HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_03_02 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MARCH 2, 1966 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIRE- HOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Kane Councilwoman Helwig Councilman Quadrine Councilman Chalif Councilman Faiola Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Widulsky - Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 1966 and the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of February 26, 1966 were approved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS - Supervisor's Car The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the following bids, which were referred to the Comptroller, the Attorney and the Engineer for report and recommendation at the next regular Board meeting: Bidder Bid Hory Chevrolet, Inc. $ 2,223.91 Flinn Motor Corporation 2,183.67 Crabtree Motor Sales, Inc. 2,280.85 for Plymouth Fury Crabtree Motor Sales, Inc. 2,508.73 for Dodge Polara -1- OLD BUSINESS 1. Report on Bids for Fire Chief's Car Pursuant to recommendation of the Fire Chief, Comptroller, Attorney and Engineer, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the low bid, to-wit the bid of Flinn Motor Corp. in the amount of One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Four Dollars ($1,794.00), for furnishing to the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department one (1) new 1966 four-door Red Sedan in conformance with the details set forth in the specifications therefor. 2. Re-naming of Hartung Street - (Sherwood Drive) Pursuant to report that the four residents of the portion of Hartung Street lying in the unincorpo- rated area of the Town had been individually con- tacted and were agreed to the proposed change of name from Hartung Street to Sherwood Drive in order to carry out the change made by the Village of Larchmont in the Village portion of said street and thus avoid further confusion in address, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Council- man Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that the name of that portion of Hartung Street lying in the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck be changed to Sherwood Drive; and be it further RESOLVED, that the addresses of the four (4) residents concerned shall be as follows: Name From To Mrs. Rose Wysk 32 Hartung St. 64 Sherwood Dr. Mrs. Anna Umbrino 33 Hartung St. 65 Sherwood Dr. Frank A. Guglielmo 34 Hartung St. 66 Sherwood Dr. Mrs. Corina Argenta 38 Hartung St. 70 Sherwood Dr. and be it further RESOLVED, that the residents concerned, the Mayor of the Village of Larchmont, the Larchmont Branch of the U. S. Post Office Department, the Consolidated Edison Company, -2- the New York Telephone Company, the West- chester Joint Water Works, the County Clerk and County Board of Elections of Westchester County and all Departments of the Town of Mamaroneck be so notified. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization - Collection of 1966 State, County and Town Taxes At the Tax Receiver's request for authorization to collect the 1966 State, County and Town taxes and publish and post the necessary Notice there- for, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaro- neck to collect the 1966 State, County, Town and District taxes and water rents which be- come a lien on January lst, 1966, and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 550 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, "The Daily Times", the official newspaper published in the village and - Town of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is desig- nated as the newspaper in which the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments shall publish the "Notice of the Collection of State, County, Town and District Taxes and Water Rents", and be it further RESOLVED, that said publication shall be on March 22, 1966in The Daily Times and shall be posted thereafter in accordance with law, and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 550 of the Westchester County Admin- istrative Code, the Town Board does hereby direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose address is known to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for all taxes and water rents, the expense thereof to be a Town charge. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter from Pryer Manor, Woodbine Park and Premium Pryer Associations The Clerk presented a letter addressed to the Town Council and Board of Trustees of the Village of Larch- mont by Mr. Lawrence Lowy on behalf of the Pryer Manor, -3- I Woodbine Park and Premium-Pryer Associations, dated February 24, 1966, offering the assis- tance and suggestions of the said Associations in establishing a mutually beneficial program for the overall needs of the Premium River and Mill Pond area, which was ordered received and filed with copies thereof forwarded to the Chair- men of the Planning Board, Recreation Commission and Conservation Advisory Committee, for their Boards' information and consideration. Not on Agenda - Report - Youth Council Mrs. Fay Mermey The Chair, with the Board's acquiescence, recog- nized Mrs. Fay Mermey pursuant to her request to appear briefly this evening prior to attending another meeting. Mrs. Mermey stated that she was here to verbally report for the Board's information, that the Execu- tive Committee and Sub-Committee Chairmen of the Youth Council,at a meeting last evening, had agreed to terminate the contract of the Detached Youth Worker with the Family Service of Westchester inas- much as the school was engaging a full-time Home- School Social Worker-adding that she had been authorized to say that the Youth Council's demon- stration project had favorably affected, to an appreciable degree, the school's decision in this matter. She further stated that this was very encouraging since it was a saving of Youth Council funds, and that it was hoped that this Board would renew its resolution of last March since she believed the Council had served the communities well during the past year. Mrs. Mermey explained that all of the work in the administration of the Council had been done at no cost to the municipalities, and she particularly commended the Town Comptroller, Mr. Altieri, who served as Dispersing Agent for the Youth Council. The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Mermey for coming before the Board this evening, and together with Councilwoman Helwig, on behalf of the Board, con- gratulated Mrs. Mermey on the work and service of - the Council during the past year. 2. Resolution Protesting N.Y.City Income Tax for Commuters - New Rochelle The Clerk presented a Resolution opposing Mayor Lindsay's Commuters Income Tax proposal, which was ordered received and filed for the record. -4- 2. Resolution Protesting N. Y. City Income Tax for Commuters - New Rochelle At this time Councilman Chalif presented a re- draft of the County resolution protesting the said New York City Commuters Income Tax and, on his motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous - vote: WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of New York has proposed, among other items, that a City Income Tax be enacted by the State Legislature; and WHEREAS, the proposal contemplates a levy by the City of an income tax on all income earned in the city by non-residents as well as resi- dents in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the State Income Tax; and WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Mamaroneck opposes the proposed New York City Income Tax, as it will cause many businesses to move from the City and State of New York; and WHEREAS, such removal from the State of New York will result in a most serious loss of jobs and job opportunities and tax revenue, which will not only be detrimental to the residents of the City, but also to all of the residents of the State. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Council opposes the proposed New York City Income Tax on non-residents and urges its representatives in the Legislature to use all honorable means to oppose the same; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be referred to each of the Senators and Assembly- men representing Westchester County in the State Legislature. REPORTS The Town Clerk The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of February, 1966. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of February, 1966. Report of the Building & Plumbing Inspector for the month of February, 1966. -5- 0 Report of Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of February, 1966. The Supervisor 1. Letter re Master Plan In connection with the proposed Master Plan, the Supervisor presented a letter addressed to him by Mr. Gerald J. Morrison, Associate Urban Planner, Bureau of Planning, State of New York Department of Commerce, under date of February 17, 1966 and copy of Mayor Ryan's letter to Mr. Morrison under date of February 14, 1966, which were herewith ordered received and filed for the record. Following his explanation of the request con- tained therein for the final Comprehensive Plan documents to be issued separately for the Town and Village, and upon his request that the Board, in the spirit of cooperation with the Village, make such request, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board, in the spirit of cooperation with the Village of Larchmont, hereby authorizes the Supervisor to write to Mr. Gerald J. Morrison, Associate Urban Planner, Bureau of Planning, State of New York, Department of Commerce, on its behalf requesting that the final Comprehensive Plan documents be issued entirely as separate Village of Larchmont and Un- incorporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck reports. 2. Re-apportionment - Board of Supervisors For the information of the Board, Supervisor Kane briefly outlined two proposals for re-apportionment presently before the Board of Supervisors, one as presented by the Legislation Committee of that Board, increasing the number of Supervisors to 54 and the other as presented by the County League of Women Voters, decreasing the members of the Board of Supervisors to either 17, 21, 28, or 29. Supervisor Kane advised that a public hearing there- on would be held at 2:30 p. m. on Monday, March 7th, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, urging any members who could to attend the said hearing in the belief that they would find it of great interest. -6- 3. Report - Garbage - Rubbish Disposal Meeting The Supervisor reported briefly on the proceedings of the meeting held by the Towns of Mamaroneck, Rye and Harrison and the Village of Mamaroneck with re- presentatives of The Fairfield Engineering Company of Marion, Ohio, at 4:00 p. m. on February 23, 1966 at the Harrison Town Hall, stating that all present had been greatly interested in the "digestive" com- post-producing method of disposal described. He further stated that upon receipt of confirma- tory letter requested from The Fairfield Engineering Company and the obtaining of additional information from other sources, a further report would be sub- mitted to this Board. Councilman Chalif 1. Insurance. For the purpose of the record, Councilman Chalif stated that he had not received the information requested from the Town's Insurance Agent, Mr. Epstein. He advised that Mr. Epstein had informed him that the delay was due to illness and that the informa- tion would be forthcoming within the next several days. 2. Not on Agenda - - Planning & Zoning Bills - (Sinsheimer) Councilman Chalif recommended to the Board that since the Planning Board, to which this Board had referred the subject bills at its last meeting, offered no recommendations thereon, a further study be made by this Board with action deferred until the next meeting. Councilwoman Helwig 1. Authorization of Contract - Mr. Emanuelson In connection with this matter, which had been tabled at the last meeting of the Board, Council- woman Helwig presented a letter addressed to the Board by Alan N. Weeden, Chairman of the Conserva- tion Advisory Committee, dated February 28, 1966 and reading as follows: "The Conservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a meeting held January 24, 1966, passed a resolution favoring the renewal -7- of the Town's contract for the services of Mr. Clifford E. Emanuelson. "I am instructed to advise the Town Board of the Conservation Advisory Committee's favorable indorsement for this course of action by the Town Board." Pursuant thereto, on her motion, seconded by Councilman Quadrine,it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Clifford E. Emanuelson, Conservationist, be and he hereby is engaged as part-time Consultant to the Town Conservation Program, effective January 1, 1966 and terminating December 31, 1966, to be compensated in an amount not to exceed the sum of $1,000., said sum to be paid from Sheldrake River Pro- ject, a/c 4101 in the 1966 budget. 2. Change of Date & Place Recreation Commission Meetings For the Board's information, Councilwoman Helwig presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by her advising the new time and place for the Recre- ation Commission meetings, which was herewith order- ed received and filed for the record. 3. Authorization - Secretary to Conservation Advisory Committee Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, dated February 28, 1966, herewith presented by Council- woman Helwig and filed for the record, on her motion, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Miss Barbara Panseri be and she hereby is appointed as Intermediate Typist for the Conservation Advisory Com- mittee, effective as of February 17, 1966, and to be compensated at the rate of $200. per annum. 4. Authorization - Recreation Superin- tendent - Attendance Annual Rec. Conf. Pursuant to memorandum of the Recreation Superinten- dent dated February 28, 1966, herewith presented by Councilwoman Helwig and ordered received and filed for the record, on her motion seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of the expenses of the Recreation -8- 1. Claims Commissioner Faiola presented for approval and authorization of payment, the Fire Department claims, and thereupon, on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims, which have been approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller, be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller be and they hereby are author- ized to pay the same out of the 1966 Fire De- partment Budget: Atlantic Service Center $ 12.15 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 124.85 Excelsior Auto Repair & Mach. Wks. 154.45 New York Telephone Co. 61.10 Mobil Oil Co. 50.28 Total 402.83 2. Reports Commissioner Faiola submitted the following report which was ordered received and filed: Fire Report for the month of February, 1966. 3. Communications There were no communications to be submitted at this time. 4. Other Business a. Fire Chief - The Fire Chief presented the Rules and Regulations, as previously approved by this Commission, and now published in booklet form by Mr. Kronenberger, whom Mr. Librandi highly complimented for this fine look- ing pamphlet. b. Outdoor Burning - The Fire Chief raised a question on the matter of outdoor burning as to whether a County Ordinance supercedes a Local Ordinance. The matter was referred to the attention of the Town Attorney. - 5. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:45 p. m. to reconvene March 16, 1966.. 11.01A, 0JVJ ylt4~ -13- n erk