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1973_05_02 Town Board Regular Minutes
2,'72 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD MAY 2nd, 1973, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilman White Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 18th, 1973 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS 1. Report on Bids for Street Lighting Equipment Following study and examination of the bids submitted for street lighting equipment as directed by the Board at its last meeting, in accordance with and pursuant to the recom- mendation set forth in the report of the Town Attorney, Engineer and Comptroller herewith filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of General Electric Supply Company for furnishing to the Town of Mamaroneck street lighting equipment in accordance with the - specifications prepared by the Town Engineer. 2. Reports - Recycling Area for Local Landscape Gardeners The Supervisor stated that copies of the foregoing reports - 1 - had been furnished to each member of the Board and in accordance with her suggestion that no further action be taken by the Board until it had an opportunity to discuss and study this matter further, it was unanimously so directed with the reports ordered received and filed. 3. Fixing Date for Public Hearing Increase Income $5,000. to $6,000. for Partial Tax Exemption for Persons 65 and Over Following the Supervisor's explanation that a public hear- ing must be held to amend Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law and in accordance with her suggestion that said hearing be held at the next meeting of the Board, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held before this Board at its next regular meeting on Wednesday evening, May 16th, 1973, in the Council Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, to consider the adoption of a resolution enabling the Town of Mamaroneck to grant a partial exemption from Town taxes, except District taxes, to the extent of 50% of the assessed valuation of the real property owned by certain persons with limited in- come who are,--sixty-five years of age or over pursuant to the provisions of Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law as amended provided such persons meet the requirements set forth in said Section 467; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", notice of such hearing as required by law. 4. Fixing Date for Public Hearing Full Stop Signs The Supervisor presented and reviewed the Police Commission's recommendation in answer to the petition filed by sixty resi- dents of the North Chatsworth, Bryson Street and Glenn Road area and referred to that Commission upon presentation at the Town Board meeting on February 7th, 1973. She explained that a public hearing must be held and in reply to her question as to fixing the date therefor, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by this Board at its next regular meeting on Wednesday evening, May 16th, 1973, in the Council Room or Auditorium of the Weaver - Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of considering amending Chapter II of the General Ordinances, as last amended December lst, 1971, by provid- ing for the installation of a Full Stop Sign going North and South on North Chatsworth at the intersection with Bryson Street in the Town of Mamaroneck; presently erected Full Stop Sign on Glen Road at its intersection - 2 - with North Chatsworth in the Town of Mamaroneck to be moved so as to face North and South on North Chatsworth in the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", notice of such hearing as required by law; and be it further RESOLVED, that copies of the notice of hearing be forwarded to all residents who had signed the petition filed with the Board on February 7th, 1973. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization for Payment Emergency Overtime a) Police Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of April 20th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vander- noot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime Compensation to the following officers of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department for the number of hours set forth-for each covering the period from March 20th to April 20th, 1973: Name Hours Sgt. Diamond 2 Det. DeVico 3 Ptl. Anderson 3 " Baumblatt 2 " Carden 8 " Fuller 2 " Graziano 8 " Hutcheon 2 " Passafume 8 " Pyrch 2 " Thompson 3 Total 43 b) Fire Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of April 30th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as approved by the Fire Chief, - 3 - this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime Compensation to the following Firemen of the Town of Mamaro- neck Fire Department for the number of hours set forth for each covering the period from March 24th to April 29th, 1973: Name Hours Lieut. J. Garofalo 24 " S. Garofalo 4 Fireman Mirande 12 it Carpino 10 IT Newman 14 if Baron 2 it Callahan 10 Total 76 2. Authorization for Payment In Service Training,Police Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Chief under date of April 20th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, this Board hereby authorizes overtime payment to the seventeen Police Officers named in the foregoing memo- randum for attendance at a training class on April 15th, 1973. 3. Authorization for Engagement of Assistant Maintenance Man P.T. Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of April 10th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Police Commission, this Board hereby authorizes the engagement of Michael Bruno of 111 Harmon Drive, Larchmont, New York, as Assistant Maintenance Man P.T. , commencing May 21st and terminating August 31st, 1973, and to be compensated at the rate of $2.75 per hour. 4. Authorization for Recreation Superintendent to Attend Annual Recreation Conference Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Recreation Commission under date of April 30th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes James W. Kronenberger, Recreation Superintendent, - 4 - to attend the Annual New York State Recrea- tion and Park Society Conference to be held at the Concord, Kiamesha Lake, New York, on May 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1973, with ex- penses paid by the Town in an amount not to exceed the sum of $200. 5. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Uniforms for Highway, Sanitation, Park Departments Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller under date of May 2nd, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to be returnable May 16th, 1973, and opened and read aloud at a regular meeting of this Board at 8:15 p.m. on that date, for the rental of uniforms to be used by the Highway, Sanitation, Park, Recreation and Police Departments, in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Notice, provided that the said specifications have been approved by the Town Attorney prior to the publi- cation of the aforesaid Notice for Bids. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter, Benjamin I. Taylor, Attorney re: Block 325, Parcel 81 A letter addressed to the Board by Benjamin I. Taylor, Attorney, under date of April 25th, 1973, re Block 325, Parcel 81 was read into the minutes as follows: "We have had an informal hearing before the Planning Board with reference to the proposed subdivision of the above numbered parcel. A copy of the preliminary subdivision is enclosed herewith. Your attention is invited to the fact that Deerfield Lane is a private roadway with permanent easements to the person using the same. In order to accomplish this subdivision, we respectfully request that you designate the bed of Deerfield Lane as a private easement and the subdivision as an open area development in accord- ___ ance with Section 280-a(4) of the Town Law. In this way, the subdivision plan can be approved and building permits issued for the plot of land front- ing the same as well as an approval of the existing building which will, if the subdivision is approved, face only Deerfield Lane. - 5 - New plans are being prepared and we will submit copies of the same to the Town Clerk no later than Tuesday, May 1st, 1973. Will you kindly place this on your agenda for your next meeting which we understand will be held Wednesday, May 2nd, 1973 at 8:00 p.m." The Supervisor addressed Mr. Taylor inquiring whether he would like to say anything further regarding this proposal inasmuch as under the section of the law quoted this Board could take only the action defined therein which was to refer the matter to the Planning Board. Mr. Taylor thanked Mrs. Helwig and stated that he would add only that it was his understanding that the Planning Board in making a recommendation to this Board could recommend in favor of the proposal or not recommend in its -favor if it determined that the road must be improved so as to meet standard requirements for Town acceptance -- the financing of which in this instance, he said, would be an economic hardship. Councilmen Bloom and White then entered into a discussion of the various technicalities under law involved in this proposal, with Mr. Bloom questioning this type of zoning in general with which he stated he was not at all familiar, and Councilman White pointing out rather definitely that while this Board would refer the matter to the Planning Board this would not in any way mean that this Board itself indicated taking any stand whatsoever as to whether it might favor or disfavor the proposal upon receipt of recommenda- tion from the Planning Board. Mrs. Theodore Shultz, upon recognition, inquired whether there was a legal definition of 'open development area", --- which question Mr. Taylor and Mr. Bloom both replied to, with Mr. Taylor stating that usually this type of zoning pertained to large tracts of ground such as a 10-acre site with perhaps one-half acre parcels where a developer did not want to put in curbs and drainage, etc. , due to the cost factor; and Councilman Bloom stating that as he saw it, this type of zoning represented the very thing that the zoning ordinances were designed to prevent. Councilman White added that he could not at this time visualize any area in this Town where "open development area" zoning might be applicable. Mr. Taylor further pointed out that there was a hardship in this instance which had been in existence many years due to the fact that this large house with its surrounding three and one-half acres of land was located on a private road with a turn-around, rather than on a Town accepted street or highway. This led Councilman White to observe that as he understood it, this undeveloped road that now served two families, if this proposal were approved, would be used to serve four and possibly five families -- the wisdom of which, he said, he would certainly question from the information he had at this time. The Supervisor then questioned whether this road provided the only ccess to the two rear y parcels since she understood that there was another road in the Village of Mamaroneck that had access to other properties adjacent to this area, to which question Mr. Taylor replied that he believed only this road would give the access needed for the property in this proposal. And thereupon since there was no further discussion, on - 6 - motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby refers to the Planning Board for its study, report and recom- mendations to this Board, the proposal concerning Block 325, Parcel 81 as defined and delineated in communication dated April 25th, 1973, and herein- above quoted. 2. Letter, Meighan and Necarsulmer re Construction of Three One Family Houses, Laurel Avenue The Clerk presented a letter addressed to the Board by Meighan and Necarsulmer under date of May 1st, 1973 which read as follows : "We represent Joseph Carducci of Mamaroneck who is purchasing vacant land on Laurel Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck which property is more fully described in the description hereto annexed. Mr. Carducci desires to construct three one- family residences on the above property. Among other necessary approvals, he needs the Town Board's permission for an extension of Laurel Avenue at a width of 25 feet adjacent to the above property. You will recall that the Town Board, several years ago, gave similar permission to Mr. Carducci for a previous extension of Laurel Avenue. We would appreciate very much having this con- sidered by your Board at its next regular meeting." The Supervisor addressed the Engineer inquiring whether this matter had not been before the Planning Board? He replied that it had but that no recommendations had been made because of the requested extension of Laurel Avenue at a width of only 25 feet. Councilman Faiola then stated for the record that at the time the last extension of Laurel Avenue at a 25 foot width had been approved, he believed that both the Fire Chief and Police Chief were to have been consulted regarding facil- itation of emergency equipment (fire engines, ambulances, etc.) which had not been done. Therefore he requested now that written statements attesting to the adequacy of the proposed extension to accommodate such emergency equipment be filed by both the Fire Chief and Police Chief prior to the approval of any further extension, with which request all ©f the members of the Board concurred. Mr. Carducci, the applicant who was present, assured the Board that this would be the last extension requested. Whereupon the Supervisor suggested since the Board did not at this time have the necessary information to act on this request that it be referred to the Planning Board for - 7 - study and recommendation to this Board including a summary of the history of the former request and the written state- ments of the Police Chief and Fire Chief which was thereupon so ordered by unanimous vote of the Board on a motion offered by Councilman Faiola and seconded by Councilman Vandernoot. 3. Proclamation - May as Senior Citizens Month Pursuant to a letter hereby presented from the New York State Executive Department Office for the Aging under date of April 25th, 1973 requesting that May be proclaimed as Senior Citizens' Month in the Town of Mamaroneck, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to Governor Rockefeller's request the Supervisor be and she hereby is auth- orized to proclaim the month of May as Senior Citizens ' Month in the Town of Mamaroneck. 4. Letter of Resignation Mrs. J. A. Donnelly, Jr. Park Commission A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Mrs. James A. Donnelly, Jr. of 4 Wagon Wheel Road, Town, tendering her resignation as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners because of moving away from the community was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. Each of the members of the Board expressed their regret and paid tribute to Mrs. Donnelly for her many contributions to this community during the ten years she had served with such dedication and ability and on motion unanimously made and seconded, adopted the following resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in public tribute to her: WHEREAS, Mrs. James A. Donnelly, Jr. , a member of the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaro- neck since her appointment on November 14th, 1962, has tendered her resignation, effective as of June 1st, 1973, because she is leaving our community; and WHEREAS, during all of these ten years, she has served the Commission and the Town with great distinction; and WHEREAS, she has given freely of her time and talents and contributed much both to the beauty and usefulness of our parks which are enjoyed by our residents and admired by all who visit our Town; 8 _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck records its appreciation of the distinguished service and many contri- butions Mrs. Donnelly has made to this community and its residents through her long and able service as a member of our Park Commission; and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting as a public record of tribute to her:, and that a copy thereof be forwarded to Mrs. Donnelly with the thanks and gratitude of this Board and very best wishes to her in her new home and community. 5. Request of Mamaroneck High School G.A. - Use of Voting Machines Pursuant to the request of the Mamaroneck High School G.A. Elections Committee presented by the Clerk and herewith ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants the request of the Board of Education for the use of voting machines on Friday, May 4th, 1973. 6. Notice of Application for Permit by Westchester County to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation An application by the County of Westchester to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for a permit to place sand and gravel in the waters of Long Island Sound in order to restore a protective covering for a 54 inch outfall pipe located in Mamaroneck Harbor east of Harbor Island was presented and in accordance with the Supervisor's suggestion, it was unanimously directed that this matter be referred to Mr. Clifford E. Emanuelson, Conservation Consult- ant, for his attention and to Mr. Thomas Amlicke for his information. 7. Notice of Hearing - New Rochelle Zoning Board of Appeals - Ford Leasing Development Company Mr. Johnston explained that this had to do with an application - 9 - to the City of New Rochelle by the Ford Leasing Develop- ment Company for a special permit to erect a new auto show- room addition at the front of an existing auto sales struc- ture and to erect an adjacent parking deck addition over an accessory used car sales lot on premises mainly located in New Rochelle with a small part of the property used for parking located in the Town. - Mr. Johnston further explained that a variance had been applied for for the portion of the parking deck which would be in the Town and that the matter was rightly before -- the Zoning Board which had deferred any action thereon pending the action of the City of New Rochelle at the May 8th hearing. 8. Notice of Hearing - Village of Mamaroneck Swimming Pool - 314 Chestnut Avenue The Attorney advised the Board that this was an application for a swimming pool in the Village of Mamaroneck and that no action was required by this Board whereupon this notice, which was sent as a matter of courtesy, was ordered received and filed for the record. 9. Notice of Hearing - P.S.C. Con Edison - Harrison Transmission Facility The Attorney explained that this notice of hearing before the P.S.C. on May 16th, 1973 was for an application by Con Edison to authorize the construction of two 138 Kv under- ground feeders to connect the Elmsford, White Plains and Harrison substations and it was ordered received and filed for the record. In reply to the Supervisor's question of whether this affected our local situation, Mr. Johnston said that the only question might be one of alternate routes which would be discussed at the hearing and that no indication was given in the notice of ,where or what might be involved. The Supervisor then requested the Engineer to follow up on this matter to see if the Town might be involved in any way, which Mr. Elfreich said he would do. 10. Notice of Hearing - P.S.C. Rules and Regulations - Electric Service Mr. Johnston stated that this was a notice of hearing to be held on Con Edison's application for electric rule change at the World Trade Center, Tower 2, New York, New York, on Wednesday, May 23rd, 1973 at 1:30 p.m. and it was ordered received and filed for the record. THE SUPERVISOR In reply to the Supervisor's question as to whether anyone wished to bring any matter to the Board's attention, Mrs. Franc Roggeri of 49 Sheldrake Avenue asked what was going on on Weaver Street, up past the Scarsdale Town line? The Engineer replied that this was a County job and that it - 10 - 2R2 terminated at the Town of Mamaroneck line inasmuch as under an agreement between Scarsdale and the County, the County made improvements on that portion of Weaver Street lying within the Town of Scarsdale. Mrs. Theodore Shultz then asked why the County did for Scarsdale what it would not do for the Town? The Engineer stated that he could not answer but could only reiterate that there was an agreement in existence with Scarsdale and the County under which this improvement was being made by the County. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of April 1973. Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess- ments for the month of April 1973. Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of April 1973. Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month of April 1973. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. for the month of April 1973. Mr. Gronberg also reported on the overnight parking permits issued as of this date. He stated that there had been 37 renewals and 11 new quarterly permits issued in addition to the 2 annual permits issued originally. Mrs. Theodore Shultz, upon recognition, in connection with the report of the Receiver of Taxes just presented by the Clerk, inquired whether the banks paid the taxes on time? The Supervisor replied that to the best of her knowledge, banks did forward such monies promptly so as to avoid pay- ing any penalties and added that in turn this served the Town well as that portion of funds not immediately needed was invested as quickly as possible in Certificates of Deposit. The Supervisor -- 1. Letter, �'Mr. Eldred Rich N. Y. S. Department of Environmental Conservation The Supervisor presented a letter addressed to her by Eldred 'Rich, Chief of the Bureau of Water Management, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, under date of April 17th, 1973 which read as follows: - 11 - This letter is to confirm your telephone conversation with Mr. Kelly, . of this office, relative to funding of the proposed flood protection works for your Village. Under normal circumstances, when the Federal cost of a small flood control project exceeds the $1,000,000 statutory limit, we would suggest that action be taken to have the continuation of the study accomplished under regular Congressional authority, removing the Federal spending ceiling. As discussed, this procedure usually takes much more time. Since there is now a bill before Congress to in- crease the limit from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, and the Corps report indicates the estimate of Federal cost to be $1,567,000, we would suggest you wait the outcome of this proposed legislation prior to making the decision to pursue continuation of the study under the Westchester County Streams Study Authority." Mrs. Helwig referred to the Interim Reconnaissance Report received previously from the Army Corps of Engineers and advised that she had called Mr. Kelly of Mr. Rich's Depart- ment at that time inasmuch as he had been the person who had gotten the Town in touch with the Army Engineers. She further stated that she felt that the Town should follow Mr. Rich's advice to defer any action pending the outcome of the so-called Omnibus Bill, with which the Board con- curred. 2. Report on Increased State Aid The Supervisor reported the receipt of additional State Aid in the amount of $40,985.25 quarterly Town-wide and $9,849.25 quarterly for Town Outside Villages which exceeded the 1973 budgetary figure by approximately almost 18% and resulted in State Aid to the residents of the Unincorporated Area of $8.27 per capita versus $8.07 which would have been received under the proposal of the State Conference of Mayors. 3. Recreation Flyer (Not on Agenda) The Supervisor called to the Board's attention the new recreation flyer including the questionnaire which would be in the mail to all homeowners by the end of this week, a mailing of some 11,000 pieces. The Councilmen -- Mr. Vandernoot -- 1. Apportionment Upon presentation of the following apportionment, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, 12 - 2,84 the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petition for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction — of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1972-1973, taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 712 580 Robert C. Blatt &W $9,000. $15,000. $24,000. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 712 580 Robert C.Blatt &W $7,800. $15,000. $22,800. 712 1000 Philip Severin &W 1,200. -- 1,200. 2. Report - Albany Meeting re C. A. P. Councilman Vandernoot reported that he had attended a meeting in Albany yesterday held at the request of the C.A.P. Organization with Westchester County Legislators for the purpose of trying to get New York State to fill in the gap in funding of C.A.P. programs created by the loss of Federal revenue. He stated that a bill which had been introduced was in the Assembly Ways and Means Committee proposing some $40,000,000. funding and further that Senator Pisani had introduced a bill in the Senate that would take care of Westchester County. He noted that other areas that had C.A.P. programs were being asked to introduce similar bills and concluded his remarkes by stating that the meet- ing had veen very pleasant and certainly the delegation had been very well received. Mrs. Theodore Shultz at this time, upon recognition, asked about tennis courts at the Hommocks inquiring whether some- thing is being planned? The Supervisor replied that this matter was under consider- ation and would be discussed at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:15 p.m. , to reconvene on May 16th, 1973. - 13 - 2R,ri BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims as audited by the Comptroller and ap- proved by the Fire Chief are hereby approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller hereby authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Brigante Lawnmowers Sales &Service $ 18.75 Crown Paper Company 12.70 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 771.56 Frank's Fuel, Inc. 137.42 Luigi Garofalo 75.00 I. & T. Plumbing & Heating Co. , Inc. 45.00 New York Telephone Company 158.76 New York Telephone Company 9.84 William Smith Supplies 71.35 Westchester Joint Water Works 5,037.50 Total $ 6,337.88 2. Reports Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month of April 1973 which was ordered received and filed for the record. Commissioner Faiola again commended Mr. Santoro on the interest and activity of the Volunteer Firemen since his recent election as Chief. 3. Communications a) Letter - Fire Department Commissioner Faiola read a letter addressed to the Board of Fire Commissioners by the Secretary of the Fire Department advising the Commission that Sean P. Murphy, Ronald DeCosimo, Brian P. Harrington and Dennis W. Loveley had been elected Volunteer Firemen during the year 1973. 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:20 p.m. , to reconvene on May 16th, 1973. - 14 -