HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966_10_05 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD OCTOBER 5, 1966 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Kane Councilwoman Helwig Councilman Quadrine Councilman Chalif Councilman Faicla Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 21, 1966 were approved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS - Reconstruction Maxwell Avenue The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the following bids : County Asphalt, Inc. $25, 778. 50 Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 28, 241. 04 Girondo Contracting Corp. 24, 711. 95 Peckham Road Company 27 , 525. 70 Nigro Bros. , Inc. 24, 271. 00 Louis Petrillo, Inc. 25,426. 00 The Board noted that all bids received were well over budget and referred same to the Town Engineer, the Superin- tendent of Highways, the Town Attorney and Councilman Quadrine for study and report at the next meeting. The Engineer pointed out that there are several items noted in the bid which can be deleted, thus reducing the total bid price to that within the budget estimate. Councilman Chalif then questioned whether all bids would be decreased in proportion. The Engineer remarked that _1_ each bid indicates a unit price and a sub-total price for each item, therefore each item to be eliminated would reduce the individual total bid by the amount deleted, leaving a net bid price on which the award could be made. Upon recognition by the Chair, Mr. Frank Langella of Louis Petrillo, Inc. , inquired whether the bidders would be notified of the Board ' s final determination, which he was assured was always done. OLD BUSINESS 1. Conservation Advisory Committee Report - Sewer Installation - Ekistics, Inc. The report of the Conservation Advisory Committee in connection with the request of Mr. J. J. Manoussoff, Presi- dent, Ekistics, Inc. for permission to install an eight- inch public sewer through part of certain Town Conservation property, which had been referred to that Committee at the last meeting, was presented and ordered received and filed for the record. The report approved the request subject to the conditions stated therein, and in accordance therewith, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the application of Ekistics, Inc. for per- mission to install an eight-inch public sewer in the "Green Lake Subdivision" through property lying between the end of Country Road and old White Plains Road and terminating at the sewer manhole on Old White Plains Road, at no cost to the Town and with restoration of both the land and the road to as near the original condition as possible in accordance with the following conditions : 1. That the Town Engineer finds no serious impediments to placement of the line, particularly in the swampy area where it has been recommended that the pipe rest on bed pan. 2. That Mr. Leddy be present to prevent any unnecessary damage to the area while work is in progress. 3. That Ekistics, Inc. is willing to cooperate -- with the Committee in providing suitable screening for the homes. -2- 2. Resolution Requesting Village of Mamaroneck Connection re Ekistics Sewer A memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer under date of September 30, 1966, with relation to this Board requesting Mamaroneck Village Board' s permission for a proposed Sanitary Sewer to be constructed by Ekistics, Inc. through certain Town Conservation lands to connect with and discharge into the existing Village of Mamaroneck eight-inch sewer in Old White Plains Road, together with the report of the Conservation Advisory Committee dated October 4, 1966 approving such installation, were present- ed and herewith ordered received and filed for the record. The Board discussed the details of this request with the Engineer and after establishing that such connection would be in the best interest of the entire community, in accordance with the Engineer ' s recommendation, on motion offered by Councilman Chalif and seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was unanimously adopted to be forwarded to the Village of Mamaroneck Board of Trus- tees: WHEREAS, Ekistics, Inc. is the owner of a proposed development known as "Green Lake Subdivision" , located on property known as Block 315, Parcel 117 and Block 315, Parcel 167, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, and WHEREAS, the said developer proposes to erect six houses, two of which will be ser- viced by the existing sewer in Country Road; the remaining four houses to be serviced by the proposed Sanitary Sewer to be installed through part of the said subdivision, and WHEREAS, the nearest main trunk sewer that could receive the proposed Town Sanitary Sewer is situated in Old White Plains Road in the Village of Mamaroneck, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board respectfully requests of the Honorable Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck that the proposed Sanitary Sewer to be installed in part of the said development known as "Green Lake" be allowed to connect with and dis- charge into the existing 8-inch sewer in Old White Plains Road, Village of Mamaroneck. 3. Traffic Commission Report - Myrtle Boulevard Islands The report concerning the suggested removal of the Islands on Myrtle Boulevard between Weaver Street and -3- the Lake, which had been referred to the Traffic Commis- sion at the last meeting, was presented and orderedcreceived and filed for the record. After some discussion, the Board directed Councilman Faiola to discuss this matter with the Park Department, the Fire De- partment, and the residents of the area concerned. 4. Planning Board Request - Approval Subdivision Plats Without Streets A memorandum from the Planning Board to the Town Board requesting authority to approve subdivision plats without streets in accordance with the recommendation made by Raymond and May Associates in their Comprehensive Master Plan was herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record. For the Board ' s information, the Town Attorney explained the request and recommended that it be approved, and there- upon, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to sub-section 1 of Section 276 of the Town Law, this Board here- by authorizes the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck to approve plats showing lots, blocks or sites with or without streets or highways,and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to sub-section 2 of Section 276 of the Town Law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to forward certification thereof to the Clerk of the County of Westchester. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to be discussed at this time. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter - Mrs. Carl P. Barton - Tax Exemption Request The Clerk presented a letter addressed to the Board by Mrs. Carl P. Barton, 615 Rushmore Avenue, Mamaroneck,dated September 26, 1966, requesting tax exemption, which was referred to the Town Attorney for reply with Councilwoman Helwig noting that this has been under study by this Board since passage of the subject Bill as is the case in the County and neighboring Towns and Villages. 2. Notice - Army Corps Engineers - Request James F. Fulton - Construction of Bulkhead A Notice from the Department of the Army New York Dis- trict, Corps. of Engineers, dated September 23, 1966, in -4- i I it the Lake, which had been referred to the Traffic Commis- sion at the last meeting, was presented and orderedareceived and filed for the record. After some discussion, the Board directed Councilman Faiola to discuss this matter with the Park Department, the Fire De- partment, and the residents of the area concerned. 4. Planning Board Request - Approval Subdivision Plats Without Streets A memorandum from the Planning Board to the Town Board requesting authority to approve subdivision plats without streets in accordance with the recommendation made by Raymond and May Associates in their Comprehensive Master Plan was herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record. For the Board ' s information, the Town Attorney explained the request and recommended that it be approved, and there- upon, on motion by Councilman Chali£, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to sub-section 1 of Section 276 of the Town Law, this Board here- by authorizes the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck to approve plats showing lots, blocks or sites with or without streets or highways, and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to sub-section 2 of Section 276 of the Town Law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to forward certification thereof to the Clerk of the County of Westchester. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to be discussed at this time. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter - Mrs. Carl P. Barton - Tax Exemption Request The Clerk presented a letter addressed to the Board by Mrs. Carl P. Barton, 615 Rushmore Avenue, Mamaroneck,dated September 26, 1966, requesting tax exemption, which was referred to the Town Attorney for reply with Councilwoman Helwig noting that this has been under study by this Board since passage of the subject Bill as is the case in the County and neighboring Towns and Villages. 2. Notice - Army Corps Engineers - Request James F. Fulton - Construction of Bulkhead A Notice from the Department of the Army New York Dis- trict, Corps. of Engineers, dated September 23, 1966, in -4- u:J connection with the application of James F. Fulton, 806 The Crescent, Mamaroneck to construct a bulkhead and place fill in Mamaroneck Harbor, Mamaroneck, New York was presented and ordered received and filed for the record. 3. Request - Police Commission - Expenditure Authorization Pursuant to the request of the Police Commission, dated September 27, 1966, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the following expenditures from the proper items in the 1966 Police Department budgets 1. A sum not to exceed $125. to cover the expenses of Chief Waterbury in attending the meeting of the International Associ- ation of Chiefs of Police at Philadelphia from October 2 to October 6, 1966. 2. A sum not to exceed $15. to cover the ex- penses of Chief Waterbury, Lieutenant Mancusi and Sergeant Loveley to attend the Federal Bureau of Investigation conference at Bear Mountain, New York on October 11, 1966. 4. Notices Public Service Commission a) Rates and Charges - The New Rochelle Water Company Notice of "Proceeding on motion of the Commission as to the rates and charges of The New Rochelle Water Company for water service was presented and ordered received and filed for the record. As the result of questions by certain members of the Board, the Attorney was directed to obtain further detail- ed information on the charges and proposed increases as compared to the Westchester Joint Water Works. b) Petition - Wilder Transportation, Inc. The Attorney reported that the Notice of Public Hearing on a petition by Wilder Transportation, Inc. requesting a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the operation of an omnibus line between Tarrytown, Westchester County, and La Guardia and John F. Kennedy International Airports in New York City, was forwarded to the Town for informational purposes, requiring no action by this Board, and therefore ordered received and filed. -5- REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Town Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed for the record: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of September 1966. Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the months of August and September 1966. Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of September 1966. The Supervisor -- 1. Report - Reapportionment County Board (Not on Agenda) The Supervisor reported briefly on the proceedings regarding reapportionment of last Monday ' s Board of Supervisors ' meeting, fully covered, as everyone was of course aware, by the New York City and local press. Councilman Chalif -- 1. Recommendations - Town Insurance In order to determine whether there were overlapping areas in Town insurance coverage and whether or not the entire pro- gram should be broadened, and if so what approximate costs therefor might be involved, Councilman Chalif requested the Board ' s authorization to have the Clerk and personnel concerned prepare the necessary specifications for presentation to this Board. The Supervisor observed that the Preliminary Insurance Report indicated that based on past performance greater coverage might be obtained with less total premium cost than presently paid. He also pointed out that he felt preparation of the specifications requested by Councilman Chalif would be the proper procedure to follow with which the Board concurred and therefore directed Councilman Chalif to so proceed. Councilwoman Helwig -- 1. Hearing-Joint Legislative Committee and Local Thruway Meeting October 3, 1966 Councilwoman Helwig advised the Board that she had been notified that the Joint Legislative Committee on Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety Hearing would be on October 10th and that she would, of course, attend the meeting and report thereon. -6- She further recalled to the Board that the original legis- lation had not tackled tire noise at all, and then spoke briefly about today' s meeting with State and Thruway officials which had been chaired by Councilman Quadrine and would be re- ported in detail by him. Councilman Quadrine thereupon reported on the very success- ful meeting held this afternoon in the Supervisor ' s office and "on location on the New England Thruway" , with State Senator Gioffre, State Assemblyman Pisani, Thruway officials and repre- sentatives of the State Police with a view toward getting the speed limit on the Mamaroneck section of the Thruway reduced from 60 to 50 miles an hour. He expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Senator Gioffre, who had arranged the meeting, and to Councilwoman Helwig whose help and assistance had been invaluable. Councilman Quadrine explained that the meeting was concerned primarily with safety -- but also with noise -- on the 3. 3 mile stretch of Thruway running through the Town of Mamaroneck where, during the first six months of this year, the greatest incidence of accidents on the entire Thruway had occurred, with some 55 taking place on this stretch, 41 being in the Village section and 14 in the Unincorporated Area. This might be due, he said, to the curve and grade existing in this particular location but regardless of cause certainly clarified, he felt, the urgent necessity for the requested reduction of speed. Councilwoman Helwig pointed out that reduction of speed would also lead to the reduction of noise as just experienced when speeds were cut during periods of construction work on the Thruway. Mr. Quadrine further reported that Mr. John A. Fague, Assis- tant to the Executive Director of the Thruway Authority, had- assured the local officials that the facts that had been pre- sented together with the information he expected to receive concerning the lowering of Connecticut Turnpike speeds in the Bridgeport area would be given very careful study and every consideration. Councilman Quadrine concluded his report by assuring the Board that he planned to follow up and really push for this requested reduction of speed in this section. 2. Proposed Local Law No. 3 for 1966 Councilwoman Helwig stated that each of the members of the Board had been furnished with a copy of Proposed Local Law #3- 1966 with reference to conservation areas of the Town as had been prepared by the Town Attorney, and requested that a date for a Public Hearing thereon be fixed. Whereupon, on her motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously -7- �Cl RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing be held before this Board on Wednesday evening, November 2, 1966, at 8:15 p. m. to consider the adoption of Local Law #3- 1966 of the Town of Mamaroneck, said Proposed Local Law seeks to regulate, protect and promose the orderly use of all Conservation Areas in the Town of Mamaroneck, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times" , Notice of such Hearing in conformance with Local Law #2-1966 of the Town of Mamaroneck. Councilman Quadrine -- 1. Delivery of Utility Truck Councilman Quadrine advised the Board of the receipt of the Utility-Bucket truck. He stated that this truck would effectuate savings of approximately $5, 000. a year to the Town because of its versatility and usefulness to many depart- ments including Highway, Lighting, Fire, Park, etc. Councilman Faiola -- 1. Youth Council Report - "Teen Center" Councilman Faiola remarked on the Teen Center Report recently issued by the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Committee on Family and Youth, a copy of which had been sent to each member of the Board for his individual study and consideration. He stated that when the questionnaires in the report had been returned to the Youth Council and were tabulated, each member of the Board would receive a copy thereof. The Town Attorney -- 1. Report - Application, Westchester Street Transportation Company The Town Attorney presented a letter addressed to him by Mr. Louis A. Shereff, attorney for the Westchester Street Transpor- tation Co. , Inc. , in reply to his communication pursuant to the Board ' s direction at its last meeting. He noted further that the Larchmont Village Board had held a hearing on the applica- tion on October 3rd and reserved dedicion -- and he pointed out the possible traffic conjestion and complications which might result were a franchise such as the one requested granted. After some further discussion, the Board directed the Town Attorney to thank Mr. Shereff for his letter and forward a -8- copy thereof to the Traffic Commission with a request for its study and recommendations thereon. Councilman Chali£ then requested a map showing the exact route which the Attorney advised he would obtain and forward to each of the members of this Board and the Traffic Commis- sion. J ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9 :15 p. m. to reconvene on October 19, 1966. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Commissioner Faiola reported there were no claims to be pre- sented at this time. 2. Reports There were no reports. 3. Communications There were no communications 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:16 p. m. 'k /-/4n44.4; To Clerk. -9-