HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959_01_21 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANUARY 21st, 1959, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER - The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8;15 p. m. PRESENT. Supervisor Burchell Councilman Brush Councilman Kane Councilman Waterman Councilman Santoro ABSENT. None ALSO PRESENT. Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer Mr. Finson - Accountant Mr. O'Brien - Superintendent of Highways Mr, Orsino - Comptroller Mr. Deshensky - Fire Chief Mrs, Brewer - Deputy Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetings of December 3rd and December 17th were approved as presented, OLD BUSINESS 1, Request for Erection of Fence In connection with the request of Harry P. Miltner for permission to erect afence on the property of his client, Mrs, Lewis P. Stanton of 10 York Road, Town, pre- sented at the last meeting of the Board, upon the Clerk's report that he had received no objections to this request and advice by the Councilmen that upon viewing the site they could see no reason for objection, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, the following resolution was unanimously adopted; WHEREAS, Harry P. Miltner the President of Westshire Fences, heretofore requested a premit for the erection of a 6-foot solid vertical smooth picket fence for a distance of 50 feet along the northerly side line and near the rear corner of the house on the property of his client, Mrs. Lewis P. Stanton, located at 10 York Road, Town, and known on the As s e s s meet Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 225 - Parcel 835; and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector refused to grant such permit on the ground that construction or erection of such fence vio- lated the provisions of Section 112, Article 21 of the Building Code; and WHEREAS, Mr. Miltner on behalf of his client, Mrs. Stanton, has appealed to this Board for modification of the Building In- spector's decision pursuant to Section 23, Article 1 of the Building Code so as to al- low erection of said fence; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that permission is granted to Harry P. Miltner for his client, Mrs, Lewis P. Stanton, to erect a 6-foot ver- tical smooth picket fence for a distance of 50 feet along the northerly side line and near the rear corner of the house on the property located at 10 York Road, Town, and known as Block 225 - Parcel 835 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck. The Board directed the Clerk to notify Mr. Miltner that permission had been granted. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Purchase of Tires The Town Accountant requested the Board to authorize the Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of tires required by the Town for the year 1959 and on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the of- ficial newspaper of the Town of Mamaro- neck, The Daily Times, notice for bids for the purchase of tires for the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1959 in accor- dance with the specifications to be filedin the Office of the Town Clerk; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk at the ryJ 3 Town Offices, 158 West Post Road, Village of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, New York until 5 o'clock on the 4th day of February, 1959, or until 8:15 p.m. at the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Wea- ver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, New York and will be publicly opened at a regular meet- ing of the Town Board on February 4th, 1959 at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room of the -- Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Larchmont Gardens Civic Association--Request to Remove Shrubbery at Entrance to Gardens The Clerk read a letter from the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association, dated January 2nd, 1959, requesting that the overgrown, scraggly evergreen trees at the Weaver Street and Myrtle Boulevard entrance of Larchmont Gardens be re- moved and replaced with smaller, better quality evergreens. The Superintendent of Highways reported that the Park Su- perintendent and he had discussed these trees and recom- mended that this request be granted with the removal of the _ trees done as soon as possible and the replanting as soon as the weather permitted. At Councilman Brush's suggestion, the matter was re- ferred to the Park Commission for study with respect not only to the entrance but to the islands located in Myrtle Boulevard. Councilman Santoro requested that copies of any plan de- veloped by the Park Commission with respect to this area be forwarded-to the members of the Board for consideration and meanwhile that the Supervisor reply to the letter from the Gardens Association advising that the request was granted and referred to the Superintendent of Highways and Park Su- perintendent for attention. 2) Request for Street Light--Murdock Woods Association The Clerk read a letter from George B. Butcher, Presi- dent of the Murdock Woods Association, Inc. , dated January 14th, 1959 requesting the installation of a street light at the intersection of Griffen Avenue and Murdock Road and pre- sented the recommendation of the Superintendent of High- ways, dated January 15th, 1959, that such light be installed. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to install a 1000 Lumen Street Light at the inter- section of Murdock Road and GriffenAve- nue, Town of Mamaroneck, at a cost not to exceed the sum of $100. 00. 3, Letter from Planning Board--Proposed Revision of Zoning Ordinance The Clerk read the following letter addressed by the Plan- ning Board to the Town Board under date of January 15th; "The Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has directed that the Revised Zoning Ordinance, as cor- rected, be submitted to the Town Board for its study and consideration. B° It was stated that the Town Board and Planning Board would meet together on Monday evening, January 26th, for the pur- pose of reviewing this report, COMMUNICATIONS (Not on Agenda) 1) Approval of Highway Agreement The Clerk presented the Highway Agreement for the year 1959 and upon motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Highway Agreement for the year 1959 as presented be and it hereby is approved, 2) Approval of Highway Bond for Supervisor The Clerk presented for the Board's approval the usual Supervisor's bond in the amount of $2, 350, 00 covering the amount of State Aid to be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck for the repair and improvement of highways pursuant to the provisions of Section 283 of the Highway Law, and on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Bond No. F 2097591 in the amount of $2, 350, 00 of the National Surety Corporation is approved as to form, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to exe- cute the same and file it pursuant to law. REPORTS The Clerk stated that there were no reports to be presented. . :: REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR Before submitting his report, the Supervisor spoke of the _ illness of H. Richmond Campbell, editor and general mana- ger of The Daily Times and the Board, expressing its con- cern and deep sympathy, directed the Supervisor to write to Mr. Campbell on its behalf conveying best wishes for a complete and rapid recovery. The Supervisor also informed the Board that Mrs. Dillon would return from the hospital tomorrow and was well on the road to recovery and that he had learned only today that Mr. Posselt of the Times had returned from the hospital yesterday, 1) Communication from Board of Police Commissioners (Acquisition of Thruway Access Streets) The Supervisor read a letter addressed to him by the Board of Police Commissioners on November 30th re- questing the Town to acquire, if possible, two little used access streets located between Chatsworth and Madison Avenues built by the Thruway as an entrance to and exit from the Thruway in order to provide more parking area for nearby apartments and allow greater control of traf- fic from the Thruway. Following discussion, the Board directed the Super- visor to write as requested recording the Town's in- terest in acquiring such streets if, at any time, the Thruway Commission were to consider relinquishing its jurisdiction and ownership thereof. 2) Station Parking Areas The Supervisor reported that he had requested the Po- lice Department to make a survey of the cars parked in the station parking lots to determine how many were from outside the unincorporated area. He stated that such a check had been made last spring and that he felt a recheck at this time would be helpful to the Board in determining how much of the County-owned land would be required for parking purposes. He also advised with respect to the acquisition of these lands that the County Park Commission had advised him that it could not consider turning over any lands to munici- palities until the "taking maps" were received from the State. In discussing the matter, Councilman Waterman stated that he felt the Board should instruct the Supervisor to write direct to Governor Rockefeller calling to his atten- tion the intolerable conditions resulting from Thruway con- struction at the Larchmont station and requesting immed- iate action to correct these conditions. In spite of the strong feeling voiced by the other members of the Board , that, as a matter of courtesy, such a letter should be addressed to the Chairman of the Thruway Authority, with copy to the Governor, Councilman Waterman of- fered the following motions RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is instructed to write to Governor Rockefeller calling attention to the in- tolerable conditions resulting from Thru- way construction at the Larchmont Rail- road Station and requesting immediate action to correct these conditions, Councilman Santoro, in order to get the motion on the floor, seconded it, and upon a roll call vote as follows, the motion was defeated by four noes to one aye and therefore declared lost,. Roll Calls Councilman Brush - No Councilman Kane - No Supervisor Burchell - No Councilman Waterman - Aye Councilman Santoro - No Councilman Santoro then stated that he felt the Town should offer to assist the Village of Larchmont in its ef- forts to have the parking plaza opened promptly, as this would greatly help the Board to determine how much ad- ditional parking space would be needed since the plaza was to replace the parking space taken for Thruway construction, The Board, concurring with this sugges- tion, directed the Supervisor to contact the Village to ascertain what, if anything, the Town could do to assist the Village in this direction, Councilman Brush reported that the Park Commission was greatly concerned about the completion date of Thru- way work in this area as it was anxious to start its res- toration program and that if the Thruway work was not completed prior to May 1st, it would be too late for any spring planting this year. He suggested in view of these facts that the Supervisor write the Chairman of the Thru- way Authority urgently requesting action to expedite these matters and the Board so directed. Returning to the matter of the acquisition of the park- ing areas, Councilman Waterman inquired whether it was not possible for the Town to contact the State re- questing prompt release of the "taking maps"' to the County so that the County could move on in connection with this matter, The Board requested the Supervisor to continue his efforts in this matter and to so write if he deemed it advisable. At this time, George E. Mills, Jr, , requested permis- sion to address the Board and asked why the Supervisor shouldn't write to Governor Rockefeller when it was alright for him to have written to former Governor Harriman, The Supervisor replied that he did not believe he had written to Governor Harriman and that he thought perhaps Mr. Mills' inquiry might be in reference to the Village of Mamaroneck as Mayor Dalfonso had written or wired Governor Harriman in connection with Thruway matters around the time of the opening of the Thruway right of way. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Brush -- Councilman Brush stated that he had no further report having already covered the matter of completion of the Thru- way work so that the Park Commission could proceed with the restoration program. Councilman Kane -- 1) Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions re- ceived from the Assessor for the correction of the assess- ment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on his motion which was seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented pe- titions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the pro- visions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said peti- tions for the correction of said assessment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 216 783 N.Y. , N.H. & H. RR $ 47, 900 $ 129, 600 $ 177, 500 216 783 6, 500 6, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: QcTA Block Parcel -Name =Land Imp Total 216 783 NY, NH &H RR $ 46, 400 $ 129, 600 $ 176, 000 216 1000 Larchmont Girl Scout 1, 500 6, 500 8, 000 Council, Inc. FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll - of 1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land only 213 253 Jerome R. Halperin $ 4, 400 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land only 213 253 Robert J. Metz 1, 100 213 598 `° 1, 100 213 274 Annette Novick 1, 100 213 282 V6 1, 100 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land only 814 671 Puritan Const Corp 2, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land only 814 671 Thomas H. Kegen & W 1, 250 814 676 Puritan Const Corp 1, 250 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land only 826 1 Wacona Corporation 32, 400 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land only 826 1 Wacona Corporation $ 30, 100 826 14 NY, NH, & H RR 2, 300 Councilman Santoro -- 1) Approval of Rates for Rental of Privately-owned Equipment for Highway Department Councilman Santoro presented a communication from the Superintendent of Highways, dated January 16th, 1959 re- questing the Board's approval for the establishment of the schedule of maximum rates for the rental of privately- owned equipment as contained therein and as fixed by the New York State Department of Public Works on July 1st, 1954, Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 143 of the Highway Law and as fixed by the New York State Department of Public Works on July 1, 1954, this Board hereby approves the following schedule of maximum rates for the rental of privately-ownedequipmento 3/4 yd. Shovel (24 ton) $138. 00 per day TD-18 Bulldozer (20 ton) 126, 00 °t HD- 5 Bucket Loader (9ton) 85. 00 Trench Digger-1/2 yd. bucket 82. 00 Truck Crane (20 Ton) 187. 00 TD-9 Bulldozer - 55 DB-HP 90. 00 Trailer 110-14 ton) 13. 49 Trailer (50 ton) 48. 00 " Truck - 450 Piston Displacement 4. 23 per hr. 2) Joint Meeting--Westchester County Village Officials Association and Orienta Point Taxpayers Association Councilman Santoro called to the Board's attention the meeting, which Councilman Kane and Attorney Delius would attend officially, to be held jointly by the above- ', named organizations on Thursday, January 22nd, 1959 at 8.15 p.m. at the Junior High School, at which time George Alpert, President of the New Haven Railroad, would present an address on Commuter Train Service. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 1) Public Hearing for Amendment of Traffic Ordinance The Town Attorney suggested that the February 18th meeting might be a suitable time to hold the public hear- ing on the amendment of the traffic ordinance. However, he advised that he would communicate with the Police De- partment and then report definitely to the Board as to this date. 2) Zoning Board of Appeals The Town Attorney reported that on an application by Post Road Building Corporation to set aside the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Judge Coyne had denied the application stating that the contested question of fact should be tried at Special Terms Part II of the Supreme Court. He further stated that he would attend the next meeting of the Zoning Board in order to ascertain what further should be done in this matter. OTHER BUSINESS In response to the Supervisor's inquiry as to whether there was any other business to come before the meeting, the fol- lowing persons addressed the Board- George E. Mills, Jr. -- Mr. Mills asked the present status of the laying of a water pipe line through Soundview Woods and was informed by the Town Attorney that the Water Board was appealing the deci- sion of Judge Eager, which appeal should be heard in Febru- ary or March. Herbert Askwith -- Mr. Askwith, in connection with the acquisition of County- owned lands, suggested that the Town advise the County thatthe parcel lying north of Chatsworth Garden .Apartments would be used for Park purposes only as it was his feeling that this in- formation might help the Town to acquire this land. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Askwith and added that he would request other Supervisors concerned in the County to also write in connection with this matter. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 8.55 p.m. , to reconvene on February 4th, 1959. 7 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. -- a. Communications 1. Letter from Fire Council Commissioner Waterman presented a letter from the Fire Council, dated January 21st, 1959, naming those elected to office for the year 1959 and re- questing the Commission's approval thereof. Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Commission hereby ap- proves the election of the following members of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department to the following offices for the year 19590 Truck Company #1 Rodman L. Purdy - Captain Charles R. Deshensky, Jr. - First Lieutenant L. Douglas Fletcher - Second Lieutenant Santo J. Felice - Warden for Two Years Charles Conte - Sergeant-At-Arms Augustus R. Funck - Secretary Engine Company #1 Louis A. Sganga - Captain Paul E. Thornton - First Lieutenant Owen A. Mandeville, Jr. - Second Lieutenant Anthony Saporito - Warden for Two Years Ralph F. Condro - Sergeant-At-Arms Anthony Loiaconi - Secretary Engine Company #2 Anthony N. Librandi - Captain Joseph Schapanick - First Lieutenant Joseph A. Giacomo - Second Lieutenant Dominick Ianello - Warden for Two Years Edward L. Leone - Warden for One Year Louis J. Buono - Sergeant-At-Arms James A. McDonnell, Jr. - Secretary Patrol Company #1 Rocco Zavaglia - Captain Anthony Guadagnolo - First Lieutenant John Musacchio - Second Lieutenant Patrol Company #1 (continued) John J. Caputo - Warden for Two Years Jack Soriano - Sergeant-At-Arms Arthur M. Brown - Secretary b. Reports Commissioner Waterman stated that he had no reports to present at this meeting. c, Claims Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Department claims which had been audited by the Comp- troller and approved by the Fire Chief, and upon his motion which was seconded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are au- thorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department- R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 19. 28 -- - Con Edison, West. 55. 38 Helge Larson 225. 00 Anthony N. Librandi 46. 50 Ramon Martinez 41. 25 The Pelham Stationers, Inc. 10. 98 Robert's 25. 00 423. 39 Hydrant Rental- West. Jt. Water Works #1 Z, 500. 00 Total $ 2, 923. 39 Other Business 1) Fire Inspection of Schools --Progress Report The Fire Chief and Building Inspector reported that those of the nursery schools having violations were coming along nicely with the correction of same and that by the next meeting when another progress report would be submitted, it was felt that all violations would be corrected. The Building Inspector further explained that all use of the second floor had been discontinued permanently at the Saxon Woods School and that the installation of the requested Fire Escapes was proceeding at the Colonial Nursery School, 2) Request for Chart of Fire Hydrants The Fire Chief requested that the Water Company pre- pare a chart numbering the hydrants located in the unin- corporated area and showing the pressure of each, The Supervisor requested the Chief to put this request in writing for submission to the Water Board, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9=05 p. m. , to reconvene on Feb- ruary 4th, 1959° �� wn erk