HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963_07_03 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JULY 3rd, 1963, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE- HOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Kane Councilwoman Helwig Absent: Councilman Brush Councilman Cook Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mrs. Brewer - Secretary Mr. Orsino - Receiver of Taxes Mr. Kellogg - Town Engineer Mr. Altieri Town Accountant APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the regu- lar meeting of May 1st, 1963 were approved as corrected. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 15th, 1963 was held over pending question raised by Councilman Kane on "New Haven Railroad" on page 6. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report - Board.of Review The Clerk presented for the record, the Report of the Board of Review for 1963 containing certain recommendations which were referred to the Assessor for consideration and im- plementation if desired. - -- 2. Report - Enforcement of Sign Ordinance For the Board's information, the Clerk presented a memo- randum, addressed to the Board by the Building Inspector un- der date of June 28, 1963, outlining the procedure for the en- forcement of the newly-adopted Sign Ordinance as approved -I- by the Town Attorney, which was herewith ordered re- ceived and filed. 3. Reappointment to Planning Board (Mr. Fred L. Maggini) In view of the expiration of Mr. Maggini's term of of- fice as Chairman and member of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on July 6th, 1963 and his will- ingness to continue to serve in this post, on motion duly made and unanimously seconded following tribute paid to Mr. Maggini by each of the members of the Board, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Fred L. Maggini be and he here- by is reappointed as a member and the Chairman of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve for a five-year term of office to be ef- fective as of July 7, 1963 and terminating on July 6, 1968; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk so notify Mr. Maggini. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letters to Supervisor (300th Anniversary Committee) The Clerk presented two letters, addressed to the Super- visor by Judge Charles M. Baxter, Jr. , Chairman of the 300th Anniversary Executive Committee under dates of June 19 and July 2, 1963, reporting that the Committee had discharged its final duty in deciding to donate equally to the two libraries - Mamaroneck and Larchmont - the remaining 300th funds in the amount of $2828. 15 following payment of all expenses, which were herewith ordered received and filed for the record. The Chair then recognized Mr. Georger, Treasurer of that Committee who was attending the meeting, expressing to him for the Board, its hearty approval of the Committee's decision and its thanks and appreciation of this Committee's able and diligent performance of duty. And thereupon, since the Committee had discharged its last obligation in disposing of these said funds, it was, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Kane, unanimously RESOLVED, that the 300th Anniversary Executive — Committee be and it hereby is discharged as of this date, July 3rd, 1963, with the grateful thanks and appreciation of this Board and the entire Town of Mamaroneck to the Committee and each of its members for the outstanding contribution it made to this community through planning and directing -2- the week-long commemoration program of the 300th Anniversary of the Purchase of Ma- maroneck; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor notify the Com- mittee to this effect, expressing for the Board and the community, its grateful and sincere thanks and appreciation to the Committee and each of its members. 2. Communication from Trustees of New Haven Railroad The Clerk presented a communication from the New Haven Railroad, signed by Harry W. Dorigan, Trustee, under date of June 26, 1963, written in reply to the Town Board reso- lution of May 15, 1963 with reference to the proposal sub- mitted to the railroad on behalf of Governor Rockefeller, and enclosing for informational purposes, a copy of the Trustees' reply to Dr. Ronan, which, following Council- man Kane's brief report of the meeting called by Super- visor Sulla on June 28th in reference to the New Haven situ- ation and attended by him for this Board, was ordered re- ceived and filed for the record. 3. Communication from Police Commission (Request for Amendment of Chapter II - (Section 6, General Ordinances) Upon presentation of request of the Police Commission for certain amendments as set forth therein to Chapter II, Section 6 of the General Ordinance, which was herewith ordered received and filed, and pursuant to the Attorney's advice that such amendment required a public hearing un- the law, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, a notice of public hearing to be held before this Board on the evening of August 7, 1963, at 8:15 p. m. , in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street and Edge- wood Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of considering the adoption of certain amendments as set forth therein to Chapter II, Sections 3 and 4 of the General Ordinance of the Town of Ma- maroneck. 4. Notice from Public Service Commission (Petition of The Yonkers Transit Corp. Amendment of "Summer Only Routes") The Clerk presented the subject petition which had been -3- P851- had been referred to the Attorney, and which upon his report that no action was required since this would be desirable for the Town, was ordered received and filed. 5. Notice of Meeting - Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Larchmont The Clerk presented notice of a meeting of the Larch- mont Village Zoning Board of Appeals, held on June Z6, 1963, for consideration of applications for construction of a family swimming pool and operation of a nursery school, which had been referred to the Attorney and were herewith ordered received and filed. 6. Notice of Hearing - City Council, New Rochelle Amendment to Zoning Ordinance The Clerk presented notice of public hearing before the New Rochelle City Council on July 10, 1963, for consideration of proposed amendment to the Zoning Or- dinance as contained therein, which, upon the Attorney advising required no action, was herewith ordered re- ceived and filed. 7. Examination Reports of the Accounts and Fiscal Affairs of the Town of Mamaroneck and Police Pension Fund The Clerk presented for the record copy of the State of New York, Department of Audit and Control, Division of Municipal Affairs "Report of Examination of the Ac- counts and Fiscal Affairs of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, issued pursuant to Article 3, Gen- eral Municipal Law for the period from January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1961, together with affidavit of publica- tion of notice of receipt of such report as required by law. Not on Agenda 1. Purchase of Voting Machines Upon the Clerk's advice that it was necessary to pur- chase 3 voting machines and his request for authorization to advertise for bids to be opened at the next meeting of the Board, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that subject to the provisions of Sec- tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish a notice for bids to be opened by this Board at the meeting on August 7, 1963, as follows: -4- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck until 5 o'clock p. m. , D. S. T. , on the 7th day of August, 1963, at the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Village of Mamaroneck, New York, and will be pub- licly opened and read aloud at a regular meet- ing of the Town Board on August 7, 1963, at 8:15 p. m. , in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, New York, for supplying to the Town of Mamaroneck, three (3) Nine Party Row, Thirty (30) Office Column, Automatic Voting Machines. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This notice is given pursu- ant to resolution of the Town Board adopted July 3, 1963. and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that for reasons of efficiency there is need for standardization in the purchase of such machines which are manufactured only by the Automatic Voting Machine Division of the Rockwell Manufactur- ing Company and which are in general used by municipalities in the State of New York. 2. Communication from West Fordham Transportation Corp. The Clerk read a communication received today from the West Fordham Transportation Corp. under date of July 2, 1963, advising that it had applied to the Public Service Commission for permission to extend its bus route so that it would terminate at 179th Street and Fort Washington Avenue, Manhattan, and requesting a reso- lution by this Board favoring such extension for presenta- tion at the Public Service Commission hearing, which was ordered received and filed. Following some discussion during which the question of competition with the failing New Haven and the impe- tus the availability of other means of transportation might have on the railroad was raised, the Board deferred action in the matter pending its further study and con- sideration. 3. Request of Police Commission (Expenditure Authorization) On presentation of request of the Police Commission under date of July 3, 1963 and herewith filed for the record, -5- g y'a ,s on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes an expenditure of not to exceed the sum of $150. 00 - from the proper item in the 1963 Police Depart- ment budget, to cover the expenses of Detective Sergeant Loveley's attendance of the annual tri- state conference held by the New York State As- sociation for Identification, at Rochester, New York, July 15 - 19, 1963. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports, which were or- dered received and filed: Reports of the Building Inspector for the months of May and June, 1963. Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of June, 1963. Report of Receipts and Disbursements, Town of Ma- maroneck, for the period from January 1 through May 31, 1963. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of May, 1963. Affidavits of publication and posting of copy of resolu- tion adopted by this Board on April 17, 1963, amending the Building Code and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. Affidavit of Publication of notice of adoption of Bond Resolution for Highway Garage, adopted on April 17, 1963. The Supervisor -- 1. Death of Frank J. Pickett Upon the Supervisor's calling to the Board's attention the death of Frank J. Pickett last Sunday in the New Ro- chelle Hospital and following each of the members ex- pression of deep sorrow at his loss and high tribute to his fine work in the Civil Defense and First Aid fields, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Council- woman Helwig, the following resolution was unanimously _ adopted in memoriam to Mr. Pickett, to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and forwarded to the family of Mr. Pickett by the Supervisor on behalf of this Board -6 and this community, which he had served so ably with deep devotion for so many years. In Memoriam Whereas , Frank J. Pickett dedicated more than twenty-five years of his life to first aid instruction working with private classes organized through the Red Cross and other civic groups, and with police and fire departments, and schools and hospitals; and Wh e r ea s , he was honored by many organizations throughout the metropolitan region of this State in recognition of his work and the contributions he made as a pioneer in this field of endeavor; and W h e r ea s , he served his community and the County of Westchester with great distinction as Deputy Dir- ector of Civil Defense of the Town of Mamaroneck, alternate Deputy Director of Civil Defense of the County, and Chairman of Rescue for the Larchmont Disaster Department of the Red Cross; and Whereas , wherever he served, he brought tre- mendous ability, unlimited energy and conscientious devotion to the task at hand; Now, Therefore , Be It R e s o l v e d , that we, the members of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, do hereby ex- press and record the gratitude of the Town and all of its citizens to a fine public servant, and our ap- preciation for his long, devoted, and outstanding ser- vice to our community and the County in which it lies; and be it further R e s o l v e d, that we convey to the family of Frank J. Pickett this expression of our sense of loss and grief, and that this resolution be entered upon the minutes of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck with a copy thereof sent to the family of Frank J. Pickett with deepest sympathy and every condolance. Z. Air-conditioning - Third Floor Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Supervisor and Councilmen by the Town Accountant and Secretary to the Supervisor under date of July 2, 1963, requesting the Board's consideration of the installation of two air con- ditioners (one new and one used) on the third floor of the Town Offices, together with cost estimate submitted by -7- Park Radio Electronics in the amount of $385. 00, here- with received and filed, after some discussion on mo- tion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the installation of two air conditioners on the third floor of the Town Offices, said units to be installed in accordance with the specifications and at the cost submitted in estimate of Park Radio Electronics under date of July 1, 1963, in an amount not to exceed the sum of $385. 00; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Accountant is here- by authorized to ascertain whether additional electrical wiring work is required for such in- stallation, and to contract for same, if neces- sary, provided such work does not exceed the sum of $100. 00 in cost; said expenditures are to be charged to General Town Contingency in the 1963 budget. Councilwoman Helwig -- 1. Authorization of Salaries Additional Personnel - Summer Recreation In accordance with Councilwoman Helwig's request for authorization for salary payment to additional personnel for the summer recreation staff as listed on memoran- dum herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on her motion, seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the following salary expenditures to the persons listed below for the term of employment and at the rate of compensation specified for each: Job Term of Weekly Name Classification Employment Salary At Junior High School Charles Lanza Rec. Assistant 8 Weeks $45. 00 At Murray Avenue Frances LaGuardia Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 75. 00 Sylvia Dickinson Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 60. 00 James Fischer Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 35. 00 At Mamaroneck Avenue Harry Schmedes Jr. Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 35. 00 Music School Linda Raggazini Music Spec- 7 Weeks 15. 00 ialist (Student) -8- At Chatsworth Avenue (Pre School) Janis Giacomo Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $25. 00 Francine Prakin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 25. 00 Marilyn Leddy Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30. 00 At Central School (Pre School) Ruby Prakin Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 4Z. 50 Z. Attendance of Recreation Program Councilwoman Helwig advised the Board that the program this year was off to an excellent start with some 704 regis- trations in the first three days. 3. Cross County Lands Study Committee (Request for Funds) Councilwoman Helwig presented for the record a letter, addressed to the Board by Lee Bloom, Chairman of the subject Committee, dated July 1, 1963, reporting on a meeting held with Mr. Byron Ashbaugh, Chief of Field Services, Nature Centers Division, National Audubon So- ciety, and enclosing a communication from Mr. Ash- baugh outlining a field survey study project furnished to municipalities by the Society on a shared expense basis with the Society contributing 50% or more of the cost of such a study. Mr. Ashbaugh, after viewing the subject lands, esti- mated the cost of the survey as in excess of $1, 000. 00 and stated that the Society would undertake the project subject to a commitment by the Town of $500. 00 with the Society assuming the 50% or more of the cost remaining, which the Committee hereby requested be authorized if it were the pleasure of the Board . Whereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, sec- onded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that the sum of $500. 00 be appropriated from General Town Contingency in the 1963 budget to cover the cost of the Town's share of the preparation of an extensive and detailed field survey study by the Nature Centers Division of the National Audubon Society with the Society contributing the 50% or more of the remaining total cost as estimated by the Society to be in excess of the sum of $1, 000. 00. Councilwoman Helwig also called to the Board's attention Mr. Ashbaugh's remarking that the usual so-called pre- liminary study had been completed by the Committee itself through its current study and work, to which he paid high tribute and compliment. -9- r��a 4. Opening of Memorial Park, Playground and Tennis Courts Councilwoman Helwig reported with great satisfaction that all was in readiness for tomorrow's opening of Memorial Park - Playground and Tennis Courts -- denoting the first tangible result of the planning begun back in 1959. She stated that she felt it to be appropriate and in order for the minutes of this meeting to record the Board's thanks and appreciation to the entire office staff for its magnificent cooperation throughout the development of this project, call- ing attention to the willing acceptance of extra work entailed with the project along with performance of regular duty, and she paid particular tribute to three members of the staff, without whose untiring work and devoted effort, she said, to- morrow's opening would not be possible -- to Mr. Kellogg, Town Engineer, for his preparation of the careful and de- tailed plans and specifications, his work with the Commis- sions, and his dedicated and constant supervision; to Mr. Aitchison, Park Department Foreman, for his skill and know- ledge, his close supervision of detail of job cooperation, and especially for his extra effort during these past few weeks; and to Mr. Kronenberger, Recreation Superintendent, for his work on the original planning of the area which, because of his professional knowledge and "know-how", has given to the Town an already-functioning unusual recreational area new in concept and educational values. The Board, in acknowledging Councilwoman Helwig's re- marks, unanimously requested that the minutes of this meeting also show its thanks and deep gratitude to Council- woman Helwig for her immeasurable contribution of ser- vice to the development and opening of this new recreation center and park in this community. Councilman Kane -- 1. Highway Garage In accordance with a memorandum, addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer under date of July 3, 1963 presented by Councilman Kane and filed for the record, and following ex- planation and discussion thereof, on motion by him, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign a contract with Robert W. Cro- zier & Associates, Architects, in an amount not to exceed $6, 000. 00 and providing as follows: 1) Architect will draw detailed construction draw- ings and provide topo survey and site plan. 2) Architect will coordinate with Town Engineer who will assemble specifications, contract documents and administer the award of the several contracts. -10- 3) The architect's fee for the above items will amount to 4% multiplied by the lowest ac- ceptable total bids on that work designed by said architect. 4) Town Engineer will supervise construction and coordinate with architect where neces- sary. Time spent by the architect in this phase will be compensated for at the rate of $10. 00 per hour. At this time, the Attorney requested authorization to have a survey made of the property site for the proposed garage, which, he stated, he felt could be obtained for a price not to exceed the sum of $200. 00, and thereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he here- by is authorized to have a survey made of the prop- erty bordering the Incinerator property on Maxwell Street extension, which was purchased from the County by the Town as the site for the proposed garage, at a cost not to exceed the sum of $200. 00. The Town Attorney -- 1. Acceptance of Streets and Cancellation of Bond - Soundview Woods Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Highway Su- perintendent by the Engineer on June 25th and memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer on July 3rd, 1963 and herewith presented and filed for the record and in ac- cordance with the Attorney's recommendation, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following resolution was adopted unanimously: WHEREAS, the Town Attorney, the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways have recommended to this Board the acceptance of certain private streets in Soundview Woods Subdivision now known as Ridgeway Road, Country Club Drive, York Road and Hilltop Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck hereby ac- cepts as Town streets or highways the following streets as shown on Revised Sections #1 and #2 Subdivision Map of Soundview Woods, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, and filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records, as Map No. 13009, said streets being 50 feet wide and having the total lengths set forth below: All of Ridgeway Road, 600 feet or ). 114 miles long. All of Country Club Drive, 1470 feet or 0. 279 miles long. -11- Westerly end of York Road, 750 feet or 0. 142 miles long. Hilltop Road (part), 140 feet or 0. 026 miles long; together with all sewer, drain, and utilities easements as shown on the above-mentioned map and/or appur- tenant thereto; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommen- dation of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board and the Town Engineer, this Board hereby cancels Perfor- mance Bond No. 2211624, in the amount of $155, 700. , dated August 24, 1961, upon which the Continental Cas- ualty Company, 76 William Street, New York, N. Y. , is Surety and the Investors Collateral Corp. , 107-10 Hillside Avenue, Jamaica, New York, is Principal. 2/ Approval of Bond Section 5 - Murdock Woods Upon presentation of bond herewith filed for the record and in accordance with the request and recommendation of the Planning Board and Town Engineer, on motion by Councilman Kane, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves Bond No. 752, 692 in the amount of $200, 000. 00, dated June 19, 1963 and approved by resolution of the Planning Board adopted May 6, 1963, upon which the Continental Casualty Company is Surety and Mansol Developers, Inc. , Stanart Development Company, Inc. and Solomon M. Strausberg, all of 120 West 42nd Street, New York, New York, and Edward Senft and Arthur Senft of 2357 East 19th Street, Brooklyn, New York, are Co-Principals. The Town Engineer -- The Engineer stated that he had nothing further or other than the matters presented by Councilman Kane on which to report at this time. ADJOURNMENT Since there were no reports to be presented in the absence of Councilmen Cook and Brush and there was no further bus- iness to come before the Board, on motion duly made and sec- onded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:20 P. M. , to - reconvene on August 7, 1963. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon adjournment of the Town Board meeting, -12- 1. Claims In the absence of Commissioner Brush, Commissioner Kane presented for payment the following Fire Depart- ment claims, which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion, sec- onded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following resolution was adopted unanimously: RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims, as audited by the Comptroller and ap- proved by the Fire Chief, be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Atlantic Service Center $ 126. 00 Beck Automotive Inc. 947. 70 Chatsworth Oil Co. 38. 43 Con Edison Co. 5. 00 Con Edison Co. 53. 77 Coretti Bros. Inc. 31. 65 Davids 24. 00 Thomas Faillace 160. 00 Grant's Greenhouses 40. 00 William B. Lemon 287. 00 McGuire Bros. Inc. 5. 00 N. Y. Telephone Co. 99. 28 Walter D. Rickert 43. 24 Westchester Joint Water Works 20. 04 Wesco Fire Equipment 985. 00 Wesco Fire Equipment 103. 17 $2, 969. 28 2. Reports The Town Clerk presented for the record certification together with affidavit of publication of notice of receipt of the Report of the Examination of the Accounts and Fiscal Affairs of Fire District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck. 3. Communications There were no communications to be presented. 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:25 p. m. , to reconvene on August 7, 1963, � F i Tow yi lerl s —13—