HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970_11_12 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD NOVEMBER 12th, 1970, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. _ CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Nagel Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer PRESENTATION OF 1971 PRELIMINARY BUDGET The Supervisor greeted those present and stated that she would introduce the presentation of the Preliminary Budget for 1971 with a program of color slides taken by Mr. Kronen berger, Recreation Superintendent, and herself, showing the departmental services rendered to the residents by the Town staff for the budgetary expenditures. During the presenta- tion she called attention to the appropriations for the various departments, noting in particular those which, under the General Town, served all of the residents of the entire Town such as Recreation, Conservation, Assessment, Tax Collection, and the conduct of all Elections. Following this, she reviewed the Summary of the 1971 Preliminary Budget including the letter addressed to all residents under today's date, which was herewith ordered re- ceived and filed as part of the record of this meeting. (Summary appended page two) - 1 - to=, c t L,j J CEO LA �t .{1.1�::�, dun s < urYt y ' r t n, rub r, a TOWN OF MAMARONECK 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. CHRISTINE K. HELWIG ow S.Bac) SUPERVISOR November the 11th 1 9 7 0 To Residents of the f`own of Mamaroneck: For this presentation of the Preliminary Town Budget for 1971 , we have prepared a simplified summary which out- lines planned expenses: anticipated income and the amount of money to be raised by property taxes. We call your attention to the following: The General Town Tax of $l. 55 a $1, 000. , an increase of 20t over 1970, levied on all property owners in the unin- corporated area and both Villages,pays the costs of general administrative services of the Town. State Law prescribes the services which must be performed by the Town for all its residents and also _prescribes the allocations followed in this budget. The increase of 20� is largely due to the addition in the 1971 budget of 2 items -- $7, 000. for operating costs of the Neighborhood Opportunity Center of the Greater Mamaroneck Community Action Program; and a $20, 000. budget requested for the activities of the Narcotics Guidance Council. The ac- tual levy for these new services will be reduced by State Aid for the Narcotics Guidance Council and revenue from the Vil- lage of Mamaroneck to pay the Rye Neck share of these ap- propriations. The total of Townwide, Part Town and Special District taxes paid by residents of the unincorporated area will be $29. 71 per $1, 000. , an increase of $3 . 16 per $1, 000. The $73; 478. increase in the Police Department represents an 8% salary increase negotiated by the Police Commission and the Town of Mamaroneck P. B. A. Increases in Highway and Sanitation reflect a flat $520. salary adjustment for To Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck November 11th, 1970 page two -- employees in Job Classifications I through TX. The increase in the Fire Department is only an estimated figure since the demands of the New York State Fire Fighters Association Local 898 are under negotiation. Police and Fire protection budgets total $997, 626. , or 47 %, and Highway and Sanitation budgets total $678, 065. , or 32%, of the unincorporated area budget. Personnel costs (salaries and fringe benefits) increase $252, 209. to a total of $1, 794, 684, This is 827o of our net operating cost eliminating debt service and contracted ser- vices, as against 74% in 1970. Fringe benefits fully paid by the Town for a Patrolman at max- imum of $10, 485. amount to 34ojc including 10 paid holidays. For skilled laborers at $7,925. fringe benefits ,amount to 33. 8% and for office workers in Job Group IV 29%. Overtime or com- pensatory time off are excluded from these figures. Our anticipated revenues total $660, 872. , $123, 132. less than in 1970. State Aid totals $251, 071. reflecting an increase of $69, 213. in per capita State Aid. Other departmental income totals $269, 118„ of which $65, 520. represents earnings re- alized on investment of temporarily idle funds, and cash avail- able in all funds totals $140, 683. The Preliminary Budget represents the requests of Departments and the results of salary and other decisions which are recom- mended by the Town Board after careful study. A Preliminary Budget must be adopted by the Board before November 16th. The public hearing on the Proposed 1971 Budget will be held on Wednesday, December 9th, 1970. Prior to the hearing, com- plete copies of the budget may be obtained at the Town Offices by those who wish to study the proposals in greater detail. Sincerely, Christine K. Helwig Supervisor b) Summary of Budget Requests Budget 1971 1970 Difference % Chang. Planned Expense $2, 845, 509. $2, 506, 220. $339, 289. 13. 5 Anticipated Income 660, 872. 576, 004. 84, 868. 14. 7 Balance - To be raised by taxes 2, 184, 637. 1, 930, 216. 254, 421. 13, Z Personnel Costs 1, 794, 684. 1, 542, 475. Z52, 209. 16. 4 Share of Net Operation Expense 820/0 7476 Taxes Administration General Town Tax (Townwide) 244, 766. 211, 269. 33, 497. 15. 9 See Note #1 Rate per $1, 000. Assessed Valuation 1. 55 1. 35 20� 14. 8 Municipal Expenses Part Town & Special District Taxes 1, 939, 871, 1, 718, 947. 220, 924. 1Z. 9 See Note #2 Rate per $1, 000. Assessed Valuation 29. 71 26. 55 3. 16 11. 9 Note #1 -- A.dministration which is Townwide includes such expenses as Assessor, Receiver of Taxes, official staff of the Town Of- fice, Elections and Recreation. Note #2 -- Municipal expenses are all costs of government for the unin- corporated area including Police, Fire, Garbage, Water, etc. The tax rate shown in this summary is a combination of the rates for general administration and the Part Town and Special Districts that are included in the financial structure of the Town.' TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1971 ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES TAR LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 723,751.00 478,985.00 244,766.00 Part Town Schedules 2 & 4 884,713.00 48,376.00 836 ,337.00 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2 3 , 4 and 5 Schedules 5 & 6 399,721.00 56,300.00 343,421.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 278,344.00 - - 278,344,00 Water Schedule 8 51,927.00 44,211.00 7 ,71.6.00 Street Lighting Schedule 9 29,840.00 3,000.00 26,840.00 Sewer ScheduLe 10 128,908.00 26,000.00 102,908.00 Park Schedule 11 83 ,146.00 4,000.00 79,146.00 Fire Schedule 12 265,159.00 - 265 159.00 TOTAL 2,845,509.00 660,872.00 2 ,184,637.00 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1970 1971 General Town 156, 062, 762. 157, 544, 453. Part Town 68, 838, 867. 69, 435, 735. Part Town - Highway 68, 838, 867. 69, 435, 735. Garbage District 68, 838, 867. 69, 435, 735. Water District 68, 844, 867. 69, 441, 735. Street Lighting District 68, 844, 867. 69, 441, 735. Sewer District 6-1, 892, 567. 62, 336, 035. Park District 65, 781, 177. 66, 327, 645. Fire District 68, 838, 867. 69, 435, 735. 1970 1971 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town 1. 35 1. 55 . 20 Part Town 10 . 70 12. 04 1. 34 Part Town - Highway 4. 35 4. 95 . 60 Garbage District 3. 55 4. 01 . 46 Water District . 03 . 11 O8 Street Lighting District . 45 39 . 06 Sewer District 1. 65 1. 65 Park District 1. 27 1. 19 . 08 Fire District 3. 20 3. 82 . 62 26. 55 29. 71 3. 3G .14 SUMMARY BY AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1. 35 1. 55 . 20 Village of Larchmont 1. 35 1. 55 . 20 Unincorporated Area 26. 55 29. 71 3. 16 CUMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS &. TAX LEVIES MODIFIED APPROPRIATIONS 1370 TAY LF.�IES APPROPRIATIONS 1.971 Ta�S LbViLS 1,032,994 GENERAL FUND 723,751 34% 211,2b9 111-----v_T99N WIDE--------------.- 25% 244,766 11% 1.35 per M 1.55 per M Police Police 658,989 22% 732,467 26% 736,547 836,337 * 23, 00 1% 25,340 1% _-m_** 126 906 4% 38% ** 90,058 3% 38°l.^__®-__PART TOWN--- _ww� , 10.70 per M 12.04 per M 373,946 EEI 399,721 343,421 12% 16%_----HIGHWAY FUND------------- 10 16% 4.35 per M SPECIAL DISTRICTS 4.95 per M 61 244,618 —_ 278,344 =278,344 13% 245 8 8% 13%-_-----GARBAGE-_---_------. e_- 101 3.55 per M 4.O1 per M 77,631 2% 2 000 -- --------WATER-------------- 51,92.7 2% , 7:,716 i%. .03 per M 11 per M 30 650 1% 30 650 2%------LIGHTING----------------- 29,840 1% 26 840 1% .45 per M .39 er M 174,895 6% 101,895 . 5%-------SEWER-'-�-_-__- -_.___ 128 908 5% 102,908 5% 1.65 per M 1.65 per ri 105,744 37 83,244 4%---_ ®PARR---------------d__-- 83,146 3% 79,146 3'�% 1.27 per M 1.19 per M 231,471 8% ------FIRE--------------------- 1__a65,159 9% 265,159 12% 3.20 per M 3.82 per 11 3,045,396 100% 14.9.30,216 100%------ __®---,_ _----. - 2,845,509 100% 2 184,637 100% , * Bldg & Plr,bg. M sc, UNDER WKSTCHLSTER COUNTY TAX LAW, THE TOWN MUST COLLECT AND 'DISBURSE TAXES LEVIED BY THE STATE, COUNTY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT Larchmont Village unincorporated Mamaroneck Ville Town of Mamaroneck w Town School Tax Sept, $59.02 & Jan. School Tax Town Townes $59.02 Sept. School Tax I $59,02 Sept. & Jan. * - The collecting & Jan, agency for (Scarsdale various taxes District and the dates $61.60) of collection are indicated by brackets to the right of Village Village * Village the columns, Part Town Tax June Tax Village Highway $36,90 $29,06 & Districts June & $25.20 December Town Judicial & Judicial & $46,88 County AJudl County April $18.22$18,22 Town * Town$22,24 $21,68 County Sewer Tax 2,11 2.67 April Apr i1 General Town Tax 135 1«35 Total Tax Levy 5109.76 Per $1,000 in 1970 $10.5.90 5118„16 The $1.35 per 51 ,000 Ceneral Town Tax is paid by all property owners in the unincorporated area and both Villages , This $1,35 per 51,000, is the only money which the Town keeps nod uses to pay for the services (general elections , assessment of real property, collection of taxes rec- rear_ion programs and facilities at Hormiocks and Sheldrake Trails) rendered directly no all res- idents by the Town Government, All other monies are paid over to other taxing units. T06PN OF MAMARONECK COMPARISON OF 1970 MODIFIED BUDGET AND 1971 PRELIMINARY BUDGET GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT 1970 1.971 MODIFIED PRELIMINARY INCREASE OR DECREASE SUPERVISOR -- $ 20L223 .00 $ 21,798.00 $ 1,575.00 10IN JUSTICES 21.820.00 32,815.00 10,995.00 TOWN BOARD { 14,100.00 13,500.00 (600.00) TOWN CLERK 25,101.40 19,957.00 (5,144.40) ASSESSOR 43,062.00 442410.00 1,348.00 PECEIATER OF TAXES 23 ,895.00 29,880.00 5,985.00 TCWN ATTORNEY 25,000.00 23;600,00 (1,400.00) EN-1 EER 22,868.00 31,705.00 8,837.00 p FLeC„IONS 23 ,908.00 27 ,391.00 3,483.00 CO-a-TROLLER 35,310.00 42,035,00 6,725.00 TLA6'N OFFICES 30 300.00 32,620.00 2,320.00 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2,000.00 2,000.00 - - RECE TION 146,580.00 158,3044,00 11,424.00 _ EN-E-ARISES 113 ,150.00 21,130.00 (92,020.00) DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 10,000.00 10,000.00 ; �- - SHEIDRAnE RIVER PROJECT - - -� 16,290.00_ � 21.,310.00 5,020.00 ANTE' - :ISCEL OUS 459,087.01 191,296 00 �(2a7, 91.0i) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $1,032,994.41 $723_,751«00 1 ($309,243.41) TOTAL REVENUES_ $ 821 725.41 $478,985.00 ($342,740.41) y NET LEVY $ 211,269.00 $244,766.00 $ 33,497.00 PART_ TOWN n, LI;CE $ 658,989.00 $732,467.00 $ 73,478.00 PLANNING BOARD 400.00 340.00 (60.00) ��- BUILDING & PLUMBING 23 ,400.00 25,340.00 1,940.00 BOARD OF APPEALS 500.00 515.0 C 5.00 _ — ;jISCELLANEOUS 88,658.00 125,551.00 36,893.00 _ PUBLIC HEALTH 500.00 500.00 - - -_�__,__ _ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 772,447 ,00 $884,713.00 $112,266.00 _ TOTAL REVENUES $ 35,900.00 $ 48,376,00 $ 12,476.00 , NET LMTY $ 736,547.00 $836,337.00 $ 99,790.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARISON OF 1970 MODIFIED BUDGET & 1971 PRELIMINARY BUDGET HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1970 1971 INCREASE OR MODIFIED PRELIMINARY DECREASE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $373,946,00 $399,721,00 $ 25,775.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 74,234.00 $ 56,300,00 $(17,934.00) NET LEVY $299,712.00 $343,421,00 $ 43 ,709.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT # 1 3 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $248 618.00 $278,344,00 $ 32,726,00 101AL REVENUES 1,000.00 - - - $ (1,000.00) NET LEVY _ X244,618.00 $278,344,00 �J 8 33 ,726.00 _ t-- WATER DISTRICT 1 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 77 630.95 $ 51,2927.00 $'25,703.95) TOTAL REVENUES 75,630.95_ 44,211. Q $L-11,419.95) NET LE-;Y $ 22000,00 $ 7,716,00 ' $ 5,716.00 _ STEET LIGHTING DISTRICT # 1 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 30 650.00 S 29 840,00 810.00 TOTAL REVENUES 3,000,00 3 ,000.00 NET LEVY } $ 30 650.00 26 840,00 (3,810,00) SEgFR DISTRICT # 1 TOTAL APPROPRIATION _ __�174�895.00 $128 908.00 $(45,987.00) TOTAL REVENUES 73 000.00 $ 26 OOOe'00 $(47,000.00) NET LEVY $101,995.00 $102,908.00 1,013,00 PARK DISTRICT # 1 TOTAL APPROPPIATIONS i05 744 00 $ 83 146,00 (22,598.00) TOTAL REVENUES 22 500.00 4 000 00 $(LS 500.00) NET LEVY 83 ,244,00 79,146,00 (4,098.00) 11P,E DISTRICT # 1 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $231,471.00. $265,159.00 33 688.00 TOTAL REVENUES - - NET LEVY $220,281.00 $265,159,00 $ 44,878.00 a SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted I SUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 8000. 8000. 8000. 102 Deputy Supervisor 600. - - - - *103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 4940. 5538. 5738. 104 Senior Steno. 2043. 5785. 6710. 15583. 19323. 20448. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 -Typewriter 468. - 500. 202 Air Conditioner 132. - - - - -- 600. 500. 1 n 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 "Supplies & Other Expenses ! 886. 900. 850. 886 900. 850. TOTAL 17069. 20223. - 21798. ` . *Supervisor's Office (1/2) and-Town Cletk's Office (1/2) . 1 i i SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted TOWN JUSTICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Justices (2) 8677. 9010. 11400, 102 Court Clerks (3) 4000. 9920. 14990, 12677. 18930. 26390. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Furniture - - 100. 2265. 202 Tape Recorder - - - - 275. 203 Typewriter 275. 300. 150, _ 2,75. 400. 2690. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2052. 2490. . 3735. 2052, 2490, 3735. TOTAL 15004. 21821). 32815. i SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted :T;-JN BOARD 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 11885. 12000. 12000. 11885. 12000. 12000. I 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, 'Reports, etc. 1393. 1500. 1200. 402 Travel & Convention - 600. 300. 1393. 2100, 1500. TOTAL 13278. 14100. 13500. SCHEDULE 1 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted ' RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES , 101 Receiver of Taxes 12190. 12920, 13320. * 102 Sr, Account Clerk 3113. 3500, 7925, ** 103 Assessment Clerk 3655. 3875. 4135. 104 Temporary Additional Services - 500, 18958. 20295. 25880, - 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Adding Machine - 300. - - 300. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3525. 3300. 4000. 3525. 3300, 4000. TOTAL 22483. 23895. 29880. . Transferred from Comptroller's Office (1/2) to Receiver of Taxes full time, ** Assessor's Office (1/2) and Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2) . SCHEDULE 1 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 _ 1970 1971 Adopted TOWN ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney - 12000, 13000, 14500, 102 Contingent Professional Services 3918, 5200, 2000, 103 Steno, Services 4631, 5900, 6300, 20549. 24100, 22800 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 676, 700, 402 Travel Expenses 33, 200, 100, 709. 900. 800. TOTAL 21258, 25000. 23600, SCHEDTLE 1 — (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified 1969 Budget 1970 1971 ENGINEER Adopted 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 15100, * 102 Sr, Engineering Aide 16935. 17335. 103 Senior Steno. 4390, 4933. 10870, 3112, 104 Additional Professional - Services 2000, 22602. 21868. 30205,. .... 200 `EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile 2415, 2416. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 1067, 1000. 1500. 1067 1000, 1500. TOTAL 26085. 22868. 31705, * Transferred from Assessor's Office (1/2) to Engineer's Office full time, k* Transferred to Building & Plumbing Department. SCHEDULE 1 -' (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adovted ELECTIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 770. 900. 1000. 102 Wages 665. 1300. 1475. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 12120, 15058. 13810. 13555. 17258. 16285. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Voting Machines & Elections Booths 11761. 3000. 7636. - 11761. 3000. 7636. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 351. 650. 1 150. 402 Rental Polling Places 2476. 1300. . 1620. 403 Transportation of Equipment 1200. 1700. 1700. 4027. 3650. 3470. TOTAL 29343. 23908. 27391. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted COMPTROLLER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller 15100. 17030. 18475. 102 Sr. Account Clerk , 6985. 7405. 7925. * 103 Sr. Account Clerk 3112. 3500. - 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk & Typist 5600. 6300. 7185. 105 Junior Accountant - - 7750. 30797. 34235. 41335. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Adding Machine 725. = - - - 725. 400 CONTRACPUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 548. 350. 700. 548. 350. 700. TOTAL 31345. 35310. 42035. * Transferred to Receiver of Taxes Department. �O SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted TOWN OFFICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Intermediate Typist 3011. 5150. 6010, 102 Custodian 1600. 1600, 4611. 6750, 6010. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Alterations,, Office Equipment, etc, 1472, 500. 300. 202 Postage Machine - - - - -1145. 203 Check Writer & Signer - - - 715. 1472. 500, 2160. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3406. 4500. 4000. 402 Stationery & Postage 2994. 2200. 2500, 403 Telephone 4625. 4200. 6500, 404 Light 809. 700. - - 405 Rent 6600. 7200. 7200. 406 Independent Audit 3000. 4000. 4000. 407 Assoc, of Towns Dues 250. 250. 250. 21684. 23050. 24450. TOTAL 27767. 30300. 32620. SCHEDULE 1 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted PUBLIC SAFETY CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT ', 201 Sirens - 1000. 1000, 1000. 1000. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 372. 300, 300. 402 Repairs, Replacements & Tools, etc. - - 100. 100. 372. 400. 400. TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE:i 372. 1400. 1400.* *Village of Larchmont (1/2) and Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) . OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 326. 600. 600. ** 501 Humane Society Contract 9139. - - - - TOTAL OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 9465. 600. 600. **Transferred by legislation to Miscellaneous Part Town. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 9837. 2000. 2000. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted GENERAL RECREATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Superintendent 13245. 14845, 15245. 102 Commission Secretary 200, 200. 300. 103 Recreation Attendants (Maintenance) 5845. 10198, 10920. 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk and Typist 4748, 5205. 6090, 105 Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants 3672, 6000. 6800, 27710. 36448, 39355. 200 EQUIPMENT - 201 Memorial Park & Play- ground (Shuffle Board Courts, etc.) - - 3300, - - - 202 New Sails (Two Falcons) - 500, 203 New Gestefax & Mimeo Machines - - - - 2400, 204 Overhaul Launch Engine - 750, 1200. 205 New Tractor Brush & Plow (Memorial & Hommocks Park) - - 2000. - - 206 Poloroid I.D. System (Lease) 1071. - - - - 207 Baldwin Hills Project 2700, 208 Equipment-Hommocks Area - - 3000, - - 3771, 9550. 3600, 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 6754. 7500, 7850, 6754. 7500. 7850, YOUTH RECREATION 500 Personal Services 23266. 30010. 36965. 501 Contractual Expenses 8666 8541. 10209. 31932, 38551. 47174. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative ; Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted RECREATION (con'd) ADULT RECREATION- 600 Personal Services 2727. 4065. 4165. 601 Contractual Expenses 3200. 3450. 3952. i 5927. 7515. "8117. SWIMMING POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 700 Personal Services 31725. 45666. 50008. 701 Contractual 'Expenses 2662. 1650. 2200. I 34387. 47316. 52208. TOTAL 110481, 146880. 158304. REVENUES (See Page 26) Estimated State Aid 3827. 4028. Estimated Fees 67798. •74853. TOTAL 71625. 78881, NET APPROPRIATION 75255. 79423. NET INCREASE FOR 1971 4168, SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #1) 3128. 4500. ; 4500. 402 Lease - County of Westchester 5104. 6000. 403 Redemption of Notes,etc. - - - - 15730. 403-1 Parking Field #1 (Purchase"of County Lands) - 102000. 8232. 112500, 20230. GENERAL TOWN (MISC.) 401 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #3 191, 250. 500, ' 191. 250. 500. CEMETERIES 500 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 392. 400, 400. 392, 400. 400. TOTAL ENTERPRISES ' 8815, 113150. 21130. DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 13000. 10000. 10000. TOTAL 13000.,. 10000. 10000. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted i ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field ill) 3128. 4500. 4500. 402 Lease - County of Westchester 5104. 6000, - - 403 Redemption of Notes,etc, - - - - 15730, 403-1 Parking Field #1 (Purchase ~of County Lands) - - 102000. - - 8232. 112500. 20230. GENERAL TOWN (MISC.) 401 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #3 191. 250, 500. I 191. 250. 500, CEMETERIES 500 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 392. 400, 400. _ 392. 400, 400, TOTAL ENTERPRISES 8815. 113150. 21130, DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Redemption of Bonds ' and Notes 13000. 10000, 10000. i TOTAL 13000., 10000. 10000. SCHEDULE 1 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969- 1970 1971 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organization Rooms 900, 900,00 900, 501 Patriotic Days Observances 952, 1000.00 1250. 502 Shade Tree Fund 1265. 2000.00 1750. 503 Bond & Coupon Svice. Fees 124. 275.00 200. 504 Real Estate Taxes 3164. 3000.00 3900. 505 Payment to Retirement System 31546. 27900,00 33260, 506 Social Security Taxes 8420. 9700.00. 11330, 507 Contingency Fund - - 8205.60 10000, 508 Interest on Bonds & Notes 5335. 6023,00 4900, 509 Improvement of Hommocks Area 175805. 139695.41 42900, 510 Street Signs 605. 600,00 600. 511 Mamaroneck Community Action Program - - - 7000, 512 Supt. of Highways - 12190. 14040.00 15245. 513 Secty. - P, I. - Supt. of Highways - - 520. 514 Premium River Project 2000, 78000.00 - - 515 Data Processing Payroll - - 1300,00 1300. 516 Acquisition of Land for Municipal Buildings - 138500.00 _ 517 Narcotic.Guidance Council 1000,00 20000 242306. 432139.01 155055, INSURANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 513., 1200,00 600, 601 Official Bonds and Undertakings 346, 800.00 600. ' 602 Fire , Auto. Liab.,. etc. . 10948. 11000,00 14400, 603 Group Health 8383. 10120,00 16735. 604 Group Life 3036. 3828.00 3906. 23226. 26948.00 36241. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS &INSURANCE 265532. 459087.01 191296. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 688515. 1032994.41 723751, ' 1;7 SCHEDULE 2 PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted POLICE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Officers 352255. 393000. 453316. 101A Holiday Compensation 12201. 14300. 16000. 102 Cleaner 3120. 3305. 3825. 103 School Guiards 14148. 18815. 23200. * 104 Court Clerk 3000. - - - - 105 Senior Steno. 3294. 6190. 7115. 106 Senior A/C Clerk - 5785. 388018. 441395. 503456. *Transferred to Town .justices Department. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 11991. 14000. 15000. 201A Motorcycle - - - 3000. 202 Uniforms, etc. 6432. 6250. 7500. 203 Radios 1463. .2000. 2200. 204 Other Miscellaneous 3267. 3000, 3150, 205 Office Furniture - 2000. 1500. 206 Photography Equipment - - 1800. - - 207 Tape Recorder for Switchboard - 4000. - - 208 Electronic Siren and P. A. System - 750. 209 Breathalyzer - - - 1000, 210 Vascar 11 Speed Computer - - - - 1000. 211 Detective Equipment - - - - 350. I 23153. - 33800. 34700. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Building Operation 4076. 5500. 4000. 402 Telephone 5087. 4000. 5000. 403 Light, Gas & Water 620. 700. 900. 404 Gas and Oil 5502. 6000. 6000. 405 Equipment Operation 12304. 7000. 7250. 406 Supplies 7127. 6000. 6500. 407 Traffic Signals & Signs (Incl. Maintenance Man) 3841, 14200. 8200. 408 Compensation & Liability Insurance 11088. - 11000. 12400. 409 Group Health Insurance 13076. 17600. 21765. 410 Group Life Insurance 4796. 5544. 5166. I� SCHEDULE 2 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted PLANNING BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 200. 240. 200. 200. 240• 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other - Expenses 85. 200. 100. 85. 200. 100. TOTAL 285. 400. 340. SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES lO1 Inspector 12190. 12920. 13635, * 102 Senior Steno. 3113. 7000, 7925. 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 150, 180, 180, 15453. 20100. 21740. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile 2600, , 2600, . 2600, 2600. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 509. 700. 1000, 509. 700. 1000. TOTAL 15962. 23400, 25340. *Transferred from Engineer's Department (1/2) to Building & Plumbing Department full time. SCHEDULE 2 - (coned) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 ° Adopted BOARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 2004 200. 240. 200. 200. 240. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 149. 300. 275. 149. 300. 275. TOTAL 349. 500. 515. SCHEDULE 2 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS 501 Public Library .Contract 56952, 59500, 68320, 502 Registrar Vital .Statistics 59. 55. 55, 503 Employees ' Retirement. System 2741, 2800, 3150, 504 Social Security Taxes 692, 800. 905. 505 Contingency Fund - - - 6500, '10000, 506 Thruway Noise Abatement 30, 50. 30. 50; Group Health Insurance 544. 550, 650, 508 Group Life Insurance 264. 264. 252. 509 Compensation & Liability Insurance 157. 200. 200, 510 Miscellaneous - 500. - 511 Parking Meters (Maxwell Street) Lot #2 , " 120, 200. 250, 512 Humane Society ontract - - 9739, 9739. 513 Police Station & Court House Projects; etc. - - 7500, 32000, TOTAL 61559. 88658, 125551, J f SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted PUBLIC HEALTH 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 500. 500. - 500. TOTAL 500. 500. 500. GRAND TOTAL -GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 677980. 772447. 884713. SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget . 1969 1970 1971 Adopted STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 103688. 103687. 160000, State Aid - Mortgage Tax 33832, 40000. 32000. State Aid Youth Bureau 3827. 3827. 4028. State Aid - Railroads 1843, 1751, 1843, State Aid - Narcotic Addiction Control Commission - - - 6750. Other Municipalities Narcotic Addiction Control Commission - Village of Mamaro- neck Share 2650. Community Action Program Village of Mamaroneck Share - - - - 1400. 143190. 149265. 208671 INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON TAXES 24439. '21000. 24000 24439, 21000. 24000 `LICENSES AND PERMITS ' Dog Licenses 2602. 2700. 2700 2602. 2700; 2700 li DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Town Clerk's Fees 1459. 1300, 1500, Recreation Fees 60874. 67798. 74853. Justices ' Fees 5893. 8200. 8200, Misc. Inspection Fees 310. 500. 600. Parking Meter Receipts -(Lot #1) 13963. 14000. 19000 82499. 91798. 104153 ;. I SCHEDULE 3 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds 186. 700.00 700. Property Rentals 1422. 1422.00 1422. Engineering Charge Special District 5033. 5645.00 5912. Interest on Deposits and Investments 72044. 55000.00 65520. Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #3) 6149. 6000.00 6000. Cash Available 31314. 488195.41 59907. 116148. 556962.41 139461. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 368878. 821725.41 478985. SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND PART TOWN OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative Collected Modified . Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 24065. 24100, 37000, 24065.. 24100, - 37000. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 753. 800, 800, Planning Board Fees 25. 100, 200. Board of Appeals Fees 243. 300. 300, Building & Plumbing Fees 2517. 2000. 2200. Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #3) 1253. 1600. 2400,- 4791. 4800, 5900. OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available 1000, 7000, 5476. 1000. 7000. 5476. GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 29856. 35900, 483764 SCHEDULE 5 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted ITEM I - General Repairs 134143,20 195002. 253770. EmploYees' Retirement System 19872.68 23600. 29430, Social Security Taxes 6054.80 7600. 1 10625. Compensation Insurance 2525.62 2850,` 2200: Group Health Insurance 7902,65 - 10340, 12160. Group Life Insurance 3069.00 3432. 3402. 173567.95 242824, 311587. ITEM II Maintenance & Repairs - Bridge Labor 53.76 300. 300. Materials - - 500, 500. 53.76 800, 800, ITEM III Machinery Miscellaneous 2161,94 - 1000, Purchase 27388.24 41450, 23084, Repairs 6895.60 5300, 5300. Storage 3469.78 2700. 4200, Gas and Oil 6061,77 6000, 6300, Automotive Mechanic 7328,88 8180, 8700, Principal & Interest on Notes 25638.53 26532. 78944.74 90162, 48584, ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Control of Ice & Snow 20533,89 20000. 21000, Cutting Weeds & Brush 3393,95 3000. 4000, Miscellaneous 1200.79 3710, 600. 25128.63 26710, 25600, SCHEDULE 5 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND (con'd) ITEM V TO n. GaraQe Construction Principal & Interest on Bonds 13750.00 13450,. 13150, 13750.00 13450. 13150. GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND 291445.08 �M946. 399721, SCHEDULE 6 ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted ITEM I State Aid 5132, 4834. 5400. Miscellaneous 405, 300. 300. Unexpended Balance 32000. 60000. 33000. 37537. 65134. 38700, ITEM II Bridge Unexpended Balance 500, 100 300 500. 100, 300, ITEM III Machinery Gas & Oil.Refunds, etc. 5932. 6000. - 6300. Unexpended Balance 3000. - 8000. 8932, 6000, 14300. ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Snow Removal Refunds" 2043. 2000. 2000. Unexpended Balance 8000, 1000, 1000. 10043 . 3000 3000 ITEM V Town Garage Construction Unexpended Balance 3470, - - 3470. - - - - GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND REVENUES 60482. 74234. 56300. SCHEDULE 7 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget As r Tentative > Expended Modified Budget ' 1969 -1970 1971 Adopted -APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 121822. 141000, 150000. 121822. 141000, 150000. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation 3681, 3750, 5500. 402 Supplies & Other Expenses 2865. 3360. 3760. ' - 403 Employees' Retirement System 11755. 12500. 14410. 404 Social Security Taxes 5923. 7300. 5385. 405 Group Life Insurance 1661, 1848. 1764. 406 Group Health Insurance 3939. 5335. 7825. 407 Compensation & Lia- bility Insurance 6524. 6525. 5700, 408 Incinerator Operation 53317. 64000. 84000. 89665. 104618. 128344. ". TOTAL 211487. 245618. - 278344. REVENUES Cash Available - - 1000. TOTAL - 1000, GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 244618, 278344. SCHEDULE 8 APPROPRIATIONS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ` WATER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 400 CONTRACTUAL-EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 39815. 34430.95 20000. 402 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 26500. 27500.00 19000. 403 Interest on Bonds and Notes 13610, 12500.00 11327. 404 Supplies and"Other Expenses 1069. 3200.00 1600. TOTAL 80994. 77630.95 51927. REVENUES Water Revenues (Net) - - 48000.00 40647. Pipe Line Rentals - 4200.00 3564. Cash Available 23430.95 TOTAL 75630.95 44211. WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY 2000.-00 7716. SCHEDULE 9 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 2690. 4000. 4140. 2690. 4000. 4140. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES' 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 357. 550. 600. ' 402 Operation (Energy) 21429. . < .20600. 19600. 403 Installations 4392. 5500. 5500. 26178. 26650. 25700. TOTAL 28868. 30650. 29840. REVENUES Cash Available 3000. TOTAL - - - 3000. STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY 30650. - 26840, ' A SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative 4� ' Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 1833. 3000. 3000. 1833. 3000. 3000. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other urs�s i1. SfiI% 713G11- 402 Compensation and Liability Insurance 149. 300. 300. 403 Sewer Construction Costs 175149. 101545. 59717. 404 Redemption of Debt 57500. 54000. 52000. 405 Interest on Notes and Bonds 17250. 14750. 12341. 406 Maintenance - One Sewer Pump Station 564. 800. 800. 250623. 171895. 125908. TOTAL 252456. 174895. 128908. REVENUES Cash Available - - 73000. 26000. TOTAL 73000. 26000. SEWER DISTRICT TAB LEVY. - - 101895: 102908. a SCHEDULE 11 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget ' 1969 1970 1971 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Superintendent 10450, 11075, 11475. 102 Park Foreman 8525. 9560, 9960, 103 Laborers 26615. 33247. 32680, 104 Secretary 200, 200, 120, 45790, 54082, 54235. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 'Heavy Duty Power Mower 269. ` 202 Heavy Duty Leaf Blower - - - - 350, 203 Chain Saw 155. 424. - - 500. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3592, 2885, : 2490, 402 Building Operation 401, 1060, 1360, 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 1049. 1200, -1420, 404 Employees ' Retirement System 5738. 6600. 7530, 405 Group Life Insurance 792, 792, 756, 406 Group Health Insurance 1750, 2310, 2865, .' 407 Compensation and Liability Insurance 1681, 2000, 2500, 408 Social Security Taxes s 2026. 2600, 2545, 409 Redemption of Debt 6000, 6000. 6000, 410 Interest on Bonds 1485, 1215, 945, 411 Capital Improvement Dredging Sheldrake Lake 25000, - 24514, 51662. 28411. SCHEDULE 11 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted PARK DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) -TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 70728. 105744. 83146. REVENUES Cash Available - 22500. 4000. TOTAL - - 22500. 4000.' PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - 83244. 79146. SCHEDULE 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 129608. 137220. - 146100. 101A Contingency Fund - - - - 9900. 129608. 137220. 156000, 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Base Station Antenna Cable ' - - - - 1210. 202 Chief's Automobile 2693. - - - 203 Clothing 2846. 2200. 2900. 204 Radios 885. 885. 2300. 205 Quad 5 - Apparatus (Part) - - 10000. 5000. 6424. 13085. 11410. 400 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation 5183. 5000. 5000. 402 , Building Operation 1331. 9000. 9000. 403 Supplies & Other Expenses 5978. 6000. 6000. 404 Gas, Light, Water & Heat 1994. 2000. 3000. 405 Inspection & Travel 2570. 2700: 2200. 406 Telephone & Alarm 1502. 1400. 1600. 407 Employees' Retirement System 18456. 18300. . 20580. 408 Social Security Taxes 4988. 5700. 6605. 409 Group Life Insurance 1716. 1716, 1764. 410 Group Health Insurance 4016. 4950. 6850. ' 411 Compensation & Liability Insurance 11357. 11400. 14000. e 412 Hydrant Rental 12613,. 13000. 21150. 71704. 81166. 97749. SCHEDULE 12 (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1969 1970 1971 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 207736. 231471. - 265159. REVENUES Cash Available 11190. - - TOTAL REVENUES - 11190. FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 220281. 265159. ' r.r The Supervisor pointed out that the General Town tax increase of 20 cents per $1,000. was largely due to the addition of two items in the proposed 1971 budget -- $7,000. for operat- ing costs of the Neighborhood Opportunity Center of the Greater Mamaroneck Community Action Program, and $20,000. for the Narcotics Guidance Council which would be reduced by State Aid and the revenue from the Village of Mamaroneck covering the cost of Rye Neck's share of these appropriations. She requested Mr. Nagel, Board Liaison to the Neighborhood Opportunity Center, to speak to this item which he, in turn with the Chair's consent, referred to Mr. Lafayette Dixon as the expert in this area. Mr. Dixon stated that he was delighted to be present and explained that CAP had re- quested help from the three municipalities to cover the basic maintenance costs of its new Center necessary primarily be- cause of the substantially higher costs. He said he was very pleased to find this appropriation in the budget and thanked the Board for its response to the request and its support of these facilities which had been provided by the community itself. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Dixon for all he had done during the period he had served as the Director of the Center, and particularly for being good enough to come from out of town to this evening's meeting. Mr. Nagel pointed out for the information of all present that this was a General Town charge which was shared by both the Villages with Councilman Bloom adding that he wished to make it very clear that this was a proper authorized expendi- ture pursuant to special legislation. With reference to the Narcotics Guidance Council, the Chair -_- requested Mr. Vandernoot, Liaison Councilman, to speak to this item whereupon he stated that he too was extremely fortunate this evening in having Dr. Margery Bernstein, Chairman of the Council, present and, with the Chair's consent, referred the item to her. Dr. Bernstein stated that since she had been appointed to the Council last spring, it had operated on a shoestring -- something under a $1,000. appropriation and that the survey of the needs of the Council which had been made had resulted in the submissal of a proposal including coordinators, additional staff, and a "hot line". She stated that the Council was working closely with CAP and would receive funding from the State but that she did not know how much this might be. She explained that the Council was request- ing a minimal budget to provide the "hot line" and a mini- mum staff. Councilman Vandernoot stated that the community was very fortunate to have Dr. Bernstein and other persons so highly qualified to serve on this Council and together with the Supervisor thanked Dr. Bernstein. The Supervisor emphasized that this evening's meeting was not a public hearing but rather the presentation of the Preliminary Budget which the Board, under law, must approve between November 10th and 15th for the public presentation thereof. This Preliminary Budget, she explained, could be either raised or lowered prior to its adoption. A public hearing on the adoption of the Annual Budget would be held this year on Wednesday evening, December 9th, she announced, and copies of the Budget would be available - 3 - at the Town office prior to that date. She pointed out that at this hearing the budget could be lowered but not raised and that it must be adopted on or before December 10th annually. In response to the Chair's querie as to whether anyone wished to address the Board at this time, questions were raised from the floor re: per capita State Aid, reduction of anticipated revenue, borrowings, costs of moving to Central School, and the possibility of combining certain Town-Village departments in order to streamline rising costs. These were answered by the Supervisor, Comptroller and Councilman Nagel, and there- upon since there were no further questions or comments and the Board signified that it was ready for the question, on a motion offered by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council- man Vandernoot, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present and voting "aye": RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the Preliminary Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January 1971, the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution; and be it further RESOLVED , that such Preliminary Budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk, where it shall be available for inspection by an interested person at all reasonable hours; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give Notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such Notice be published and posted in substantially the follow- ing form: Public Notice Notice Is Hereby Given, that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, consisting of the estimated revenues and expenditures for the year 1971, has been completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same may be examined by any person interested therein, and that a public hearing thereon will be held by and before the Town Board of said Town on Wednesday, December 9th, 1970, at 8:15 p.m. , in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, New York, at which time and place all those who appear and are interested will be given an opportunity to be heard with respect to said Preliminary Budget, or any part or item thereof. Please Take Further Notice, that the proposed salaries of the members of the Town Board are as follows : Supervisor - $8,000. ; Town Council- men (4) - $3,000. each; that the proposed salary of the Town Clerk is $13,320. ; that the proposed salary of the Town Superintendent of Highways is $14,500. ; that the proposed salary of the Town Engineer is $17,335. , and that the Preliminary Budget is as follows: - 4 - "3 6 -e ,6 Summary of Preliminary Budget Estimated Appropriation Revenues Tax Levy GENERAL FUND Town Wide $723,751.00 $478,985.00 $244,766.00 Part Town 884,713.00 48,376.00 836,337.00 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3, 399,721.00 56,300.00 343,421.00 4 and 5 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage 278,344.00 -- 278,344.00 Water 51,927.00 44,211.00 7,716.00 Street Lighting 29,840.00 3,000.00 26,840.00 Sewer 128,908.00 26,000.00 102,908.00 Park 83,146.00 4,000.00 79,146.00 Fire 265,159.00 -- 265,159.00 By Order of the Town Board Charles J. Gronberg Town Clerk and be it further RESOLVED, that such Notice shall be published twice in the following newspaper having general circulation within the Town: The Mamaroneck Daily Times, the first publica- tion to be on or before November 24th, 1970, and the second publication on any day subsequent thereto and before the day of such hearing. The Supervisor thanked all present for taking the time to attend this meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:40 p.m. A6.d Town erk f 5 -