HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960_01_20 Town Board Minutes __ cX MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANUARY 20th, 1960, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER Councilman Brush called the meeting to order at 8;15 p. m, , and on his nomination, which was seconded by Councilman Santoro, the Board unanimously elected Councilman Kane, the senior mem- ber of the Board, Acting Supervisor to preside at this meeting in the absence of Supervisor Burchell, PRESENT. Councilman Santoro Councilman Kane Councilman Brush Councilwoman Helwig ABSENT. Supervisor Burchell ALSO PRESENT. Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Delius - Town Attorney Mr. Friedlander - Engineer & Supt, of Highways Mr, Orsino - Comptroller Mr. Finson - Accountant Mrs. Brewer - Secretary OLD BUSINESS 1. Request to Purchase Town-owned Property--Carl Mirande The Board, in accordance with its usual practise, at its last meeting deferred action on Mr. Mirande's request to pur- chase certain Town-owned property known as Block 125, Par- cel 384, in order to obtain an appraisal of the property and afford the members of the Board an opporutnity to view the property, and Councilman Brush suggested that action again be deferred in the Supervisor's absence since it was pre- ferred that a full Board be present to take action on any sale of Town-owned property. Councilman Santoro also stated that Town Engineer Fried- lander and he would like to make some further study regard- ing a waterway running through the property in question and in view of this and pending the Supervisor's return, the Board directed that this matter be laid over and instructed the Clerk to put the matter on the agenda for the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Purchase of Half-ton Pick-up for Highway Department Councilman Santoro requested that the Superintendent of High- s' ways be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of a half-ton Pick-up Truck for the Highway Department, and on his motion, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official news- paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, a notice for bids for the purchase of one (l) half-ton Pick-up Truck in accordance with the specifications - -- on file in the Office of the Superintendent of Highways; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed bids for same will be received by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck at his Office located at 158 West Boston Post Road, Village of Mamaroneck, Mamaro- neck, N. Y, , until 5 otclock in the afternoon of the 3rd day of February, 1960, and will be publicly opened and read at that time and place. COMMUNICATIONS 1, Request to Purchase Town-owned Property--Anthony N. Librandi The Clerk presented a letter dated January 12th, 1960 from Anthony N. Librandi of 93 Myrtle Boulevard, Town, re- questing purchase of certain property owned by the Town and known as Block 125, Parcel 372, Councilman Santoro commented that this property adjoined that which Mr. Mirandi wished to purchase and Councilman Kane suggested that the Board follow its usual practise and defer action on this request to the next meeting, meanwhile obtaining anappraisal and allowing time for the members of the Board to view the property in question, which the Clerk was directed to do, 2. Request for Approval of Expenditures--Police Commission The Clerk presented two requests from the Board of Police Commissioners for authorization for the expenditure of the sum of $10, 00 for three police officers to attend a Nar- cotics Seminar and the sum of $10, 00 for two police officers to attend a Conference on Automobile Theft, and on motion by Councilman Brush, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that in accordance with the request of the Board of Police Commissioners, this Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of the sum of $10, 00 for three police officers to attend a Narcotics Seminar and the sum of $10.00 for two police officers to at- tend an Automobile Theft Conference, said expenses to be paid from the proper item in the Police De- partment budget for the year 1960, J"r 3. Application for Consent to Operate School Bus--William Gauthier The Clerk presented an application from William Gauthier, d/b/a Orient' Bus Company, for consent to operate a school bus line in the Town of Mamaroneck. In discussing this matter, the Attorney explained that Mr. Gauthier had formerly operated such a line on a contract basis with Wood Ridge Gardens, Inc, and that the con- tract had not been renewed, hence the submission of this application to the Board. He further pointed out that Mr. Gauthier had obtained a temporary consent from the Pub- lic Service Commission with the understanding that he would apply for a permanent franchise within twenty days from the date of December 20th, 1959. He noted further that Mr. Gauthier wished to run on five routes which, it was stated, would be used only for the transport of pas- ', sengers to the Junior High School at a proposed fare of 20�. In concluding his remarks, the Attorney asked the Board whether it wished further study of this matter and also asked Councilman Brush whether he would like to discuss this proposal with the Avon Commuters Club, which he said he would like to do. In view of this, the Board directed that the matter be put over to the next meeting so that the Attorney could study the proposal and Councilman Brush report on his discus- sion with the Avon Commuters Club. 4. Request for Public Hearing--McGovern, Vincent & Connelly (Transfer of consent from The Yonkers Railroad Co, to The Yonkers Transit Corp.) The Clerk presented a letter from McGovern, Vincent & Connelly, dated January 6th, 1960, requesting the Board to hold a public hearing on the request for the transfer of the consent or franchise from The Yonkers Railroad Co. to The Yonkers Transit Corp. Following the Attorney's explanation of the request and his advice that it was not necessary to hold.a hearing on the request, on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the transfer to The Yonkers Transit Corp, of the consent or franchise of Bernacchia Bros. Inc, as contained in the resolution of the Town Board adopted on October 14, 1936, and thereafter trans- ferred to Liberty Coaches Inc, by resolution of the - Town Board adopted on March 3, 1954, and there- after transferred to The Yonkers Railroad Go. -by resolution of the Town Board adopted on January 22, 1958, in accordance with the request con- tained in the communication from McGovern, Vin- cent & Connelly, dated January 6, 1960, and filed herewith. `r The Clerk was directed to notify McGovern, Vincent & Con- nelly of the action taken by the Board, forwarding certified copy of the resolution adopted at this meeting, 51 Notice of Hearing on New Haven Railroad--Public Service Commission The Clerk read a notice of a hearing before the Public Ser- vice Commission as of this date on the increased one-way, multiple-ride, and commutation fares proposed by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, which was ordered received and filed. The Town .Attorney reported that Councilman Kane, Coun- cilwoman Helwig and he had attended the hearing whichhad reached no conclusions and been adjourned to a later date. He remarked on those addresses presented by County Ex- ecutive Michaelian, Supervisor Ward, Acting Chairman of the Public Service Committee of the Board of Supervisors in the absence of its Chairman, Supervisor Burchell, and the President of the railroad, Mr. Alpert. During the lengthy discussion following the Attorney's re- view of the day's proceedings, Councilman Kane referred to the request of the Board of Supervisors by unanimous resolution adopted last October that the Governor-appointed Office of Transportation make an independent study and audit of the New Haven's commuter costs and revenues within the State and suggested that in support of this action this Board adopt a resolution petitioning the Governor to have such a study and audit made at this time. Whereupon, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig and seconded by Councilman Brush, the following resolution was adopted unanimously and the Clerk directed to forward a certified copy of same to the Governor of the State of New York. WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County by unanimous resolution adopted October 5th, 1959, petitioned the Governor to direct the State Of- fice of Transportation to make a study and audit of the commuter costs and revenues of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company in the State of New York; and WHEREAS the Public Service Commission of the State of New York has ordered a hearing conducting an investigation into a new tariff filed by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company for one-way, multiple-ride and commutation fares pro- posed by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail- road; and WHEREAS the citizens and residents of the Town of Mamaroneck are vitally interested in the questionas presented in connection with the increase of railroad fares; NOW,, THEREFORE„ BE IT RESOLVED that this Board urgently requests and pe- titions the Governor of the State of New York to use all possible means to expedite in every way an inde- pendent audit and study of the commutation costs and revenues within the State of New York of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to the end that either the State Office of Transportation and/or the Public Service Commission of the State of New York canmake a speedy determination regarding the application of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad for an in- crease in fares, 6. Notice from Public Service Commission--Rates & Charges of Con Edison for Electric Service The Clerk presented a notice on the proceeding on motion of the Commission as to the rates and charges of Con Edison for electric service, which was ordered received and filed and on which the Attorney reported that he had attended the proceeding and that the rates and charges referred to applied only to New York City and Yonkers and therefore did not concern the Town. COMMUNICATIONS 'Not on Agenda) 1. Notice of Meeting of Zoning Board of Appeals--Village of Larchmont The Clerk presented a notice of a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Larchmont, to be held on January 27th, 1960, which the Board ordered received and filed and referred to the Attorney, 2. Notice of Public Hearing Village of Larchmont The Clerk presented a notice of public hearing before the Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont on January 18th, 1960, which had been referred to the Town Attorney, and was ordered received and filed, REPORTS The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered re- ceived and placed on file. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc, for the month of December, 1959. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of December, 1959. REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR There was no report submitted in the Supervisorts absence. REPORTS OF THE COUNCILMEN Councilman Santoro -- 1, Purchase of Tractor--Highway Department The Clerk presented the affidavit of the publication on Janu- ary 15th, 1960 of the notice for bids for the purchase of a tractor for the Town of Mamaroneck Highway Department and Councilman Santoro reported that the bids received had been opened and publicly read in the Office of the Superin- tendent of Highways at 5 o'clock on the afternoon of January 20th, 1960, Councilman Santoro further reported that the only bid re- ceived was that of Austin Barrett, Inc, in the amount of $7, 500,00 and recommended since this bid met the speci- fications and was the only bid submitted that the equipment be purchased from said company at the price stated, and on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Brush, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted unanimously WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the 20th day of January, 1960, duly recommend the purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superin- tendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following; One Tractor equipped with front end loader and backhoe for a meximum price of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7, 500, 00), delivered at the Town of Mamar- oneck, N. Y. , and to be delivered on or about Febru- ary 1st, 1960. 2. Desecration of Houses of Worship Councilman Santoro spoke of the recent desecration of cer- tain Houses of Worship located in the Town and submitted a resolution deploring such action which he recommended be spread upon the minutes of this meeting if this were the pleasure of the Board. Whereupon, after vigorous comment by each of the Council- men, on his motion which was seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously resolved that the following res- olution be adopted and spread upon the minutes of this meeting. WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that certain irresponsible and malicious individuals have desecrated houses of worship in the Town; and WHEREAS, this Board deplores such action and is desirous to assist in every way possible to prevent +1 further occurrences of this kind, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board, having great confidence in its Police Officials, offers its full and complete cooperation and assistance in apprehending any in- dividuals who have committed these acts of dese- cration, 3. Clearance of Snow --Highway Department Councilman Santoro remarked on the prompt and extremely efficient clearance of snow and ice from the Town roads under the direction of Mr. Friedlander, newly-appointed Superintendent of Highways, and Mr. Fischer, newly-ap- pointed General Foreman of the Highway Department, com- mending each highly on his diligence and service to the Town in his new post, Mr. Friedlander thanked the Councilman but suggested that a word of praise be sent to the men in the department since it was they who came out at all hours and in all kinds of weather and were responsible for the work done. Whereupon, the Board directed that a note be addressed to the Superintendent, General Foreman and staff of the High- way Department, expressing its thanks and appreciation and commending the department on the excellent job per- formed under the most difficult kind of conditions, Councilman Kane -- 1, Lighting Study--Post Road Councilman Kane reported that the Town Engineer, the Town Attorney and he had been working with two engineers from Con Edison in conducting a study of lighting along the Post Road through the Town. He reported that certain objectionable lighting conditions at Horyts, Cooks, the Loyal Inn Bowling Center, and Hi-Lo Market were now in process of correction under the present BuildingCode and further stated that revision of the Code could be made if found to be necessary to effect correction of any re- maining objectional lighting conditions, Z. Apportionments Councilman Kane presented the following petitions received from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and on motion by him and seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, the following res- olution was adopted unanimously W-1HEREAS the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Boardfinds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Only 604 1 Adam Sumetz $ 1, 800 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 604 1 William Steinmetz & W 200 604 4 Adam Sumetz 1, 600 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Only 619 39 Alfred G. Mambrino & or 3, 900 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 619 39 Alfred G, Mambrino & or 1, 950 619 44 William Bellis & W 1, 950 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Only 809 149 Rocco Dellaporta & or 1, 300 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 809 149 Rocco Dellaporta & or 300 809 151 Harold G. Mancine & W 1, 000 v FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 811 66 Village of Mamaroneck $ 1, 550 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 811 66 Village of Mamaroneck 1, 350 811 500 Matilda K. Wright 200 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 811 96 Matilda K. Wright $ 1, 300 $ 5, 700 $ 7, 000 - be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 811 96 Village of Mamaroneck 100 100 811 109 Matilda K. Wright 1, 200 5, 700 6, 900 FURTHER RESOLVED that the assessment roll of 1959, taxes of 1960, which shows property now ap- pearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 916 21,9 - . Henry Berman 7, 200 8, 000 15, 200 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of subdivision 5 of Section 5570 Block Parcel Name Land: Imp Total 916 202& 219 Joseph D. Pinto & or _ 1, 400 1$ 400 1, 200 1, 200 916 223 Henry Berman 2, 700 8, 000 10, 700 916 233 Jerry Terranova 1, 900 1, 900 Councilman Brush -- Councilman Brush stated that he had no report other than that pertaining to Fire Commission matters, Councilwoman Helwig -- 1, Economic Study Committee Report--Village of Mamaroneck Councilwoman Helwig acknowledged receipt of a copy of the Report of the Economic Study Committee of the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck and suggested that the Board send a note thanking the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck for the courtesy and coopera- tion extended in providing copies of the report, which -- the Clerk was directed to do, Z. Study for Thruway Planting Councilwoman Helwig, referring to an item recently ap- pearing in The Daily Times, reported that the Park Fore- man, Mr. Aitchison was now engaged in making a study of planting for all areas along the Thruway for the purpose of abating noise and lessening the glare of headlights. She stated that this report would be submitted within the next couple of months and would contain recommendations for plantings and advice as to how such plantings might be done in stages over a period of time. REPORT OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 1. Zoning Violation--Harrison Drive The Attorney reported that O. F. Ciofrone had corrected the zoning violation at 23 Harrison Drive, Town, and therefore requested authorization to discontinue the legal action incon- nection therewith. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Brush and seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to discontinue the legal action com- menced by the Town in the matter of a zoning viola- tion on the property of O. F. Ciofrone of 23 Harri- son Drive, Town. Z. Request for Authorization to Attend Annual Meeting--New York State Bar Association The Attorney requested authorization to attend the annual meeting of the municipal section of the New York State Bar Association with expenses paid by the Town, and on motion by Councilman Santoro, seconded by Councilman Brush, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to attend the annual meeting of the mu- nicipal section of the New York State Bar Association to be held in New York City on January 28th and 29th, 1960; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized to audit the At- torney's claim for expenses incurred, said ex- penses to be paid out of the item in the budget for traveling expenses, 3, Street Numbers The Attorney reported that he was making a study of the street numbers in the Town and giving some consideration to the possibility of having an ordinance in connection therewith and advised the Board that he would report fur- ther on the matter within the next few weeks, OTHER BUSINESS In response to Councilman Kane's inquiry as to whether anyone present wished to present any other matter for consideration at this time, the following persons addressed the Board: Mr. Edward P. Meehan -- (New Haven Railroad) Mr, Meehan inquired of the Town Attorney whether the Public Service Commission had anything to do with the cancellation of a train, stating that the 5:51 out of New York had been cancelled on a. certain recent evening without any notice or explanation. The Attorney re- plied that it had not if the cancellation were only in a specific instance and was not a matter of permanent discontinuance, Mr. Meehan also suggested with reference to the New Haven's current request for a fare increase, that con- sideration be given to petitioning the Governor of the State of New York to initiate a Tri-state conference with all legislators present in an effort to effect a satisfactory and lasting solution to the railroad's fi- nancial problems of operation. Mrs. Hayden Smith -- Mrs. Smith inquired whether it was possible for citizens of the Town to be finger-printed in the interest of safety at Po- lice Headquarters as had been the practise in the community where she had formerly resided. Councilman Kane stated that he believed this was the policy of the Department but advised that he would check with the Police Chief and definitely inform Mrs. Smith, Mr. Dominick Librandi -- Mr, Librandi stated that he had written the Supervisor in- quiring what he must do to obtain a building permit which had been denied by the Building Inspector. i T He was informed that his letter, received in the Supervi- sor's absence, had been referred to the Building In- spector and Town Attorney, and that in the reply thereto he had been requested to formally appeal to this Board for reversal of the Building Inspector's decision. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9.15 p.m, to reconvene on February 3rd, 1960. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Communications Commissioner Brush presented a letter from the Fire Depart- ment dated January 18th, 1960, requesting approval of the officers for 1960 elected at the twenty-seventh annual com- pany meeting, and on his motion, seconded by Council- woman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Commission hereby approves the election of the following members of the Town of Ma- maroneck Fire Department to the following offices for the year 1960. Engine Company #1 Louis A. Sganga, Captain Paul E. Thornton, First Lieutenant Ralph F. Condro, Warden for two Years Ralph F. Condro, Sergeant-At-Arms Anthony Loiaconi, Secretary Engine Company #2 Joseph Schapanick, Captain Joseph A. Giacomo, First Lieutenant Louis J. Buono, Second Lieutenant Anthony N. Librandi, Warden for two Years Joseph V. Santoro, Sergeant-At-Arms James A. McDonnell, Jr. , Secretary Truck Company #1 Rodman L. Purdy, Captain Charles R. Deshensky, First Lieutenant L. Douglas Fletcher, Second Lieutenant Alton R. Lund, Warden for two Years Charles Conte, Sergeant-At-Arms Augustus R. Funck, Secretary } Patrol Company #1 Anthony Guadagnolo, Captain John Musacchio, First Lieutenant John J. DiTore, Second Lieutenant Arthur M. Brown, Warden for Two Years Jack Soriano, Sergeant-At-Arms Arthur M. Brown, Secretary Commissioner Brush presented a letter from the Fire Coun- cil recommending appointment of Frank Carpino as a Fire Truck Driver and/or Fireman, to be effective as of April 7th, 1960, and on his motion, which was seconded by Commis- sioner Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Frank Carpino of 446 Weaver Street, Town, be appointed Fire Truck Driver and/or Fireman of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department, to be effective as of April 7th, 1960, and to be compensated at the rate of $4, 842, 00 per annum in accordance with the Compensation Plan of the Town of Mamar- oneck. In connection with this matter and at this time, Mr. Dom- inick Forte addressed the Commission, stating that his name had been up for this position and that he had requested an ap- peal of the Fire Council's decision which he had protested as being unfair to him. He requested that the Commission hold up this appointment until such time as the Council grantedhis request and he could be heard again. Following a quite lengthy discussion during which it was pointed out to Mr. Forte that the appointment had just been made in accordance with regular and established procedure, which the Commission reviewed and explained in some detail, the Commission requested Mr. Forte to discuss the matter further with Commissioner Brush, the Fire Chief and the Council if he was still dissatisfied and had any further ques- tions thereupon. Z. Reports Commissioner Brush stated that there were no reports to be presented at this meeting. 3. C laims Commissioner Brush presented the following Fire Depart- ment claims, which had been audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief, and on motionby him and seconded by Commissioner Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following claims be and they hereby are approved and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are au- thorized to pay the same out of the budget for the Fire Department* Atlantic Service Center $6.00 R,G. Brewer, Inc. 8. 68 Chatsworth Oil & Heat Co, 234. 53 Con Edison Co. 44. 25 McGuire Bros. Inc. 5. 00 N.Y. Telephone Co. 6.60 Total $305. 06 4. Other Matters 1. Report re Avenmore Apartments In connection with the matter of violations at the Aven- more Apartments, the Building Inspector reported that notice had been served upon the owner and that the Na- tional Board of Fire Underwriters advised of the situation. 2. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Purchase of Fire Chiefts Car Upon Commissioner Brush's request that the Town Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of a car for the Fire Chief, the Commission, on motion by Commissioner Brush and seconded by Commissioner Helwig, unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, a notice for bids for the purchase of one car for the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Chief in accordance with the specifications on file in the Office of the Town Clerk; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed bids will be publicly opened and read at a regular meeting of the Town Board, acting as a Board of Fire Com- missioners, on February 3rd, 1960, at 8:15 p.m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire- house, Town of Mamaroneck. 3. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Purchase of Two-Way Radio System Commissioner Brush also requested authorization for the Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of a Two- _ Way Radio System to be installed at Headquarters, and on his motion which was seconded by Commissioner Santoro, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he here- by is authorized to advertise in the official news- paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, a notice for bids to be submitted in ac- cordance .with the specifications on file in the Office of the Town Clerk for the purchase of a Two-Way Radio System for the Town of Ma- maroneck Fire Headquarters; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that sealed bids will be opened and publicly read at a regular meet- ing of the Town Board, acting as a Board of Fire Commissioners, on February 17th, 1960, at 8015 p.m. in the Council Room of the Wea- ver, Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was declared adjourned at 9030 p.m., to reconvene on Febru- ary 3rd, 1960. Towri Cle�r'k�—