HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959_12_16 Town Board Minutes i MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 16th, 1959, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8;15 p.m. PRESENT* Supervisor Burchell Councilman Santoro Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig - ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT* Mr, Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr, Friedlander Town Engineer Mrs, Brewer - Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of December 2nd, 1959 were approved as corrected, PUBLIC HEARING--Applications of Josephine Mastoccolo and Lindsay Charter Service, Inc, The Supervisor stated that since both applications for the opera- tion of franchise bus lines in the unincorporated area of the Town had been withdrawn there would be no hearing thereon and in- quired whether anyone in the room had come to the meeting for the purpose of speaking on these applications, Mr, Roland Kenton, President of the Woods Ridge Gardens Inc„ addressed the Board, stating that the Woods Ridge Gardens Cor- poration had addressed a communication to the Supervisor and Town Council as of this date which he requested be read and spread upon the minutes of this meeting. At the Supervisorts direction, the Clerk read the following com- munication. "We, the undersigned, are writing to you as officers of Woods Ridge Gardens Inc„ the non-profit corporation that was formed nearly two years ago at the request of parents, to provide safe and adequate transportation of the children in the northern areas of the Town to and from the public schools. We are addressing you at this time because of reports in the Mamaroneck Daily Times that the Council will hold a public hearing on the applications of Leon's Taxi and the Lindsay Charter Service to operate a public franchise bus service over the route which the Lindsay company now serves for the Avon Commuters Club. Because this requested franchise route will parallel a school bus route that our corporation now serves, there- by possibly putting the franchise route in competition with our non-profit operation, we claim a special right to be heard at this hearing, and request that this letter be placed in the minutes of the hearing. We also claim a special - right to be heard because of our experience during thepast two years in transporting hundreds of children to and from the schools. Ever since January 1958, when our corporation was formed, we have transported up to 225 children every day of the school year from their homes to Mamaroneck junior and senior high schools and to Murray Avenue School. This has been done without accident or undue delay, and at a constantly declining cost. When we first started our ser- vice we charged $6 per month per student. Later we re- duced this to $5 per month per student, in addition to mak- ing no charge for transportation last June. So far this year we are again charging $5 per month per child, but have an- nounced that there will be no charge for the month of Janu- ary 1960. A news story to this effect appeared in the Ma- maroneck Daily Times on Monday, Dec. 14. However, the officers of this corporation are private citi- zens of various professions and we do not consider our- selves primarily as bus operators. We volunteered for service because the County Transportation Company had gone out of business and a mass meeting of parents had demanded some action. We gave it to them. But we do not look forward enthusiastically to careers in school bus op- eration. Futhermore, we do not consider it to be our re- sponsibility alone. We consider that the problem of school bus operation is but a part of the community's over-all transportation, and should therefore be the responsibility of the Town and Village governments, and not the special chore of small groups of public spirited citizens such as the Avon Commuters Club and the Woods Ridge Gardens Corporation. There is a great lack of public transportation in the rather large areas comprising the Town of Mamaroneck and Vil- lages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. There is, in fact, a population of 30, 000 people in this area, without any inter- nal transportation system at all. This, in spite of the fact that the residential areas are widely scattered, and many of them are great walking distances from schools, shopping areas and railroad stations. What public transportation there among all these areas is furnished piecemeal neigh- ', borhood groups and public spirited citizens. We believe that the business men and industries of the Town and the Villages suffer considerable losses, and the growth of their business is hampered, because of the lack of ade- quate public transportation. The only people who can get to shopping areas are those who drive cars, and because of this the parking of autos becomes an even greater problem. One "A . leads to the other. Also, commuters who have to go to New York City to earn the money they need to pay taxes to local governments are harassed at every turn bypark- ing problems and charges at the railroad stations. Every family in the entire community is inconvenienced in some way every day by the lack of good public transportation. So, we say that everyone will agree that good public transportation serving all areas of the town, knitting our Town and Villages closer together, is most desirable — now, Indeed, who can argue against it? If the Town Council is going to hold an open hearing on the application for franchise service on one specific route, why limit the hearing to a proposal affecting one small area of the Town? This problem of public transportation affects every residence, every area, every citizen of the Town and Villages. Naturally, the job of providing good public transportation for the Larchmont-Mamaroneck areas will require study, engineering, organization and effort, as well as sound planning. But we do not think it is beyond the range of hu- man abilities. Therefore, we earnestly request that the Town and Villages set up a Public Transportation Commit- tee to make surveys, map routes, entertain bids, and make recommendations to the governing bodies of the Town and Villages, so that the people may be served adequately and efficiently in this vital area. We suggest that this Public Transportation Committee be headed by a public spirited citizen who can give sufficient time to the activity to get things done, and that member- ship on the committee shall include representatives of the Town and Village governments, the Board of Education, the private schools, the Chambers of Commerce, the neighborhood associations and any other interested group, This letter represents the sense of a resolution passed by the officers and directors of Woods Ridge Gardens Inc, at a meeting Sunday, Dec. 13, 1959, at 22 Mohegan Road, Larchmont, N.Y. The officers are listed below. Respectfully submitted, s/ J. Wendell Sether, Secretary Woods Ridge Gardens Inc. 7 Durham Road, Larchmont, NY Officers. Roland Kenton, President Philip Straus, Vice President Robert Metz, Treasurer J. Wendell Sether, Secretary Following a lengthy discussion, it was suggested that a commit- tee such as recommended be formed to study and survey the matter of public transportation. The Supervisor asked Council- man Brush whether he would be willing to undertake forming such a committee since he was close to the bus situation and suggested that an invitation be extended to the Villages to appoint represen- tatives to serve on the committee if this were their pleasure as this Board had jurisdiction only over the unincorporated area of the Town and therefore could not appoint representatives from the Villages, Councilman Brush stated that he would be very glad to undertake to form such a committee and that he would start to work on this immediately after the first of the year. Mr. Kenton thanked the Supervisor and the members of the Board for hearing him on behalf of the Woods Ridge Gardens Corpora- tion and for taking action on the request presented. OLD BUSINESS 1. Request of Samuel L. Apter for Construction of Play Area In the matter of a request to construct a play area previously presented by Samuel L. Apter of 20 Avon Road, Town, the Clerk advised the Board that the neighboring property owners in reply to inquiry had stated that they had no objection to the construction of the proposed area. Despite the neighborst approval of the request, during the en- suing discussion it was pointed out that this play area in the location proposed might be hazardous to children's safety and create a liability to the Town and also that granting this re- quest might establish a precedent which would prove difficult to continue. For these reasons, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby denies the request of Samuel L. Apter of 20 Avon Road, Town, for per- mission to construct a play area by black-topping the area between the street and his property line for a distance of 40 linear feet on the Lancia Lane side of the property. The Clerk was directed to write Mr. Apter advising him of the Board=s action and explaining the reasons for the denial of his request. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request--Acceptance of Salem Drive Although there was no new business on the agenda, at this time Mr. Owen A. Mandeville addressed the Board in con- nection with a request previously presented for Town accep- tance of Salem Drive. Mr. Mandeville stated that upon consulting with the Town At- torney, he had been advised that a certain map and deed were required before the Town could act upon the request. These he stated he had obtained and he presented them to the Board at this time with the request that action on the request be y s. yYni expedited since the required documents were now available. Following a lengthy discussion during which Mr. Mandeville and two residents of Salem Drive whom he was representing and who were present, Mr, George R. Butcher and Mr, El- mer J. Grimmett, raised various questions concerning cer- tain sewer conditions and street lighting on Salem Drive, the Board referred the matter to the Town Attorney, Councilman Santoro, and Mr. Friedlander, Town Engineer, for study and report thereon. COMMUNICATIONS 1, Request for Water Line in Old White Plains Road (G. Blake Ruesch) The Clerk read the following letter addressed to the Town Council by G. Blake Ruesch of 412 Munro Avenue, Ma- maroneck, under date of November 30th, 1959- "At the present time I'm building a house at 995 Old White Plains Road which I will occupy in the Spring. Knowing that there.is no water or sewer in the street, I was granted permission by both the Village and Town of Ma- maroneck to tie into the sewer above Highview Street, However through inquiry and talking to Mr. Straub of the Office of the Joint Water Works, I understand that there are plans to bring a water and sewer line from Fenimore Road through the Glasser property to Old White Plains Road and down to Highview Street which just needs ap- proval of the Council to put the line in. I also understand that other residents of the area have previously requested this seriously needed water and fire protection on Old White Plains Road, which this pro- ject would afford. I also request that the Council act favorably on this pro- ' ject in the near future, " During the discussion on this matter Councilman Santoro pointed out that the Town had adopted a resolution which granted such permission to Mr. Ruesch but only subject to the adoption of a similar resolution by the Village, which resolution was not available at this time, The Supervisor, in view of this, sugges- ted that Mr. Ruesch, Councilman Santoro and Mr. Friedlander arrange to meet with the Village of Mamaroneck in order to dis- cuss the matter further and attempt to work out a mutually sat- isfactory solution, 2. Report on Fenimore Road Traffic--Board of Police Commissioners The Clerk read a report on Fenimore Road traffic in the vicinity of Durham Road submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners at the request of this Board, dated December 1, 1959, which was received and placed on file, The Supervisor reviewed briefly the requests received by him for such a study and Councilman Brush suggested that the Super- visor write the persons concerned and advise them of the re- port of the Commission, 3. Official Statement of Canvass--Board of Elections The Clerk presented the official Statement of Canvass and De- cision of Canvass which was ordered received and placed on file$ which statement was released by Carl J. Noe, Deputy --- Commissioner of the Board of Elections under date of Decem- ber 4th, 1959. 4, Order for Traffic Sign Weaver Street Intersection Heather Lane--State Traffic Commission The Clerk read an order from the State Traffic Commission under date of December 8, 1959, authorizing requested traffic sign at the intersection of Weaver Street and Heather Lane, which was ordered received and filed, COMMUNICATIONS (Not on Agenda) 1, Memorandum from Town Attorney (Publication of notice of proposed amendments to Zoning Ordinance) The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Super- visor by the Town Attorney under date of December 15th, 1959, attaching notice of proposed amendments to Zoning Or- dinance to be inserted in the paper on or before December 24th, 1959, and stating that certain general amendments to the text which were not matters of substance were also pro- vided for, and requested authorization to publish said notice as directed. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish the notice of proposed amend- ments to the Zoning Ordinance in the official news- paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on or before December 24th, 1959, in accordance with the memorandum submitted by the Town Attor- ney and filed herewith. REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were received and placed on file: Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc, for the month of November, 1959. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November, 1959. v , Report of Receipts and Disbursements, Town of Mamaro- neck, for the period from January 1st through November 30th, 1959. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor stated that he had no report to present at this time. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Santoro -- 1. Request of Jerome Bisceglia (Water Refund Agreement) As a matter of record and for the Board's information, Councilman Santoro reported that Jerome Bisceglia had requested payment of a 9010 water refund agreement in connection with his development of homes on Roselea Road in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board in 1955. Councilman Santoro stated that he had explained to Mr. Biscegliathat such agreements were no longer valid as stated in a resolution adopted subsequent to 1955 res- cinding the TownTs former policy and establishing a new policy discontinuing the granting of such agreements to developers. Z. Request of Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce For the Board's information, Councilman Santoro stated that certain information concerning the Town had been requested by the Chamber of Commerce of the Village of Mamaroneck for the annual Commerce and Industry sec- tion published by The Daily Times and that the informa- tion had been furnished to the Chamber by the Town En- gineer, Mr. Friedlander. 3. Weaver Street Walk-way (Palmer Avenue to Post Road} In connection with requests for the construction of a safe walk-way area along the easterly side of Weaver Street between Palmer Avenue and the Post Road, Councilman Santoro suggested that since Weaver Street was a State highway, the State be requested to clear the rockfrom such an area so that a walk-way similar to the one con- structed by the County along Palmer Avenue might be provided, and on his motion, .which was seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to request the State to clear and remove the rock along the easterly side of Weaver 15 � 1 j L Street from Palmer Avenue to the Post Road so that a walk-way area can be constructed. 4. Provision of Additional Parking Spaces In order to provide additional parking spaces at the station parking lots, Councilman Santoro requested authorization for the installation of steel bumpers and fencing at an ap- proximate cost of $1, 000.00, which cost, he explained would be self-liquidating, and on his motion, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the in- stallation of steel bumpers and fencing for the provi- sion of additional parking spaces at the station park- ing lots at a cost not to exceed the sum of $1, 000. 00 and to be installed under the direction of the Town Engineer. PRESENTATION OF PETITION (,Loyal Inn Bowling Center) The Clerk, after requesting the Board's permission, presented a petition personally handed to him at this time and signed by some sixteen residents of Hartung Street, Harrison Drive and the neigh- boring area requesting relief from the annoyance, loss of sleep, and interference in repose caused by the Loyal Inn Bowling Cen- ter at 444 Post Road due to its use of bright lights in unnecessary and intolerable fashion. Following a lengthy discussion during which several of the Bigness who were present addressed the Board, the matter was referred to Councilman Kane and Town Engineer Friedlander, who are en- gaged in making a study of all lighting along the Post Road at the present time, for immediate attention and report. Councilman Kane -- 1. Request for Coin !Changers at Parking Lots Councilman Kane reported that a request for the installation of Coin Changers at the station parking area had been re- ferred to the Police Chief for consideration. 2. Planning Board Meeting Councilman Kane reported that the Planning Board had invited representatives of both the Villages, the School Board and var- ious Commissions to its December 7th meeting for the purpose of discussing problems common to the entire community. He stated that the meeting was well attended and most worthwhile with discussion on many items including lighting and signs on the Post Road, parking facilities, the possible need for addi- tional school plants, and apartment building versus private home construction, and concluded by stating that it had been unanimously recommended that such meetings be held several times a year in the interest of community-wide planning, Councilman Brush -- Councilman Brush stated that he had no report other than that pertaining to fire matters, Councilwoman Helwig -- 1. Recreation Councilwoman Helwig reported that all three of the Basketball programs sponsored by the Town, which she described in de- tail, were now under way, that the Open House Program at the Junior High School had held four sessions, opening in October, and had had an attendance of 350 to 375 at each session, and that the Recreation Commission recommended the appointment of Walter Warner, John Stahr and James Kronenberger to the Inter-departmental Advisory Committee to be appointed on the Land and Outdoor Facility Recreation study to be made by the County. Z. Park Commission Councilwoman Helwig reported that the Park Commission rec- ommended the appointment of John W. Oliver and Thomas Aitchison to the Inter-departmental Advisory Committee of the County Land and Outdoor Facility Recreation study. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 1. 65 Palmer Avenue In the Attorney's absence, the Supervisor reported that Judge Eager had denied the second motion made by Grew Properties Inc. to dismiss the petition filed by the Howell Park As socia- tion and Peter G. Moore and that the decision stated the case must be set down for trial at Special Sessions--Part II and that it would be on the January calendar and would be tried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9.55 p.m. , to reconvene on January 5, 1960. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened im- mediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1, Communications Commissioner Brush stated that there were no communi- cations to present at this time, Z. Reports Commissioner Brush stated that there were no reports, 3. Claims Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart- ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department. American LaFrance $ 18. 95 Amtol Radio Com, Systems 14. 00 Atlantic Service Station 164. 95 Arthur. Brown 50. 00 Chatsworth Oil Co, 80. 50 Con Edison Co, 5,00 McGuire Bros, Inc. 5. 00 N. Y. Telephone Go. 47.40 6.60 Wesco Fire Equipment 260. 55 Total $ 652. 95 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 10.00 p,m„ to reconvene on January 5, 1960. wn erk