The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 2nd, 1973 were
presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as
a. Paint.: Court House
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice
for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the only
bid received - that of Diamond Do-All Ltd. , in the amount of
$4,400.00, reporting receipt of the signed non-collusive
statement and bid check.
In accordance with the Supervisor's recommendation since only
one bid had been submitted, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby rejects the
bid of Diamond Do-All Ltd. , the only bidder,
for painting and caulking the exterior of the
Court House at 1201 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont,
and authorizes the readvertisement for bids
to be returnable as of June 6th, 1973;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the bid and bid check submitted
by Diamond Do-All Ltd. be returned to the said
- 1 -
b. Rental of Uniforms
(Highway, Park, Sanitation, etc.)
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the
Notice for Bids for the record and opened and read aloud
the following bids reporting that the non-collusive state-
ment was signed in each case:
Bidder Bid
Finast Industrial Uniform, Inc. $2.10 per week per man - 1 year
1468 Blondell Avenue $1.90 per week per man - 2 year
Bronx, New York
Renta Uniform Service, Inc. $2.65 per week per man - 1 year
225 Greenwich Avenue $2.25 per week per man - 2 year
Stamford, Connecticut
Happiness Laundry Service, Inc. $2.85 per week per man - 1 year
613 Waverly Avenue 2.65 per week per man - 2 year
Mamaroneck, New York
The Board directed that the usual procedure be followed where-
upon it was ordered that the aforesaid bids be referred to the
Highway Superintendent, Park Superintendent, Attorney and
Comptroller for examination as to conformance to specifications
with report and recommendation for award of bid at the next
meeting of the Board.
- 1. Increase Income from $5,000, to $6,000.
for Partial Tax Exemption for Persons
65 years of Age and Over
On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman
White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the
Notice of Hearing and the Supervisor explained that as
probably most of the persons present were aware, the Board
had had the recommendation of the Assessor to grant the
increase as presented and discussed at the April 18th meeting.
At this time, she stated, the Board had been advised that 14
of the 18 Towns in the County had adopted a resolution grant-
ing the proposed increase and that the matter was to be be-
fore the County Board of Legislators at a public hearing.
Further, she stated that the School Board had acted favorably
upon the request. It was strongly felt, Mrs. Helwig said,
that the limits set by the County, Town and School should be
uniform and she then asked Mr. Vandernoot to recite the figures
he had presented at the April 18th meeting.
Councilman Vandernoot said that in 1972-1973 the total assessed
valuation had been 178 million dollars with exemptions total-
ing 27 million. Of these, the total exemptions granted for
those over 65 who at that time had an income of $5,000. or less
was $682,000. so that actually the cost of the proposed increase
to the taxpayers was a minimal one.
The Supervisor then stated that in effect, since in 1968-1969
2 _
the exemption had been granted with a total income figure of
$3,000. or less which in 1971-1972 by amendment had been in-
creased to $5,000. or less, it would seem in the interest of
those people affected since their income had increased mainly
due to the increased Social Security, that if the $5,000.
maximum were kept, many would become ineligible unless the
proposed increase was adopted.
She further stated that the order of the hearing would be
to hear first those in favor, then those opposed to the
In Favor:
Mr. Frank Di Folco - 93 Laurel Avenue, Town
Mr. Di Folco stated that under the conditions explained he
would favor this increase.
In Opposition:
Mr. Otto Scheuble - 3 Rock Ridge Road, Town
Following a quite lengthy discourse by Mr. Scheuble, with
many questions as to what composed this total income, he
registered his opposition to the approval of the proposed
The following questions were asked by Mrs. Snyder and
answered by the Supervisor:
1. Is it a 50% partial exemption? Yes
2. Did this exemption apply to General Town? Yes
3. Was it correct that the Villages did not
grant this exemption? Yes
4. Were the Villages empowered to grant
such exemption? Yes with
the explanation that the Villages would have to adopt
a resolution approving such exemptions since this
was permissive legislation.
And thereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is
declared closed.
And thereupon in response to the Supervisor's query as to the
Board's pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was adopted
by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present and
voting aye:
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck as follows:
SECTION 1. Pursuant to the provisions of section
four hundred sixty-seven as amended of the real
- 3 -
property tax law, the purpose of this resolution
is to grant a partial exemption from taxation to
the extent of fifty_per centum of the assessed
valuation of the real property which is owned by
certain persons with limited income who are sixty-
five years of age or over, meeting the requirements
set forth in such section as amended.
2. - Real property owned by persons sixty-
five years of age or over shall be exempt from Town
taxes, except district taxes, to the extent of fifty
per centum of the assessed valuation, subject to
the following conditions :
a. The owner or all of the owners must file an
application annually in the assessor's office of
the Town in which real property is located, at least
ninety days before the day of filing the final assess-
ment roll or such other time as may be hereafter fixed
by law.
b. The income of the owner or the combined income
of the owners must not exceed $6,000. from all sources
as set forth in such section four hundred sixty-seven,
for the twelve consecutive months prior to the date
that the application is filed. Where title is vested
in either the husband or wife, the combined income
may not exceed such sum.
c. Title to the property must be vested in the owner,
or, if more than one, in all the owners for at least
sixty consecutive months prior to the date that the
application is filed.
d. The property must be used exclusively for resi-
dential purposes, be occupied in whole or in part,
by the owners and constitute the legal residence
of the owners.
3. - This resolution shall take effect
immediately after its adoption, and shall be
applicable to Town taxes, except district taxes,
for the year nineteen hundred seventy-four and for
subsequent years;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaro-
neck is hereby authorized and directed to post and
publish this resolution as required by law.
2. Installation of Full Stop Signs
On motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman White,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the
Notice of Hearing which, at the Supervisor's request, was
read into the record as follows:
"Please Take Notice that the Town Board of the
- 4
Town of Mamaroneck will hold a public hearing
on the 16th day of May 1973, at 8:15 p.m. , in
the evening of that day in the Council Room
or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue in the Town
of Mamaroneck, for the purpose of considering
amending Chapter II of the General Ordinances,
as last amended December 1st, 1971, by provid-
ing for the installation of a Full Stop Sign
going North and South on North Chatsworth at the
intersection with Bryson Street in the Town of
Mamaroneck; presently erected Full Stop Sign on
Glenn Road at its intersection with North Chats-
worth in the Town of Mamaroneck to be moved so
as to face North and South on North Chatsworth
in the Town of Mamaroneck.
Please Take Further Notice that all persons at
said hearing will be given an opportunity to be
The Supervisor explained that a petition signed by some 60
persons residing in the North Chatsworth, Bryson Street and Glenn
Road area had been presented on February 7th and referred by
the Board to the Traffic Commission (Police Commission) . That
Commission after consultation with Messrs. Jacoby and Land
representing the aforesaid group, first reported its recom-
mendations at the February 21st meeting and later forwarded
its proposals for the amendment of the General Ordinances
which required a public hearing before this Board. She
called to attention that the Notice for this hearing had
been published in The Daily Times on May 5th as required
by law and that a copy thereof had been forwarded to each
person signing the aforesaid petition.
She then welcomed Mr. Jacoby and all of the residents of
the area who were present announcing that first the Board
would hear those in favor, then those opposed to the pro-
In Favor:
Mr. Mark Jacoby addressed the Board stating that he was
one of the signers of the petition and that many of the
cosigners were present this evening, each of whom he was
certain would speak for himself. He said that he was in
favor of the installations proposed and that not only he
but all of the cosigners of the petition were delighted
with the fact that the Police Commission had proposed these
installations. He mentioned, however, that there was one
serious problem which was raised in the petition which he
and his neighbors felt had not been solved and raised the
question of the installation of a four-way full stop sign
at Glenn Road and North Chatsworth Avenue in view of the
bad sight lines for those coming out from Glenn Road at
this point.
The Supervisor replied that she believed the Commission had
given careful consideration to the employment of a four-way
stop sign but had some question as to whether this would be
the best way to remedy this situation.
- 5 -
Messrs. James Cameron, Lester L. Brown, David Watt, Paul
Kalos, Roger Sher, Sam Goldberg and Mesdames Margaret Crystal,
Teri Schwartzman, Lynn Bryson, Ellie Howard and Sara Lynn, all
cosigners of the petition, then addressed the Board speaking
in favor of the action taken but requesting fast and favor-
able consideration on the following additional measures in
the interest of the safety and welfare of not only those
living in this area but of the entire community:
1. Installation of a four-way full stop sign
_- at Glenn Road and North Chatsworth Avenue
because it was strongly felt that the
extraordinary hazards and danger caused by
the extremely bad sight lines warranted that
traffic should be stopped in ALL directions
at this intersection.
2. Restriction of parking on the hill because
cars tend to pull out across the double line
to pass cars parked in this location and
thereby create a hazard to traffic approaching
in the opposite direction.
Mr. Lee Whitestone - 797 Weaver Street
Mr. Whitestone, upon recognition, addressed the Board stat-
ing that although he was not a resident of the area concerned
he did travel through this area daily and wished to heartily
support and endorse the additional requests made by the
group of residents of the area concerned.
Whereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is
declared closed.
And thereupon in reply to the Supervisor's query as to
the Board's pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman White, the following resolution was adopted
by unanimous vote of the Board, all members being present
and voting aye:
WHEREAS, the Police Commission requested
that Chapter II of the General Ordinances
of the Town of Mamaroneck be amended so as
to provide for the installation of a Full
Stop Sign going North and South on North
Chatsworth at the intersection with Bryson
Street in the Town of Mamaroneck; presently
erected Full Stop Sign on Glenn Road at its
intersection with North Chatsworth in the Town
of Mamaroneck to be moved so as to face North
and South on North Chatsworth in the Town of
WHEREAS, a public hearing thereon was duly held
6 -
before this Board on this date following
publication of the Notice of Hearing as required
by law;
WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons were given
an opportunity to be heard;
RESOLVED, that Chapter II of the General Ordinances
of the Town of Mamaroneck (regulation of traffic,
use of streets and highways), as last amended by
resolution of this Board adopted on December 1st,
1971, is hereby further amended so as to provide for
the installation of a Full Stop Sign going North and
South on North Chatsworth at the intersection with
Bryson Street in the Town of Mamaroneck; presently
erected Full Stop Sign on Glenn Road at its inter-
section with North Chatsworth in the Town of
Mamaroneck to be moved so as to face North and
South on North Chatsworth in the Town of Mamaroneck
pursuant to Section 1660, subdivision 1 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law as "stop intersection"
and stop sign conforming in all respects with the
provisions of Sections 1682 and 1683 of the Vehicle
and Traffic Law;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Police Commission be requested
to consider what further steps can be taken in
the interest of safety in line with the suggestions
recited hereinabove this evening and report thereon
to this Board;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of
Mamaroneck is hereby authorized and directed to
post and publish this resolution as required by
1. Report of Planning Board
re Block 325, Parcel 81
The report of the Planning Board re Block 325, Parcel 81
submitted to the Town Board under date of May 11th, 1973
was read into the record as follows:
"The Planning Board at its regular meeting on
May 9, 1973 discussed the above-mentioned sub-
The Board decided that they are not in favor of
open area development. It is the Board's opinion
that if the area is developed a fully improved
street in accordance with Town standards should
be constructed to service all of the abutting
- 7 -
The Supervisor then recognized Mr. Taylor, Attorney for
the applicant, who had requested that consideration be
given to Open Area Development for the land in question,
and inquired whether he would like to say anything further
or add any comment at this time?
Mr. Taylor thanked Mrs. Helwig, and after explaining that
since under circumstances he had now found to obtain in
this matter, Open Area Development could not apply and
that consequently he was here this evening to inform the
Board that the original question was being abandoned as
it would now be necessary to go back to the Planning
Mr. Taylor then expressed his thanks and appreciation for
the very courteous and prompt attention both this Board
and the Planning Board had given this matter and thereupon
since no further action was needed, the report was ordered
received and filed for the record.
2. Report of Planning Board
re Subdivison Extension
of Laurel Avenue
The Supervisor explained that in connection with the request
of Mr. Carducci for approval of a 25-foot right of way for
the extension of Laurel Avenue Subdivision as presented at
the last meeting and referred to the Planning Board together
with requests for written statements of recommendation from
the Fire, Police and Highway Departments, the Board as of
this date had received the report of the Planning Board with
statements from only the Fire and Highway Departments, there-
fore precluding action pending receipt of the Police Depart-
ment statement. She stated, however, that despite this, the
Board would be glad to hear from anyone present adding that
she believed there was a group in attendance.
She then inquired whether Mrs. Paul was here as she under-
stood that Mrs. Paul had called to request that she be
recognized to present a petition on behalf of residents of
the area. Mrs. Paul replied that she was present but stated
in reply to Mrs. Helwig's query of whether she would like to
read the petition, that she would not, but would if she had
to. She then presented the petition dated May 14th, 1973,
and carrying some 60 signatures to the Clerk, which at the
Supervisor's request was read into the record as follows :
"We the undersigned, all residents of Laurel
Avenue and Thompson Street agree that by all
indications any further development of Laurel
Avenue as a through street would have to be
accomplished on a twenty-five foot right-of-
way. In our opinion this would compound an al-
ready illegal situation; the last piece of Laurel
Avenue developed was allowed on a twenty-five
foot right-of-way. When the land at the Thompson
Street end of Laurel Avenue was developed the
property owners were required to construct the
road on the statutory fifty foot right-of-way
in accordance with Town law. We do not understand
why this should not be true for subsequent develop-
We believe that there would be a great increase
in traffic in order to by-pass the traffic
light on the corner of Weaver Street and Myrtle
Boulevard. This situation would be aggravated by
a bottle-neck caused by a narrow stretch of
roadway midway along a full-width roadway. Even
worse, there would be a curve in this bottle-
neck to join the ends of the two presently developed
The drainage systems in this area are already severely
overtaxed; so much so that homeowners on the Thompson
Street end of Laurel Avenue sustain heavy rain damage
to their property; with every heavy rainstorm there
are property losses. Flood damage will be greater
due to the added load. In addition, there now exists
a problem with water runoff into the properties on
Myrtle Boulevard. This would be compounded.
our property values would be reduced since the
desirability of a dead-end street would be eliminated.
The primary reason for the purchase of homes was the
location and setting on a dead-end street for the
safety of our children.
Through traffic on this street will result in un-
safe conditions for our children. There are no
sidewalks on Laurel Avenue and children walk to
school in the street. The lives of approximately
42 children under the age of fifteen would be
greatly affected. What are now quiet streets would
become a dangerous thoroughfare as the proposed
connection is narrow, billed and curved. Blind spots
would lead to the endangerment of life and property.
-- The children are a special concern if the Town
considers the lack of play areas available to
certain properties.
The traffic situation on the Weaver Street end of
Laurel Avenue is already a problem. It is difficult
to exit onto Weaver Street at any hour and next to
impossible at certain times of day. The now exist-
ing problem of trucks and cars searching for an
entrance to the New England Thruway would reach
nightmare proportions. In addition there would be
a dramatic increase in local traffic.
Nonezof these problems could be solved by making
the proposed street one-way.
The construction of a through street is not neces-
sary, and no purpose would be served by such action.
We wish to state that we are in no way opposed to
the construction of additional homes in this area
but believe that it must be accomplished without
th juncture of the two segments. An alternative
access to the proposed subdivision must be found."
The Supervisor then inquired whether anyone wished to add
anything further -- whereon the following persons addressed
the Board:
9 -
Mr. Frank Claps - 120 Laurel Avenue
Mr. Claps spoke in protest to the request in concern first
for the safety of his children and second for the decrease
in the value of his property were Laurel Avenue to become
a through street.
Mr. James A. Laverty - 8 Thompson Street
Mr. Laverty asked whether there was a report from the Plan-
ning Board and if so, whether he could please hear it?
At the Chair's direction, that report, dated May 11, 1973,
was then read into the record as follows, together with
the statements filed by the Fire and Highway Departments
on May 7th and 15th, 1973 respectively:
Planning Board Report
"The Planning Board at its regular meeting on
May 9, 1973 discussed the above-mentioned sub-
The Board decided to recommend to the Town Board
that they approve the 25' right-of-way as requested.
The Board is aware that there might be some traffic
problems with the opening of Laurel Avenue. In
response to neighbors on Laurel Avenue attached
are copies of reports from the Police and Fire
Fire Department Statement
"The Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department Council feels
that as the situation now stands the Fire Department
has sufficient access to all properties on both ends
of Laurel Avenue for adequate fire protection."
Highway Department Statement
"Based on a recent Planning Board report regarding
the above captioned, I feel that the Town Board
should approve the extension of Laurel Avenue as
it will aid the Highway Department in both snow
plowing and in the pick-up of garbage."
Mr. Laverty then, upon recognition, observed that it was
his belief that the Planning Board, Zoning Board and Town
Board rightly were always looking for ways to increase tax
dollars -- but he could not help but question why, in this
interest, the granting of such an application as this one
was recommended while those for luxury high rise apart-
ments, office or professional buildings, the proposed air
structure over the station parking, etc. , all of which
were needed and would really increase the roll, were denied?
He reiterated here that what he was saying was that the
Planning Board should not recommend approval of a request
such as this where the applicant did not have the proper
amount of property.
The reasons for denial of the three instances recited by
- 10 -
Mr. Laverty were that in Longines the covenants in neighbor-
ing property owners ' deeds were upheld by the courts, and
that in the case of the air structure proposal at Larchmont
Station, all of the property was located in Larchmont Vil-
lage - not in the Town.
During further discussion of planning and zoning in general,
Councilman Bloom explained to Mr. Laverty in some detail
the circumstances which had obtained in all applications
for the use of the Guadagnola land (including the most
recent for a high rise luxury apartment), and in conclusion
in answer to a plea by Mr. Laverty that if the policy of the
Town was to be strict about requirements, it be equally so
in all cases, stated that it had been decided to have the
Planning Board, Zoning Board, and this Board meet together
to study zoning-flexibility, regulations, restrictions, etc.
with a view to making any changes that might be desirable
in general.
Councilman Bloom further referred to a court decision up-
holding the applicant in a case similar to Laurel Avenue
where property had not been available for a 50 foot right-
of-way, and in addition noted the fact that the petition
filed tonight carried the comment that those who signed it
were "inno way opposed to the construction of additional
homes in this area but believed it must be accomplished
without the juncture of the two segments."
Also addressing the Board in protest to this application
were Mrs. Mary B. Chiodo, Mrs. Barbara K. Paul, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Di Folco, Mr. Vincent J. Ciardullo and Mrs. Rhoda
R. Kalmonson of Laurel Avenue and Mr. Anthony Librandi of
Thompson Street who raised the following points: the pos-
sibility of using a turn around with curbed barriers,
finding another solution to the through street, consider-
ation of the increased noise level which would result due
- to increased traffic were Laurel Avenue, already noisy
due to being between Myrtle Boulevard and the Thruway, to
become a through street, safety hazards, no sidewalks, and
lack of adequate drainage, etc.
Councilman Faiola in reply to a question raised by Mrs. Kalmon-
son, stated that he believed at the time Mr. Carducci's previous
permit had been granted with a 25 foot right-of-way, there was
to have been a turn around and when asked by her where it was,
replied "I do not know" - but he further stated that in view
of this Board's obvious concern about the safety of children
as well as the many other factors evidenced, he was certain
that appropriate action would be taken by this Board to
give every consideration to the questions voiced this evening.
With respect to noise, the Supervisor at this time reviewed
the new proposed bill presently in Albany which had been
drawn up patterned on the far stricter noise restrictions of
the new California law and urged all present and concerned
about vehicular noise to write or wire the Governor and their
legislators requesting passage of this amendment to the badly
outmoded and without-teeth-for-enforcement Section 386 of
the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law as passed in 1965.
Councilman Faiola then recommended that Mr. Carducci's
request be re-referred to the Planning Board with special
study given to the questions raised this evening by Council-
men Bloom and White and the Town Attorney, which was there-
upon unanimously so ordered.
- 11 -
3. Report - County Application for
State Permit re Harbor Island
With reference to the foregoing application, the Supervisor
presented a letter forwarding the report of the Conserva-
tion and Environmental Consultant to the Conservation
Advisory Committee, to whom the matter had been referred,
to Mr. George H. Danskin of the New York State Department
of Conservation under date of May 14th, 1973, which was
herewith ordered received and filed.
4. Report on Disposition of Mulch
on Saturday, May 12th, 1973
A report on the Compost Give-Away at Taylors Lane on
Saturday and Sunday, May 12th and 13th addressed to the
Board by P. T. Leddy under today's date was herewith
presented and ordered received and filed.
1. Retirement of Leo N. Orsino
Receiver of Taxes
A letter addressed to the Town Board by Leo N. Orsino,
Receiver of Taxes, under date of May 8th, 1973, was read
into the record as follows :
"I have notified the New York State Employees
Retirement System, Albany, New York, that I am
retiring from the Office of Receiver of Taxes
and Assessments of the Town of Mamaroneck, New
York, as of June 30th, 1973.
Will you kindly accept this letter as my resigna-
tion from the above office as of June 30th, 1973.
Thanks for your kind attention to this matter and
thanks for everything."
The Supervisor said that needless to say Mr. Orsino's
definite decision to take an early retirement although
somewhat of a shock had been prompted at least in part,
she believed, by the retirement situation. It is extremely
difficult, she continued, to imagine the office without him.
He has been an absolutely exemplary employee and ;so efficient
that in all the years and all the taxes collected, there has
never been an error of a single penny, and it is indeed with
tremendous regret that we record this resignation. She
then stated that although he would not be in the office daily,
on the happier side, however,she -noted that Mr. Orsino would
be available and will come in during very busy times to
help us out. Councilman Faiola said the only comment he
had to add was that Leo had a marvelous sense of humor, so
aptly and well demonstrated by his marvelous way with people
who were irate over taxes, penalties, etc.
Councilman Bloom stated that although he had not known Leo
as long as Councilman Faiola and certain other members of
the Town Staff, he heartily endorsed all the remarks made
this evening and Councilman Vandernoot added -"he makes a
difficult job look easy and certainly it will be hard to
write that check without Leo N. Orsino on its face - we
are going to miss him."
12 -
Councilman White also endorsed all that had been said and
added his tribute to a rare and unusually able official.
2. Deed for New York State
Thruway Ramps
The Supervisor reported the receipt of the quitclaim deed to
the Surplus Property Reference No. 199, Chatsworth Avenue
Ramps, from the New York State Thruway to the Town of Mamaro-
neck. She stated that this requested acquisition, which as
- all knew had been before the Board a very long time, was a
satisfactory solution to a long legal problem.
3. Salary Authorization
Part-time Conservation
Pursuant to memorandum of P. T. Leddy under date of May 15th,
1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman
White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
engagement of Paul Giacomo as Park Attendant
effective as of May 15th, 1973, at $3.00 per
hour and Michael Dolen as Park Attendant
effective as of May 16th, 1973, at $2.80 per
4. Transfer of Funds
Certiorari Proceedings
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of May 14th, 1973, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, sec-
onded by Councilman White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes the following transfer of funds
within the 1973 budget:
General Fund - Town Wide
Contingency Fund - A/C 1990.0 $1,000.00
General Fund - Town Wide - Refund
of Town Taxes - A/C A9207.0 $1,000.00
5. Appointments:
Harold Eisner - Commission of Human Rights
Robert M. Riley - Commission of Human Rights
Peter R. Perciasepe - Commission of Human Rights(Reappointment)
Mrs. Maxine Steffens - Recreation Commission(Reappointment)
Councilman Bloom after explaining that the terms of three
members of the Commission of Human Rights expired on May 19th
of this year, after commending his prior service, presented
for reappointment Mr. Peter R. Perciasepe, Jr. He also
presented for appointment to succeed two retiring members,
Mr. John Masterson and Mrs. Barbara Chapin, both of whose
services he highly commended, Mr. Harold R. Eisner and
Mr. Robert M. Riley.
- 13 -
He then briefly reviewed for the information of all present
the particular qualifications and abilities of Messers. Eisner
and Riley to serve on this Commission and thereupon moved the
reappointment of Peter R. Perciasepe, Jr., and the appoint-
ment of Harold R. Eisner and Robert M. Riley.
This motion was seconded by Councilman Vandernoot and the
following resolution thereupon unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby reappoints
Peter R. Perciasepe, Jr. of 96 Myrtle Boulevard
and appoints Harold R. Eisner of Chatsworth
Gardens and Robert M. Riley of 3 Larch Lane,
members of the Commission of Human Rights of
the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve for a term of
office of three years, effective on May 20th,
1973 and terminating on May 19th, 1976;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that each of the new appointees be
so notified;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that John Masterson, member and chair-
man, and Mrs. Barbara Chapin, member, be thanked
for their dedicated and exemplary service during
their tenure of office on this Commission.
The Supervisor then named for reappointment to the Rec-
reation Commission, Mrs. Maxine Steffens whose term of
office expires&on May 20th, 1973. In nominating Mrs. Steffens,
the Supervisor said only that since she had served on the
Commission with undiminished dedication and ability since
its inception, her reappointment, she felt, needed no further
-- word other than the Board's sincere appreciation that she
was willing to continue in this very important post although
she had not promised to complete a full five-year term.
Councilman Faiola then moved her reappointment, which motion
was seconded by Councilman White, with the following reso-
lution therewith unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby reappoints
Mrs. Maxine Steffens of 15 Briarcliff Road,
Town, a member of the Recreation Commission
of the Town of Mamaroneck, to serve for a
term of office of five years, effective on
May 21st, 1973 and terminating on May 20th,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Mrs. Steffens be so notified.
Mrs. Teri Schwartzman - 145 North Chatsworth Avenue
Upon recognition, Mrs. Schwartzman addressed the Board in-
quiring how persons were selected to serve on Town Commis-
sions and Boards?
Councilman Bloom and the Supervisor explained the procedure,
stressing that a cross section of the community was always
sought, i.e. - new residents, long-time residents, etc. ,
within the limits of the need for particular qualifications
- 14 -
such as legal, public communication, etc. , in certain
instances. Eternally requested, sought and welcome were
suggestions from all residents to which end a resource
file had been established in the Supervisor's Office many
years ago and kept current as of this date.
Mrs. Schwartzman stated then that what she would like to
see was some kind of public information released so that
all citizens could have a voice in selection, to which
Mrs. Helwig cited the just tendered resignation of Mrs. James
A. Donnelly, Jr, from the Board of Park Commissioners effect-
ive June 1st, and the appeal of that Board and this Board
to the Garden Club and other Civic Associations for suggestions
of persons particularly and especially qualified to serve in
that capacity.
6. Authorization for Engineer to
Take Informal Bids for Scraping and
Painting Staircase at Larchmont Station
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer
under date of May 16th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman White, seconded
by Councilman Bloom with the comment that one of the risers
was rusted out which Councilman Faiola requested be included
in the bid for repairs, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer be and he
hereby is authorized to solicit informal
bids for the scraping and painting of the
staircase at the Town Parking Lot.
7. Authorization for
Computer Study
The Supervisor explained the proposal for a feasibility
study to ascertain the possibility of doing the Town's
Assessment Roll and Tax Bills on the School computer with
possible inclusion of licenses, traffic tickets, etc. ,
whereupon Councilman Vandernoot, who stated that he had
talked to Mr. Norelli, moved that he be authorized to con-
duct the three-day study required for Town needs.
This motion was seconded by Councilman White and the follow-
ing resolution thereupon unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Alfred D. Norelli of 300 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry,
New York, to conduct a computer study for the
Town of Mamaroneck for a period of three days
at a cost of $300.00 per day, or not to exceed
the total sum of $900.00.
Mrs. Theodore Shultz - 25 Alden Road '
Mrs. Shultz, upon recognition, inquired whether the Town
had any computerization at this time?
The Supervisor replied only the payrolls which were done
by the National Bank of Westchester, adding that this item
would also be a part of the study.
- 15 -
S. Authorization for Supervisor
to Sign CSEA Contract
Councilman Vandernoot after pointing out that although
agreement had been reached sometime ago on the CSEA contract,
there had been some delay in the printing which had now been
completed, therefore requested that the Supervisor be author-
ized to sign same on behalf of the Town at this time, which
he so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman White
and the following resolution adopted unanimously:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to sign on behalf of the Town of
Mamaroneck, the CSEA contract between the said
Town and that organization for the two-year
period beginning January 1st, 1973 and term-
inating December 31st, 1974.
9. Authorization for:
a) Police Chief to Attend New York State
Chiefs of Police Conference
b) Det. Sgt. Mahoney and Sgt. Greenstein
to Attend Tear Gas Seminar
c) Engineer to Attend A.P.W.A.
Spring Meeting
Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Board of
Police Commissioners under date of May 9th, 1973, and the
Town Engineer under date of May 14th, 1973, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, it was unanimously:
a) on motion by Councilman White, seconded by
Councilman Bloom,
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Chief Robert M. Barasch to attend the Annual
Conference of the New York State Chiefs of
Police to be held in Syracuse, New York
from July 22nd, 1973 through July 26th, 1973,
with expenses not to exceed the sum of $275.
to be paid by the Town, and Car #5 to be used
for transportation.
b) on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman White,
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Detective Sergeant Thomas Mahoney and
Sergeant Joel Greenstein to attend a tear
gas seminar conducted by the Federal Labor-
atories, Inc. , to be held at Seven Springs,
Champion, Pennsylvania on June 19th, 20th
and 21st, 1973, with expenses not to exceed
the sum of $150, each to be paid by the Town,
and Car #9 to be used for transportation.
c) on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by
Councilman Bloom,
RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer be and
he hereby is authorized to attend the Spring
meeting of the American Public Works Associ-
ation at Belleville, New Jersey, on Wednesday,
May 23rd, 1973, with expenses to be paid from
the Engineer's budget in an amount not to
exceed $25.00.
- 16 -
Mrs. Teri Schwartzman, upon recognition, referred to the
second request granted -- questioning the usefulness of
the appropriation of tax monies for Policemen in the Town
of Mamaroneck to attend a tear gas seminar?
In reply, the Supervisor explained that this matter was
legally under the jurisdiction of the Board of Police Com-
missioners to which body this question would have to be
addressed. Mrs. Schwartzman stated that she would do so.
1. Request of Garner and Kreinces for
Small Business Administration Proclamation
Pursuant to letter addressed to the Town under date of
May 4th, 1973, by Gerald J. Garner of Garner and Kreinces,
Counsellors at Law, 260 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, New
York, herewith presented and ordered received and filed,
on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman
Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby proclaims
the week of May 13th through 19th, 1973 as
Small Business Week in the Unincorporated
Area of the Town of Mamaroneck.
2. Letter, Conservation Advisory Committee
Re: Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge
The Supervisor referred to a letter herewith presented and
ordered received and filed for the record which had been
addressed to her by the Conservation Advisory Committee of
the Town of Mamaroneck under date of May 4th, 1973, stating
that Committee's official resolution of objection to the
proposed Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge and reasons therefor, and
recommending that the Town take appropriate action to oppose
the Bridge project, and then inquired as to the Board's
pleasure in this matter.
Whereupon on a motion by Councilman Faiola that the Hoard
go on record supporting the position taken by the Conserva-
tion Advisory Committee and Senator Pisani and Assemblyman
Mannix, which was seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Conservation Advisory Committee
of the Town of Mamaroneck at its meeting on
March 22nd, 1973 unanimously adopted a reso-
lution opposing the construction of the pro-
posed Rye-Oyster Bay Bridge for the reasons
set forth in its May 4th, 1973 letter herewith
filed as part of the record of this meeting;
WHEREAS, the said Committee conducted a long and
detailed study including oral summary of the
400-page Environmental Impact Statement (for
project) and oral presentation by representatives
of Citizens for Sound Planning (opposed to project);
- 17 -
WHEREAS, the Conservation Advisory Committee has
recommended that this Board take appropriate
action to oppose the Bridge to protect the best
interests of the Town of Mamaroneck;
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby goes on record
as opposing the construction of the Rye-Oyster
Bay Bridge inasmuch as said construction would
be deletorious to the best interests of the
Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Governor Rockefeller be notified
by the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck of
the action taken by this Board and copies of such
notification be forwarded to Senator Pisani,
Assemblyman Mannix and Mr. Amlicke, Chairman of
the Conservation Advisory Committee.
3. Order, Interstate Commerce Commission
The foregoing notification of Order by the Interstate
Commerce Commission, upon report of the Town Attorney
of being for informational purposes only, was herewith
ordered received and filed.
4. Notice of Assignment of Hearing
Interstate Commerce Commission
This Notice, upon referral to the Attorney and his report
of being solely for information was ordered received and
5. P.S.C. Notice of Postponement of Hearing
Con Ed Electric Rule Change
Notice from the Public Service Commission of postponement
of hearing on Con Ed Electric Rule Change was duly noted
and ordered received and filed.
6. Notice of Meeting
Larchmont Village
Zoning Board of Appeals
Upon the Attorney's report that this Notice was forwarded
in courtesy only and that no action was required by the
Town, it was herewith ordered received and filed.
7. Not on Agenda
P.S.C. Communication
The Supervisor presented a communication received under
this date from the Public Service Commission re discounts
on phone service, which by unanimous order of the Board,
was referred to the Town Attorney for study with report
to this Board.
- 18 -
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the Annual Report of the Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Committee on Family and Youth which was ordered
received and filed.
Mrs. Theodore Shultz, upon recognition, inquired about the
-- Recreation Pamphlet and Mrs. Edward Gaughran of 47 Hommocks
Road, upon recognition, inquired about the use of the tennis
courts at Hommocks when not in use by the School.
The Supervisor replied advising Mrs. Shultz that the Recrea-
tion Pamphlets were now in the mail and inviting Mrs. Gaughran
to come in to the Recreation office at her convenience so
that she could see the schedule submitted by the School which
certainly was not promising for any other use as it now stood.
She also suggested that if possible she attend the Recreation
Commission meeting tomorrow evening at 8:15 p.m, in Mr. Kron-
enberger's office, which Mrs. Gaughran said she would do.
Mrs. Marion Reichman - 39 Sheldrake Avenue
Mrs. Reichman addressed the Board asking whether anything
was being done to improve the extremely poor conditions at
the glass deposit bins?
The Supervisor, Councilman Bloom and Mr. Aitchison, Highway
Superintendent, all replied explaining that careless throw-
ing of the glass was responsible for the situation in the
main and that the entire area was swept every morning.
The reporter was requested to publicize the Board's request
that residents be more careful when depositing their glass
and the discussion concluded with Mrs. Helwig stating in
reply to Mrs. Reichman's suggestion, that the request that
glass be collected along with newspapers would be referred
to Messers. Aitchison and Kellogg for study.
1. Appointment of Committees
under Fire Contract
a) The Supervisor, pursuant to Section 8 of the
Fire Fighter's Contract recommended the appointment
of Councilmen Faiola and Bloom along with Fire Chief
Santoro as the Fire Liaison Committee, whereupon on
motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman
Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 8 of the Fire
Fighter's Contract with the Town of Mamaroneck,
this Board hereby appoints Councilmen Faiola and
Bloom and Fire Chief Santoro as the Fire Liaison
b) In reference to the appointment of the Response
Needs Committee also pursuant to contract, Mrs. Helwig
reported that she had consulted with Mr. Valle and
was pleased pursuant to authorization under said
- 19 -
contract to appoint Councilman Bloom,
Fire Chief Santoro and former Chief
Loiconi to this Committee.
The Councilmen --
Mr. Faiola --
(Not on Agenda)
1. Open Drain
Mr. Faiola reported that he had notified Mr. Carl Carpino,
Jr. of an open drain requesting that it be screened and
so protected from children.
Mr. Vandernoot --
1. Retirement of Receiver of Taxes
In connection with Mr. Orsino's retirement, Mr. Vandernoot
stated that he had a resolution to propose to the Board
for adoption.
In speaking to this resolution, Mr. Vandernoot stated that
the Town was desirous of consolidating the Office of Receiver
of Taxes and the Finance Office in order to provide greater
flexibility of personnel and a more even allocation of the
work load. He also stated that it was felt this would be
a step advantageous to the proposed joint Town-Village
consolidation presently under study and consideration.
And thereupon on his motion, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of
the Board:
WHEREAS, the office of Receiver of Taxes in
this Town is an elective office at this time,
Now, Therefore, pursuant to authority conferred
by Section 20, Subdivision 6 of the Town Law of
the State of New York, be it
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted subject
to permissive referendum,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized to publish Notice of the adoption
of this resolution as required by law.
- Mrs. Teri Schwartzman
Mrs. Schwartzman again addressed the Board at this time re-
questing that she for one be given more information on such
a move -- and stating that she did not feel there was suf-
ficient attendance at this meeting nor information furnished
- 20 -
to the residents of the Town prior to this meeting to have
the Board take action on this resolution.
The Supervisor then explained that legally such a resolution
was subject to a permissive referendum and that it must be
adopted by the Board in order to begin the 30-day period
from the date of Publication of the adoption of such reso-
lution subject to permissive referendum as required by law.
She further reviewed the procedure in response to Mrs. Schwartz-
man's further question of the filing of petitions prior to
termination of the 30-day period, and were such petitions
filed, the mandatory referendum mandated thereby.
Mrs. Schwartzman thanked the Supervisor but requested that
her objection to the effect that anything of this sort
should be given much more time and publicity, i.e. , brought
up and discussed at one meeting and acted upon at the follow-
ing one be noted in the record of this meeting.
2. Apportionments
Upon presentation of the following apportionments, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petition for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557,
Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds
- it desirable to grant said petition for the cor-
rection of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1972-1973,
taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing
on the rolls as follows :
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
730 284 Paula L. Hoffman $89,500. $21,300. $110,800.
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
Lawrence B. Greene
730 284 & W $20,200. $21,300. $41,500.
730 302 Paula L. Hoffman 69,300. -- 69,300.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1972-1973,
taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing
on the rolls as follows:
- 21 -
Block Parcel Name band Imp. Total
341 16 Damon Polcini & $11,000. -- $11,000.
Dorothea Baselice
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total
341 16 Damon Polcini & $ 8,600. -- $ 8,600.
Dorothea Baselice
341 1000 Veronica Corvino 2,400. -- 21400.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 11:10 p.m. , to reconvene on June 6th, 1973.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner White, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
claims as audited by the Comptroller and ap-
proved by the Fire Chief are hereby approved,
and the Supervisor and Comptroller hereby
authorized to pay the same out of the Fire
Department budget:
R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 60.52
Con Edison 200.58
Con Edison 5.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 846.04
Exterminating Services Co. 7.00
McGuire Bors., Inc. 10.00
Park Radio 26.30
William Smith Supplies 27.35
Village of Larchmont 52.08
Village of Mamaroneck 33.08
Total $1,267.95
2. Communications
a) Letter, Mrs. Karen A. Jakic
re Fire Whistle
A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Mrs. Karen A. Jakic
of 44 Myrtle Boulevard under date of May 10th, 1973 was
herein presented and ordered received and filed.
22 -
Commissioner Faiola stated that a copy of this letter had
been referred to the Fire Chief, and since Mr. Santoro was
present, asked him whether he would report.
The Chief explained that although the present whistle was
economical and highly satisfactory as to being heard by the
volunteers, in view of several complaints about the noise
from nearby residents, other means of alert were still
being studied with no definitive recommendations as yet.
Commissioner Faiola added that he had worked on this with
several different Chiefs over the past 6-year period but
was still hoping that a solution satisfactory to all could
be found.
3. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 11:15 p.m. , to reconvene on June 6th, 1973.
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