HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973_04_04 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Absent: Councilman Vandernoot
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meeting of March 21st, 1973 were
presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as
1. Salary Authorizations for:
a) Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Recreation under
date of March 28th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that
Mark Citrone, Frank Perri and John Perri, be and
they hereby are engaged as Recreation Attendants,
effective April 1st, 1973, and each to be compen-
sated at the rate of $2.00 per hour.
b) Tax Office
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of April 3rd, 1973, on motion by Councilman White,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Erik Vieux be and he hereby is
engaged as Intermediate Clerk to work part-
time as needed in the office of the Receiver
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of Taxes, effective April 2nd, 1973 and to
be compensated at the rate of $3.25 per hour.
2. Authorization for Payment of
Emergency Overtime Compensation for:
a) Police
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of
March 19th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and
filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of
Police Commissioners, this Board hereby author-
izes payment of Emergency Overtime Compensation
to the following officers of the Town of Mamaroneck
Police Department for the number of hours set forth
for each covering the period from February 21st to
March 19th, 1973:
Name Hours Min.
Sgt. Greenstein 3
Det. Sgt. Perritano 12 30
Pt1. Carden 3
Fuller 8
" Gerardi 8
" Mosiello 8
" Munch 1 30
" Passafume 2 30
" Thompson 2
Total 48 30
b) Fire
Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of March 23rd,
1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
record, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Fire Chief,
this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency
Overtime Compensation to the following Firemen
of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department for
the number of hours set forth for each covering
the period from February 24th to March 23rd,
Name Hours
Lieut. L. Testa 2
" S. Garofalo 24k
Fireman N. Soriano 2
" C. Mirande 14
H. Newman 2
" R. Baron 4
Total 48z
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3. Authorization for Transfer
of Funds for:
a) $5,000. Sewer District No. 1
Settlement Lenox Construction Claim
Pursuant to the memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller under date of April 3rd, 1973, and in accordance
with the resolution authorizing the Town Attorney to settle
this claim as adopted at the last meeting of the Board, a
motion to authorize the requested transfer was offered by
Councilman Faiola and seconded by Councilman White.
At this time Councilman Bloom stated he felt the record
should show, for the information of the many persons present
this evening, that the Town had withheld $3,500. from the Lenox
Construction Corporation so. that the actual settlement of this
claim in the sum of $1,500. was indeed a good one.
And thereupon, in reply to the Chair's question as to the
Board's pleasure, the following resolution was adopted by unani-
mous vote:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1973 budget for settlement of the Lenox
Construction Corporation litigation in
connection with the contract for construction
of the Griffen Avenue Sewer:
Sewer District #1 Surplus $5,000.00
A/C 5120.4 Contractual Expenses $5,000.00
(a/c 403 Sewer Construction Costs)
b) $2,470. Fire District No. 1
Platform for Emergency Generator
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of April 3rd, 1973 herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1973 budget and surplus funds:
Fire District #1 Surplus $2,470.00
A/C 3410.2 Equipment $2,470.00
(a/c 207 Emergency Generator)
4. Report of Highway Superintendent
Road Materials 1973-74
For informational purposes the report of the Superintendent
of Highways on the opening of bids for materials to be used on
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Town roads for the period of April 1st, 1973 through March 31st,
1974 and award of contract was herewith presented and ordered
received and filed.
5. Authorization for Installation of
Traffic Light on Weaver Street,
Opposite Fire House
The Supervisor stated that she would like to recommend to the
Board that the Town be authorized to file the necessary appli-
cation forms for a Permit from the State Department of Transporta-
tion for the installation of a flashing yellow beacon on the
stone wall lining the curve on the right hand side of northbound
traffic on Weaver Street so as to slow down traffic along the
curve before it reaches Sts. John and Paul School pedestrians
crossing from the school or Heather Lane to Maple Hill Drive --
noting only the single installation had been recommended since
site lines for the southbound traffic were satisfactory. She
explained that this authorization was only the first of the
several steps necessary to get the procedure in motion, where-
upon on a motion offered by Councilman White and seconded by
Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the -Board of Police Commissioners .
be and it hereby is authorized to file with the
State Department of Transportation, the necessary
application forms for a permit to install a flash-
ing yellow beacon on the wall on the northbound
traffic side of Weaver Street approximately 100
feet north from the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard
and Weaver Street.
At this time upon recognition, Dr. William DiScipio of 40 Myrtle
Boulevard, after explaining that the rear yard of his property
bordered Weaver Street on this curve, questioned whether such
an installation would be sufficient to provide adequate safety
for the road at this curve. He advised the Board that he had
written Messrs. R. M. Gardeski and James McGovern of the State
Department of Transportation requesting the Department's assist-
ance because of his intense concern since in the five months he
had resided at this address, he had witnessed severe accidents,
reports of which he had obtained from the Police Department and
forwarded with his letters.
In answer to Mrs. Helwig's question as to whether it would be
possible to have copies of this correspondence for the Board's
and Traffic Commission's study, he replied that it would although
he noted that this correspondence wasa one-way one only at this
time since as yet he had not received any replies.
He also stressed that more warning devices and adequate light-
ing were urgently needed on the entire length of this curve up
from its intersection with Myrtle Boulevard to Maple Hill Drive,
past Sts. John & Paul School and Heather Lane on the right and
Edgewood and Hillside Avenues on the left. Further he noted
the extremely hazardous location of the light pole in front of
the wall bordering the School on the extremely narrow right-of-
way at this point -- raising a question as to any possibility
of removal.
Dr. DiScipio also explained that his main concern was his re-
quest of the installation of a guard rail along the southbound
side of the street from Edgewood Avenue to the intersection
in order to prevent a car from crashing down into his or his
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neighbor's back yards.
The matters of insufficient lighting and location of the pole
were referred to the Engineer for his immediate attention since,
as the Supervisor explained to Dr. DiScipio, the Town was
presently engaged in improvement of its lighting either by
changing the type of fixture to increase light or installing
additional fixtures where necessary.
In connection with this lighting improvement, a Mr. Conlon,
resident of Myrtle Boulevard requested that attention be given
to that street directly in front of his premises which he
described as utterly black, which was also directed to the
attention of the Engineer.
Mrs. Franc Roggeri of 49 Sheldrake Avenue inquired whether
anything further had happened on the traffic light on Forest
Avenue, stating that she understood a second survey was to be
or had been made.
Mrs. Helwig stated that she believed the question as to the sur-
vey had been as to when it had been made (at what time) since
the traffic count when it had been done had not warranted a
light, and further she believed that a final compromise had been
reached in the installation of the flashing lights.
This led to a further question by Dr. DiScipio with regard to
the heavy truck traffic on Myrtle Boulevard, which he said was
prohibited by a posted sign east of Weaver Street, but which did
not seem to be enforced. He asked whether this kind of traffic
could be banned or limited legally west of Weaver Street, and
in reply was advised by the Supervisor that she believed it
could provided an adequate alternate route was provided with
Councilman Faiola adding that he believed the limitation was
restricted to weight and suggesting that this question be
referred to the Traffic Commission, which was thereupon so
Councilman White then asked the Engineer whether he had any in-
formation as to Con Ed's timetable on repaving Myrtle Boulevard?
Mr. Elfreich replied that Mr. Aitchison has advised him that
it was now scheduled within the month.
Mrs. Judy Raab, 102 Edgewood Avenue, inquired about her letter
concerning the Edgewood Avenue onto North Chatsworth Avenue
problem, which Mrs. Helwig said she had answered today.
Mrs. Joel Schwartzman, 145 North Chatsworth Avenue, brought to
the Board's attention two problems as follows :
1st - that of cars hugging the right hand side of the road
on North Chatsworth opposite Lafayette when turning thereon
from Edgewood, and where she said she was sure the Board
would remember a child had been killed sometime back
while riding a bicycle. To alleviate this, she recom-
mended that a white line with a cross-hatch fill-in be
painted along the right hand side of the road so as to
prevent cars from hugging the right hand edge and put
them well out to the left when turning right onto
North Chatsworth Avenue at this point.
Councilman White stated that he drove this route every day
and considered this to be an excellent suggestion and one which
he would certainly recommend be implemented.
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2nd - that with regard to the requested Forest Avenue
light, whether it might not be wise to request Mr. Mannix's
aid instead of just remaining supine in the light of the
State's determination?
In reply, Mrs. Helwig said she was sure Mrs. Schwartzman would
remember that the Town had not been supine about this request,
but had persisted and obtained the flashing signals and in
addition had requested studies by the Automobile Association
as well as the studies made by the State, and further noted
that many changes in the interest of safety had also been
made by our own Traffic Commission.
6. Authorization for Transfer of
3' Reserve Strip at Rear of
Block 210, Parcel 630 to Owner
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Supervisor by the
Assessor under date of April 2nd, 1973 recommending transfer
of 3' Reserve Strip Parcel 630 as approved by the Town Attorney,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record,
on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
Supervisor to execute on behalf of the Town of
Mamaroneck, a Quit Claim deed for a 3' x 51.29
strip of land across the rear of the premises
known as Block 210, Parcel 630 on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, to Daniel K.
Lukas and Wife, owners of the aforesaid property.
1. Letter, Frank Claps
Request for Recycling Area
At the Supervisor's request, the Clerk read into the record
the following letter addressed to the Board by Frank Claps
on behalf of the local landscape gardeners on April 2nd, 1973:
"I would like to know what the Board intends doing
about providing a dump or recycling area for the land-
scape gardener? The cost as it is today is rather
expensive to remove our rubbish to another community.
To have the customer pay us for bagging it is more
costly. Every community around provides dumping or
recycling stations for the landscape gardener. In
White Plains it's free dumping, Pelham, free dumping,
Yonkers, free dumping, Eastchester, free dumping,
New Rochelle and the Village of Mamaroneck there are
very expensive fees. But in most all communities the
dumping is restricted to rubbish collected within the
community. I feel the landscape gardener provides
a needed and an important service to the residents of
the Town of Mamaroneck.
This Board in the past has bent over backwards so to
speak upon occasion for other industries and I think
that we should receive the same kind of considerations
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and I strongly feel that you are not meeting the
needs of the residents of our community in this
area. The material landscaper handles is not solid
waste, it is material that can be recycled. In
providing a dump for the landscaper it would mean
• great savings to our customers and residents, also
• savings to the Town itself. The Town trucks would
have much less to handle.
I feel the landscape gardener has received unjust
treatment and it's time for the Board to act and to
meet the needs of the taxpayers and residents of our
As a taxpayer and businessman of our community I want
action taken now -- and I think that this type of action
would truly meet the needs of the taxpayer and residents
of our community. Thank you for your consideration."
The Supervisor stated that she would like to review this
matter briefly because a different and difficult situation for
the landscapers had resulted from the closing of the dump at
Hommocks. She said she agreed this had increased rubbish col-
lection for the Town and that both Mr. Aitchison and Mr. Leddy
were interested in the possibility of the development of a re-
cycling site such as had been requested. She concluded her
remarks by saying that she did not think the Board could do
anything tonight but certainly hoped that some action could be
taken in the near future.
Mr. Claps stated that he hoped a solution could be reached in
the very immediate future since time was now of the essence
and that if not, a sizeable cost increase was involved which
would have to be passed on to the customers who were Town
In reply to a question, Mr. Claps explained that the Landscape
Gardeners Association covered the lower half of the County, hit
that he was speaking specifically in his letter about the local
gardeners. He mentioned further that the Association was work-
ing with Mr. Pound of the County on a proposal the details of
which he was not free to disclose at this time, stating however
that should something concrete actually evolve from this proposal,
it might be that the facility requested this evening would not
be needed.
In speaking of a local facility, the Supervisor pointed out that
one of the problems would of course be supervision and in reply
to a query by Councilman Faiola as to licensing gardeners,
Mr. Claps stated that he believed this should be done and that
if any individual violated the conditions of his license, he
should immediately have his license suspended.
Councilman Faiola then inquired whether there might be some to y
of providing an area in the Premium River marshland area, to
which the Supervisor replied that certainly this should be looked
into carefully along with possible other sites which might be
available for such purpose.
2. Letter, Mamaroneck Schools - Request
for Use of Voting Machines
Pursuant to the request of the Mamaroneck Schools for the use
of voting machines for school elections 'to be May 2d, -as
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set forth in letter of March 30th, 1973 herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman White,
seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants the
request of the Board of Education for the use
of voting machines on Wednesday, May 2nd, 1973.
3. Notice of Meeting - Zoning Board of
Appeals, Village of Larchmont
A notice of meeting before the Larchmont Village Zoning Board
of Appeals to be held on Wednesday, April 18th, 1973, herewith
presented was ordered received and filed upon the Attorney's
advice of requiring no action by this Board.
(Not on Agenda)
1. Mr. Vincent Ciardullo - 118 Laurel Avenue
Mr. Ciardullo inquired as to the status of the requested
installation of a drainage pipe from the foot of the Cabot
Road area under the New York State Thruway and railroad tracks.
The Supervisor briefly reviewed the present status explaining
that although the Thruway had as yet not agreed to the financing
of its share, Mr. Tone of the M.T.A. which had approved the
project was still hopeful that the Thruway Authority would
agree to a sum sufficient to make the installation possible.
2. Mrs. Theodore Shultz - 25 Alden Road
Mrs. Shultz inquired whether there were any further developments
on the traffic light installation requested on U.S. 1 in front
of the High School? Mrs. Helwig replied that she had received
no further information as of this date.
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of
March 1973.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of March 1973.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the month of March 1973.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the
month of March 1973.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society,
Inc. for the month of March 1973.
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Westchester Joint Water Works Financial Statements
as of December 31st, 1972 which were available for
inspection by any interested party in the Clerk's
Office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In connection therewith, the Supervisor noted a
small improvement this year, the loss being
$16,000, rather than $20,000.
The Supervisor --
1. Reconnaissance Report
Sheldrake River
Upon Mrs. Helwig's request, the Engineer presented the Summary
of the Reconnaissance Report prepared by him at the Supervisor's
request which read as follows:
"This study: was conducted to determine whether
or not a more detailed report is warranted.
A favorable cost benefit ratio of 1.08 was established
for a structural improvement and 1.6 for a non-structural
improvement. However, the cost to the Federal Government
for either improvement would exceed the one million dol-
lar limitation as allowed under Section 205 of the Flood
Control Act of 1948. The project should therefore be
studied under the recent congressional resolution for
the study of streams in Westchester County. Assuming a
similar cost benefit ratio would be established the
Federal Government would proceed with the project. "
The Supervisor noted that an encouraging thing in this Report
was that although the revised estimate was still in excess of
the allowable, it had reduced the prior estimate by $1,000,0OD .
from 2.6 to 1.5 million and advised that she had written to the
Department of Environmental Conservation to request advice as
to the next steps the Town should take -- adding that she
hoped the present Omnibus Bill presently before the Congress
would pass and thus permit action for small flood control
The Councilmen --
Mr. Faiola --
1. Apportionment
In Councilman Vandernoot's absence, Councilman Faiola presented
the following apportionment and thereupon on his motion, seconded
by Councilman White, the following resolution was unanimously
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petition for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557,
Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
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RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1972-1973, taxes
of 1973, which shows property now appearing on the rolls
as follows:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
910 155 T & C Builders, Inc. $14,800. -- $14,800.
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
910 155 T & C Builders, Inc. $12,400. -- $12,400 .
910 180 Anthony J. Giovanni 2,400. -- 2,400.
& W.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on April 18th, 1973.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
claims as audited by the Comptroller and ap-
proved by the Fire Chief are hereby approved,
and the Supervisor and Comptroller hereby
authorized to pay the same out of the Fire
Department budget:
Vincent Ceruzzi $ 200.00
Con Edison 181.71
East Coast Wholesalers, Inc. 16.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 850.88
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 628.00
Exxon Company, U.S.A. 73.89
Frank's Fuel, Inc. 104.62
Frank's Fuel, Inc. 104.18
New York Telephone Company 9.84
New York Telephone Company 175.72
New York Telephone Company 161.07
Robert's 806.15
Sanborn Map Company, Inc. 135.00
- Total $3,447.06
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2. Reports
Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month
of March 1973 which was ordered received and filed for the
Commissioner Faiola remarked at this time that he would like
to comment on the increase in activity by the volunteers and
to highly commend the new Chief on the fantastic job he was
3. Communications
Pursuant to a letter herewith presented by Commissioner Faiola
requesting permission for the Volunteers to conduct its annual
solicitation of funds, on his motion, seconded by Commissioner
White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permission
to the Volunteer Firemen of the Town of Mamaroneck
to erect signs and solicit funds for their Annual
Fund Raising Drive in the Fire District.
4. Other Business
(Not on Agenda)
a) Painting of Fire House
It was reported that the paint job on the Fire House had
been checked and it was definitely felt that Diamond-Do-All
- owed the Town a new paint job.
b) The Fire Chief
The Chief thanked the Board for its resolution of thanks to
Mr. Corriveau, the gentleman who had assisted so greatly at
the recent accident on the Thruway and reported that the
injured man was improving but was still in the New Rochelle
5. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:15 p.m. , to reconvene on April 18th, 1973.
Tow gerk
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