HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969_07_02 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JULY 2d, 1969, IN THE AUD- ITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER - The supervisor called the meeting to order at 8 :15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Chalif Councilman Faiola Councilman Nagel Councilman Vandernoot Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Aitchison - Supt. of Highways Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the special meeting of April 28th and the regular meetings of May 7th and 21st, 1969, were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded, ap- proved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS - Playing Fields at Hommocks The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the following bids : Bidder Michael J. Rossi Contracting Corp. 14,800. 00 Alfredo Sons, Inc. 22, 300. 00 Bradhurst Site Construction Corp. 18, 000. 00 The Clerk reported that the non-collusive statement had been signed by each bidder, and thereupon in ac- cordance with usual procedure on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unan- imously -1- RESOLVED, that the bids for the construction of the Playing Fields at Hommocks be re- ferred to the Town Engineer, Town Attorney, and Comptroller for examination, study, and recommendation for award at the next meeting of this Board on Wednesday evening, August 6th, 1969. PUBLIC HEARING - Local Law #1-1969 On motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Clerk then presented for the record, the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Hearing, and the Supervisor explained that the proposed Law as submitted at the March 19th hearing, had been revised to meet certain objections and suggestions raised at that time. She requested the At- torney to review the Law as presently proposed - which he did at some length - pointing out and reviewing in detail the changes to which the Supervisor had referred. The Supervisor then invited those who wished to address the Board to do so, whereupon the following persons were heard: Speaking in favor of such a law but in opposition to its adoption as herein submitted were -- Mrs. George B. Berridge 10 Beverly Place Village of Larchmont Mr. Wayne Carrington (NAA CP) 605 Jefferson Avenue Village of Mamaroneck Mr. Irving Scharf 334 Richbell Road Village of Mamaroneck Mr. Frederic Cuneo 80 West Garden Road Town Mr. Cuneo spoke briefly to the points set forth in the written statement herewith presented on behalf of -- The Christian Family Movement - -Z- A7,. Sts. John and Paul Church, which was ordered received and filed as part of the record of this hearing. Mr. Amand Schwab Jr. 422 Cortlandt Avenue Village of Mamaroneck Mr. Schwab spoke to his statedment of objec- tion to the adoption of this law as proposed, which statement was ordered received and filed as part of the record of this hearing. Mr. Zabathy Meltzer 709 Palmer Court Village of Mamaroneck Mr. Herbert Ascher - Larchmont League of 11 Byron Lane Women Voters Town Mr. Fred Gants Larchmont Acres Town Mr. Gants briefly reviewed each of the points set forth in memorandum herewith presented and ordered received andfiled as part of the record of this hearing. Mrs. Peter Fousek 1294 Palmer Avenue Town Mrs. Robert M. Topol - Mamaroneck League of 825 Orients, Avenue Women Voters Village of Mamaroneck Mr. Alexander Forger - Chairman, Larchmont 74 Magnolia Avenue Fair Housing Committee Village of Larchmont Mr. Forger spoke to the points set forth in statement herewith presented and ordered received and filed as part of the record of this hearing and emphasized that in spite of the offer to assist this Board made at the prior hearing, to his knowledge no one had - been called on in the 105-day interval between that hearing and this evening's meeting. Mr. Stanley Plesent 12 Hillside Road Town -3- I � _L 43 Mr. Otto Scheuble 3 Rock Ridge Road Town Mr. Greg J. Spagna 18 Sherwood Oval Village of Larchmont Mr. Jacob Sheinkman 23 Mayhew Avenue Village of Larchmont Mr. Douglas Evans 142 E. Prospect Avenue Village of Mamaroneck Mr. William G. Vanderkloot 20 Jason Lane Dr. L..G. Anthony Fuller 11 Myrtle Boule�ard Town Dr. Fuller stated that he had addressed a letter to the Supervisor stating his objections to the adoption of this law as proposed which he re- quested be made a part of the record of this hearing and which was so ordered. The need for further revision of the proposed law so as to in- clude posting, speedy enforcement at the local level, higher fines, an escalating scale of fine for repeated offenses, and greater penalties and stiffer jail sentences, was stressed and strongly urged and the many questions raised on these items were answered at length and in some detail by both the Town Attorney and Councilman Chalif during the entire discussion. Also addressing the Board in some question of the actual need for the law and of the fact that the entire discussion at this hearing had been devoted to the buyer and not at all to the seller, who was a property owner and taxpayer, were: Mrs. Vincent W. Ridley 65 W. Brookside Drive Town Mr. George Schuler 70 Garden Road West Town At this time, Councilman Faiola observed that he felt the hour- and-a-half long discussion definitely indicated that the proposed law as revised and submitted this evening needed still further study and accordingly moved that the hearing be closed and ac- tion on the adoption of Local Law No. 1-1969 tabled. -4- The motion was seconded by Councilman Nagel and the follow- ing resolution thereupon adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it here- by is declared closed with action on the adoption of the revised Local Law #1-1969 tabled pending further study by this Board. OLD BUSINESS 1. Renumbering Boston Post Road The Supervisor explained that all parties concerned in the Town had been notifed of the proposed joint Town-Village of Larchmont renumbering, to be effective as of October 1st, on May 22d last, with only one reply which expressed no objection received by the Town. Councilman Faiola, at her request, then reported that the Chamber of Commerce and merchants had expressed no objec'iions and that the Village Board would act next Mon- day night and that he therefore would move approval pro- vided Larchmont concurred. Whereupon, on his motion, seconded by Councilman Van- dernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in conformity with the provi- sions of the Town Law permitting such re- numbering, this Board hereby authorizes the re-numbering of the properties listed below, which are situated on the Boston Post Road within the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck between the Mamaroneck Village and Larchmont Village lines and the Larch- mont Village and City of New Rochelle lines, such re-numbering to be effective as of Octo- ber 1st, 1969: Present New Property Owner Number Number David Potts Jr. Post 1156 VFW of US Inc 125 1288 Larchmont Gables Asso. 3 1456 5 1452 7 1448 9 1444 11 1440 Alden House Apts. 21 1420 23 1410 James Dandry 33 1380 -5- Present New Property Owner Number Number Hory Chevrolet Beorama Realty Corp --- 1340 Dorothy Utter & Others 4 1350 - C. Mayone Corp 50 1361 Solomon Petchers 38 1375 Frank LaMantia 24 1395 Robert Flinn & Others 22 1415 Dayhar Realty Corp 18 1435 Mitchell Oil Corp & Abe Adler 10 1451 Post Road Realty Cc Ciro LaBarbara 434 2434 Colonial Park Homes Inc % J. E. Dickinson Jr. 444 2444 Willard Duncan 4 2543 Regina Nelson 2 2533 Wapoll Corp. 191-194 2523 Ellen Hunt & Mary Heintz 189 2519 Henry Neidrich Aries Neidrich 451-453 2451 -2453 Elizabeth Rockett 445 2445 Louis Travalled 433 2433 Alice Hannan 429 2429 Ankame Grieme 425 2425 Michael J. Rafferty 421 2421 423 2423 Semenza Realty Corp 417 2417 419 2419 Pow-Wow Holding Corp 399 2399 Ruth Silver 385 2385 and be it further 6 I r?- 3- _��� RESOLVED, that the Assessor and the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, the County Clerk and County Engineer of the County of Westchester; the Post Office Department for the Village of Larchmont, and the Board of Elections of the County of Westchester, be notified accordingly. 2. Application for Special Permit Bonnie Briar Holding Corp. a. Report of Planning Board The Supervisor presented the report of the Planning Board dated June 24th, 1969 which was herewith ordered received and filed. It was pointed out that the revised plans for the courts would provide improved sound and visual control for the adjacent property owners through the depression and screening of the proposed courts and that the Planning Board accordingly recommended that the application be granted. b. Fixing Date for Public Hearing In accordance with this report, the Supervisor inquired the Board's pleasure in fixing the date for hearing before this Board as required by law, and thereupon on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held before this Board on the Application of Bonnie Briar Holding Corp. for a Special Permit to allow the construction of tennis courts in accordance with the revised plans filed with said application at the next meeting of this Board on Wednesday evening, August 6th, 1969, in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, at 8:15 p. m. , and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, Notice of such Public Hearing as required by law. NEW BUSINESS 1. Reappointment to Planning Board Councilman Faiola placed in nomination the name of -7- Joseph J. Rigano to succeed himself for another term of office as a member of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board. He said it was indeed with great pleasure that he made this nomination as Mr. Rigano had so ably served this community as a member of this Board and in many other capacities for many years. Each of the members of the Board expressed his appre- ciation of Mr. Rigano's past services and his particular gratification that he was willing to continue, and there- upon since there were no further nominations, on mo- tion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby reappoints Joseph J. Rigano of 15 Marsden Road, Town, a member of the Town of Mamaroneck Plan- ning Board, to serve for a term of office of five years, effective immediately and ter- minating on July 6th, 1974, and be it further RESOLVED, that Mr. Rigano be notified ac- cordingly and that the Supervisor express to him on behalf of the Board, its sincere thanks and appreciation of his services and its plea- sure and gratification that he is w illing to continue in this important post. 2. Human Rights Commission a. Amendment of Resolution To Enlarge Membership The Supervisor explained that the resolution establishing this Commission as adopted on May 20th, 1964 had specified a five-member Commission and that the Board, by common consent, in view of the new responsibilities of the Commis- sion which would be more time consuming, had agreed that the membership be enlarged to nine - with each member serving a three-year term of office and three members ap- pointed each year. Accordingly, she said, it was necessary to amend the afore- said resolution - and thereupon on a motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unani- mously RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted on May 20th, 1964 establishing the Commission of Hu- man Rights of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and the same hereby is amended so as to read as follows: That the membership of the said Commission is _8_ hereby enlarged from five (5) to nine (9) mem- bers, each member to be appointed to serve for a term of office of three (3) years with three (3) members appointed each year. b. Appointments The Supervisor than p-r-esented for appointment the names of Mr. Frederic Cuneo, Dr. L. G. Anthony Fuller, Mr. John Masterson and Mrs. A. L. Morris, together with a resume of the background and experience of each particu- larly qualifying that person for this assignment. She further stated that each had been contacted by the Board and had indicated his willingness to so serve. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following persons be and they hereby are appointed members of the Town of Mamaroneck Commission of Human Rights, to serve for a term of office of three (3) years, effective as of this date and ter- minating as stated herebelow: Mr. John Masterson - May 19, 1970 Dr. L. G. Anthony Fuller - May 19, 1971 Mrs. A. L. Morris - May 19, 1972 Mr. Frederic Cuneo - May 19, 1972 and be it further - RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, on behalf of the Board, notify the above-named persons of their appointment, welcoming them to the Town's 'official family' and thanking them for their willingness to serve in this post. The Supervisor observed that thus the compliment of the Commission had been raised to seven members and that the Board would welcome suggestions for the other two members from anyone present who might care to submit such names. 3. Application for Special Permit Ray's Car Wash - 434 Post Road, Town The Clerk presented the application of Ray's Car Wash for a Special Permit to allow the construction of a one-story addition to the rear of the building, which was herewith ordered received and filed. The Supervisor explained that in accordance with Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance, said application must be re- ferred to the Planning Board for recommendation to this Board prior to hearing before this Board, and thereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman -9- Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, the application for Special Permit to allow the -' construction of an addition to the rear of the building filed by Ray's Car Wash of 434 Post Road, Town, be referred to the Planning Board for review and recommendation to this Board at its next meeting on August 6th, 1969. 4, Authorization for Water Main Extensions Fenimore Road to Split Tree Road - and Along Old White Plains Road from Weslyan Avenue to Saxon Glen Development The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer under date of June 30th, 1969, re- questing authorization of the Town's application for the above water main extensions and hydrant installations, together with cost estimates therefor as submitted by George Straub, Superintendent of the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1. Following discussion and some questioning of the costs of the proposed installations by the members of the Board and the Town Engineer, Councilman Nagel requested that action in this matter be tabled. The Engineer then pointed out that the owner of the property -- concerned who had agreed to grant the necessary ease- ments for the Fenimore Road to Split Tree Road extension to the Town might not do so if there was delay in construc- tion and accordingly urged approval, if possible, at this time. And thereupon in view of this information and since it had been ascertained that funds for the said extensions were available in the 1969 budget, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was offered: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 to install the following water main extensions and fire hydrants: Approximately 1440 feet of 8-inch main from Fenimore Road to Split Tree Road plus two (2) fire hydrants, and 750 feet of 10-inch main along Old White Plains Road from Weslyan Avenue to Saxon Glen Development plus one (1) fire hydrant, said extensions and fire hydrants to be installed at a total cost not to exceed the sum of $60, 308. , -10- and be it further RESOLVED, that the applicant, the Town of Ma- maroneck, shall pay the entire cost of said in- stallations and shall deposit with the Westches- ter Joint Water Works No. 1 the said sum of $60, 308. to reimburse said Water Works for the cost of materials and installation, — and be it further RESOLVED, that this authorization is contingent upon the applicant providing any necessary ease- ments satisfactory to the Town Attorney, and be it further RESOLVED, that unless this installation is com- pleted within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, or not later than July 2d, 1970, this authorization shall become null and void. Upon roll call, the vote on the foregoing resolution was as follows: Supervisor Helwig - Aye Councilman Chalif - Aye Councilman Faiola - Aye Councilman Nagel - No Councilman Vandernoot - Aye The resolution was therefore declared duly adopted by a ma- jority vote of four (4) ayes to one (1) no. 5. Authorization to Contract Survey Crew Television Sewer Inspection Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Engineer, dated July 2d, 1969, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Engineer to engage the Robinson Pipe Cleaning Co. for television survey of se- wers for three days, July 9th, 10th, and 11th, 1969, at a fee not to exceed the sum of $350. 00 per day. 6. Authorization for Crane Rental Parking Lot Pipe Installation Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Engineer, dated July 2d, -11- JL 1969, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Chalif, sec- onded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Engineer to engage a motor crane at a cost not to exceed $250. 00 per day for a period of not more than four (4) days to install concrete pipe to pipe an existing open ditch at the end of Cabot Road. 7. Petition for Correction of Assessment Maps Upon presentation of the Assessor's petition requesting ap- proval of corrections of the assessment maps as of June 1st, 1968, on motion by Councilman �Chalif, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the changes made in the Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck as of June 1st, 1968 and said Maps are hereby corrected and rec- tified as of June 1st, 1968 in the following places: Page Pie Page Index #1 201 Index #3 -- Filed Map #1 202 Filed Map #3 104 204 302 105 206 304 108 207 305 109 210 307 113 211 308 114 212 312 115 214 315 116 216 320 117 217 325 120 218 330 123 219 333 124 221 340 126 224 346 127 225 347 129 228 132 229 230 401 502 Filed Map #6 402 503 602 403 505 605 405 506 606 406 510 607 409 611 410 612 414 616 -12- �t� r-D` Page Pape Page 701 801 901 704 803 902 705 805 903 707 807 907 709 808 908 710 810 909 711 811 910 713 812 911 715 813 912 716 814 913 717 815 914 720 816 916 727 819 917 728 820 920 821 921 823 924 824 925 825 926 826 930 828 931 829 932 830 934 832 935 937 938 939 940 942 943 946 949 950 952 953 954 957 958 964 966 8. Salary Authorization - Request of Police Commission Pursuant to request of the Police Commission, dated June 23d, 1969 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the reassignment of Sergeant Christopher Loveley from the Detective Bureau to the uni- formed force, effective July 3d, 1969, and to be compensated at the rate of $10, 120. 00 per annum. -13- 9. Expenditure Authorization - Request of Police Commission Pursuant to request of the Police Commission, dated June 23d, 1969 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Fa iola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author- -- izes an expenditure of not to exceed the sum of $185. 00 from the proper item in the 1969 Police Department budget to cover the ex- penses of Police Chief James O'Brien's at- tendance of the annual Convention of Police Chiefs„ State of New York, July20th - 24th. 10. Authorization of Emergency Overtime (a) Compensation - Police Department Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of June 24th, 1969, herewith presented and ordered re- ceived and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of emergency overtime compensation for the period from January 1st to April 30th, 1969, to the Police Officers listed herebelow in the amounts specified for each: Ptl. Agnessanto $ 187. 00 Ptl. Ambrosovitch 391. 60 Ptl. Adamo 54. 27 Ptl. Anderson 184. 92 Sgt. Bakker 238. 63 Ptl. Bisaccia 26. 40 Ptl. Barasch 440. 00 Ptl. Baumblatt 379. 89 Sgt. Cunningham 155. 84 Ptl. Costello 48. 40 Ptl. Coy 199. 20 Ptl. Catapano 93. 36 Ptl. Diamond 110. 00 Ptl. DeVico 250. 80 Sgt. Federice 491. 87 Ptl. Fuller 418. 08 Ptl. Winckler 237. 60 Ptl. Giacomo 330. 00 Ptl. Greenstein 144. 72 Ptl. Hutcheon 202. 28 _ Ptl. LeViness 105. 60 Ptl. Lifrieri 107. 80 Sgt. Loveley 508. 00 Ptl. Mahoney 209. 04 Det. Mulcahy 443. 52 Sgt. McClintock 146. 10 -14- Ptl. McDonald $ - 99- 19 Ptl. O'Rorke 66. 00 Det. Paonessa 415. 80 Ptl. Perritano 314. 60 Lt. Staropoli 189. 75 Sgt. Silvestri 175. 32 Ptl. Vitro 242. 00 10. Authorization of Emergency Overtime (b) Compensation - Fire Department Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of June 23d, 1969, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of emergency overtime compensation for the period from January 1st to June 24th, 1969, to the Firemen listed herebelow in the amounts specified for each: Lt. Testa $ 46. 57 Fireman-Chg. Shift Mellor 105. 84 Fireman-Chg. Shift Muller 41. 14 Fireman Soriano 150. 47 Fireman Mirandi 106. 43 Fireman Felice 77. 07 Fireman Garofalo (J) 194. 51 Fireman Carpino 80. 74 Fireman Laverty 58. 72 Fireman Garofalo (S) 196. 34 Fireman Wilson 88. 08 Fireman Valle 304. 48 11. Authorization of Holiday Compensation (a) Police Department Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission, dated June 23d, 1969, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby au- thorizes payment of holiday compensa- tion on the pay-day nearest to June 15th, 1969, and December 15th, 1969, as set forth on the list herein inserted on the _ following page; all being Officers of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department: -15- SCHEDULE I TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPUTATION OF HOLIDAY COMPENSATION 1969 JAN/JUNE JULY/DEC. ANNUAL UNIT BASIS 4 DAYS 6 DAYS NAME TITLE SALARY PER DAY DAYS AMOUNT DAYS AMOUNT J. O 'Brien Chief $14,205. 54.63 4 $218.52 6 $327.78 J. Staropoli Lieutentant 11,965. 46.02 4 184.08 6 276.12 C. Loveley Sgt. Detective 10,570. 40.65 4 162.60 6 243,90 W. Cunningham Sergeant 10,120, 38.92 4 155.68 6 233.52 E. Bakker Sergeant 10,120. 38.92 4 155.68 6 233.52 D. McClintock Sergeant 10,120. 38.92 4 155.68 6 233.52 F. Silvestri Sergeant 10,120, 38.92 4 155.68 6 233,52 W. Federice Sergeant 10,120, 38.92 4 155.68 6 233.52 G. Mulcahy Detective !9,610. 36.96 4 147.84 6 221,76 J. Paonessa Detective 9,610, 36,96 4 147.84 6 221,76 E. Agnessanto Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140,92 6 211.38 N. Giacomo Patrolman 9,160. 35,23 4 140.92 6 211.38 A, Lifrieri Patrolman 9,160, 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 W. O'Rorke Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 R. Winckler Patrolman 19,160, 35,23 4 140,92 6 211,38 J. Costello Patrolman 9,160, 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 P. Diamond Patrolman 9,160, 35.23 4 140.92 6 211,38 R. Perritano Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140.92 6 211,38 A. Ambrosovitch Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 R. Barasch Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 A. LeViness Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 4 140,92 6 211,38 T. Vitro Patrolman 9,160, 35.23 4 140.92 6 211.38 F. DeVico Patrolman 9,160. 35.23 3 105.69 6 211.38 J. Bisaccia Patrolman 9,160. 35,23 3 105.69 - - - W. Coy Patrolman 1/1-7/2 8,630. 33.19 4 132.76 - ' - 7/3-12/31 8,895. 34.21 - - - - 6 205,26 V. Garmllou Patrolman 5/22-7/30 8,630, 33 .19 1 33.19 1 33 .19 7/31-12/31 8,895. 34.21 - - - - 5 171,05 C. Baumblatt Patrolman 1/1-7/16 8,365. 32.17 4 128.68 1 32.17 7/17-12/31 8,630, 33 .19 - - - - 5 165.95 R. Fuller Patrolman 1/1-7/30 8,365. 32.17 4 128.68 1 32.17 7/31-12/31 8,630. 33 .19 - - - - 5 165.95 P. Adamo Patrolman 1/1-10/8 8,365. 32.17 4 128.68 2 64.34 10/9-12/31 8,630. 33.19 - - - 4 132.76 T. Mahoney Patrolman 1/1-8/13 8,365. 32.17 4 128.68 1 32.17 8/14-12/31 8,630, 33.19 - - _ _ 5 165.95 SCHEDULE I (con'd) JAN/JUNE JULY/DEC, ANNUAL UNIT BASIS 4 DAYS 6 DAYS NAME TITLE;LL! SALARY PER DAY DAYS AMOUNT DAYS AMOUNT J. Greenstein Patrolman 1/1-3/12 $ 8,100. 31.15 3 $ 93.45 - - - - 3/13-12/31 8,365. 32.17 1 32.17 6 $193.02 J. Anderson Patrolman 1/1-4/9 8,100. 31.15 3 93.45 - - - - 4/10-12/31 8,365. 32.17 1 32.17 6 193.02 S. McDonald Patrolman 2/11-8/27 8,100. 31.15 3 93.45 1 31.15 8/28-12/31 8,365. 32.17 - - - - 5 160.85 R. Hutcheon Patrolman 1/1-11/5 8,100. 31.15 4 124.60 3 93.45 11/6-12/31 8,365. 32.17 - - - - 3 96.51 Patrolman 1 1-12/17 8,100. 31.15 4 124.60 5 155.75 C. Catapano ano / p _ _ 1 12/18-12/31 8,365. 32.17 - - 1 32. 7 $4,816.26 $7,363.74 New Personnel (1) Patrolman 7/31-12/31 8,100. 31.15 - - - - 5 155.75 New Personnel (3) Patrolman 9/11-12/31 8,100. 31.15 (3) - - - - 4 373.80 (3) $4,816.26 $7,893.29 HOLIDAYS - 10 - TOTAL Payment July 2, 1969 (4) : Payment December 18, 1969 (6) : January 1, 1969 July 4, 1969 February 12,1969 September 1, 1969 February 22, 1969 October 12, 1969 May 30, 1969 November 11, 1969 November 27, 1969 December 25, 1969 Note: Based on 260 working days per year to conform with other municipalities. mil r, 11. Authorization of Holiday Compensation (b) Fire Department Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief, dated June 30th, 1969, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Chalif, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes -16- SCHEDULE I TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPUTATION OF HOLIDAY COMPENSATION 1969 JAN/JUNE JULY/DEC, ANNUAL UNIT BASIS 4 DAYS 6 DAYS NAME TITLE SALARY PER DAY DAYS AMOUNT DAYS AMOUNT L. Testa Lieutenant $10,120. 32.44 4 $129.76 6 $194.64 A. Moll Fireman-Chg.Shift-Full 9,425. 30.21 4 120.84 - - -E. Mellor Fireman-Chg.Shift-Full 9,425. 30.21 4 120.84 6 181.26 E. Muller Fireman-Chg.Shift-2/3 - . 1/1-7/2/69 9,335. 29.92 4 119.68 - - •- - Fireman-Chg.Shift-Full 7/3-12/31/69 9,425. 30.21 - - - - 6 181.26 F. Felice Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 J. Garofalo Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 C. Mirande Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 F. Carpino Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 N. Soriano Fireman 1/1-7/2/69 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 - Fireman-Chg.Shift-2/3 7/3-12/31/69 9,335. 29.92 - - - - 6 179.52 J. Laverty Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 S. Garofalo Fireman 9,160. 29.36 4 117.44 6 176.16 N. Wilson Fireman 1/1-5/21/69 8,895. 28.51 3 85.53 - 5/22-42/31/69 9,160. 29.36 1 29.36 6 176.16 K. Valle Fireman 1/1-5/7/69 8,365. 26.81 3 80.43 - - - - 5/8-12/31/69 8,630. 27.66 1 27.66 6 165.96 H. Newman Fireman 7/3412/31/69 8,100. 25.96 - - - - 6 155.76 $1,536.18 $2,291.52 HOLDAYS - 10 TOTAL Payment July 2, 1969 (4) : Payment December 18, 1969 (6) : January 1, 1969 July 4, 1969 February 12, 1969 September 1, 1969 February 22, 1969 October 12, 1969 May 30, 1969 November 11, 1969 November 27, 1969 December 25, 1969 Note: Based on 312 working days per year to conform with other municipalities. C) payment of holiday compensation on the pay-day nearest to June 15th, 1969, and December 15th, 1969, to the members of the Fire Department as set forth on the list inserted herebelow: -17- 4192 12. Authorization of Summer Recreation Payroll Pursuant to request of the Superintendent of Recreation for authorization of the Summer Recreation Payroll, on mo- tion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Van- dernoot, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author- izes the following salary expenditures to the persons named on the list herebelow in- serted, for the terms of employment and at the rate of compensation for each as set forth thereon: (next page) -18- Program Director William Celestine Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $140.00 Flint -Park Margaret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks (PT) 52.50 John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 110:,'00 Central School Kay Francis Richards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 115.00 Lydia Ri.taccO Sr. Rec. Leader 6 weeks 110.00 William Celestine Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 Regina Poccia Rec. Assistant 6 weeks 50.00 Murray Ave. --- Ditmar Trick Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 110.00 JoA_nna Block Sr. Rec. Leader 6 weeks 65.00 Albert Banda Rec. Assistant 6 weeks 55.00 Kathleen Risley Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 Chatsworth Pre-School Joan Coulter Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 62.50 Robin Oleet Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 27.50 Darcy Paige Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Jean Ann Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 27.50 Susan Serling Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Kathy Megroz Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Judith Reck Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 27.50 Beth Levine Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Central Pre-SChoo1 - Valerie Campbell Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 50.00 Maureen Cummings Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 27.50 Mary Lee Blackwood Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 27.50 Blackwood, Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Mary Jill Fischer Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Margaret Santoro Pec: Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Nancy Miller Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 p Ruth guittman Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Sailing Lenny Lipton_ Rec. Specialist 8 weeks 125.00 Stephen Madey Rec. Specialist 8 weeks 90.00 Thomas Lynch Rec. Specialist 8 weeks 70.00 Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist 8 weeks 60.00 Art Deborah Freed Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 Memorial Park Linda Maples Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 'mu id,workshop Julian Spencer Rec, Specialist 7 weeks 95.00 Nancy Neumann Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 45.00 Philip Sussman Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 45.00 James Forger Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 45.00 Susan Guberman Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Denise Franco Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Larry Katz Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 25.00 Tennis Instruction Daniel Kiely Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 60.00 Gymnastics Thomas Auchterlonie Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 75.00 Richard Owen Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 75.00 Physical Fitness Roy O'Neill Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 42.50 Basketball James Codispoti Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 42.50 Special Classes Edward Zahar Sr. Rec. Leader 10 weeks 170.00 Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 Nancy Wilson Rec. Assistant 7 weeks 50.00 Mamaroneck Ave. Joseph Jackson Sr. Rec. Leader 7 weeks 130.00 1 3ry 1969 Summer Recreation Payroll _19_ 1-3. Salary Authorization Conservation Department Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Mr. Leddy under date of June 30th, 1969 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Vander- noot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby au- thorizes and approves the engagement of Kim Purcell as a Park Attendant of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective as of July 7th, 1969, and to be compensated at the rate of $2. 14 per hour beginning as of that date. 14. Payroll Authorization for Beautification Staff-1969 Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Mr. Leddy under date of June 30th, 1969 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby au- thorizes and approves the engagement of the following persons as Park Attendants under the 1969 New York State Beautifi- cation Program, for the period from July 7th to August 22d, 1969, and to be compensated at the rate of $1. 65 per hour in accordance with said Beautifi- cation Program ($1. 25 by the State of New York - 40� by the Town of Ma- maroneck: Steven Udall Michael Kane John Naughton Douglas Bloom Joseph Santoro Jr. 15. Salary Authorization - Secretary to Town Attorney Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Attorney under date of June 30th, 1969 herewith presented and ordered re- ceived and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby au- thorizes that the Secretary to the Town Attorney be compensated at the rate of _Z0_ $2. 50 per hour on a part-time basis for Town work beginning as of May 22d, 1969. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports which were or- dered received and filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of June, 1969. Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of June, 1969. Town Clerk's Report for the month of May, 1969. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of June, 1969. Municipal Dog Patrol Report for the month of June, 1969. Summary of Receipts and Disbursements for the period from January 1st through May 31st, 1969. The Supervisor -- 1. Light at Ferndale:Place The Supervisor presented a copy of a letter addressed to the Chief of Police by R. M. Gardeski, District Traffic En- gineer of the New York State Department of Transportation, dated June 19th, 1969, advising that the request for a light at Ferndale Place would be investigated and given consid- eration during the summer months prior to the opening of school in the fall. Z. Invitation - 4th of July The Supervisor, on behalf of Mrs. Ruth Green of the Village of Larchmont Recreation Committee, extended to all of the members of the Board Mrs. Green's sincere invitation to be at Flint Park at 10 a. m. to participate in the joint Town Village 4th of July annual observances. All of the members of the Board thanked the Supervisor and Mrs. Green and expressed their intentions of being on hand for the ceremonies. -21- Councilman Nagel -- 1. New Haven Fare Increases (Not on Agenda) `With regard to the proposed rate increases on the Penn Cen- tral - New Haven Division, Councilman Nagel requested that a resolution be adopted by the Board to be forwarded to Commissioner J. Burch McMorran of the New York State Department of Transportation, the Public Service Com- mission of the State of New York, Congressman Ogden Reid, Senator Anthony B. Gioffre and Assemblyman Joseph R. Pisani, in objection to the proposed fare increases unless such increases were tied-in with the purchase of new equip- ment and improvement of the road-bed. Supervisor Helwig reviewed her correspondence and dis- cussions with Mr. J. Edmund Colloton, Chairman of the lo- cal and very active Citizens' Committee, stating that the Committee was certainly in agreement with Councilman Nagel's sentiments as just expressed. She also pointed out the contribution our taxpayers had made to the operation of the railroad since 1960 when the State exempted from taxa- tion railroad-owned properties -- and the railroad's failure to observe the Standards of Safety for operation and main- tenance as set up by the State at that time. Councilman Faiola stated that there was one thing he would like to add -- that the I. C. C. had fined the railroad $5, 000. a day but had no jurisdiction to enforce the fine. Following some further general discussion, the Attorney was directed to explore the enforcement of the fine and to check with both the I. C. C. and P. S. C. , and thereupon on a motion offered by Councilman Nagel and seconded by Councilman Cbalif, the following resolution was unanimously adopted to be forwarded as heretofore directed: WHEREAS, the Penn-Central New Haven Division has recently announced a new schedule of fares for the commuter service from Mamaroneck and Larchmont stations, and WHEREAS, the new rate structure adversely af- fects the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck and all who use the service of the Penn-Central New Haven by greatly increasing the minimum stateion to station fares and the 10-trip fare and by changing the terms of the monthly ticket, and WHEREAS, the residents of the Town have con- tributed to the operation of the New Haven ever _ZZ_ atE ei since 1960 when some $1, 114, 486 of railroad property was exempted from taxation, and WHEREAS, at the time the New Haven was ex- empted by the State, certain Standards of Safety and Maintenance were made part of the law, and WHEREAS, these minimum standards of safety, of maintenance of equipment, and roadbeds, and of stations and other property belonging to the railroad have not been observed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck opposes any increases or changes in fare structure pending assurances from the Penn-Central New Haven Division, the Public Service Commission and the State Department of Transportation that commuter service will be improved materially and will conform in every respect to the -- "Standards of Service to be Observed by the Penn Central Company for General Passenger Service in State of New York (including Commuter Train and Commuter Service)" here attached, and to the provisions of Sec- tions 489 A-V of the Real Property Tax Law. The Supervisor then asked Councilman Faiola to report on the bus situation at this time while on the subject of trans- portation - rather than later as scheduled on the agenda. Councilman Faiola then stated that the Committee had met on June 26th and that negotiations were under way with several bus companies were under way. The Liberty Bus Company and the Shore Line Bus Company, he reported, would report back to the Committee, he reported, hope- fully in the near future. He reported further that the Committee representatives would meet again shortly together with the Attorney's from each municipality so that the individual franchises could be reviewed and studied. Note was made of the County's offer of help -- and Mr. Schwab, speaking from the floor, stated that he felt cen- tral County handling was needed in this kind of thing. He referred to Mr. Michaelian's being in favor - and was advised by the Supervisor that the matter was under study by the Transporation Committee of the Board of Supervisors. -23- �<r Councilman Faiola -- 1. Retirement - Fireman Alfred Moll Councilman Faiola advised the Board of the retirement of Fireman Alfred Moll as of this date after twenty-nine years of service with the Town. He paid tribute to the fine job done by Mr. Moll and moved that his resignation _ be accepted with great regret and that a resolution of thanks and appreciation to him be adopted to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting as a public record of tribute - and that a copy thereof be forwarded to him with deep thanks and best wishes for the future. The motion was seconded by Councilman Chalif and the following resolution unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Alfred Moll, Town of Mamaroneck Fireman for the past twenty-nine years, has retired as of this date, and WHEREAS, during the many years of his ser- vice, he was a loyal and faithful employee untiring in the perfor- mance of his duties which were discharged with diligence and competence, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board, do hereby adopt this resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in tribute to -- Alfred Moll and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to him with appre- ciation and thanks for his fine service and very best wishes for the future. 2. Appointment of Fireman Newman and Authorization of Salary Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of June 20th, 1969, on motion by Councilman Faiola, sec- onded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously -24- RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation and request of the Fire Council, this Board hereby approves the appointment of Henri Newman as a Town of Mamaroneck Fireman, effective as of July 3, 1969, and to be com- pensated at the rate of $8100. 00 per annum. Councilman Vandernoot -- 1. Apportionments Councilman Vandernoot presented for authorization, the following petitions submitted by the Assessor for the cor- rection of the assessment roll so as to permit the appor- tionment of taxes, and thereupon on his motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was unan- imously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for the correction of the assess- ment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law, and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said pe- titions for the correction of said assess- ment roll: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1969, taxes of 1970, which shows prop- erty now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 218 205 Munn Brewer & W $4, 500 $ 10, 600 $15, 100 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp Total 218 205 Munn Brewer -?- 1, 700 1, 700 218 240 Munn Brewer & W 2, 800 10, 600 13, 400 and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1968, school taxes of 1969, and the assessment roll of 1969, taxes of 1970, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows: _9,5- Block Parcel Name Land only 827 431 Rigobert Monard $ 2, 700 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land only 827 431 Anne Dorian 1, 300 827 434 Antonio S Saturno & W 1, 400 The Town Attorney -- 1. Report on Block Parties In accordance with the Board's direction, the Attorney pre- sented a report on Block Parties within the Town of Ma- maroneck stating the findings and recommendations of the Town's Insurance Carriers and the Chief of Police, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. Following discussion by the members of the Board and the Attorney, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that requests to hold Block Parties in the Town of Mamaroneck be referred to the Police and Fire Depart- ments for approval, and that permits be issued therefor by the Chief of Police subject to compliance with the provi- sions required by the aforesaid Police and Fire Departments. 2. Certiorari Settlement Chatsworth Gardens Unit A Pursuant to the Attorney's recommendation for settlement of the certiorari proceedings on Chatsworth Gardens Unit A, on motion by Councilman Chalif, seconded by Council- man Vandernoot, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present and voting "aye": WHEREAS, heretofore writs of certiorari were obtained by Mandeville Properties, Inc. , owners of Unit A Chatsworth Gardens Apartments, known and described as Block 127, Parcel 152 on the Tax Assessment Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck, for the following years: 1962 for the taxes of 1963, 1963 for the -26- taxes of 1964, 1964 for the taxes of 1965, 1965 for the taxes of 1966, 1966 for the taxes of 1967, 1967 for the taxes of 1968, 1968 for the taxes of 1969; and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney recom- mends to this Board that the proceedings be settled and discontinued upon the re- duction of these assessments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessments for the years of 1962 for the taxes of 1963, 1963 for the taxes of 1964, 1964 for the taxes of 1965, 1965 for the taxes of 1966, 1966 for the taxes of 1967, 1967 for the taxes of 1968, 1968 for the taxes of 1969 upon property owned by Mandeville Properties Inc. and described upon the Assessment Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 127 and Parcel 152 be reduced as follows: From Assm't. Tax Year Year Land Imp. Total - 1962 1963 $50, 000. $,`363, 000. $413, 000. 1963 1964 50, 000. 363, 000. 413, 000. 1964 1965 50, 000. 363, 000. 413, 000. 1965 1966 50, 000. 363, 000. 413, 000. 1966 1967 50, 000. 363, 000. 413, 000. 1967 1968 50, 000. 363, 000. 413, 000. 1968 1969 32, 900. 288, 400. 322, 300. To Assm't. Tax Year Year Land Imp. Total 1962 1963 $32, 900. $ 267, 100. $ 300, 000. 1963 1964 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. 1964 1965 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. 1965 1966 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. 1966 1967 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. 1967 1968 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. 1968 1969 32, 900. 267, 100. 300, 000. provided the certiorari proceedings now pending in the name of Mandeville Prop- erties, Inc. for the years 1962 for the taxes of 1963, 1963 for the taxes of 1964, 1964 for the taxes of 1965, 1965 for the taxes of 1966, 1966 for the taxes of 1967, -27- 1967 for the taxes of 1968, 1968 for the taxes of 1969 be discontinued without costs as against either party; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that all re- funds of taxes due by reason of such re- ductions be paid without interest; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipu- lations to obtain an order of the Supreme Court providing for such reductions. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 10:50 p. m. , to reconvene on August 6th, 1969. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment, on motion by Commissioner Faiola, seconded by Commissioner Van- dernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire De- partment claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comp- troller authorized to pay the same out of the 1969 Fire Department budget: American La France $ 89. 45 R. G. Brewer Inc. 37. 30 Con Edison 92. 44 Roberts 136. 65 Total . . . . .$ 355. 84 -28 2. Reports Commissioner Faiola presented the following report which was ordered received and filed for the record: Fire Report for the month of June, 1969• 3. Communications Commissioner Faiola stated that there were no com- munications to be presented at this meeting. 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, it was declared adjourned at 10:55 p. m. , to re- convene on August 6th, 1969. n C rk -29-