HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_12_01 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD DECEMBER 1st, 1971, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER - The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Nagel Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent PUBLIC HEARING - Installation of Full Stop Sign Rock Ridge Road The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Hearing for the record and at the Supervisor's request, read the report of the Police Chief and Board of Police Commissioners recommending the installation of the full stop sign. The Chair then declared the hearing in order and there- upon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. Mrs. Helwig explained the procedure to be followed would be that first those in favor of the application would be heard, then those in opposition. For the inform- ation of all present she advised that the request for this sign had been originated by Dr. Gerald S. Golden of 27 Rock Ridge Road and supported by the Central School P.T.A. which had this evening presented a letter so stating signed by Mrs. Rhoda Krell, President and Mrs. Doris Meister, Secretary, which was thereupon ordered received and filed as part of the record of this public hearing. Since no one else wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the request, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously - I RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. And thereupon in response to the Chair's inquiry as to the Board's pleasure, on motion by Councilman Vander- noot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Police Commission requested that Section 3 of Chapter II of the General Ordi- nances of the Town of Mamaroneck be amended so as to provide for the installation of a "Full Stop" sign going east on the driveway of Dunkin Donuts at the intersection of Rock Ridge Road as designated by the said Commis- sion; and WHEREAS, a public hearing thereon was duly held before this Board on this date follow- ing publication of the Notice of Hearing as required by law; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all persons were given an opportunity to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Chapter II of the General Ordi- nances of the Town of Mamaroneck (regulation of traffic, use of streets and highways), as last amended by resolution of this Board adopted on May 19th, 1971, is hereby further amended so as to provide for the in of a "Full Stop" sign going east on the driveway of Dunkin Donuts at the intersection of Rock Ridge Road pursuant to Section 1660, subdivision 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law as "stop intersection" and stop sign conforming in all respects with the provisions of Sections 1682 and 1683 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized and directed to post and publish this resolution as re- quired by law. NEW BUSINESS 1. Acceptance - Park Hill Lane Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Town Board by - the Engineer under date of November 23rd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts as a public street or highway of the Town of - 2 - Mamaroneck the street known as Park Hill Lane located in the Briar Hill Subdivision as shown on Map No. 13353 filed in the office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records of Westchester County, New York, on June 27th, 1962; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Town Engineer, this Board hereby cancels Performance Bond No. 74S1526BC in the amount of $5,100.00, dated June 16th, 1965, upon which The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company is Surety and Adam A. Sumetz of 570 Fenimore Road, Larchmont, New York is Principal. 2. Salary Authorizations : a) Recreation Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Recrea- tion under date of December 1st, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recrea- tion Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that the following Recreation personnel be engaged and compensated as set forth below: Date Name Title Effective Salary William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 12/4/71 $24.00 per session Irwin Davidson " if " " " " " Frank Friscia " if " IT 18.00 " IT Frank Friscia " IT " 12/3/71 20.00 " It Brian Fielding " " " " 24.00 b) Highway Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways under date of November 30th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of William Aitchison, Superintendent of High- ways, Joseph F. Tunno, be and he hereby is engaged as motor equipment operator, effect- ive December 2nd, 1971, and to be compensated at the rate of $3.80 per hour. c) Community Beautification Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Mr. Leddy under date of December 1st, 1971 herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously 3 - RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the engagement of John Eney to work on the Community Beautification Project under the direction of P.T. Leddy for 15 working days at a rate of $2.25 per hour, in a total amount not to exceed the sum of $180.00. 3. Payment of Insurance Claim The Clerk referred to the communication addressed to him by Knox, Lent and Tucker, Inc. under date of November 29th, 1971 requesting reimbursement in the amount of $107.30 for insurance claims. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council- man Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of claim of Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc. , in connection with settlement of claims of Donald Vecherelli, Mary J. Negroz and Louise D. Cristina under Town Policy IkRLU46716 with Royal Indemnity Company, containing a $50.00 deductible property damage clause. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter from County Committee on Budget and Appropriations - Solid Waste Disposal The Supervisor explained that copies of a letter addressed to the Mayors and Supervisors of the Cities and Towns of Westchester County by Henry R. Barrett, III, Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Appropriations of the County Board of Legislators, dated November 26th, 1971, had been forwarded to each member of the Board along with a copy of the statement presented at the County Hearing on Novem= ber 13th, and inquired the Board's pleasure since Mr. Bar- rett had requested action by the Board on this matter. Councilman Bloom stated that he felt there had been some changes made following the hereinabove referred to hearing as demonstrated by paragraph 7 of Mr. Barrett's letter and suggested that the Board forward again the very fine statement presented by the Supervisor in its behalf, re- inforcing the position taken therein. The Supervisor stated that she would so answer Mr. Barrett. 2. Canvass of Election The Clerk presented the Statement and Decision of Canvass of the General Election of November 2nd, 1971, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. 3. Order, I.C.C. re: New York, New Haven and Hartford R.R. The Attorney advised the Board that a copy of the Inter- - 4 - state Commerce Commission Order under date of November 23rd, 1971, regarding Finance Docket No. 21669, New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company reorganization compensation, which was herewith ordered received and filed, had been forwarded for the Board's information since it was an interested party in this matter. NOT ON AGENDA 1. Request - Solicitation Appalachian Drive Cappy Hill, Mamaroneck High School Student The Clerk presented a request submitted by Miss Cappy Hill, Mamaroneck High School student, for permission to conduct a door-to-door solicitation for the collection of money and clothing for the needy in the Appalachian District throughout the Unincorporated Area prior to Christmas,. She further stated in her letter that this collection would be in addition to that in the school and that permission had already been granted by the Village of Mamaroneck. Councilman Faiola after complimenting this fine student project, suggested that the Board not only grant the request but offer any storage facilities or other assist- ance possible and thereupon so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nagel and unanimously adopted. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Town Clerk for the month of October 1971. Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of October 1971. The Supervisor -- Not on Agenda a) Dr. C. Alan Mason - 482 Weaver Street Mrs. Helwig, noting the presence of Dr. Mason, advised that the Board had very little to report other than receipt of the list of requirements necessary for filing the application for aid. Dr. Mason thanked Mrs. Helwig for this information and advised that although the Committee had no further develop- ments to report at this time, it was continuing with its research and efforts. 5 - b) Mr. Emanuel Warshauer - 30 Doris Lane The Supervisor also recognized Mr. Warshauer, inquiring whether he wished to address the Board at this time. Mr. Warshauer thanked Mrs. Helwig and said no, not at the moment since the matter with which they were concerned was still pending. 1. Recreation Coordinating Committee The Supervisor after stating that personally she felt it would be highly desirable to have a Committee of this kind inquired the Board's pleasure, adding that she under- stood the School Board had already taken the necessary action to establish such a Committee. If the Board favored the creation of such a Committee, she recommended the appoint- ment of three persons namely, the Recreation Director, a member of the Recreation Commission, and a member of this Board. The Board unanimously approved the establishment of such a committee in principal, whereupon on a motion by Council- man Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unani- mously so resolved. Mrs. Maria Russell of the League of Women Voters questioned the Board as to its intention re the release of the County Recreation Report which, she said, the League was anxiously awaiting. In reply the Supervisor stated that hopefully it would be released within the next week or so. 2. Meeting on County Sales Tax Proposal The Supervisor advised the Board of Mr. Michaelian's invitation to all Village Mayors and Town Supervisors to meet with him on Monday evening, December 6th, to discuss the reactions of towns and villages to his proposed County sales tax, explaining that he had already met with City Mayors on November 22nd. After some discussion, the members of the Board seemed inclined to favor the sales tax -- being unenthusiastic toward a question on establishing off-track betting, and loath to further increase property taxes. Councilman Nagel disfavored all proposed alternatives stating that he thought we were evading the basic issue and stating that we had to start right here with an austerity budget. He further said that with all due respect to the Budget Committee, he had been appalled at the 1972 preliminary budget which reflected an in- crease of 8.9 percent over 1971 and felt we would just have to do without some things rather than to increase the budget annually and pass it on in sales taxes, property taxes, or whatever. He referred as an example, to the point raised by Mrs. Bernard Russell, Council observer for the Larchmont League, who at the public budget dis- cussion Monday evening took exception to a $5,000. item for clothing and equipment for the Fire Department. 6 - c Councilman Vandernoot, who with the Supervisor and Comp- troller was a member of the Budget Committee, stated that cuts had been made in the budget requests and certainly that not nearly all asked for had been given. He added though that rising costs made some increases necessary in order to "just keep the shop running." Councilman Faiola in speaking for the Fire Department and other department appropriations, pointed out that - this year the Board was faced with demands that it had been putting aside year after year but which he said did not just go away and which together with the large part of the local budget mandated by the State and Federal governments and even by the County, accounted to a large degree for the increased budget. Councilman Bloom after observing that at first glance it would seem that the sales tax would be the easiest way to gain the revenue, warned that it might not be the answer, referring as a case in point to Connecticut's experience. In so vital a matter as this, he said, he wished there was time to conduct a survey of the residents in order to get their opinions and suggestions -- where- upon the Supervisor called on the press, asking Lynne Groh, reporter for the Daily Times, whether the paper could not include an invitation to residents to express their views as to the way they preferred to raise the needed revenue -- whether it was by a 25% increase in property taxes, or by a 1 to 3% increase in sales tax, or by the introduction of off-track betting, etc. In speaking of the proposed sales tax increase Mrs. Helwig said it was her understanding that a 1% tax would reduce the amount of the property tax increase by 75%, or to about 7%; that a 2% sales tax would keep the real estate taxes as they were at present; and that a 3% tax would yield $25,000,000. to the County and thus permit a cut in the present property taxes. The Councilmen -- Not on Agenda Mr. Faiola -- Mr. Faiola stated that he had a question which he would like to clarify -- namely, whether if a request for aid was made to the County, State or Federal government by any Committee, it was first cleared by this Board, which was answered affirmatively by the Chair. Mr. Bloom -- 1. Appointment to Planning Board - James G. Couch Councilman Bloom referred to the vacancy on the Planning Board due to the resignation tendered by Mr. Howard Hand and placed in nomination to fill it the name of James G. Couch, presenting a brief resume of his particular quali- fications and experience and moving with great pleasure his appointment to the post. - 7 - Councilman Nagel stated that he was delighted to second this motion and thereupon it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints James G. Couch of 53 Echo Lane, Town, a member of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, to fill the vacancy on that Board created by the resignation of Mr. Howard Hand and to serve for the unexpired portion of his term of office, or until July 6th, 1972. The members of the Board expressed their gratification that Mr. Couch could find the time and was willing to serve in this important post, and requested the Super- visor to express their feelings to Mr. Couch in a note notifying him of his appointment and welcoming him to the Town family. Not on Agenda 1. Report - Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting Mr. Bloom stated in answer to Mr. Faiola's earlier question that the Conservation Advisory Committee, serving as co- ordinator, the two Villages, the Schools, C.E.Q. and the Life Center were applying for federal aid for the engagement of a full-time Environmental Educational Coordinator to serve the entire community. Details of funding beyond the first year were not entirely clear, he stated, but he believed in general terms that like similarly funded programs, the fed- eral funding would reduce materially the second and each succeeding year thereafter. Mr. Bloom also briefly summarized a discussion occurring at the Conservation meeting re duck shooting. He reported that Mrs. Munzer had recited the New York State Conserva- tion law obtaining and had then heard Mr. Bud Jobson and Mr. Martin Dubilier, owners of Great Knoll Island, speak at some length as well as a group of neighboring residents who registered their protests to this shooting on the Island or in blinds on the grounds that it was both danger- ous and objectionable noise-wise inasmuch as it created a nuisance and disturbance of the peace. The Supervisor stated that she understood some of the shooting was from boats traveling off shore which Mr. Bloom said was so and which he believed would be under federal law since the waters of Long Island Sound were under fed- eral jurisdiction. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared - adjourned at 9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on December 15th, 1971. 8 - i BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con- vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting . 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Com- missioner Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Com- missioner Nagel, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Post Lodge Restaurant $1,853.00 Family Food Market 143.81 R. G. Brewer 20.18 Con Edison of N.Y. 339.44 Con Edison of N.Y. 5.00 Exterminating Services Corp. 21.00 Charles Greenblatt Co. 10.10 Homelite 39.85 I & T Plumbing & Heating Co. 28.10 Lawrence Fuel Oil Service 118.68 McGuire Bros., Inc. 10.00 The New Rochelle Water Co. 90.00 New York Telephone Co. 141.73 Robert's 47.70 Wolfs Head Oil Refining Co. 65.40 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,933.99 2. Report Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month of November 1971, which was ordered received and filed for the record. 3. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meet- ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:10 p.m. , to reconvene on December 15th, 1971. To er 9 _