palmer Avenue and Richbell Road
Palmer Avenue at Weaver Street
§ 219-4. Speed limits.
A. The maximum speed at which motor vehicles may proceed on or along any public highways shall be 30
miles per hour, except on or along those public highways or parts of public highways described below:
Speed Limit
Name of Public Highway (mph) Location
Dillon Road 25 Entire length
Fernwood Road 15 From 47 Fernwood Road to Weaver
Forest Avenue 15 From Sheldrake Avenue north to
end of road
Harmon Drive 25 From Weaver Street to next posted
speed limit sign
Hillcrest Avenue 10 Along curve between Judson Street
and ending where the road
Huguenot Drive 20 From North Chatsworth Avenue to
next posted speed limit
Murray Avenue 25 Entire length except in School Zone
where it is 20mph
Myrtle Boulevard 25 From No Chatsworth Avenue to
Lakeside Drive
Old White Plains Road 15 Along curve north of Bruce Road
and ending where the road
November 19, 2018
§ 219-5. School zone speed limits.
The maximum speed at which a motor vehicle may proceed on school days during school times. The school
zones are as follows:
Name of Public Highway of Travel Designated School Zone
From the north end of the school building
for a distance of three hundred (300) feet
toward Weaver Street and from the
south end of the school building for a
distance of three hundred (300) feet
Murray Avenue Both toward Colonial Avenue
From the north end of the entrance to the
school grounds for a distance of three
hundred (300) feet toward Richbell Road
and from the south end of the entrance to
the school grounds for a distance of three
Palmer Avenue Both hundred (300) feet toward Weaver Street
From the north end of the entrance to the
school grounds for a distance of three
hundred (300) feet toward East Garden
Road and from the south end of the
entrance to the school grounds for a
distance of three hundred (300) feet toward
Weaver Street Both Myrtle Boulevard
§ 219-6. One-way public highways.
The public highways or parts of public highways described below are one-way public highways in the
direction indicated.
Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel
Alden Road Traveling south from Copley Road to Boston Post Road
Daymon Terrace Traveling south from Forest Avenue to Colonial Avenue
Edgewater Place Traveling south from Locust Terrace to Dillon Road
Elkan Road Around roundabout
Locust Terrace Traveling east from Parkland Avenue to Edgewater Place
McKenna Place Traveling north then west from Jason Lane to Rockland Avenue
New Jefferson Traveling east from Madison Avenue to N. Chatsworth Avenue
November 19, 2018
New Jefferson Traveling west from N. Chatsworth Avenue to Madison Avenue
Old Hommocks Road Traveling north from Hommocks Road to Boston Post Road
Parkland Ave Traveling north from Dillon Road to Locust Terrace
Plymouth Road Traveling west from Weaver Street to Winthrop Avenue
Vine Street Traveling east from Murray Avenue to Myrtle Boulevard
Washington Square Traveling west to Madison Avenue
Windsor Street Traveling south from Myrtle Boulevard. to Harmon Drive
Winthrop Avenue Traveling south from Plymouth Road to Boston Post Road
§ 219-7. U-turns.
§ 219-8. Prohibited turns.
No motor vehicle shall make a turn of the kind described below during the times and at the locations shown
Name of Public Direction Prohibited
Highway of Travel Turn Hours/Days At intersection with
Exiting the parking lot of 1265
Boston Post Road No left turn All Boston Post Road
Exiting the parking lot of 1340
Boston Post Road No left turn All Boston Post Rd
Edgewood Avenue East No left turn All Weaver Street
Heather Lane West No left turn During school times Weaver Street
on school days, and
on Saturday from
5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m.
and on Sunday from
8:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.
Bryson Street East No left turn During school times Murray Avenue
on school days
Myrtle Boulevard East No left turn 4:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. Preston Street
Monday through
Old Hommocks Road North No left turn All Boston Post Road
November 19, 2018
Myrtle Boulevard East No Left Turn 7:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. No Chatsworth Avenue
and 5:00p.m. to
7:00p.m. Monday
through Friday
§ 219-9. Prohibited right turns on red signal.
No motor vehicle shall make a right turn when facing a steady red signal (stop indication) at any of the
locations described below.
Name of Public Prohibited Right Turn
Highway Direction of Travel on Red Signal Onto Hours
Alden Road East Boston Post Road All
Boston Post Road South Weaver Street All
Boston Post Road North Hommocks Road All
Cooper Lane South Weaver Street All
Forest Avenue East Murray Avenue All
Forest Avenue West Weaver Street All
Harmon Drive West Weaver Street All
Hommocks Road West Boston Post Road All
Myrtle Boulevard East Weaver Street All
Palmer Avenue Both Weaver Street All
During school times on
Palmer Avenue East Richbell Road school days
During school times on
Richbell Road North Palmer Avenue school days
Weaver Street East Boston Post Road All
Weaver Street Both Palmer Avenue All
Weaver Street North Harmon Drive All
Weaver Street North Myrtle Boulevard All
During school times on
Weaver Street South Myrtle Boulevard school days
Weaver Street South Forest Avenue All
When Prohibited by
North Chatsworth North Myrtle Traffic Signal Control
§ 219-10. Through public highways.
The public highways or parts of public highways described below are hereby designated as through public
highways. Traffic control devices shall be installed on each public highway intersecting the through public
Name of Through Name of Entrance of Direction From Traffic Control
public highway public highway Which Entering Device
November 19, 2018
§ 219-11. Stop intersections.
The intersections described below are hereby designated as stop intersections and stop signs shall be
installed as follows.
Stop Sign on Direction of Travel At Intersection of
Avon Road South Rockland Avenue
Avon Road South Mohegan Road
Avon Road North Mohegan Road
Avon Road North Fenimore Road
Baldwin Avenue East Myrtle Boulevard
Barnard Road North Huguenot Drive
Birch Road East North Chatsworth Avenue
Birchfield Road North Forest Avenue
Blossom Terrace South Palmer Avenue
Bonnie Briar Lane West Weaver Street
Bonnie Way East Weaver Street
Boulder Road South Forest Avenue
Briarcliff Road West Weaver Street
Bryson Street West North Chatsworth Avenue
Bryson Street East Murray Avenue
Burton Road North Palmer Avenue
Byron Lane East Weaver Street
Byron Lane West Orsini Drive
Cabot Road North Myrtle Boulevard
Cargill Park Rd North Palmer Avenue
Carleon Avenue North Palmer Avenue
Clover Road North Fernwood Road
Clover Road South Fernwood Road
Clover Road South West Garden Road
Colonial Avenue East Weaver Street
Colonial Avenue West Murray Avenue
Country Road West Fenimore Road
Crescent Road North Briarcliff Road
Dante Street East Weaver Street
Dante Street West Orsini Drive
Daymon Terrace South Senate Place
Daymon Terrace South Colonial Avenue
Dimitri Pl West Orsini Drive
Dundee Road West Rockland Avenue
Dundee Road North Avon Road
Dundee Road South Avon Road
Durham Road North Fenimore Road
Eagle Knolls Road West Hommocks Road
November 19, 2018
Stop Sign on Direction of Travel At Intersection of
East Drive North Murray Avenue
East Hickory Grove Drive West West Brookside Drive
East Hickory Grove Drive East Rocky Road
East Brookside Drive West Briarcliff Road
East Garden Road Both Ellsworth Road
East Garden Road South East Brookside Drive
Echo Lane East Murray Avenue
Echo Lane West North Chatsworth Avenue
Edgewood Avenue East Weaver Street
Edgewood Avenue Both Preston Street
Edgewood Avenue Both Murray Avenue
Edgewood Avenue West North Chatsworth Avenue
Edgewood Avenue East Judson Street
Elkan Road North Palmer Avenue
Ellsworth Road South East Hickory Grove Drive
Emerson Road North Maple Hill Drive
Emerson Road South Edgewood Avenue
Eton Road North Rockland Avenue
Eton Road South Little Falls Road
Falls Road East Lakeside Drive
Fenbrook Drive South Fenimore Road
Fern Road East North Chatsworth Avenue
Fernwood Road Both Clover Road
Fernwood Road East West Brookside Drive
Forest Avenue North Rockland Avenue
Forest Avenue Both Vine Road
Rochelle Road East North Chatsworth Avenue
Garit Lane South Palmer Avenue
Gate House Land South Old White Plains Road
Glen Eagles Drive East South Drive
Glen Eagles Drive South All Vine Road
Glenn Road Both North Chatsworth Avenue
Glenn Road Both Valley Road
Glenn Road East Murray Avenue
Harmon Drive Both Revere Road
Harmony Drive East Alden Road
Hawthorne Road South Howell Avenue
Hawthorne Road North Palmer Avenue
Heather Lane West Weaver Street
Hillcrest Avenue East Weaver Street
Hillside Road West North Chatsworth Avenue
Homer Avenue West Murray Avenue
Hommocks Road Both Eagle Knolls Road
Howell Avenue East Hawthorne Road
Howell Avenue West Meadow Place
November 19, 2018
Stop Sign on Direction of Travel At Intersection of
Huguenot Drive East Lafayette Road
Huguenot Drive East Lafayette Road
Huguenot Drive Both Rochelle Road
Huguenot Drive North Mountain Avenue
Jason Lane South Rockland Avenue
Jefferson Street South Madison Avenue
Jefferson Street North North Chatsworth Avenue
Lafayette Road North North Chatsworth Avenue
Lakeside Drive Both Falls Road
Lansdowne Drive West Weaver Street
Laurel Avenue East Weaver Street
Leafy Lane West Murray Avenue
Leaving Central School North Palmer Avenue
Little Farms Road North Ellsworth Road
Locust Ridge Road East Glen Eagles Drive South
Maple Hill Drive East Weaver Street
Maple Hill Drive West Murray Avenue
Maplewood Street East Murray Avenue
Marbourne Drive North Stonewall Lane
Marbourne Drive South Gatehouse Lane
Mardon Road North West Garden Road
Mardon Road South Cooper Lane
McKenna Place South Rockland Avenue
Meadow Place North Howell Avenue
Mohegan Road Both Avon Road
Mohegan Road North Fenimore Road
Mountain Avenue East Rockingstone Avenue
Mountain Avenue East North Chatsworth Avenue
Mountain Avenue Both Huguenot Drive
Murray Avenue North Weaver Street
Murray Avenue Both Maple Hill Drive
North Chatsworth Avenue North Forest Avenue
North Chatsworth Avenue South Rockingstone Avenue
North Chatsworth Avenue West Rockingstone Avenue
North Chatsworth Avenue Both Glenn Road
North Chatsworth Avenue Both Bryson Street
Nancy Lane South Palmer Avenue
Old Hommocks Road North Boston Post Road
Orchard Road West Weaver Street
Orsini Drive South Maple Hill Drive
Plymouth Road South Boston Post Road
Plymouth Road East At the curve along Plymouth
Road And Winthrop Road
Preston Street South Myrtle Boulevard
November 19, 2018
Stop Sign on Direction of Travel At Intersection of
Preston Street North Edgewood Avenue
Revere Road South Harmon Drive
Rockingstone Avenue North Forest Avenue
Rockingstone Avenue North North Chatsworth Avenue
Rockingstone Avenue South Mountain Avenue
Rockingstone North Forest Avenue
Rockland Avenue South Weaver Street
Rockland Avenue West Avon Road
Rockland Avenue West Crest Drive
Rocky Road North East Hickory Grove Drive
Salem Drive North Split Tree Road
Senate Place South Daymon Terrace
Sheldrake Avenue North Rockland Avenue
Sheldrake Avenue South Forest Avenue
Sheldrake Avenue Both Holly Place
Stoneyside Drive North Rockland Avenue
Stoneyside Drive South Ellsworth Road
Stratford Road East Oakdale Road
Stratford Road South Highland Road
Thompson Street North Myrtle Boulevard
Thruway Ramp North Madison Avenue
Valley Road North Forest Avenue
Valley Road West Rockingstone Avenue
Valley Road Both Glenn Road
Villa Lane South Forest Avenue
Vine Road South Forest Avenue
Vine Road Both Vine Place
Vine Road Both Glen Eagles Drive South
Vine Street West Myrtle Boulevard
Washington Square South Madison Avenue
Weaver Street South Palmer Avenue
West Garden Road West Weaver Street
West Garden Road East West Brookside Drive
West Garden Road West Clover Street
Wildwood Road East Rockingstone Avenue
Winged Foot Drive South Rockland Avenue
Winged Foot Drive East Dundee Road
Winged Foot Drive North Hidden Green Lane
Winged Foot Drive South Briar Del Circle
Winged Foot Drive North Fenimore Road
Wood Street West Myrtle Boulevard
York Road West Ridgeway Road
November 19, 2018
§ 219-12. Yield intersections.
The intersections described below are hereby designated as yield intersections and yield signs shall be
installed as follows.
Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel At Intersection of
Fifth Avenue North Madison Avenue
Forest Avenue East Daymon Terrace
Glenn Road West Rockingstone Avenue
Howell Avenue West Carleon Avenue
Murray Avenue North Weaver Street
Seton Road East Rockingstone Avenue
§ 219-13. Trucks over certain weights excluded.
Trucks in excess of the weights indicated below are hereby excluded from the public highways or parts of
public highways described below, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on these sections of such
public highways.
Name of Public Weight Limit
Highway (tons) Direction of Travel Location
Harmon Drive 5 Both For the entire length
East Hickory
Grove Drive 11 Both For the entire length
From Weaver Street to
Myrtle Boulevard 11 Both Lakeside Drive
Rockland Avenue 11 Both For the entire length
Rocky Road 11 Both For the entire length
Myrtle Boulevard 11 Both For the entire Length
219.-14. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and may be subject to a fine
established by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws, except that violation of Section 219-13 shall be
subject to a fine established by Section 219-88 of this Chapter.
219-15. Reserved.
219-16. Reserved.
Parking Regulations
§ 219-17. Application of article.
November 19, 2018
The provisions of this article shall apply except when directed by a Police Officer or an official traffic control
§ 219-18. Parking prohibited at all times.
No motor vehicle shall be parked at any time upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways
described below.
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Fifth Avenue Both For the entire length
Alden Road South West side from Copley Road for a distance
of thirty two (32) feet toward Boston Post
Alden Road South West side from Boston Post Road for a
distance of twenty three (23) feet toward
from Copley Road
Alden Road South East side from Boston Post Road for a
distance of ten (10) feet toward Copley
Baldwin Avenue For a distance of forty (40) feet in each
direction from the western most point of
the cul-de-sac.
Blossom Terrace North East side from Palmer Avenue for a distance
of eighty (80) feet
Blossom Terrace South West side for the entire length from Palmer
Avenue toward Blossom Terrace’s
intersection with itself
Blossom Terrace East South side from the point of the right hand
turn for a distance of sixty (60) feet
Boston Post Road West North side from the boundary line between
the Village of Mamaroneck and the
Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck to
the point one-hundred and two (102) feet
west of Alden Road
Boston Post Road East South side between the eastern boundary
line of the Village of Larchmont to the
boundary line between the Unincorporated
Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of
Burton Road North East side from Palmer Avenue for a distance
of two hundred forty (240) feet
Burton Road South West side between the driveways of 6
Burton Road and 8 Burton Road
Byron Place South West side for the entire length
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Bryson Street West North side from Murray Avenue a distance
of fifteen (15) towards N. Chatsworth
Cabot Road Both From Myrtle Boulevard for a distance of
twenty five (25) feet toward the dead end
Cabot Road North East side from the dead-end for a distance
of eighty five (85) feet toward Myrtle
Chester Place South West side between Dillon Road and Moran
Colonial Avenue East South side from Murray Avenue for a
distance of thirty (30) feet toward Weaver
Cooper Lane South West side from Mardon Road to Weaver
Cooper Lane North East side from Weaver Street to the
telephone pole in front of 28 Cooper Lane
Copley Road South West side from 3 Copley Road Alden Road
Dillon Road North East side from the corner of Edgewater
Place for a distance of thirty (30) feet
toward Boston Post Road
Dillon Road South West side for the entire length
Dundee Road East South side from Rockland Avenue to where
the driveway of 8 Dundee Road meets the
roadbed of Dundee Road
Dundee Road West North side from Winged foot Drive a
distance of thirty (30) feet toward Mohegan
East Brookside Drive East For the entire length of the side running
along the Brook
Edgewood Avenue West South side from Weaver Street to Judson
Edgewood Avenue West North side a distance of twenty (20) feet
from Murray Avenue toward N. Chatsworth
Edgewood Avenue East South side from Overlook Terrace to
Murray Avenue
Edgewood Avenue Both Both sides for a distance of twenty (20) feet
from North Chatsworth Avenue toward
Murray Avenue
Elkan Road North East side for a distance of sixty seven (67)
feet from Palmer Avenue toward the cul-
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Elkan Road South West side for a distance of ninety four (94)
feet from Palmer Avenue toward the cul-
Fenimore Road Both Both sides for the entire length
Forest Avenue West North side from Sheldrake Avenue to
Weaver Street
Forest Avenue East South side for a distance of one-hundred
and thirty (130) feet from Weaver Street
toward Rockland Avenue
Forest Avenue Both Both sides between Murray Avenue and
Weaver Street
Forest Avenue South West side at the curve for a distance of
seventy one (71) feet toward Weaver Street
Heather Lane West North side for the entire length
Hillcrest Avenue East East from Judson Street to Weaver Street
Hommocks Road Both Both sides from Boston Post Road to Old
Hommocks Road
Hommocks Road North East side from Eagle Knolls Road to Old
Hommocks Road
Lakeside Drive Both Side not bordering Gardens Lake from dead
end to dead end
Leafy Lane East South side from Murray Avenue for a
distance of sixty-four (64) feet toward the
dead end
Leafy Lane West North side from Murray Avenue for a
distance of eighty two (82) feet toward the
dead end
Lester Place All North side for the entire length
Locust Terrace East North side from Parkland Avenue to
Edgewater Place
Madison Avenue North East side from the point where Myrtle
Boulevard ends and Madison Avenue
begins to Washington Square
Madison Avenue North East side from the driveway to the parking
lot for Block 134 (“Carlton House”) for a
distance of forty (40) feet toward New
Jefferson Avenue
Madison Avenue South West side from Fifth Avenue to the
entrance to I95
Maple Street Both Both sides for a distance of forty (40) feet
around the cul-de-sac
Maxwell Avenue East South side for the entire length
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Moran Place West
North side from Chester Place for a distance
of three-hundred (300) feet toward
Emerson Avenue
Murray Avenue North
East side from Colonial Avenue for a
distance of forty eight (48) feet towards
Forest Avenue
Murray Avenue South West side from Bryson Street for a distance
of twenty three (23) feet toward Glenn
Murray Avenue North
East side from Colonial Avenue for a
distance of nineteen (19) feet toward
Homer Avenue
Myrtle Boulevard Both Both sides from Lakeside Drive to Weaver
Street opposite each center median
Myrtle Boulevard East South side from North Chatsworth Avenue
to Weaver Street
Myrtle Boulevard West North side from Preston Street to North
Chatsworth Avenue
North Chatsworth South West side from Rochelle Road for a distance
Avenue of forty (40) feet toward Lafayette Road
North Chatsworth South West side from Huguenot Drive for a
Avenue distance of sixty (60) feet toward Rochelle
North Chatsworth North (a) East side for a distance of six (6) feet
Avenue north of the point where the north side of
the driveway for the property known as 40
North Chatsworth Avenue meets the
roadbed of North Chatsworth Avenue.
(b) East side for a distance of six (6) feet
south of the point where the south side of
the driveway for the property known as 40
North Chatsworth Avenue meets the
roadbed of North Chatsworth Avenue.
North Chatsworth South West side from Lafayette Road to the
Avenue driveway entrance to 35 North Chatsworth
Old Hommocks Road North East side for the entire length
Old White Plains Road Both Both sides for the entire length
Palmer Avenue West North side from Blossom Terrace to Weaver
Palmer Avenue West North side from Blossom Terrace for a
distance of forty nine (49) feet toward
Richbell Road
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Palmer Avenue East South side from Elkan Road for a distance
of forty (40) feet toward Weaver Street
Palmer Avenue East South side from Burton Road for a distance
of eighty (80) feet toward Elkan Road
Palmer Avenue East South side from Carleon Avenue for a
distance of thirty (30) feet toward Weaver
Palmer Avenue East South side for a distance of fifteen (15) feet
west from the point where the western side
of the driveway for 1294 Palmer Avenue
meets the roadbed of Palmer Avenue
Palmer Avenue East South side for a distance of eighteen (18)
feet east from the eastern side of the
driveway for 1298 Palmer Avenue at the
point where that driveway meets the
roadbed of Palmer Avenue
Palmer Avenue West From the boundary line between the
Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck and
the Village of Larchmont for a distance of
seventy (70) feet east
Palmer Avenue West North side from the point on the north side
of Palmer Avenue which is one hundred fifty
(150) feet east from the boundary line
between the Unincorporated Town of
Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont
for a distance of one hundred seventy-five
(175) feet east
Palmer Avenue East South side from Elkan Road for a distance
of eighty three (83) feet toward Richbell
Palmer Avenue East South side for a distance of twenty-five
(25) feet from the western side of the
driveway of 4 Carleon Avenue
Plymouth Road West South side from Weaver Street to Winthrop
Rockland Avenue Both Both sides from Eton Road to Winged Foot
Rockland Avenue Both Both sides for a distance of thirty (30) feet
from Weaver Street
Sackett Drive Both From December 1 to March 31, on both
sides between the point where Sackett
Drive terminates at Weaver Street and the
point where Althea Lane terminates at
Sackett Drive.
Senate Place West South side for the entire length
Taylor Place North East side from Myrtle Boulevard to the
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of Travel Location
Washington Square West North side from N. Chatsworth Avenue for a
distance of twenty (20) feet toward
Madison Avenue
Washington Square West North side from Madison Avenue for a
distance of twenty (20) feet toward North
Chatsworth Avenue
Weaver Street Both Both sides for the entire length
West Brookside Drive South West side for the entire length alongside
the Brook
Winged Foot Drive North East side beginning at Dundee Road for a
distance of fifty-five (55) feet toward
Fenimore Road
Winged Foot Drive South West side beginning at Rockland Avenue for
a distance of one-hundred and ten (110)
feet toward Fenimore Road
Winged Foot Drive North East side beginning at Rockland Avenue for
a distance of one-hundred and fifteen (115)
feet toward Fenimore Road
Winthrop Avenue South East side from the corner of Plymouth Road
for a distance of twenty (20) feet
Winthrop Avenue South West side from Plymouth Road to Boston
Post Road
Wood Street North East side for the entire length
§ 219-19. No stopping or standing.
A. No motor vehicle shall stop upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below.
Name of public highway Direction Location
Hommocks Road Both From Boston Post Road to Old Hommocks
Weaver Street North East side between Heather Lane and Cooper
Weaver Street South West side from Maple Hill Drive to
Edgewood Avenue
B. No motor vehicle shall stand upon any of the public highways or parts of public highways described below.
November 19, 2018
Name of public highway Direction of Travel Location
Cooper Lane Both From Weaver Street to
Mardon Road
Daymon Terrace South East side from Senate Place
for a distance of fifteen (15)
feet toward Forest Avenue
Senate Place West South side for the entire
§ 219-20. Parking prohibited certain times.
No motor vehicle shall be parked, unless otherwise indicated, upon any of the public highways or parts of
public highways described below, between the hours specified below.
Name of public Direction of
highway Travel Location Hours Days
All roads in All On public highways, except 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 All
Unincorporated those public highways a.m.
Town of designated in § 219-21
Alden Road South West side from Boston Post 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday
Road to Copley Road 12:00 noon
Burton Road North East side from the driveway 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday
entrance of the southernmost 12:00 noon
parking garage to the
beginning of the section
where parking is prohibited
at all times.
Burton Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursday
Avenue to the beginning of 12:00 noon
the section where parking is
prohibited at all times.
Colonial Avenue West North side from Murray 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 School Days,
Avenue to Daymon Terrace a.m. and 2:00 except holidays
p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Colonial Avenue West North side from the driveway 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 School Days,
of the home at 85 Colonial a.m. and 2:00 except holidays
Avenue to Daymon Terrace p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Copley Road North From Alden Road to the 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday
southern property line of 10 12:00 noon
Copley Road
Daymon Terrace South East side from Senate Place to School Times School Days
Colonial Avenue
Dillon Road North East side from Boston Post 9:00 a.m. to Tuesday
Road to Edgewater Place 12:00 noon
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of
highway Travel Location Hours Days
Echo Lane North East side from Murray 10:00 a.m. to Monday through
Avenue to Hillside Road 11:00 a.m. Friday
Echo Lane South West side from Hillside Road 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Monday through
to Murray Avenue p.m. Friday
Edgewood East South side from Murray 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Monday through
Avenue Avenue to Judson Street p.m. Friday
Edgewood West North side from Murray 10:00 a.m. to Monday through
Avenue Avenue to Judson Street 11:00 a.m. Friday
France Place Both Both sides 10:00 a.m. to Monday through
11:00 a.m. Friday
France Place Both Both sides 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Monday through
p.m. Friday
Hillside Road West North side for the entire 10:00 a.m. to Monday through
length 11:00 a.m. Friday
Hillside Road East South side for the entire 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Monday through
length p.m. Friday
Huguenot Drive Both Both sides from North 8:00 a.m. to Monday through
Chatsworth to Barnard Road 10:00 a.m. Friday
Laurel Avenue West North side for the entire 10:00a.m. to Monday through
length 11:00a.m. Friday
Laurel Avenue East South side for the entire 2:00p.m. to Monday through
length 3:00p.m. Friday
Lester Place Both South side for the entire 9:00a.m. to noon Wednesday
Murray Avenue South West side from Leafy Lane to 9:00a.m. to First Friday of
Myrtle Boulevard 11:00a.m. each month
Murray Avenue North East side from Leafy Lane to 9:00a.m. to Second Friday of
Myrtle Boulevard 11:00a.m. each month
Murray Avenue South West side from Bryson Street 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 School days
for a distance of one-hundred a.m. and 2:30
and ninety eight (198) feet p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
toward Forest
Murray Avenue North East side for a distance of 8:00a.m. to School Days
one hundred fifty (150) feet 4:00p.m.
from Forest Avenue
Murray Avenue South West side from Forest 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 School days
Avenue for a distance of one-a.m. and 2:30
hundred and seventy five p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
(175) feet toward Bryson
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of
highway Travel Location Hours Days
Murray Avenue South West side commencing at a 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 School Days
point three hundred and sixty p.m.
five (365) feet north from
Bryson Street for a distance
of one-hundred and forty
(140) feet toward Forest
Avenue to a point ending two
hundred and forty five (245)
from Forest Avenue
New Jefferson South West side for the entire 9:00a.m. First Tuesday of
Street length to11:00a.m. each month
New Jefferson North East side for the entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Tuesday
Street 11:00a.m. of each month
North North East side from Myrtle 9:00a.m. to First Thursday of
Chatsworth Boulevard to the northern 11:00a.m. each month
Avenue boundary of 40 North
Chatsworth Avenue
North South West side from the northern 9:00a.m. Second Thursday
Chatsworth boundary of 35 North to11:00a.m. of each month
Avenue Chatsworth to Myrtle
Palmer Avenue East South side from the driveway 8:00a.m. Monday through
entrance to Mamaroneck to Friday
High School for a distance of 5:00p.m.
ninety (90) feet toward
Richbell Road
Richbell Road North East side from Palmer Avenue 9:00a.m to 12:00 Wednesdays
to the boundary line of the noon
Village of Mamaroneck
Richbell Road South West side from Palmer 9:00 a.m. to Thursdays
Avenue to the boundary line 12:00 noon
of the Village of Mamaroneck
Rochelle Road Both Both sides from Huguenot 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Monday through
Drive to France Place p.m. Friday
Sheldrake North East side from Forest Avenue 8:00a.m. to School days
Avenue to Holly Place 9:00a.m. and
from 2:30p.m. to
Senate Place North East side for the entire length 8:00a.m. to School days
Thompson Street North East side for the entire length 10:00a.m. to Monday through
11:00a.m. Friday
Thompson Street South West side for the entire 2:00p.m. to Monday through
length 3:00p.m. Friday
November 19, 2018
Name of public Direction of
highway Travel Location Hours Days
Valley Road South West side from Rockingstone 9:00 a.m. to Thursday
Avenue to Forest Avenue 12:00 noon
Valley Road North East side from Rockingstone 9:00a.m. to Friday
Avenue to Birch Street 12:00noon
Washington South East side for the entire length 9:00a.m. to Second Monday
Square 11:00a.m. of each month
Washington South West side for the entire 9:00a.m. to First Monday of
Square length 11:00a.m. each month
§ 219-21. Parking allowed from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00a.m.
A motor vehicle may be parked between the hours of 3:00a.m. and 6:00a.m on the following public highways
or on parts of public highways described below, except on those sections of those public highways where
parking is prohibited at all times.
Name of public highway Direction of Location
Alden Road South West side from Harmony Drive to
the point where parking is
prohibited at all times
Baldwin Avenue East South Side, except where parking is
prohibited at all times
Burton Road Both Both sides, except where parking is
prohibited at all times
Cabot Road North East side, except where parking is
prohibited at all times
Carroll Place North East side for the entire length
Copley Road North East side from Alden Road for a
distance of one hundred and fifty
(150) feet toward Kenmare Road
Dillon Road North East side from Parkland Avenue to
Edgewater Place
Garit Lane Both Both sides for the entire length
Laurel Avenue East South side from Thompson Place
to the dead-end
Locust Terrace East South side from Parkland Avenue to
Edgewater Place
Lester Place Both South side for the entire length
Murray Avenue Both Both sides from Myrtle Boulevard to
the northern boundary of the
Murray Avenue Bridge
New Jefferson Both Along the entire median
November 19, 2018
North Chatsworth North East side from Myrtle Boulevard to
Avenue 40 North Chatsworth Avenue
North Chatsworth South West side from the driveway of 35
Avenue North Chatsworth to Myrtle
Palmer Avenue East South side from the driveway
entrance to Central School to the
boundary line between the Village of
Mamaroneck and the
Unincorporated Town of
Mamaroneck, except where parking
is prohibited at all times
Palmer Avenue West North side from Blossom Terrace to
Richbell Road, except where parking
is prohibited at all times
Plymouth Road West South side from Winthrop Avenue
for a distance of fifty (50) feet
toward Weaver Street, except where
parking is prohibited at all times
Preston Street Both Both sides between Edgewood
Avenue and Myrtle Boulevard
Richbell Road Both Both sides from Palmer Avenue to
the Village of Mamaroneck boundary
Rockridge Road Both East side for the entire length
Thompson Street North East side for the entire length
§ 219-22. Time limited parking.
No motor vehicle shall be parked for longer than the maximum time permitted, upon any of the public
highways or parts of public highways described below.
Name of public Direction Time Hours/Days Location
highway of Travel Limit
Byron Place North 3 hours Everyday East side for the entire
Boston Post East 3 hours 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. South side from 2533
Road Monday through Boston Post Road
Friday, except between the boundary
holidays line of the Unincorporated
Town of Mamaroneck and
Village of Larchmont
Hommocks Road South 1 hour 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., West side from Old
Monday through Hommocks Road to the
Friday driveway of the service
entrance to the
Hommocks Ice Rink
November 19, 2018
Carleon Avenue Both 3 hour 9:00a.m. and Both sides from Palmer
5:00p.m. Monday Avenue to Howell Avenue
thru Friday
Baldwin Avenue East 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. South side, exclusive of
Monday through paid parking spaces
Friday, except
Cabot Road Both 2 hours 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Both sides for the entire
Monday through length
Lafayette Road Both 2 hours 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Both side for the entire
Monday through length
Maple Street Both 2 hours 9:00a.m. to 9:00p.m. Both sides for the entire
length, except on that
section as defined in 291-
18 where no parking is
allowed anytime
Hawthorne Road Both 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Both sides for the entire
Monday through length
Howell Avenue Both 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Both sides from Carleon
Monday through Avenue to Hawthorne
Friday Road
Murray Avenue North 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. East side from Myrtle
Monday through Boulevard to Leafy Lane
Friday, except
holidays and except
on the second Friday
of each month when
parking is prohibited
between the hours of
9:00a.m. and
Murray Avenue South 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. West side from Myrtle
Monday through Boulevard to Leafy Lane
Friday, except
holidays and except
on the first Friday of
each month when
parking is prohibited
between the hours of
9:00a.m. and
New Jefferson North 3 Hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. West side for the entire
Monday through length
Friday, except
holidays and except
on the second
November 19, 2018
Tuesday of each
month when parking
is prohibited
between the hours of
9:00a.m. and
New Jefferson South 3 Hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. East side for the entire
Monday through length
Friday, except
holidays and except
on the first Tuesday
of each month when
parking is prohibited
9:00a.m. and
North North 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. East side from Myrtle
Chatsworth /Monday through Boulevard to 40 North
Avenue Friday, except Chatsworth Avenue
holidays and except
for the first Thursday
of each month when
parking is prohibited
9:00a.m. and
North South 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. West side from 35 North
Chatsworth Monday through Chatsworth to Myrtle
Avenue Friday, except Boulevard.
holidays and except
for the second
Thursday of each
month when parking
is prohibited
9:00a.m. and
Palmer Avenue Both 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. From the boundary line
Monday through between the Village of
Friday Larchmont and the
Unincorporated Town of
Mamaroneck to Weaver
Street (LL 2-’93)
Taylor Place South 3 hours 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. From the dead-end to
Myrtle Boulevard
Washington West 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. North side for the entire
Square Monday through length
Friday, except
holidays and except
for the first Monday
November 19, 2018
of each month when
parking is prohibited
between the hours of
9:00a.m. and
Washington West 3 hours 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. South side for the entire
Square Monday through length
Friday, except
holidays and except
the second Monday
of each month when
parking is prohibited
between the hours of
9:00a.m. and
Wood Street South 2 hours 7:00a.m. West side for the entire
to2:00p.m. length
§ 219-23. Idling restricted.
A. No person shall allow, cause or permit the engine of any motor vehicle to run for more than five
consecutive minutes while parking, standing, or stopping on public or private property in the
Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck.
B. This section shall not apply to public utility companies, the United States of America, the State of New
York, the County of Westchester, the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck, the Mamaroneck Union
Free School District or the Villages of Larchmont, Mamaroneck or Scarsdale. This section also shall not
apply to any independent contractor engaged by any of the entities described in the preceding sentence
while such independent contractor is carrying out a business activity for which it was engaged by one or
more of these entities.
C. This section shall not apply when the temperature in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck is 40° F.
or less.
D. This section shall not apply in situations where a motor vehicle is exempt from the requirements of
Subpart 217-3 of Title 6 of the New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations.
§ 219-24. Parking in the wrong direction.
A. Except where angle parking is authorized, or except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic,
or to comply with the law or the directions of a Police Officer or an official traffic-control device, every
motor vehicle stopped, parked or standing wholly upon a public highway shall be so stopped or parked
or shall stand parallel to the curb or edge of the public highway, in the direction of authorized traffic
movement, with its wheels within twelve inches of the curb or edge of the public highway.
November 19, 2018
§ 219-25. Angle parking.
No motor vehicle shall be parked upon any of the public highways or parts thereof described below, except
at the angle designated and only within the painted stall lines. On all public highways or portions thereof
where angle parking is now or hereafter shall be authorized, all motor vehicles parked thereon shall be
parked with their front wheels nearest the curb.
Name of Angle
Public Highway Side (degrees) Location
§ 219-26. Designated parking for emergency personnel.
§ 219-27. Loading zones.
The locations described below are hereby designated as loading zones.
Name of Public Direction of Time allowed for loading Location
Highway Travel
Alden Road South Ten (10) Minutes East side starting at the midpoint to the
entrance of Alden House for twenty
Maxwell Avenue North Thirty (30) Minutes East side between the point that is 130
feet south of the point where the easterly
side of Maxwell Avenue terminates at the
southerly side of Madison Avenue and the
point that is 199 feet south of the point
where the easterly side of Maxwell
Avenue terminates at the southerly side of
Madison Avenue shall be a loading zone.
§ 219-28. Taxi stands.
The locations described below are hereby designated as taxi stands.
Name of Public Highway Side Location
November 19, 2018
§ 219-29. Bus stops.
A. The locations described below are hereby designated as bus stops.
Name of Public Highway Direction of Travel Location
Murray Avenue Both Near West Drive
Murray Avenue North Near Forest Avenue
Murray Avenue Both Near Edgewood Avenue
Murray Avenue Both Near Glenn Road
Murray Avenue Both Near Myrtle Boulevard
Near North Chatsworth
Myrtle Boulevard North Avenue
Myrtle Boulevard West Near Byron Place
Palmer Avenue East Near Carleon Avenue
Palmer Avenue Both Near Richbell Road
Palmer Avenue Both Near Weaver Street
B. No motor vehicle shall be parked in a designated Bus Stop.
§ 219-30. Parking without a license plate.
No motor vehicle shall be parked on a public highway unless a valid identification plate assigned by a
commissioner of motor vehicles or other official of the jurisdiction where such motor vehicle is registered is
displayed in accordance with the provisions of that jurisdiction.
§ 219-31. Parking of unregistered motor vehicle.
No motor vehicle shall be parked upon a public highway unless a valid registration issued by a
commissioner of motor vehicles of other official of the jurisdiction where such motor vehicle is registered is
displayed in accordance with the provisions of that jurisdiction.
§ 219-32. Parking of uninspected motor vehicle.
No motor vehicle shall be parked on a public highway unless a valid certificate of inspection issued by an
inspector authorized to issue such certificate by the jurisdiction where that motor vehicle was inspected is
displayed in accordance with the provisions of that jurisdiction.
§ 219-33. No double parking.
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or to comply with the law or the directions of a
Police Officer or an official traffic-control device, no motor vehicle shall be stopped, parked or shall stand,
November 19, 2018
on the roadway side of any vehicle that is stopped, is standing or is parked at the edge or curb of a public
§ 219-34. No parking on a sidewalk.
No motor vehicle shall stand, stop or park on a sidewalk.
§ 219-35. Blocking a driveway.
No motor vehicle shall be parked in front of a public or private driveway.
§ 219-36. Parking in fire safety zone or in front of a fire hydrant.
No motor vehicle, except emergency vehicles, shall park in a fire safety zone, designated in Chapter 108-2,
or within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant.
§ 219-37. Abandoned motor vehicle.
A. A motor vehicle shall be deemed to be an abandoned motor vehicle if left unattended:
(1) with no identification plates affixed thereto, for more than six hours on any public highway or
other public place; or
(2) for more than forty-eight hours, after the parking of such motor vehicle shall have become
(3) for more than ninety-six hours on property of another, if left
without permission of the owner of that property.
B. Any motor vehicle deemed to be abandoned under 219-37, shall be removed by the Town in accordance
with this Chapter and with New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, Article 33,§ 1224 (2) – Abandoned
C. An abandoned vehicle shall be disposed of in accordance with New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law,
Article 33,§ 1224(2) – Abandoned Vehicles.
§ 219-38. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the
fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
November 19, 2018
§ 219-39. School drop off zones.
Except within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant, a motor vehicle shall be allowed to stand on the east side
of Murray Avenue School, during School Times on School Days, for the sole purpose of discharging and
receiving students of the Murray Avenue School.
§ 219-40. Reserved.
Paid Parking
§ 219-41. Definitions and word usage.
A. Terms defined. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their
derivations shall have the meanings given herein:
PARKING LOTS - Any Town-administered off-street space where motor vehicles may be parked for a fee.
PERMIT - A permit to park in a specific parking lot
PERMIT HOLDER - A person to whom a permit is issued pursuant to this article.
§ 219-42. Applicability.
The provisions of this Article shall apply to all persons using any of the parking lots designated in § 219-43.
§ 219-43. Designation of parking lots
Parking lots are designated as follows:
A. Lot A (formerly Lot 1) is the parking lot situated at Myrtle Boulevard and Vine Street.
B. Lot B (formerly Lot 3) is the parking lot and deck situated at Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth
C. Lot C (formerly Lot 4) is the parking lot situated on Myrtle Boulevard which is shared with the
occupants of 178 Myrtle Boulevard.
D. Lot D (formerly Lot 5) is the six parking spaces located off of Myrtle Boulevard, near Madison Avenue.
November 19, 2018
E. Lot E (formerly Lot 6) is the six numbered spaces on Vine Street.
F. Lot F (formerly Lot 7) is the employee parking spaces on Maxwell Avenue
G. Lot G (formerly Lot 8) is Byron Place near Madison Avenue
§ 219-44. Fees, days, times and methods of payment.
From time to time by resolution or local law, the Town Board shall establish the fee, days, times and
methods of payment for permitted use of the parking lots.
§ 219-45. Special permit parking areas.
From time to time the Town Administrator, Superintendent of Highways or Chief of Police, may designate
certain areas within the parking lots for such parking as the needs of the community may require.
§ 219-46. Permit requirements.
No motor vehicle shall be parked in any parking lot unless the Town Clerk shall have issued a permit
allowing the motor vehicle to be parked in a particular parking lot and the permit holder shall have
attached the insignia to the motor vehicle in accordance with the instructions given to the permit holder by
the Town Clerk.
§ 219-47. Permit application.
A. There shall be five types of permits for parking in the parking lots: daytime meter parking permits,
daytime non-meter parking permits, overnight parking permits, twenty-four-hour parking permits,
and area business parking permits.
B. Application for a permit shall be made to the Town Clerk upon such form as prescribed by the Town
C. Except for semi-annual permits, each permit shall be effective for a twelve month period from the
effective date established by the Town Board, or for semi-annual permits shall be effective for a six
month period from the effective date set forth by the Town Board.
D. The Town Board from time to time by resolution or local law may create such other types of parking
permits or create such other rules for parking in the parking lots as it may determine to be necessary.
§ 219-48. Issuance of permits.
A. The Town Clerk may only issue permits to residents of the Town. At the time of application, the
applicant must submit proof of such residency in a form satisfactory to the Town Clerk.
B. The Town Clerk shall keep a record of the number of each permit issued, the date it is issued, the
name and address of the person to whom it is issued, the numbers, words or letters appearing on the
license plate of the motor vehicle or vehicles for which the permit is issued and the letter designation
of the parking lot for which that permit is issued. The Town Clerk shall maintain a record of all permit
fees collected.
November 19, 2018
C. The Town Clerk shall not issue a twenty-four-hour permit to a person if another person in the
applicant’s household already is the holder of a twenty-four-hour permit. The preceding sentence
shall not apply to persons who held permits issued prior to April 17, 2002. Such permits may be
renewed even if two or more permit holders are members of the same household. For the purpose of
this subsection, the term "household" shall mean one or more persons living together as a single
housekeeping unit.
D. Each permit shall entitle only the motor vehicle or vehicles listed in the permit application to be
parked in the parking lot for which such permit is issued. A daytime meter permit or a daytime non-
meter permit shall authorize either one of two motor vehicles to be parked in the parking lot for
which such permit is issued, and the insignia associated with that permit shall contain the numbers,
words or letters appearing on the license plate of each motor vehicle specified on the permit
application. At the permit holder's discretion the insignia can be moved from one motor vehicle to the
other at any time; however, under no circumstances can both motor vehicles specified on the permit
application be parked at the same time in the same parking lot, except at times when parking in such
parking lot is unrestricted.
E. The Town Clerk shall revoke a permit if the Town Clerk, acting reasonably, determines that such
permit was issued based upon false information or was otherwise issued or used improperly or the
insignia is altered. The Town Clerk shall mail written notice of the revocation to the person to whom
such permit was issued at the address for such person that appears on the application for the permit
being revoked. The revocation shall be effective on the third business day after the notice is mailed.
The permit holder shall return the permit to the Town Clerk’s Office. The failure to do so shall be a
violation of this section. A revoked permit may be reinstated by curing the underlying basis for the
revocation and the payment of a fee that is triple the amount of the fee for the permit.
§ 219-49. Attachment of insignia.
The Town Clerk, upon issuing a permit, shall issue an insignia to the permit holder and instruct the permit
holder where the insignia is required to be placed within the motor vehicle. The type, size and form of the
insignia shall be determined from time to time by the Town Clerk; however, the insignia shall bear the
permit number assigned, the numbers, words or letters appearing on the license plate of the motor vehicle
or vehicles for which the permit is issued, the words "Town of Mamaroneck," the parking lot for which the
permit is issued and the expiration date of the permit.
§ 219-50. Renewal or denial of permit.
A permit may be renewed if an application to renew is made and the required fee paid no later than a date
specified annually by the Town Clerk which date shall be prior to the expiration date of such permit. The
Town Clerk may refuse to renew any permit for which the required fee is not paid on or before the last day
specified for payment. The Town Clerk shall refuse to issue a permit to any person whose prior usage of any
permit has been deemed by the Town Board to be an abuse of the privileges granted by such permit.
§ 219-51. Transfer of ownership.
A. Permits cannot be transferred between permit holders except as provided in § 219-48 D.
B. Upon the transfer of title of a motor vehicle for which a permit has been issued, the insignia shall be
removed and returned to the Town Clerk’s Office. Upon proper application and payment of a required
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fee, a replacement insignia shall be issued for the unexpired term of the original permit. Under no
circumstances shall the fee for the unexpired term be refunded.
§ 219-52. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the
fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
§ 219-53. Reserved.
§ 219-54. Reserved.
§ 219-55. Public highway parking.
A. The Town Board designates the following public highways, or portions thereof (“Designated Public
Highways”), as places where during certain times of the day, payment is required for the right to park a
motor vehicle:
Both sides of Myrtle Boulevard between North Chatsworth Avenue and Madison Avenue.
Both sides of Madison Avenue between Fifth Avenue and Myrtle Boulevard.
The eleven parking spaces on Maxwell Avenue, situated closest to Madison Avenue.
The eight parking spaces on the south side of Baldwin Avenue beginning at the corner with Myrtle
§ 219-56. Cost, days, times and method of payment.
A. From time to time, by resolution, the Town Board shall establish the exact location, number of spaces,
cost for parking, and the time of day, when payment is required for parking on designated public
§ 219-57. Tampering with parking control devices.
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure, tamper with, open, willfully break or destroy any device
used in connection with the payment for parking on designated public highways, or in designated parking
§ 219-58. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the
fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
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§ 219-59. Reserved.
§ 219-60. Reserved.
Part. III Residential Parking System
§ 219-61. Permit parking on section of Lester Place.
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
CAREGIVER — A person who either:
(1) Provides assistance with the activities of daily living to a Lester Place resident (defined below)
whose doctor certifies, in writing, that the Lester Place resident requires such assistance for more
than three hours per day, or
(2) Cares for a Lester Place resident’s child whose parent certifies, in writing, that the applicant
for the LP resident parking permit (defined below) takes care of the Lester Place resident’s child for
more than three hours per day.
CONTRACTOR — A person whose motor vehicle displays an insignia indicating that he/she/it is a home
improvement contractor licensed by the County of Westchester and who is performing work on a
property located on Lester Place either for a Lester Place resident, one of the entities named in section
219-63 (L), or the owner or the managing agent of one of the multi-family buildings on Lester Place.
ELIGIBLE PERSON - A Lester Place resident, a caregiver or an entity whose principal owner is a Lester Place
LESTER PLACE (LP) RESIDENT - A person who resides on Lester Place.
LP RESIDENT PARKING PERMIT - The permit issued by the Town Clerk for a motor vehicle owned or leased
by an eligible person that allows that motor vehicle to be parked on that section of Lester Place that lies
within the zoning district known as the R-7.5 District. When reference is made to an LP resident parking
permit being “issued,” that reference includes both the issuance of the original LP Resident Parking
permit for a particular motor vehicle and all renewals thereof.
PUBLIC PARKING SPACES - Those parking spaces where a motor vehicle can be legally parked on Lester
Place, whether or not it has an LP resident parking permit.
(B) Fifteen (15) percent of the total number of parking spaces that lie within that section of Lester Place
that is situated within the zoning district known as the R-7.5 District shall be public parking spaces. The
Superintendent of Highways shall establish the location of the public parking spaces.
(C) Except in the parking spaces designated by the Superintendent of Highways pursuant to section 219.61
(B), and except as provided in section 219.63 (L), only a motor vehicle to which an LP resident parking
permit has been issued shall be permitted to park on that section of Lester Place that lies within the
zoning district known as the R-7.5 District.
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§ 219-62. Permit Parking on Washington Square, New Jefferson Street, a section of North Chatsworth Avenue
and the section of Murray Avenue between Myrtle Boulevard and Leafy Lane.
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
AREA RESIDENT - A person who resides within the WS Residential Area (defined below) or who resides
on the section of Myrtle Boulevard that lies between North Chatsworth Avenue and Madison Avenue. A
person who is employed by an entity that maintains a place of business on this section of Myrtle
Boulevard but who does not reside on this section of Myrtle Boulevard is not an “area resident.”
CAREGIVER - A person who between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (prevailing time) either:
(1) Provides assistance with the activities of daily living to an area resident whose doctor certifies, in
writing, that the area resident requires such assistance for more than three hours per day, or
(2) Cares for an area resident’s child whose parent certifies, in writing, that the applicant for the WS
Resident Parking Permit (defined below) takes care of the area resident’s child for more than three
hours per day.
CONTRACTOR - A person whose motor vehicle displays an insignia indicating that he/she/it is a home
improvement contractor licensed by the County of Westchester and who is performing work on a
property located within the WS Residential Area (defined below) either for an area resident, or one of
the entities named in 219-63(L), or the owner or the managing agent of one of the multifamily buildings
within the WS Residential Area.
ELIGIBLE PERSON - An area resident or caregiver or an entity whose principal owner is an area resident.
WS RESIDENTIAL AREA - Washington Square, New Jefferson Street, the section of North Chatsworth
Avenue between Myrtle Boulevard and the northern boundaries of the lots on the opposite side of the
public highway improved with the buildings known by the postal addresses of 35 North Chatsworth
Avenue and 40 North Chatsworth Avenue and the section of Murray Avenue between Myrtle Boulevard
and Leafy Lane.
WS RESIDENT PARKING PERMIT - The permit issued by the Town Clerk for a motor vehicle owned or
leased by an eligible person that allows that motor vehicle to be parked on a public highway within the
WS Residential Area for a period of time longer than motor vehicles not having such a permit are allowed
to park on a public highway within the WS Residential Area. When reference is made to a WS resident
parking permit being “issued,” that reference includes both the issuance of the original WS resident
parking permit for a particular motor vehicle and all renewals thereof.
§ 219-63. Sale and issuance of resident parking permits.
A. In this section the term “resident parking permit” shall refer to both LP Resident Parking Permits and WS
Resident Parking Permits.
B. The Town Clerk shall keep a record of the number of each resident parking permit issued, the date it is
issued, the name and address of the person to whom it is issued and the numbers, words or letters
appearing on the license plate of the motor vehicle for which a resident parking permit is issued. The
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Town Clerk shall maintain a record of all permit fees collected. The Town Clerk shall not issue a
resident parking permit for a motor vehicle:
(1) Unless the owner or lessee of that motor vehicle demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Town
Clerk, acting reasonably, that such owner or lessee is an eligible person;
(2) For which the Town Clerk has issued a parking permit that allows that motor vehicle to be
parked in any of the Town’s parking lots; or
(3) That has or is required to have a commercial license plate.
C. The Town Clerk shall not issue a resident parking permit for any motor vehicle which has three or
more outstanding and unpaid parking violations against it for parking violations that occurred
within the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck.
D. The Town Clerk shall collect the amount shown in § A250-1A for each resident parking permit and
shall be valid until the last day of September in the first September after the permit is issued.
E. The fees collected from the sale of resident parking permits and replacement resident parking
permits shall be credited to the General Fund Part Town.
F. The Town Clerk shall revoke a resident parking permit if the Town Clerk, acting reasonably,
determines that such permit was issued based upon false information or was otherwise issued or
used improperly or the insignia was wrongfully altered. The Town Clerk also shall revoke a permit
if, after such permit is issued, the number of outstanding and unpaid parking violations against a
motor vehicle for which such permit had been issued for parking violations that occurred within
the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck reaches three or more. The Town Clerk shall mail written
notice of the revocation to the person to whom such permit was issued at the address for such
person that appears on the application for the resident parking permit being revoked. The
revocation shall be effective on the third business day after the notice is mailed. The eligible person
shall remove a revoked resident parking permit from the motor vehicle and return it to the Town
Clerk’s Office. The failure to do so shall be a violation of this section. A revoked resident parking
permit may be reinstated by curing the underlying basis for the revocation and the payment of a
fee that is triple the amount of the fee for a resident parking permit, except where WS resident
parking permit has been issued other than April, May, June, July or August as shown in §A250-1A.
G. The insignia for a resident parking permit shall be affixed at such location(s) on the motor vehicle as
the Town Clerk may determine. An eligible person’s failure to affix a resident parking permit in the
location determined by the Town Clerk shall be a violation of this section.
H. An eligible person shall be guilty of violating this section if the resident parking permit insignia issued
to the motor vehicle owned or leased by the eligible person is affixed to another motor vehicle.
I. Resident parking permits are not transferable. If title to a motor vehicle to which a resident parking
permit has been issued is transferred or if such motor vehicle is returned to the company from which
it was leased, the permit for that motor vehicle no longer shall be valid and the eligible person shall
remove the resident parking insignia from the motor vehicle and destroy it. The failure to do so shall
be a violation of this section.
J. If an eligible person replaces a motor vehicle to which a resident parking permit had been issued with
another motor vehicle that he/she owns or leases, the Town Clerk shall issue a replacement resident
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parking insignia; provided that on the date that the replacement resident parking permit is issued,
the motor vehicle is eligible for a resident parking permit. A replacement resident parking permit
shall expire on the same day as the day on which the resident parking permit that it is replacing
would have expired if that permit were not replaced. The Town Clerk shall collect the amount
established by §A250-1A for each replacement resident parking permit issued.
K. An eligible person shall remove the resident parking permit insignia from the motor vehicle owned
or leased by the person immediately if that person ceases to be an eligible person. The failure to do
so shall be a violation of this section.
L. This section shall not apply to motor vehicles registered pursuant to § 404-a of the New York Vehicle
and Traffic Law or to motor vehicles owned or operated by public utility companies, the United States
of America, the State of New York, the County of Westchester, the Unincorporated Town of
Mamaroneck, the Mamaroneck Union Free School District, the Village of Larchmont, Village of
Mamaroneck or Contractors.
M. It shall be a violation of this section for a person to supply false information in connection with an
application for a resident parking permit or a replacement resident parking permit. Such a violation
shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $500. For the twenty-four-
month period following the date on which a person is convicted of supplying false information in
connection with an application for a resident parking permit, the Town Clerk shall not issue such a
permit for any motor vehicle owned or leased by that person.
§ 219-64. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article other than section 219-63 (M) shall be guilty of a violation
and shall be subject to the fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
219-65. Reserved.
219-66. Reserved.
Accessible Parking
§ 219-67. Spaces designated.
A. Accessible parking spaces shall be created and suitably marked in the following locations:
Name of Public Highway Side Location
Copley Road North Located one hundred (100) feet from Alden
Daymon Terrace West In front of the Daymon Terrace entrance to
the Murray Avenue School
Murray Avenue West In front of 14 North Chatsworth Avenue, two-
hundred forty five (245) feet north of Myrtle
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Myrtle Boulevard West In front of 172 Myrtle Boulevard, two-hundred
and twenty (220) feet southwest from North
Chatsworth Avenue
North Chatsworth Avenue North In front of 16 North Chatsworth Avenue, two-
hundred and sixty (260) feet northwest of
Myrtle Boulevard
North Chatsworth Avenue South In front of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue, two-
hundred and sixty (260) feet northwest of
Myrtle Boulevard
Washington Square West In front of 1 Washington Square, two-hundred
(200) feet southwest from North Chatsworth
Washington Square West Twenty five (25) feet from North Chatsworth
Washington Square East Twenty five (25) feet north of entrance to 2
Washington Square
B. Accessible parking spaces shall be created and suitably marked in Parking Lot B.
C. No motor vehicle shall park in any accessible parking space on the public highway or in any Town Parking
Lot without an accessible parking permit.
§ 219-68. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the
fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
§ 219-69. Reserved.
§ 219-70. Reserved.
Towing of Motor Vehicles
Part I – Removal and Storage of Motor Vehicles
§ 219-71. Authority to tow and impound vehicles.
A. In addition to any other penalties or fines imposed for the violation of any law, rule or regulation, this
article shall apply to motor vehicles parked in any fire safety zone designated in section 108-2, or which (1)
either violate any provision of any municipal, state or county ordinance, law, rule or regulation or have
three or more outstanding and unpaid parking violations issued against them for parking violations that
occurred in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck, and (2) are located:
(i) on any property owned by, leased by or in the possession and control of the Town, or
(ii) on any public highway or private road located in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck
whether or not open to public travel, paved or unpaved, or
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(iii) in any public parking lot located in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck, or
(iv) in any parking area of an office building, office building complex, place of public assembly,
shopping center, private apartment house complex, private condominium complex or cooperative
apartment complex located in the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck whose owner or the
person in general charge of the operation and control of such area has made a written request to
the Town pursuant to New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1660-a.
B. For the purpose of this article, "outstanding and unpaid parking violations" do not include parking tickets
which, by their terms, are not yet required to be paid or parking tickets which are outstanding and
unpaid because the owner or lessee of the motor vehicle has pleaded "not guilty" to such ticket and
there has not yet been an adjudication of such ticket.
§ 219-72. Removal of motor vehicles.
A. A Police Officer is authorized to provide for the removal of any motor vehicle meeting the description
contained in section 219-71 to an impound yard or storage facility maintained by a company or
individual with which the Town has entered into a contract to tow, impound or store motor vehicles.
B. If the removed motor vehicle is registered with the State of New York, the Police Department shall
advise the owner of the place where the motor vehicle may be recovered and the conditions under
which it will be released by sending a certified letter with such advice to the motor vehicle's registered
owner or lessee, at the address shown for him, her or it on the records of the New York State
Department of Motor Vehicles. Such letter shall be mailed no later than the first business day after a
motor vehicle has been removed. If the removed motor vehicle is not registered with the State of New
York, the Police Department shall use its best efforts to advise the owner of the place where the motor
vehicle may be recovered and the conditions under which it will be released. The Police Department's
failure to comply with this section shall not entitle the owner or the lessee to recover the removed
motor vehicle without paying the amounts required to be paid pursuant to § 219-74.
§ 219-73. Identification required.
No removed motor vehicle shall be released to anyone other than its registered owner, that owner's
representative or the motor vehicle's lessee. Such person must establish his or her identity and, in the case
of a person other than the registered owner or lessee, must establish that he or she has the registered
owner's or the motor vehicle's lessee's permission to take possession of such motor vehicle. No removed
motor vehicle shall be released unless the person to whom it is released has signed a receipt therefor.
§ 219-74. Amounts to be paid before release of motor vehicle.
Before a removed motor vehicle is released, proof that the following items have been paid in full must be
exhibited to the person in charge of the impound yard or storage facility to which the motor vehicle was
A. all sums due to the Town for any outstanding and unpaid violations of this Chapter or the NY State
Vehicle & Traffic Law that occurred within the Unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck, including
penalties and interest, if any; and
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B. the cost of towing; and
C. the cost of storage for each day or portion of a day that such motor vehicle is so stored; and
D. the fine established in §219-88.
§ 219-75. Penalties for offenses.
The owner or lessee of a motor vehicle removed pursuant to this article shall be guilty of a violation and shall
be subject to the fine for such violation contained in section 219-88. That fine shall be in addition to the
amounts required to be paid pursuant to §219-74 A., B., and C.
§ 219-76. Reserved.
§ 219-77. Reserved.
Part II Contracts with Towing Companies
§ 219-78. Contracts with towing companies.
A. The Town Administrator is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town with one or more
companies to tow, impound and store any motor vehicle which
(i) is parked where or during times when stopping, standing or parking is prohibited in the
parking lots owned by the Town or on a public highway, or
(ii) is parked in a parking lot owned by the Town or on a public highway
during a storm, flood, fire or other public emergency if the Police Department or the Highway
Department determines that it is in the Town’s best interest to remove such motor vehicle, or
(iii) is parked unattended in a parking lot owned by the Town or on a public highway if the Police
Department or the Highway Department determines that such motor vehicle constitutes an obstruction
to traffic, or
(iv) satisfies the elements of § 219-71
B. Each such contract shall specify that the company performing the service shall charge the owner or the
lessee of a motor vehicle a reasonable amount for towing, impounding and storing that motor vehicle.
The Town shall not be liable to the company for payment of any fees whatsoever. It is not mandatory
that such contracts provide for the company to pay a fee to the Town; however, at the Town
Administrator's discretion, he/she may request proposals for such contracts that would require each
company that submits a proposal to designate, either by a fixed sum or by a percentage of revenue
collected, the amount that it would pay to the Town during the term of such contract.
C. Each company which enters into a contract with the Town to tow, impound and store motor vehicles
shall supply proof satisfactory to the Town Administrator that the company is insured against personal
injury and for property damage in an amount per occurrence that is satisfactory to the Town
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Administrator and that it possesses all of the licenses required to tow, impound and store motor
vehicles. Unless waived by the Town Administrator, each such insurance policy shall provide that the
Town is an "additional insured" under that policy. On or before the expiration or termination date of
any insurance policy or license which a company is required to maintain pursuant to this section, that
company will supply the Town Administrator with proof that such insurance policy has been renewed
or replaced by an insurance policy which is satisfactory to the Town Administrator and that such license
(s) have been renewed. From time to time the Town Administrator may request each such company to
produce proof that the required insurance policy and/or licenses are in full force and effect and that
the Town is an "additional insured" on the insurance policy.
D. Each company which enters into a contract with the Town to tow, impound and store motor vehicles
shall act in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations concerning the towing,
impounding and storage of motor vehicles.
§ 219-79. Reserved.
§ 219-80. Reserved.
Snow Emergencies
§ 219-81. Snow emergency public highways
A. The Town Supervisor, or whoever may be acting in his or her absence is authorized to declare a snow
B. The following public highways are snow emergency public highways upon which there will be no parking
at any time during a declared snow emergency.
Avon Road
Boston Post Road
Fenimore Road
Fifth Avenue
Forest Avenue
Griffen Avenue
Madison Avenue
Murray Avenue
Myrtle Boulevard
North Chatsworth Avenue
Old White Plains Road
Palmer Avenue
Richbell Road
Rockingstone Avenue
Rockland Avenue
Weaver Street
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C. Any motor vehicle parked on a designated snow emergency public highway during a snow emergency is
subject to being towed.
§ 219-82. Violation.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the
fine for such violation contained in section 219-88.
§ 219-83. Reserved.
§ 219-84. Reserved.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 219-85. Reserved.
§ 219-86. Reserved.
Enforcement and Fines
§ 219-87. Enforcement.
A. Every Police Officer, Code Enforcement Officer and Parking Enforcement Officer shall have the authority
to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The Town Board hereby is authorized to delegate to persons other
than officers named in this section the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
B. Any person violating any provision of this chapter other than those set forth in 219-88, shall be deemed
guilty of a violation and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $25.00. Each
day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be
punishable as a separate offense.
§ 219-88. Fines for violations.
A. Fines for violating the sections of this chapter listed below are:
Infraction Fine Code
Paid Parking Infraction- Parking Lots $25.00 §219-44
Paid Parking Infraction - Public Highway $25.00 §219-56
Improper display of Parking Lot Permit $25.00 §219-49
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Improper Display of Residential Parking $25.00 §219-63
Permit Insignia
Parking in Parking Lots without a Permit $50.00 §219-46
Parking Prohibited Certain Times $25.00 §219-20
Parking Prohibited at all times $50.00 §219-18
Parking in a Bus Stop $50.00 §219-29
Stopping or Standing Where Prohibited $25.00 §219-19
Idling Restricted $50.00 §219-23
Parking on Lester Place without a Residential $25.00 §219-61
Parking Permit
Time Limited Parking Other than in the $25.00 §219-22
WS Resident Area
Time Limited parking in WS Resident Area $50.00 §219-22
Parking in a Fire Safety Zone or blocking a $100.00 §219-36
Fire Hydrant
Parking in Loading Zone $25.00 §219-27
Trucks over certain weight excluded $250.00 §219-13
Parking on a Snow Emergency public highway $100.00 §219-81
during an Emergency
Parking in Accessible Parking Space without a $100.00 §219-67
Parking where limited to emergency $100.00 §219-26
All other infractions of Chapter 219 $25.00 §219-87
Towing of motor vehicle $250.00 §219-75
Parking in the wrong direction $25.00 §219-24
Parking without a license plate $50.00 §219-30
Unregistered Motor Vehicle $50.00 §219-31
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Uninspected motor vehicle $50.00 §219-32
Blocking a driveway $25.00 §219-35
parking on a sidewalk $25.00 §219-34
Abandoned vehicle $50.00 §219-37
Double parking $50.00 §219-33
B. The above fines must be paid no later than 30 days from the date on which the summons or appearance
ticket is issued (“Issuance Date”).
C. The amount of the fine, if paid more than 30 days after the Issuance Date, shall be:
(1) double the amount of the fine, if payment is made after the 30 day, but before 61 day, after the
Issuance Date.
(2) double the amount of the fine computed pursuant to section 219-88 C. (1) if payment is made on or
after the 61 day, but before 91 day after the Issuance Date.
(3) double the amount of the fine computed pursuant to section 219-88 C. (2) if payment is made on or
after the 91 day after the Issuance Date.
Section 8 – Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this
Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions.
Section 9 – Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson, and then on motion of Commissioner Elkind
Eney, seconded by Commissioner Fiddelman, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared
Present were the following Members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: Abby Katz
Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney
Commissioner: Sabrina Fiddelman
Commissioner: Jeffery L. King
November 19, 2018
On motion of Commissioner Katz, seconded by Commissioner Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller’s Office:
AAA Emergency Supply Co. Hydrotest only with O Ring overhaul 30.00
Beach Point Club 5525.00
Inspection Dinner 85 x $65.00
Cablevision Cable services for 10/23-11/22/18 210.55
Con Edison Fire HQ SVC 9/27/18 - 10/29/18 421.11
Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning - October 2018 171.56
Di Muro Awards LLC Plaque & Engraving, Maltese Cross and Engraving 371.30
FireCompanies.com Platinum Package 209.97
Fire-End & Croker Corporation Fire Hunter Xtreme leather boot 311.16
Ink It Up (24) Polos - Volunteer Uniforms 501.00
Inter-State Diagnostics, Inc. Physical Examination for David Maisel 285.00
New England Uniforms White Gloves 120.00
R.G. Brewers Inc. 16oz liq Car Polish 16.18
Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC Equipment Lease - Ladder For Fire Dept. (December 2018) 7500.00
Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services on10/30/18 65.00
Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. TV for Security Cameras 139.99
UniFirst Corp. Cleaning Supplies 9/28/18 72.31
UniFirst Corp. Cleaning Supplies 10/19/18 68.44
UniFirst Corp. Cleaning Supplies 11/2, 11/9/18 255.48
United Overhead Door Corp. Temporary repair on (3) overhead doors 803.06
Villa Maria Pizza Food for Monthly Drill 10/16/18 175.98
Villa Maria Pizza Food for Explorer Drill 11/7/18 126.59
Westech Elevator Services, Inc. Maintenance for month of November 2018 175.00
WJWW 205 Weaver St Charges 9/25-10/26/18 141.62
Total: 17696.30
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Commissioner King Aye
Commissioner Fiddelman Aye
Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye
Commissioner Katz Aye
Commissioner Seligson Aye
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2. Other Fire Department Business
Commissioner Elkind Eney read the Fire Report for the Month of October as submitted by Chief Tortorella
as follows:
October 2018
Generals 33
Minors 21
Stills 4
Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 4
EMS 45
Drills 5
Total number of personnel responding: 960
Total time working: 44 hours and 59 minutes
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Elkind Eney,
seconded by Commissioner Katz, the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened.
1. Set Public Hearing – Amendment – Sewer Rent Law
On motion of Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the date for a Public
Hearing on the “Exemption from the Sewer Rent for Separately Metered Water that is
not Discharged into the Sanitary Sewer System” Law, for December 5, 2018 at 8:00PM
at the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the notice of said
hearing in a newspaper appointed as an official newspaper, and that said Notice, be
2. Consideration of Certiorari
On motion of Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
November 19, 2018
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax
certiorari on the following terms:
Park Plaza Larchmont LLC
3-5 East Avenue
Section/Block/Lot: 6-2791
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont
Year Current Assessment Reduction Resulting Assessment
2012 $ 195,000 $ 13,170 $ 181,830
2013 $13,000,000 $2,570,000 $10,430,000
2014 $13,000,000 $2,200,000 $10,800,000
2015 $13,000,000 $1,900,000 $11,100,000
2016 $13,000,000 $ 550,000 $12,450,000
2017 $17,000,000 $3,500,000 $13,500,000
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King Aye
Fiddelman Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Seligson Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax
certiorari on the following terms:
658 Mamaroneck Avenue Realty Corp.
658 Mamaroneck Avenue
Section/Block/Lot: 8-19-18
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck
Year Current Assessment Reduction Resulting Assessment
2013 $800,000 $ -0- $800,000
2014 $800,000 $ -0- $800,000
2015 $800,000 $ -0- $800,000
2016 $800,000 $ -0- $800,000
2017 $1,000,000 $200,000 $800,000
November 19, 2018
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
King Aye
Fiddelman Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Seligson Aye
The Town Board Members reported on their various activities and meetings since the last Town Board
On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the meeting was unanimously
adjourned at 9:30 PM
Submitted by
Christina Battalia, Town Clerk