HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961_04_05 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD APRIL 5th, 1961, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEA- VER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Orsino - Receiver of Taxes & Comptroller Mr. Fischer - Superintendent of Highways Mr. Kellogg - Town Engineer Mrs. Brewer Secretary THE SUPERVISOR Before proceeding with the regular order of business, the Supervisor noted the absence of the Town Clerk, who was at home with a virus infection, remarking that this was the first meeting Mr. Gronberg had missed since he had become Supervisor in 1956, The Board expressed its sympathy and its best wishes for Mr. Gronberg's fast and complete recovery. The Supervisor also advised the Board that the Town Attorney, who was absent this evening, was enroute from Chicago and would be in his office tomorrow morning. He also referred to the absence of former Councilman Santoro, stat- ing that of course as all knew, "Busty" was now serving in his new office as Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to come before the meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on Land Auction The Supervisor reported that the Town-owned property known as Block 104, Parcel 551 and Block 105, Parcel 900 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been sold at public auction immediately preceding this meeting to Mr, Adam Sumetz, the only bidder, at the upset price of $3, 000, 00. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following resolution was offered. WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, through the in- stitution of actions in the County Court of Westchester County pursuant to Article VII-A, Title 3 of the Tax Law, has become and now is the owner of a number of parcels of real estate situate in the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck advertised for bids and held a public auction on April 5th, 1961, and received bids on certain parcels of real estate now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, since the receipt of said bids, this Board has given careful consideration thereto, after due de- liberation, it is RESOLVED, that the bid hereinafter listed be ac- cepted at the price and terms therein set forth; BID ACCEPTED - -- Block Parcel Purchaser Ass'd. Value Price Terms 104 551 Adam Sumetz $3, 000. $3, 000. Cash 105 900 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor is author- ized and directed to execute and deliver the deed to this parcel in accordance with the terms and contract of sale, and the Town Attorney is authorized to take all steps necessary to complete the sale transfer of this parcel. On roll call, the vote on the foregoing resolution was as follows; Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - Abstained from voting Councilman Brush - Aye Councilwoman Helwig - Aye The resolution was therefore adopted. Z. Request for Authorization to Invest Excess Funds The Supervisor reported that excess funds from tax collections during April would be available for investment until needed in an amount up to $500, 000, 00, and requested authorization to invest such funds for a period of six (6) months at the best interest that could be obtained. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to deposit funds in an amount not to exceed the sum of $500, 000. 00 in the deposi- tories of the Town of Mamaroneck for a period of six (6) months at not less than 310 interest. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter of Resignation--Councilman Santoro The Supervisor read the following letter addressed to the Board by Councilman Santoro under date of March 31st, 1961, tender- ing his resignation as Town Councilman as of that date: "It is with a profound feeling of sadness that I tender my resignation as Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective March 31st, 1961. The five years that have passed since I came on this Board in 1956 have been pleasing and happy ones, and I would like very much to express at this time my gratitude and appreciation to the voters of the Town of Mamaroneck for electing me to this office, thereby af- fording me the privilege of so serving the Town. I am deeply grateful and appreciative, too, for the unfailing loyalty, complete cooperation, and abiding friendship extended to me by my colleagues on this Board and all of those with whom I have worked and served during these years. I believe that no man can achieve more than that made possible by his fellow men, and during my years as a Town official, the little I have been able to do has been accomplished because of the way all of you have done your jobs. Knowing you understand that I leave only because the assumption of my duties and responsibilities as Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck on April 1st will demand all of my time and energy, I would like to add my warmest thanks and very best wishes to the Town of Mamaroneck and all of its residents." Councilman Brush then stated that he was fearful that anything - one might say this evening would only be repetitive of the re- marks recorded in the minutes of the last meeting at the time Councilman Kane had called attention to that being Councilman Santoro's final appearance on this Board, and he therefore recommended that his resignation be accepted at this time with the Board's deepest regret. Whereupon, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board, with deepest regret, accepts the resignation of Battista J. Santoro as Town Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck; effective as of March 31st, 1961, And thereupon, on a motion again offered by Councilman Brush and seconded by all members of the Board, the fol- lowing resolution was unanimously adopted to be forwarded to Councilman Santoro in appreciation of his service to the Town of Mamaroneck- Whereas , the Honorable Battista J. Santoro ten- dered his resignation as Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck on March 31st, 1961 in order to assume his du- ties as Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck; and Where as , during his entire term of office he has been an outstanding public servant, faithful, thoughtful and selflessly de- voted to the welfare of the citizens of the Town of Mamaroneck at all times; and Whereas , he has been untiring in his efforts on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck, ever using his knowledge, special skills, and ability to promote and further the best interests of the Town in all matters and particularly in those concerning finance, recreation and public works; Now , Therefore , Be It Resolved , that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby expresses its sorrow and deep regret in losing the services of -- Battista J . Santoro a man known, respected and admired throughout this community for his ded- ication to the people he served; and be it Further Resolved , that this Board also extends to the Honorable Battista J. Santoro its heartiest congratulations on his ap- pointment as Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck and its best wishes for the success he so richly deserves in this service. 2. Letter from B. J. Santoro -- Gift to Town The Supervisor read the following letter, addressed to him and the members of the Board by B. J. Santoro on March 31st, 1961: "On this, the occasion of my leaving the Town Board, -- I wish to present the enclosed check to the Town of Mamaroneck, which check represents my salary as Councilman for the month of March. During this month, as you know, I have been serving the Village of Mamaroneck as Administrative Assis- tant prior to assuming the post of Manager on April 1st. Because of this, and because of my memories of the many pleasant and rewarding experiences I have shared with the Town Officials, it is my plea- sure to present this check with the wish that it be used for planting a tree or shrub in memory of my Mother, Angela Santoro, It is also my wish that the details of the planting be arranged either through your good offices on this Board, or through those of our very able Park Commission.B° The Board gratefully acknowledged this gift, remarking that it bespoke the man, himself - and directed the Supervisor to write Mr. Santoro on its behalf expressing the Towns thanks and appreciation and advising him that it would be the Board's pleasure to have the Park Commission carry out his wishes. 3. Letter from West Fordham Transportation Corp. The Secretary presented a letter addressed to the Board by West Fordham Transportation Corp, under date of March 28th, 1961, announcing the addition of two new luxury buses to its New York to Westchester-Connecticut service, which was ordered received and filed, 4. Request from Recreation Commission (Attendance of New York State Recreation Conference) This communication was referred to Councilwoman Helwig for presentation under her report. - 5. Letter from Village of Mamaroneck (Dog Control) The Secretary presented a letter addressed to the Council by Village Manager William H. Johnson of the Village of Mamar- oneck under date of March 20th, 1961, enclosing copy of a plan for Dog Control referred to the Town in 1952, and re- questing that, if interested in a meeting such as suggested 19 therein, Mayor Dal£onso be contacted so that such meeting might be arranged. Following discussion, it was directed that Mayor Dalfonso be advised that this communication was referred to the Su- pervisor and Attorney for attention upon disposition of the dog bills presently pending in the legislature, 3 6, Notice of Hearing--Amendment of Zoning Ordinance, City of New Rochelle A notice of public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of New Rochelle was presented and referred to the Town Attorney. 7. Application for Water Main--Briar Del Homes The Clerk presented the application of Anthony J. Vileno, President of Briar Del Homes No, II Corp. , for installa- tion of a water main in Hidden Green Lane, together with cost estimate from the Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works, and recommendation from the Town Engineer that the application be granted provided the ap- plicant furnish the necessary easement to the Town and pay the entire cost of installation. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was adopted unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the in- stallation of approximately 640 lineal feet of 6" water main in Hidden Green Lane, commencing at the north westerly side of Winged Foot Drive and terminating at the Cul-de-sac (from existing 24" water main in County property through easement to Hidden Green Lane, approximately 60. 0 feet east from lot line between 1 & 2), at a cost of $2, 737, 58, not including excavation, backfill and pavement restoration; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is con- tingent upon the applicant, Briar Del Homes No, II Corp. (Anthony J. Vileno, Presidents, paying the entire cost of such installation, and upon the appli- cants deposit with the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 of the sum of $2, 737. 58, to reimburse said Water Works for the cost of materials and in- stallation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is contin- gent upon the applicant providing an easement satis- factory to the Town Attorney; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that unless this installation is completed within a period of one (11• year from the date of this resolution, or not later than April 5th, 1962, this authorization shall become null and void. REPORTS The following reports were presented and ordered received and placed on file. Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of March, 1961. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of March, 1961, Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. , for the month of March, 1961, Report of the Building Inspector for the month of March, 1961 The Supervisor -- 1, Date for Tax Lien Sale In accordance with the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes and pursuant to Chapter 153 of the Laws of 195 7, the Supervisor designated Friday, May 19th, 1961, as the date for holding the sale of tax liens, Z. Amendment of Compensation Plan In view of the recent appointment of a Town Accountant, the Supervisor called to attention the necessity for amending the Compensation Flan, adopted on January 4th, 1961, so as to include this position. Whereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig and sec- onded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Compensation Plan of the Town of Mamaroneck, as adopted on January 4th, 1961 and effective as of January 1st, 1961, be and it hereby is amended so as to show the position of Town Accountant as follows- 4th Inc. & Minimum 1st Inc, 2nd Inc, 3rd Inc. Maximum Town Accountant --- --- --- --- $ 8, 271 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appro- priated the sum of $7, 070, 02 from the item in the 1961 budget for compensation of Comptroller to cover compensation of Town Accountant for the period from February 23rd, 1961 through De- cember 31st, 1961 Amendment of Resolution--February 20th, 1961 (Town Accountant Appointment) And further, upon being reminded by the Supervisor, on a mo- tion offered by Councilwoman Helwig and seconded by Coun- cilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted at a special meeting of this Board on February 20th, 1961, be and it hereby is amended so as to include the following additional para- graph: FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of $7, 070. 02 from the item in the 1961 budget for compensation of Comp- troller to cover compensation of Town Accountant for the period from February 23rd, 1961 through December 31st, 1961. Councilman Kane -- 1. Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes. And thereupon, on motion by him and seconded by Coun- cilman Brush, the following resolution was adopted unanimously: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 810 129 E. R. Bule & W $1, 800 $4, 500 $ 6, 300 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 810 129 E. R. Bule & W 1, 200 4, 500 5, 700 - 810 138 T & C Bldrs Inc 600 600 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 810 35 M. F. Rollins & W 3, 000 5, 500 8, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 810 35 Eric Holzer 1, 000 1, 000 810 50 M. F. Rollins & W 2, 000 5, 500 7, 500 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 619 1 Jose Rodrigues & ors 3, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 619 3 Jose Rodrigues & ors 2, 300 619 1 Village of Larchmont 1, 200 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 403 98 Hubert M. Finnerty 1, 300 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 403 98 Hubert M. Finnerty $ 400 403 99( - Keenan Morrow & other 900 905 1( FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 949 230 C. Stanley Ogilvy 2, 700 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; Block Parcel Name Land only 949 230 Lester M. Ilgenfritz& W 1, 500 949 242 C. Stanley Ogilvy 1, 200 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 901 14 Village of Mamaroneck 7, 000 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 901 14 Village of Mamaroneck 6, 950 901 431 Mario Sobrero & W 50 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land only 609 52 Owen A. Mandeville & or 1, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557., Block Parcel Name Land only 609 52 Walter H. Neave & W 750 609 57 Robert Knickerbocker & W 750 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 223 53 Harry B. Randall & W $ 2, 000 $ 11,400 $ 13, 400 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 223 53 James R. Foley 100 100 223 54 Harry B. Randall & W 1, 900 11,400 13, 300 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 803 41 A. Poccia & Sons Inc 2, 700 10, 700 13,400 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provi- sions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 803 41 Anthony S. Muollo & W 1, 000 10, 700 11, 700 803 46 A. Poccia & Sons Inc 1, 700 1, 700 320 154 Z. Rodent Control Program Councilman Kane reported that 12 traps had been set at the implementation of the new Rodent Control program and that the Engineer was presently purchasing an additional 12 traps for expansion of the program. 3. Appointment of General Foreman, Highway Department In accordance with the request of the Superintendent of Highways under date of April 3rd, 1961, presented by Councilman Kane and filed herewith, on his motion, which was seconded by Coun- cilwoman Helwig with the remark that the Highway's gain was the Park Department's loss, it was unanimously --- RESOLVED that William Aitchison be and he here- by is appointed General Foreman of the Town of Mamaroneck Highway Department, to be effective as of April 6th, 1961 and to be compensated at the rate of $2. 75 per hour starting on that date. 4, Purchase of Spreader (Highway Department) Councilman Kane reported that the Highway Department had ad- vertised for bids on an all-purpose Spreader which had been publicly opened and read aloud in the Highway Superintendent's Office at 3 p.m, on Friday afternoon, March 31st, 1961, He further reported that only two bids had been received, one from Rand MacMurray at $1, 250, 00 and one from H. O, Penn at $1, 252, 00, and that the Highway Superintendent requested --- the Board to authorize said purchase at the low bid. Whereupon, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board, with the approval of the Town and County Superintendents of Highways, hereby accepts the low bid, to-wit the bid of Rand MacMurray, to furnish to the Town of Mamaro- neck Highway Department one (1) new sand and gravel Spreader as stated in the specifications on file in the Town of Mamaroneck Offices and as published in the notice for bids, for the net de- livered price of $1, 250, 00 5, Authorization for Assessor to Attend Annual New York State Assessors Convention Councilman Kane requested authorization for the Assessor to attend the annual Assessors Convention in Albany, New York, April 16th- 19th, 1961, with expenses in an amount not to exceed the sum of $100,00, and on his motion, which was seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Assessor, Thomas J. McEvoy, to attend the annual New York State Assessors Convention to be held in Albany, New York, April 16th 19th, 1961, with expenses in an amount not to exceed the sum of $100. 00 to be paid from the proper item in the 1961 budget, 6. Thruway Noise Abatement Committee As the result of a remark made by Trustee Ball of the Village of Larchmont, Councilman Kane asked whether Mr. Ball had been notified of Mrs. Helwig's appointment to the Thruway Noise Abatement Committee and was advised that a letter had been ad- dressed to Trustee Ball so informing him immediately following the last meeting of this Board. Councilman Brush -- 1. Traffic Light at Mountain Avenue In connection with past requests and petitions for the installa- tion of a traffic light at Mountain Avenue, Councilman Brush reported that following thorough study, the Police Commis- sion and Police Department had recommended the installa- tion of a blinker light, rather than a traffic light, at this in- tersection, and that such light had been installed in accor- dance with recommendation, Councilwoman Helwig -- 1, Authorization--Attendance of State Recreation Conference In accordance with the request of the Recreation Commission written under date of March 28th, 1961, presented by Coun- cilwoman Helwig and filed herewith, on her motion, whichwas seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes James Kronenberger, Superintendent of Recreation, and Mrs, Maxine Steffens, Commission member, to at- tend the New York State Recreation Conference, to be held in Syracuse, New York, April 23rd - 26th, 1961, with expenses in an amount not to exceed the sum of $100, 00 each, to be paid from the proper item in the Recreation budget, 2. Painting of Rockingstone Councilwoman Helwig reported as follows concerning the painting of the Rockingstone some six weeks ago; "The Park Commission has discussed the problem thoroughly and while it does not have jurisdiction over, it does main- tain this small park area. It does not recommend sand- blasting to clean the rock, at a cost of $150, 00, nor fencing the area, which would be impractical and unsightly. However, the Commission does recommend that the present park ordinances be extended to include these areas through- out the Town (21); that notices be posted stating that defac- ing public property is subject to severe penalty; that the present ordinance be studied to determine the adequacy of fines (misdemeanor $50. 00); and that, if vandalism cannot be controlled, the Board consider removal of the rock, " She further reported that the Police Chief agreed that a sign might be helpful, and that he further suggested that the schools be circulatized and their cooperation requested in informing the students that such acts are "malicious mischief", andthat defacing public property is a punishable offense; and that the residents of the area be requested to notify the police of any further disturbance or activity in the vicinity promptly, Councilwoman Helwig also advised the Board that, once more, a group of High School students were making a valiant effort to clean-up the rock, and at the Board's request, Council- woman Helwig stated that she would be glad to thank this group for its civic endeavor on behalf of the Board, The Board directed that the names of these students here- corded in the minutes of this meeting in public recognition of their service to the community as follows: Nancy Posen - 22 Pryer Lane Patty Berger - 14 Glen Eagles Drive Nathalie Lauritano - 19 Althea Lane Nancy Denton 7 Sackett Drive Margie Connavaro - Larchmont Hills Beth Gruber - 3 Washington Square -- Denna Desurermine - Larchmont Acres Michele Compior - Larchmont Acres 3. Planting of Trees (a) Myrtle Boulevard Councilwoman Helwig reported that the Park Depart- ment, with the cooperation of the Highway Depart- ment, had completed the planting of 20 trees on Myrtle Boulevard, between Chatsworth Avenue and Madison Street, along the Thruway fence. The Park Department, she stated, asked the cooperation of the residents of the area in curbing their dogs when walking along Myrtle Boulevard as these trees were damaged very easily in this newly-planted state. (b) Brookside Drive Councilwoman Helwig also reported that 8 trees had been planted on Brookside Drive, where dead ones had been removed this past fall. 4. Storage in,Nursery Councilwoman Helwig advised the Board that the trees, which had been stored in the Park Department Nursery, were in good shape, and that this experiment had proved to be a most successful one. The Town Attorney -- In the Attorney's absence, no report was presented. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9:10 p.m. , to reconvene on April 19th, 1961. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened im- mediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting, 1, Claims Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Department claims, which had been audited by the Comptroller and ap- proved by the Fire Chief, and on his motion, which was sec- onded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department' Con Edison $ 5. 00 McGuire Bros, Inc, 5. 00 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 15. 20 Wesco Fire Equipment & Service 81. 60 Bose & Parker Motors 5. 20 New York Telephone Company 133. 70 State Insurance Fund 1, 872. 06 Robert's 282. 85 Westchester Joint Water Works 18. 60 Park Radio & Television 15. 00 Ramon Martinez 46. 50 Fire Chief's Emergency Plan 50. 00 Leo N. Orsino, Receiver of Taxes 127.40 2, 658. 11 Hydrant Rental - New Rochelle Water Company 60. 00 Total $ 2, 718. 11 Z. Reports Commissioner Brush presented the Fire Report for the month of March, 1961, which was ordered received and filed. 3. Communications 1. Letter to Larchmont Acres Commissioner Brush read a letter addressed to the Sixty- Third Realty Corporation concerning the seriousness of the condition resulting from the apartment's failure to remove snow from the circles at Larchmont Acres. It was directed that this matter be held for follow-up at a meeting with the owner of the apartments next fall. 4. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was declared ad- journed at 9.15 p.m. , to reconvene on April 19t/h, 1961 wn lerk