HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965_05_19 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MAY 19, 1965, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig Councilman Quadrine Absent: Councilman Kane Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Kellogg - Town Engineer Mr. Kronenberger - Supt. of Recreation APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 7, 1965 were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS Purchase of Sail Boats (2) The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of the no- tice for bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the following bids: Bidder Bid Clipper Yacht Service $ Z, 854. 40 McMichael Yacht Brokerage Inc. Z, 500. 00 And thereupon, in accord with the Recreation Superinten- dent's recommendation and advice that the low bid was with- in budget, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of the low bidder, to wit that of McMichael Yacht Brokerage Inc. in the amount of $2500. 00, to furnish tc the Town of Mamaroneck Recrea- tion Commission, two (2) new fiberglass Sail Boats in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Notice for Bids. -1- OLD BUSINESS 1. Memorandum re Larchmont Harbor Waters The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer under date of May 18th, reporting on present conditions of the Larchmont Harbor waters pursuant to matters raised by Jerome N. Wanshel at a previous meeting, which was ordered received and filed for the record. 2. Memorandum from Comptroller Investment of Surplus Funds Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller under date of May 17, 1965 and here- with presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted by this Board on March 17, 1965, which read as follows, is rescinded: "RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to invest surplus funds of the Town of Mamaroneck in an approximate amount of from $900, 000 to $1, 000, 000 in the duly designated Town depositories in 1-month, 3-month, and/or 6-month certificates of deposit, beginning on or about April 6, 1965. IT and be it further RESOLVED, that the following resolution is duly adopted in its place: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to invest surplus funds of the Town of Mamaroneck in such amounts as available in the duly designated Town depositories in 1-month, 3-month, and/or 6-month certificates of deposit, beginning on or about April 6, 1965. 3. Incinerator Matters The Engineer presented a memorandum addressed to the Board under date of May 12, 1965, relating to charges in connection with the proposed Incinerator facilities expan- sion and submitting for approval draft of letter to be sent to the Housing and Home Finance Agency, which was or- dered received and filed for the record. Whereupon following discussion, on motion by Council- man Brush and seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the -2- adF�M ti� "draft" of letter, approved by Larchmont Village Board of Trustees on May 17, 1965, herewith submitted for the record, and authorizes that the letter be sent to the Housing and Home Finance Agency in connection with the proposed expansion of the Incinerator facilities. 4. Award of Contract Construction of Griffen Avenue Sewer (Not on Agenda) The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer under date of May 12, 1965, rec- ommending acceptance of the low bid for the sewer con- struction and also presented for the Board's informa- tion, three (3) letters enclosed therewith testifying to the contractor's reliability, which were herewith or- dered received and filed for the record. Whereupon, on statement by the Attorney that the said references were satisfactory and by the Comptroller that the contractor was financially solvent, on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, the following resolution was offered, and on roll call, adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, Councilman Kane being absent and therefore not voting: WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore approved the establishment of an extension of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, County of West- chester, State of New York, known and designated as Section "R", and has heretofore had prepared defin- ite plans and specifications for the construction of said sanitary sewer extension and laterals within such extension; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, acting for and on be- half of said district, has heretofore invited sealed proposals for the performance of such work and has published a notice that such sealed proposals would be received by the Town Board on the 5th day of May, 1965 and until 5:00 p. m. , E. S. T. , which said no- tice was published in the Daily Times on the 17th day of April, 1965, as appears from the proofs of publi- cation on file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Ma- maroneck, and the Board having met at such time and place and having received and examined such sealed proposals; and it appearing that Lenox Con- struction Corp. was the lowest responsible bidder, and that its bid and check had been made and filed in conformity with the notice to contractors heretofore published by the said Town Board, NOW, on motion of Councilman C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. , seconded by Councilman Anthony B. Quadrine, all members present voting therefor, it is RESOLVED, that the proposal of the said Lenox -3- Construction Corp. , for the construction of the extension known as Section "R" to Sewer District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, including appurtenant facili- ties and incidental improvements, in accordance with the filed map and plan for said extension, be and the same hereby is accepted, and the con- tract for such construction be awarded to Lenox Construction Corp. , and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to enter into a contract in the form set forth in the speci- fications for the construction of such sewer sys- tem, and that upon the filing of an undertaking in the form required by the specifications by such contractor, the Supervisor of the Town of Ma- maroneck be authorized and directed to advise the said contractor to proceed with such work and that the Town Engineer of the Town of Ma- maroneck is hereby appointed as the representa- tive of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck in and about the inspection and performance of such work. NEW BUSINESS 1. Application for Special Permit Knappland Inc. The Clerk presented an application for special permit, dated May 5, 1965, with addendum thereto filed by the attorney for the applicant under date of May 13, 1965, submitted to the Building Inspector by Knappland, Inc. of 5 Washington Square, requesting permission to convert a portion of the existing automobile storage garage into fa- cilities for servicing new motor vehicles, and petition filed by the applicant's attorney in support of application, together with memorandum of the Building Inspector call- ing to the Board's attention certain conditions and hazards which would exist were the permit to be granted, all of which were herewith ordered received and filed for the record. Following discussion, it was directed that this matter be referred to the Planning Board with request for study and recommendation to this Board. 2. Application for Swimming Pool Permit Mr. & Mrs. G. P. Murphy - 37 Cooper Lane The Clerk presented an application for a swimming pool permit submitted to the Building Inspector under date of May 5, 1965 by the above-named residents, together with memorandum addressed to the Board by the Building In- spector on May 17, 1965, recommending that the permit be granted subjectto the conditions set forth therein, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. -4- The Board, in accordance with its policy in the matter of swimming pools, directed that the neighboring property ow- ners be notified of the application, and the matter carried over to the June meeting in order to allow time for such persons to reply and for the members of the Board to per- sonally inspect the site for the proposed pool. 3. Memorandum from Engineer Estimate of Completion Bond - for Carriage House Lane Subdivision In accordance with the Board's direction at the last meet- ing in connection with resolution adopted at that time ap- proving request for reduction of performance bond for the Carriage House Lane Subdivision, the Engineer submitted for the record, the estimate of the completion bond for said subdivision reviewed by the Planning Board and constituting the basis of its recommendation to this Board for the said reduction. 4. Appointment - Board of Review Upon the Supervisor's request for nominations for the Board of Review following his explanation of the procedure followed by the Town and advice that this year the Board would sit on June 15, 16, 17 and 18, the names of William G. Massey, Jr. from the unincorporated area, William H. Johnson from the Village of Mamaroneck and Allan Gray from the Village of Larchmont, were submitted by Coun- cilwoman Helwig, Councilman Quadrine and Councilman Brush for Councilman Kane in his absence respectively, and thereupon since there were no further nominations, the following resolution was offered on motion by Council- man Brush, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, and adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 529 of Chapter 852 of the Laws of 1948 (Westchester County Admin- istrative Code), William G. Massey, Jr. , William H. Johnson, and Allan Gray, all resident taxpayers of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and they hereby are appointed members of the Board of Review, to serve at the pleasure of the Board, and to be compensated at the rate of $62. 50 per day, but not to exceed the total sum of $250. 00 per member. and be it further RESOLVED, that each of the appointees be notified of his appointment in accordance with this resolution. 5. Extension of Water Main - Rocky Lane (Not on Agenda) Upon presentation of application by Hillcrest Building Corp. for the extension of a water main and installation of a hydrant herewith ordered received and filed, on -5- motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the installation of a water main and hydrant as set forth in said application in Rocky Lane, which property is located on the E. Side of Country Road and known as Block 320, Parcel 251-900 on the Tax Assess- ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, said main and hydrant to be installed by the applicant at no cost to the Town of Mamaroneck and to be in con- formity with the drawings approved by the Plan- ning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck and the re- quirements of the Westchester Joint Water Works and subject to the applicant furnishing all ease- ments required to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter from County Health Department Approval of Plans - Griffen Avenue Sewer For the Board's information, the Clerk presented a let- ' ter addressed to the Board by John P. Annicelli, Assis- tant Director, Division of Environmental Sanitation, West- chester County Department of Health, dated May 3, 1965, setting forth the formal approval of plans for sanitary se- wers, Griffen Avenue, Section R, Town of Mamaroneck, Sewer District No. 1, Mamaroneck (T), Westchester County, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. 2. Public Notice - Meeting, Zoning Board of Appeals, Village of Larchmont The Clerk presented a notice of meeting of the above Board which had been referred to the Attorney and upon his advice of requiring no action on the part of this Board, was herewith ordered received and filed. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports, which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month of April, 1965. Report of Receipts and Disbursements, Town of Ma- maroneck, for the period from January 1, - April 30, 1965. Also presented for the Board's information, was a -6- 3� communication addressed to the Board in care of the Clerk by County Board of Elections Commissioners Carl J. Noe and William J. Van Wart under date of May 12, 1965, with reference to the uncertainity of the effect of reapportionment on election district lines, which was herewith ordered received and filed. The Supervisor -- The Supervisor stated that he had no report to present at this time. Councilwoman Helwig -- 1. Planting along Wall of Town Garage Councilwoman Helwig reported that, pursuant to the memorandum addressed to the Supervisor by the Fore- man of the Park Department with reference to the pro- posed planting of Hemlocks along the Town Highway Garage Wall herewith presented and filed, she had con- ferred with Mr. Aitchison further and had been advised that it was too late for planting this year. She further reported that Mr. Aitchison had recom- mended the use of Lombardy Poplars and in view of the foregoing, this matter was tabled until the fall. Z. Reappointment - Recreation Commission Mr. Henry J. Blossy - 35 Kilmer Road Councilwoman Helwig, after expressing the Board's appreciation of Mr. Blossy's fine service to the Town as a member of the Recreation Commission and its gratification that he was willing to continue in this ser- vice, with great pleasure recommended his reappoint- ment, and thereupon on her motion, which was seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Henry J. Blossy be and he here- by is reappointed a member of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve for a term of office of five (5) years, effective as of May 20, 1965 and terminating May 19, 1970. 3. Summer Recreation Program Councilwoman Helwig presented a copy of the 1965 Summer Recreation Program to each member of the Board for his information, and to the Clerk for the of- ficial record. The members of the Board complimented and com- mended the Commission and Superintendent of Rec- -7- reation on both the Program and the attractive and infor- mative announcement thereof. Councilman Kane -- There was no report in Councilman Kane's absence. Councilman Brush -- 1. Insurance Councilman Brush reported that Barney Epstein, the Town's Insurance Agent, had the Royal Globe Insurance Company make an appraisal of all of the Town-owned buildings. This appraisal, dated April, 1965, has been com- pleted and the Town's insurance now covers the new valuations, he further stated. Councilman Quadrine -- 1. Appointment to Commission on Human Rights - Edwin A. Berliner Councilman Quadrine, after explaining that a vacancy still existed on the Commission on Human Rights due to Mr. Druck's resignation, which the Board had accepted with deepest regret at the April 21st meeting, recom- mended the appointment of Mr. Edwin A. Berliner of Deerfield Lane to this post. He reviewed briefly Mr. Berliner's qualifications and experience which uniquely fitted Mr. Berliner to serve in this post and expressed the Board's pleasure that he was willing to so serve. Whereupon, on a motion offered by him and seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Edwin A. Berliner of Deerfield Lane, Town, be and he hereby is appointed a mein- ber of the Commission on Human Rights of the Town of Mamaroneck, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Kalman B. Druck, to serve for the unexpired portion of Mr. Druck's term of office or until May 19, 1969; and be it further RESOLVED, that Donald H. Chapin, member of the Commission, be and he hereby is appointed to succeed Mr. Druck as Chairman of the said Com- mission. Further, the members of the Board unanimously re- -8- quested the Supervisor to address a letter to Mr. Druck on behalf of the Board, expressing its understanding but deep regret of the necessity for his resignation and its great appreciation and thanks for the outstanding ser- vice he had rendered this community and its citizens in assuming the Chairmanship of this Commission since its establishment in May of 1964. The Supervisor directed that the literature pertaining to this Commission be forwarded to Mr. Berliner. The Town Attorney -- The Attorney stated that he had no report to be presented at this time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared ad- journed at 9:00 p. m. , to reconvene on June 2, 1965. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Commissioner Brush presented for approval and auth- orization of payment, the Fire Department claims and thereupon, on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims, which have been audited by the Comp- troller and approved by the Fire Chief, be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the 1965 Fire District budget: Atlantic Service Center $ 126. 90 Chatsworth Oil & Heating 65. 70 Con Edison 55. 25 Con Edison 5. 00 Larchmont Heat & Plumbing 2. 35 McGuire Bros. Inc. 5. 00 - New York Telephone Company 7. 43 Robert's Department Store 31. 60 Village of Larchmont 41. 82 Total $ 341. 05 -9- = z7, 2. Reports Commissioner Brush stated that there were no re- ports to be presented at this meeting. 3. Communications Commissioner Brush stated that there were no com- munications to be presented. 4. Other Business 1. Authorization of Attendance of Annual Fire Chief's Convention Pursuant to the Chief's request, on motion by Com- missioner Brush and seconded by Commissioner Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby auth- orizes the Fire Chief and First Deputy Chief to attend the Annual Fire Chiefs' Convention with expenses in an amount not to exceed the sum of $300. 00 paid from the proper item in the 1965 Fire District budget. 5. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:05 p. m. , to reconvene on June 2, 1965. wJ XLZ4 o nC erk -10-