HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972_01_05 Town Board Regular Minutes ._.._._... .
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The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Before taking up the first order of business the Supervisor
extended to newly-elected Councilman Thomas E. White a very
sincere welcome to the Board remarking that great things
were expected from him.
Mr. White acknowledged the Supervisor's greeting and stated
that, certainly, he was delighted to be seated on the Board
and would do everything possible to make his service of value
to the community.
Mrs. Helwig further welcomed Kevin Keelan who was attending
this evening's meeting as the representative of the High
School Student Council.
The minutes of the regular meeting of December 15th, 1971
were presented and on motion duly made and seconded,
approved as corrected.
The Supervisor presented the organization matters for
1972, which on motion duly made and seconded were author-
ized by unanimous adoption of the following resolutions:
- 1 -
1. Salaries of Elected Officials
RESOLVED, that the salaries of all elected officials
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1972 are to
be the salaries stated and appropriated in the
annual budget or estimate for that year as follows :
Name Title Salary
Christine K. Helwig Supervisor pt $ 8,000.
Raymond Faiola Councilman pt 3,000.
Joseph F. Vandernoot Councilman pt 3,000.
Lee H. Bloom Councilman pt 3,000.
Thomas E. White Councilman pt 3,000.
Russell G. Pelton Town Justice pt 5,700.
Martin E. King, Jr. Town Justice pt 5,700.
Leo N. Orsino Receiver of Taxes 14,120.
Charles J. Gronberg Town Clerk 13,820.
2. Appointment and Salaries - Town Officers
RESOLVED, that the following persons are hereby
appointed as the officials of the Town of Mamaro-
neck and are to be compensated at the rate set
forth herebelow:
Name Title Salary
James J. Johnston Attorney pt $ 16,000.
Joseph Altieri Comptroller 20,020.
William Aitchison Highway Superintendent 15,745.
3. Appointment of and Salaries of
Civil Service Employees
RESOLVED, that the following positions in the
Competitive, Non-competitive and Exempt classes
of the Civil Service shown in the budget or
estimate are hereby continued and the annual
compensation for the same in the year 1972 is
hereby fixed and shall be paid from the amounts
appropriated in the annual budget or estimate
for that year, or so much thereof as shall be
sufficient to pay such annual compensation, to
be effective as of January 1st, 1972:
a) Competitive Title Salary
Name Title Salary
Catherine D'Agostino Sr. Steno $ 7,615.
Charles F. Kane Assmnt. Clk 9,200.
Mary C. treason Asst. Assmnt. Clk. 7,700.
Raymond Bingman Sr. Act. Clk. 8,770•
Morris D. Bufi Sr. Eng. Aide 11,975.
Rita Johnson Sr. Steno 8,425.
William Paonessa Bldg. & Plumb. Insp. II 14,940.
-- Genevieve Soriano Sr. Act. Clk. 8,770•
Rose P. Soper Sr. Act. Clk. 8,345.
James W. Kronenberger Supt. of Rec. 15,745.
- 2 -
Competitive (cont'd.)
Name Title Salary
Mary Ellen Rilley Sr. Typist $ 6,955.
Helen L. McDonald Sr. Steno 8,020.
David Coldrick Jr. Accountant 8,710.
James V. Staropoli Prov. Police Chief 16,260.
Edward A. Bakker, Jr. Police Sergeant 11,585.
David P. Mc Clintock " " 11,585.
Frank J. Silvestri " 11,585.
William A. Federice " " 11,585.
Christopher Lovely " " 11,585.
William H. O'Rorke " " 11,585.
Robert M. Barasch Police Det. Sgt. 12,100.
Thomas R. Mahoney Police Detective 11,000.
Ralph Perritano If it 11,000.
George C. Mulcahy " if 11,000.
Nicholas Giacomo Police Patrolman 10,485.
Anthony J. Lifrieri " if 10,485.
John T. Costello " It 102485.
Peter Diamond " if 10,485.
Anthony F. Ambrosovitch " IT 10,485.
Arthur Leviness, Jr. " " 10,485.
Thomas A. Vitro " " 10,485.
Frank A. DeVico " " 10,485.
William E. Coy " " 10,485.
Vincent R. Garrison " " 10,485.
Charles S. Baumblatt " 10,485.
Robert Fuller " " 10,485.
Paul P. Adamo " " 10,485.
- Joel M. Greenstein " " 10,182.
John C. Anderson, Jr. " " 10,182.
Robert J. Hutcheon " if 10,182.
Carmine L. Catapano " " 10,182.
Peter Girardi " if 9,879.
Louis A. Mosiello " It 9,879.
Anthony R. Gerace " It 9,879.
Robert F. Knox IT it 9,576.
Joseph Passafume IT If 9,576.
Michael A. Nardelli " IT 9,576.
P. A. Munch " " 9,273.
J. Thompson, Jr. " " 9,273.
Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant 12,385.
Santo Garafolo " " 12,085•
Frank J. Feliec " if 12,085.
Joseph A. Garofalo If Il 12,085.
Nicholas Soriano Fireman 10,985.
Carl Mirande " 10,985.
Frank Carpino IT 10,985.
James A. Laverty if 10,985.
Norman P. Wilson If 10,985.
Kenneth J. Valle " 10,985.
Henri Newman " 10,682.
Raymond A. Baron " 10,379.
M. W. Rappaport " 10,076.
B. J. Callahan " 10,076.
3 -
„ I,_
b) Non-competitive
Name Title Salary
Thomas Aitchison Asst. Gen. Foreman $ 12,275.
(Parks )
Ralph Robins Park Foreman 10,460.
Alberta Havelka School Cross. Guard 13. per day
John Stroh if ” " 13. IF IF
Richard J. Morley If IT " 13. IF It
Camille Sansone IF IF if 13. " If
Esther Thaule if IF " 13.
Dorothy De Falco if if 1, 13. "
Mark A. Forrester " IF 13.
Samuel J. Perri. " " if 13.
Lillian Stoff " 13. "
C) Exempt (Full Time)
Lavenia J. Brewer Conf. Sec. to Supt. $ 11,975.
Patrick T. Leddy Maint. Fore-Gard. 9,935.
Kenneth Paterno Maint. Man -Repair 8,425.
Andrew Coleman Sanitation Man Driver 8,285.
Donald Campbell IT It if 8,285.
Sandy Lee Jones Sanitation Man 8,085.
Francis E. Hall Sanitation Man Driver 7,900.
Wilton Sharrie Sanitation Man 8,085.
Clarence Sanford " If 8,185.
Kenneth Wesley " if 8,085.
Wesley Moate " " 8,085.
J. Robinson, Jr. " " 7,315.
D. Anderson IT " 7,315.
J. Patterson IT If 7,515.
L. J. McKay it " 7,415.
R. Tucker if if 7,315.
B. Sands " IF 7,315.
William Brown " if 6,930.
Lois Rissler Court Clerk 7,685.
Carmen Sands IT if 6,510.
d) Exempt (Part Time)
Genevieve Soriano Bookkeeper Pt-Highway 520.
Joyce Coupe Int. Typist Pt-Floater Per Hr. 3.25
Secs, to Park Comm. ,
Plan. & Zon. Bds, Rec. Comm. ,
Conservation 25.00 per meeting
Dolores Martin Court Clerk Per Hour 3.00
Dominick Forti Fire Inspector 960.
Patsy Camarella Cleaner 4,325.
Ford Winter Sr. Rec. Leader (Swim) 5,000.
James C. Codispoti " " " 4,500.
Richard Owen ° " if ° 4,500.
Thomas Auchterlonie if If 11 " 4,500.
Cathy Eisler Life Guard Per Hour 2.00
Marc Sherman " " IF " 2.00
Dave Williams if " " " 2.00
Gail Kelly " " " " 2.00
Augie Longo " " " " 2.00
Eileen O'Donnell " " " 2.00
Barbara Paonessa " " " " 2.00
Sue Perley " " If " 2.00
Gary Williams " " " If 2.00
4 -
Exempt (Part Time) cont'd.
Name Title Salary
Gayle Golly Rec. Attendent Per Hour $ 1.85
Sue Williams " " if if 1.85
Mary Anne Leonardi If if " if 1.85
Steve Walsh if if " if 1.85
Pat McEvily if if If " 1.85
Sally Williams Rec. Assistant If It 1.85
William Reilly Sr. Rec. Leader Per Session 30.00
Richard Owen Rec. Spec. " " 18.00
Thomas Auchterlonie " if " " 18.00
Jim Renkins Sr. Rec. Leader " " 18.00
Tom Krawczk " " 11 " if 18.00 -
Carolyn Cooke " If " it 1' 18.00
Pat Baragwanath " it " " It 15.00
Thomas Auchterlonie Rec. Spec. " " 20.00
Richard Owen " " " " 20.00
Sharlene Auchterlonie " " If it 20.00
Vicky Kaunitz if if if " 20.00
Dan DiLeonardo Sr. Rec. Leader " " 18.00
William Celestino Rec. Spec. " " 24.00
Brian Fielding Sr. Rec. Leader " " 24.00
Frank Friscia it If " if " 24.00
Frank Fri.scia if If If if if 18.00
William Reilly if If if if if 18.00
Labor - Highway & Park Departments
General Foreman (1) 12,475.
Auto Mechanics (1) 4.42 per hour 9,200.
Sewer Maintenance Foreman (1) 4.54 " " 9,450.
Motor Equipment Operators
--- Eight (8) @ $4.05 per hour 8,425. each
One (1) @ 3.86 " " 8,020.
Skilled Laborers
Four (4) @ 4.05 " 8,425. each
Seven (7) @ 3.89 If " 8,085. "
Two (2) @ 3.52 If 7,315.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the employment of the last
named persons to the aforesaid positions is
in accordance with the classifications made by the
County Personnel Officer under the provisions of
the Civil Service Law of the State, and any vacan-
cies which now exist, or which may occur in said
positions from time to time, are to be filled at the
salaries set in accordance with the provisions of
the salary scale adopted by the Town Board, and in
conformity with the Civil Service rules and amend-
ments thereto for towns, villages and special
districts in Westchester County, New York.
- 5 -
4. Appointment of and Salaries as
Provided in 1972 Budget for:
a) Secretary to Supervisor
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
Supervisor's appointment of Lavenia Brewer as
Exec. Asst. and Confidential Secretary to
the Supervisor, effective January 1st, 1972,
and to be compensated at the rate of $11,975.
per annum beginning as of that date.
b) Secretary to Attorney -
RESOLVED, that the compensation of the part-time
secretary to the Town Attorney be and it hereby
is fixed in the amount of $5.00 per hour as
provided in the 1972 budget.
(c - f)
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
secretaries to the following Commissions,
said secretaries to be compensated at the
rate of $25. each per meeting:
Park Commission
Recreation Commission
Conservation Advisory Committee
Planning Board
Zoning Board
5. Appointment of:
a) Deputy Receiver of Taxes
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Tax
Receiver's request, this Board hereby
approves the appointment of Raymond C.
Bingman, Senior Account Clerk, as Deputy
Receiver of Taxes, authorized to receive
tax money, give proper receipt therefor in
his name, enter such payments upon the
records, and deposit tax money in the bank
for the year ending December 31st, 1972.
b) Deputy Town Clerk
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Town
Clerk's certificate, the appointment of
Mrs. Lavenia Brewer as Deputy Town Clerk of
the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1972 be
and it hereby is approved.
c) Trustee - Police Pension Fund
RESOLVED, that Town Supervisor, Christine K.
- 6 -
Helwig, be and she hereby is appointed a
member of the Board of Trustees of the
Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, to serve for a term of one year begin-
ning January 1st, 1972 and terminating on
December 31st of that year.
d) Treasurer - Police Pension Fund
RESOLVED, that C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. be and
he hereby is appointed Treasurer of the Police
Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck to fill
the vacancy created by the resignation of
Edward J. Egan and to serve at the pleasure of
the Board.
e) Registrar of Vital Statistics
RESOLVED, that Charles J. Gronberg be and he
hereby is appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics
of the Town of Mamaroneck, for a term of office of
two years beginning on January 1st, 1972 and term-
inating on December 31st, 1973.
f) Conservation Advisory Committee
RESOLVED, that the following persons be and
they hereby are reappointed members of the
Conservation Advisory Committee, to serve for
a term of one year, beginning January lst,
1972 and terminating December 31st of that
Thomas Amlicke
Mrs. James G. Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Edward Munzer
Mrs. Rex Vincent
Dr. Michael Franzblau
g) Member - Park Commission
RESOLVED, that Ranald D. Sclater be and he hereby
is reappointed a member of the Board of Park Com-
missioners for a five year term of office beginning
January 1st, 1972 and terminating on December 31st,
h) Approval of Supervisor's Appointment
of Examining Board of Plumbers
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
Supervisor's reappointment of the following
persons to the Examining Board of Plumbers, each
- to serve for the term of office herein designa-
Councilman Faiola for a two-year term of office
terminating on December 31st, 1973.
- 7 -
Mr. Sam Paonessa for a two-year term of office
terminating on December 31st, 1973.
Mr. Victor J. Kriss for a one-year term of
office terminating on December 31st, 1972.
i) Civil Officers (2)
RESOLVED, that the following persons be and
they hereby are reappointed Civil Officers of
the Town of Mamaroneck with the powers and
duties of Constables in civil actions and
proceedings only as provided in Section 20, 1a)
of the Town Law; said persons to serve without
salary for a term of one year, starting January lst,
1972 and terminating December 31st, 1972:
Dominick Faillace 1421 Mamaroneck Avenue
Peter J. Reale 975 Louise Avenue
6. Bonds for:
a) Elected Officials
RESOLVED, that the following bonds for elected
officials are hereby required pursuant to Town
Law and approved as follows :
Bond, Christine K. Helwig as Supervisor of the
Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful
performance of her duties including the payment
- of all school monies pursuant to Section 25 of
the Town Law, upon which the Hartford Accident & Indem-
nity Ca is surety in the penal sum of $25,000, for
a term of two years.
Bond, Charles J. Gronberg as Clerk of the Town of
Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful perform-
ance of his duties including the depositing of
all funds or monies of the Town of Mamaroneck
received by him pursuant to Section 25 of the Town
Law, upon which the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. is
surety in the penal sum of $4,000, for a term of
two years.
Bond, Martin E. King, Jr, as Town Justice of the
Town of Mamaroneck, conditioned for the faithful
performance of his duties including the depositing
of all funds or monies of the Town received by
him pursuant to Section 25 of the Town Law, upon
which the United States Fidelity and Guaranty
Company is surety in the penal sum of $4,000. for
a term of four years.
b) Appointed Officials
and Employees
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Town Law, a bond is
required for the faithful performance of the
duties of each of the appointed officials and
- 8 -
employees listed below, and is authorized as
follows in the amount stated with sufficient
surety to be approved by this Board and the
form to be approved by the Town Attorney:
Office Amount Term
Comptroller $ 4,000. 1 year
Building & Plumbing Insp. 4,000. 1 "
Deputy Tax Receiver 10,000. 1
Highway Superintendent 4,000. 1 "
-- Recreation Superintendent 4,000. 1 If
Senior Account Clerks
Comptroller's office (2) 4,000. each 1 "
Junior Accountant - Comptroller's
Office 4,000. 1 "
Senior Typist - Recreation
Office 4,000. 1 "
Senior Steno - Bldg & Plmb. 4,000. 1 "
Court Clerks (3) 10,000. each 1 "
Civil Officers (2) 4,000. each 1 "
7. Bi-weekly Payroll
RESOLVED, that the salaries of all officials and
employees of the Town of Mamaroneck be paid on a
bi-weekly basis, effective as of January 1st, 1972.
8. Designation of:
a) Town Board Meeting Dates
RESOLVED, that regular meetings of this Board be
held at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room or Auditorium
of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of
Mamaroneck, on the first and third Wednesday of each
month with the exception of the months of June, July,
August and September when the Board shall sit only on
the first Wednesday of the month.
b) Official Newspaper
RESOLVED, that "The Daily Times" be and it hereby
is designated as the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing
At this time Mrs. Helwig said that she particularly wanted
to comment on the tremendous debt of gratitude the Town owed
the paper and the reporter who had covered the Board meetings
during the past year, namely Mrs. Lynn Groh. Lynn, she said,
had not only covered all of the Town's affairs ably, fairly
and faithfully but had always cooperated with the Town 100%
at all times. She then suggested that this tribute be noted
on the record of this meeting, which was heartily endorsed
by Councilman White who observed in so doing that he did so
with no bias since the paper had opposed his election.
---- The Supervisor also stated that at this time she would like
to recognize the public service rendered to the community
and its residents by Radio Station WVOX through its broad-
casting of "The Mamaroneck Town Report" every Saturday morn-
ing at 11, whereupon the Board being in full accord with
9 -
the Supervisor, requested that she express to both the
paper and WVOX its thanks, appreciation and gratitude for
the outstanding contribution rendered to the residents
of the community by their very able publicizing of Town
c) Depositories of Funds
RESOLVED, that the following Banks and Trust
Companies are hereby designated as depositories
for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
year 1972, and that the escrow agreements between
these banks and the Town of Mamaroneck presently
in effect shall be continued:
The County Trust Company
242 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck
The National Bank of Westchester
Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont
The First Westchester National Bank
213 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck
The First National City Bank
1920 Palmer & Wendt Avenue, Larchmont
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all withdrawals from the hereinabove
named accounts shall be upon the signature of Christine
K. Helwig, Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, and
the counter-signature of Joseph Altieri, Comptroller.
d) Auditors for 1972
RESOLVED, that the firm of Glick-Freedman and Meckler,
C.P.A. , 271 North Avenue, New Rochelle, New York, be
and it hereby is appointed to audit the records of
the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1972; such service
to be rendered for a fee of $4,000. as appropriated in
the annual budget or estimate for the year 1972.
9. Approval of Contracts with:
a) Westchester Shore Humane Society
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby is
authorized to execute the contract between the West-
chester Shore Humane Society, Inc. and the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1972 totalling $10,039. , as
provided in the 1972 annual budget or estimate.
b) Larchmont Public Library
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby is
authorized to execute the contract for 1972 between
the Town of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont, and
the Larchmont Public Library in the amount of $76,055. ,
as provided in the 1972 budget.
- 10 -
10. Authorization of Payment of Dues to:
a) Association of Towns
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck continue
its membership in the Association of Towns of
the State of New York for 1972, at the annual
dues of $400.
b) Municipal Finance Officers Association
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck continue
its membership in the Municipal Finance Officers
Association for 1972 at the annual dues of $40.
11. Amendment of Compensation Plan
RESOLVED, that the salary scale of Civil Service
employees of the Town of Mamaroneck adopted
January lst, 1972 be and it hereby is amended
as follows:
(Plan on following page)
- 11 -
Maxi- Incre-
Title of Position Minimum Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Mum ment
Inter. Typist $ 5830. $ 6170. $ 6510. $ 6850. $ 7190. $ 340.
Court Clerk Grade I 5830. 6170. 6510. 6850. 7190. 340.
Court Clerk Grade II 6225. 6590. 6955. 7320. 7685. 365.
Senior Typist 6225. 6590. 6955. 7320. 7685. 365.
Asst. Assessment Clerk 6545. 6930. 7315. 7700. 8085. 385.
Maint. Man - Repair 6805. 7210. 7615. 8020. 8425. 405.
Senior Steno 6805. 7210. 7615. 8020. 8425. 405.
Senior A/C 7070. 7495. 7920. 8345. 8770. 425.
Assessment Clerk 7420. 7865. 8310. 8755. 9200. 445.
Junior Accountant 7780. 8250. 8720. 9190. 9660. 470.
Sr. Engineering Aide 9555. 10160. 10765. 11370. 11975. 605.
Supt. of Recreation 12525. 13330. 14135. 14940. 15745. 805.
Bldg.&Plumb. Insp.II 12525. 13330. 14135. 14940. 15745. 805.
*Police Chief - - - - 16260. -
*Police Lieutenant - - - - 13700. -
*Police Sergeant - - - - 11585. -
*Police Detective Sergeant - - - - 12100. -
*Police Detective - - - - 11000. -
*Police Patrolman 9273. 9576. 9879. 10182. 10485. 303.
**Fire Lieutenant - - - - 1@ 12385. -
Fire Lieutenants - - - - 3@ 12085. -
Fireman 9773. 10076. 10379. 10682. 10985. -
Fire Inspector P.T. - - - - 960. -
**Asst. Gen. Forman(Park) 9555. 10160. 10765. 11370. 11975. 605.
Park Foreman 8360. 8885. 9410. 9935. 10460. 525.
Maint. Foreman-Gardener 8360. 8885. 9410. 9935. 10460. 525.
Gen. Foreman(Highway) 9555. 10160. 10765. 11370. 11975. 605.
School Cross. Guards - - - - 13. per day
Park Department
Laborer-Motor Equip. Operator -
Laborer - Skilled 1@ 4.05 per hour
Laborers 3@ 3.89
Highway Department
Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1@ 4.54
Laborer Foreman Grade I -
Laborer - Auto Mechanic 1@ 4.42 "
Laborer - Motor Equip. Operator 8@ 4.05
1@ 3.86
Laborer - Skilled 3@ 4.05 "
Laborers 4@ 3.89
2@ 3.52 "
Wage scales listed above represent 1971 scales.
Salaries for 1972 under negotiation.
Includes $300. longevity for 30 years of service.
Note: Only positions filled as of 1-1-72 have been listed above.
- 12 -
1. Authorization for Extension of
Temporary C.O. 16 North Chatsworth Avenue
The Supervisor advised the Board of the receipt this
afternoon of a report from Mr. Clarence J. Winquist,
Fire Safety Expert retained by the Monterey Realty
- _- Company, a copy of which would be duly forwarded to
those concerned so that further report and recommendation
as to the disposition of this report could be submitted
at the next meeting.
The Clerk then presented a memorandum addressed to the
Board by the Building Inspector under today's date re-
questing the Board to extend the Temporary Certificate
of Occupancy issued to the Monterey Realty Company
pending review of the aforementioned report.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman White, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
Building Inspector to extend the expiration
date of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
issued to the Monterey Realty Company to Jan-
uary 31st, 1972.
- 1. Reduction Highway State Aid
For the Board's information the Supervisor reviewed briefly
a letter addressed to the Highway Superintendent by Robert
A. Dennison, Westchester County Commissioner of Public
Works, dated December 17th, 1971, stating that due to the
State's financial situation, cutbacks had been made in
funds available for snow and ice control for State high-
ways, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the
2. Authorization of Bond for
Flashing Caution Light Signal
(Forest and Weaver)
Pursuant to the Clerk's explanation and request, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
issuance of Miscellaneous and Financial Guaranty
Surety Bond No. 605679, in the amount of $500. ,
with Royal Indemnity Company as Surety, the
New York State Department of Transportation as
Obligee, and the Town of Mamaroneck as Principal,
to guarantee the maintenance and operation of a
flashing traffic signal at the intersection of
Forest Avenue and Weaver Street in the Town of
- 13 -
3. Authorization to Deposit Surplus Funds
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date
of January 3rd, 1972, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she
hereby is authorized to invest Surplus
Funds of the Town of Mamaroneck in such
amounts as available in the four duly
designated Town of Mamaroneck depos-
itories, in one-month, three-month, six-
month or twelve-month certificates of
deposit, beginning on or about January 3rd,
1972 at the highest interest rates obtain-
4. Authorization of Agreement
for Expenditure of Highway Monies
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways
under date of December 30th, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by
Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway
monies for the year 1972.
5. Salary Authorizations
a) Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Recrea-
tion under date of December 16th, 1971, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman
Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation Commis-
sion, this Board hereby authorizes the engage-
ment of Robert Wilson, Jr. as Recreation Attend-
ant, effective December 10th, 1971, and to be
compensated at the rate of $1.85 per hour.
b) Conservation
(Held over to next meeting)
c) Town Office - Intermediate Typist,
Part-time Floater
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
January 3rd, 1972, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man Faiola, it was unanimously
14 -
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the engagement of Joyce E. Coupe as Inter-
mediate Typist, Part-time Floater, effective
January 3rd, 1972 and to be compensated at
the rate of $3.25 per hour.
6. Authorization to Advertise for Bids
Recreation Pick-up Truck
Pursuant to the Recreation Superintendent's request, on
motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Vander-
noot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, this
Board hereby authorizes the Town Clerk to
publish in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", a
Notice for Bids for one (1) 1972 z ton
Pick-up Truck, said bids to be returnable
January 19th, 1972, to be opened and read
aloud at a regular meeting of this Board
at 8:15 p.m. , in the Council Room or Audi-
torium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Town
of Mamaroneck, and to be in accordance with
the specifications set forth in the said Notice.
7. Authorization - Attendance
Law Enforcement Photography Seminar
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under
date of December 28th, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on.motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby author-
izes Detective George Mulcahy to attend the
Law Enforcement Photography Seminar to be
given by Eastman Kodak and to be held at the
Hotel Flagship, State Street, Rochester, New
York from January 24th through January 28th,
1972, with expenses not to exceed the sum of
$250. to be paid by the Town.
8. Request - Tuition Fee, Assessor
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Supervisor by
the Assessor under date of January 4th, 1972, herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Charles Kane, Assistant Assessor to attend
a Course of Study entitled, "Real Estate
— Appraisal" at New York University, one night
a week from February through June 1972, at a
cost not to exceed $125. , said expenditure
to be charged to the 1972 Assessor's budget.
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1. Letter - Dr. Gerald S. Golden
The Clerk read into the record the following letter
addressed to the Supervisor by Dr. Gerald S. Golden of
27 Rock Ridge Road under date of December 31st, 1971:
"I would like to thank you and the Town Board
for your prompt action on the Stop Sign at
the exit to Dunkin Donuts. The sign is having
the desired effect and I feel has been greatly
increasing the safety of the children on Rock
Ridge Road."
Not on Agenda
2. Letter - Otto Scheuble, 3 Rock Ridge Road
The Supervisor at this time reported that Mr. Scheuble,
who was present this evening, had just handed her the
letter she had requested him to address to the Board at
its last meeting.
She thanked Mr. Scheuble and stated that his request would
be referred to the proper authority at once.
In reply to the Supervisor's query as to whether anyone
present wished to bring any matter to the Board's attention,
the following persons were heard:
Dr. Alan C. Mason - 482 Weaver Street
Dr. Mason inquired whether the proposed reorganization of
the Town and two Villages would affect the application for
flood insurance which he recalled the Supervisor had been
authorized to execute and forward to Washington at the
December meeting.
The Supervisor replied that she did not think this appli-
cation would be in any way affected.
Dr. Mason also remarked that he believed certain communi-
ties in Long Island had already been advised that they
would receive such insurance and asked whether the Town
had been long delayed in filing its application or whether
the conditions in a certain community would perhaps hasten
the granting of such applications?
_ The Supervisor advised Dr. Mason that the Town had not
had any reply to its application as yet but she was hope-
ful that some word would be received in the near future.
Mr. Emanuel Warshauer - 30 Doris Lane
In reply to the Supervisor's query, Mr. Warshauer, after
thanking Mrs. Helwig, stated that he had only water prob-
- 16 -
lems -- nothing to bring to the attention of this Board.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Edwards - 54 Dean Place
-- Mr, and Mrs. Edwards addressed the Board and referring
-- to the aforementioned proposed consolidation of the Town
and Villages, stated that they would like to have it on
the record that they did not wish to be "given away" to
the Village.
Mr, Walter S. Bopp - President, Bonnie Briar Civic Association
In response to the Supervisor's question, Mr. Bopp stated
that he had no report to make this evening.
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were
ordered received and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments for the month of December 1971.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the month of December 1971.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane
Society, Inc. for the month of December 1971.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the
month of December 1971.
The Supervisor --
1. Report - Protest, Implementation of
Penn Central Fare Increase
The Supervisor called attention to the Statement mailed by
certified mail to Dr. William J. Ronan, Chairman of the
M.T.A. , on behalf of the Board, vehemently protesting the
proposed increased fare structure, a copy of which had been
forwarded to each member of the Board and which was here-
with ordered received and filed as part of the record of
this meeting although this would seem to be, she said,
almost an exercise in futility at this point.
The Councilmen --
Mr. Faiola --
1. Report - Matter of Overcharge
School Bus Fare
Mr. Faiola reported to the Board that he had spoken to
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Commissioner Leary of the County Department of Transit
today and that he would see her again tomorrow with regard
to the Orients Bus Line's illegal change in fares charged
to students. Mrs. Leary, he further said, was in touch
with the State Department of Transportation and would
have a further report he expected by the time of his
appointment with her tomorrow.
-- Not on Agenda
2. Paper Pick-up
Mr. Faiola asked Mr. Aitchison whether he had a report on
the paper pick-up to which Mr. Aitchison replied that
although the pick-up had been completed today, he had no
report as yet.
Mr. Vandernoot --
1. Report - Tri-Municipal Study Committee
Mr. Vandernoot reported that the same Committee that had
constituted the Joint Survey Committee would constitute the
Tri-Municipal Study Committee with the exception of himself
who was succeeding Councilman Nagel who, as everyone was
aware, had resigned as Town Councilman on December 31st.
He stated that the Committee had met on December 28th and
determined as the first order of business that facts, figures,
and legal ramifications that would pertain to whatever kind
of consolidation might ever be able to take place must be
He further reported that on last Thursday a meeting had
been held in the Village of Larchmont which had been
attended by Trustee Wanderer, Neal Doyle, Carmen DeLuca,
Joseph Altieri and himself who, he explained, would compile
budgetary figures for the possible combining of the Town and
Village of Larchmont which would be used for comparison with
the figures of Mamaroneck and Scarsdale Villages. He con-
cluded his report observing that certainly the work of this
Committee would require lots of time and lots of study, and
eventually he was certain the citizens of the community
would be called on for their aid and assistance.
Mr. Bloom --
1. Appointments
a) Human Rights Commission
Elizabeth LeVan
Mr. Bloom proposed the name of Mrs. Elizabeth LeVan of
3 Vine Place to fill the vacancy on the Commission of
Human Rights. He presented a resume of her background and
experience which particularly qualified her to serve in
this post and moved her appointment.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Councilman White and
- 18 -
...--.- ----..
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Mrs. Elizabeth LeVan of 3 Vine Place, Town,
a member of the Commission of Human Rights,
said appointment to be effective immediately
and to fill the unexpired portion of the term
of office of Mrs. Reid Morris, or until
__- May 19th, 1972;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor so notify
Mrs. LeVan, cordially welcoming her to
the "Town Family".
b) Ethics Committee - Richard J. Creedy
Councilman Bloom presented the name of Richard J. Creedy
for appointment to the Board of Ethics briefly reviewing
his particular qualifications and experience which fitted
him to serve in this very important post, and thereupon
moved his appointment.
The foregoing motion was seconded by Councilman Faiola and
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Richard J. Creedy of 126 Hickory Grove
- Drive East, a member of the Board of Ethics
of the Town of Mamaroneck for a term of of-
fice to be effective immediately and to
— terminate on December 31st, 1973.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on January 19th, 1972.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner White,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
claims be and they hereby are approved, and
the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to
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pay the same out of the Fire Department
Atlantic Service Center $ 70.00
Con Edison 158.66
Con Edison 5.00
The Corner Store 10.15
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works,Inc. 911.62
Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00
Humble Refining Co. 64.88
Larchmont Glass & Mirror Co. 20.00
Nicholas G. La Russell 53.20
Mobil Oil Corp. 81.95
New York Telephone 148.09
New York Telephone 12.32
Suburban Communications, Inc. 25.00
Westchester Joint Water Works 53.94
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,621.81
2. Reports
Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the
month of December 1971, which was ordered received and
filed for the record.
Commissioner Faiola advised the Commission that Chief
Bell of the New Rochelle Fire Department had extended
hearty commendation to the Volunteer and Paid Firemen
of the Town of Mamaroneck for their support and effort
in the catastrophic fire at Crabtree Motors, which
in accordance with Commissioner Faiola's request, was
-- noted on the record of this meeting.
3. Communications
a) Election of Officers
Volunteer Fire Department
Commissioner Faiola presented a letter addressed to the
Board of Fire Commissioners by the Secretary of the Town
of Mamaroneck Volunteer Fire Department under date of
December 15th, 1971, which was herewith ordered received
and filed for the record and pursuant thereto, on his
motion, seconded by Commissioner Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby approves
the election of the following members of the
Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer Fire Department
to the following offices for the year 1972:
Dominick J. Forti, Chief
Joseph V. Santoro, First Deputy Chief
Vincent J. Ciardullo, Second Deputy Chief
Arthur M. Brown, Secretary
Augustus R. Funck, Financial Secretary
L. Douglas Fletcher, Treasurer
Dr. Lincoln Stulik, Surgeon
Father Henry J. Mansell, Chaplain
Joseph L. Torre, Sergeant-at-Arms
20 -
b) Election of Officers
(Fire Companies)
Pursuant to letter addressed to the Board of Fire Com-
missioners by the Fire Department under date of December
15th, 1971, on motion by Commissioner Faiola, seconded
by Commissioner Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
approves the election of the following
members of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire
Department to the following offices for
the year 1972:
Engine Company #1
Leonard Zaccagnino, Captain
Robert H. Holst, First Lieutenant
Richard B. Shaw, Second Lieutenant
Michael A. Acocella, Warden for Two Years
Richard J. Tortorella, Secretary
Joseph L. Torre, Sergeant-at-Arms
Engine Company #2
Carl J. Carpino, Jr. , Captain
George E. Mills 3rd. , First Lieutenant
Louis M. Garofalo, Jr. , Second Lieutenant
Dominick L. Ianello, Warden for Two Years
Edward F. Ingram, Secretary
Edward L. Leone, Sergeant-at-Arms
Truck Company #1
Harald P. Bauer, Captain
Gordon H. Albert, First Lieutenant
Francis X. McWilliams, Second Lieutenant
L. Douglas Fletcher, Warden for Two Years
Augustus R. Funck, Secretary
Charles Conte, Sergeant-at-Arms
Patrol Company dkl
Gaetano A. Guarino, Captain
Nicholas F. Mazzeo, First Lieutenant
Dennis P. Tortorella, Second Lieutenant
Elwin C. Kimmey, Warden for Two Years
Arthur M. Brown, Secretary
Louis Francella, Sergeant-at-Arms
The Commission at this time extended its hearty congratula-
tions and good wishes to all of the incoming officers along
with its sincere thanks and appreciation to those retiring
from office.
4. Other Business
a) Formal Acceptance -
New Aerial Fire Truck
Commissioner Faiola announced the "wet down" ceremonies to
be held on January 8th at 6 p.m. in observance of the formal
acceptance of the new aerial fire truck.
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5. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:10 p.m. , to reconvene on January 19th, 1972.
T Cler
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