HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967_01_18 Town Board Minutes e A?~ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANUARY 18, 1967 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Kane Councilwoman Helwig Councilman Quadrine Councilman Chalif Councilman Faiola Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Widulski - Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 1966 were approved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS,- Parking Meters The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the follow- ing bids: Bidder Bid Rhodes Parking Meters $ 2,500.00 Koontz Equipment Corp. 2,873.50 It was brought to the Board's attention that since Rhodes Park- ing Meters was the low bidder and the meters presently used by the Town had been supplied by said company and were satisfactory, it was recommended that in this instance the low bid be accepted as submitted. The Comptroller then advised the Board that if the bid were accepted, the sum of $2,500, must be transferred from Part Town Sur- plus to Part Town Miscellaneous, Parking Meter Account. And thereupon, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of the low bidder, to wit, that of Rhodes Parking Meters in the sum of $2,500., for furnishing to the Town of Mamaroneck, fifty (50) Parking meters in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Notice for Bids, and be it further -1- RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. Councilman Chalif observed that it might be premature to act on the question at this time in view of possible clarification in this session of the legislature and sug- gested that the matter be tabled pending such clarification. Councilman Faiola stated that since Even if the modi- fications were made in this legislative session, the Town did not have to go along if it did not choose to, and that the matter be acted on now, to which Councilwoman Helwig agreed since waiting a year would prevent relief from apply- ing this year. Whereupon, following Councilman Quadrine's remark that he felt there was little to fear since it would seem the number of persons involved would be very small, on a motion by him and seconded by Councilman Faiola, the follow- ing resolution was offered and upon roll call adopted by unanimous vote of the Board with all members present and voting: A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR A PARTIAL EXEMPTION FROM TOWN TAXES, OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY CERTAIN PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOME WHO ARE SIXTY FIVE YEARS OR OVER. Be it Enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck as follows: SECTION 1. - Pursuant to the provisions of section four hundred sixty-seven of the real property tax law, the purpose of this resolution is to grant a partial exemption from taxation to the extent of fifty per centum of the assessed valuation of the real property which is owned by certain persons with limited income who are sixty-five years of age or over, meeting the requirements set forth in such section. 2. - Real property owned by persons sixty- five years of age or over shall be exempt from Town taxes, except district taxes, to the extent of fifty per centum of the assessed valuation, subject to the following conditions: a. The owner or all of the owners must file an appli- cation annually in the assessor's office of the Town in which real property is located, at least ninety days before the day of filing the final assessment roll or such other time as may be hereafter fixed by law. b. The income of the owner or the combined income of the owners must not exceed $3,000. from all sources as set forth in such section four hundred sixty-seven, for the twelve consecutive months prior to the date that the application is filed. Where title is vested in either the husband or wife, the combined income may not exceed such sum. -4- 0 C. Title to the property must be vested in the owner, or, if more than one, in all the owners for at least sixty consecutive months prior to the date that the application is filed. d. The property must be used exclusively for residential purposes, be occupied in whole or in part, by the owners and constitute the legal residence of the owners. 3. This RESOLUTION shall take effect immediately after its adoption, and shall be applicable to Town taxes, except district taxes, for the year nineteen hundred sixty-eight and for subsequent years. OLD BUSINESS 1. Request of Tax Receiver - Electronic Accounting Machine The Clerk presented a letter from Mr. Leo N. Orsino, dated January 12, 1967, stressing the urgency of selec- tion of an Electronic Accounting Machine for installation in the Tax Office as close to February lst as possible. Following some discussion of the two machines (Burroughs and National Cash Register) con£ormance.with the specifications, the matter was referred to the Comp- troller for study and report. NEW BUSINESS 1. Transfer of Funds - Memo of Comptroller The Clerk presented a memorandum of the Comptroller dated January 16, 1967, which was herewith filed for the record, and in accordance therewith, on a motion by Councilwoman Helwig and seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the following transfer of funds within the 1967 budget: From: General Town Surplus $7,302.72 To: Miscellaneous-General Town A/C 509 7,302.72 2. Request of County Public Works - Street Opening Permits Pursuant to memorandum from the County Department of Public Works herewith presented and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Quadrine, seconded by Councilman -5- Faiola, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 605 of the Laws of 1941, revised as of June 5, 1961, the Commissioner of Public Works of West- chester County with the approval of the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive of Westchester, has prescribed rules, regulations, safeguards, specifications and conditions for the protection, reconstruction, maintenance, or restoration of any County Road or portion thereof, and for the protection and safety of the traveling public thereon during any opera- tions of reconstruction, maintenance or restora- tion of such County Road or portion thereof, and WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations require any person, firm, corporation, improvement dis- trict, or municipality doing any work upon any County Road to obtain a written permit from the Commissioner of Public Works and to deposit a certified check made payable to the order of the County of Westchester in an amount computed by the extent of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations provide that any city, village, town public improvement district, or other municipality may, in lieu of making the said mentioned deposit, file with the Commissioner of Public Works a certified copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Governing Board of such municipality guaranteeing faithful per- formance by the said municipality of all the terms, covenants and conditions as set forth in the per- mit, which resolution shall be effective for per- mits issued during the remainder of the calendar year after adoption, and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, from time to time, is required to do work within the County Road area for which a written permit from the Commissioner. of Public Works of Westchester County is required, and for which a certified check deposit is required, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby guarantee faithful performance of all the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions of each and every written permit as referred to herein issued by the Commissioner of Public Works of Westchester County and that this guarantee of faithful perfor- mance shall be applicable to all such written per- mits issued during the present calendar year, January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967. -6- COMMUNICATIONS 1. Public Notice - Zoning Board of Appeals, Larchmont Village The Clerk presented a notice of meeting of the Zon- ing Board of Appeals of Larchmont Village which, upon the Attorney's advice was for informational purposes only, was ordered received and filed for the record. REPORTS The Town Clerk The Clerk presented the following which were ordered received and filed for the record: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of December, 1966. Report of the Building and Plumbing inspector for the year 1966. The Supervisor 1. Letter, Attorney for West Fordham Transportation Corp. The Supervisor presented a letter addressed to him by Samuel B. Zinder, Attorney for West Fordham Transpor- tation Corp., under date of January 11, 1967, applying for the necessary franchise and consent to operate omni- buses over, upon and along Palmer Avenue between the Easterly Town line and the Westerly Town line. The Board directed that this be referred to the Board of Police Commissioners for study and report and fixed the date for a public hearing thereon on Wednesday evening, February 15, 1967, and that Mr. Zinder be advised accord- ingly. Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by this Board on Wednesday evening, February 15, 1967, to consider the application of West Fordham Transportation Corp. for fran- chise and consent to operate omnibuses over, upon and along Palmer Avenue between the Easterly Town line and Westerly Town line of the Town of Mamaroneck, and that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish Notice of such public hearing in "The Daily Times", the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, as required by law. -7- 2. Authorization to Advertise for New Car Pursuant to memo of the Comptroller dated January 16, 1967, herewith presented by the Supervisor and filed for the record, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, second- ed by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, this - Board hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids for a new Town car, said bids to be re- turnable, opened and read aloud publicly at the regular meeting on February 15, 1967, at 8:15 p. m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck. Councilman Chalif 1. Report - Planning Board Meeting Councilman Chalif reported briefly on the Planning Board meeting last Wednesday evening, stating that because of revisions in the present plans for enlarging the swim- ming pool at Bonnie Briar Country Club, new plans would be resubmitted to that Board at a meeting to be held on Tuesday evening, January 24th. 2. Insurance - Progress Report Councilman Chalif presented a draft of the report on Town Insurance and stated that he was hopeful that some few matters therein would be reviewed and the report final- ized by the end of next week. Councilwoman Helwig 1. Report - Conservation Councilwoman Helwig reported on the January 14th visit of Mrs. Curtis and Mr. Bardalotta of the New Britain, Con- necticut Children's Museum. She stated that both Mrs. Curtis and Mr. Bardalotta had been delighted with the Town's accomplishments and were hopeful of emulating the Town on their 200-acre tract in New Britain. 2. Invitation (Not on Agenda) Councilwoman Helwig reported to the Board that the Conservation Advisory Committee had been invited to tape a television show for WFIL in Philadelphia on January 31st, and that Clifford B. Emanuelson, Professional Consultant to the Committee; Sheldon J. Levine, Mamaroneck Schools Science Resource Teacher; Mrs. James G. Johnson of the Committee, and she would go to Philadelphia on that date taking along slides of the nature areas and trails recently developed in various parts of the Town. -8- t~ 3. Authorization - Annual Assessor's Conference Councilwoman Helwig presented memo of the Comptroller dated January 16, 1967, which was herewith filed for the record, and pursuant thereto on her motion, seconded by Councilman Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes Thomas J. McEvoy, Assessor, to attend the New York State Annual Assessors' Convention in Syracuse, New York, January 15-18, 1967, with expenses not to exceed $125.00 paid from the proper item in the 1967 budget for the Assessor. 4. Apportionments Councilwoman Helwig presented the following peti- tions from the Assessor, requesting correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes, and thereupon on her motion, seconded by Council- man Chalif, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented the following petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Ad- ministrative Code, known as the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assessment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 826 104 Elsie Goodliffe & ors $ 6,700.$10,000.$16,700. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 826 104 Elsie Goodliffe & ors $ 6,500.$10,000.$16,500. 826 126 Waverly Realty Corp. 200. 200. and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: -9- Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 803 11 Lawrence A. Rigano & W. $2,200.$2,800.$5,000. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 803 11 Jane Rigano $1,200.$ 200.$1,400. (320-124) 803 16 Lawrence A. Rigano 1,000. 2,600. 3,600. and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 722 123 Walter G. Distler $9,000.$11,000.$20,000. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 722 123 Frederic G. Barnet & W. $1,800. $ 1,800. 722 129 Walter G. Distler 7,200.$11,000. 18,200. and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Only 719 297 Burton C.Meighan & W. $ 6,300. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 719 10 Harold H. Frankel $ 300. 719 297 Clare Josephine Delaney 6,000. and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: -10- Block Parcel Name Land Only 413 1 Town of Mamaroneck $ 2,000. 413 25 Town of Mamaroneck 1,300. 413 39 Town of Mamaroneck 4,000. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Only 413 1 Town of Mamaroneck $ 1,200. 413 129 Board of Education 800 413 25 Town of Mamaroneck 400 413 119 Board of Education 900 413 39 Town of Mamaroneck 1,400 413 68 Board of Education 2,600 and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1966, taxes of 1967, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land only 411 1 Town of Mamaroneck $ 1,400. 411 76 Town of Mamaroneck 6,000. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 411 1 Town of Mamaroneck $ 800. 411 16 Board of Education 600. 411 76 Town of Mamaroneck 4,000. 411 107 Board of Education 2,000. 5. Revaluation Councilwoman Helwig reported that the contract between the Town and Valuation Associates had been reviewed by the two villages and the Town and finalized and requested, if there were no further questions, that the Supervisor be authorized to execute same on behalf of the Town. At this time the Chair recognized Mr. Russell Clune who addressed the Board from the floor stating that he would like to know some of the terms of the contract if it were not out of order. The Attorney passed a copy of the contracC.to Mr. Clune who read it, and thereupon since there were no further questions or comments, on motion by Councilwoman Helwig, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes and directs the Supervisor to execute on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck the contract between the Town of Mamaroneck and Valuation Associates, Inc. for revaluation of the Town -11- of Mamaroneck at a total cost of $58,000. payment to be made as specified in the said contract. Councilman Quadrine 1. Appointment of Sanitation Man (Larry Rinaldi) Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, dated January 16, 1967, herewith presented by Councilman Quadrine and ordered received and filed for the record, on his motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Larry Rinaldi be and he hereby is appointed a Sanitation Man of the Town of Mamaroneck Sanitation Depart- ment, effective January 9, 1967, and to be compensated at the rate of $5,780. per annum. 2. Authorization - Expenditure of Highway Moneys Agreement Councilman Quadrine presented for the Board's appro- val Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys for the year 1967, in accordance with Section 284 of the High- way Law, and thereupon on his motion, seconded by Council- woman Helwig, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the Agreement for the Expenditure of High- way Moneys for the year 1967 as presented herewith. 3. Approval of Highway Estimate and Budget for the year 1967 The Clerk presented for the Board's approval, the Annual Highway Estimate and Budget for the year 1967, and thereupon, on motion by Councilman Quadrine, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the Annual Highway Estimate and Budget for the year 1967, as herewith presented. 4. Report on Bid for Hommocks Drain Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Engineer, dated January 16, 1967, recommending the acceptance of the one bid received, as herewith submitted by Councilman Quadrine and filed for the record, on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, it was unanimously -12- RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the only bid submitted, that of Salvatore Miceli in the sum of $37,150. for construc- tion of a 48" storm drain in Hommocks Park, Town, said construction to be in conform- ance with the specifications and subject to approval by the Town Engineer. 5. Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Staircase cover - Larchmont Station Pursuant to memo of the Town Engineer, dated January 16, 1967, herewith presented by Councilman Quadrine and filed for the record, after mentioning that this should be good news for the commuters at Larchmont Station, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the Town Engineer to prepare plans and specifi- cations for the cover of the stairs at the Town Parking Lot, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk, in accordance with law, be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids for such cover, said bids to be return- able, opened and read aloud publicly at the regular meeting on February 1, 1967, at 8:15 p.m. in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Fire- house, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck. Councilman Faiola 1. Minutes - Family & Youth Councilman Faiola reported on the meeting of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Committee on Family and Youth held November 22, 1966, presenting the minutes thereof which were herewith ordered received and filed for the record. He reported that the Family and Youth Program was moving along splendidly and called to the Board's attention the recent acceptance by Mr. Joseph B. Wise of the Chairman- ship of the Youth Activities Committee of the Council. He presented a note addressed by Mr. Wise to the Super- visor under date of January 11th, together with the Super- visor's acknowledgment thereof, requesting a meeting to discuss the Youth Activities program and stated that this had been referred to him as liaison and that he would con- tact Mr. Wise to arrange such a meeting as requested. 2. Letter from John R. Lambrosa - Special Assistant for Youth Services of Westchester County -13- Councilman Faiola informed the Board of a letter addressed to the Supervisor under date of January 10th by Mr. Lambrosa, together with the Supervisor's acknow- ledgment, advising of Mr. Lambrosa's availability to the Youth Activities Committee of the Town, which were herewith ordered received and filed for the record. The Town Attorney 1. Approval of Performance Bond - Lundy Lane In accordance with the Planning Board's request herewith presented by the Attorney and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board in accordance with the request of the Town of Mamaroneck Plan- ning Board, and recommendations of the Town Engineer and Attorney, hereby approves the Performance Bond No. 4033, in the amount of $88,000., dated November 1, 1966, upon which the international Fidelity Insurance Company is Surety, and Loman Homes, Inc. of 307 Hoyt Avenue, Mamaroneck, is Principal, for the "Subdivision of Lundy Lane, Section 1 and 2", located on property known and described as Block 502, Parcel 11 and Block 503, Parcels 490 and 634 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, as authorized by resolu- tion adopted October 4, 1966 by the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. 2. Acceptance of Leatherstocking Lane and Cancellation of Performance Bond Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer and Superintendent of Highways under date of January 18th, recommending acceptance of Leather- stocking Lane as a Town street or highway, together with letter addressed to the Town Board under date of January 6th by Harold Blass, Attorney for the Leatherstocking Lane Subdivision, herewith presented by the Attorney and filed for the record, upon the Attorney's recommendation for such acceptance, on a motion by Councilman Faiola and seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the street known as Leatherstocking Lane as shown on map entitled "A subdivision Map of Leather- stocking Lane (formerly Rocky Lane) a Part of Section 2 - Glen Rock Estates", made by Claude Latimer, P.E., L.S., N.Y.S.License #5804 and Sal Spinelli, L.S., N.Y.S.License #23043, dated April 9, 1965, and filed in the County Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records of Westchester County, New York, on October 13, 1965 as map No. 14638, as a public street or highway of the Town of Mamaroneck, -14- C' and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board and the Town Engineer and Highway Superintendent, this Board hereby cancels Performance Bond in the amount of $3,000., upon which The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company is Surety, and Anthony J. Vileno is Principal. 3. Release - Ekistics, Inc. (Water Main Installation Country Road to Old White Plains Road) Pursuant to memo of the Town Engineer, dated Decem- ber 19, 1966, herewith presented by the Town Attorney and ordered filed for the record, and in accordance with his recommendation, it was on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilwoman Helwig, unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Comptroller of the Town of Mamaroneck to pay Westchester Joint Water Works, Inc. the sum of $5,000.00 and further to repay Ekistics, Inc. the sum of $3,000.00 deposited in escrow by said Ekistics, Inc. pursuant to Agreement dated July 6, 1966 between the Town of Mamaro- neck, Westchester Joint Water Works, Inc. and Ekistics, Inc. for the installation of a water main from old White Plains Road to Country Road.z 4. Insurance Claims - J. Bachicchio v Town of Mamaroneck M. Quinlin v Town of Mamaroneck Pursuant to the Attorney's recommendation and a com- munication addressed to the Town by the Royal-Globe Insurance Company under date of December 14, 1966, here- with presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Quadrine, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes reimbursement of the sum of $137.00 to Royal Globe Insurance Company in settlement of the claims of J. Bachicchio and M. Quinlin under the Town policy containing a $100.00 deductible property damage clause. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mrs. R. W. Hiebert - 38 Myrtle Boulevard, Town Mrs. Hiebert addressed the Board to report that the meters in the upper parking area of the Larchmont station were not repaired. It was explained that these meters were under the jurisdiction of the village of Larchmont and Councilman -15- 71 Chalif suggested to Mrs. Hiebert that she either put a note on the meters which were not functioning or report the same to the Village of Larchmont which would immed- iately take care of the matter. 2. Mr. John W. Hinchcliff - Carriage House Lane, Town Mr. Hinchcliff inquired of Councilwoman Helwig the dates that the revaluation would be completed and was advised that it would be November 15, 1967 for the Villages and March 15, 1968 for the Town. 3. Mrs. Steven Sheinhouse - 13 Dante Street, Town In response to an inquiry from Mrs. Sheinhouse address- ed to Councilwoman Helwig with regard to paving of a certain area under the slides in Memorial Park, she was advised that the Recreation Commission was presently undertaking a study of various kinds of surfacing material which could be used for repaving this area. 4. Mr. Stuart B. Miller - 191 Larchmont Avenue, Town Mr. Miller addressed the Board at this time to highly commend the Board on the action taken in the matters of tax exemption for elderly persons, and revaluation. 5. Mr. Hinchcliff then addressed the Board to thank the members :For their courtesy in hearing and answering the many questions addressed to it on revaluation and tax exemp- tion for persons over 65 years of age. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:20 p. m., to reconvene on February 1, 1967. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Commissioner Faiola presented for approval and authori- zation of payment, the following Fire Department claims, and thereupon on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims, as audited by the Comptroller and -16- i approved by the Fire Chief, are hereby approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the proper item in the 1967 Fire Department budget: Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co.Inc. $204.20 Consolidated Edison 5.00 Consolidated Edison 90.61 Excelsior Auto Repair & Mach.Wks. 3,964.50 New York Telephone Co. 7.43 New York Telephone Co. 35.75 The New Rochelle Water Co. 71.25 Barney Epstein, Inc. 441.88 The Larchmont Print 144.00 $4,964.62 2. Reports There were no reports to be presented at this time. 3. Communications Commissioner Faiola presented communication address- ed to the Board of Fire Commissioners by the Secretary of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department under date of Janu- ary 16, 1967. Whereupon, on his motion, seconded by Com- missioner Quadrine, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby approves the election of the following members of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department to the follow- ing offices for the year 1967: Engine Company #1 Peter R. Perciasepe, Jr.,Captain Michael A. Acocella, Jr., First Lieutenant Michael L. Guadagnolo, Second Lieutenant Anthony Saporito, Warden for Two Years Anthony Mirande, Secretary Salvatore Porretto, Sergeant-At-Arms Engine Company #2 Thomas G. Carino, Captain Louis A. Felice, First Lieutenant Carl J. Carpino, Jr., Second Lieutenant E. Vincent Sergi, Warden for Two Years George E. Mills, III, Secretary David L. Sayles, Sergeant-At-Arms Truck Company 4*1 Frank Claps, Captain Peter A. Gerardi, First Lieutenant Joseph Roma, Second Lieutenant L. Douglas Fletcher, Warden for Two Years Augustus R. Funck, Secretary Charles Conte, Sergeant-At-Arms -17- Patrol Company #1 Nicholas F. Mazzeo, Captain Elwin C. Kimmey, First Lieutenant Thomas F. Reynolds, III, Second Lieutenant Daniel Colombo, Warden for Two Years Arthur M. Brown, Secretary Carl J. Tortorella, Jr., Sergeant-At-Arms 4. other Business There was no other business . 5. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meet- ing was declared adjourned at 9:25 p. m., to reconvene on February 1, 1967. '41i41 T w Cle ' -18-