HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960_12_07 Town Board Minutes `;k7 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 7th, 1960, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. PRESENT: Supervisor Burchell Councilman Santoro Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Mr, Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr, Delius - Town Attorney Mr, Kellogg - Deputy Engineer Mr, Finson - Comptroller Mrs, Brewer - Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 2nd, 1960, were approved as presented, NEW BUSINESS 1, Public Hearing--Adoption of Annual Budget For the record, the affidavits of publication and posting of the notice of hearing in accordance with law were presented and ordered received and filed, and on motion by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the hearing be and it is hereby declared open, The Supervisor presented the budget and during his detailed review of the items contained therein page by page, the follow- persons were heard: Mr, Richard Murphy - 27 Edgewood Avenue Mr, Murphy addressed the Board with reference to the salary increases for the Police Chief, Superintendent of Highways and paid Firemen, the recent appointment of another Police Sergeant, and the Incinerator budget, I I ADOPTED T .A X B U D r„ r i96i I N u r - T9,g6ARfi ''�Ci�g�'�{ gy0 F iiYi 1 i 3'fy �' yY rc�,p '�(�P"!5^� _ JA.:'0.s M A.R O fwd .�..: C� 'C.._"�. N .ri°s N", S O 3:- a-\ TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONZJX , NEW YORK To the Residents of the Town of MaRmaroneck a . The proposed budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for 1961 indicates a reduction of 3� per thousand in the tax rate for the residents of the unincorporated area of the Town, and no tax for the residents of either of the two Villages due to the elimination of a General Town tax, thereby resulting in a decrease of ZU per thousand, Your Town Board has carefully weighed each proposed expenditure and believes it has prepared a budget that provides all of the neces- sary services at the lowest cost consistent with safety, The gross budget has increased by $55s 391, , but the increase of $47, 575 in es-- fi-mated revenues results in a. net increase of only $7, B16. This small itwrease, is more than absorbed by a rise in assessed volua.- tion of $3, 580, 000c to .1 total of $114, 813, 216, The following major points in this budget arc- herewith called to your attention: Compensation No general increase is provided. Incroulents are granted in accordance with the Conspensation Plano s11 addition, a few Classifications have been adjusted to provide a rnore equitable compensation, The Town Board proposes to adopt the so-railed "5% take- h0me-PRY" PrOvisign, Very simply, this provides all em- ployees who are meribers of a retirexrent plan a reduction in contributions to the reV'reraent plan, of 517b of the gross before deductions, iqo loss of pension rights is involved by adoption of this pi in, and under its those few cmAployees who are not presently members Of a, retirement plan would b- able to became members at little or no cost,, With the OxCePtion of the payment due to the local Police pen ,sion F%nd, there would be no cost to the taxpayer during 1961, The first payment by the, Town would be duve Jri May of ou, and even this would-be for only 25% of a full yearl's cost, The first full year's payment for this plan wouldbe charged to the tampayers in 1968. Personnel The results of a study. Indicate that the Town departments can be operated with one less in personnel with the provi- a';o n that at certain times of the year I additional temporciry clerical assistunce may be neceseary. Such anssistance� if -needed, would be provided by a, transfer rom the con- tingency fund,, ,To the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck page two - 3� Recreation The Recreation Commission has recommended that the summer program be expanded to include a sailing class and a dramatics and dame class. Due to the inclusions of these additional pro- grams, the gross budget for recreation in 1961 is increased to $30, 675, However, the estimated revenues are also increased with the result that the net cost to the taxpayer ayer for recreation in 1961 is decreased by $955. , from $19, 442, Ian 1960 to $18, 487, in 1961, 4� Contingency Fund The contingency fused has been increased to $10, 000, Appropri- ations for which no proper basis to form an estimate is avail- able have been eliminated with the intent to transfer from this fund if and when it becomes necessary to authorize such ex- penditures, 5, Police Department Included in the Police Department budget is an item of $8, 563, for payment to the local Police Pension Fund,, This is n¢ces a. sary to meet the existing obligations of the fund and will be a recurring item with the probability that the amount will in- crease in the feature as additional members elect to retire,.. 6., Highway Department ncluded in Item 1 are capital improvements totaling $26, 000. in ,addition to the regular coast of the maintenance of Town highways, The purchase item of $4, 500. contained in .-Itena 111 is to cover the coast of numerous small articles of egcs.ipmeaat averaging $500, each, Item IV contains an appropriations for rodent control as do the budgets for the Park and Sanitation depa.rtments., 7, Sanitation Department The cost of replacing a collection treacle is included in this bud- get,. By purchasing a larger truck, the necessity for dividing the existing three routes into four with a large increase in personnel is deferred for the present, The cost of disposing of refuse,, and especially rubbish, is growing by leaps andbounds This situation is under steady and it is hoped that another year's experience will provide a satisfactory solution of this problem. S, Street Lights The Town Board is presently studying the feasibility of replac- ing the present lighting system with a modern, up-to-date To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck - page three - system conforming to today's standards, If deemed advis- abler part of Such a program may be implemented this year_ `}, Park Department Planting to restore rtatioaa Park and the Larchment Gardens Lake areas has been completed and the -Park Department budget therefore reduced by aplaroK-imn a4e3y $7, 400, The de- artnneaat°s recommendation for a new truck has been incor- porated into this budget, 10. Fire Department Provision has bean made for the purchase of a modern truck to replace two obsolete trucks,, One-half of this post is in- cluded in this budget with the balance to be paid in 1962, Please note the now format used for th€ first time in presenting this budget which follows the recommendation of the New York Stage Department of Audit and Control, Also, please note the informational schedules forming a part of this budget _ which we hope will assist you in your study of this budget:, It is the belief of your Town Board that the proposed budget for 1961 re- fleets a continuation of the long--established policy of maintaining Town ser- vices and facilities at a high level at minimum cast founded in a sound and economical plan of finoneing,, Respectively submitted, THE TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF MA'MARONIECK by,, George D, Baez chel.l, Chairman C< Ben o-misn Brush, jro Christine lac Helwig Pte,ter F, Maxie, Jr, Battasta J. Santoro Council on Nocaember the 15th 1 9 6 0 TOWN OF MAYARONECK ANNUAL jBUDGET I 1 9 6 1 Estimated lslar�a o � Revenues Tax Levy GENERAL FUND °1`oven Wide Schedul p, I z '111 236136 236136 - Part Town Sc hednl-- e U IV 301850 8593 293257 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3,4 Sche 3ales V 8k, VK 161350 41020 120330 SPECIAL D.ISTRICTS Garbage Schedule VE, 136250 3705 132545 Water Schedule, VJP 65649 € 5649 Street Lighting Schedule IX 20700 563 23217 Sewer Schedule X 95630 1226 94404 Park Schedule X1 53655 1494 52161 Fire Schedule Xil 110450 122a 104222 TOTAL 1159750 359614 830136 3 C HI E D IT LE I az, Expondeci kdadifi(d 15"u,d g e 1959 96- Adopt,`�cd 1*0VERNMIENT SII"PER-,VfSOR 100 -� Or2onad S, 754 0 7,5 0 j 7500 I apervisor Clerk to Supervioo.- 4774 ffi v;W 5200 —12—Z7 4- TZ—7,1 '42700() - 2 ZO 1700. O 04 Oi-ber EPxpenaes 415 375 5Q61 500. TO AL I268c, i5075 !3200 13200. ,MST-T-ES OF THE PLACE N Personal Serv, 0-us'dr-es of bIe, peazo--,' .Z� 6400 6,1.00 6400 C,berical Assiatance 16 57 1650 1650 805x` 8050. Other Exaenses 456. 4-5 6 450. T 0,,T A L", 8617 2500 3500 8500. P---S, ra,'I Serviwez C Du ra c!i I rn e n 9587 9600 9600 ---_2600. 0 h 8 t -e2� Lx,,Q�znse P'ubliswuing N •ticez 2z Roportu 3182 13CO 1400 T,-:avelpdxag (k Sonia-za"'Wa Fx:pe,,Izes 356 30 0 600 3538 26 04 -T(5UO- 2000. TOTAL 13125 1200 11600 11600. T"O' ATNi C"A1,MRK A Tle--"somal seyvcez Town cler"'r 7803 5 271 827I Dr-puty To,,Tvn Chrk 3640 11911. ZCO Eqaiprmer„-,t 215 — 400 Othae E o xpeaes 425 —500 500. T r-D T AL 5 "2332 12411 -2- SC-PEDULE ' con' d � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - budget eas Tentative Expended JAodifipd Budget 1959 1960 1961 .iilcapicel -.-L ASSESSOR 100 Personal Services Assessor 7803 8271 8271 Seu or `1` pint 4264 4520 4520 Assessment Clerk 4264 4760 4760 Board of Review 750 750 750 1-8 301. �8 200 Equipment Adding Mac re 325 325. 400 Other Expenses Supplies & Other Expenses 765 850 875 Traveling & Car Expense 298 350 350 Appraisals 850 500 19 ff —'-F7 567 1.225 1225. TOTAL 18994 20001 19851 12851. RECE',,VER OF TAXES 100 Personal Services Receiver of Taxes 7803 B271 8271 Senior Account Clerk 5345 5665 13148 13936 SZ71 --A-zl�1 400 Other Expenses 2000 2050 .--2DDL-- TOTAL 15043 15936 10271 10271. TOWN ATTORNEY 100 Personal Services ,rown Attorney 8313 8811 sail Stenographic Services 1918 2000 2000 10231 10811 10811 10811. ZOO Equipment - 250 250. 400 Other Expenses Supplies & Other Expenses 982 9'1)L) 675 Traveling Expenses 77 175 275 --,-�1-059 950 TO I TAL 1380', 12011 �12 0 1 1. - ENGINEER 100 Personal Services Town Engineer 48 501 3450 8420 Senior Engineering Aide, 6120 6487 2500 104ff—o 9937 —Fo—gn --IDaza- 200 Equipment 8049 800. 400 Other Expenses 65_j Soo 900 ,TOTAL 11622 106612 12520 j ZS20 -3- SCHEDULE a oosned� a 6 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1963 adopted ELECTIONS 100 Personal Services Custodians 400 400 400 Wage, 622 900 1000 Election -inspectors 8z Poll Clerk 7282 8832 8010 8304 10132 9410 -.9410. 200 Equipment 6099 - 400 Other Expenses v Supplies & Other Expenses 489 200 200 ileastsl - Polling Places 560 740 900 °1`%,ansportstion of Equipment 623 900 900 1672 1840 2000 2000. 'TOTAL 9976 18071 11410 iiaip COMPTROLLER 100 Personal f ervices Comptra',ller 2458 2606 8.27_1 8271. 400 Other E-;penses 105 300 650 650. TOTAL 2,563 2906 8921 8921. TOWN OFFICES 100 .F ersonnal 5erviues 'down Accountant 7803 8271 anterrnediate- Account Clerk 4264 4520 4520 ,. tormediate Account €ilk,. & `Typist 3590 3947 4245 Intermediate Clerk 3958 4195 4520 Custodian, P. 'T> 1224 1298 1298 Office Manager 200 200 200 21039 22431 14783 14783. 200 Equipment 339 525 �2F 400 Other Expenses Supplies & Other Expenses 1555 3775 1840 Telephone 2207 2:500 2600 Light 498 600 700 Rent 4200 4200 4500 8460 11075 9640 9640. TOTAL 29838 33506 24948 24948. 500 Independent Audit 2700 2700 2700 2700, 501 Dues - Association of Towns 250 250 250 250. TOTAL- -GENERAL GOVERNMENT 148173 163175 148593 148593. -4- SCHEDULE III - ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL ERAL FUN23 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Ado2te STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 117134 122644 114644 114644. Male Aid - Mortgage Tax 49287 26000 30000 3000Q. Mate Aid - Youth Bureau 1911 1911 1911 1911. 168332 140555 146555 IAL5= ATP1'EREST & PENALTIES ON TAXES 15363 14000 13000 13000. LICENSES & PERMITS Dog Licenses 2097 2100 2100 2100. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS 'down Clerk's Fees 1714 1600 2000 2000. Recreation Fees 5424 5600 10280 10280 Justices lees 3387 2000 2400 2400. Miscellaneous Inspection Fees 465 400 400 400. Parking Teter Receipts 4047 9800 10000 10000. 15037 19400 25080 . 25080, OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds - 163 125 125. Property Rentals 1000 1200 600 600. Engineering Charge - Special District 1000 1000 2000 2000. Interest on Deposits Investments 6863 6000 7000 7000: Cash Available - 26178 39676 39676 8863 34541 49401 49401 GRAND TOTAL -- GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REV&,i-WES 209692 210596 23 136 236136. -9- SCHEDULE IV - PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as `tentative. Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL E NIN S Police Department Fees - too 100 100. Planning Board Pees 20 50 s50 50. Board of Appeals Fees 280 200 250 250. Building & Plumbing Fees :1209 2000 1500 1500. 504 2350 1900 1900. OTHER EARN.ItNGS Caul Defense Refund - 890 m Cash Available 8350 2630 6693 6693. 9350 3520 ® 669-3 663 GRAND TOTAL -- GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 11859 5870 8593 8593. 40- 1` 5<CHEDULE V APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative, Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Ad__t_d H11,GHWAY FUND ITEM ,, General Repairs 85.305 10030CP 113500 Payment - Refiremc::nt systegr,� - 1425 1600 Social Security Taxes - 1700 2400 Work mans COmpeasation ,"Insurance - 2500 2200 Group Health Insurance - 1000 1.050 TOTAL 85.305 106925 120750 120750. HIGHWAY FUND ZTEM 11 Maintenance & Repair Labor 47 500 400 Materials 250 500 100 ,rOTAL 297 1000 500 500. CHINERY FUND JTEM ITI Purchase 9757 10300 4500 Repair 6565 9617 8500 Storage 864 1130 1200 Gasoline and oil 3287 - 4000 TOTAL 20473 21047 18200 18200. SNOW & WISCELLANEOUS FUND ITEM IV Salary-Town Superintendent 6303 6771 7850 Control of Ice and Snow 9486 10000 11000 Cutting Weeds and Brush - - 1,500 Other scellaneous 2572 2229 1550 TOTAL 18361 19000 21900 ---21900._ GRAND TOTAL a . HIGHWAY APPROPR"ATIONS 124436 147972 161350 161350. SCHEDULE VIA a ES `?`.iMA'1°ED REVENUE Other Than Heal property Taxes APPROPRIATIONS - HIGH -WAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted HIRGHWAY FUND ITEM I State Aid 2246 2372 2375 2375. Unexpended Balance 6000 4332 23960 23960. TOTAL 82146 6704 26335 26335. BRIDGE FUND 1TEM 1L Unexpended Balance 1000 1000 500 500. _ TOT 1000 1000 500 500. MACHINERY FUND ITEM HT Gasoline and Oil Refunds 3807 - 4400 4000. Unexpeaded Balance: - 2371 5472 5472. Rental E-juipment Charges 1344 1500 1500 1500 Refund Civil Defense Radio - 270 TOTAL 5151 4141 10972 10972. Snow Removal Refunds 3238 3000 3000 3000. Une,gpended Balance - 1449 213 213. TOTAL 3236 4449 3213 3213. GRAND TOTAL ALL HIGHWAY REVENUES 17635 16294 41020 41020. 3 ,.1 r 2 SCHEDULE V11 APPROPRIATIONS e. SPECIAL DISTRICTS Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1954 1961 _1961 Adopted GARBAGE D-"ZTR2CT NO I APPROPRIATION Perzonal Service EWage� 60437 63750 65000 .... 65000. Salaries and Equipment 12000 12000. Truck Other Expense Equipment peratiOn �asto 4055 4750 4009 1985 2550 3010 supplies Other Expenses 1985 345x3 2800 payment a d tirerne�aC Fund 1289 2390 1750 Social Security Taxes - 960 450 Group Health 'Insurance 3Ia0 2750 Insurance, SuOmP- 1.�a.�sb"'ty, etc, 2432 x-50 Incinerator sOperatiOn (.°casts 21531 34801 4-�,,. 34732 51050 59250 59250. TOTAL 95164 114000 1_ 6L5- x36250. -. REVENUES 3000 3795 3705 3705. Cash Available — TOTAL 3000 3795 3705 3705. GARBAGE DISTRICT 111045 - 132545. 'SAX LEVY sCHE 3'i LE V`11 APPROPRIATIONS SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT NO I APPROPRIATION 6400 � Water Distribution SystemCapitalcosts 23010 33000 32000 32000. Redemption of Bondi Interest on Bonds 10814 25582 24149 24149. '7000 7000. Refunds - Water iMaias - ._.o. — - — TOTAL 37724 64582 65649 65649. REVENUES 50000. 'Water Revenuf Q"Ne2pi 55004 61181 50000 3410 32€90 3200. Pipe ,Line Rentalo - 12447 12449. Cash Availably �--- _ TOTAL 55004 645FR, 65649 65649. , TAX LEVY -13- SCHEDU XWE I. APPROPR�-,,ATIONS SPECIAL DISTRICTS Budget as Tentative 1959 2960 1961 Adopted STREET 1..x:131.1T.`NG DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Light Opp—zatio n Coot 2672i 27000 23230 28280. Installation of Street Lights 366 1000 500 500. TOTAL 27537 28000 28730 28780. REVENUES Cash =available w 1463 563 563. TOTAL AL 1.463 563 563. TAX LEVY 26537 28217 28217. S27, HEDi3 Ly X Personal Sex vices Salarie,s and "Wages 3096 3300 3000 3000. Other Experses Supplies & Other 1°.;x mmoeo 1001 1050 1400 .rnsu annce, Comp, Liability, c c, 45 200 125 Sewer Construction 72 507 ZZ00 1led'emption of Debt 55500 55500 59300 merest to Ns,teia Bonds 361,43 33€593 31305 'T5,1,97 91648 92 530 92630. _ T TAIs1 108Z93 94943 95630 95630. ;1 Ali`rENUES; Cash .Available r ?226 1226. TOTAL w e 1.226 1226. TAX .UeEV5a 94948 94404 94404. -14- SCHEDUL-F, X1 APPROPRI"ATIONS - SPECIAL D.�STRICTS Budget as Tentative Ewpe-nded Nlodifitd Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted PARK DJSTRICT NO, I APPROPRIAT�ON Personal Services Park Foreman 6630 7200 7500 Assistant Park Foreman 5100 5406 5650 Laborers I2913 13600 1.3600 Secretary 60 90 90 --2470- _26-2-9 6 26840 26840. EquipmImt Truck - 4000 4000. Other axpenses Supplies & Other Expergacs 5326 10875 BW il&ng & Operating Copts 433 650 300 Equipment & Operating C D3tS 452 400 400 Payment ® Retirennent 1 and 1050 1.115 1300 Group Health 'nsurance - 400 450 Insurance, Q=,W� ',ial6bty, cAc- 735 900 1200 soc at Security Taxes 565 580 750 Red option of Debt 11000 11000 10000 I 'nte-rest on Bonds 5960 5467 4995 25525 3138? x 22815. TOTAL 50224 1 57683 53655 53655. REVENUES Cash ailable 4500 —2275 1494 1,494. TOTAL 4500 3275 1494 1494. PARK DISTRICT TAX LJEVY 54408 52161 52161. t F Budget as Tenta�five Expended Modified B4dget 1959 1960 �v1961 xkdapted .Ril?PRCx1?1$IA°1°JON Personal Se:rvgces sal r >q 48151 55€17e 58600 58600. I Ab2.7 m Systom a 2100 Radio System _ 5307 w :Pumper - l f 2 Cost _ - 10000 Chief's Car x 2200 clothing 1015 1000 $50 16115 .'507 12950 12950 Oth r ..r -Kq,s.:ip-rent Operation Costs 7664 1450 1200 Building Operation frosts 3600 3000 i500 Supplies & 63thIc av Expenses 3881 3300 4300 Gas, Light, Water, & heat 1894 1,800 19€80 inspection & Traveling Exp ras-s 1986 2100 2100 Telephone & Alarm System 1124 1500 1500 Payment. ® Retirement System 6638 6625 7200 Social Security Taxes 1080 1200 1500 Group Health TnFurance .. 715 800 Insurance, Comp. Liability, etc: 4141 5500 5500 Hydrant Rental 111.01 11500 11400 431 9 fi16=90 38900 38900. TOTAL 9,;.275 102274 110450 110450. REVENUES Civil Defense Refund 2653 Cash Available c. 3673 1228 1228. W;326 —=28 1228. TOTAL 4 6326 1228 1228. FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY '95948 10`9222 109222. SCHEDULE X111 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES ADD WAGES w ALL FUNDS Rate of 'Total 'Fibs Number Compensation Appropriation. SUPERVISOR ISOR Supervisor 1 7, 500 Clerk to Supervisor 1 5, 200 TOTAL 12, 700 JUSTICES OF PEACE Justices 2 5, 200 6, 400 Court Clerk (T° T 1 1, 200 Clerical Help 450 TOTAL 81050 COUNCILMEN Councilmen 4 2,400 9, 600 TOWN CLERK Town Clem 1 8, 271 Deputy Town Clerk 3, 640 TOTAL 11, 911 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 8, 271 Senior Typist 1 4, 520 Assessment Cleric 1 4, 760 Board of Review 3 750 TOT'AL 18, 301 RECEIVER OF TAXES TOWN of Taxes 1 8, 271 LC9Y N 2'aTTORNE & Attorney 1 8, 811 Stenographic Hells 2, 000 TOTAL _ 10, 811 ENGINEER Engineer 1 8, 420 ( Balance 1, 580 paid by Joint incinerator Commission) Senior Engineering Aid 1 2, 500 L, 500 ( Building & Plumbing Inspector) 5, 350 TOTAL 10, 920 LECTTIO Custodians 2 200 400 Temporary Employees 1, 000 Election Officials 90 8, 010 TOTAL 9, 410 417 w oss 'SL q V.L 01 pauopaadd-e 000 'C6 jo je1c3 ajou) 009 L9 auzpaaAc a~ Id 07 sa 1S.Kaqieq 098 Aleamlsq'I jo J,dns kvAU1011-7 m If, I a 8.1 ng H,LrIV3rPI 31"1912d 66 1 S'­lV'2ddY JO GUY09 oos 'z (aaauxgua) osv, 's 0 9 c a, aclaadsuV. STjzqtunjd xt But ling I M D CaN 1 N -(I'ld * D-NICTUIG 06 Cl,avola OMMTM qd 662 'kS1 "Ivlol L9L 'Z L9L 'Z d) wey 03ano I I, P no IV L c spa-eno IcoqaS OS6 `1r1 I U1 '9 -,fj69 'c, 61 UamloalEd L Of, '9 1 a,eTloajaa - I S19 'a c9s 'a, S s4uva2aas 616 '9 i aAlpajacl 5E1 'L I In-euainal-T 281 °6 90M{act spi 'Tz iv,101 GGS 'El s.aaAcIduaa Aa-eacdcu*q O6 j d) Aaelaj-.)aS 007 'L a seas as sc 3,dn!3 C9L �Vy W101 ooz 1 4 I d) aaS-euvV4 0:)T1JO 1.91 'Z (ut—Mo.ignD aitlocl ) 96z ' i sWt I (I d) Umpajana ozs Na-To m "t 1, 3a1d,4,T -2 "jaajo juno:no V. jul GIs, 't I 'VOID Jun033V ajle psmja4ul. aalToilduloo =1 s 0 H I d R0 D uayj-emdoaddV uoi.:1-asuadtuo .1 a q U-a!'I -a 71 % s cl INI fi a IT q v - s a-v "A G N v s 14 1 IT v"I 111;2 j 0 a Ir ri G I H 0 s --------------------------- -------- --------------------------- ------------------ I U C, I k I 17 x a a P- a a 1-i -D fs SCHEDULE X111 ( font} - _®_-_. -_®__-----_____®_--___--a_--_-_-®__-_®______________________________.___ SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation GARBAGE DISTRICT ; °hectors 9 4, 500 43,200 Laborers 22x$00 (see Highway) TOTAL 65, 000 PARK DISTRICT Foreman 1 7, 500 '-'ark Foreman 1 5, 650 Laborers 3 4, 493 Plus Overtime 13, 600 Secretary (P T 1 90 TOTAL Z6. 840 SEWER DISTRICT Laborers (see Highway) 3y000 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 6, 150 Firemen 9 5, 037-5, 980 51. 490 Inspector (P T ) 1 960 TOTAL 58, 600 Tow=n of Mamaroneck Exhibit A Bills for Ouarter Ending Sept. 30, 1960, Remaining Unpaid December 2, 1960 Block Parcel Account BK PG. Owner Premises Amount Due 503 561 10107 204 68 Louis Gagliardi, Jr. 34 Hartung St. 19. 65 409 50 4191 205 78 Ellen E. Merritt 17 Kenmare Rd. 4. 08 333 581 8685 218 45 Virgin'i'a Holly 1185 Old White Plains Rd 87. 60' 229 1 11175 22I 39B Soundview goods 'Inc. Ridgeway Road 23. 78 225 450 10564 221 66 Charles Newbergh 925 Fenimore Rd. 141. 52 229 320 11176 - - Soundview Woods, Inc. Ridgeway Rd. 18. 31' TOTAL $ 254. 94 i Exhibit 1s List of Charges Levied Pursuant to Resolution of Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck for cleaning vacant lot. (Chapter IV, Article 3 General Ordinance 'Down of Mamaroneck)' Block Parcel Owner Address Amount Due 120 107 William Dom-merich 4630 s W 10th Street $ 65. 28 Miami 44, Florida i i Mr. Thomas Abrahamsen - 16 Plymouth Road Mr. Abrahamsen addressed the Board with reference to his request that the pensions paid to the widows of policemen be increased in accordance with recently enacted legislation permitting such increase from the present $600. 00 to $1200.00 per annum at the option of the municipality. Following detailed explanation and discussion of each of the fore- going items, at the conclusion of the presentation and since, up- on the Supervisor's inquiry, no one else wished to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the budget or any item contained therein, on motion by Councilman Brush and seconded by Coun- cilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the hearing be and it is hereby declared closed. Whereupon, the following resolution was offered by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Santoro: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally com- piled, as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1961, and that such budget as so adopted be en- tered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, (budget hereto appended) S7 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said an- nual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a, subd. 2, of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1961, the sum hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed, be- low, be levied, assessed, and collected upon the taxable . properties of the Town of Mamaroneck and properties in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larch- mont and Mamaroneck (Part Town), the properties of the several districts specified below and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise assessments, and persons within the Town and within such special districts, be ex- tended on the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof, to wit; Total Estimated Appropriation Revenues Tax Levy Fore General Fund Town Wide 236136 236136 -0- Part Town 301850 8593 293257 (Outside Villagesi Highway Fund Items 1, 2, 3, 4 161350 41020 120330 Special Districts Garbage 136250 3705 132545 Water 65649 65649 -0- Street Lighting 28780 563 28217 Sewer 95630 1226 94404 Park 53655 1494 52161 Fire 110450 1228 109222 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927, as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consol- idated Laws, known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land con- tained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A', the several sums set opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents". N7. and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck for cleaning vacant lot, (Chapter IV, Section 3 of the General Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck adopted pursuant to provisions of the Town Law of the State of New York), there be levied against the property known as Block 120, Parcel 107 on the as- sessment roll of the Town of Mamaroneck, the sum of $65, 28 as and for the removal of weeds and rub- bish from said property as provided in the said Ordinance. Upon roll call, the vote on the foregoing resolution was as follows: Councilman Santoro - Aye Councilman Kane - Aye Supervisor Burchell - .Aye Councilman Brush - Aye Councilwoman Helwig - Aye the resolution was therefore adopted unanimously and the budget for the fiscal year 1961 adopted as presented, The Board then, upon being reminded by the Attorney that the appropriation for the "Publicity Fund" item was in- cluded in the budget subject to permissive referendum, on motion by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Brush, unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this Board, in its budget for the year 1961 duly adopted this day, included under Appro- priations, General Fund, Miscellaneous, an item 509, "Publicity Fund", the sum of Two thousand ($2, 000,00) Dollars, which appropriation is sub- ject to permissive referendum under the provi- sions of the Town Law, pursuant to Section 64, subdivision 14; NOW, THEREFORE$ BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck ap- propriate the sum of Two thousand ($2, 000, 00,) Dollars for the purposes stated in Section 64, subdivision 14 of the Town Law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum as provided in Article 7 of the Town Law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized to publish and post the notice of the adoption of this resolution in accordance with law, •�F`e➢ 2. Authorization of 516 Take-Home Pay Provision The Clerk presented the following memorandum addressed by the Comptroller to the Town Board under date of December 5, 1960; "If the Town Board wishes to adopt the "increased take-home pay provisions" of the Retirement and Social Security Law, it is nec- essary that the attached resolution be passed and a certifiedcopy of this resolution be filed with the New York State Retirement System and the Town of Mamaroneck Police Pension Fund prior to the effective date. -- As they insist on the effective date being the beginning of a pay- roll period, it is recommended that the effective date he De- cember 29th, 1960." Whereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig and seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was adoptedunan- imously BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby elect to come under the provisions of Chapter 339 of the Laws of 1960, entitled "An act to amend the Retirement and Social Se- curity Law, in relation to authorizing the provision of added pensions-providing-for-increased-take-home-pay and death benefits for officers and employees of parti- cipating employers in the New York State Employees` Retirement System", as thereafter amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, which maintains a Local Police Pension System, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 746 of the Laws of 1960, here- by makes applicable to the members of its Local Police Pension System, the provisions of Chapters 336, 339 and 746 of the Laws of 1960, and fixes the payroll per- iod beginning December 29th, 1960, as the date upon which the increased take-home pay provided for in such Laws shall commence. 3. Authorization--Borrowing in Anticipation of the 1961 Tax Collection .The Clerk presented a memorandum from the Comptroller stating that it would be necessary for the Town to borrow the sum of $125, 000. 00 in order to meet obligations prior to the collection of the 1961 taxes in April, and requesting adoption of the resolution, submitted therewith, authoriz- ing such borrowing. Whereupon, the following resolution was offered by Coun- cilman Kane, who moved its adoption, seconded by Coun- cilman Brush, to-wit: TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 7, 1960. N77 A RESOLUTION DELEGATING THE POWER TO AUTH- ORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF AND TO SELL NOT EX- CEEDING $125, 000 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN ANTICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF TOWN REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1961, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell not exceeding $125, 000 tax anticipation notes of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, in anticipation of the collection of real estate taxes levied for Town purposes for the fiscal year of said Town commencing January 1, 1961, is hereby dele- gated to the Supervisor of said Town, the chief fiscal of- ficer thereof. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows. Councilman Santoro VOTING Aye Councilman Kane VOTING Aye Supervisor Burchel1 VOTING Aye Councilman Brush VOTING Aye Councilwoman Helwig VOTING Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. 4. Authorization--Appropriation of Funds, Payment for Stairway Construction Councilman Santoro presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller requesting a resolution authorizing the appropriation of the sum of $5, 347.45 from General Town Surplus for payment of the contract for the construction of the staircase at the Larchmont Station. Whereupon, on his motion which was seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated from General Town Surplus in the 1960 budget, the sum of $5, 347. 45 for payment of the contract for the construction of the steel staircase at the Larchmont Railroad Station. 5, Retirement--Oscar Rivers, Highway Department Councilman Santoro informed the Board of the coming retire- ment of Oscar Rivers from the Highway Department on De- cember 31st, calling to attention his many years of dependable and able service to the Town as an employee of this department. The Board expressed its regret at losing Mr. Rivers' service and directed the Supervisor to write him on its behalf expres- sing the Board's sincere thanks and appreciation to him for his faithful and able service to the Town and extending best wishes to him for the future. OLD BUSINESS 1. Report--Fuel Oil Bids The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller and Attorney recommending, after examina- tion of the bid specifications and bids submitted for furnishing fuel oil to the Town for the period from November 15, 1960 to November 15, 1961, that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Chatsworth Oil and Heating Company, Inc, Whereupon, upon motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the contract for furnishing approx- imately 8, 000 gallons of No. 2 fuel oil to the Town of Mamaroneck for the period from November 15, 1960 to November 15, 1961 be and it hereby is awarded to the low bidder, Chatsworth Oil and Heating Company, Inc. at a price as of November 15, 1960 of 12. 8 cents per gallon delivered to the Town of Mamaroneck tanks. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letters from Police Commission (a) Appointment of Police Sergeant Upon the Clerkls presentation of a communication from the Police Commission reporting the appointment of Patrolman James Staropoli to the rank of Sergeant, effective as of December 15, 1960, and the Comptroller's advice that a resolution by the Board was required to fix the salary, it was on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Council- woman Helwig, unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the Compensa- tion Plan of the Town of Mamaroneck, this Board hereby authorizes that James Staropoli as Sergeant of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department be compensated at the rate of $6, 563. 00 per annum, beginning as of December 15, 1960. (b) Attendance of Forensic Research Seminar The Clerk presented a communication from the Police Com- mission requesting authorization of the expenses incurred by the three (3) officers of the Police Department authorized by the Police Commission to attend a seminar on "Security" held by the Manhattan College for Forensic Research on December 3, 1960. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush and seconded by Councilman Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of an amount not to exceed the sum of $10. 00 to cover the expenses incurred by the three (3) Police officers authorized by the Police Com- mission to attend a seminar on "Security" held by the Manhattan College for Forensic Research on December 3, 1960; said expenses to be paid from the proper item in the 1960 Police Department budget. 2. Notices from Public Service Commission (a) New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad For the Board's information, the Attorney reported that a notice had been received from the Public Service Commis- sion which ordered that the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company was authorized to put into ef- fect tariff schedules providing for increased passenger fares described therein, which was ordered received and filed. (b) Petition of Wilder Transportation, Inc. Also for the Board's information, the Attorney reported that a notice had been received from the Public Service Commission which ordered that a temporary consent sub- ject to the conditions stated therein be granted to Wilder Transportation, Inc. for the operation of an omnibus line between the County Airport and LaGuardia and Idlewild Airports, which was ordered received and filed. 3. Letter from Thomas Abrahamsen re Police Pension Fund The Clerk presented a letter from Thomas Abrahamsen which was ordered received and filed since Mr. Abra- hamsen had addressed the Board at length on this matter at the time the budget was being presented. COMMUNICATIONS (Not on Agenda) 1. Notice of Meeting The Clerk presented a notice of a meeting of the Zoning Board of the Village of Larchmont on December 13th, which had been referred to the Attorney and was ordered received and filed. NN3 2. Notice of Meeting The Clerk presented notice of a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of New Rochelle on De- cember 13th, which had been referred to the attention of the Attorney, and was ordered received and filed. REPORTS 1) Town Clerk The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and placed on file. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of November, 1960. Report of the Building Inspector for the month of November, 1960.. Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of November, 1960, Z) The Supervisor (l) Death of John F. Maddock The Supervisor spoke of the death of John F. Maddock, a former Assessor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and a resident of this community for more than seventy years, stating that Mr. Maddock, in addition to serving the Town as Assessor, had during his lifetime served the community long and well in many government and civic posts, The Board expressed its deep regret of Mr. Maddockts passing, directed that this meeting stand adjourned this evening in honor of his memory, and on motion by Councilman Brush and seconded by Councilman Kane, unanimously adopted the following resolution, IN MEMORIAM R E S O L V E D that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck herewith expresses its deep regret at the death of John F . Maddock and its recognition and appreciation of his outstand- ing service to this community as a former Officer of `- the Town of Mamaroneck and in many and various other responsible civic and governmental posts, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that this expression of appreciation be sent to the family of Mr. Maddock and spread upon the minutes of this meeting, 3. Councilman Santoro Councilman Santoro reported as follows: (a) Sewer and Stater Extensions, Winged. Foot Drive That the installation of the sewer and water exten- sions in Winged Foot Drive had been completed. (b) Hommocks Drain That the installation of the drain in the Hommocks was 8010 completed, and that upon its completion, the Town would be able to proceed with the im- provement of the appearance of the property atthe entrance of the Hommocks. (c) Removal of Rock That a contractor had been engaged to remove the large boulder on Town property in front of #758 Forest Avenue for the sum of $650. 00 and re- quested authorization of said expenditure. Whereupon, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of the sum of $650. 00 for re- moval of large boulder on Town property in front of #758 Forest Avenue in accordance with Purchase Order No. 1746, dated Decem- ber 5, 1960; said expense to be paid from Item I of the 1960 Highway Department budget. 4. Councilman Kane Councilman Kane reported -- (a) Ordinance, Illumination asd'Sig-n5 That the Engineer, Attorney and Building Inspector would be ready to make recommendations for such ordinance at the next meeting or the following one. (b) Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions re- ceived from the Assessor for the correction of the as- sessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following resolution was adopted unan- imously WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented the fol- k7 lowing petitions for the correction of the assess- ment roll for certain years pursuant to the provi- sions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westches- ter County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment rolls NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 926 43 Protano Inc, $ . ,Z4;500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 926 43 Protano Inc, 22, 500 926 141 Donald H. Tinker 2, 000 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 948 57 Mortimer J. Propp $14, 300 $20, 000 $34, 300 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 948 57 Mortimer J. Propp $10,700$20, 000 $30, 700 948 277 Eugenie A. Propp 3, 600 3, 600 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll; of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name hand IMP Total 940 302 Charles W. Bellows 7, 000 21, 500 Z8, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 940 302 Charles W. Bellows 4, 200 21, 500 25, 700 940 313 Geraldine N Bellows Z, 800 2, 800 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which show property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land imp Total 940 196 Virginia H. Goldman $ 9, 100 $ 91 100 $ 18, 200 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 940 196 Arthur Wolf & ors 3, 800 3, 800 940 206 Virginia H. Wolf 5, 300 9, 100 14, 400 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 905 303 N.Y. N.H. & H. RR 334, 500 371, 921 706, 421 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; Block Parcel Name Land LM-2 Total 905 303 N.Y. N.H. & H. RR 308, 175 371, 921 680, 096 905 513 Marlange Realty Corp 22, 992 Z.` , , 22, 992 905 800 E. T. Rugliano 3, 333 3, 333 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 824 1 Aetna Window & 28, 500 52, 200 80, 700 Specialities Inc be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Ixnp Total 824 1 Aetna Window & 5, 100 5, 100 Specialities Inc 824 11 " Z3,400 52, 200 75, 600 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: I N, Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 820 416 Frank M. Williams &.or 2, 700 13, 500 16, 200 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557; Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 820 416 Frank M. Williams & or 1, 300 4, 500 5, 800 820 476 Alton Holbrook& W 1, 400 9, 000 10, 400 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 615 66 Elmer F. Quenan 3, 600 11, 400 15, 000 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 615 66 Elmer F. Quenan 1, 900 11, 400 13, 300 615 78 M.A. Baviello Inc 1, 700 1, 700 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1960, taxes of 1961, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 503 632 Alfreda Mignarri 4, 000 500 4, 500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 503 632 Vincent Nesci & W 200 200 503 634 Alfreda Mignarri 3, 800 500 4, 300 5, Councilman Brush Councilman Brush stated that he had no report other than that pertaining to Fire Department matters, 6, Councilwoman Helwig (1) Recreation -- Advisory Committee on Sailing Councilwoman Helwig reported that the Recreation Com- missiones recently appointed Advisory Committee on Sailing was presently canvassing sites for the proposed sailing classes in both the Village of Larchmont and the Village of Mamaroneck. 7. The Town Attorney (1) Cancellation of Bond --Split Tree Road The Attorney reported that Gabriele Vitro had com- pleted the street improvements on Split Tree Road and furnished the Town with deeds and releases for street rights and easements, and therefore recom- mended that the performance bond for this work be cancelled. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Santoro and seconded by Councilman Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that bond #217522 of the Queen In- surance Company in the sum of $5, 500. 00, dated November 10th, 1958, insuring Gabriele Vitro for the performance of certain improve- ments on Split Tree Road in the Town of Ma- maroneck, be cancelled, (2) Certiorari Proceedings--Palmer Avenue Offices Corp. In connection with this matter, the Attorney reported that the appraisor engaged by the Board to appraise the Palmer Avenue Offices Corp, property on Ma- maroneck Avenue and known as Block 821, Parcel 233 on the Tax Assessment Map, had appraised the said property at $290, 000. 00, which was referred to Councilman Kane and the Assessor. (3) Certiorari--Dr. Israel Weinraub In connection with this matter and upon the Attorneyes recommendation, on motion by Councilman Kane and seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Attorney to engage the services of an expert real estate appraisor to appraise the property owned by Dr. Israel Weinraub, located on Premium Point and known as Block 510, Parcel 100 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a fee not to exceed the sum of $250. 00. (41 Authorization of Contract--Westchester Shore Humane Society Upon the Attorney's presentation of and recommenda- tion for the authorization of the contract for 1961 be- tween the Town and the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. , it was on motion by Councilman San- toro and seconded by Councilman Brush, unanimously RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the contract between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the year 1961 in the --- amount of $2, 090, 00 as provided in the 1961 budget, OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Richard Murphy - 27 Edgewood Avenue Mr, Murphy addressed the Board to compliment the Town on its rehabilitation of the Station Park and Lake areas following completion of the construction of the New England Thruway and stating that he was "happy indeed to see the flag flying over weekends." ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned in memory of the late John F. Maddock, a former Assessor of the Town of Mamaroneck, at 9*40 p.m. , to reconvene on December 21st, 1960. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Communications Commissioner Brush stated that there were no communi- cations to be presented. Z. Reports Commissioner Brush presented the Fire Report for the month of November, 1960, which was ordered received and placed on file. 3. Claims S9 Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire De- partment claims which had been audited by the Comp- troller and approved by the Fire Chief, and on his mo- tion, which was seconded by Commissioner Kane, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department., R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 55. 04 Con Edison Co, of N. Y. 5. 00 Con Edison Co, of N.Y. 52. 31 Sound Tire & Supply Co„ Inc, 156. 96 Suburban Electronic Service 59. 70 Westchester Joint Water Works #1 20. 01 Total $ 349. 02 4. Other Business 1. False Alarms--Larchmont Acres As a solution to the repeated occurrence of false alarms at Larchmont Acres, the Fire Council recommended the discarding of the present fire system - or as the only al- ternative, the installation of a bell over each box as had been requested by the Council through the Attorney. At the conclusion of a lengthy discussion of this matter during which Mr. Arnold Goldstein, owner of the prem- ises involved, Mr. James Renson, President of the Tenants Association of Larchmont Acres, Mr. Louis Fribourg, attorney for the apartments, and the Fire Chief were heard, the matter was put over pending fur- ther report by Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Renson. 5. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 10000 p.m. , to reconvene on Decem- ber 21st, 1960. __ ��Gli.Ga.✓ To C1 k