HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967_05_17 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MAY 17, 1967, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Kane Councilwoman Helwig Councilman Quadrine Councilman Chalif Councilman Faiola Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Altier - Comptroller Mr. Widulski - Engineer Mr. Paonessa - Building Inspector APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the regular meetings of April 19th and May 3rd, 1967 and the special meeting of April 28th, 1967 were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS 1. Application for Swimming Pool Permit Mr. David N. Hill - 14 Doris Road, Town Pursuant to direction at the last meeting, notification of the subject application was sent to the following property owners in the area of the proposed pool, to which no replies were received: Mr. William Cannella West Red Oak Lane, White Plains. Mr. Jesse Rothman 6 Doris Road, Mamaroneck. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Weinstein 6 Fairway Drive, Mamaroneck. The Clerk then presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Building Inspector under date of May 16, 1967 recommending approval of this application subject to the conditions listed therein, which was ordered received and filed for the record. -1- X70 Mr. Hill, the applicant, who was present upon questioning by the Supervisor stated that he agreed to the conditions stipulated by the Building Inspector, and thereupon since there were no further questions nor any discussion, on motion by Councilman Faiolas- seconded by Councilman Quad- rine, the following resolution was offered: WHEREAS, Mr. David N. Hill has presented a revised application for a permit to construct a swimming pool and appurtenances on premises located at 14 Doris Road, Town, and known as Block 333 Parcel 1148, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck has examined the plans and specifications for the proposed pool as revised and amended, and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector finds that the revised plans and specifications as amended and supplemented to include certain recommended conditions conform in all respects with the requirements of the Swimming Pool Ordinance (Article 23 of the Building Code) and therefore recommends that the application be approved; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. David N. Hill for a permit to construct a swimming pool on his premises located at 14 Doris Road, Town, and known as Block 333 Parcel 1148, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, is hereby approved, and the Building Inspector is hereby authorized to issue a permit for same provided the pool is constructed in conformance with the revised plans and specifications sub- mitted and filed with the revised application as amended and supplemented to show compliance with the following conditions: 1. That no temporary or portable cabanas or awnings be placed on the property. 2. That the applicant shall obtain a building permit within thirty (30) days of the fil- ing of the resolution with the Town Clerk and said permit shall expire two (2) years from date of said resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, that all work must be completed and the owner obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Inspector before the pool is used. -2- d Upon roll call, the vote on the foregoing resolution was as follows: Supervisor Kane - Aye Councilman Chalif - Aye Councilwoman Helwig - Aye Councilman Quadrine - Aye Councilman Faiola - Aye The foregoing resolution was therefore adopted by unani- mous vote. The Board directed that a certified copy of the fore- going resolution be forwarded to the applicant and the Building Inspector. PRESENTATION At this time, the Supervisor with the Board's consent, deferred the regular order of business in order to welcome former Supervisor and Mrs. George D. Burchell. He explained that Mr. and Mrs. Burchell had been invited this evening so that at long last the former Supervisor's picture could join those of the other Supervisors and take its rightful place on the wall of the Council Room. Supervisor Kane stated that it was indeed an honor and a privilege to accept the portrait on behalf of the Town and then hung it in its proper place remarking briefly on the accomplishments and progress of the Town during Mr. Burchell's administration, which, he said, "I can personal- ly attest since I served with George both as a Council- man and as the Deputy Supervisor". In presenting Mrs. Burchell an orchid, Mrs. Helwig said it was a small but sincere token of our appreciation of your inescapeable although unpublicized service to the Town during your husband's tenure of office. Mrs. Burchell thanked Mrs. Helwig and the members of the Board for the lovely posey and for their thoughtfulness and the tribute paid to her - - and she expressed her pleasure at being invited to this particular kind of "hanging ceremony". The former Supervisor, after expressing his sincere thanks and appreciation to all present, extended to the Super- visor, Councilmen and members of the staff, his best wishes they would have as many pleasant and enjoyable years to come as he had had during the ten years he had been privileged to serve the Town as its Supervisor. OLD BUSINESS 2. Purchase of Accounting Machine (Memo - Tax Receiver, Attorney and Comptroller) Pursuant to memorandum dated April 17, 1967 herewith pre- sented and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Quadrine, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously -3- ~b RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the purchase of National Cash Register Elec- tronic Accounting Machine #395-301 at the bid price of $11,366.00, funds for which have been provided in the 1967 budget. NEW BUSINESS 1. Change of Polling Place - 18th District Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Clerk herewith pre- sented by him and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the polling place for the 18th District be changed from the Hampshire House, 3 Washington Square, Larchmont, to the Carlton House, 1 Washington Square, Larchmont, New York. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Police Commission - Expense Authorization Pursuant to request of the Police Commission dated May 15, 1967, herewith presented and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $12.00 to cover expenses of Chief Mancusi and Lieu- tenant O'Brien in attending the Police Manage- ment Seminar to be conducted by the Federal Bureau of investigation at Westchester Com- munity College on June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1967. 2. Letter - Mayor Goldsmith (Appointment to Library Board) For informational purposes a copy of a letter addressed by Mayor Goldsmith to Mrs. Edward P. Meehan of 10 Thomp- son Place, Larchmont, under date of May 4, 1967 inform,ing her of her appointment as a Trustee of the Larchmont Library Board was read and ordered received and filed for the record. Supervisor Kane stated that he voiced and seconded hearti- ly those sentiments expressed by Mayor Goldsmith in his letter. 3. Letter - Hughes & Hughes Builders, Inc. (Cancellation Bond - Murdock Woods, Section 5.) The Clerk presented a letter from Hughes & Hughes Builders, Inc., dated May 10, 1967 requesting cancellation of a Performance Bond on Murdocks Woods - Section 5, in the -4- I R2 sum of $20,000.00 which, upon motion by Councilman Quad- rine and seconded by Councilman Faiola, was referred to the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board by unanimous vote of this Board. 4. Public Notice - Village of Larchmont, zoning Board of Appeals. The Clerk presented Notice of a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Larchmont dated May 9, 1967 concerning application of Humble Oil Company for the installation of three additional gasoline storage tanks of 2,000 gallons each which had been referred to the Attorney. Upon his report that examination of the Town Code disclosed no requirements limiting gasoline storage and assurance by the Village of Larchmont Engineer of the inclusion of safety factors if the application were to be granted, the Notice was herewith ordered received and filed. REPORTS The Town Clerk The Clerk presented the following reports which were here- with ordered received and filed for the record: Town Clerk's Report for the month of April, 1967. Summary of Receipts & Disbursements for the period January 1, 1967 - April 30, 1967 The Supervisor - - 1. Report - Hommocks The Supervisor reported that a meeting had been held in his office last Saturday r:morning by the members of the Board, the Town Attorney, Engineer, and Highway Superin- tendent with Messrs. Howard Sloane and Ronald Barnes, residents of the Hommocks area, in a further effort to resolve problems resulting from the construction of the new Middle School. For the information of those present he then summarized the results of this meeting as follows: 1. That there was a change in management of the Sanitary Land Fill Operation with the Town Engineer, Mr. widul- ski, in charge. 2. That a Special Patrol had been established at a cost of $45.00 per day for off-duty policemen to patrol the Land Fill Operation 12 hours a day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p. m., 7 days a week in order to prevent further unauthorized dumping, with the locks and chains which had been maliciously broken repaired and with "No Dumping" signs posted on the Burger property. -5- 3. That the Town was doing and would continue to do everything possible to insist on the proper main- tenance of the temporary and other roads in the area and to this end would meet with the Board of Education tomorrow evening. Pursuant to the Comptroller's request that a resolution authorizing the expenditure for the Special Patrol was necessary, on motion by Councilman Quadrine, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of $45.00 per day, effective as of May 15, 1967, to cover the cost of the Special Patrol of the Hommocks Land Fill area daily from 8:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. by two off-duty Police officers serving as Patrol Agents, each to be compensated at the rate of $3.75 per hour. Mr. Blaise Fatone, 711 Forest Avenue, Town Mr. Fatone, Landscape Contractor, requested, as he had at the previous meeting, that the land-fill area be opened to Town residents. He stated that it was a hardship to dump elsewhere as he had already computed fees for his work based on the avail- ability of the dumping space at the Hommocks. Councilman Chalif replied that the Board at this moment was taking the whole problem under consideration and would try to work out a program which would permit gardeners to dump while keeping "gypsy" or unauthorized trucks out. He further stated that the Board would meet tomorrow to begin the working out of such a program and that it should certain- ly be resolved prior to the next meeting. Councilman Quadrine then stated that it had been his impres- sion that the gardeners living in the Town would be allowed to dump as of the present date but upon it being brought to his attention that if there were a dumping there must be a burning, he, too, agreed that all dumping must be withheld until a final solution of the problem is reached. Mr. John Marek, 47 Hommocks Road, Town Mr. Marek asked the Supervisor in exactly what area any future dumping would take place. He referred to a letter addressed to the Supervisor by the Attorneys for the Burger property which he believed stated that any dumping on that property would lead to revocation since it had been given to the Town for recreation and conservation use only. The Supervisor replied that the Town Attorney had replied to the letter to which Mr. Marek referred advising that the dumping which had occurred was in error and that there would be no further dumping. -6- "I r) Z1. Mr. Marek then requested that this letter be made public, to which the Supervisor replied that the letter had been addressed to him - not to the Board. He stated, how- ever, that he would be glad to take the request under advisement. Councilman Chalif - - 1. Planning Board Memos a) Baldwin Hills Development Councilman Chalif presented the following memorandum regarding Baldwin Hills Development addressed to the Board by the Chairman of the Planning Board under date of May 12, 1967: "At the meeting of the Planning Board on July 6, 1966 a Resolution was adopted and ordered sent to the Town Board for its approval pro- viding for the reduction of the bond of the subdivision known as Baldwin Hills from $180- 000. to $10,000. "Inasmuch as Lot No. 10 in this development which was required to be deeded to the Town for recreation use had not been deeded and was not in satisfactory condition at that time, your Board refused to approve the reduction of the bond. The developer has again requested the reduction of the bond to $15,000. "This is to confirm that the Town Engineer is of the opinion that the work remaining to be done can be accomplished for $15,000. or less and accordingly that in the view of the Plan- ning Board it would be appropriate to reduce the bond to $15,000. if and when lot No. 10 is deeded to the Town and is placed in condition satisfactory to the Town Engineer and the Re- creation Commission." Councilman Chalif then stated that since the Town Engineer was of the opinion that the work remaining to be done could be accomplished for $15,000. or less, accordingly it would seem appropriate to grant the reduction as requested if and when lot #10 was put in satisfactory condition and deeded to the Town. Councilman Quadrine, however, stated that he strongly opposed any consideration of the requested reduction until the developers had corrected the sewer-manhole connection in accordance with the specifications for same since there were serious complaints from residents of both the Town and the Village of Mamaroneck regard- ing this matter, He further stated that although there had been some cleaning up of the property and its condi- tion would seem to be somewhat improved, it still badly needed further attention. -7- In view of this sewer-manhole situation and the facts set forth in the memorandum herewith quoted, Council- man Chalif suggested that the developers be so advised in order that they would know why the request for reduc- tion of the Bond could not be approved at this time. Mr. Jerome Kretchmar, 605 Third Avenue, New York City. Mr. Kretchmar, the developer, who was present, upon recognition addressed the Board stating that lot #10 - would be put in satisfactory condition and deeded to the Town and further that the sewer-manhole situation would be corrected in accordance with the specifications. He continued explaining that it was of utmost impor- tance to the developer that the bond be reduced prior to the next premium payment and again requested that the Board so authorize this reduction at this time subject to and pending approval by the Town Engineer and the Recreation Commission. Councilman Chalif then asked the date of the next pre- mium payment and upon advice that it was in the middle of June suggested to Mr. Kretchmar that the developers proceed with the necessary improvements and that the - matter be placed on the agenda for the June 7, 1967, meeting and acted upon by the Board at that time since this would effect reduction of the bond prior to the date of the next premium payment, which was so ordered. b) Premium Point Recreation Area Councilman Chalif presented the following memorandum addressed to the Board by the Chairman of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board under date of May 15, 1967 regarding the Premium Point Recreation Area: "We notice from a news item in the Daily Times of May 2, 1967, that Mr. Goldsmith, Jr., Mayor of the Village of Larchmont, indicated that the Village was still interested in the development of the Premium Point Area for recreation purposes as recommended by Raymond & May in the Master Plan but that the Town of Mamaroneck "decided it did not want to go ahead with the project." "We are of the opinion that this recommended pro- ject should not be abandoned as indicated above but that the subject be actively pursued with the objective of reserving that area for recreation and conservation purposes while it is still avail- able. "As indicated by Raymond & May in their memorandum report #24 of September 8, 1965 the Premium River Preserve, has an open area of approximately 22.27 acres (Village 6.75 acres, Town 15.5 acres) which should be reserved for recreation purposes. Fur- ther as indicated in Raymond & May's memo #22 of -8- A r-) July 1, 1965, Federal and State grant-in-aid pro- grams are available to local governments for the reservation and acquisition of land for recreation purposes. "Will the Town Board please actively pursue the above subject at this time so as to reserve the above- mentioned land area before it will be developed for other purposes? "Please let us know if the Planning Board can be of further assistance to the Town in this matter." Pursuant to this memorandum, Councilman Chali£ suggested that the Board approve the recommendations therein, and following some discussion Councilman Chalif's suggestion was approved unanimously. Councilwoman Helwig - - 2. Authorization of Contract with Planning Associates a) Letter - John Stahr With the Board's permission, Councilwoman Helwig brought up Item 2 on the Agenda first on her report since it had a direct bearing on the matter just presented by Council- man Chalif. She then presented a letter addressed to the Supervisor by the Chairman of the Recreation Commission under date of May 5, 1967 together with a letter addressed to the Recreation Superintendent by Arthur H. Mittelstaedt, Jr., Recreational Planning Consultant of Planning Associates, West Hempstead, New York, under date of March 7, 1967, which were herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of this meeting. Councilwoman Helwig, in accordance with the recommendation carried In Mr. Stahr's letter, requested the Board to authorize the Supervisor to enter into a contract for Pro- ject Plans for both the Hommocks and the Premium River areas with Planning Associates of West Hempstead so that the work could go forward as rapidly as possible. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to enter into and execute a contract with Planning Associates of West Hempstead, New York, to furnish to the Town of Mamaroneck two Master Project Plans at the following costs: 1. Master Project Plan for the Hommocks Area at a fee of $2,750.00. 2. Master Project Plan for the Premium River area at a fee of $2,750.00, said fee to be shared equally by the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck. Councilman Chalif questioned whether the Planners would -9- 4 t~~ recommend application for State aid which would entail the opening of these facilities to all State residents. The Board, however, authorized that Planning Associates be directed to make a study without considering the need for or availability of State funds. Mr. John Marek Mr. Marek, upon recognition, addressed the Board at this time stating that in the past when studies were being made and meetings held on the future of the Hommocks area, a certain association had been invited to participate but that other families immediately concerned had never been included in these discussions and asked why this had been the case. Councilwoman Helwig in replying advised Mr. Marek that when the Hommocks Study Committee had been formed, the Board had presumed that all of the Hommocks residents were represented therein and further that all Town Recre- ation Commission meetings were open meetings and that from this date henceforth notices thereof would be for- warded to Mr. Marek and to any other residents he might suggest. Dr. Milton Kleinman, 510 Hommocks Road Dr. Kleinman, referring to a memorandum dated April 24, 1967 addressed to the Supervisor by Mr. Fred Kellogg stating that uncovered ashes on the Burger property were being covered that day with work continuing in the area until it was nicely graded-off and presentable, asked why this work was still not completed. He further requested that a grey shelter used by the Incinerator Commission employees to change their clothes at the land- fill site be removed because it was an "eye-sore". The Supervisor assured Dr. Kleinman that with the change in management just effected the clean-up of the Burger property would now proceed rapidly and Councilman Quadrine assured Dz. Kleinman that the shed to which he referred would be removed tomorrow morning. 1. Reappointment Mr. John Stahr, Recreation Commission. Councilwoman Helwig nominated for reappointment as Chair- man and member of the Recreation Commission, Mr. John Stahr whose present term would expire on May 19, 1967. The Board after heartily commending Mr. Stahr for his exceptional work in the Recreation field and the many coit- tributions he had made to our community, authorized his reappointment by unanimous vote, requesting that the Supervisor convey to Mr. Stahr its sincere thanks and delight that he was willing to continue to serve in this post. -10- A Councilwoman Helwig then welcomed Mr. Stahr and Mrs. Steffans of the Recreation Commission, and Mr. Kronen- berger, Superintendent of Recreation, who had just come in, and presented them to those present. She relayed the news of Mr. Stahr's reappointment and com- mendation by the Board, and the Board's authorization for Planning Associates' proposals for both the Hommocks and Premium River areas. 3. Apportionment (Not on Agenda) Councilwoman Helwig presented the following petition from the Assessor, requesting correction of the assess- ment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and thereupon on her motion, seconded by Councilman Chalif, the following resolution was adopted by unani- mous vote of the Board: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented the follow- ing petition for the correction of the assess- ment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966 School Taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Only 713 456 A. A. Wyn $4,500.00 be corrected as follows in accordance with the pro- visions of sub-division 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 713 456 Susan Schofer $4,400.00 713 472 Rose Wyn 100.00 4. Invitation - Pinchot Institute (Not on Agenda) For the Board's information, Councilwoman Helwig reported that she had been invited by the Pinchot Institute to be present on June 1st and 2nd, 1967 to edit materials on - the Town's Conservation Program, at the expense of the Pinchot Institute, she was happy to say. Councilman Quadrine - - 1. Report - Murray Avenue Sewer Break -11- l~byj Councilman Quadrine presented a memorandum addressed to him by the Comptroller under date of May 17, 1967, which advised that under the law it was not necessary to adver- tise for bids for the repair of the Murray Avenue sewer since this was a public health emergency - (General Muni- cipal Law Section 103, sub-division 4 and State Comp- trollers opinions 1957, Opinion 663) - and that pur- suant thereto, a resolution must be adopted by unani- mous vote of this Board for the purpose of authorizing such repair without taking bids. Councilman Quadrine highly complimented the Public Works Department on its efforts last Saturday and Sunday in repairing the Murray Avenue sewer break. He stated that the men were on the job from Saturday morning until Sun- day night and were working under very dangerous condi- tions the entire time since it was necessary to make the repairs beneath unsupported concrete utility lines running over the sewer. 2. Authorization to Advertise for Bids - 72" drain - Hommocks Pursuant to memorandum of the Engineer dated May 17, 1967, herewith presented by Councilman Quadrine and ordered received and filed for the record, on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro- neck, The Daily Times, a Notice for sealed bids to be returnable, opened and read aloud at a regular meeting of this Board on Wednesday even- ing, June 7, 1967, at 8:15 p. m, in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, for the installation of 72" storm drain and manhole in Hommocks Park. 3. Report - Plans and Specifications - Reconstruction Myrtle Avenue and Madison Avenue Sidewalk Pursuant to memorandum of the Engineer dated May 17, 1967, herewith presented by Councilman Quadrine and ordered received and filed for the record, on his motion, second- ed by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro- neck, The Daily Times, a Notice for sealed bids to be returnable, opened and read aloud at a regular meeting of this Board on Wednesday even- ing, June 7, 1967, at 8:15 p. m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, for the reconstruction of cer- tain irregular portions of the sidewalk on Myrtle Avenue and Madison Avenue. -12- 4. Preparation of Specifications - Sidewalk, Weaver Street from Palmer Avenue to Boston Post Road (Not on Agenda) Pursuant to Councilman Quadrine's request, the Engineer was authorized to prepare Plans and Specifications for the installation of a sidewalk on Weaver Street from Palmer Avenue to the Boston Post Road. The Supervisor remarked that a large number of requests - for such a walk had been received and that the Town would certainly make every effort to provide such a facility particularly in view of the coming opening of the new Middle School. Councilman Faiola - - 1. Committee on Family and Youth a) New Officers Councilman Faiola informed the Board of the new officers of the Committee on Family and Youth as had been, of course, duly reported in the local press and remarked on the exceptionally fine personnel elected to serve. b) New Teen Canteen Councilman Faiola also informed the Board of the new Teen Center to be located in St. Thomas' Parish House, suggest- ing that the Supervisor on behalf of the Board address a letter thanking St. Thomas' officials for these facili- ties, which was so directed. The Town Attorney - - The Attorney stated that he had no report at this time. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mr. Hunter Meighan, Attorney Mr. Meighan addressed the Board with regard to the matter of a proposed sub-division on certain property extending southerly from the dead-end of Laurel Avenue presently before the Planning Board, advising that certain legal problems in connection therewith were under considera- tion by the Town Attorney and himself and requesting that the Board take action in this matter. The Supervisor advised Mr. Meighan that it was presently under advisement and that it would be placed on the agenda for the June 7, 1967 meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:45 p. m., to reconvene on June 7, 1967. -13- ~a BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Claims Commissioner Faiola presented for approval and authoriza- tion of payment, the following Fire Department claims, and thereupon on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims, as audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Fire Chief, are hereby approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the proper item in the 1967 Fire Department budget: Atlantic Exterminating Corp. $ 7.00 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co.,Inc. 159.60 Con Edison 86.93 Con Edison 5.00 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 152.45 Anthony N. Librandi 126.70 Nicholas G. La Russell 86.15 McGuire Bros., Inc. 5.00 Mobil Oil Corp. 56.24 New York Telephone Co. 7.43 New York Telephone Co. 102.95 The State Insurance Fund 569.91 Suburban Communications, Inc. 63.89 Village of Mamaroneck 33.08 Wide World Photos, Inc. 60.35 2. Reports There were no reports at this time. 3. Communications a) Letter - Fire Chief - Expense Authorization Pursuant to request of the Fire Chief addressed to the Comptroller under today's date herewith presented by Commissioner Faiola and ordered received and filed for the record, on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes the expenditure of a sum not to exceed $350.00 to cover the costs of the Fire Chief, First Deputy and a driver in attending the New York State Fire Chief Convention to be held at the Concord Hotel, Monticello, New York, June 11th through June 14th, 1967, said expenditure to be made from the proper item in the 1967 Fire Dis- trict budget. 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:50 p. m., to reconve n on June 7, 1967. -14-