HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970_06_17 Town Board Minutes 113 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JUNE 17th, 1970, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Nagel Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Adoption of Local Law No. 2-1970 (Property Maintenance) On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it here- by is declared open. The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Hearing for the record, and the Supervisor requested the Attorney to outline briefly the proposed Local Law. Mr. Johnston stated that the Building Inspector and he felt that the present law was not as strong as they would like it to be since it required considerable time to have the owners clean up commercial properties and structures abutting resi- dential areas. Toward this end, they recommended the adoption of this proposed Local Law which would apply to open areas in the particulars set forth therein, and enable the Building Inspector to have owners clean and keep property in good order and condition. Vacant buildings would have to be secured so as not to become a health or safety hazard and thus possibly injure adjacent properties. "This in a general way, Madam Supervisor", the Attorney concluded, "is what this Law provides for with the penalties for enforcement in the hands of the Building Inspector, who under the proposed Law, is empowered to move to enforce its provisions immediately or within what in his discretion constitutes a reasonable length of time depending upon the obtaining conditions. _ 1 _ The Chair then inquired whether any member of the Board had any comment or question and since not, whether anyone present wished to be heard, whereupon Mrs. Phyllis Wittner of 6 Pheasant Run,-asked the Attorney whether this proposed Law would apply to vacant lots? He replied that it would if said lots were in a commercially zoned area. The Supervisor then inquired whether anyone wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the proposed Law and since no one did, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. Whereupon in reply to the Chair's inquiry as to the Board's pleasure, Councilman Faiola moved the adoption of the Law as proposed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bloom and the following resolution adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, with all members present and voting "aye": RESOLVED, that this Board hereby adopts Local Law No. 2, of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1970 which shall read as follows: (over) 2 - Local Law No. 2-1970 Local Law Number 2 — 1970 ation to the character of the various Adopted by the Town Board of zoning districts and the stability for the Town of Mamaroneck at a the particular uses therein. Special Meeting held June 17, 1970. This Local Law shall be known as DEFINITIONS "The Property Maintenance Law of The following definitions shall the Town of Mamaroneck." govern the interpretation of this local DECLARATION OF PURPOSES law unless otherwise expressly fined herein. Words used in the the AND APPLICATION singular shall include the plural and In order to prevent blight and the vice versa, The word "shall" is al- spread thereof, it is hereby declared ways mandatory. that all structures, except for legal one and two-family dwellings used TOWN—Includes all areas with- for residental or commercial pur- in the Town of Mamaroneck, ex- poses, including but not limited to elusive of areas wholly within any garden apartments, shopping centers, incorporated village. supermarkets, retail stores, discount houses, warehouses, manufacturing PERSON — Includes a natural or fabricaton plants, factories, gaso- person or persons, corporations, line service stations, restaurants, co-partnerships, unincorporated as- food service establishments, office sociations or any other organiza- buildings, public garages, motor- tions of two (2) or more persons vehicle repair shops or other busi- who is or are the owner or own- ness uses, whether occupied or vac- ers,, mortgagee or vendee in pos- ant, and accessory structures, located session, assignee of rents, receiv- in the Town of Mamaroneck, shall er, executor, trustee, lessee or a- be maintained in conformity with gent directly or indirectly in con- the standards set out in this chapter trol of a building within the con- so as to assure that these structures fines of the Town as defined s- and properties will not adversely af- foresaid. feet the neighborhood and the com- munity at large. It is found and de- STANDARDS clared that by reason of lack of main- A. OPEN AREAS. tenance and progressive deteriora- (1) Surface and subsurface water tion, certain structures and proper- shall be appropriately drained ties have the further effect of creat- ing blighting conditions and that if turps and to prevent the struc- the same are not curtailed and re- turps a of stagnant ponds. moved, the aforesaid conditions will grow and spread and will necessitate (2) No shopping baskets, carts or in time the expenditure of large a- wagons shall be left unattend- mounts of public funds to correct ed or standing, and the said and eliminate the same. By reason baskets, carts or wagons shall of timely regulations and restrictions be regularly collected and ye- as herein contained, the growth of moved to the interior of the blight may be prevented and the building or buildings from neighborhood and property values which they were taken by the thereby maintained, and the desir- person responsible for the said ability and amenities of residential building or buildings. and non-residential uses and neigh- borhoods enhanced and the public (3) All fences shall be maintain- health, safety and welfare protected ed by the person responsible and fostered. This local law has been for the property. Such main- prepared and adopted with consider- tenance shall include but not I m� - 3 - s. be limited to the replacement of physical hazards, rodent not inherently resistant to joining property or Ip rthe and/or repair of fences which harborage and infestation. deterioration shall be repair- public. may become in disrepair. They shall be maintained in ed, coated, treated or sealed (6) Buildings and structures shall a manner that will prevent to protect them from dcteri- be maintained free of insect, (4) All landscaping shall be well rubbish from being blown oration or weathering. vermin and rodent harborage maintained so that lawns, about the neighborhood. Open hedges, bushes and trees shall wells, cesspools or cisterns (2) Floors, walls, ceilings, stairs, and infestation. Methods used shall be kept trimmed & free shall be securely closed or furnshings and fixtures of for exterminating insects, ver- from becoming overgrown & barricaded from access to the buildings, shall be maintained min mud rodents shall con- unsightly where exposed to public. in a clean, safe and sanitary form with generally accepted public view and where the condition. Every floor, exter- practice. same may constitute a blight- (8) All permanent signs exposed for wall, roof and porch, or ing factor thereby depreciat- to public view shall be main- appurtenance thereto, shall be PENALTIES ing adjoining property. Such tained in good repair. Execs- maintained in a manner so as Any person violating any provis- maintenance shall include but sively weathered or faded to prevent collapse of the ions of this local law shall be guilty - not be limited to the replace- signs shall be removed or put same or injury to the occu- of an offense punishable by fine or ment of trees and shrubs into a good state of repair. pants of the building or to the imprisonment, or both; however, for which may die and/or other- All nonoperative or broken publice. the purpose of confirming jurisdic- wise be destroyed. electrical signs shall be re- tion upon courts and udicial of- aired or removed. All temp- (3) The foundation walls of every P I P building shall be maintained freers, such violation shall u deem- (5) All recharge storm-water base signs signs except "For Rene' i7.ed a misdemeanor and for such pur- ins shall be maintained by the signs shall be removed at the in good repair and be struct- person responsible for the expiration of the event or sale turally sound. Poses only all provisions of law apply property. Such maintenance for which it is erected or to such h misdemeanors shall apply shall include but not be lim- within sixty 0 days after (4) Exterior walls (including to ouch violations. In lieu of the y ( ) y doors and windows) roofs foregoing, any person violating any ited to: erection, whichever shall oc- - and the areas around door's, provisions of this local law shall be (a) The cleaning of storm cur sooner windows, chimneys and oth1 subject to-a penalty in the sum of sewers and other drainage ap- er parts of a building, shall be^ not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) purtenanc:es serving the said (9) No person shall deposit, throw so maintained as to keep - for the first violations and in a sum basin so that the said installa- or scatter, or suffer, permit or water from entering the build- . ;of not more than one hundred dol- allow the accumulation of any tions function as designed: ing and to occupied undue heat '-liars ($100.00)for subsequent viola- filth, dirt, ashes, junk, gar- ' and loss from occupied areas. m- >in a said penalties h n recovered Uage, waste paper, dust, rub- terials which have been dam- �in::a civil action in the name of the '. (U) The removal of any gar- bish, sticks, stones, grass, o ' bage, rubbish, silt, top soil or wood, leaves, paper or paper aged or show evidence of dry Town. of Mamaroneck. rot or other deterioration shall other foreign material which boxes, iron, tin, nails, bottles ; create an unsanitary ondition be repaired or replaced and i Y or glass of any kind, old cars refinished in a workmanlike ENFORCEMENT or prevent or impede the and parts thereof, or any oth- manner. Exterior walls, roofs Tkls,local;'law shall be enforced leaching action of the said er kind of rubbish or waste and other parts of the build- by tti ¢designated Building Official basin. material, upon any sidewalk, ing shall be free from loose of th6,_76wv'Lor by deputies whom highway or public place, or the sai0.Buildiu Official designates (6) Steps, walks, driveways, park- upon any vacant or improved and unsecured objects and g g ing spaces and similar paved material. Such objects or ma- for this purpose. lot, piece or parcel of ground areas shall be maintained so terials shall be removed, ye- as to afford safe passage un- abutting upon any sidewalk,highway or public place or paired or replaced. SEPARABILITY der normal use and weather upon an private property The invalidity of any section or conditions. Any holes or oth- P y P P y 5 The owner of a vacated build- within the town, except in ac- Oing shall take such steps and Provision of this local law shall not er hazards that may exist shall cordance with the provisions perform such acts as may be invalidate any other section'or pro- be filled, or necessary repairs of the Garbage and Refuse required of him from time to vision thereof. - or replacement carried out. Ordinance in the Town of All off-street parking facilities time to insure that the build- EFFECTIVE DATE Mamaroneck. shall be swept at least twice ing and its adjoining yards re- 7.1. a year. . BUILDINGS AND main safe and secure and do This local law shall becofj e,effec- B not present a hazard to ad- tive immediately. (7) Yards, courts and vacant lots STRUCTURES. shall be kept clean and free (1) All exterior exposed surfaces x tk v 2 3 • 1V°) 2. Adoption of Local Law No. 3-1970 (Code of Ethics) On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it here- - by is declared open. The Attorney hereupon advised the Board that legally this hear- ing would have to be adjourned at this point since the revised proposed Code of Ethics had not been on the desk of each member of the Board for the statutory period required by law. Accord- ingly, he recommended since there was no emergency in time that the hearing be adjourned until the next meeting of the Board on July 8th. And thereupon on the Supervisor's inquiry as to the Board's pleasure, on Councilman Vandernoot's motion, seconded by Council- man Bloom, it was so ordered. Councilman Bloom then inquired of the Attorney whether any discussion of the proposed revisions could be heard at this time and upon an affirmative answer explained that the State Legislature in its 1970 session had adopted amendments to Section 800 of the General Municipal Law requiring municipalities to adopt Codes of Ethics and establish local Boards of Ethics. He further stated that under the State Law, information had not been clear as to the date by which municipalities had to adopt such Codes, but that the Law did specifically state that upon adoption, it must be filed with the State Comptroller within 30 days of the date of said adoption and in no case later than December 31st of 1970. Mr. Fred L. Maggini - 1281 Palmer Avenue, Town Mr. Maggini, Chairman of the Town Planning Board, asked whether such Codes of Ethics would be uniform throughout the State? Councilman Bloom replied that the State recommended seven or eight types or other models of Codes, any of which could be used as a pattern, if deemed advisable by a municipality. He explained further that the State Code of Ethics related primarily to contracts and that the proposed Code for the Town was based on the Association of Towns' model since the Committee felt this model was best suited to meet the Town's requirements. In reply to a query from the floor as to what neighboring municipalities had adopted Codes of Ethics, he replied that, to the best of his knowledge, at this date the Town of Harrison was the only neighboring municipality which had adopted a Code. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Painting Firehouse Pursuant to memorandum dated June 17th, 1970, addressed to the Board by the Town Attorney, Engineer, Fire Chief and Comptroller and herewith ordered received and filed, on motion by Council- man Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unani- mously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of the only bidder, that of Facilities Painting Corp. , - 4 - Mount Vernon, New York, in the amount of $4,785. , for painting and patching the interior of the Weaver Street Firehouse in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Notice for Bids. 2. Salary Authorizations a) Summer Recreation Payroll Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Recreation, dated June 17th, 1970, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation Commission and the Superintendent of Recreation, this Board hereby authorizes the following salary expenditures to the persons named on the list herebelow inserted, for the terms of employ- ment and at the rate of compensation for each as set forth thereon: (next page) 5 - Program Director William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $150.00 Flint Park John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 125 .00 Margaret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks (PT) 55.00 Central School Kay Francis Richards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 120.00 Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 115.00 William Celestino Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00 Nancy DeVieres Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55.00 Murray Ave. Albert Banda Sr. Rec=d Leader 7 Weeks 75.00 Johanna Bloch Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 100.00 Jeffrey Patchen Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55.00 Mary Aitchison Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00 Memorial Park Lucille J. Aitchison Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00 Sailing Leonard Lipton Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 130.00 Stephen Madey Rec, Specialist 8 Weeks 95.00 Martha F. Fraley Rec-, Specialist 8 Weeks 80.00 Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 75.00 Art Workshop Cathy Allen Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 60.00 Danny Bookheim Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 40.00 Tennis Instruction William Weinstock Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 60.00 Kerin McTeigue Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 50.00 Chatsworth Pre School Joan Coulter Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 70.00 Jean Ann Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Robin Oleet Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33;'00 Darcy Paige Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Mary Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Irene Reisman Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Carole King Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Kathy Megroz Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Marilyn Maffucci Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Central Pre School Patricia Weldon Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 45 .00 Maureen Cumming Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 40.00 Mary Jill Fischer Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Michelle Licea Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Cathy Allen Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Patricia Valliere Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 30.00 Mary Wilson Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Patricia Byron Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Carol Mirande Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Music School Julian Spencer Rec. Specialist:_ 7 Weeks 100.00 Margaret Santoro Rec. Specialist,-. 7 Weeks 45.00 Patricia Devlin Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks -50.00 Philip Sussman Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks `501:00 Cathy Albright Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 36.00 Debra Kronenberg Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 30.00 Todd Dennison Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 30.00 Allan Jalon Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 30.00 Special Classes Edward Zahar Sr. Rec. Leader 1Q Weeks 170.00 Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00 Kim Hardingham Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00 Nella Briotta Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00 Joanne Meyers Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00 Sue Fallar Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00 Gymnastics Richard Owen Rec. Specialist, 7 Weeks 75.00 James Codispoti Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 75.00 Dorothy Mancini Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Deborah Paonessa Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Brian Lukas Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 30.00 Mamaroneck Ave. William McSweeney Sr. Rec. Leader 4 Weeks 900:00 (Total) Kindra Diamond Sr. Rec. Leader 4 Weeks 710.00 (Total) Basketball & Physical Fitness Roy O'Neill Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 50.00 �.1. b) Conservation - Park Attendant Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of June 16th, 1970, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council- man Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as recommended and approved by the Conservation Committee, this Board hereby authorizes that John M. Eney be engaged as Park Attendant, effective June 8th, 1970, and to be compensated at the rate of $2.14 per hour. 3. Report Highway Superintendent - Liquid Bituminous Materials The Highway Superintendent's report on the purchase of Liquid Bituminous Materials for the period June 11th, 1970 through June 10th, 1971, was presented for the Board's in- formation and herewith ordered received and filed. 4. Authorization - Sewer Agreement (Scarsdale) At the Supervisor's request, the Town Attorney informed the Board that Mrs. Mimi Lesser owner of the premises located at 24 Stonewall Lane, desired to build a swimming pool on her property. The major portion of her property, and es- pecially the improvement, he said, was within the Village of Scarsdale and therefore she had filed an application for construction of the pool and appeared before the Scarsdale Board of Appeals. He explained further that the pool was proposed to be located where the leaching fields were presently situated, and that the Scarsdale Board had granted the application on the condition that Mrs. Lesser connect to the Town of Mamaroneck's new sewer facility before destroying her septic fields. Consequently, Mrs. Lesser had applied to the Town for permission to make this connection and pay for the facility. The Village Attorney of Scarsdale following consultation with the Town Attorney, had proposed a tri-party agreement made on the basis of a cost of $40.00 per year. Mr. Johnston then stated that after reviewing this proposal, he felt that this cost was too low,as based on an assessment of $24,400. , the fee would run from $48.00 to $50.00 per year. He further pointed out that the agreement could also provide for adjust- ment of the fee from time to time so as to reflect the in- crease of sewer rentals. In view of the foregoing, he advised the Board that if it chose to do so, it could pass a resolution at this time authorizing the Supervisor to sign such an agreement with the understand- ing that the Comptroller and Attorney would determine a new cost figure to be inserted in the agreement, and with the further understanding that this new figure would be trans- mitted to the Attorney for the Village of Scarsdale and Mrs. Mimi Lesser toward the amendment of the agreements as drawn. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council- man Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck a tri-party agreement between the Village of Scarsdale, the Town of Mamaroneck and Mrs. Mimi - 7 - Lesser, owner of the premises located at 24 Stonewall Lane, and more particularly defined as Block 333 Parcel 401 on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, granting permission to her to connect to the Town of Mamaroneck's new sewer facility at an annual rental to be determined by the Comptroller of the Town of Mamaroneck in con- junction with the Town Attorney and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the said agreement. 5. Exemption of CAP Property Pursuant to letter addressed to the Assessor by Mr. W. H. James, member of CAP Board of Directors under date of June 11th, 1970, and enclosures submitted therewith, all of which were herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of this meeting and upon the Attorney's recommenda- tion that the requested exemption be granted, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that the property located at 134 Center Avenue in the Village and Town of Mamaroneck, in the name of Westchester Community Opportunity Program, Inc. , which is more specifically described as Block 823 Parcel 601 on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaro- neck, be placed on the 1971 Town of Mamaroneck Assessment Roll as exempt. 6. Authorization of Contract - Rental of Voting Machines The Clerk presented the contract for the rental of three Automatic Voting Machines and requested that the Supervisor be authorized to execute same on behalf of the Town. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council- man Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck, the contract with Automatic Voting Machine Division of AVM Corporation of James- town, New York, for the rental of three (3) Automatic Voting Machines of the Nine Party Row, Thirty (30) Office Column Size, at a rental price of $171.70 each, said contract to be signed subject to approval by the Town Attorney. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter, Mrs. Martha Munzer A letter addressed to the Town Board by Mrs. Martha E. Munzer, member of the Conservation Advisory Committee, dated June 9th, 1970, was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. Inasmuch as the aforesaid communication referred to the use of certain lands, particularly estuarian marshland and the - 8 - s)3>$ flood plains of our rivers, being used for development sites, and to the solving of the inner city problem by providing new low and middle income housing, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a copy of the foregoing communica- tion be referred to the Town of Mamaroneck Plan- ning Board and the Conservation Advisory Committee for attention and considered study. 2. Letter, George P. Forbes, Jr. , Attorney A letter addressed to the Town Board by George P. Forbes, Jr. , as Attorney for Mrs. Harold D. Widmark of 14 Edgewood Avenue, under date of June 9th, 1970, was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. Councilman Faiola stated that he would like to have this letter referred to the Fire Council for study and report to this Board which accordingly was unanimously so ordered. Councilman Vandernoot stated that he thought the request made by Mrs. Widmark's Attorney was a reasonable one, and Councilman Bloom agreed therewith, stating that he felt very serious consideration should be given this matter. Upon recognition by the Chair, Mr. William J. Gerety of Hillcrest Avenue addressed the Board, inquiring as to how long Mrs. Widmark had resided in the area -- and stating that it seemed to him that from time immemorial, the small children in the neighborhood had used this area at the rear of the Firehouse as a play area. He further stated he remembered that Mrs. Widmark had brought the same complaint up previously, and that after study by the Recreation Commission, the suggestion that the area be made into a recreation play area was turned down at that time. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Gerety for his remarks and stated that the matter would be given further consideration upon receipt of the Fire Council's report. 3. Letter, Sidney J. Leshin, Attorney The Clerk reported that inasmuch as the information in the communication addressedto him by Sidney J. Leshin, Attorney for Orienta Bus Lines, Inc. , dated June 4th, 1970, did not fur- nish definitive enough information, the matter of fixing a date for a hearing on the petition of Orienta Bus Lines, Inc. , to operate over the route set forth therein would have to be held over until the required additional information was received. 4. Public Notice - Meeting, Zoning Board of the Village of Larchmont Upon presentation and the Attorney's report that no action by the Town was needed in this instance, the aforesaid Notice was herewith ordered received and filed. 5. Affidavit of Publication - Order, Additional Funds Prince Willows Sewer The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the adoption of Order, subject to permissive referendum, in the - 9 - matter of a proposed increase in the maximum amount to be expended in connection with the establishment of an extension of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, known as Section "S", which was herewith ordered received and filed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:00 p.m. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment: of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, -that the following Fire Department claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Mr. Harald P. Bauer $ 72.64 Chatsworth Oil & Heating Co. ,Inc. 51.00 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 44.68 Ralph F. Condro, Chief 216.00 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 57.60 Excelsior Auto Repair & Machine Works 36.00 Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00 Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan of Westchester 50.00 Dominick Forti, Deputy Chief 216.00 House of Flowers 40.00 Nicholas G. La Russell 27.60 New York Telephone Co. 5.94 New York Telephone Co. 21.84 Roberts 794.65 Suburban Restaurant Supply, Inc. 16.95 Westchester Joint Water Works 28.56 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,686.46 2. Other Business The Supervisor - The Supervisor stated she had a question she would like to address to the Chief, explaining that she had had - 10 - several calls today complaining about the noise from the fire whistle -- and asking whether the Town had a new siren? The Chief explained that a 12-year-old Civil Defense siren had been tested off and on during the course of the day and that undoubtedly this had been the cause for the complaints. 3. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Town erk -11-