HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970_01_07 Town Board Minutes 329
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. and
digressed from the regular order of business to welcome the
newly elected Councilman, Lee H. Bloom, to the Board.
-- She stated that it was a great pleasure to have Mr. Bloom
seated this evening and that she and the members of the Board
anticipated working with him since his long and varied exper-
ience in serving the Town in several important posts so aptly
qualified him for membership on this Board.
Councilmen Nagel and Vandernoot endorsed the Supervisor's
statements each personally adding his words of welcome to
Councilman Bloom.
Councilman Bloom thanked the Supervisor and Councilmen Nagel
and Vandernoot for their cordiality and kindness, saying that
he was indeed "glad to be aboard" and would certainly do his
very best to uphold and continue the fine work of this hon-
orable body.
The Supervisor further noted the absence of Councilman Faiola
due to illness and extended for him his welcome and good wishes
to Councilman Bloom.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Absent: Councilman Faiola
Also Present: Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk 'i
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
The Supervisor presented the organization matters for 1970,
which on motion duly made and seconded were authorized by
unanimous adoption of the following resolutions:
1. Salaries of Elected Officials
RESOLVED, that the salaries of all
elected officials of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1970 are to
be the salaries stated and appropri-
ated in the annual budget or estimate
for that year as follows:
_ 1 _
Name Title Salary
Christine K. Helwig Supervisor pt $ 8,000.
Raymond Faiola Councilman pt 3,000.
Carl E. Nagel, Jr. Councilman pt 3,000.
Joseph F. Vandernoot Councilman pt 3,000.
Lee H. Bloom Councilman pt 3,000.
Leo Orsino Receiver of Taxes 12,920.
Martin E. King, Jr. Town Justice pt 4,505.
Russell G. Pelton Town Justice pt 4,505.
Charles Gronberg Town Clerk 12,920.
2. Appointment of and Salaries of
Appointed Officials
RESOLVED, that the salaries of all
appointed officials of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1970 are to
be the salaries stated and appropri-
ated in the annual budget or estimate
for that year as follows:
Name Title Salary
Thomas McEvoy Assessor $ 12,920.
James Johnston Attorney pt 13,000.
Joseph Altieri Comptroller 17,030.
William Widulski Engineer 16,935.
William Aitchison Highway Superintendent 14,040.
3. Appointment of and Salaries of
Civil Service Employees
RESOLVED, that the following positions in
--- the Competitive, Non-competitive and Ex-
empt Classes of the Civil Service shown
in the budget or estimate are hereby con-
tinued and the annual compensation for
the same in the year 1970 is hereby fixed
and shall be paid from the amounts appro-
priated in the annual budget or estimate for
that year, or so much thereof as shall be
sufficient to pay such annual compensation,
to be effective as of January 1st, 1970:
a) Competitive
Name Title Salary
Catherine D'Agostino Sr. Steno $ 5,785.
Charles F. Kane Assmnt. Clk. 7,750.
Frances Riley Assmt. Clk. 7,750.
Mary C. Greason Int. Act. Clk. 5,935.
Raymond Bingman Sr. Act. Clk. 7,000.
Helen Kirvin Int. Typist 5,150.
Morris D. Bufi Sr. Eng. Aide 9,865.
Rita Johnson Sr. Steno 7,000.
William Paonessa Bldg.&Plumb. Insp. II 12,920.
Genevieve Soriano Sr. Act. Clk. 7,405.
Rose P. Soper Int.Att. Clk. & Typist 6,300.
James W. Kronenberger Supt. of Rec. 14,845.
Mary Ellen Rilley Int. Act. Clk. & Typist 5,205.
Helen L. Mc Donald Sr. Steno 6,190.
2 -
_ 331
Competitive (cont'd.)
Name Title Salary
James J. O'Brien Police Chief $ 15,400.
James V. Staropoli Police Lieutenant 12,840.
Edward A. Bakker, Jr. Police Sergeant 10,725.
David P. Mc Clintock 10,725.
Frank J. ;Silvestri 10,725.
William A. Federice " 10,725.
Christopher Lovely " " 10,725.
George C. Mulcahy Police Detective 10,185.
Joseph Paonessa " " 10,185.
Thomas R.Mahoney It 9,600.
Eugene Agnessanto Police Patrolman 9,710.
Nicholas Giacomo " " 9,710.
Anthony J. Lifrieri " " 9,710.
William H. O'Rorke 9,710.
Richard E. Winckler " IT 9,710.
John T. Costello " 9,710.
Peter Diamond " " 9,710.
Ralph Perritano 9,710.
Anthony F. Ambrosovitch 9,710.
Robert M. Barasch 9,710.
Arthur Leviness, Jr. " " 9,710.
Thomas A. Vitro " " 9,710.
Frank A. De Vico 9,710.
William E. Coy " 9,430.
Vincent R. Garrison 9,430.
Charles S. Baumblatt " 9,150.
Robert Fuller " 9,150.
Paul P. Adamo 9,150.
Joel M. Greenstein " " 8,870.
John C. Anderson, Jr. " 8,870•
Stephen Mac Donald 8,870•
Robert J. Hutcheon " 8,870.
Carmine L. Catapano " " 8,870•
Peter Gerardi 8,590.
Louis A. Mosiello " " 8,590.
Michael A. Witkowski " 8,590.
Anthony R. Gerace 8,590.
Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant 10,725.
Earl Miller " IF 9,975.
Edward J. Muller " " 9,975.
Nicholas Soriano 9,975.
Frank J. Felice Fireman 9,710.
Joseph A. Garofalo it 9,710.
Carl Mirande " 9,710.
Frank Carpino 9,710.
James A. Laverty " 9,710.
Santo G. Garofalo IT 9,710.
Norman P. Wilson 9,150.
Kenneth J. Valle 9,150.
Henri Newman " 8,590.
b) Non-competitive
Thomas Aitchison Supt. of Parks 11,075.
Ralph Robins Park Foreman 9,560.
Alberta Havelka School Cross. Guard ll: per day
11 It
John Stroh it IT
Richard J. Morley
Camille Sansone
n n n 11. n. n
Esther Thaule It „
Dorothy De Falco
n n 11 n n
Mark A. Forrester „
Samuel J. Perri
3 -
c) Exempt (Full Time)
Name Title Salary
Lavenia J. Brewer Conf. Sec. to Supv. $ 11,075.
Patrick T. Leddy Maint. Fore-Gard. 8,640.
Kenneth Paterno Rec. Attendant 6,595.
Andrew Coleman Sanitation Man 7,265.
Derico Trolla 1° " 7,265.
Donald Campbell if 7,265.
Matthew Halley 7,065.
Andre Bouchard 7,065.
Sandy Lee Jones 7,065.
Giovanne Molle " " 7,065.
Wilton Sharrie " 7,065.
Russell I. Wormley " 7,065.
Clarence Sanford " " 6,295.
Kenneth Wesley " 6,295.
Wesley Moate 6,680.
Gilbert Campbell 6,680.
d) Exempt (Part Time)
Lavenia J. Brewer Sec. Park Comm. 200.
Rita Johnson Sec. Plan. & Zon. Bds. 200. each
Barbara Evangelista Sec. Rec. Comm. 200.
Helen Kirvin Sec. Cons. Adv. Comm. 200.
Ralph Condro Fire Inspector 960.
Lois P. Rissler Court Clerk 4,240.
Carmen A. Sands Court Clerk 3,180.
Leslie Morgan Cleaner 1,600.
Patsy Camarella " 3,305.
Ford Winter Rec. Spec. Swim. 5,000.
Ralph Bilbao Sen. Rec. Leader 4,500.
Richard Owen " " " 4,500.
Ruth Ann Murphy Int. Typist per hr. 2.30
Marian Kolb if " " " 2.75
Joanne Colassacco Int. Clk. Typist 3.25
William Ackerman Life Guard 1.85
Douglas H. Greene " it " " 1.85
David Friedman 1.85
James Walsh " 1.85
Bill Betzig 1.85
Pat Baragwanatu " 1.85
Ellen Nechamken " " to " 1.85
Patti Spencer " " 1.85
Gary A. Williams 1.85
Tina Serica Rec. Attendant 1.65
Brenda White I I " 1.65
Carl Girolamo IT " 1.65
Paul Peterson IT " 1.65
Gary Williams It " 1.65
Carolyn Cooke " per session 18.00
Edward Zahar " " " " 20.00
James Codispoti " " if " 18.00
- Terry Helgren " It It to 15.00
William F. Celestino " " " " 18.00
-- Labor - Highway & Park Departments
General Foreman (1) 11,075.
Labor Foreman (2) $3.85 per hr. 8,000.each
Auto Mechanics (1) 3.93 " 8,180.
- 4 -
Labor - Hi5hway & Park Departments (cont'd.)
Motor Equipment Operators
Six (6) @ $3.56 per hr. 7,405. each
Two (2) @ 3.37 " " 7,000. "
One (1) @ 3.17 " " 6,595.
Skilled Laborers
Four (4) @ 3.56 " " 7,405. each
Seven (7) @ 3.40 " " 7,065. each
One (1) @ 3.21 " " 6,680.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the employment of the
last named persons to the aforesaid
positions is in accordance with the
classifications made by the County
Personnel Officer under the provis-
ions of the Civil Service Law of the
State, and any vacancies which now
exist, or which may occur in said
positions from time to time, are
to be filled at the salaries set in
accordance with the provisions of
the salary scale adopted by the
Town Board, and in conformity with
the Civil Service rules and amend-
ments thereto for towns, villages
and special districts in Westchester
County, New York.
4. Appointment of and Salaries as
Provided in 1970 Budget for:
a) Secretary to Supervisor
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby ap-
proves the Supervisor's appointment
of Lavenia Brewer as Confidential
Secretary to the Supervisor, effec-
tive January 1, 1970, and to be com-
pensated at the rate of $11,075. per
annum beginning as of that date.
b) Secretary to Attorney -
RESOLVED, that the compensation of
the part-time secretary to the Town
Attorney be and it hereby is fixed
in the amount of $3.50 per hour as
provided in the 1970 budget.
c) Assistant to Town Attorney -
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
appoints Jefferson Meighan as
Part-time Assistant to the Town
Attorney, effective January 1,
1970,and to be compensated at
the rate of $5,200. per annum be-
ginning as of that date.
- 5
(d. - g)
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
appoints the following persons to
to the positions listed and to be
compensated at the annual amounts
set forth herebelow:
d) Lavenia J. Brewer Sec. Park Comm. $200.
e) Rita Johnson Sec. Plan. & Zon. Bds. 200.each
f) Barbara Evangelista Sec. Rec. Comm. 200.
g) Helen Kirvin Sec. Cons. Adv. Comm. 200.
5. Appointment of:
a) Deputy Receiver of Taxes
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Tax Receiver's request, this Board here-
by approves the appointment of Raymond
C. Bingman, Senior Account C1erk,as
Deputy Receiver of Taxes, authorized
to receive tax money, give proper receipt
therefor in his name, enter such payments
upon the records, and deposit tax money
in the bank for the year ending December
31, 1970.
b) Assessment Clerk to Receive Tax Funds
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Tax Receiver's request, this Board
hereby approves the appointment of
Charles Kane, Assessment Clerk, as a
person authorized to receive tax money,
give proper receipt therefor in his name,
enter such payments upon the records, and
deposit tax money in the bank for the
year ending December 31, 1970.
c) Deputy Town Clerks (2)
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Town
Clerk's certificates, the appointment of
Mrs. Lavenia Brewer and Mrs. Helen Kirvin
as Deputy Town Clerks of the Town of Mamar-
oneck for the year 1970 be and it hereby
is approved.
d) Trustee - Police Pension Fund
RESOLVED, that Town Supervisor, Christine
K. Helwig, be and she hereby is appointed
a member of the Board of Trustees of the
Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, to serve for a term of one year
beginning January 1, 1970 and terminating
on December 31st of that year.
e) Registrar of Vital Statistics
RESOLVED, that Charles J. Gronberg be and
he hereby is appointed Registrar of Vital
Statistics of the Town of Mamaroneck, for
a term of office of two years beginning on
6 -
January 1, 1970 and terminating on
December 31, 1971.
f) Board of Police Commissioners
RESOLVED, that Lee P. Gagliardi, Alan
M. Welty and Winfield H. James be and
they hereby are reappointed as members
of the Board of Police Commissioners of
the Town of Mamaroneck, effective im-
mediately and to serve at the pleasure
of the Board.
g) Conservation Advisory Committee
RESOLVED, that the following persons
be and they hereby are reappointed mem-
bers of the Conservation Advisory Com-
mittee, to serve for a term of one
year, beginning January 1, 1970 and
terminating December 31 of that year:
Alan W. Weeden, Mrs. James G. Johnson,
Jr. , Mrs. Edward Munzer, Mrs. Rex Vin-
cent and Michael Yahia.
h) Member - Park Commission
RESOLVED, that Henry S. Sayers be and he
hereby is reappointed a member of the
Board of Park Commissioners for a five
year term of office beginning January 1,
1970 and terminating on December 31, 1974.
i) Civil Officers (2)
RESOLVED, that the following persons
be and they hereby are reappointed
Civil Officers of the Town of Mamaro-
neck with the powers and duties of
Constables in civil actions and pro-
ceedings only as provided in Section
20, 1 a) of the Town Law; said persons
to serve without salary for a term of
one year, starting January 1, 1970 and
terminating December 31, 1970:
Frank Comblo 225 Highview Street
Dominick Faillace 1421 Mamaroneck Avenue
j) Approval of Supervisor's Appointment of
Examining Board of Plumbers
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby ap-
proves the Supervisor's reappointment
of the following persons to the Exam-
ining Board of Plumbers, each to serve
for the term of office herein designa-
Councilman Faiola for a two-year term
of office terminating on December 31, 1971.
Mr. Victor J. Kriss for a two-year term
of office terminating on December 31, 1971.
Mr. Sam Paonessa for a one-year term of
office terminating on December 31, 1970.
7 -
k) Town Historian
RESOLVED, that Judge Charles M. Baxter, Jr. be
and he hereby is reappointed Town Historian
of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve at the
pleasure of the Board.
6. Bonds for Elected Officials
RESOLVED, that the following bonds for
elected officials are hereby required
pursuant to Town Law and approved as
Bond, Christine K. Helwig as Supervisor
of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned
for the faithful performance of her
duties including the payment of all
school monies pursuant to Section 25 of
the Town Law, upon which the National
Surety Corporation is surety in the
penal sum of $25,000. for a term of two
Bond, Leo Orsino as Receiver of Taxes
of the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned
for the faithful performance of his
duties including the depositing of all
funds or monies of the Town received by
him pursuant to Section 25 of the Town
Law, upon which the National Surety
Corporation is surety in the penal sum
of $20,000. for a term of four years.
Bond, Charles J. Gronberg as Clerk of
the Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for
the faithful performance of his duties
including the depositing of all funds
or monies of the Town of Mamaroneck
received by him pursuant to Section 25
of the Town Law, upon which the Nation-
al Surety Corporation is surety in the
penal sum of $4,000. for a term of two
Bond, Martin E. King, Jr. as Town
Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, con-
ditioned for the faithful performance
of his duties including the depositing
of all funds or monies of the Town re-
ceived by him pursuant to Section 25 of
the Town Law, upon which the United
States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
is surety in the penal sum of $4,000.for
a term of four years.
Bond, Russell G. Felton as Town
Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, con-
ditioned for the faithful performance
of his duties including the depositing
of all funds or monies of the Town re-
ceived by him pursuant to Section 25 of
the Town Law, upon which the United
States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
is surety in the penal sum of $4,000. for
a term of four years.
- 8 -
7. Bonds for Appointed Officials and Employees
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Town Law,
a bond is required for the faithful
performance of the duties of each of
the appointed officials and employees
listed below, and is authorized as
follows in the amount stated with
sufficient surety to be approved by
this Board and the form to be ap-
proved by the Town Attorney:
Office Amount Term
Comptroller $ 4,000. 1 year
Bldg. & P1umb.Insp. 4,000. 1 "
Deputy Tax Receiver 10,000. 1 "
Assess. C1. (Tax Coll)10,000. 1 "
Highway Supt. 4,000. 1 "
Recreation Sup't. 4,000. 1 "
Sr. A/C (Comptroller) 4,000. 1 "
Int. A/C Clk & Typist
(Comptroller) 4,000. 1 "
Int. A/C Clk & Typist
(Recreation) 4,000. 1 "
Sr. Steno (Eng. &
(Bldg. Insp.) 4,000. 1 "
Court Clerks (2) 10,000. 1 "
Civil Officers (2) 4,000.ea. 1 "
8. Bi-weekly Payroll
RESOLVED, that the salaries of all
officials and employees of the Town
of Mamaroneck be paid on a bi-weekly
basis, effective as of January 1, 1970.
9. Designation of:
a) Town Board Meeting Dates
RESOLVED, that regular meetings of this
Board be held at 8:15 p.m. in the Coun-
cil Room or Auditorium of the Weaver
Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town
of Mamaroneck, on the first and third
Wednesday of each month with the ex-
ception of the months of June, July,
August and September when the Board
shall sit only on the first Wednes-
day of the month.
b) Official Newspaper
RESOLVED, that "The Daily Times" be and
it hereby is designated as the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for
the purpose of publishing notices.
c) Depositories of Funds
RESOLVED, that the following Banks and
Trust Companies are hereby designated
as depositories for funds of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the year 1970, and
that the escrow agreements between
these banks and the Town of Mamaroneck
- 9 -
presently in effect shall be continued:
The County Trust Company
242 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck
The National Bank of Westchester
Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont
The First Westchester National Bank
213 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck
The First National City Bank
1920 Palmer & Wendt Avenue, Larchmont
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all withdrawals from the
hereinabove named accounts shall be upon
the signature of Christine K. Helwig,
Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
the counter-signature of Joseph Altieri,
d) Auditors for 1970
RESOLVED, that the firm of Glick-Freedman &
Meckler, C. P. A. , 271 North Avenue, New
Rochelle, New York, be and it hereby is
appointed to audit the records of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the year 1970; such ser-
vice to be rendered for a fee of $4,000. as
appropriated in the annual budget or esti-
mate for the year 1970.
10. Authorization of Contract:
a) Westchester Shore Humane Society
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and
she hereby is authorized to execute
the contract between the Westchester
Shore Humane Society, Inc. and the
Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1970
totalling $9,739. , as provided in the
1970 annual budget or estimate.
b) Larchmont Public Library
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she
hereby is authorized to execute the con-
tract for 1970 between the Town of Mamaro-
neck, the Village of Larchmont, and the
Larchmont Public Library in the amount of
$59,500. , as provided in the 1970 budget.
11. Authorization for Payment of Dues to:
a) Association of Towns
--- RESOLVEDyr that the Town of Mamaroneck con-
tinue its membership in the Association
of Towns of the State of New York for 1970,
at the annual dues of $250.
- 10 -
b) Municipal Finance Officers Association
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck
continue its membership in the Muni-
cipal Finance Officers Association
for 1970 at the annual dues of $40.
12 Amendment of Compensation Plan
RESOLVED, that the salary scale of
Civil Service employees of the Town
-- of Mamaroneck adopted January 1,
1969 be and it hereby is amended
as follows:
(Plan on following page)
- 11 -
Maxi- Incre-
Tit1e of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 mum ment
Inter. Typist $ 4810. $ 5150. $ 5490. $ 5830. $ 6170. $ 340.
Inter. Act. Clk. 5205. 5570. 5935. 6300. 6665. 365.
Inter. A/C & Typist 5205. 5570. 5935. 6300. 6665. 365.
Inter. Steno 5205. 5570. 5935. 6300. 6665. 365.
Rec. Attendant 5785. 6190. 6595. 7000. 7405. 405.
Senior A/C 5785. 6190. 6595. 7000. 7405. 405.
Senior Steno 5785. 6190. 6595. 7000. 7405. 405.
Assessment Clerk 6050. 6475. 6900. 7325. 7750. 425.
Sr. Engineering Aide 8655. 9260. 9865. 10470. 11075. 605.
Supt. of Recreation 11625. 12430. 13235. 14040. 14845. 805.
Bldg. & P1umb.Insp.II 10080. 10790. 11500. 12210. 12920. 710.
Police Chief - - - - 15400. -
Police Lieutenant - - - - 12840. -
Police Sergeant - - - - 10725. -
Police Detective - - - - 1 @ 9600. -
Police Detective - - - - 2 @ 10185. -
Police Patrolman 8590. 8870. 9150. 9430. 9710. 280.
Fire Lieutenant - - - - 3 @ 9975. -
Fire Lieutenant - - - - 1 @ 10725. -
Fireman 8590. 8870. 9150. 9430. 9710. 280.
Fire Inspector P.T. - - - - 960. -
Park Superintendent 8655. 9260. 9865. 10470. 11075. 605.
Park Foreman 7460. 7985. 8510. 9035. 9560. 525.
Maint. Foreman-Gardener 6760. 7230. 7700. 8170. 8640. 470.
Gen. Foreman (Highway) 8655. 9260. 9865. 10470. 11075. 605.
School Cross. Guards 11. per day
Park Department
Laborer-Motor Equip. Op. -
Laborer - Skilled 1 @ 3.56 per hour
Laborers 2 @ 3.40 " "
Laborers 1 @ 3.21 " if
Highway Department
Laborer Foreman 2 @ 3.85 "
Laborer - Auto Mechanic 1 @ 3.93 "
Laborer - Motor Equip. Operator 6 @ 3.56 " "
Laborer - Skilled 3 @ 3.56 " "
Laborers 5 @ 3.40
2 @ 3.37
1 @ 3.17 "
12 -
PUBLIC HEARING - Change of Fees
Commuter Parking Lots
The Clerk presented for the record, the Affidavit of
Publication of the Notice of Hearing, and thereupon on
a motion by Councilman Vandernoot and seconded by Coun-
cilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Supervisor recognized the Chairman of the Police Com-
mission, Mr. Lee Gagliardi, who outlined the proposed
changes in fees and emphasized that these recommendations
were based on the Parking Survey and the increased costs
of operating the parking lots. He pointed out that the
Village had already made the change-over which the Town
had hoped to effect simultaneously, and further stated that
a future recommendation might be submitted for a fixed fee
for Town residents which was presently being studied and
considered by the Commission.
Councilman Nagel then inquired as to the number of meters
and whether they could be adjusted to accommodate the new
fees, and was assured that the present 286 meters could be
so adjusted.
The following persons then addressed the Board:
Mr. Frank Claps - 120 Laurel Avenue, Town
Mr. Claps stated that he was in favor of the increase but
asked about decal parking which he noted was working well
in the neighboring communities.
Commissioner Gagliardi replied that, as he had stated
earlier, this was under consideration by the Commission
at the present time.
Mr. John Finneran - 3 Lakeside Drive, Town
Mr. Finneran, referred to the Village parking accommodations,
stating that he would like to know why the Town could not
have the same arrangements? He was advised, in reply, that
as of this date the title to the lots had not passed to the
Town and that until it actually did, the lots were owned by
the County and were therefore open to all County residents.
It was further pointed out that at present it was estimated
that about 50% of the lots were occupied by out-of-town
residents and that when the property was turned over to the
Town, since it was being purchased with General Town Funds,
any part thereof which might be restricted parking would have
to be open to both Villages and the Unincorporated Area.
And thereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Hearing be and it
hereby is declared closed.
And thereupon in reply to the Supervisor's inquiry as to
the Board's pleasure, on motion offered by Councilman
- 13 -
Nagel, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the following resolution
was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, Councilman Faiola
being absent and therefore not voting:
RESOLVED, that Sections 4 and 7 of
Chapter II-A entitled "Parking Meter
Ordinance" of the General Ordinances of
the Town of Mamaroneck and adopted on
July 1st, 1959, enacted by resolution
of this Board be amended so as to read
as follows:
Section 4.
The Chief of Police shall provide for the installation,
regulating, control, operation and use of parking meters in
"metered municipal parking fields", shall cause said meters
to be maintained in good workable condition and shall place
on the surface of said fields, lines or marks designating the
spaces within which motor vehicles may park, Parking meters
shall be placed in such fields next to individual parking
spaces so designated and the meters shall be so constructed
as to display a signal showing legal parking upon the deposit
therein of the sum of 50c as indicated by instructions on said
meters, and for a period of 12 consecutive hours thereafter,
and in the alternative, a signal showing legal parking upon
the deposit therein of the sum of 5�, in the form of a coin
of such denomination of the United States commonly known as
a "nickel" as indicated by instructions on said meters and
for a period of 1 hour thereafter. Said signals to remain
in evidence until expiration of said period of 12 consecutive
hours, or 1 hour, respectively, at which time a change of
signals or some other mechanical operation shall indicate
the expiration of the parking period.
Section 7.
When any motor vehicle shall be-parked next to a parking
meter in a "metered municipal parking field" or in any space
in a "parking meter zone" in a street designated in this
ordinance, the owner or operator of said vehicle shall park
within the area designated by the marking lines within, and
upon entering said parking space, shall immediately deposit
in said meter a coin or coins and at once shall put said
meter in operation as thereon directed, and the said parking
space shall be lawfully occupied by such motor vehicle during
the period of time which has been prescribed for the amount
deposited. If said motor vehicle shall remain parked in any
such parking space either in a "metered municipal parking
field" or in a "parking meter zone" in a street, as the case
may be, beyond the parking time limit allowed for the coin
inserted in said meter, the parking meter shall display a
sign or signal showing illegal parking and in that event, such
motor vehicle shall be considered to be parked overtime and
beyond the period of legal parking time and in violation of
this ordinance, except that nothing herein shall prevent the
operator of the vehicle from parking his vehicle in a parking
space without depositing a coin as aforesaid where it appears
that the maximum legal parking limit has not expired since the
deposit of the previous coin. It shall be unlawful for any
person to cause or permit any motor vehicle registered in
his name to be unlawfully parked as set out in this section
or to fail to park within the designated space or fail or
neglect to deposit the proper coin; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk is authorized to
publish and post this resolution as re-
quired by law.
- 14 -
The Supervisor and the members of the Board thanked the
Commission complimenting it on its study and recommend-
ation in this matter.
1. Report - Prince Willows Sewer
Pursuant to report of the Engineer, under date of January
6th, 1970 herewith presented and ordered received and
filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in connection with Prince Willows
Sewer this Board hereby authorizes payment of
claim for:
Rock excavation 717 cubic yards $12,906.
@ $18.00
Pavement restoration 1000 square yards 7,000.
@ 7.00
Total. . . . . .. .. $19,906.
1. Application of Castro Convertible -
Sign Variance
The appeal from a determination of the Building Inspector
refusing a permit for the erection by Castro Convertible,
1289 Boston Post Road, of a 15 ft. by 3 ft, wall sign
at the northeasterly side of building above the entrance
thereto was presented with the Building Inspector's re-
quest for the Board to fix a date for the Public Hearing
Whereupon following some discussion by the members of the
Board, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Council-
man Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will hold a
Public Hearing on the appeal of Castro
Convertible at its next regular meeting
on January 21st, 1970 in the Council
Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street
Firehouse at 8:15 p.m. ;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he here-
by is authorized to publish in the offic-
ial newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck,
The Daily Times, Notice of such Hearing
as required by law.
2. Resignation of Lee Bloom
from Planning Board
The Supervisor referred to Councilman Bloom's resign-
tion as a member of the Planning Board effective Dec-
ember 31st, 1969, a copy of which had been furnished
to each of the Councilmen and inquired the Board's pleas-
ure thereupon.
- 15 -
Each of the members of the Board personally paid tribute
to Mr. Bloom for his many years of outstanding work on
this Board, and thereupon on motion unanimously made and
seconded, the following resolution was adopted to be spread
upon the minutes of this meeting in public tribute to Mr.
Bloom with a copy thereof forwarded to him with the Board's
and the Community's sincere thanks for his services:
WHEREAS, Lee H. Bloom has served as a member
of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaro-
neck since 1959 and has tendered his resignation
therefrom, effective as of December 31st, 1969,
due to his election as Town Councilman!
WHEREAS, he has served this Board and the Town
of Mamaroneck with great ability, distinction,
and dedication during his entire term of office,
giving freely of his time, legal skill, and know-
ledge, and contributing much to the work of the
Planning Board;
WHEREAS, he has been ever mindful of the wel-
fare of the Town and has acted always in its
best interests;
RESOLVED, that this Board accepts his resignation
with regret and expresses its sincere thanks for
the distinguished service he rendered to this
Community during his entire tenure of office as
a member of the Planning Board;'
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the
minutes of this meeting as a public record of
tribute to him, and that a copy thereof be for-
warded to Mr. Bloom with this Board' s and the
Community's thanks for his services along with
heartiest congratulations on his election as
Town Councilman.
3. Resignation of Russell G. Felton
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Supervisor called to attention Judge Pelton' s resig-
nation from the Zoning Board of Appeals, effective as
of December 31st, 1969 due to his election as Town Just-
ice, inquiring the Board's pleasure thereon.
Each of the members of the Board highly commended Judge
Pelton on his outstanding work as a member of this Board
and thereupon on a motion unanimously made and seconded,
adopted the following resolution to be spread upon the
minutes of this meeting in public tribute to him:
WHEREAS, Russell G. Pelton who has served as
-- a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Mamaroneck since 1966, has ten-
dered his resignation therefrom due to his
election as a Town Justice;
WHEREAS, Mr. Pelton has served this Board
- 16 -
and the Town of Mamaroneck with great
ability, distinction, and dedication
during his entire term of office, al-
ways giving freely of his time, legal
skill and knowledge thus contributing
much to the work of this Board;
WHEREAS, he has been ever mindful of
the welfare of the Town and has acted
in its best interests;
RESOLVED, that this Board reluctantly
and with regret accepts his resigna-
tion, and expresses its sincere thanks
for the distinguished service he rend-
ered to the community throughout his
tenure of office as a member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of this meeting as a
public record of appreciation, and that
a copy thereof be forwarded to him with
this Community's thanks for his serv-
ices, its heartiest congratulations on
his election as Town Justice, and its
very best wishes for all success in the
4. Salary Authorization -
Police Department (Thomas R. Mahoney)
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under
date of December 18th, 1969 herewith presented and
ordered received and filed for the record, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes that Patrolman Thomas R. Mahoney
be assigned to the Detective Bureau on
a permanent basis, effective January 1st,
1970 and be compensated in the amount of
$9,600, per annum.
The Supervisor then informed the Board that she had today
received three Commendations as made by the Board of
Police Commissioners at its meeting last evening, reciting
each in detail.
The members of the Board each expressed his appreciation
of the officers' fine service and unanimously requested
the Supervisor to convey their congratulations to Chief
O'Brien and Detectives Paonessa and Mahoney.
5. Authorization - Assessor's Attendance
Annual Assessors 's Meeting, Syracuse January 11- 14th
Pursuant to memorandum of the Assessor under date of Jan-
uary 5th, 1970, and herewith presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed for the record, the following resolution
- 17 -
was offered on a motion by Councilman Vandernoot and
seconded by Councilman Bloom:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes the Assessor to attend the New York
State Assessor's Association, Inc. '`s
meeting to be held on January 11, 12,
13 and 14, 1970 in Syracuse, New York,
with expenses paid by the Town in as
amount not to exceed $150.
Councilman Nagel said that he wished to speak to this res-
olution stating that, if this Board was really trying to
do a conscientious job in cutting out all "fringe" expend-
itures, etc. , he thought this could well be eliminated
since he personally felt that it was sheer waste and
that therefore he was going to vote against it.
The Supervisor stated that if the employees who attend
such conferences brought back information of amended laws,
changes in practices, etc. , she believed that such expend-
itures were beneficial to the Town administration.
Councilman Bloom then stated that since he had been seated
only this evening, he felt that he must abstain from vot-
ing inasmuch as he did not have sufficient information
regarding this request.
Whereupon, on roll call, the vote on the foregoing reso-
lution was as follows and the resolution thereupon duly
adopted by a majority vote of 2 "ayes", 1 "Naye", 1 ab-
stention and Councilman Faiola being absent and there-
fore not voting.
Supervisor Helwig voting Aye
Councilman Vandernoot voting Aye
Councilman Nagel voting Naye
Councilman Bloom - Abstaining
1. Letter - John Lightfoot
The Supervisor referred to a letter addressed to the Board
by Mr. John Lightfoot of 21 Avon Road, of which a copy
had been furnished to each member of the Board and which
therefore, was herewith ordered received and filed for the
The Town Clerk
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
-- received and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of December 1969.
Report of the Building & Plumbing Inspector
for the month of December 1969.
Annual report of the Building & Plumbing Ins-
pector for the year 1969.
- 18 -
Report of Westchester Shore Humane
Society for the month of December
Report of Municipal Dog Patrol for
the month of December 1969.
The Supervisor--
Not on Agenda
1. Tribute to Judge Brewer
The Supervisor stated that she felt it was appropriate for
the Board to express at this time its sincere appreciation
for the long and dedicated service rendered to this Com-
munity by Judge Munn Brewer who retired from the bench
as of December 31st.
She spoke of his service not only as a Town Justice but
as a former Town Councilman, as a Chairman of the Zoning
Board of Appeals and as a former Counsel to the Westchester
Joint Water Works, particularly emphasizing the credit his
administering of justice during the many years he sat on
the bench had brought to the court and the Town.
Each of the Councilmen expressed their personal tribute
to Judge Brewer and thereupon on a motion unanimously
made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted
as a public tribute to him:
WHEREAS, Judge Munn Brewer, Town Justice
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the past
twenty-one years, retired from the bench
on December 31st, 1969;
WHEREAS, during all of the years he
presided as Judge, he has given un-
stintingly of himself and of his time,
knowledge and ability in his efforts on
behalf of the citizens of this Town and
all who appeared before him;
WHEREAS, he brought to the bench great
wisdom, compassion, insight and courage
in his administration of Justice;
WHEREAS, Judge Brewer, in addition, has
also served his community and its citi-
zens as a former Town Councilman, a
former Chairman of the Zoning Board of
Appeals, and a former Counsel to the
Westchester Joint Water Works with
equal ability and dedication;
RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board,
unanimously hereby adopt this resolution
to be spread upon the minutes of this meet-
ing in public tribute to him;
19 -
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy be forwarded to Judge
Brewer with the deep appreciation, sincere
thanks, and very best wishes for the fu-
ture not only of the members of this Board
but of all of the citizenry he has served
so well and with such rare distinction
for over twenty-five years.
2. Report on Final Standards
of Service for 1970 - New Haven
The Supervisor advised the Board of receipt of the amended
Department of Transportation Standards of Service for the
operation of the New Haven in 1970 remarking that a great
number of suggestions made by this municipality at the
Hearing had been incorporated in the revised Standards.
She commented that she felt certain that this revision
was largely due to the efforts of the Transportation Act-
ion Committee with which Councilman Nagel had worked --
whereupon Councilman Nagel commented that any credos should
be given to Mr. Eugene Grant for his splendid work during
this entire period.
Councilman Bloom asked whether the revised Standards made
any reference to the metal stair treads? Supervisor
Helwig replied that repairs to all stations along the
line to protect the public safety were included in gen-
eral and thereupon Councilman Bloom suggested that pres-
sure be kept upon Mr. Parker in particular reference to
the repair of these treads.
3. Governor's Proposal for a State Department
of Environmental Conservation
The Supervisor outlined the Governor's proposal for a
State Department of Environmental Conservation to safe-
guard the environment, stating that she felt the Town
might go on record as endorsing this policy of the
State since it was very much in line with the work of
many and various citizen groups following the passage of
the Conservation Bill of Rights.
Furthermore, in connection with this proposal, she stated
that she would like to suggest that the Board might es-
tablish an advisory group on quality of environment in
the Town to supplement the work of the present Conserva-
tion Advisory Committee.
Councilman Bloom asked whether the Supervisor wanted
another Committee az enlarge the scope of the present
Conservation Committee?
In reply, she stated that she believed some of the mat-
ters of concern were beyond the responsibilities orig-
inally assigned to the present Committee but that if
enlargement were possible she certainly felt it would be
worthy of consideration.
Councilman Nagel suggested that the base of the present
Committee be expanded and broadened out and the Board, in
agreement with this recommendation, deferred action pend-
ing further study of the matter.
The Town Attorney --
With respect to the Title Search for the County's parking
- 20 -
lots the Attorney reported that he felt a Title Search and
Insured Policy which could be made at a cost not to exceed
$1400. rather than a Lawyer's Search, was necessary and
requested authorization for same.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he
hereby is authorized to obtain a Title
Search and Insurance Policy on the three
commuter lots, parcels C, I and J, at a
_- cost not to exceed the sum of $1400.
Mr. Frank Claps - 120 Laurel Avenue, Town
Mr. Claps addressed the Board, upon recognition, to com-
pliment the Town on its fine snow removal job following
the last storm.
The Supervisor thanked Mr. Claps and stated that his com-
mendation would be passed on to Mr. Aitchison, the High-
way Superintendent, who along with his men had been on the
roads all of that night.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:20 p.m. , to reconvene on January 21st, 1970.
The Supervisor, explaining that Commissioner Faiola was
absent because of the flu, requested Commissioner Nagel
to present the business of the Commission immediately
upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment, on motion
by Commissioner Nagel, seconded by Commissioner Vandernoot,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
Claims be and they hereby are approved, and
the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to
pay the same out of the 1970 budget:
Agway, Inc. , Petroleum Division $ 196.87
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 55.36
Con Edison 5.00
Con Edison 101.09
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 358.55
Excelsior Auto Repair & 237.65
Machine Works
Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00
- 21 -
Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc. $ 19.30
Mc Guire Bros. , Inc. 7.00
Mobil Oil Corp. 45.72
New York 1Telephone 7.43
New York Telephone 35.75
New York Telephone 66.80
Office Essentials, Inc. 8.63
Plaza Pharmacy 18.67
Rheingold Breweries, Inc. 29.90
Ward La France Truck Corp. 14.52
Westchester Joint Water Works 6.66
Total. . . . . . . $ 1,221.90
2. Reports
Commissioner Nagel presented the Fire Report for the month
of December 1969 which was herewith ordered received and
1. Larchmont Acres and Chatsworth Gardens
The Fire Chief advised the Commission that it would be
impossible to get fire apparatus into buildings 5, 6, 7
and 8 in Larchmont Acres due to the lack of snow removal
and parking in the circles and inquired what could be done
to rectify this extremely dangerous situation?
After discussion by the Commission, it was unanimously
directed that the Attorney write the owners putting
them on notice of this situation and also consult with
the Town Justices as to raising the amount of the fines.
The Chief also reported on the excellent cooperation of
the new owners of Unit B, Chatsworth Gardens, advising
that all of the alleyways, staircases, basements, etc. ,
were now completely accessible.
2. Codification
Commissioner Nagel inquired as to the status of codifi-
cation and was advised by the Attorney that the deriva-
tion table was being checked at the present time.
3. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meet-
ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared
adjourned at 9:25 p.m. , to reconvene on January 21st,
To erk
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