HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959_06_29 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Santoro
Councilman Kane
Councilman Brush
Councilwoman Helwig
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr. Delius - Town Attorney
Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer and
Building Inspector
Mrs. Brewer - Secretary
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
stating that this meeting was called for the purpose of holding
a public hedring on the adoption of the proposed Zoning Ordi-
nance for the Town of Mamaroneck (unincorporated section
as revised following the March 12th hearing.
The hearing was declared open by the Supervisor and the
Clerk presented the affidavit of mailing and the affidavit of
publication of the Notice of Hearing in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on June 16th,
The Supervisor then presented Mr. Fred L. Maggini,
Chairman of the Planning Board, who, after introducing the
members of the Board who were present - Mr. Rigano, Mr.
Blair and Mr. Bloom - reviewed briefly the procedure followed
by the Planning Board and Mr. Frederick P. Clark, consultant,
in developing for the Town during the past three years an ordi-
nance which would be up-to-date and conform with modern,
present-day standards. He called attention particularly to the
meetings held with citizen groups and individuals and the in-
corporation into the ordinance of many of the suggestions made
at these meetings. He also referred to the several meetings
held with the Town Board following the March 12th hearing to
discuss the inclusion of various suggestions offered at that hear-
ing, and presented Mr. Lee Bloom who would review in some
detail each of the revisions made as a result of that hearing.
Mr. Bloom referred to the article on the front page of the
June 16th issue of the local paper descirbing each of the pro-
posed revisions and stated that there was little he could add
by way of explanation. However, he outlined in some detail
each of the proposed changes, concluding his remarks with
the assurance that the members of the Town Board and the
Town Attorney would be happy to answer any questions per-
taining thereto,
The Supervisor thanked Mr. Maggini and Mr. Bloom for
their splendid presentations, and upon his inquiry as to
whether anyone present wished to address the Board on the
proposed revisions or on any other part of the ordinance,
the following persons were heard.
Mr. Joseph Delano --
Mr, Delano of the General Outdoor Advertising Company
stated that the company wished to go on record as op-
posing such non-conforming use as would necessitate re-
moval of its signs in a two year period.
Mr. Edward P. Tannenbaum --
Mr. Tannebaum, an attorney with the firm of Furst and
Tannenbaum, 271 North Avenue, New Rochelle, requested
that the property owned by his client, Rudy Novak, located
on the east side of the Boston Post Road and running along
Hommocks Road be rezoned from residential to business
in conformity with the property of the Larchmont Motel
and Flinn Motor Corporation along the Post Road and bor-
dering his property to the east. He pointed out that the
physical topography of the land, the location and the exis-
tance of the road to the Town dump through the property
all made this property unsuitable for residential purposes
and earnestly requested that every consideration be given
to this request.
Mr. Edwin Freeman --
Mr. Freeman, attorney representing his clients Mr, and
Mrs. Sal Fazio of 30 Weaver Street, Town, inquired as
to whether the entire ordinance would be adopted and ef-
fective at one time and if so, what the effective date would
Mr. James Staropoli --
Mr. Staropoli, resident of 114 Harmon Drive, Town,
spoke in opposition to Section 446, Restoration of Damaged
Buildings, as proposed in this ordinance.
Mr. Harold Kronenberg --
Mr. Kronenberg, attorney representing his client, Otto
Scheubel of 3 Rock Ridge Road, Town, referred to Article IV,
Section 400, questioning the present illegal use of a sewer
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easement running through the property of his client under
the provisions of this section of the proposed ordinance.
Mr. Frank X. O'Donnell
Mr. O'Donnell, resident of 100 Palmer Avenue, Town,
commended the Board on providing the Town with an up-
to-date, modern zoning ordinance stating that whenever a
community attempted to raise its zoning, some persons
_ were apt to be hurt but in the overall and in spite of indi-
vidual inequities which could be corrected or relieved by
amendment of the ordinance, he stated that he sincerely
felt the gain to the entire community was well worth
while. He further stated that he was of the opinion that
while some of the suggestions made had considerable
merit, it was now time to adopt the ordinance as proposed
and then to take up each individual case requiring further
Mr. Arthur Bogardus --
Mr. Bogardus, resident of 17 Overlook Terrace, Town,
stated that the proposed ordinance was indeed a fine
piece of work and that he wished to commend heartily all
concerned therewith, adding that he, too, felt the ordi-
nance should be adopted as proposed.
--- Mrs. August J. Frey --
Mrs. Frey, resident of 12 Burton Road, Town, stated
that she wished to go on record as approving the adoption
of the ordinance as proposed.
Mr. Mark Devaney --
Mr. Devaney, President of the Prince Willows Civic As-
sociation, stated that he wished to record the Associa-
tion's objection to the proposed ordinance with particular
reference to the proposed upzoning.
Mr. Hayden Smith --
Mr. Smith, resident of 8 Lafayette Road, Town, stated
that he was opposed only to the inclusion of the proposed
0.B. -2 district. However, he continued to say, if this
were felt to be the best use of this property for the entire
Town, he would go along and was grateful for the inclusion
of the safeguards which the Board had seen fit to impose.
Dr. Maurice E. Serling --
Dr. Serling, resident of 6 Weaver Street, Town, referred
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to the two letters previously written objecting to the pro-
posed upzoning of his property and reiterated his request
that this property be zoned for business use.
The following residents of the Town then spoke in opposition
to the proposed area increase in the R-6 and R-7. 5 districts
making certain property in such districts non-conforming
and thus adversely affecting the restoration of such property
in case of damage loss.
Mr. A. Tighe of 10 Winthrop Avenue, Town
Mr. William F. Gartland of 3 Winthrop Avenue, Town
Mr. Alfred Larsen of 7 Winthrop Avenue, Town
Mr. Herbert Askwithh --
Mr. Askwith, resident of 57 North Chatsworth Avenue, Town,
stated that he wished to join those commending the good job
which had been done and stated that although some hardships
regretably had been created, he had faith that these would be
rectified. Further, he stated that he was in favor of the
adoption of the ordinance as proposed with the inclusion of
the following minor suggestions*
1) Reduction of the dimensions for business signs.
2) Deletion of footnotes x and y on Schedule of
Regulations for Non-residential Districts.
3) Change word "access" to "exit" on same
Schedule in last sentence of paragraph 4.
4) That the wording of paragraph 5 of the
same Schedule be changed to conformwith
the wording previously suggested by him.
Mr. George Schuler --
Mr. Schuler, resident of 70 West Garden Road, Town,
again stated his objection to the side yard restrictions as
proposed and requested lessening from 8 feet to 6 feet.
Mr. George P. Forbes, Jr. --
Mr. Forbes, attorney representing Frank Guadagnola the
owner of the property designated as O.B. -2, stated that
his client was opposed to the creation and inclusion of an
Architectural Board of Review. However, he advised, if
the Board was unanimously in favor of this Board, his
client would abide by the zoning ordinance.
Dr. Maurice E. Serling --
Dr. Serling, speaking for the second time, stated that his
property had been zoned for business in 1931 by resolu-
tion of the Town Board, He pointed out that the property
on the opposite side of Weaver Street was zoned for bus-
iness and asked why the Planning Board had rezonedhis
property to residential and whether or not this was
Mr. Julian Bers --
Mr. Bers, resident of 9 Lafayette Road, Town, stated
that he wished to go on the record as seconding Mr. Ask-
with°s suggestions providing for the creation of an Arch-
itectural Board of Review.
Mr, George Schuler --
Mr. Schuler, also speaking for the second time, inquired
as to the zoning of two pieces of property near the Station.
He stated that one was zoned for business and one as res-
idential and inquired as to the reason for such zoning,
At this time after the Clerk noted the receipt of communica-
tions from Clark, Gagliardi, Gallagher & Smyth, John W.
Sherman, Joseph W. Gleicher Co„ Inc„ J. J. Driscoll, and
_ Meighan & Necarsulmer which the Board directed be received
and filed as a part of the official record of this meeting, ac-
knowledged by the Clerk, and forwarded to the Planning Board
for study and consideration, since there was no one else who
wished to be heard, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded
by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the hearing be and it is
hereby declared closed.
Whereupon, following some further discussion by the Board
on the adoption of the ordinance as proposed, Councilman Kane
offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Coun-
cilman Santoro.
RESOLVED that the Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of Mamaroneck adopted on February4,
1942 as amended is hereby amended and su-
perseded by the following ordinance estab-
lishing a comprehensive zoning plan for the
Town of Mamaroneck outside incorporated
villages and dividing the area of the Town
into various districts and prescribing cer-
tain regulations for such districts;
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaro-
neck adopted February 4, 1942 (which
amended and superseded the Zoning Ordi-
nance of the Town of Mamaroneck adopted
June 22, 1922) and all amendments and ad-
ditions thereto made since February 4,
1942 is hereby declared to be amended and
superseded by this ordinance which shall
take effect as provided in Section:264 and
265 of the Town Law,
A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution which
resulted as follows;
Councilman Santoro - Aye
Councilman Kane - Aye
Supervisor Burchell - Aye
Councilman Brush - Aye
Councilwoman Helwig - Aye
The resolution was therefore passed and the ordinance
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by
Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he
hereby is authorized to publish in the of-
ficial newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, The Daily Times, notice of the
adoption of this resolution and to post
such notice on the bulletin board main-
tained by the Clerk at his office, 158 West
Boston Post Road in the Village of Mamar-
oneck as provided by law,
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
was declared adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
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The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board
1. Communications
Commissioner Brush reported that there were no com-
munications to be presented at this meeting.
2. Reports
Commissioner Brush presented the following report
which was received and filed;
Fire Report for the month of June, 1959.
3. Claims
Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart-
ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and
approved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion, seconded by
Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be and they
hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comp-
troller be and they hereby are authorized to pay
the same out of the budget for the Fire Department:
R.G. Brewer, Inc, $ 70. 95
Franklin Cleaners 10. 90
Charles Librett, Inc. 6. 06
Ramon Martinez 22. 50
Merson Uniform Co. , Inc. 409.75
N.Y. Telephone Co. 97. 09
Village of Larchmont 36.00
West. Joint Water Works 21.48
Total 674. 33
4. Other Business
The Fire Chief, who was present, expressed the compli-
ments and tribute of the department to the liaison Council-
man from the Town Board, Commissioner Brush.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9.10, to reconvene on Au st 5, 1959.
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