HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_12_15 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 15th, 1971, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Absent: Councilman Nagel Also Present: Councilman Elect White Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent Mr. Altieri - Comptroller Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor presented and welcomed Mayor Arthur C. Phillips, Jr. and Trustee John Porter of the Village of Mamaroneck, Trustee Edmund S. Purves of the Village of Larchmont, and John Stahr, Chairman of the Town Recreation Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetings of November 10th and December 1st, 1971 and the special meeting of November 17th, 1971 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING - Adoption of 1972 Budget The Supervisor then turned to the first order of business, adoption of the 1972 budget,whereupon on motion duly made and seconded, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication and posting of the Notice of Hearing in accordance with law and the Statement of - 1 - Water Arrears for the year 1971 which were herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of this hearing. The Supervisor then stated that the Budget Committee had made a further study of the Preliminary Budget following its adoption on November 10th which had resulted in a reduction of 59C per $1,000, for the Unincorporated Area and 13( per $1,000, for both Villages. This had come about, she said, from appropriation cuts totaling $14,183. and an additional $39,429. in estimated revenues. Accordingly, the tax rate was reduced to $31.61 from $32.50 per $1,000. in the Unin- corporated Area and $2.14 from $2.27 per $1,000. in the Vil- lages. She then stated that she would like to turn the meeting over to those present and with the Board's consent, first recognize and yield the floor to Mayor Phillips, The Mayor thanked the Supervisor and presented a written statement on behalf of his Board which called attention to inequities to Village taxpayers in paying expenditures in the General Fund - Town-wide portion for which they received no services or benefits and expressed the hope that through the coming consolidation study the problem of the overlapping charges due to the present political structure of the community could be resolved in the immediate future, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. The Supervisor, addressing the Mayor, stated that she assumed the same statement had been presented to the Town of Rye since the Rye Neck portion of the Village lay in that Township, which Mayor Phillips said was indeed correct. Messers Purves and Porter concurred in Mayor Phillips ' state- ment, both expressing the hope that the consolidation studies would result in eliminating the overlapping charges. The Supervisor stated that certainly the Town recognized the Villages' position but called attention to the fact that the Town's position was that it must render certain services under law - which if the Villages wanted, they could elect not to duplicate since these constituted the duplicate services, Councilman Vandernoot remarked on the friendly approach of the Villages and called to attention that the Village of Larchmont certainly had saved money through the appointment of a joint Assessor by that Village and the Town, and it was to be hoped, he said, that the studies "would unwind some of the existing web and eventually save everyone some money." Mr. William Fernschild - 193 Rockingstone Avenue Mr. Fernschild presented a prepared statement again request- ing the Town to obtain legislation so as to limit interest penalties on taxes to 6% per annum for the reasons stated therein, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record, Mr. Fernschild also asked whether the schools would be brought into the consolidation talks? Councilman Faiola stated that at this moment only the merger of Larchmont Village and the Unincorporated Area was under 2 - consideration. The Supervisor, however, said she felt there should be no limits placed on potential areas of consolidation until the Consolidation Study Committee had considered all the facts and possibilities. Mr. Howard Podell - 6 Dawes Place Mr. Podell called attention to the fact that the tax rate increase for the Villages came to 40% while the increase for Unincorporated Area property owners was only 6% which certainly, he said, clearly illustrated the need for this consolidation study. Mr. Walter Karl - 91 Laurel Avenue A question raised by Mr. Karl with regard to the Narcotics Guidance Council appropriation was reveiwed and explained in some detail by both the Supervisor and Councilman Vandernoot. Mrs. Maria Russell - 18 Mountain Avenue Mrs. Russell representing the League of Women Voters again raised the point that the $138,500, purchase of property for the proposed police station and Town court legally should be General Town rather than Part Town charge since only the Town court was located there. Since in reply to the Chair's query no one else wished to be heard, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the hearing was ordered closed. - And thereupon in response to the Chair's question as to the Board's pleasure, on a motion offered by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the four Board members present, Councilman Nagel being absent and therefor not voting: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget, and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Budget was approved as presented at the regular meeting on November 10th, 1971; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such Preliminary Budget as amended on November 10th, 1971 and further amended on this date, as the Annual Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first (1st) day of January 1972, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board: - 3 - i ® I e i SV • � }'t I 'p p� TOWN 9yy{V CAF MAMARO �p 91ECK NEW YORK FOUND6D $Got I 1972 ANNUAL BUDGET SUPERVISOR CHRISTINE K. HELWIG COUNCILMEN RAYMOND P. FAIOLP_ CARL E. NAGEL, JR. JOSEPH F. VANDERNOOT LEE H. BLOOM JOSEPH ALTIERI COMPTROLLER(DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ADOPTED DECEMBER 15, 1971 - TOWN LAW SECTION 109 w TOWN OF MAIYdt3cFdONECK 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. OW 8-8300 CHRISTINE K. HELWIG SUPERVISOR January 3rd 1 9 7 2 To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The Budget for 1972 was adopted by the Town Board on December 15th following the Public Hearing, A Summary of Budget Requests outlines planned expenses, anticipated income and amounts that must be raised by property taxes. Two factors guided the Board's decisions in adopting this Budget: 1) the estimates submitted by Department Heads following their study of departmental needs; 2) the negotiated agreements under the Taylor Law for salary increases, fringe benefits and working conditions for employees covered by bargaining units. The estimated cost of the agreements for 1972 which have been ratified to date fall within the 5.5% guideline of the Pay Board. We are grateful to our various Commissions, Department Heads, and representatives of the Town staff for the time and study devoted to the operational needs and long-range requirements of the Town. We also appreciate the comments and suggestions of interested residents at the discussions of our Preliminary Budget and the Public Hearing. The Town Board and Town staff make every effort to plan prudently for proper maintenance of Town facilities and equipment and to use your tax money as economically as we possibly can. All appropriations adopted in the Budget we believe are essential to our express purpose of maintaining the efficiency of our staff and continuing to improve the quality of the services rendered to residents of the Town. Respectfully submitted, Christine K. Helwig ' ' Supervisor For the Town Board k Summary of Budget Requests 1972 1971 Budget As Adopted As Modified Difference ! Change Planned Expense $ 3,084,085. $ 2,844,109. $ 239,976. 8.4 Anticipated Income 694,174. 659,472. 34,702. 5.3 Balance - To be raised by taxes 2,389,911. 2,184,637. 205,274. 9.4 Personnel Costs 1,898,655. 1,801,296. 97,359. 5.4 See Note #1 Taxes Administration Town Wide 337,501. 244,766. 92,735. 37.9 See Note #2 Rate per $1,000. 38.1 Assessed Valuation 2.14 1.55 590 Municipal Expenses Town Outside Villages, Highway Fund & Special 2,052,410. 1,939,871. 112,539. 5.8 District Taxes See Note #3 Rate per $1,000. 1.90 6.4 Assessed Valuation 31.61 29.71 Note #1 -- Personnel costs include all salaries and fringe benefits eliminating professional contractual expenses. Note #2 -- Administration which is Town Wide includes such expenses as Assessor, Receiver of Taxes, official staff of the Town Office, Elections and Recreation. Note #3 -- Municipal expenses are all costs of government for the Unincorpor- ated Area including Police, Fire, Garbage, Water, etc. The tax rate shown in this summary is a combination of the rates for general administration and the Town outside Villages, Highway Fund and Special Districts that are included in the financial structure of the Town. .......__..___........... .. . NOTES ON SUMIJARY GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE The Town Wide Tax of $2.14 per $1,000. is an estimated increase of 59c per $1,000. over 1971. This tax is levied on all property owners (Unincorporated Area and both Villages) and pays costs of general administrative services of the Town. State Law prescribes the services performed by the Town and the alloca- tions followed in this budget. The increase is due to several factors: 1) an increase of only $440,687. in the overall assessed valuation 2) a reduction in State Aid of approximately $32,000. and $30,000. less in cash available from the current budget 3) increases in salaries and fringe benefits for employees of General Town only. A second payment of $12,810. on alterations in the new Town offices is a new item in miscellaneous. Our contingency fund increases $2,500. and our C.A.P. contribution $1,400. The Town Attorney's budget includes $6,200. for contingent professional services. The gross budget for recreation is up $11,018. but the net budget will decrease $6,699. since estimated income from Recreation fees will increase $17,717. UNINCORPORATED AREA The total of Town Wide, Town Outside Villages, highway Fund and Special District Taxes paid by residents of the Unincorporated Area is estimated at $31.61 per $1,000., an increase of $1.90 per $1,000. over 1971. In general, increases are due to the combination of higher salaries and benefits and reduced State Aid, revenues, or cash available from the 1971 budgets. Several points should be noted in the Special District budgets: 1) Decreased revenues necessitate an increase in the water district levy to cover costs of capital improvements and debt service. Water rates will have to be increased in 1972 to bring revenues in line. 2) The assessed valuation of the Sewer District has increased by $1,936,413. due to extension of sanitary sewers into Prince Willows. The small in- crease of 6C per $1,000. results from this addition to the tax base. 3) The Fire District Budget shows the greatest increase - $34,849. $21,000. is requested for necessary additional equipment and clothing and for installation of fire doors under State order. NOTES ON SLYIMARY continued SALARIES AND PERSONNEL Negotiations with the Town of Mamaroneck C.S.E.A. , Local 898 of the New York State Fire Fighters Association and representatives of the Sanitation Men have resulted in agreements on a $500. salary increase plus certain fringe benefits for all employees covered in these units. Negotiations with the Town of Mamaroneck P.B.A. are still in progress. These increases in all salaries, increments and adjustments and fringe benefits for 1972 do not exceed in aggregate the 5.5% guide line estab- lished by the Federal Pay Board. We continue to seek clarification of the regulations to insure that we comply in all respects. The Town office staff is reduced by one person. This change results from sharing the salary of the phone operator with the School District, and from a change recommended by the Assessor which reduces his office staff. The half time maintenance man has been eliminated from the Recreation budget and the $1,500. under this item is to reimburse the Park District for care and maintenance of the Hommocks playfields. Two additional sanitation men are required to handle increased amounts of garbage and rubbish. UNDER WESTCHESTER COUNTY TAX LAW, THE TOWN MUST COLLECT AND DISBURSE TAXES LEVIED BY THE STATE, COUNTY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT Larchmont Vill ge Unincorporated Mamaroneck Villa e Town of Mamaroneck School Tax Town °$63.08 Sept. & Jan. -School Tax Town School Tax Town * $63.08 Sept. $63.08 Sept. & Jan. * - The collecting & Jan. agency for (Scarsdale various taxes District and the dates $63.98) of collection are indicated by brackets to the right of Village Village* Village the columns. ghwa Tax Tax $39.70 June $31.60 Village* June & December Town $50.52 Judicial & County Judicial & April ount$18.52 Town * S18SZ Town $23,17 $22,36 County Sewer Tax 3.10 April 2,29 April Town Wide Tax 1.55 . 1.55 Town Tax Levy Per $1,000 in 1971 $113.60 $125.95 $117.04 The $1.55 per $1,000 Town Wide tax is paid by all property owners in the two Villages and the Unincorporated Area and covers costs of Town Wide services rendered to all residents (general elections, assessment of real property, collection of taxes, recreation, etc.) as required by law. $28.16 per $1,000 pays the costs of all other Town services for residents of the Unincorporated Area, All oth&r monies collected by the Town are paid over in full to the County or the School Districts. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Annual Budget 1972 1 Comparison of Tax Rates & Assessments 2 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Wide Schedule I Town Board 3 Justices 4 Supervisor 5 Comptroller 6 Independent Auditing 7 Receiver of Taxes 8 Assessor 9 Town Clerk 10 Town Attorney 11 Engineer 12 Elections 13 Town Offices 14 Public Safety 15 Parking Fields 16 General Recreation 17 & 18 Community Beautification 19 & 20 Miscellaneous 21 & 22 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Outside Villages Schedule 2 Police 23 & 24 Building & Plumbing 25 Public Health 26 Board of Appeals (Zoning) 27 Planning Board 28 Miscellaneous 29 & 29a Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Wide 30 & 31 Schedule 3 Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Outside Villages Schedule 4 32 Appropriations - Highway Fund Schedule 5 33 & 34 Estimated Revenues - Highway Fund Schedule 6 35 Appropriations - Special Districts Garbage District 1 Schedule 7 36 Water District �� 1 Schedule 8 37 Street Lighting 4k 1 Schedule 9 38 Sewer District �F 1 Schedule 10 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Appropriations - Special Districts Park District 1 Schedule 11 40 & 41 Fire District 1 Schedule 12 42 & 43 Tax Rates Schedule 13 44 Yearly Amortization & Interest Charges On All Bonds- Issues as of January 1, 1972 Schedule 14 45, 46, & 47 Recommended Salary Structure Schedule 15 48 List of Classes Recommended By Job Group Study Schedule 15 49 & 50 Schedule of Salaries & Wages - All Funds Schedule 16 51 - 55 Incl. Capital Budget & Improvement Program Schedule 17 56 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1972 ESTIMATED FUNDS SCHEDULES APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES* TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 853,688.00 516,187.00 337,501.00 Town Outside Villages Schedules 2 & 4 916,109.00 50,255.00 865,854.00 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Schedules 5 & 6 396,322.00 59,476.00 336,846.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 303,682.00 _ _ 303,682.00 Water Schedule 8 49,385.00 29,385.00 20,000.00 Street Lighting Schedule 9 33,312.00 33,312.00 Sewer Schedule 10 143,679.00 33,871.00 109,808.00 Park Schedule 11 87,900.00 5,000.00 82,900.00 Fire Schedule 12 300 008.00 - - 3002008-00 TOTAL 3,084,085.00 694,174.00 2,389,911.00 *Includes unexpended balances. -1- COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1971 1972 General Fund - Town Wide 157,544,453. 157,985,140. General Fund - Town Outside 70,161,848. Villages 69,435,735. Highway Fund 69,435,735. 70,161,848. Garbage District 69,435,735. 70,161,848. Water District 69,441,735. 70,167,848. Street Lighting 69,441,735. 70,167,848. Sewer District 62,336,035. 64,272,448. Park District 66,327,645. 66,958,908. Fire District 69,435,735. 70,161,848. 1971 1972 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Fund - Town Wide 1.55 2.14 .59 General Fund - Town Out- side Villages 12.04 12.34 .30 Highway Fund 4.95 4.80 .15 Garbage District 4.01 4.33 .32 Water District .11 .29 .18 Street Lighting District .39 .48 .09 Sewer District 1.65 1.71 .06 Park District 1.19 1.24 .05 Fire District 3.82 4.28 46 29.71 31.61 2.05 .15 1971 1972 SPRY By AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1.55 2.14 .59 Village of Larchmont 1.55 2.14 .59 Unincorporated Area 29.71 31.61 1.90 -2- SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1010,0 TOWN BOARD 1010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 12000. 12000, 12000. 12000, 12000 12000 12000, 1010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, etc, 978. 1200. 1300. 402 Travel & Convention 53. 300. 300. 1031. 1500. 1600. 1600. TOTAL 13031. 13500. 13600. 13600, -3- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRW;'1ONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1110.0 JUSTICES 1110.0 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Justices (2) 9010. 11400.00 11400. 102 Court Clerk 5040.* 6820.00 7685. 103 Court Clerk 3885.* 5670.00 6510. 104 Court Clerks P.T. 561. 2500.00 2500. 18496. 26390.00 28095. 28095. 1110.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Furniture - - 3239.08 925. 202 Tape Recorder - - - - 400. 203 Typewriter 265. 215.00 - - 204 Adding Machine - - - 135. 265. 3454.08 1460. 1460. 1110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2182. 2970.92 5785. 402 Part Time Cleaner - 1000. 2182. 2970.92 6785. 6785. TOTAL 20943. 32815.00 36340. 36340. *Part time in 1970. -4- SCHEDULE 1 - GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRI T'-.ONS Budget Preliminary 19, Expended Modifie Budget Bur':,: 1970 1971 197?__ _- A._ dov,;::.:: A1220.0 SUPERVISOR 1220.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 8000. 8000. 8000" *102 Confidential Se .retary & Executive Assistant 55'38. 5738. -`8. 103 Senior Steno. 5674. 6710. 7b"' : 19212. 20448. 21603. 21603 1220.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter - - 500, 520. 202 Office Furniture 500. 570, 570._ 1220.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 740. 850. _ -- 740. - - 850. 6 —__ 960. 4 TOTAL 19952, 21798, 23133 23133...-. Supervisor's Office (1/2) and Town Cle'rk's Office -5- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1315.0 COMPTROLLER/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1315.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller/ Director of Finance 17030. 18475. 20020. 102 Sr, Account Clerk 7405. 7925. 8770. *103 Sr. Account Clerk 3500, 104 Sr. Account Clerk 6300. 7185. 8345, 105 Junior Accountant 7750. 8720. 34235, 41335 45855. 45855. 1315.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Adding Machine 394. 202 Office Furniture - - 100. 394. '00 100. 1315.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 629. 629. 700 900. 900, TOTAL 35258. 42035. _ _ 46855, 46855, *Transferred. to Receiver of Taxes Department _6_ SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - 'TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1320,0 INDEPENDENT AUDITING 1320,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Independent Audit 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000. 4000 4000, 4000, -7- SCHEDULE 1 - (con°d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adapted A1330.0 RECEIVER OF TAXES 1330.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Receiver of Taxes 12920, 13320. 14120, 102 Sr, Account Clerk 3500.* 7925, 8770. 103 Assessment Clerk 3875,** 4135.** - - 104 Temporary Additional Services - 500,_ 500. 20295, 25880. 23390, 23390. 1330.2 EQUIRKENT 201 Adding Machine 198. - 320. 198. 320. 320 1330.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3874. 4000 4000, 3874 4000 4000. 4000._ TOTAL 24367, 7.9880, 27710. 2771b,__ *Transferred from Comptroller's Department (1/2) . *'-'Transferred to Assessor's Department -g_ SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 1972 A1355.0 ASSESSOR 1355.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 12920. 15245. 15745. 102 Deputy Assessor - - 9960. ' 103 Assessment Clerk 6584. 4135.* 9200. 104 Assistant Assessment Clerk 5935. 6820, 7700. 105 Sr. Engineering Aide 4932,** 106 Board of Review 900. 900. 1100, 107 Professional Appraiser - - - 1500. 31271. 37060. 35245. 35245. 1355.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Furniture - - - - 500. 500. 500. 1355.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 1500, Expenses 1496. 1500, 402 Travel & Car Expenses 166. 350. 700. 403 Appraisals, Cert. , etc, - - 5000. 3000. 404 Tax Maps - - 500, 500. 1662, 7350 5700. 5700, TOTAL `2433. 44410. 41445. 41445. *Transferred from Receiver of Taxes Department (1/2) . **Transferred to Engineer's Department (1/2) . -9- scHEDU'LE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1410.0 TOWN CLERK 1410,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 12920, 13320. 13820, * 102 Intermediate Typist 4973. _ - * 103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 5537. 5737. _ 5987. 23430 19057. 19807. 19807. 1410.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1228 900. 700. 1228 900 700_, 700. TOTAL 24658 19957 20507., _20507. * Transferred to Town Office Department. ** Town Clerk's Department (1/2) and Supervisor's Department (1/2) . -10- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 __ Adopted A1420.0 ATTORNEY 1420,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 .Town Attorney 13000. 14500. 16000. 102 Contingent Professional Services 5200. 2000. 3200. 103 Steno. Services 5377 6300 7000 23577, 22800 31200. 31200. 1420.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1367. 700. 900. 402 Travel Expenses 1367 800 1000, TOTAL 24944 23600, _32200. 32200. _ -11- SCHEDtJLE 1 - (coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A1440,0 ENGINEER 1440,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 16935, 17335. 17835, *102 Sr. Engineering Aide 4933. 10870, 11975. 103 Additional Professional Services - 2000, 1000, 21868, 30205. 30810, 30810 1440,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1070, 1500 1500 1070. 1500, 1500. 1500 TOTAL 22938 31705, 32310. 32310. *Transferred from Assessor's Department to Engineer's Department, -12- SCHEDULE 1 - (con°d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 "971 1972 Adopted A1450.0 ELECTIONS 1450.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 906, 1000. 1200. 102 Wages 645. 1475. 2575. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 13253 13810, 17779. . 14804. 16285. 21554. 21554 1450.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Voting Machines & * 2100 Election Booths 3576, 4636. 2, 3576. 4b3b. 2100 2100 1450.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 150, 150. Expenses 672. 2210. 402 Rental Polling Places 1136. 1620, 403 Transportation of a70 1700. 2100, Equipment 2778. 3470, __ 4460 4460, ,OT 21158, 24391. 28114. . 28114. *Payment of $3,000.00 for Bond Anticipation Note transferred to A9730.6. -13- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Adopted 1971 1971 1972 Budget A1620.0 TOWN OFFICES 1620.3 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Intermediate Typist P.T. , Floater & Overtime 3050. 6010. 6160. 102 Custodian 1600. 4650. 6010. 6160. 6160. 1620.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Alterations, Office Equipment, etc. 289. 300. 1795. 202 Postage Machine - - 1145. - - 203 Check Writer & Signer 715. 289. 2160. 1795. 1795. 1620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2438. 4000. 4000. 402 Stationery & Postage 192. 2500. 2500. 403 Telephone 5013. 6500. 6500. 404 Light 740. - - 405 Rent 7200. 7200. 7800. 406 Switchboard - Town's Share - - 3500. 15583. 20200. 24300. 24300. TOTAL 20522. 28370. 32255. 32255. -14- SCHEDULE 7. - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - ?3WN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 AdoFted PUBLIC SAFETY A3510.0 SAFETY OF ANIMALS 3510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Dog Enumerator 56$. 600> 6U0 TOTAL 56$. 600, 600. 600. -- A3640.0 CIVIL DEFENSE 3640,2 EQUIPMENT 201 Sirens 779. 1000, - - 779. 1000. 3640.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 439, 300, 500, Expenses 402 Repairs, Replacements 100 150. & Tools, etc. 439. _400. 650. 650. TOTAL 1218,— 1400. 650. 650...., TOTAL 17$6. 2000. 1250, 125U. -15_ SCHEDu-18 1 - (coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A5650.0 PARKING FIELDS A5650,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking 4500, Field #1) 1954, 4500. 402 Lease - County of Westchester 5624, 403-1 Parking Field #1 (Purchase of County - Lands) 101430, - - 403-2 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #3) 758. 500. 250. 109766, 5000. 4750. 4750. DEBT SERVICE A5650.6 Redemption of Bond 13000. Anticipation Note - - 13000, A5650.7 Interest on Note - - 2730. 1272, 15730. 14272, 14272. TOTAL 109766. 20730. 19022. 19022, -16- SCHEDULE 1 - (con`d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A7020.0 GENERAL RECREATION 7020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 ,Superintendent 14845. 15245. 15745. 102 Commission Secretary 200. 300. 300, 103 Recreation Attend, (Mainz.) 3248, 3400. r-,00. 104 Maintenance Man (Repair) 6595. 7520, 8425, 105 Senior Typist 5205. 6090. 6955, 106 Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants 5146. 7000, 35239. 39355. 39925. 39925. 7020.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial Park & Play- ground (Shuffle Board Courts, ;etc. 2753, - - 2000. 202 New Sails (Two Falcons) 500. - - - 203 New Gestefax & Mimeo Machines - - 2400. - - 204 Overhaul Launch Engine - - 1200. 205 New Tractor Brush & Plow (Memorial & Hommocks Park) 2515. 206 New Maint. Truck - 1/2 Ton - - - ° 3000. 207 Equipment - Hommocks Area 2038 - - 13500 7806 3600 8500. 8500. 7020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 6534 7850 9325, 6534 7850.___ 9325. _ __ °325.,_ TOTAL _49579.... 50805 SJ150 5775D. -17- SCHEDULE i - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget.. 1970 1971 1972 Adopted GENERAL RECREATION (con'd) A7180.0 POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 7180.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 37579. 50008.00 41508.00 7180.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 3194, 27704.01 23500.00 40773 77712201....- 65008,00 65048, A7310.0 YOUTH PROGRAMS 36965,00 41875.00 7310,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 31562, 10209,00 16151.00 7310.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 9263. 40825 47174.00 58026.00 58026., A7620.0 ADULT RECREATION 7620,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 5999, 4165.00 7123.00 3952.00 6919.00 7620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 2469, 8468. 8117 00 14042,00 14042. TOTAL 139645. 183808.01 194826.00 194826 REVENUES (See Pages 29 & 30) 4028.00 4028.00 Estimated State Aid 74853M 92570.00 Estimated Fees 78881,00 . 96598.00 TOTAL NET APPROPRIATION 104927,01 98228 00 6699.01 NET DECREASE FOR 1972 - -18- .._.. . . ... ... SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION 8510.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Consultant 750. 1000. 1000, 102 Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 8640. 9160. 9935. 103 Laborers 2701. 4345. 4100. 104 Secretary 123. 200. 300. 105 Temporary Additional Services - - 540. 12214. 14705, 15875 15875. 8510.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Equipment Rental & Operation 1036. 3825. 1800. 202 Used Station Wagon - - 2300, - - 203 Bulldozer Rental - - 3250. 900. 1036. 9375,.._. 2700j. 2700. 8510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1564. 4830. 2350. 402 Special Projects - - - - - 1564 4830 23 50 _ 2350. TOTAL 14814 28910 20925._ 20925._ -19- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION (con'd) A8560,0 SHADE TREE FUND 8560,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1761 1750 1750, 1761 1750 1750. 1750. A8810,0 CEMETERIES 8810,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 193 400 400, 193, 400. 400, 400, TOTAL 16768 31060 23075. 23075. -20- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS A1680.4 Data Processing - Payroll 1267. 1300.00 1300. A1910.4 Official Bonds and 600.00 600, Undertakings 449. A1920.0 Municipal Association Dues 250. 250.00 400. A1940.0 Acquisition of Land for - - Municipal Buildings 138284. A1950.0 heal Estate Taxes 3822. 3900.00 3900. A1990.0 Contingency Fund - - 900.00* 12500. A5010.1 Supt. of Highways 14040. 15245.00 15745. A5010.1 Bookkeeper - P.T. Supt, of Highways - ° 520.00 520. A6410.4 Street Signs 263. 600.00 1200. A6510.4 Veteran's Organization Rooms 900. 900.00 900. A7550.4 Patriotic Days Observances 989 1250 00 1250 TOTAL 160264 25465.00 38315. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9010.8 State Retirement System 25778. 33260.00 42700. A9030.8 Social Security Taxes 7575. 11330.00 11950. A9040.8 Workmen's Compensation & 15000,00 18700, Public Liability 14536. A9045.8 Group Life Insurance 3290. 3906.00 3800. A9060.8 Group Health Insurance 11282. 16735 00 13750 TOTAL 62461 80231 00 _ 90900 UNCLASSIFIED A9201.4 Bond & Coupon Svice. Fees 98. 200.00 200. A9202.0 Mamaroneck Community 5600,00 7000. Action Program ° * � A9203.0 Narcotic Guidance Council - - 27500.00 73658. A9204.0 Improvement of Hommocks 28460.91 Area 114235. ` A9205.0 Premium River Project 78000. 4000 00 - - A9206.0 Moving Expenses, etc. TOTAL 192333. 62760.91 80858, **To be set-up as A4210.0 when figures are available. -- -21- SCI]EDULF 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1.972 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS (con'd) DEBT SERVICE A9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 10000. 10000,00 10000. A9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes: Elections - - 3000.00 3000. Hommocks - - 27000,00 30000. Central School _ _ 11000.00 11000, A9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 3375. 2925.00 2475. A9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes: Elections 708. 410.00 200. Hommocks - - 15900.00 6760. Central School - - 1910.00 1810. A9760.7 Tax Anticipation Notes 1808. 1565.00 1728. TOTAL 15891 73710 00 66973. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 430949 242166.9i...__ 277046, 277046. *Budget before Modifications $10000.00 Less Transfers: Moving Expenses $ 4000.00 Community Beautification 5100.00 Transfers Prior to 12/31/71 900.00 10000.00 0 - GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE APPROPRIATIONS 963618...... 796225,92_,__ 853688 853688. -22- SCHEDULE 2 GMI RAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted B3120.0 POLICE 3120,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Officers 393000. 453316. 443177. 1014 Holiday Compensation 13875. 16000. 16980. 102 Cleaner 3305. 3825. 4325. 103 School Guards 16981. 23200. 22745. 104 Maintenance Man P.T. - - - 4213. 105 Senior Steno. 6190 7115. 8020. 433351 503456 499460 499460. 3120.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 12042. 15000. 16000. 201A Motorcycle - - 3000. 202 Uniforms, etc. 7160. 7500. 7500. 203 Radios 892. 2200. 1500. 204 Other - Miscellaneous 2481. 3150. 1500. 205 Office Furniture 1649. 1500. 1000° 206 Photography Equipment 1786. 207 Tape Recorder for _ - Switchboard 1775. - - 208 Electronic Siren and P. A. System 865. * 209 Breathalyzer _ _ 1000. - - * 210 Vascar 11 Speed Computer - - 1000. 1000. 211 Detective Equipment - 350 1200 28650, 34700. 29700 29700, * See page 32 - matching funds. -2j- SCLIEDUTZ 2 - (coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VIIJAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted POLICE - (con`d) 3120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies 7428. 6500, 6500. 402 Building Operation 3681. 4000. 22500. 403 Telephone 5405. 5000. 6500. 404 Lights Gas & Water 946. 900. 1200. 405 Gas and Oil 5587. 6000. 6250. 406 Equipment Operation 8928. 7250. 7500. **407 Traffic Signals & Signs 17159, 8200. 6200, 408 Travel Expenses 1502, 1800. 1800. 409 Miscellaneous 6889. 8500. 4500. 410 Proposed Surveys and Studies - - 2646, - - 411 Professional Development Program 2064 7500 7500 59589 58296 70450 70450 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B3110.8 New York State Retirement 45116. 59820. 77300. B3115.8 Police Pension Fund 29100, 20000. 20000. B3130.8 Social Security 13638, 19510. 20020. B3140.8 Compensation & Liability Insurance 11683, 12400. 13550, B3145.8 Group Life Insurance 5372. 5166. 5230. B3160.8 Group Fealth Insurance 17123. 21765 23290. 122032 138661 159390 159390 TOTAL 643622. 735113, 759000, 75900p, I'HcIn 1972 Maintenance Man P.T. transferred to A/C 104. -24- __.......... .... SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted B3620.0 BUILDING & PLUMBING 3620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Inspector 12920. 13635. 14940. 102 Senior Steno. 7000. 7925. 8425. 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 120. 180. 180. 104 Additional Professional 1000_,_ Services —_- 20040 21740. 24545. 24545. 3620.2 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile 2403. 2600. 2800. 2403 2600. 2800._ 2800. 3620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 346. 1000. 1000. 346 1000 1000. 1000. TOTAL 22789 25340 28345. -_ -25- ..................... . . SCHEDULE 2 - (con`d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted B4010a0 PUBLIC HEALTH 4010,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 500 500, TOTAL 500, 500. - - - -26- SCHEDULE 2 - (cou'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted B8010.0 BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) 8010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 240. 325. 200. 240. 325. 325. 8010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 260. 275. 350. 260 275 350 350. TOTAL 460. 515. 675 675 -27- SCHEDULE 2 - (con°d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILIAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 157 __ 2 ,—,. Ld ted B8020.0 PLANNING BOARD 8020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 240. 300. _ ._ 200. 240. 300. 300. 8020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 200. 200. Expenses 122. 122 200. 200. �. 20C ; TOTAL 322. 440. 500. _ ;00. -28- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget - 1970 1971 1972 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS B3510.4 Humane Society Contract 9739. 9739x00 10039. B4020.4 Registrar Vital Statistics 49. 55.00 65. B5650.4 Parking Meters' Lot #2 191. 250x00 250. B7410.4 Public Library Contract 59500. 68320.00 76055. B8520.4 Thruway Noise Abatement 20. 30.00 30 TOTAL 69499 78394 00 86439. 86439, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B9010.8 Employees` Retirement System 2563, 3150.00 3600. B9030.8 Social Security Taxes 629. 905.00 950. B9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 157. 200.00 250. B90458 Group Life Insurance 276. 252.00 280. B9060.8 Group Health Insurance 521. 650 00 600 TOTAL 4146 5157 00 5680, 5680._ UNCLASSIFIED B9206.0 Police Station & Court House Projects 6198. 30383.46 12000. B9490.0 Contingency Fund - 5600 Oir 10000. B9491.0 Joint Governmental Services Study 3166. B9492.0 Miscellaneous 270. ` - " TOTAL 9634 35983,46 22000. 22000. DEBT SERVICE B9730,6 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Station & Court House Projects - Principal - - _ _ 10000. _ B9730.7 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Station & Court House Projects-Interest - 7218.88 3470. TOTAL - 7218.88 13470, 13470. -29- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS (con'd) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 83279 126753.31-- 127589 127589. *Budget before Modifications $ 10000. Less Transfers: Police Station & Court House Projects 4300.. Planning Board 100. Transfers Prior to 12/31/71 5600 0 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES APPROPRIATIONS 750972 888661.34 916109. 91609, -29a- SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER. THAN. REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1972 Collected Modified Budget Budget _.. 1=970 1971 1972 Adopted OTHER TAX ITEMS A1090 Interest and Penalties on Taxes 29577, __._ 24000 .. ... 31000.. ... .. _31000 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS A1255 Town Clerk's Fees 13610 1500. 1200, A1560 Safety Inspection Fees 655. 600, 450, A1720 Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #1) 17785. 19000. 16000. A1720 Parking Meter Receipts ' (Lot #k3) 7238. 6000. 7000. A2001 Recreation Fees 66285 74853. 92570. 93324. 101953. 117220, 117220, USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY A2401 Interest on Deposits and Investments 86612. 65520. 73000, A2410 Property Rentals 1422. 1422, 1422, 88034. 66942, 74422.. 74422, LICENSES AND PERaLITB A2544 Dog Licenses 2603, 2700, 2700 2700. FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 Justices' Fees 6396, _ _ 8200 6400, 6400. INTERFUND REVENUES A2842 Engineering Charge 5945, Special Districts 5645, 5912. 5945. MISCELLANEOUS A2771 Narcotic Addiction Control Commission, Village of Mamaroneck - - 2650. - A2772 Civil Defense Refund 609. 700. 325. A2773 Village of Larchmont _ 2000 (Assessor's Office Share) ' 609 3350 2325 2325 *After 1971 Budget was adopted, agreement reached on $2000.00 for this item - not included in "Estimated Revenues". -30- SCHEDULE 3 (eon'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER THAtd REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1972 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted STATE AID A3001 Per Capita 109145. 160000.00 122300, A3005 Mortgage Tax 28233. 32000..00 41000, A3007 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue 1843, 1843.00 1789. A3090 Narcotic Addiction Control Commission - State - - - - 3400. A3090 Narcotic Addiction Control Commission ° County _ - 6750.00 73658,* A3820 Youth Bureau 3859 4028,00 4028. 143080. 204621 00 246175 246 17 5 UNEXPENDED BALANCE - - 133781 92 30000. 30000, `See Page 21 for contra line item setting up appropriation account. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE - ESTIMATED REVENUES 369268 551459 92 516187, 5161872 -31- SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND - TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGES OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TARES Budget As Preliminary 1972 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS B1520 Police Department Fees 660. 800.00 700. B1720 Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #k2) 2380. 2400.00 2200. B2110 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Fees 210. 300.00 400. B2115 Planning Board Fees 125. 200.00 200. B2770 Building & Plumbing Fees 2928. 2200.00 2000 6303, 5900.00 5500, 5500, STATE AID B3000 State of New York (Matching Funds)* - - - - 1000, B3001 Per Capita 25332. 37000.00 29400 25332. 37000.00 30400_ 30400_ UNEXPENDED BALANCE - - 9424.34 14355 14355 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES ESTIMATED REVENUES 31635. 52324.34 50255. 50255 *See Page 23 for contra line item - matching funds. -32- SGIBEDU'LE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted DR5110.0 ITEM I - REPAIRS & 'IMPROVEMENT FUND 5110.1 Personal Services 107587, 118800. 140750. 5110.2 General Repairs 47352, 134970 104780. 154939 253770 245530 245530. DR9000 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9010,8 Employees' Retirement 33100. System 22058. 29430. 9030.8 Social Security Taxes 6917. 10625. 9900. 9040.8 Compensation Insurance 2107. 2200. 4800. 9045.8 Group Life Insurance 3342. 3402. 3100. 9060.8 Group Health Insurance 8905. 12160 10250, 43329 57817 61150. 61150, TOTAL ITEM I 198268 311587. 306680, 306680, DB5120.0 ITEM II - BRIDGE FUND DB5120.1 Personal Services _ _ 300. 300. DB5120.4 Contractual Expenses - - 500. 500. TOTAL ITEM II 800. 800 800. DM5130.0 ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND 5130.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Automotive Mechanic 8206. 8700 9200 9200. 5130.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Purchase of Equipment 26122 32209 13794 13794. 5130.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 1000. 772. 5000, Expenses 402 Repairs 8972. 5300. 6000. 403 Storage 2832, 4200. 4200. 404 Gas & Oil 6147 6300. 6300 18723. 16800. 21500. 21500. -33- SCHEDULE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND - Ccon'd) DEBT SERVICE _ _ 4563. DM9740.6 Capital Notes - Principal 24750, - 135 DM9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest 1780 - - 4698. 4698 26530, 79581. 57709. 49192. 49192 TOTAL ITEM III DS5140.0 ITEM IV - SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND DS5140.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 3787. 4000. 4000. 5140.4 Cutting Weeds & Brush 600. 800. 5141.4 Miscellaneous 3877, 22000 5I42,4 Control of Ice & Snow 20585, 21000. TOTAL ITEM IV 28249 25600. 26800 26800, ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE DEBT SERVICE 10000. 10000. 10000. D9710.6 Bonds - Principal 3450 3150 2850 D9710.7 Bonds - Interest 13450, 13150, 12850 12850 TOTAL ITEM V GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND 408846. 396322. 396322 APPROPRIATIONS 319548, -34- SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Preliminary 1972 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted ITEM I - REPAIRS & nfPROVEMENT FUND DR2680 Miscellaneous 169. 300, 2076. DR3501 State Aid 5587, 5400. 2600. Unexpended Balance 60000 33000 31500 65756 38700 36176 36176 ITEM II - BRIDGE FUND Unexpended Balance 100 300. 300. 100 300 300. 300, ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND DM2850 Gas & Oil Refunds 5401. 6300. 5800. Unexpended Balance - 17125. 13184. 5401 23425 18984, 18984, ITEM IV - SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND DS2850 Snow Removal Refunds 1700. 2000. 1700. Unexpended Balance 1000 1000 2316 2700 3000 4016 4016 ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE Unexpended Balance - ° GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND - REVENUES 73957 65425 59476, 59476, ..35- K.t.:'uULi. i SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted SR8160.0 GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 8160.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 129997. 150000 154785. 129997. 150000 154785 154785, 8160.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3470. 3760. 4000. 402 Equipment Operation 4140, 19474. 5500. 403 Incinerator Operation 82235 84000, 94000 89845 107234. 103500 103500 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SR9010.8 Employees ' Retirement - System 11682, 14410. 14100, SR9030.8 Social Security Taxes 4721, 5385. 6500. SR9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 5271. 5700. 7350, SR9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1837. 1764. 2100. SR9060.8 Group Health Insurance 58320 7825q 8100 29343 35084 38150 38150 DEBT SERVICE SR9740.6 Capital Notes - Principal - - _ - 6987. SR9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest - 260. 7247, 7247. TOTAL. 249185 292318. 303682. 303682 REVENUES Unexpended Balance 13974 - TOTAL 13974. GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LE'V'Y 278344 303682 303682 -36- SCHEDULE 8 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATION'S & REVENUES Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget. Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted F8340.0 WATER DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATIONS 8340,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 1764, 1600. 1800. 402 Water District System Capital Casts 2440. 20000, 20000, 4204, 21600, 21800 21800 DEBT SERVICE F9710,6 Serial Bands - Principal 27500, 19000, 17000, F9710,7 Serial Bonds - Interest 12465, 11327, 10585 39965. 30327, 27585 27585, TOTAL 44169, 51927. 49385 49385 REVENUES Unexpended Balance F2414 Pipe Line Rentals - - 3564. 3434. F2770 Water Revenues (Net) 40647; 25951 TOTAL - 44211, 29385. 29385, WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY 7716, 20000. 20000 . -37- .. . _.._._. ... ..... ....... . SCHEDULE 9 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted SL5182,0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 5182.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 2990. 4140.00 4212, 2990, 4140.00 4212, 4212. 5182.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other 600,00 600, Expenses 421° 402 Operation (Energy) 17477, 22874.03. 23000. 403 Installations 4173. 5500,00 5500, 22071, 28974.01 29100. 291Q0. TOTAL 25061. 33I14,Oi 33312. 33312. REVENUES Unexpended Balance _ 6274.01 ° TOTAL - 6274.01 ° STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY 26840.00 33312, 11 . 33311L -38- SCHEDULE 10 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Exuended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted SS8120.0 SEWER DISTRICT #1 8120„1 PERSONAL SETVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 47!-G.. 3000.00 3000___ 4710, 3000.00 3000. 3000, 8120,4 CONTRACTUAL 0MENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 498. 750.00 750. 402 Compensation and Liability Insurance 157. 300.00 300. 403 Sewer Construction Costs 35256. 125915,26 55816. 404 Maintenance - Two Sewer Pump Stations 330. 800,00 800. 36241 127765 26 57666,____ 57666t DEBT SERVICE SS9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 54000. 52000.00 47000, SS9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes - Principal - - - - 6000' SS9740.6 Capital Notes - Principal - - - - 13500. SS9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 14747. 12341.00 10176. SS9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes - Interest - _ - - 5925. SS9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest 412,- _ 68747 64341 00 83013 83013, TOTAL 109698. . 195106.26 143679. 143679, REVENUES Unexpended Balance - 92198.26 33871. TOTAL 92198.26 33871. 33871. SEINER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - 102908 00 109808, 109806. -39- SambuLE 11 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 197' 1972 Adapted SP7110.0 PARK DISTRICT #1 7110.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assistant General Foreman (Park) 11075. 11475. 12275. 102 Park Foreman 9560. 9960. 10460. 103 Laborers 28562„ 32680a 34680. 104 Secretary 200, _-_- i20, 200. 49397 54235. 5'1615. 57-15. 7110.2 EQU M 201 Heavy Duty Power Mower - - 150, ° 202 Heavy Duty Leaf Blower - 350. _ _- 500, 7110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4085. 2490. 3000. 402 Building Operation 486. 1360. 1360. 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 1050. 1420. 1300„ 404 Capital improvement - Dredging Sheldrake Lake 23153. - 28774. 5270. 5660. _ 5660_ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS- - SP9010.8 Employees` Retirement System 6094, 7530. 8800. SP9030.8 Social Security Taxes 1710. 2545. 2650. SP9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 2062. 2500. 3050. SP9045.8 Group Life Insurance 828. 756= 8n 1 . SP9060,8 Group Health Insurance _ 2290. _ 2865, 2650- ---- 12984. 16196. 17950. 17950. DEBT SERVICE SP9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 6000. 6000= 6000^ SP9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 1215. 675 7215.- -- _ _�6 4W• 6675. __ 5075, TOTAL 98370. 83146. 87900. 87900„ .40- SCHEDULE 11 - (con`d) SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 - Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 ----1973 _ 1972 Adopted PARK DISTRICT #1 (cson°d) REVENUES Unexpended Balance "000 5000 TOTAL - - 40000 5000. 5000. PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - 79146 82900 82900 -41® SCHEDULE 12 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 197'= 1972 Adogted SF3410.0 FIRE DISTRICT #1 3410.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 135339. 146100. 167923. 101A Contingency Fund _ 9900, - 135339, 156000. 167923. 167923,. 3410.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Base Station Antenna Cable - - 1210. - - 202 Chief's Automobile - - - 203 Clothing 2298. 4450. 5100, 204 Radios 1072, 2300. 2000. 205 Quad 5 - Apparatus (Part) - - - - 5000, 206 Horn System - Alarm - - - - 1000. 207 Emergency Generator - - - - 4000. 208 Fire Fighting Equipment - - 4000, - -- ---- 3370. 7960. 21100. 21100. 3410,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 5750. 7853. 9000. 402 Equipment Operation 4312. 5000. 5000. 403 Building Operation 7186. 10450. 13000. 404 Gas, Light, Water .& Heat 2836. 3000. 3000. 405 Inspection & Travel 2785. 2200. 2785. 406 Telephone & Alarm 1612. 1600. 2000. 407 Hydrant Rental 13188. 21150. 21150, 408 Fire Prevention Program - - - - 200• 409 Educational Program 37669, 51253„ 56635, __ 56635. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SF9010.8 Employees' Retirement System 17744. 20727. 24700. SF9030,8 Social Security Taxes 4651. 6605. 6600, SF9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 13676. 14000, 14750, SF9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1805. 1764. 1800. SF9060,8 Group Health Insurance 4989. 6850. 6500. 42865. 49946, 54350. 54350._ ' -42- SCIMULE 12 - (con`d) SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1972 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1970 1971 1972 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT X61 - (con'd) TOTAL 219243. 265159>__ 300008. 300008. REVENUES Unexpended Balance ' FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 265759. 300008. _-- -300008. -43- YEAR 1972 31,9`0 157,985,140 1971 29.71 20,80 63,08 157,544,453 1970 26.55 20.33 59,02 156,062,762 1969 24.77 17.12 53,17 154,615,479 1968 25,36 17.36 51,71 132,658,271 1967 23,28 14.11 43.86 130,996,235 1966 22.09 12.72 40.3.4 128,303;420 1965 20.41 11,94 37®19 125,807,224 1964 19.03 11.64 35.30 125,370,203 1963 19.40 11,67 33,30 120,950,660 1962 18,25 11,65 29.32 117,319,554 1961 17.55 11,67 28,53 114,813,216 1960 17.56 11,34 27.90 111,233,241 1959 16.80 11,26 26,90 108,606,448 1958 15,97 10.82 25,86 3.06,729,722 1957 15.85 10,66 24,32 103 ,369,000 1956 15,74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000 1955 16.38 11,13 21,45 95,095,000 1954 16,06 11.03. 18„87 91,702,000 1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000 1952 15.59 10.25 18„81 87,754,000 1951 15.59 10.24 17,87 85,445,000 1950 14.37 10,54 16.94 83,9395000 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000 1948 14,43 10.10 15,99 78,602,000 1947 15,76 10.63 16.64 77,627,000 1946 16,91 9,21 13.49 75,688,000 1945 16.78 7;92 12,37 76,370,000 1944 17.04 8.52 11,78 77,719,000 1943 16.62 9.02 10.69 79,490,000 -44- scxEDarLE 14 TOWN OF MAP4ARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1972 YEAR_- AMORTTD& ION INTEREST TOTAL 1972 $ 90,000.00 $ 26,760.00 $116,760.00 1973 89,000.00 23 ,072.50 112,072.50 1974 80,000.00 19,578.50 99,578.50 1975 57,000,00 16,573.00 83,573.00 1976 56,000.00 14,1777 .50 70,177.50 1977 35,000.00 12 ,012.50 47,012.50 1978 30,000.00 10,650.00 40,650.00 1979 30,000.00 9,525.00 39,525,00 1980 30,000.00 8,400.00 38,400.00 1981 30,000.00 7,275.00 37,275,00 1982 20,000,00 6:300,00 26,300,00 1983 20,000.00 5,475„00 25,475.00 1984 20,000.00 4,650.00 24,650.00 1985 20,000,00 3,825.,00 23,825.00 1986 20,000,00 3,000,00 23,000.00 1987 20,000.00 2,175.00 22,175.00 1988 20,000.00 1,350.00 21,350.00 1989 20.000.00 — .5251Q0 200 525,LOO $697,000.00 $175,324.00 $872,324.00 RECAPITUIS ATION General Town Wide Bonds $ 55,000,00 Water District Fonds 273,000.00 Park District Bonds 18,000.00 Sewer District Bonds 251,000.00 Hiahway District Bonds 1002000.00 $697,000.00 _45® SMEDULE 14 (contirued� CENERhL TOWi3 'TIDE BONDS YEAR AMORTIZAT?OAS_ INTEREST 1972 $ 10,000®00 $ 2,475.00 $ 12,475.00 1973 10,000.00 2,025.00 12,025,00 1974 10,000.00 1,575.00 11,575.00 1975 10,000.00 1,125.00 li,125.00 1976 15.000.00 ___675.00 15,675,00 $ 55,000.00 $ 7,875.00 $ 62,875.00 WATER. DISTRICT_ BONDS _. 1972 $ 17,000.00 $ 10,584.50 $ 27,584.50 1973 16,000.00 9,932,50 25,932.50 1974 15,000.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 1975 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 1976 15,000.00 8,100.00 23,100.00 1977 15,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900,00 1979 15,000.00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 15,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 1981 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 15,000.00 3,900,00 18,900.00 1984 15,000.00 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 1.5,000,00 2,700,00 17,700.00 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15.000.00 3041,00_ 15.,300.00 $273,000.00 $ 97,317..00 $370,317.00 PARR DISTRICT BONDS 1972 $ 6,000.00 $ 675.00 $ 6,675.00 1973 6,000.00 405.00 6,405.00 1974 6.000.00 _ 135.00 6,135.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 1,215.00 $ 19,215.00 -46- .............. ---.. SCHEDULE 14 (continued) SEER DISTRICT_BONDS YEAR AMORTIZIaTIOIs II?TEUI ST �TOTAL _-- 1972 $ 47,000.00 $ 10,175.50 $ 57,175450 1973 47,000,00 8,160.00 55,160.00 1974 39,000.00 6,318.50 45,318.50 1975 32,000,00 4,798.00 36,798.00 1976 16,000.00 3,752.50 19,752.50 _ 1977 10,000.00 3,162,50 13,162.50 1978 5,000.00 2,700.00 7,700.00 1979 5,000.00 2,475.00 7,475.00 1980 5,000.00 2,250.00 7,250.00 1981 5,000.00 2,025.00 7,025.00 1982 5,000.00 1,800.00 6,800,00 1983 5,000.00 1,575„00 6,575.00 1984 5,000,00 1,350,00 6,350.00 1985 5,000.00 1,125.00 6,125.00- 1986 5,000.00 900.00 5,900.00 1987 5,000.00 675.00 5,675.00 1988 5,000.00 450.00 5,450.00 1989 5,000.00 225,00 5,225.00 $251,000.00 $ 53,917,00 $304,917.00 IilGglWZ DISTRICT BONDS 1972 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,850.00 $12,850.00 1973 10,000.00 2,550.00 12,550.00 1974 10,000.00 2,250.00 12,250.00 1975 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,950.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10,000.00 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10,000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 10,000.00 750,00 10,750.00 1980 10,000.00 450.00 10,450.00 1981 10,000.00 150,00 10,150..00_ $100,000.00 $ 15,000,00 $115,000.00 -47- SCHEDULE 15 RT-COKaNDED SALARY STRUCTURE JOB GROUP MINDIUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIvH M INCREMENT - - $ 5270. $ 5570. $ 5870. $ 6170. $ 6470. $ 300 ii 5500. 5815. 6130. 6445. 6760. 315. 5830. 6170. 6510. 6850, 7190. 340. IV 6225. 6590. 6955, 7320. 7685. 365. V 6545. 6930. 7315< 7700. 8085„ 385, Vi 6805. 7210. 7615. 8020. 8425. 405, Vii 7070. 7495. 7920. 8345. 8770. 425. Viii 7420. 7865. 8310. 8755. 9200, 445. IX 7780. 8250, 8720. 9190. 9660. 470. g 8360. 8885. 9410. 9935. 10460. 525. XI 9555. 10160. 10765. 11370. 11975. 605.. Xii 10980. 11690, 12400. 13110. 13820. 710. Kill 12525. 13330. 14135. 14940. 15745. 805. %IV 14115. 15045. 15975. 16905.. 17835. 930. %V 15840. 16885. 17930. 18975. 20020. 1045. -48- LIST OF c1,4SS - RECOMMENDED BY JOB GROUP STUDY Job Group I ($5270. - $6470,) _ 32b LERE lI 1$5500, '" $6760) Job Gr2L12 III ($5830, - $7190,) WIntermediate Typist Court Clerk - Grade I Sob Grout IV ($6225. - $76850) Court Clerk - Grade II Intermediate Account. clerk Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist Intermediate Stenographer Senior Typist Job Grou V ($6545. - $8025,) * Assistant Assessment Clerk Laborer Sanitation Man Job Group VI ($6805, - $8425,) Laborer - Skilled Motor Equipment operator Maintenance Man - Repair Senior Stenographer Job Group VII ($7070, - $8770,) Labor Foreman - Grade I Senior Account Clerk Job Group VIII ($7420 - $9200) Automotive Mechanic Sewer Maintenance Foreman Assessment Clerk Job Groin IY ($77800 - $9660.) Junior Accountant Job Group X ($8360 - $10460.) Park. Foreman Maintenance Foreman - Gardener Job Group—XI ($4555, - $11975,) Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant General Foreman (Highway) Senior Engineering Aide Assistant General Foreman (Park) *Employees subject to Civil Service Examinatiena -49- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASS - RECONMEMED BY SOB GROUP STUDY Sob Group YII ($10980. - $13820m). Receiver of Taxes & Assessments Town Clerk Job Group XIII ($12525„ - $15745,) Superintendent of Recreation Superintendent of Highways Building & Plumbing Inspector II Assessor Job Group XIV ($141150 - $17835.) Town Engineer Job Group XV ($15840, - $20020,) Comptroller/Director of Finance -50- SCHEDULE 16 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE A1010.0 TOWN BOARD Councilmen P.T. 4 3000. 12000, A1110.0 TOWN JUSTICES Town Justices P.T. 2 5700, 11400, *Court Clerks 2 6510. & 7685. 14195. Court Clerk P.T, 1 2500. 2500, TOTAL 28095. A1220.0 SUPERVISOR Supervisor P.T. 1 8000. Confidential Secretary 5988. & Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 5987. 5988. Senior Stenographer 1 7615. TOTAL 21603. A1315.0 COMPTROLLER Comptroller 1 20020, Senior Account Clerks 2 8345. & 8770. 17115. *Junior Accountant 1 8720, TOTAL 45855. A1330.0 RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes l (Includes 300, longevity) 14120. Senior Account Clerk 1 8770. Temporary Additional Services - - 500, TOTAL 23390. A1355.0 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 15745. Assessment Clerk 1 9200. *Assistant Assessment Clerk 1 7700, Board of Review 3 1100. Addtl, Professional Services - - 1500•. TOTAL 35245, -51- SCHEDULE 16 - (cou'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATIOP A1410.0 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 13820. Confidential Secretary 5987. & Executive Assistant i (1/2) 1 5988. 5987. TOTAL 19807. A1420.0 TOWN ATTORNEY Town Attorney P.T. 1 16000. Contingent Prof. Services - - 8200, Steno. Services - - 7000. TOTAL 31200. A1440.0 ENGINEER Engineer 1 17835. Sr. Engineering Aide 1 11975. Additional Prof. Services - - 1000. TOTAL 30810. A1450.0 ELECTION Custodians 2 600. 1200. Temporary Employees - - 2575. Election Officials 100 17779. TOTAL 21554. A1620.0 TOWN OFFICES Intermediate Typist P.T., Floater & Overtime 1 6160. A7020.0 RECREATION Superintendent 1 15745. *Senior Typist 1 6955. Commission Secretary P.T. 1 300. Maintenance Man (Repair) 1 8425, Maintenance Wages 1500. Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants P.T. 4 7000. Swimming Pool Maintenance P.T. (Town's Share) - - 41508. Temporary Summer Employees - - 48998. TOTAL 130431, -52- SCHEDULE 16 - (con°d) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Consultant - - 1000. Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 9935. Laborers - - 4100. Secretary P.T. 1 300. Temporary Additonal Services - - 540. TOTAL 15875. ialSCELLANEOUS Superintendent of Highways 1 15745. Bookkeeper P.T. 1 520. TOTAL 16265. GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES B3120.0 POLICE Chief I 16260. Lieutenant 1 13700. Sergeants 6 11585. 69510. Detective Sergeant 1 12100. Detectives 3 11000. 33000. Patrolmen 26 Wage scale 9273. - 10485, plus holiday compensation & overtime. 315587. Senior Stenographer 1 8020. School Guards 9 13.00 per day 22745. Cleaner P.T. 1 4325. Maintenance Man P.T. (1/2) 1 4213. TOTAL 499b r- *c?fficers' compensation listed above represents 1971 salaries - 1972 salaries still azzcader negotiation. B3620.0 BUILDING & PLUMBING Irspector 1 14940. 8425. Senior Stenographer 1 xamining Board of Plumbers 3 180. 1000. Addtl. Professional Services - - TOTAL 24545, ri8010.0 BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) 1 3�� Secretary P.T. -53- ...-__ ---.....__--__..... SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION 88020.0 PLANNING BOARD Secretary P.T. 1 300, DR5110.0 HIGHWAY FUND General Foreman 1 (Includes 500, in lieu of overtime) 12475, Labor Foreman - Grade I 1 8770• Sewer Maintenance Foreman I (Additional 250, for special assign- ment included in base salary) 9450. Automotive Mechanic 1 9200. Motor Equipment Operators 9 *Wage scale 6805. - 8425.) Laborers - Skilled 3 *Wage scale 6805. - 8425.) 100855. Laborers 8 *Wage scale 6545. - 8085,) *Plus overtime, TOTAL 140750. $197650. Highway Department-apportioned to Highway, Garbage, Sewer, Cemeteries, etc, SPECIAL DISTRICTS 08160.0 GARBAGE DISTRICT # 1 Wage scale 6545. - 8085. Collectors (Sanitation Men) 16 (4 Drivers 200. -,additional) (4 Assist. Drivers 100, Addtl.) 124785. Laborers (See Highway) 30000, TOTAL 154785. S=7110.0 PARK DISTRICT #1 Assistant General Foreman (Park) 1 (Includes 300, longevity) 12275. Park Foreman 1 10460„ Laborer - Skilled 1 6805, - 8425.) Laborers 3 *Wage scale 6545. - 8085.) 34680. _ Secretary P.T. 1 200, *Plus overtime and additions `.. labor. TOTAL 57615, SS8120.0 SEWER DISTRICT #r`1 Laborers 3000. SL5182.0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Maintenance Man P.T. 1(2 1 4212, -54- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION SF3410„0 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 (Includes 300. longevity) 12385, Lieutenants 3 12085. 36255. Firemen 10 Wage scale 9773. - 10985. plus holiday compensation & overtime„ 118323. Inspector P.T. 1 960„ TOTAL 167923. *Employees subject to Civil Service Examinations. -55- SCHEDULE 17 CAPITAL BUDGET & IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1972 - 1977 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977, ®. 1, Premium River Project, Original estimated cost $80,000, Unexpended Balance $ 62,926,00 $62,926,00 $ - - $ _ _ $ _ - $ _ _ $ - 2, Garbage. Truck, Packer Body, (with trade-in) , 9,125,00 4,562,50 4x562,50 3, Highway Dump Truck (with trade-in) , 13,974,00 6,987 ,00 6,987,00 4, American LaFrance 100 ft, Rear Mounted Aerial Ladder (with trade-in) Original estimated cost $75,000, 7 000,00 7 000,00 7,000,00 7,QO0,00 7,00000 Unexpended Balance 35x000,00 - , a 5, Emergency Murray Avenue Sewer Break, Original estimated cost $38,000, Unexpended Ba7.ance 27 000 00 13,500000 13 500,00 - — TOTAL 5148 025 00 $87 975 50 $32 049 50 $7 OOQ 00 $7,000,00_ $7 000 00 $7,0CCOOC NOTE: The above program will be reviewed and modified as of January 1, 1972 and other long-range projects will be projected, -56- EXHIBIT "A" ARREARS FOR WATER CHARGES AS OF JUNE 30 1971 REMAINING UNPAID AS OF OCTOBER 29 1971 TOWN OF MAMARONECK )ok & Page Acct. Block & Lot Owner Premises Amount 201-083 482 401 - 150 Town of Mamaroneck 153 Weaver St. 192,61 201-058 1840 215 - 259 W. O'Gorman 5 Revere Rd. 57.69 203-060 1749 123 - 43 L. Garcia 60 Myrtle Blvd. 79.24 203-098 2400 125-452 F.Gironda 11 Cabot Rd. 64.61 203-124-01 12022 126 - 730 Dapper Dan 1 Vine St. 177.79 (V. Mancini) 204-026-01 12081 504 - 353 A. Mauro 21 Pryor Manor Rd. 10,04 204-067 7371 505 - 104 W. Lovely 9 Dillon Rd. 18.94 204-100 8129 501 - 311 C. Lovely 63 Harrison Dr. 16.59 204-109 11369 501 - 280 O. Kelsrud 2 Robins Nest Lane 43.77 205-062 1913 411 - 961 House of Pancakes 36 Boston Post Rd. 139.49 205-077 4090 409 - 409 P. Walsh 14 Harmony Dr. 28.62 205-1-02 4325 409- 806 M. Lindheimer 15 Copley Rd. 35.44 206-051 5317 122 - 322 L. Nelson 57 Maple Hill Drive 75.51 206-088 3541 122 - 151 S. Corkery 65 Hillcrest Ave. 23,35 206-101 1154 122 - 74 M, Dwyer 15 Hillcrest Ave. 83.17 207-110 7521 112 - 347 A. Albert 99 Colonial Ave. 196.53 208-004 4418 122 - 173 C. Brenner 207 Weaver St. 48.11 208-130 5865 217 - 525 A. Giordano, Jr. 12 Cooper Lane 108.96 209-025 7152 212 - 370 J. Brilmayer 175 Garden Rd, East 47.98 209-058 3603 212 - 284 R. Hill 20 Stoney Side Drive 9.57 210-062 3992 117 - 151 B. Meagan 12 Echo Lane 17.72 210-073 3909 118 - 78 J. Henry 79 Echo Lane 29.04 210-078 4015 128 - 114 B. Salerno 64 Hillside Rd. 104.06 _ 210-133 1458 116 - 443 W. Snyder 31 Seton Rd, 21 ,50 211-064 2528 116 - 504 W. Fernschild 193 Rockingstone Ave. 28.19 211-096 4048 114 - 167 J. Collins 657 Forest Ave. 70.11 212-040 3866 112 - 253 H. Mendes, Jr. 194 Murray Ave. 64.84 212-047 9452 113 - 71 Dr. J. Zorn 2 Bryson St. 24.28 213-052 3400 107 - 302 W. Wright, 3rd 22 Vine Road 44.42 215-064 8824 105 - 461 S. Turk 2 Briar Close 53.93 215-118 . 9887 102 - 54 J. Ward 693 Weaver St. 283.47 216-043 5136 221 - 46 D. Doherty 17 Sheldrake Ave. 61.31 219-005-01 769 410 - 38 G. Protano 14 Winthrop Ave. 24.00 219-080 8330 407 - 440 Mrs. J. Butler 20 Elkan Rd. 11,20 219-083 8327 407 - 424 J. Cookley 14 Elkan Rd. 11.52 219-099 2388 407 - 347 A. Pugliese 1046 Palmer Ave. 115.05 221-012-01 2810 320 - 323 R. Pollock Leatherstocking Lane 38.70 221-021-01 12067 315 - 832 Riverdale Fieldstone Country Rd. 6.00 221-040 10608 320 - 576 M. Cinguina 6 Country Rd. 62.50 221-065 11476 209 - 459 A. Jacobson 6 Hidden Green Lane 34.02 222-036-07 3542 228 - 128 J. Bell 7 Hilltop Rd. 198.61 223-030 11291 303 - 513 P. Ruocco 17 Salem Drive 75.59 223-034 11804 303 - 576 S. Parker 22 Salem Drive 53.48 052-01 3286 307 - 210 P. Carvino 6 Kolbert Drive 95.72 TOTAL 2,987.27 (Budget herewith inserted) f; - 4 - and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a, subd. 2 of the Town Law, and deliver one (1) copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by her to the County Board of Legislators of this County; and be it further RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1972 the sum hereinafter set forth and for the purposes listed below, be levied, assessed, and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Mamaroneck out- side of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck (General Fund - Town Outside Villages), the properties of the several districts specified below and the several parcels of taxable property, franchise and assessments, and persons within the Town and within such special districts, be extended on the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments or parts thereof, to-wit: APPROPRI- ESTIMATED ATIONS REVENUES" TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide - Schedules 1 & 3 $853,688.00 $516,187.00 $337,501.00 Town Outside Villages Schedules 2 & 4 916,109.00 50,255.00 865,854.00 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1,2,3,4, & 5 Schedules 5 & 6 396,322.00 59,476.00 336,846.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS 303 682.00 Garbage - Schedule 7 303,682.00 -- Water - Schedule 8 49,385.00 29,385.00 20,000.00 Street Lighting - 33,312.00 -- 33,312.00 Schedule 9 Sewer - Schedule 10 143,679.00 33,871.00 109,808.00 Park - Schedule 11 87,900.00 5,000.00 82,900.00 Fire - Schedule 12 300,008.00 -- 300 008.00 Total $3,084,085.00 $694,174.00 $2,389,911.00 Includes unexpended balances. and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 - 5 - w of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A", the several sums set forth opposite each such parcel or lot of land on such statement as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents". THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor, speaking on behalf of the Board, formally thanked the Budget Committee and Department Heads for their time and effort devoted to first, submission of the depart- mental requests and second, to the further study asked for in an effort to reduce the adopted preliminary budget by eliminating every possible appropriation without deterior- ating service. She also thanked those present this evening for taking the time to attend this meeting and share their views and think- ing with the Board. OLD BUSINESS 1. Authorization for Signing Contract for Rental of Voting Machines Pursuant to communication from the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation addressed to the Town Clerk under date of Octo- ber 12th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck the contract with the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation for the rental of seven (7) Automatic Voting Machines, of the Standard Type, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said contract. NEW BUSINESS 1. Appointment of Provisional Police Chief Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by Lee P. Gagliardi, Chairman of the Police Commission, under date of December 7th, 1971 informing the Board of the appointment of Lieutenant James Staropoli as Provisional Police Chief and requesting authorization for change in salary, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, both of whom stated it was indeed a pleasure, it was unanimously - 6 - RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes , that Police Chief James Staropoli be compen- sated in the amount of $16,260. per annum, effective as of December 7th, 1971, in lieu of his former compensation as Lieutenant in the amount of $13,700. per annum. _ 2. Resolution - Retirement of Miss Mary Clark Larchmont Library --- The Supervisor advised the Board that Councilman Nagel, liaison to the Library Board of Trustees, had advised her that Miss Mary Clark was resigning as librarian the end of this year. She stated that she thought it was in order, since this was the Board's last meeting of the year, to have the Board express its regret that she was leaving her post and recog- nize the very fine service she had rendered to the community as well as to convey its best wishes to her for the future. Whereupon on motion unanimously made and seconded, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and forwarded to Miss Mary Clark with the Board's sincere appreciation and thanks for her service and best wishes for the future: WHEREAS, Miss Mary Clark has served the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck as Librarian of the Larchmont Library for the past twenty-three years; and WHEREAS, during these years, she has shown her- self to be a person of warm understanding and broad vision and has unstintingly devoted her time and talent to improving the Library and serving the best interests of the residents of the community it serves; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck congratu- lates Miss Clark on her many achievements as Librarian and expresses its appreciation of the extraordinary service she has rendered to the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution is unanimously adopted by this Board to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in tribute to Miss Mary Clark and forwarded to her as a memento of the esteem and gratitude of the people of the Town of Mamaroneck. 7 - 3. Appointment of Members to Recreation Coordinating Committee The Supervisor advised the Board that at the Recreation meeting on December 2nd in Dr. Norwood's office a decision had been reached to establish a Recreation Coordinating Committee having thirteen members, two from each of the municipalities, two from the Mamaroneck Board of Education, two from the Rye Neck Board of Education, one from the Mamaroneck P-T Council and one representing all four parochial schools. She stated that she would like to appoint John Stahr, Chair- man of our Recreation Commission and Councilman-elect Thomas White as the Town's representatives, whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that John Stahr, Chairman of the Rec- reation Commission, and Councilman-elect Thomas White be and they hereby are appointed members of the Recreation Coordinating Committee as the representatives of the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it further RESOLVED, that Messers Stahr and White be so notified with the Board's best wishes for great success in this designation. 4. Appointments - Consolidation Study Committee The Supervisor reported to the Board that the Joint Municipal Survey Committee met last Thursday evening and that she was sure all had read the results of that meeting in the local paper. She further stated that the Joint Municipal Survey Committee was legally extinct since the contract time had expired and in view of the formation of the Consolidation Study Com- mittee, she would like to ask that she and Councilman Vander- noot be appointed to serve thereon, Councilman Vandernoot replacing Councilman Nagel who was of course leaving the Board on the 31st. And thereupon on a motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Supervisor Christine K. Helwig and Council- man Joseph F. Vandernoot as its representatives to the Consolidation Study Committee being established by the Town and two Villages. Councilman Faiola stated that he had noticed in this evening's paper that the School Board had expressed considerable concern — about 'consolidation' and stated that there would be lots of stumbling blocks in the course of this study particularly in view of one Village being located in two Townships with two school systems being involved. He further said that he felt a separate study would have to be made by the Village relating to the Town of Rye and also that the schools would definitely be brought in. - 8 - The Supervisor said she felt it was difficult to prejudge and might even be unwise since the study would have to be made from several angles. She agreed that the School Boards would certainly be brought in and also agreed with the thinking of Trustees Porter and Purves that all must be included and that all that was being undertaken now was a study of the feasibility of possible consolidations in services. Mrs. Peggy Snyder - 31 Seton Road Mrs. Snyder, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Larchmont, presented a prepared statement congratulating the Town and Village officials for adopting a positive approach to the problem of overlapping governments and requesting inclusion of citizen participation in the coming study, which was herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of this hearing. She also spoke to the last paragraph of the statement which expressed thanks and sincere appreciation to Carl Nagel who exemplified the League's goal of increased citizen participa- tion in Government and who had served his community well. Mrs. Helwig, in reply to Mrs. Snyder, stated that she thought that when the representatives met the inclusion of citizen participation would be one of the things considered and since the statement just presented had said farewell to Councilman Nagel, she felt that this was the time to present his telegram which was received at 4 o'clock this afternoon and which read as follows : "Chris, Ray, Joe and Lee: Sorry to miss the finale Stop Ciao and Bon Voyage to you all Stop Signed -- Carl" She further stated that she regretted very much that she had not known Mr. Nagel would not be present at this meeting since, if this had been known, the Board would certainly have presented a resolution to him at its December 1st meeting. Whereupon on motion unanimously made and seconded, the follow- ing resolution was adopted to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in tribute to Carl Nagel and forwarded to him with gratitude, sincere thanks and all good wishes for the future: WHEREAS, the Honorable Carl E. Nagel, Jr. , Town Councilman of the Town of Mamaroneck for the past four years, will retire from that office on December 31st, 1971; and WHEREAS, as Councilman, his expertise and special - knowledge in the field of business management were of great value to the Town; and WHEREAS, he devoted his time as a member of the - 9 - Joint Survey Committee to re-study the possibility of consolidation of govern- ments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board, do hereby adopt this resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in tribute to Carl E. Nagel, Jr. and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy be forwarded to him with the Board's deep appreciation, sincere thanks and very best wishes for the future. Mr. William Fernschild Mr. Fernschild requested the Board to give consideration to studying the advantages of consolidation versus de- segregation, calling to attention various efforts in New York City in that direction. He stated that many of his friends felt that there was a closer contact with citizens if the governments stayed decentralized rather than consolidated. The Supervisor replied that the members of this Board were unable to give any facts at the present time but, as Mr. Purves had pointed out, the study should reflect disadvan- tages as well as advantages. In conclusion Councilman Vandernoot stated that he felt there might well be as many ideas as people in this study and Council- man Bloom observed as very encouraging the interest shown by the governing bodies of the three communities and the School Boards in working together to ascertain how best the interest of all concerned could be served. Mr. Otto Scheuble - 3 Rock Ridge Road Upon recognition, Mr. Scheuble stated that at the last meeting the Board had approved the installation of a full stop sign at the intersection of the Dunkin Donuts' driveway and Rock Ridge Road and inquired whether a dead-end sign could not be installed here since strangers had no way of knowing that Rock Ridge Road was a dead-end street. Cars leaving Dunkin Donuts constantly travelled up Rock Ridge Road and had to turn around in driveways, etc. , in order to get back to the Post Road. Since this was under Mr. Aitchison's jurisdiction, the request was referred to him. Mr. Scheuble also requested that a traffic control sign be in- stalled at the northerly side of Boston Post Road and east of the center driveway to the Ferndale Shopping Center reading "Stop here on red light". Since this request involved a State highway, Mrs. Helwig requested Mr. Scheuble to address a letter so stating to the Board so that it could be forwarded to the proper State agency. The Supervisor advised Mr. Scheuble that Mr. Petrillo of the New York Automobile Association was presently conducting a - 10 - traffic study of this whole area and that she would ask him whether the Rock Ridge Road traffic warranted such a sign if Mr. Scheuble would be kind enough to put his request in writing, which he agreed to do. 5. Salary Authorizations a) Recreation pursuant to memoranda of the Superintendent of Recreation under dates of December 13th and 14th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recrea- tion Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that the following Recreation personnel be engaged and compensated as set forth below: Date Name Title Effective Salary Mark D. Salottolo Rec. Assist. 12/4/71 $2.00 per hour Gary Williams Life Guard 11/26/71 if n n Gary K. Yizar Rec. Assist. 12/4/71 5.00 per session Kenneth Huepper b) Sanitation Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways under date of December 8th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of William Aitchison, Superintendent of High- ways, Benjamin W. Sands, be and he hereby is engaged as sanitation man, effective December 4th, 1971, and to be compensated at the rate of $6430. per annum. 6. Authorization - Emergency Overtime a) Police Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of December 8th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime Compensation to the following officers of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department for the number of hours set forth for each covering the period from October 25th to December 6th, 1971: - 11 - Name Hours Sgt. Loveley 34 Sgt. McClintock 92 Sgt. Silvestri 1 Det. Sgt. Barasch 32 Det. Mahoney 42 Det. Mulcahy 62 Det. Perritano 52 Ptl. Ambrosovitch 1 - Ptl.Baumblatt 5 Ptl. Coy 22 Ptl. Costello 2 Ptl. Catapano 5 Ptl. DeVico 22 Ptl. Fuller 2 Ptl. Giacomo 5 Ptl. Garrison 4 Ptl. Gerace 8 Ptl. Greenstein 1 Ptl. Hutcheon 2 Ptl. Knox 8 Ptl. Mosiello 12 Ptl. Munch 4 Ptl. Passafume 52 Ptl. Thompson 10 Total 1302 b) Fire Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of December 8th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered re- ceived and filed for the record, on motion by Council- man Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as approved by the Fire Chief, this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime Compensation to the follow- ing Firemen of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department for the number of hours set forth for each covering the period from October 27th to December 6th, 1971: Name Hours Lt. L. Testa 12 F. Felice 12 J. Garofalo 82 " S. Garofalo 14 Fireman N. Soriano 2 it C. Mirande 12 If F. Carpino 22 If N. Wilson 2 If K. Valle 10 H. Newman 15 " R. Baron 122 if M. Rappoport 28 Total 1302 - 12 - a^y rE+ 7. Survey and Monumentation Briarcliff Road - Town Property Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Supervisor by Mr. Widulski under date of December 9th, 1971 reporting on four informal proposals, in accordance with usual procedure, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes acceptance of the low bid, to wit that of T. J. McEvoy in the amount of $660. for surveying and monumentation of the Town- owned property off Briarcliff Road through which the Sheldrake River courses. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Notice of Meeting - Larchmont Village Board of Appeals Application Montessori School (Build 2nd story Addition) For the Board's information the Attorney reported that the hearing on this application had been adjourned and that Mr. Maggini, who was covering this application for the Town, would report thereon at a later date. 2. Letter, Larchmont and Mamaroneck Leagues of Women Voters A letter addressed to the Town Council by the Presidents and Environmental Quality Chairmen of the Mamaroneck and Larchmont Leagues of Women Voters on December 11th, 1971 commending the Town and Village of Mamaroneck for institut- ing a leaf composting program was herewith presented and ordered received and filed with the Supervisor expressing the thanks and appreciation of the Board. 3. Letter of Resignation Edward J. Egan, Police Pension Fund For the Board's information the Supervisor read into the record the following letter addressed to her by Edward J. Egan on November 23rd, 1971: "For the past 20 years it has been my pleasure to act as Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck. I enjoyed the work and would like to continue, but my right hand, Helen Gore, who kept the records and also did all the detail work, is confined to the hospital and has been for the last two months. The prospects of her resuming her duties in my office are not very promising. In the light of such circumstances I hereby submit my resignation. I know you will understand and I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve and also for working with you and the other Town officials." - 13 - In accord with Mrs. Helwig's request, on motion by Council- man Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was adopted unanimously to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and forwarded to Mr. Egan with the Board's sincere thanks and appreciation: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts with deep regret the resignation of Edward J. Egan as Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective as of December 31st, 1971; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation for the services Mr. Egan -- so ably and faithfully performed for the Town during the entire twenty years he served as Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund. 4. Petition against Hunting Larchmont Harbor The Town Attorney, at the Supervisor's request, presented 16 petitions carrying the signatures of 115 residents of the shorefront area of Larchmont harbor requesting the adoption of such legislation as necessary to prohibit all hunting activities in that area. He suggested that copies of these petitions be forwarded to Mayors Goldsmith and Phillips of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck respectively, Senator Gioffre, Assemblyman - Pisani and Congressman Reid inasmuch as Federal as well as State legislation might well be needed which, after some dis- cussion by the members of the Board, was so ordered. THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor at this time introduced Michael Erdman who was attending the meetings as Representative of the Mamaroneck High School Student Council for the second year, inquiring whether there were any comments or suggestions he might like to make. Michael, after thanking Mrs. Helwig, said he did not have any suggestions to offer. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November 1971. Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of November 1971. - 14 - ..._............ ... ... . Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society for the month of November 1971. Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month of November 1971. Summary of Budget Appropriations and Expendi- tures January 1st, 1971 through November 30th, 1971. Affidavit of Publication of Bond Resolution providing balance of funds for purchase of aerial ladder truck. Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the amendment to the General ordinances. The Supervisor -- 1. Plans for Larchmont Station - M.T.A. The Supervisor informed the Board of the receipt of the proposed plans for the improvement of the Larchmont Station forwarded to her by Day and Zimmerman, Architects for the M.T.A. , which had been referred to the Town Engineer for examination and further report. 2. Flood Control In relation to the flood control matters, the Supervisor referred to the possibility of filing an application for flood insurance, stating that most of the material needed was available and since the expiration date for such filing was December 31st, requested authority to apply for this insurance. Councilmen Vandernoot and Bloom inquired whether such insurance would carry any cost to the Town and were assured it would not, whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was offered and adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: WHEREAS, certain areas of the Town of Mamaroneck are subject to periodic flooding from the streams causing serious damages to residential properties within these areas; and WHEREAS, relief is available in the form of flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insur- ance Act of 1968 as amended; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board to comply with land use and management criteria regulations as required in said act; and 15 - WHEREAS, it is also the intent of this Board to recognize and duly evaluate flood hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the flood plain areas having special flood hazards; and WHEREAS, the Code Citations of any State enabling legislation and of any resulting town ordinance that authorizes this Town to adopt land use and control measures is Town Law, S175; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board hereby assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it will take legislative action as follows : 1) Enact by December 31, 1971, and maintain in force for those areas, adequate land use and control measures with effective enforcement provisions consistent with the criteria set forth in Subpart A of Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Regulations; and 2) If necessary, seek State enabling legislation conferring authority to enact land use and control measures designed to reduce the exposure of property to flood loss; and 3) Take such other official action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. Such actions will include but not be limited to: a) Assisting the Federal Insurance Administrator, at his request, in delineating the limits of the flood plain having special flood hazard on available local maps of sufficient scale to identify the location of the building sites. b) After flood insurance is made available, furnishing representatives of the National Flood Insurers Association (also appropriate Federal or State agencies, upon request) information concern- ing new or substantially improved structures within the area of special flood hazard. This information will include floor elevations and, if there is a basement, the distance between the first floor and the bottom of the lowest opening where water flow- ing on the ground will enter. c) Cooperating with Federal, State and local agencies which undertake to study, survey, map and identify flood-prone areas as well as cooperating with neighboring jurisdictions with respect to adjoining flood plains in order to prevent aggrava- tion of the flooding problem. - 16 - rz; d) Providing the name of the individual and the office that will be responsible for furnishing the first floor elevation information. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints the Town Engineer with the responsibility, authority and means to implement the commitment made herein. It was thereupon directed that the Supervisor notify Dr. Mason of the action the Board had taken. The Councilmen -- Mr. Faiola -- 1. Letter, Derrico Co. , Inc. re Recycling (newspaper pickup) Councilman Faiola reported receipt of a letter from Derrico Co. , Inc. under date of December 7th, 1971, submitting a proposal with regard to newspaper pickup which was herewith ordered received and filed. He further reported that a meeting had been arranged for this Friday with the Engineer and Highway Superintendent following which this proposal would be submitted to the Board for action. Mr. Vandernoot -- 1. Apportionments Upon presentation of the following apportionments, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions for the correction of the assessment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the cor- rection of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1970-1971, taxes of 1971, which shows property now appear- ing on the rolls as follows : - 17 - Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 123 148 John N. Malloy & Henry $2,300 -- $2,300 L. Malloy, Executors be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section - - 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 123 148 John N. Malloy & Henry $1,500 -- $1,500 L. Malloy, Executors 123 140 Gerald Ronaghan & W. 800 -- 800 and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1971-1972, taxes of 1972, which shows property now appear- ing on the rolls as follows : Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 806 700 A. Poccia & Sons $3,100 $3,600 $6,700 (Part) be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 806 700 A. Poccia & Sons $1,500 -- $1,500 806 705 Frank Giordano & W. 1,600 $3,600 5,200 (Part) and be it further RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1971-1972, taxes of 1972, which shows property now appear- ing on the rolls as follows: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 121 453 Benjamin Schlesinger &W $3,500 -- $3,500 be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Name Land Imp. Total 121 453 Benjamin Schlesinger &W $1,800 -- $1,800 121 456 Ruth S. Asher 1,700 -- 1,700 2. Appointment to Zoning Board Andrew W. Boraczek -- Mr. Vandernoot recalled to the Board the vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals and proposed the name of Andrew W. Boraczek of 85 Valley Road to fill the vacancy created by the resigna- tion of Mr. George P. K. Ching, due to his moving to Chicago. - 18 - He then presented a resume of Mr. Boraczek's background and experience which so particularly qualified him to serve in this post and thereupon moved his appointment. The foregoing motion was seconded by Councilman Faiola and the following resolution unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Andrew W. Boraczek of 85 Valley Road, Town, a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, said appointment to be for a five-year term of of- fice effective immediately and to fill the balance of the unexpired term of office of George P. K. Ching, or until February 19th, 1976; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor so notify Mr. Boraczek, cordially welcoming him to the "Town Family". The Town Attorney -- 1. Request to Engage Appraiser In connection with the certiorari proceedings on the apartments at Nos. 1-7 East Avenue, Larchmont, the Attorney requested authorization to engage Mr. Justus Schwaner as Appraiser at an equally shared cost with the Village. And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Attorney to engage Justus Schwaner as Appraiser in connection with the certiorari proceedings on the apartments at Nos. 1-7 East Avenue, Larchmont at a total cost of $1,200. , one-half thereof or $600, to be paid by the Town of Mamaroneck, the other one-half or $600. to be paid by the Village of Larchmont. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Traffic Request A resident of the Glen Road - Forest Avenue area inquired whether something could be done to relieve the traffic con- ditions in that section to which the Supervisor replied that she would be glad to refer the matter to Mr. Petrillo of the Automobile Association, who would be making a study of traffic conditions in the Town within the next several weeks, upon receipt of a letter documenting the request. 2. Mr. Robert Ward - 18 Clover Street Mr. Ward, upon recognition, inquired why the lights in Parking Lot No. 1 at the station were out a great deal of the time? Mrs. Helwig referred this question to Mr. Widulski who reported - 19 - so�'a3 that the Town had new lights but installation had been held up waiting the services of an electrician. 3. Mr. John Falvella - 6 Knollwood Drive Mr. Falvella, upon recognition, addressed the Board inquir- ing what department was responsible for the collection and maintenance of meters in the station parking lot, reporting that there were from 35 to 40 broken meters daily. The Supervisor advised Mr. Falvella that the meters were the responsibility of the Police Department to which the matter would be referred immediately. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded it was declared adjourned at 9:40 p.m., to reconvene on January 5th, 1972. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Best Uniform Co. , Inc. $ 25.00 R. G. Brewer, Inc. 134.48 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 262.88 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 561.83 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 69.29 Elgene Chemicals, Inc. 90.00 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 160.35 Franklin Cleaners 276.85 Household Kerosene Co. 24.50 Nicholas G. LaRussell 13.80 Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 228.07 New York Telephone Co. 12.32 Walter D. Rickert 354.98 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,214.35 - 20 - 2. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:45 p.m. , to reconvene on January 5th, 1972. 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