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The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Absent: Ndne
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. D'Agostino - Senior Steno
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
Prior to opening this evening's meeting, the Supervisor
requested all present to observe a moment of silent tribute
in memory of and in gratitude for the lives and achievements
of two great men -- Whitney M. Young, Jr. , who in every way
fulfilled his own desire to be "an effective voice for the
voiceless, and an effective hope for the hopeless" and
Thomas E. Dewey, a giant in Law and Government and three
times elected Governor of our State and who was outstanding
among the men of high caliber who have served as Chief
Executives of New York.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 17th, 1971 were
approved as revised and the minutes of the regular meeting of
March 3rd, 1971 were approved as submitted.
1. Final Reports - Prince Willows Sewer
Mrs. Helwig reported that the final reports on Prince Willows
Sewer were not completed.
The Engineer reported the work on Prince Willows Sewer is being
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completed with a few maintenance items still to be attended to.
Councilman Faiola made a motion that the balance of the contract
plus extras which had already been approved by the Town Board
be paid, which motion was seconded by Councilman Vandernoot.
Councilman Nagel stated that there was no need to rush into
this until the final report was received from the Engineer
and Comptroller at the next meeting.
— The Attorney at this time informed the members of the Board
that a resolution was not needed to pay the contract price
and extras.
At this point Councilman Faiola withdrew his motion and
Councilman Vandernoot withdrew his second.
2. Report on Bids - Highway Dump Truck
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer
under date of March 16th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Nagel, the following resolution was adopted
by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present
and voting aye:
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways did,
on the 17th day of March 1971, duly recommend the
purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the
provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law;
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 142 of the High-
way Law, the Town Superintendent of Highways is
hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with
the provisions of Article 5-A of the General
Municipal Law, with the approval of the County
Superintendent of Highways, the following:
One (1) 1971 Dump Truck, as per attached
specifications for the Highway Department
for a maximum price of $9,125.00 delivered at the
Town of Mamaroneck Garage, Maxwell Avenue,
Larchmont, New York;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent of Highways
is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of
the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender
to the vendor, Willow Motor Sales Corporation,
one 1964 Ford 5 cubic yard dump truck at an agreed
trade-in value of $1,500.00 as part payment for
the above equipment purchased.
On the purchase of the new garbage truck it was agreed to
wait until after the demonstration on Thursday morning
and if the decision was reached by the Supervisor, En-
gineer and Superintendent of Highways that a purchase
order be issued to the low bidder of the bids received
March 3rd, 1971, a formal resolution be adopted at
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the next meeting of the Town Board on April 7th, 1971.
3. Planning Board Report - Special Permit for Gas Station
Set Date for Public Hearing
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer
under date of March 15th, 1971, which was herewith ordered
received and filed for the record, the Supervisor inquired
the Board's pleasure in fixing a date for the public hear-
ing which must be held before this Board pursuant to
Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with Article IV, Section
410 "Schedule of Permitted Uses in a Business
District" and subject to additional standards as
provided in Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance
of the Town of Mamaroneck, this Board will hold
a Public Hearing on the application of Power
Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. , for a Special
Permit to construct a new gasoline filling station
and appurtenances on the premises located on the
northwest corner of Boston Post Road and Dean
Place, and known as Block 505, Parcel 415 on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, at its next regular meeting on April 7th,
1971, at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room or
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
Notice of such Hearing as required by law.
1. Set Date for Tax Lien Sale
Pursuant to memorandum of the Receiver of Taxes under
date of March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Nagel, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to designate May 19th, 1971 as the
date of the annual tax lien sale.
2. Mandatory Salary Increments -
Fire Department
- Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by
Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
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the following mandatory salary increments to
the following Police Patrolmen in accordance
with the 1971 Compensation Plan of the Town
of Mamaroneck:
Amt, of Present Revised
Name Eff. Date Increment Compensation Compensation
Kenneth Valle 4/22/71 $ 303.00 $10,182.00 $10,485.00
Henri Newman 7/l/71 303.00 9,576.00 9,879.00
Raymond Baron 5/20/71 303.00 9,273.00 9,576.00
3. Emergency Overtime
a) Policemen
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot,
seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of
Police Commissioners, this Board hereby
authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime
Compensation to the following officers of
the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department
for the number of hours set forth for each
covering the period from December 9th, 1970
through February 19th, 1971.
Name Hours Min.
Lt. Staropoli 6
Sgt. Federice 16 30
Sgt. Barasch 7 30
Det. Mulcahy 8
Det. Perritano 9 30
Det. Paonessa 2 30
Ptl. Coy 7 30
Ptl. Gerardi 5 30
Ptl. LeViness 2
Ptl. Greenstein 2
Ptl. Adamo 1 30
Ptl. Giacomo 1
Ptl. Anderson 1
Ptl. Catapano 1
Ptl. Lifrieri 1
Ptl. Diamond 30
Total 73
b) Firemen
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vander-
noot, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Fire Chief,
this Board hereby authorizes payment of
Emergency Overtime Compensation to the follow-
ing Firemen of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire
Department for the number of hours set forth
for each covering the period from December 9th,
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1970 through March 10th, 1971.
Name Hours
Lt. L. Testa 16
Fireman C. Mirande 10
F. Felice 10
" J. Garafalo 12
" F. Carpino 16
" S. Garofalo 6
K. Valle 12
" H. Newman 12
" R. Baron 34
B. Callahan 14
" M. Rappaport 42
Total 146,
4. Salary Authorizations
a) Conservation Secretary P.T.
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller under date of March 15th, 1971, herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot the
following resolution was offered:
RESOLVED, that as recommended and approved
by P. T. Leddy, Conservation Department, this
Board hereby authorizes the engagement of
Maddalena Ferraro as Conservation Secretary
part time, effective March 11th, 1971, to be
compensated at the rate of $1.85 per hour.
Councilmen Nagel and Faiola both voiced their opinions
against engaging any additional help at the present time,
stating that this was a change in procedure and on that
basis and without further study they would vote against it.
Upon roll call the vote on the foregoing resolution was as
follows and the resolution therefore declared duly adopted
by a majority vote of 3 ayes to 2 nayes:
Supervisor Helwig voting Aye
Councilman Faiola voting Naye
Councilman Nagel voting Naye
Councilman Vandernoot voting Aye
Councilman Bloom voting Aye
b) Sanitation Man
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways
under date of March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Romeo Ferraro, be and he hereby is engaged as
Sanitation Man, effective March 11th, 1971, and
to be compensated at the rate of $6,430. per annum.
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5. Resolution - Service Allowances
Employees Other Than Police or Fire
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
March 15th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record and upon agreement that other
employees should have the advantage of this service
allowance, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, the following resolution was adopted
by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present
and voting aye:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck does hereby elect to provide the
benefits of sub-division k of Section 41, sub-
division g of Section 43 of the Retirement and
Social Security Law and sub-division 4 of Section
243 of the Military Law, all as presently or here-
after amended;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this election shall
become effective with the payroll period begin-
ning on the 24th day of March 1971.
6. Authorization to Employ
Elevator Inspector
The Supervisor reported that the Building Inspector was
awaiting a letter from Andrew Mc Caffrey, Elevator
Inspector for the City of New Rochelle, requesting
temporary employment as an Elevator Inspector for the
Town of Mamaroneck.
Not on Agenda
7. Authorization for Recreation Superintendent
to Attend Annual Recreation Conference
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Recreation Commission under date of March 11th, 1971, here-
with presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the
following resolution was adopted by majority vote of
4 ayes to 1 naye, Councilman Nagel casting the negative
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
James W. Kronenberger, Recreation Superintend-
ent, to attend the Annual New York State Recreation
and Park Society Conference to be held at the Con-
cord, Kiamesha Lake, New York on April 17th, 18th,
19th, 20th, and 21st, 1971, with expenses paid by
the Town in an amount not to exceed the sum of $150.
- The Supervisor called to the Board's attention that
Mr. Kronenberger would be in charge of the commercial exhibits
for the Conference.
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1. Beechmont Bus Service -
Set Hearing
The Clerk presented a letter from Beechmont Bus Service,
Inc, under date of March 4th, 1971, which was herewith
ordered received and filed as part of the record. The
Supervisor inquired the Board's pleasure in fixing a date
for the public hearing which must be held before this Board
pursuant to Sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corp-
oration Law of the State of New York.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is
authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", the
following notice:
Notice of Public Hearing
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be
held by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
on the 7th day of April 1971, at 8:15 o'clock in
the evening of that day in the Council Room of
the Weaver Street Fire House, Weaver Street and
Edgewood Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck for the
purpose of considering the application of Beechmont
Bus Service, Inc, for the consent of the Town of
Mamaroneck under the provisions of Sections 66 and
67 of the Transportation Corporation Law of the State
of New York for the operation of motor buses or
omnibuses for the transportation of passengers and
property carried by said passengers for hire in,
upon, along and across certain streets, avenues and
highways in the Town of Mamaroneck, as follows :
Palmer Avenue Larchmont Village Richbell Road
Richbell Road Palmer Avenue Mamaroneck Village
Pryer Manor Road Pryer Lane Dillon Road
Dillon Road Pryer Manor Road Boston Post Road
North Chatsworth Ave Larchmont Village Rockingstone Avenue
Rockingstone Avenue North Chatsworth Avenue Forest Avenue
Forest Avenue Rockingstone Avenue Weaver Street
Weaver Street Forest Avenue Rockland Avenue
Rockland Avenue Weaver Street Avon Road
Avon Road Rockland Avenue Fenimore Road
Fenimore Road Avon Road Winged Foot Drive
Boston Post Road Winans Street Dillon Road
Harrison Drive Sherwood Drive Palmer Avenue
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the purposes of said public
- hearing is to consider the granting of such consent
for the use of the above described portions of streets
or highways in the Town of Mamaroneck to Beechmont Bus
Service, Inc. and that at said public hearing all
persons interested will be given an opportunity to be
heard; this notice being given pursuant to Section 64,
Paragraph 7 of Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws,
known as the Town Law, and Section 66 and 67 of
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Chapter 63 of the Consolidated Laws, known as the
Transportation Corporations Law of the State of
New York.
By order of the Town Board
of the
Town of Mamaroneck
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
2. Superintendent of Highways
Report on Bids Sand and Trap Rock
For information purposes the Clerk presented a memorandum
addressed to the Board by the Superintendent of Highways
under date of March 4th, 1971, reporting the bid and award
of contract, which was herewith ordered received and filed
for the record.
Not on Agenda
3. 8th Grade Class Letter - Hommocks
The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Town Board by
the 8th Grade Social Study Class at the Hommocks School
under date of March 17th, 1971 requesting permission to
sell Auto First Aid Kits in the unincorporated section
of the Town, which was herewith ordered received and
filed for the record.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby gives permission
to the 8th Grade Social Study Class at the Hommocks
School to sell Auto First Aid Kits in the unincorp-
orated section of the Town.
The Supervisor --
1. Macy Award to Detective Thomas Mahoney
For the Board's information, the Supervisor reported that
the Commendable Merit Award was given to Detective Thomas
Mahoney who coordinated a narcotics investigation which
led to the arrest of 30 persons.
She also announced with pleasure the installation of Chief
O'Brien, Detective Joseph Paonessa and Detective Thomas
Mahoney into the "Honor Legion" of the Westchester County
Shields of America.
The Board expressed its congratulations to each of these
officers and commended them highly for their meritorious
police work.
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