HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958_11_05 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell
Councilman Brush
Councilman Kane
Councilman Santoro
Councilman Waterman
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mr, Delius - Town Attorney
Mr. Friedlander - Town Engineer
Mr, Finson - Accountant
Mr. Orsino - Comptroller
Mr. OTBrien - Superintendent of Highways
Mrs, Brewer - Secretary
The minutes of October 15, 1958 were approved as submitted.
There were no items of old business to be presented.
1. Petition--Change of Name, Cabilane Road
The Clerk presented a letter from Edwin E. Berliner, Rock
Ridge, Mamaroneck, dated October 17, 1958, enclosing pe-
tition undersigned by all of the residents of Cabilane Road, a
private road located in the Town of Mamaroneck and owned by
said residents, requesting that the name of this road be changed
to Deerfield Lane.
--- After discussion, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded
by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the street now known as "Cabilane
Road" running in a northeasterly direction from
Old White Plains Road for a distance of approxi-
mately 440 feet and shown on "Map of Section Two,
Rock Ridge, situated in the Town and Village
of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New
York" and filed in the County Clerk's Office,
Division of Land Records, as Map #8047, on
May 26, 1953, be renamed "Deerfield Lane"
as of November 5th, 1958.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk
be and he hereby is directed to so notify the
postal authorities of this change.
1. Letter -- Fenimore Road Conditions
The Clerk presented a letter from Jerome N. Wanshel,
Attorney, dated October 28, 1958, pertaining to certain
conditions affecting the property of his client, Mr, Herbert
Werner, located on Fenimore Road, Town.
Following discussion of each of these items in some de-
tail, the Board referred these matters as follows for fur-
ther study and recommendation thereon. first, the re-
quest for curb installation to the Superintendent of Highways
and Town Attorney; second, the request for installation of a
street light to the Superintendent of Highways and Police
Chief; and third and last, examination of the drainage condi-
tions at the time of heavy percipitation to Councilman San-
toro, the Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer.
-- The Supervisor was directed to notify Mr. Wanshel of the
action taken by the Board.
At this time the Supervisor noting the presence of Mr,
and Mrs, Louis Smith, requested the Attorney to present his re-
port on Badger Camp alleged to be operating in violation of the
Town Zoning Ordinance.
Town Attorney Delius thereupon read his report, addressed
to the Town Board under date of October 27th, 1958 and stating
that at the conclusion of his study and investigation, under all of
the circumstances involved he did not find any violation of the
Zoning Ordinance in this particular instance.
The Board, in view of the Attorneyes finding and concurring
therewith, agreed that there was no action to be taken in the mat-
ter and ordered the report as submitted received and placed on
file in the Office of the Town Clerk.
2. Resolution--Village of Larchmont
The Clerk presented a resolution adopted by the Board of
Trustees of the Village of Larchmont on October 6, 1958 re-
questing exemption from future Town Assessment Rolls of
certain Village-owned property, Block 613, Parcel 304, located
at 3 Addison Street, as this property had been acquired for pub-
lic parking purposes.
This communication was referred to the Town Attorney for
3, County Department of Public Works--Contract for Snow Removal
on State Highways
The Clerk presented a letter from the County Department of
Public Works, dated October 22, 1958, stating that the County
had extended for the year 1958-1959 its contract with the State
Department of Public Works for the control of snow and ice on
State Highways and requesting a resolution if the Town Board
approved of the Town handling this work with Town forces,
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted:
WHEREAS, Sect. 12 of the Highway Law, as amended
by Chapter 305 of the Laws of 1946, provides that if
the removal of snow and ice from the State Highways
is taken over by the County, the County can arrange
with the Town Superintendents of the various towns in
the County of Westchester for the removal of the snow
and ice from such State Highways as are within their
municipal boundaries and the entire cost of such work
will be reimbursed by the State, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck under date of
November 8, 1946 entered into a contract with the
County of Westchester for the removal of snow andice
from the State Highways within the said Town, in ac-
cordance with the provisions of Sect, 12 of the Highway
Law as amended, and under date of October 24, 1957
extended the said contract for the season 1957-1958.
of Mamaroneck extend the above mentioned contract
with the County of Westchester for an additional year,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolutionbe
forwarded to the Westchester County Commissioner of
Public Works.
4. County Department of Public Works--Contract for Snow Removal
on County Roads
The Clerk presented an agreement with the County of West-
chester, dated October 28, 1958, for the removal of snow on
County roads for the winter season of 1958-1959 at aflat rate
of $200. 00 per mile and requested a resolution authorizing the
Supervisor to sign said agreement.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by
Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized to sign the agreement
with the County of Westchester for the re-
moval of snow and ice on County roads
within the Unincorporated Section of the
Town of Mamaroneck at a flat rate of
$200, 00 per mile for the winter season of
1. Letter from Stanley 1L Karp
The Clerk read a letter from Stanley M. Karp, dated October
30th, 1958, apprising the Town Board of damage to his home
caused by blasting carried an by Fiore Brothers in connection
with the laying of a new water line near his property located at
32 Bonnie Briar Lane, Town.
The Board directed the Clerk to acknowledge Mr. Karp's let-
ter informing him that the responsibility for this work lies en-
tirely with the Fiore Brothers Construction Company under con-
tract to the Westchester Joint Water Storks No. 1 and to forward
a:;copy of Mr. Karp's letter to the Superintendent of the Water
Works for his information and attention.
The Clerk presented the following reports which were received
and placed on file-
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc, for the
month of October, 1958.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the
month of October, 1958.
Report of the Building Inspector for the month of October, 1958.
(l) Agreement of Adjustment--Thruway, Station Property
In connection with the Agreement of Adjustment received from
the New York State Department of Public Works proposing the
sum of $2, 000. 00 as compensation for a certain parcel of Town-
owned property located at Station Park on which the kiosk or en-
trance to the tunnel is erected, which was taken by the Thruway,
the Supervisor presented a memorandum from the Assessor, as
requested at the last Board meeting, stating that the sum of
$2, 000.00 was a fair value for this property and inquired as to
the Boardfs pleasure with regard to accepting this figure.
Whereupon, in view of the Assessor's appraisal which con-
curred with that of the Thruway, upon motion by Councilman
Brush, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck accepts
the sum of $Z, 000, 00 as compensation for the
taking by the New York State Thruway--New Eng-
land Section of that parcel of Town-owned property
located at Station Park on which the kiosk or en-
trance to the tunnel is erected and described on
said Agreement as Thruway Map No, 1052, Parcel
No. 1052,
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and
he hereby is authorized to sign said Agreement as
(2) Thruway Correspondence
The Supervisor, for the Board's information, read two let-
ters written by him at the direction of this Board at its last
meeting to the Chairman of the New York State Thruway .Au-
thority and reply received thereto, which correspondence
was ordered received and placed on file with the Town Clerk.
(3) Request of S. & N. Auto Services, Inc.
In connection with this matter, the Supervisor presented a
memorandum from the Assessor stating that $50. 00 per
month would be a fair rental for use of a portion of Van
Guilder Street as had been requested by S. & N.
The Board directed the Town Attorney to communicate
with S. & N. advising that the Town would lease the prop-
erty in question for this sum provided, however, that all
other conditions previously submitted by the Engineer
requisite to the use of said property were met.
Councilman Brush --
(1) Railroad Station
Councilman Brush remarked on the lack of lighting at the
south kiosk on Station Road and requested that something be
done to correct this situation as quickly as possible.
The matter was referred to the Engineer for his immed-
iate attention.
Councilman Kane --
(1) Meeting--Mayor's Economic Committee
Councilman Kane reported that he had attended a meeting
of the Mayor;s Economic Committee of the Village of Ma-
maroneck for the Supervisor, adding that this Committee
was engaged in conducting an extensive study of tax matters,
(2) Planning Board Meeting
Councilman Kane reported that he had attended the last
meeting of the Planning Board and advised that that Board
was awaiting this Board's pleasure in selecting a date for
the informal joint meeting of the two Boards to discuss and
review the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinances,
(3) Apportionments
Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received
from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll
so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by
him and seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted;
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the
correction of the assessment roll for certain years pur-
suant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the
Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the
Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of
said assessment roll:
RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1958, taxes of
1.959, which shows property now appearing on the roll
as follows;
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
206 129 Charles G. Williams $ 6, 000 $ $ 6, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557;
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
206 129 & 165 Charles G. Williams 4, 500 4, 500
206 151 Mahlon H. Beakes & W I, 500 1, 500
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows;
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 49 Frances G. Stern 6, 20o 20, 800 27, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
934 49 Hampshire Country Club 200 200
934 435 Frances G. Stern 6, 000 20, 800 26, 800
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
831 339 Vittina S. Gironda&ors 600 1, 400 2, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
831 339 Vittina S. Gironda&ors 400 1,400 1, 800
831 530 N.Y.State Thruway #757 200 200
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 20 Frank C. Mysak $ 7, 200
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land only
807 20 Frank C. Mysak 6, 200
807 35 Eric F. Holzer 1, 000
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
- 714 464 Sidney B.. Lifschultz&W $ 2, 800 $ 11, 500 $ 14, 300
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
714 464 David Fink & W 2, 000 11, 500 13, 500
714 629 Sidney B. Lifschultz&W 800 800
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
405 255 Alice L. Goldsmith $ 3, 900 $ 15, 100 $ 19, 000
405 453 Ralph R. Wolf & W 5, 200 9, 800 15, 000
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557.
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
405 255 Alice L. Goldsmith 3, 800 15, 100 18, 900
405 605 Ralph R. Wolf & W 100 100
405 453 Ralph R. Wolf & W 5, 100 9, 800 14, 900
405 600 Alice L. Goldsmith 100 100
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land only
304 90&443 Split Tree Realty Corp $ 6, 800 Dis #1
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land only
304 90 Gabriel Vitro 800 Dis #1
2, 000 " #2
304 443 Split Tree Realty Corp 6, 000 p0 #1
20, 000 kk #2
FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of
1958, taxes of 1959, which shows property now ap-
pearing on the role as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
218 677 John J. Driscoll $ 4, 000 $ 5, 700 $ 9, 700
& W
be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi-
sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total
218 677 John J. Driscoll 2, 000 5, 700 7, 700
& W
218 689 Mandeville Properties Z' 000 Z' 000
Councilman Waterman --
(lj Resignation--Patrolman Turco
Councilman Waterman presented a memorandum from
the Police Department, dated October 27, 1958, enclosing
letter of resignation from Patrolman Turco and the Board
of Police Commissioner's acceptance thereof and requested
this Board to approve the action taken by the Board of Po-
lice Commissioners.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Waterman, sec-
onded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves
the Board of Police Commissioners' accep-
tance of the resignation of Police Patrolman
Louis M. Turco from the Town of Mamaro-
neck Police Foree to be effective as of
November lst, 1958,
(2) Erection of Stairway at Station
Councilman Waterman again brought up the matter of the
construction of an additional stairway at the extreme east
end of the station parking area as a convenience to the com-
muters and Councilman Santoro assurred him that this mat-
ter was under consideration,
- Councilman Santoro - -
(1) Purchase of Sand Spreader
Councilman Santoro informed the Board that the Highway
Superintendent needed another Sand Spreader and had re-
quested authorization to purchase same immediately as there
were funds available for such purchase in the present budget.
Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by Coun-
cilman Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways
be and he hereby is authorized to purchase for
the Town Highway Department one Sand Spreader
at a cost not to exceed the sum of $550. 00.
(2) West Wing —Firehouse
Councilman Santoro reported that in accordance with this
Board's direction, the Engineer and he had contacted Trustee
White who had generously given his time to the Town again
- in assisting with the further inspection and checking of the
sinking of the West Wing of the Firehouse.
Since the readings showed no further perceptible sinking,
it was concluded that the wing had settled about 1/8"
during the year and that it would be to the taxpayers'
advantage to have a longer experience period before
further determination of the remedial work needed to
correct this situation.
Councilman Santoro again expressed his sincere ap-
preciation of all the time and assistance given by
Mr. White in working with the Engineer and himself
in connection with this matter.
(3) Traffic Study-- Chatsworth Avenue Square Area
Councilman Santoro reported that the Board of Police
Commissioners had concluded its study relating to the
flow of traffic in the Chatsworth Avenue Square area
following completion of Thruway construction and rec-
ommended the plan prepared and submitted by the
Automobile Club of New Yak, Inc.
Mr. Santoro explained that the installation of under-
ground electrical conduits was required for the traffic
lights proposed in this plan and suggested that this be
done at this time so that the pavements need not be
torn up again in this area. He advised that the road
excavation work necessary could be done by the Town
Highway Department and that Domizio and Everett,
Electrical Contractors, would install the required con-
duits at a price not to exceed the sum of $2, 000. 00,
and requested authorization for this work.
Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by
Councilman Waterman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby author-
izes Domizio & Everett, Electrical Con-
tractors of Yonkers, New York, to install
electrical conduits in the Chatsworth Ave-
nue Square area in accordance with the
traffic plan prepared by the Automobile
Club of New York, Inc, and approved by
the Board of Police Commissioners, at
a cost not to exceed the sum of $2, 000. 00;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board
hereby authorizes the transfer of the sum
of $2, 000. 00 from Surplus--Outside of
Villages to the Police Department budget,
line item #213 - "Traffic Signals & Signs"
in the 1958 budget.
(4) Thruway Construction
Councilman Santoro reported that the Engineer and he
had consulted Thruway officials regarding certain mat-
ters including ingress and egress to Laurel Avenue, the
maintenance of a flagman on the Weaver Street Bridge
during the time of one-lane traffic, fencing, etc. and
stated that they would continue to check on these matters
daily until completion to the Town's satisfaction.
The Town Attorney stated that he had no further report to pre-
sent at this time,
(1) Date for Special Meeting
Since the Board would not meet again in regular session un-
til November 19th, the Supervisor requested that a date be
fixed to hold a Special Meeting for the preparation and adop-
tion of the 1959 Preliminary Budget which, according to law,
must be done between the 10th and 15th day of November.
The meeting was called for Wednesday evening, November
12th, at 8;15 P.m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
it was declared adjourned at 9.10 p.m. , to reconvene on Novem-
ber 19th, 1958.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
', vend immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board
me eting.
(1) Letter from Fire Chief
Commissioner Waterman presented a letter under date of
October 8th, 1958, addressed to the Commission by Chief
Deschensky, requesting correction of the location of a fire
hydrant installed some 18 feet inside of the curb on Salem
Drive, Town.
Following some discussion, the matter was referred to
the Supervisor for further investigation.
Commissioner Waterman stated that there were no reports to
'', be presented at this time.
62 11
Commissioner Waterman presented the following Fire Depart-
ment claims which had been audited by the Comptroller and ap-
proved by the Fire Chief, and upon his motion which was seconded
by Commissioner Brush, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby
are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and
they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the
budget for the Fire Department-
Atlantic Service Center $ 68. 05
Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. , Inc. 50. 63
Con Edison 45. 53
Franklin Cleaners 8. 00
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 5. 00
New York Telephone Company 91. 20
Roberts 25. 90
Edward Thompson Company 3. 00
Wesco Fire Equipment and Service 131. 33
West. Jt. Water Works No. 1 6. 52
Hydrant Rental:
West. Jt. Water Works No. 1 2, 500. 00
The New Rochelle Water Company 60. 00
Total $ 2, 995. 16
(1) Zoning Violation
The Fire Chief reported a violation on property located on
Dillon Road, inspected at the request of the Building Inspector,
and stated that a further report would be made to the Board if
the violation was not corrected in accordance with the written
notification to the owner by the Building Inspector.
(2) Auditorium
The Chief reported that the painting of the auditorium had
been completed.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
was declared adjourned at 9:20 p.m. , to reconvene on November
19th, 1958.
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