The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Bloom
Absent: Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Paonessa - Building and Plumbing Inspector
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 20th, 1970 were submitted,
and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as presented.
The Supervisor recognized Miss Barbara Flasch, teacher of the
7th grade in St. John and Paul's, and a group of her students
who as she explained were studying New York State Government and
attending this evening's Town Board meeting at Mrs. Helwig's in-
vitation in connection with their study.
At the Supervisor's request, Miss Flasch introduced each of her
students and, in turn, the Supervisor introduced the members of
the Council and Town Officials seated around the Council table.
Mrs. Helwig welcomed Miss Flasch and her students on behalf of the
Town, and invited them to ask any questions they might have either
during the course of the meeting or at its conclusion.
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed increase of $50,000. in construction
cost of Section "S", Extension Sewer District No. 1
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared
- 1 -
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of
Hearing for the record and the Supervisor, after outlining the
procedure for conducting this hearing, requested the Attorney to
speak to the subject of the increased construction costs.
The Attorney stated that as the Board would recall, the Prince Willows
residents had requested that this area be sewered for many many years,
formally petitioning the Board in May of 1964. Subsequently the
Board had applied to the State Department of Audit and Control for
permission to extend the District by creating Section "S" and con-
structing a sewer therein at a cost of $195,000. in the public
-- interest as was set forth in the resolution adopted on October 6th
of 1965 under the provisions of Section 194 of the Town Law, which
permission was granted by Order of that Department issued on
November 26th, 1965 reciting that the $195,000. cost was to be
met by the $25,000. appropriation the Town had made and a borrowing
of the remaining $170,000, in bond anticipation notes.
The actual work, however, he said, had not started until four years
later in 1969 when during the course of construction it had been
found necessary to expend additional funds, permission for which
the Law required must again be obtained from the State. Whereupon
on December 3rd, '69 application therefor had been made and sub-
sequently granted in the Order issued by the Department of Audit
and Control upon its determination that the necessity for the
expenditure of these additional funds was in the best interest
of the public.
The Order, if adopted following public hearing being duly held
this evening, he said, was subject to permissive referendum and
he therefore suggested that during the course of the hearing,
the public address itself solely to the necessity for the ex-
penditure of these additional funds as if challenged, the record
of the hearing would have to be filed in the Comptroller's and
County Clerk's offices.
The Chair then called on the Comptroller and Engineer, with the
Comptroller observing that he felt the Attorney had covered all
points adding only that the total cost of the project as now
proposed would be $245,000. including the $25,000. Town appropri-
ation, the $170,000. bond anticipation note and the requested
additional $50,000; and the Engineer explaining that the original
contract for $183,000. had not covered the cost of the preparation
of certain plans and other items prior to the start of the actual
construction, thus leaving the Town only $6,000. leeway. In
view of this and the ever-spiralling increase in costs, he ex-
plained that in spite of efforts to effect savings on certain
items, unfortunately the over-runs in rock and pavement restora-
tion had negated these efforts with the resultant expenditures
far exceeding the leeway.
The Supervisor then asked whether any member of the Board had any
comment or question and since no one did, stated that first those
in favor would be heard, then those in opposition -- whereupon
the following persons addressed the Board:
In Favor:
Mr. Harry Ekizian - 8 Prince Willows Lane, Town
Mr. Ekizian addressed the Board speaking as the President of the
Prince Willows Association representing some 35 homeowners in that
area. He stated that the Association earnestly requested the Board
to appropriate the necessary additional funds to finish the construc-
tion work on the sewer and restore the damages caused by the con-
struction. He further stated that it did not make sense to not
finish and complete this work which would not only sewer the homes
- 2 -
in the entire Prince Willows - Murdock Woods area, but all important
in this day, contribute in a large measure to the alleviation of
the pollution in that area.
Mr. Charles Levitt - 7 Stonewall Lane, Town
Mr. Levitt addressed the Board stating that for approximately some
15 years past up to 2 or 3 years ago, he had attended practically
every meeting of this Board as a former President of the Stonewall
Lane Association to request the installation of the sewer presently
being installed. He added that he and the other residents were
indeed happy to see the sewer in front of their doors and earnestly
requested that the Board appropriate the necessary funds to insure
its completion at as early a date as possible.
Mr. Mark J. Devaney -. 8 Wagon Wheel Road, Town
Mr. Devaney asked whether these funds would include the resurfacing
of Wagon Wheel Road and was assured by the Town Engineer that the
sewer construction contract included the resurfacing of all roads
upon completion of the work.
In Opposition:
No one.
Whereupon, the Chair stated that it was now in order for the Board
to act on the adoption of the Order subject to permissive referendum
and thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
Faiola, the following Order was adopted:
In the Matter
A proposed increase in the maximum '
amount to be expended in connection'
with the establishment of an exten- '
sion of Sewer District No. 1 of the'
Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester '
County, New York, known as Section '
"S n
WHEREAS, after all necessary proceedings were duly had and taken
pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law and Chapter 60 of the Laws
of 1937 and Chapter 629 of the Laws of 1939, as amended by Chapter
710 of the Laws of 1943, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, duly established an extension of
Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck,, Westchester
County, New York, known as Section "S", at a maximum estimated
cost of $195,000;
WHEREAS, the improvements then proposed, and still as now proposed,
consist of the construction of a sewer system, including pertinent
facilities and incidental improvements, to serve said extension;
WHEREAS, pursuant to an application in accordance with the provisions
of subdivision 1 of Section 209-h of the Town Law for approval of
a $50,000. increase in the maximum amount to be expended in con-
nection with the establishment of the aforesaid extension, the
State Comptroller has found and determined that said increase is
in the public interest and will not constitute an undue burden
- 3 -
upon the property affected and has approved said increase by his
order dated May 7, 1970, so that now the maximum amount proposed
to be expended in connection with the establishment of the afore-
said extension is $245,000;
-- WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by said Town Board on May 20,
1970, calling a public hearing on the question of the aforesaid
increase and specifying the 3rd day of June 1970, at 8:15 o'clock
p.m. , Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at Weaver Street Firehouse,
in Larchmont, New York, in said Town, as the time when and the
place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding
a public hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof, concerning the same;
WHEREAS, copy of such order was duly published and posted in the
manner and within the time prescribed by law and proof of such
publication and posted has been duly presented to said Town Board;
WHEREAS, said .public hearing was duly held at the time and place
set forth in said order, as aforesaid, at which all persons desir-
ing to be heard were duly heard;
ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, as follows :
Section 1. Based upon the evidence given at the aforesaid
public hearing, it is hereby found and determined to be in the
public interest to increase by $50,000. the maximum amount
proposed to be expended in connection with the establishment
of the aforesaid extension, known as Section "S", so that
the maximum amount now proposed to be expended in connection
therewith is $245,000, and said increase is hereby authorized.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to cause a certified copy of this Order to be duly recorded in
the offices of the Clerk of Westchester County within ten days
after the adoption hereof, and when so recorded this Order
shall be presumptive evidence of the legality of the proceed-
ings had and taken in connection with the aforesaid increase.
Section 3. This Order is adopted subject to permissive
The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put
to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilman Faiola VOTING Aye
Councilman Bloom VOTING Aye
Supervisor Helwig VOTING Aye
The Order was thereupon declared duly adopted.
4 _
The Supervisor then, with the Board's consent, varied the order of
business in order to hear the Prince Willows report listed under
Old Business on the agenda, so as to facilitate anyone who might
have questions relating to the sewer.
She reported that the County Health Department had stated as of
yesterday that the work was acceptable and that the formal written
acceptance would be forthcoming. However, she added, the County
Pumping Station at the bottom of the line had been inactive since
- 1968, and in view of this, Mr. La Vignia of the County Public
Works Department had advised her this afternoon on the phone that
the necessary inspection and testing thereof would be made within
the next couple of days and once this was completed, notices to
the property owners enabling them to make their house connections
would be in order.
She then inquired whether anyone else wished to address the
Board and thereupon recognized Mrs. Peter Overzat of 1165 Old
White Plains Road. Mrs. Overzat stated that she had been listen-
ing skeptically to all the talk of within the week, or one or two
days, etc. , in view of the construction timetable to date, and
inquired whether anyone could interpret the notice she had received
from Felix regarding making house connections to the sewer?
Mr. Widulski replied that he had not seen the letter but that he
did know that Felix had thought it would be more advantageous
to the property owners to quote them a rental basis for equipment
needed in making house connections. He further explained that of
course this was not binding upon any property owner as the matter
of making house connections was solely up to the individual property
owner and completely his choice as to how and by whom the work
was done provided said connection complied with the requirements
Mrs. Overzat then stated that she understood the sewer was 25 feet
deep at her property in order to accommodate the property owner
below her, and therefore she presumed it would cost her twice as
much to make her connection to the line.
The Supervisor in replying, clarified the matter of the depth of
the sewer, explaining that the depth Mrs. Overzat spoke of had
been found to be necessary in order to have a gravity flow line
rather than a forced main pumping station which the County did not
favor inasmuch as there was considerable problem of maintenance
and upkeep in connection with such pumping stations, adding that
at the County's request, this sewer had been redesigned in order
to provide this gravity flow.
Mrs. Overzat then asked when the property would be restored and
whether such restoration would be to its former condition or to
just what degree?
Mr. Widulski advised Mrs. Overzat that damaged areas would be
restored and, in answer to her question, that the restoration
in the instance of her premises, would include the hedge and
the damaged portion of her driveway about which she had specif-
ically asked.
Mr. Levitt then inquired whether he might address a question to
the Attorney which was -- how making house connections tied in
with the permissive referendum timetable?
Both the Attorney and Councilman Bloom explained that the additional
funds on which the permissive referendum ran had nothing to do with
making house connections to the sewer line and which could be made
just as soon as County approval was obtained, hopefully within
the week.
5 _
Since no one else wished to address the Board, the Supervisor
thanked all present for attending the meeting this evening and
for their courtesy and patience.
1. Road Improvements - Hommock and Eagle Knolls Road
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice
for Bids for the record and opened and read aloud the following
bids reporting receipt of correct bid check or bond and the non-
collusion statement signed in each case.
Bidder Bid
Michael J. Rossi Cont. Corp. $ 7,300.00
Bilotta Construction Corp. 10,325.00
Daniel F. MacNamee & Co. , Inc. 8,687.50
Nigro Bros. , Inc. 5,700.00
Following some discussion by the members of the Board, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of
the low bidder, to-wit that of Nigro Bros., Inc. , in
the amount of $5,700. for reconstruction of the inter-
section of Eagle Knolls Road and Hommocks Road, in
accordance with the specifications set forth in the
Notice for Bids, provided that upon examination by
the Engineer, Attorney, Comptroller and Superintend-
ent of Highways, said bid is found to be satisfactory;
be it further
RESOLVED, that upon acceptance of the low bid, the Clerk
be and he hereby is directed to return the bid checks or
bid bonds to all except the successful bidder.
2. Painting Firehouse
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice
for Bids for the record and opened and read aloud the following
bid reporting receipt of bid check and that the non-collusive
statement had been signed.
Bidder Bid
Facilities Painting Corp. $ 4,785.00
Upon opening the second bid, that of Gerald Gironda, the Clerk
reported that the non-collusive statement was not signed and
thereupon upon referral to the Attorney, this bid was deemed
unacceptable and therefore not read.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman
- 6 -
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby refers the bid of the only
bidder, Facilities Painting Corp. , in the amount of $4,785.
for painting and patching the interior of the Weaver Street
Firehouse in accordance with the specifications set forth
in the Notice for Bids, to Councilman Faiola, the Fire
Chief, the Comptroller and the Attorney for study and written
report of recommendation as to acceptance.
1. Decision - Application for Special Permit
Adam Libertella
The Supervisor reminded the Board that decision had been deferred on the
application of Mr. Libertella at the last meeting and asked whether any
member of the Board wished to make further observations or comments at
this time.
Councilman Faiola advised the Board that he had taken a second look at
the site and had been assured by the applicant that there would be no
increase in the present facilities; therefore, he said he felt it would
be to the advantage of the owner to have the application granted.
He further stated he did not think there would be any hardship on any of
the neighboring property owners if the application were granted as the
owner had agreed to consider the implementation of any further restrictions
or conditions which might be recommended. Consequently he stated that he
felt the denial of this application would be a hardship on the owner of
the premises.
Councilman Bloom stated that while he agreed that denial of the applica-
tion would cause economic hardship to the applicant, this was a Special
Permit application under which approval or disapproval is entirely in the
Board's discretion. He pointed out that this is so either as to creation
of a Special Permit use or extension of a Special Permit use existing as a
result of a non-conforming use at the time of adoption of the Zoning Ordi-
nance, and that the discretionary nature of the Town Board's authority
existed not only in the Town of Mamaroneck Ordinance but in similar ordi-
nances which had been upheld in the courts. Mr. Bloom stated that while
such discretion should not be exercised in an arbitrary or unreasonable
manner, reasonableness of a Special Permit application requires either
that the non-conforming use or extension thereof meet a critical need of
the community not filled by other facilities, or at least that it be not
objectionable to a substantial majority of the surrounding property owners.
He pointed out that neither of these requirements were met by the present
application, and that indeed all of the adjoining owners who appeared had
stated that the increased traffic and noise to be anticipated from the
proposed use is highly objectionable to them -- whereupon, he concluded,
he felt he must vote against granting this application.
Councilman Faiola then moved that the application be granted, which motion
failed for lack of a second.
Whereupon the following resolution denying the application was offered on a
motion made by Councilman Bloom and seconded by Supervisor Helwig:
WHEREAS, Adam Libertella, Weaver Day Camp, Inc. dba Monroe
Nursery School, has submitted an application for an extension
of its existing Special Use in a residential district (R-30-zone)
so as to allow the construction of a swimming-wading pool and
appurtenances as shown on the plans filed with the application,
on premises located at 685 Weaver Street and more particularly
described as Block 103, Parcel 5 on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, said application was denied by the Building Inspector
on the grounds that the plans were subject to a special permit
7 -
_0 :a
to be granted pursuant to Sections 410, 432 and 449 of the
Zoning Ordinance insofar as the proposed pool and appurten-
ances is an extension or addition to a non-conforming use;
WHEREAS, the applicant has applied to this Board for a
special permit as provided in Section 432 of the Zoning
Ordinance, and which application this Board has referred
to the Planning Board for report, and the Town Board
having received and filed the Planning Board report
under date of May 6th, 1970, along with the minutes of its
Special Meeting of April 24th, 1970;
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly called before this
Board on this date pursuant to Section 432 of the
Zoning Ordinance;
WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the application, plans
and the property, and has heard all persons interested
at this hearing;
RESOLVED, that this Board denies the application of
Adam Libertella, Weaver Day Camp, Inc., dba Monroe
Nursery School, for a special permit to construct
a swimming-wading pool and appurtenances on his
premises at 685 Weaver Street on the grounds that
the applicant has completely failed to show that any
hardship whatsoever would be caused him by this denial
on the following findings of fact:
1. That the proposed addition of a summer Day
Camp program would result in overcrowding
the premises.
2. That the proposed additional program would increase
the hazardous traffic situation on Weaver Street
(Route 125) at an already particularly hazardous
area of that road.
3. That the proposed facilities would be inadequate for
the proposed enrollment load.
4. That approval of the application would constitute
an enlargement and extension of a non-conforming
use of property located in a residential area and
increase a commercial usage in this highly restricted
one-family residential district.
Upon roll call the vote on this resolution was as follows with the
Clerk opening and reading aloud the proxy vote of Councilman Nagel
which was herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record
- of this meeting.
Councilman Bloom Voting Aye
Supervisor Helwig Voting Aye
Councilman Faiola Voting Naye
Councilman Nagel Voting Aye
The resolution was therefore declared duly adopted by a majority
vote of 3 ayes and 1 naye and accordingly, the application for
special permit denied.
8 -
At this time Mr. Libertella stated that he had testimonials from
50 people requesting that the application be granted which he would
like to submit at this time. The Chair asked the Attorney whether
the applicant now had the right to be heard or present any further
documentation in his behalf and upon the Attorney's reply in the
negative, Mr. Libertella withdrew the request.
2. Report - Prince Willows Sewer
Previously covered.
3. Report - Park Hill Lane Petition
The Supervisor reported that the Building Inspector had advised
that the clean up job of the property involved had been completed
and the Superintendent of Highways reported that this road had
been patched and was in passable and temporary satisfactory
She inquired of the Town Attorney whether the aforesaid report met
the requirements he had forwarded to the developer and was advised
that it did until the permanent surfacing of the road took place.
Councilman Faiola stated that he felt the Board had had many
instances of this kind with builders in the community and that
it was time action was taken to eliminate permanently this kind
of condition in which the Town wound up doing the entire job the
contractor should have done. He further stated that he felt the
contractor had failed to live up to the terms of the Attorney's
letter and that the Town should move in and take such steps as
necessary to have the contractor complete the roads to the satis-
faction of the Highway Superintendent and Engineer.
The Attorney agreed that Councilman Faiola's remarks were true to
some point inasmuch as the Town picked up the garbage, plowed the
streets and furnished police and fire protection in these develop-
ments while these said streets were still private roads, and
recommended that this entire matter be taken up with the Planning
Board toward establishing a timetable for the completion of all
of the required street improvements in developments.
Councilman Bloom pointed out that that was what the performance
bond was given for and that the Town would be justified in call-
ing the bond, etc., but stated that he was well aware that this
could be other than a simple and swift procedure.
The discussion concluded with the Board directing that the Town
Attorney and the Highway Superintendent meet with Mr. Sumetz,
the developer, next week and report to the Board the time
schedule for the completion of all necessary work.
1. Application, Bonnie Briar Country Club -
Special Permit to Enclose Terrace
The application of Bonnie Briar Country Club for a Special Permit
to enclose the terrace at the rear of the snack bar was presented,
and thereupon pursuant to Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance, it
was directed that the said application be referred to the Planning
Board for report to this Board prior to its fixing a date for public
hearing thereon as required by law.
- 9 -
_0 y
2. Change of Meeting Date, July Meeting
The Supervisor called to the Board's attention that the permissive
referendum on the Order for additional funds for Prince Willows
Sewer adopted this evening would not expire by the date of the
regular meeting on July 1st and therefore suggested that the date
for this meeting be moved forward to the 8th or 9th. The two members
of the Board present agreed therewith and in reply to the Chair's
request, further agreed to keep both the 8th and 9th open until the
date could be cleared with Councilmen Nagel and Vandernoot upon
their return to Town.
3. Request of Board of Education -
Use of Voting Machines
Pursuant to the request of the Board of Education, it was on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants the request of
the Board of Education for the use of voting machines
on Thursday, June 11th, 1970, to conduct a vote to
fill the new seventh seat on the enlarged School
4. Salary Authorization - Highway Laborer
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of June 1st,
1970, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of William
Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways, Joseph S. Patchen,
Jr., be and he hereby is engaged as a Highway Laborer,
effective June 1st, 1970, and to be compensated at the
rate of $2.84 per hour.
5. Recreation Report
A report regarding completion of the resurfacing of the three
tennis courts at Memorial Park addressed to the Board by James W.
Kronenberger, Superintendent of Recreation under date of June 3rd,
1970, was herewith presented and ordered received and filed for
the record. The Board commended Mr. Kronenberger on the appear-
ance of the surfacing material being used and excellent installa-
tion job performed.
1. Letter, Glen Rock Estates
A letter, dated May 20th, 1970, addressed to the Supervisor by Paul
Jenisch, retiring President of the Glen Rock Estates Association,
thanking the Town for its cooperation and diligent efforts on be-
half of the residents of that area during his term of office,
was presented and herewith ordered received and filed for the
2. Automobile Club of New York - Award Luncheon
A letter from the Automobile Club of New York, dated May 26th, 1970,
inviting the Supervisor to attend a luncheon on Tuesday, June 9th, to
- 10 -
receive the annual Pedestrian Safety Citation to be presented to
the Town for the second year in a row was herewith presented and
ordered received and filed upon the Supervisor's advice that the
Police Chief would attend the luncheon and receive the award on
behalf of the Town.
3. Acknowledgement, Governor Rockefeller
An acknowledgement by Governor Rockefeller on May 25th of the
Town's telegram urgirghis favorable action on the Bill A-6164A
- which was approved on May 12th and is Chapter 801 of the Laws
of 1970, was presented and ordered received and filed.
The Supervisor stated that a number of inquiries about the Bill
the Town had supported for County Franchising had been received
and that she had called Dr. Berman, Executive Officer of the
County, to ascertain how the County would proceed when the Bill
became a Law on September 1st. She stated that the County
was presently planning,Dr. Berman had told her, to conduct a
survey to locate the areas where there was no bus service in an
effort to establish such service throughout the County -- adding
that she had requested Dr. Berman to forward any information relat-
ing to this matter directly to Councilman Faiola.
4. Notice of Hearing - Village of Mamaroneck
The Attorney advised the Board that a hearing was to be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Mamaroneck on
Thursday, June 4th, 1970, on the application of Kenoromam, Inc. ,
of 1205 Old Boston Post Road, for a special permit to alter and
enlarge the present building and parking area. He stated that
this property was in a residential district and that the Town
was being notified due to being within 500 feet thereof, and
further reported that the Town had opposed a previous application
for enlargement of the parking area only.
He also reported that he had checked with the Police Chief and that
he was opposed to any further enlargement of Mc Donalds inasmuch
as the present traffic congestion on the Post Road would be
The Attorney asked the Board its pleasure and thereupon he was
directed to attend the hearing and formally present on behalf of
this Board, its objections to the granting of this application.
5. P.S.C. - Petition Orienta Bus Lines, Inc.
The Attorney explained that the Public Service Commission had
exercised its prerogative of granting a temporary consent to the
petition of the Orienta Bus Lines, Inc. , for a change of route
in the Town of Mamaroneck, but that, in accordance with Law,
permanent consent could not be granted without a public hearing
before this Board. He further advised the Board that the Clerk
had been in touch with Mr. Leshin, Attorney for the Bus Lines, and
that upon receipt of further necessary information as to the route,
etc. , it would be in order for the Board to fix a date for the
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
- 11 -
J_ 3
received and filed.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of May 1970.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the month of May 1970.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society
for the month of May 1970.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the
month of May 1970.
Summary of Receipts and Disbursements for the
period from January lst through May 31st, 1970.
The Supervisor --
1. Death of Anthony Sansone
The Supervisor spoke of the great loss occasioned to the community
by the sad news of the passing of "Tony" Sansone, Attorney of the
Village of Mamaroneck for 35 years, on Tuesday evening, May 26th.
She paid tribute to him not only for his outstanding work in the
Village, but for his services to villages through his work as
one of the founders and Secretary of the Westchester County
Village Officials Association from the time of its inception and
his further work as its representative for many years on the
Legislative Committee of the New York State Conference of Mayors.
In Addition to being a public official held always in highest
esteem, she said that "Tony" while never an official of the Town,
was its good friend whose warmth and understanding endeared him
to all who knew and worked with him.
Each of the Councilmen expressed his great regret at his passing
and paid tribute to him as a public official and highly regarded
friend and thereupon by unanimous motion, it was resolved that
this meeting stand adjourned this evening in respect to his
memory with an in-memoriam resolution spread upon the minutes
as a public and permanent tribute to him with a copy thereof
forwarded to his widow and the members of his family with deepest
sympathy and condolences.
2. Report - Dredging of Gardens Lake
The Supervisor reported that the bids for the dredging of the
Gardens Lake had been taken in April and rejected since all
were over budget. She further stated that the Commission's
Chairman had been studying alternate ways of performing this
work and that it was now proposed to have the Lake drained by
the Park Department and new specifications drawn for the dredging
so that this work could go forward at as early a date as possible.
The Councilmen
Not on Agenda
Mr. Bloom -
1. Dinner in Honor of Wain T. Carrington
Mr. Bloom remarked on the splendid turnout at Sunday evening's
- 12 -
dinner in honor of Wain T. Carrington, stating that he felt it
appropriate to express the Town's appreciation that such a worth-
while program as that of CAP was receiving recognition from the
entire community and that he knew he spoke for the Supervisor as
well as himself in saying that they had been indeed honored to
represent the Town at this affair.
2. Letter to Penn Central
Mr. Bloom suggested that consideration be given to having the
Town direct another letter to the Penn Central Railroad concerning
the promised repair of the treads on the steps at the Larchmont
Station in view of their hazardous and dangerous condition.
The Supervisor replied that she fully agreed with Mr. Bloom, and
that the suggestion was indeed an excellent one.
The Town Attorney --
1. Refund of Deposit - Lien, Block 131 - Parcel 40
Pursuant to letter addressed to the Board by Joseph S. Barr
under date of May 27th, 1970, requesting refund of $200. cover-
ing tax lien which had been referred to the Attorney and was
herewith filed for the record, in accordance with his direction,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
Receiver of Taxes to refund to Joseph S. Barr the $200.
deposit paid to the Tax Receiver's office in
November 1968 on a 1959 tax lien on property known as
Block 131 Parcel 40 located in the Town of Mamaroneck.
in reply to the Chair's inquiry as to whether there was any further
business to be brought before the Board, the following persons were
Mr. George Thomas - 97 Colonial Avenue, Town
Mr. Thomas inquired the status of the Town's action on the suggestions
set forth ,in the petition presented to the Board by the residents of
Colonial Avenue on May 6th.
In reply, the Supervisor advised Mr. Thomas that a number of traffic
checks had been held and that the Chief had conferred with Mr. Allan
regarding n8-parking on one side of the street. She further advised
that signs "Children, Slow" had been installed and the lines re-
painted on the street.
She added that she regretted that the plans for the sidewalk instal-
lation were not yet ready but that it was hoped that they would
be within the next week or so.
Mr. Thomas inquired as to the residents' course of action to stop
the continued speeding on this street, asking whether it would be
of any help if the residents reported the license numbers of the
speeding vehicles to the Supervisor. The Supervisor referred
this question to the Attorney, who in reply, described the "citizen
arrest" procedure to Mr. Thomas pointing out the difficulties of
its enforcement.
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Mr. Bloom stated with reference to the citizen arrest procedure,
that he could understand Mr. Thomas's feeling since he lived on
a street very similar to that on which Mr. Thomas resided and that
he often thought that cars were proceeding on Myrtle Boulevard at
perhaps 60 miles per hour or more but, in actuality, were going
only 30 or 35 miles per hour, adding that it was very hard to record
speed without the use of instrument gauges.
Mr. Thomas then stated that he had tried to keep in touch with
Mr. Allan but had not understood Mr. Allan had had any discussion
with the Chief of Police and the discussion concluded with the
Supervisor advising that the traffic counts would be continued to
be made at certain hours both during the week and over the weekends.
Mrs. Bernard D. Russell - 18 Mountain Avenue, Town
Mrs. Russell addressed the Board stating that she spoke for the
League of Women Voters of Larchmont which had requested her to
inquire of the Board whether a progress report could be made on
the status of the Joint Municipal Survey, adding that she under-
stood Councilman Nagel had mentioned something about furnishing
such reports to the League. The Supervisor stated that she would
be very happy to put the request to the Joint Municipal Survey
Committee, but felt that at least the first reports should be
made directly to this Committee.
Councilman Bloom said that he believed that certainly before any
finalization of reports, an opportunity should be and would be
given for discussion of the findings of this Survey with all of
the Civic Associations and the public, which procedure he be-
lieved had always been followed whenever any consultant survey
had been conducted in the Villages or the Town.
Mrs. Russell said that she had brought along an "In-progress
report" of the type to which the League referred which had been
put out by Niagara, when it had conducted such a joint survey as
the Town and Villages were presently engaged in doing, adding
that she would be very happy to have the Board have this informa-
tion if it would be helpful.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Russell and assured her that the
League's request would be presented to the Committee for its
Mary Ann Harrington - 712 Forest Avenue, Town
Mary Ann Harrington asked the Supervisor whether a traffic light
could be installed at Forest and Weaver Streets, and the Supervisor
in reply, explained that the Town had only recently installed flash-
ing lights at this location which operated during the hours that
the school children were on the way to and from school. She ex-
plained that Weaver Street was a State highway and that the Town's
former request for a traffic light at this location had been denied
by the State because of the meager site distances which could make
a traffic signal more dangerous than having no signal. She also
advised that the Automobile Association Safety Division had turned
down this request several times in the past few years for the same
reasons as were given by the State in its denial of the request.
There being no further business, on motion unanimously made and
seconded, this meeting, to reconvene on July 8th, 1970, was
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declared adjourned at 9:30 p.m. in respect to the memory of
Mr. Anthony Sansone and the following resolution in-memoriam
spread upon the minutes of this meeting in public tribute to
him and forwarded to his widow and the members of his family with
deepest sympathy and condolences;
WHEREAS, Anthony Sansone, life-time resident of the
Village of Mamaroneck and long time civic leader who
served as Village Attorney for thirty-five years, died
on May 26th, 1970;
WHEREAS, Mr. Sansone served as Secretary of the West-
chester County Village Officials Association which he
helped to found in 1937 from the date of its inception
and as its representative on the Legislative Committee of
the New York State Conference of Mayors for over twenty
WHEREAS, he was also one of the founders of the Joint
Town-Village Legislative Committee, established to study
Town-Village fiscal problems, and thereby contributed
greatly to state legislation improving Town-Village
-- RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board, herewith
record our sorrow at his passing and our great appreci-
ation of his many contributions to our community;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this meeting shall stand adjourned this
evening in respect to his memory, and that this resolu-
tion shall be spread upon the minutes as a public and
permanent record of tribute to
with a copy forwarded to his widow and the members of
his family with deepest sympathy and condolences.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Bloom, it was
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims
be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor
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and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the
Fire Department budget:
Agway, Inc. $ 196.75
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 9.25
Con Edison 5.00
Con Edison 115.26
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 40.00
Excelsior Auto Repair &
Machine Works 81.36
Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 10.50
Mobil Oil Corp. 60.96
Park Radio Electronics 24.75
Peter R. Perciascepe, Jr. 444.00
S. & S. Power Equipment Co. 31.30
Village Paint Supply 42.96
Westchester Joint Water Works 25.00
Total. . . . . .. . $ 1,094.09
2. Reports
Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month
of May 1970 which was herewith ordered received and filed.
3. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:35 p.m. , to reconvene on July 8th, 1970.
Cle /
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