HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959_04_15 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
PRESENT. Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Santoro
Councilman Kane
Councilman Brush
Councilwoman Helwig
ALSO PRESENT. Mr, Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr, Delius Town Attorney
Mr, Friedlander - Town Engineer
Mr, Finson - Accountant
Mr, Orsino - Comptroller
Mrs, Brewer - Deputy Clerk
The minutes of March 18th, 1959 were approved as sub-
mitte d,
a, Report on request for erection of fence--Fred Anderson
129 Carleon Avenue
In connection with the request of Fred Anderson for
permission to erect a fence in the rear of his property
at 129 Carleon Avenue, presented at the last meeting of
the Board, upon the Clerk's report that there were no
objections to this request, on motion by Councilman
Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following res-
olution was unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS Fred Anderson heretofore requested
a permit for the erection of a 6-foot high close
woven cedar fence in the rear of his property
located at 129 Carleon Avenue, Town, andknown
as Block 405 - Parcel 371 on the Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS the Building Inspector refused to
-- grant such permit on the ground that construc-
tion or erection of such fence violated the provi-
sions of Section 112, Article 21 of the Building
Code; and
WHEREAS Mr, Anderson has appealed to this
Board for modification of the Building In-
spectorts decision pursuant to Section 23,
Article 1 of the Building Code so as to al-
low erection of said fence;
RESOLVED that permission is granted to
- Fred Anderson to erect a 6-foot high close
woven cedar fence in the rear of his prop-
erty located at 129 Carleon Ayenue, Town,
and known as Block 405 - Parcel 371 on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
The Board directed the Clerk to notify Mr. Anderson that
permission had been granted.
There was no new business to come before the Board.
a. Notice of Appeal--65 Palmer Avenue
The Clerk presented the Notice of Appeal for revocation of
the building permit issued December 2, 1955 for premises
known as No. 65 Palmer Avenue filed by Charles M. McCarty,
President of the Howell Park Association, and Peter G. Moore
and upon questioning by the Supervisor, the Town Attorney ad-
vised the Board that he felt all parties interested in this mat-
ter should be given the opportunity to be heard.
Whereupon, the Board directed that a special meeting be
called on Monday evening, April 27th, for the purpose of hold-
ing a hearing on this matter with the Clerk notifying all per-
sons concerned therewith to this effect.
Councilman Santoro then stated that he had read all of the
communications received in connection with the matter and in
view of the conflicting opinions expressed therein, suggested
that it might be well for the Board, in order to obtain an un-
biased opinion, to engage the services of an architect from
outside the Town who was experienced in apartment construc-
tion. After some discussion as to whether such a person
should be retained preceding or following the hearing on the
27th, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Council-
woman Helwig, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes
Councilman Santoro to engage the services of
a qualified architect as consultant to this
Board in the matter of the appeal for revoca-
tion of the building permit issued December
2, 1955 for premises known as No, 65 Palmer
Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck, filed by
Charles M. McCarty, President of the Howell
Park Association, and Peter G. Moore,
b, Requests of Police Commission
lj Authorization of expenses for two officers to
attend F. B.I. Training School
The Clerk presented a request from the Police Com-
mission under date of April 3, 1959 for authorization
of payment of transportation and food expenses in an
amount not to exceed the sum of $30, 00 for two officers
of the Town of Mamaroneck police force while attending
F. B.1. firearms training school at Camp Smith, New
York, from May 11th to May 15th inclusive, and on mo-
tion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman
Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of transportation and food expenses
in an amount not to exceed the sum of$30, 00
for two Town of Mamaroneck police force of-
ficers while attending the F. B.I. firearms
training school at Camp Smith from May 11th
to May 15th inclusive, said expenses to be
paid out of the item in the police budget es-
tablished for such purpose,
2) Authorization of installation of signal light portion of
traffic control system in Plaza
Councilman Brush read a communication from the Police
Commission under date of April 3, 1959 recommending that
the signal light portion of the new traffic signals and con-
trols in the Plaza be completed at an early date and sub-
mitting the following estimates for such work:
"To supply and install traffic control equipment for
control of all lights in the intersection - $652,44,"
"To supply and install two-way, four-section adjust.-
able signal light and aluminum mast with 25 foot
mast arm - $1, 070, 00,"
After some discussion during which the Board, upon in-
quiry, was advised by the Town Accountant that there were
not sufficient funds available in this year's budget for the
completion of this work and since it was felt that the in-
stallation of new traffic control equipment should be in-
stalled at this time and funds were available for same, on
motion by Councilman Brush, .seconded by Councilwoman
Helwig, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes
the supplying and installing of traffic control
equipment in the Plaza intersection at a cost
not to exceed the sum of $652.44; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that there is hereby
transferred from Surplus--Outside of Vil-
lages the sum of $652,44 to line item X213
entitled, "Traffic Signals & Signs" in the
1959 police department budget.
c. Request of Howard B. Pritz for permission to park mobile
home at 55 Harmon Drive, Town
The Clerk presented a letter from Howard B. Pritz under
date of April 2, 1959, requesting permission to park a 24Q
mobile home behind the home of his parents located at 55
Harmon Lrive, Town, for a period of thirty (30) days from
June lstto June 30th, 1959.
The Attorney read a memorandum prepared by him which
the Board ordered received and filed and after discussion,
the Board directed the Clerk to advise all neighboring prop-
erty owners of this request in order to ascertain whether
- there would be any objections to the granting of the request
and to forward a copy of the Attorney's memorandum to
Mr. Pritz advising him of the action taken by the Board.
d. New York State Traffic Commission Notices and Orders
The Clerk reported receipt of letters enclosing traffic
orders, dated April 7th and 8th, 1959, from the New York
State Traffic Commission which were ordered received and
placed on file.
e. Notice of Larchmont Village Zoning Board Meeting
The Clerk presented a notice of a meeting of the Zoning
Board of Appeals of the Village of Larchmont to be held on
April 15th, 1959, for the consideration of the application
of Robert M. Cole and Wife and that of Victor J. Krieg, Inc. ,
which were ordered received and filed.
f. Notice of Public Hearing--Village of Larchmont
The Clerk read a notice of public hearing to be held by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont on April 20th,
1959, to consider the application of Larchmont Yellow Cab
Go. , Inc„ which was ordered received and placed on file,
g. Recreation Project Application--New York State Youth
The Clerk presented for approval the Recreation Project
Application to the New York State Youth Commission which
indicates the amount of State Aid requested to be in the
amount of $1, 9 11. 00 for the period from June 1, 1959 to
May 31, 1960, and on motion by Councilwoman Helwig,
seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the
Recreation Project Application to the New York
State Youth Commission requesting State Aid in
the amount of $1, 911, 00 for the period from
June 1, 1959 to May 31, 1960,
1) Request of Recreation Commission
The Clerk presented a letter from the Recreation Commis-
sion, dated April 14, 1959, requesting authorization for ex-
- penses in an amount not to exceed the sum of $100, 00 for the
Superintendent of Recreation's attendance of the State Rec-
reation Conference in Elmira, New York, from April 26th
to April 29th, 1959, and on motion by Councilwoman Helwig,
seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes
the payment of the expenses of the Superinten-
dent of Recreation while attending the State
Recreation Conference in Elmira, New York,
from April 26th to 29th, 1959, in an amount
not to exceed the sum of $100. 00, said ex-
penses to be paid out of the proper item in the
budget of the Recreation Department.
The Clerk presented the following reports which were received
and filed-
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of March, 1959.
Report of the Building Inspector for the month of March, 1959.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the
month of March, 19590
Report of Receipts and Disbursements, Town of Mamaroneck,
for the period from January 1 - March 31, 19590
1) Investment of Town Funds
The Supervisor announced that he had deposited the
sum of $450, 000, 00 on a 6-months time deposit
with the First National Bank of Mount Vernon at 310
which would net the Town $6, 750, 00 in interest,
2) Letter from The Garden Club of Larchmont
The Supervisor reported receipt of_a letter from
The Garden Club of Larchmont, dated April 10th,
1959, stating that the Club was giving the Town a
larch tree to be planted in the park on the north
side of the station by the pool and inviting the
members of the Town Board to attend the official
planting on Saturday, April 25th, at 11015 o'clock,
The Supervisor, since he would be out of town,
delegated the Board's representative to the Park
Commission, Councilwoman Helwig, to attend in
his place,
The Board directed the Supervisor to express the
Town's thanks to Mrs, Stevens, Corresponding
Secretary of the Garden Club,
3) Letter from League of Women Voters of Larchmont
The Supervisor read a letter from the League of
Women Voters of Larchmont, dated April 12th,
1959, expressing the League's congratulations on
obtaining for Town use those County-owned lands
adjacent to the station,
The Board directed that this communication be
received and filed,
Councilman Santoro --
11 Publication of Notice for Bids for Construction of Parking Lots
Councilman Santoro requested authorization for the publi-
cation of the Notice to Bidders for the construction of
the station parking lots as prepared by the Town En-
gineer, and on his motion which was seconded by
Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he
hereby is authorized to publish in the of-
ficial newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, The Daily Times, the following no-
tice not later than five (5) days prior to
the date fixed in the notice:
Notice to Bidders
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by
the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, until 5:00 opclock p, m„ Eastern Standard
Time, April 27, 1959, at the office of the Town Clerk, 158
West Boston Post Road in the Village of Mamaroneck, New
York, and opened and read aloud at a special meeting of the
Town Board to be held at 8:15 p.m. , Eastern Standard Time,
on April 27, 1959, in the Council Room of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, corner of Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue in
the Town of Mamaroneck, for the construction of Parking Lots
and Appurtenance located on the easterly side of Myrtle Boule-
vard between Vine Street and Cabot Road in the Town of Ma-
maroneck, Westchester.County, New York, in accordance
with the plans and specifications drawn and prepared by
Maurice Friedlander, Town Engineer, and now on file in the
office of the Town Clerk.
Copies of the plans, specifications and proposals for the
work proposed may be obtained at the Town Clerk2s office upon
deposit of $5.00, which deposit will be refunded when plans and
specifications are returned in good condition within thirty days
after the award of the contract or the rejection of the bids.
The Town of Mamaroneck reserves the right to waive any
informalities in the bids or to reject any bid which does not
comply with the specifications and also to reject all bids; andno
bidder may withdraw his bid within forty-five days after the ac-
tual date of the opening thereof dated.
The Town of Mamaroneck may make such investigation as it
deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to per-
form the work, and the bidder shall furnish all such informa-
tion and data for this purpose as may be requested. The Town
of Mamaroneck reserves the right to reject any bid if the
evidence submitted by or the investigation of such bidder fails
to satisfy the Town of Mamaroneck that such bidder is properly
qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to com-
plete the work contemplated therein.
Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
2) Request for Installation of Water Main (Joseph W. Gleicher)
Councilman Santoro presented an application submitted
by the Joseph W. Gleicher Co. , Inc. , together with cost
estimate prepared by the Westchester Joint Water Works
No. 1, for the installation of 500 feet of 6" water main in
Rocky Lane and Glen Lane, and on his motion, which was
seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves
the installation of approximately 500 feet of
6" water main in Rocky Lane and Glen Lane
at a cost of $4, 638. 90 not including excava-
tion, backfill and pavement restoration;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is
contingent upon the applicant paying the en-
tire cost of such installation and upon the ap-
plicant's deposit with the Westchester Joint
Water Works No. 1 of the sum of $4, 638. 90
to reimburse said Water Works for the cost
of materials and their installation;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is
contingent upon the applicant providing an
easement satisfactory to the Town Attorney;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that unless this instal-
lation is completed within a period of one (1)
year from the date of this resolution, or not
later than April 15, 1960, this authorization
shall become null and void.
3) Request for Installation of Water Main (Briar Del Homes, Inc. )
Councilman Santoro presented an application submitted by
Briar Del Homes, Inc. , together with cost estimate prepared
by Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1, for the installation
of 6" main on Murdock Road, south from Split Tree Road to
Salem Drive, thence northerly along Salem Drive to the exist-
ing dead end at a cost of $6, 271. 92, and on his motion, which
was seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves
the installation of 6" water main on Murdock
Road, south from Split Tree Road to Salem
Drive, thence northerly along Salem Drive
to the existing dead end at a cost of $6, 271. 92
not including excavation, backfill and pave-
', ment restoration;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is
contingent upon the applicant paying the en-
tire cost of such installation and upon the ap-
plicant's deposit with the Westchester Joint
Water Works No, 1 of the sum of $6, Z71. 92
to reimburse said Water Works for the cost
of materials and their installation;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is
contingent upon approval by the Town of Ma-
maroneck Planning Board and upon the ap-
plicant providing an easement satisfactoryto
the Town Attorney;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that unless this instal-
lation is completed within a period of one (1)
year from the date of this resolution, or not
later than April 15, 1960 this authorization
shall become null and void.
At this time, Councilman Santoro referred to a paragraph
in Mr. Straubts letter of estimate in which he stated that the
opening of this additional property to water service made the
connection of the Murdock Woods area through the Vitro and
Beringer property to Fenimore Road even more urgent and
further that because of the fire hydrant situation, he could
not conscientiously recommend further development of this
property until the connection to Fenimore Road was com-
pleted, The Board, after discussion, directed the Supervisor
and Councilman Santoro to meet with Mr. Straub, the Town
Attorney and Engineer to discuss the matter and report there-
on to the Board,
4) Miscellaneous
Councilman Santoro further reported that the matters of
Thruway planting, drainage on Harmon Drive, and leakage
at the Gardens Lake were under consideration and that the
dredging of the Hommocks area was progressing satisfac-
- Councilman Kane --
1) Apportionments
Councilman Kane presented the following petitions re-
ceived from the Assessor for the correction of the assess-
ment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and
on motion by him which was seconded by Councilman Brush,
the following resolution was adopted unanimously,
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions
for the correction of the assessment roll for cer-
tain years pursuant to the provisions of
Section 557, Article 16 of the Westches-
ter County Administrative Code, known
as the Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this
Board finds it desirable to grant said pe-
tition for the correction of said assess-
ment roll:
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property
now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
333 66 Canmer Bldrs Inc $ 28, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with
the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section
Block Parcel Name Land only
333 66 Canmer Bldrs Inc 19, 600
333 837 °t 8, 300
333 1680 Donald H. Harper 100
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment
roll of 1958, taxes of 1959, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
132 103 Patsy Giacomo $ 2, 100 $ 14, 000 $ 16, 100
be corrected as follows in accordance with
the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
132 103 Patsy Giacomo 1, 800 14, 000 15, 800
132 126 Joseph A. Giacomo & W 300 300
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment
roll of 1958, school taxes of 1959, which
shows property now appearing on the roll as
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
132 73 Michele M, Giacomo & or 2, 000 12, 500 14, 500
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
132 73 Michele M. Giacomo & or $ 1, 000 $ 6, 000 $ 7, 000
132 128 Joseph A. Giacomo &W 500 1, 800 2, 300
132 133 Michele M. Giacomo & or 500 4, 700 5, 200
2) Larchmont Reservbir
Councilman Kane called attention to the item in The Daily
Times on the ninth regarding the possibility of using the
Larchmont Reservoir for recreational purposes and after
some discussion, the Board directed the Supervisor to con-
fer with Mayor Coffinberry regarding this matter.
Councilman Brush --
1) Police and Fire Departments
Councilman Brush reported that he had spent considerable
time visiting the Police Department, attended two fires, a
fire drill and Fire Council meeting since assuming his new
Councilwoman Helwig --
1) Recreation
Councilwoman Helwig reported that the Commission would
attend the County Conference and announced that,-plans were
now under way for the formation of a Men's Softball League
this summer which, due to the cooperation extended by Vil-
lage Manager Johnson of the Village of Mamaroneck, would
be able to play its games on Harbor Island.
1) Lease for Parking Lots
The Attorney presented the lease with the County Park
Commission for the parking lots which property is known as
a portion of Parcel 1 B, Sheet 9, Pelham-Port Chester Park-
way, covering a period of five years at the annual rental of
$1. 00 and recommended, since in his opinion the lease was
satisfactory in all respects, that the Supervisor be authorized
to execute same.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded
by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to sign the lease between the Town
of Mamaroneck and the Westchester County Park
Commission covering the rental of premises
known as Parcels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 45, 46, 47, 48,
57, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 and
a portion of Parcels 36 and 38, Sheet 9, Pelham-
Port Chester Parkway for a term of five (5)
years commencing on the 1st day of March, 1959,
and terminating on the 29th day of February, 1964,
at an annual rental of One Dollar ($1. 00).
2) Request of Larch Motor Sales, Inc, to Lease Town-owned
The Attorney reported that the Assessor advised that
approximately 60fi a square foot or $55. 00 per month
would be a fair price for the rental of the Town-owned
property formerly rented to Bose & Parker and now
requested by Larch Motor Sales, Inc, and that he would
prepare the lease for same upon confirming with Larch
Motor Sales the price and their agreement to having the
lease contain the 30-day cancellation clause,
3) Sale of Town-owned Property--Oliner, Haralambie
— The Attorney reported that the Assessor was presently
investigating the matter of a small triangular piece of the
property in question which had been found not to be owned
by the Town.
1) Thruway Planting
Mr. Frank X. O'Donnell, Jr. of 100 Palmer Avenue,
Town, addressed the Board with regard to the planting
along the Thruway, suggesting that his previous recom-
mendation that the Town inquire regarding the availability
of small trees from the State free of charge be checked.
The Board directed the Supervisor to follow through on
this matter and report thereon.
2) Tennyson Nursery
Mr. O'Donnell stated that he had heard the nursery was
moving out and inquired whether the Board had any advice
to this effect. The Attorney replied that he had heard
nothing of any moving and that the case was being prepared
for trial before Judge Schmidt.
y A�
3) Erection of Fence--Dandry Property, Post Road
Mr. Joseph W. Moran of 18 Coply Road, Town, inquired
as to the status of the request for the erection of a fence on
the property owned by James M. Dandry located on the Post
Road, north of Alden Road, and was advised by the Supervi-
sor that Mr. O'Keefe had an appointment with the Town En-
gineer and himself at 9.15 the next morning,
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9.30 p.m. , to reconvene on May
6th, 1959.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
vened immediately upon the close of the Town Board meeting.
1. Communications
Commissioner Brush presented a communication from
the Fire Council recommending the addition of another
paid fireman.
This matter was referred to the Commission for study
and review.
At this time, the Supervisor reported that the matter of
the reclassification of the "Fire Truck Driver" to "Fire-
men" was still waiting County determination and that in
turn, the County was awaiting approval from the State.
2, Reports
Commissioner Brush presented the following report which
was received and filed.
Fire Report for the month of March, 1959.
3. Claims
Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart-
ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller
and approved by the Fire Chief.
Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by
Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be
and they hereby are approved and the
Supervisor and Comptroller be and they
hereby are authorized to pay the same
out of the budget for the Fire Department.
Atlantic Service Center $ 51. 55
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 17, 92
Chatsworth Oil Co. 131.75
Con Edison Co. 52. 69
State Insurance Fund 1, 034. 28
N.Y. Telephone Co. 27. 25
H. Strauch, Inc. 9. 00
Ward LaFrance Truck Corp 13. 14
Hydrant Rental
New Rochelle Water Co. 60. 00
West. Joint Water Works 2, 510. 00
Total $3, 907. 58
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9.35 p. m. , to reconvene on May
6th, 1959.
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