HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_10_20 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Leddy - Conservation
Mr. Paonessa - Building and Plumbing Inspector
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
OPENING OF BIDS - Shoulder Improvement
Old White Plains Road
The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the
Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud
the following bids, advising that proper bid checks or
bonds accompanied each and that the non-collusive statements
had been signed:
Bidder Bid
J. Bilotta $27,630.
J. Carducci 8,500.
Councilman Faiola recommended that the usual procedure in
the award of bids be followed and on his motion, seconded
by Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid
of the low bidder, to-wit that of J. Carducci, in
the amount of $8,500. , for shoulder area improvement
along the easterly side of Old White Plains Road
-- just north of Bruce Road, Town of Mamaroneck, West-
chester County, New York, in accordance with the
specifications set forth in the Notice for Bids,
provided that upon examination by the Town Engineer,
Town Attorney, Superintendent of Highways and Comp-
- 1 -
troller, said bid is found to be satisfactory
in all respects;
and be it further
RESOLVED, the Clerk be and he hereby is directed
to return the bid checks or bid bonds to all
except the successful bidder.
1. Report on Bids - Highway Radio Equipment
The report on the bids addressed to the Town Board by the
Engineer under date of October 19th, 1971 was herewith
presented and ordered received and filed for the record.
Councilman Faiola advised the Board that following the
examination of the bids he had pointed out that since the
low bid did not conform in one particular respect with the
specifications, he recommended that the bid of Motorola
be accepted in the amount of $13,184. , which he accordingly
so moved.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nagel who inquired
as to the delivery time, which Mr. Faiola said would be
somewhere in the neighborhood of six weeks, and thereupon
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of Motorola in the amount of $13,184. ,
for two-way radios to be installed in the
Highway Department equipment of the Town of
Mamaroneck in accordance with the specifica-
tions set forth therefore;
and be it further _
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
directed to return the bid check or bid bond
to all except the successful bidder.
2. Reports of Planning Board on:
a) Permit for Off-street Parking Area
49 Dillon Road (Mr. Gene Sogioka)
A memorandum addressed to the Town Board by the Engineer
on behalf of the Planning Board under date of October 15th,
1971, was herewith presented and ordered received and filed
for the record.
Councilman Vandernoot inquired whether this required Town
Board action and, at the Supervisor's request, Mr. Paonessa,
the Building Inspector, explained that it did since part
of the property for the proposed off-street parking area
was Town-owned.
The Supervisor noted that the request had been granted by
the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to approval by this
Board and recalled a similar instance on Mountain Avenue
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which the Board had approved several years ago.
She inquired, if there were no more questions, as to the
Board's pleasure in this matter, and thereupon Councilman
Vandernoot moved that the request be approved.
Councilman Faiola, after observing that he felt the Board
should do everything possible and make every effort to
' cooperate with citizens with special requests of this kind,
seconded the motion and thereupon the following resolution
was adopted unanimously:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permis-
sion to Mr. Gene Sogioka, owner of the premises
located at 49 Dillon Road and known as Block
505, Parcel 598 on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck, to construct a portion of the
off-street parking area on Town-owned property
subject to a License Agreement to be drawn by the
Town Attorney and executed by the owner of the
subject premises, Mr. Gene Sogioka, and the Super-
visor on behalf of the Town.
Councilman Bloom urged that although the Town had granted
Mr. Sogioka's request, the Planning Board and the Engineer
make every effort to resolve the access right-of-way with
Mr. Brian Doherty.
At this time the Clerk called to the Chair's attention
Mr. and Mrs. Sogioka's arrival and the Supervisor there-
upon informed them of the action just taken by the Board.
Mr. Sogioka thanked the Board for its consideration and
expressed his appreciation of the time they had given his
b) Permit to Construct Stone Wall
119 Rockland Avenue (Mr. John Collins)
A memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer on
behalf of the Planning Board under date of October 15th,
1971 regarding Mr. John H. Collins ' application for permis-
sion to construct a wall along the east branch of the She1-
drake River on a part of his premises at 119 Rockland Avenue
was presented and herewith ordered received and filed for
the record.
The Supervisor inquired whether a public hearing must be held
on this request and if so, asked the Board's pleasure in fix-
ing a date.
Councilman Bloom stated that he did not believe a public
hearing was required if there was proof that there would be
no enlargement of the parking lot at the Badger Day Camp
by the construction of this proposed wall even though it was
alleged that the permission was being sought for this purpose.
He then asked the Engineer whether the plan filed with the
application showed any enlargement of the parking lot, and
upon his reply that it did not, offered a motion approving
the request which was seconded by Councilman Faiola, with
the following resolution thereupon adopted by unanimous vote
of the Board:
- 3 -
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permission
to John H. Collins, owner of the premises at 119
Rockland Avenue, known as Block 210, Parcel 789 on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck,
to construct a wall along the portion of the bank of
the east branch of the Sheldrake River on Badger Day
Camp property, in accordance with the plan prepared
by Dolph Rotfeld, Professional Engineer, herewith
filed with this Board and subject to the conditions
recited in the memorandum addressed to the Board
by the Engineer for the Planning Board, heretofore
presented and filed as part of the record of this
meeting reading as follows:
1. That before any construction of a new
wall is started, a land surveyor or
professional engineer layout the loca-
tion of the proposed wall in the field and
said layout be approved by the Town Engineer.
2. That the rock along the bed of the brook and
along the bank be removed to upland areas.
Also, any brush or dead trees along the en-
tire property stream bank be removed to im-
prove the stream's capacity.
1. Assessor's Report -
Assessor Training Course -
October 11 thru 15
A report addressed to the Board by Neal Doyle, Assessor,
under date of October 18th, 1971 reporting in detail on the
Training Course for Assessors held last week in Albany was
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
Councilman Bloom observed that this was a very fine written
report such as the Board had requested from staff members
after their attendance at meetings or conferences and it
was hoped, he said, reports such as this would be submitted
regularly in the future.
2. Salary Authorizations for:
a) Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Recreation
under date of October 14th, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vander-
noot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that
the following Recreation personnel be engaged
and compensated as set forth below:
- 4 -
Name Title Effective Salary
Danny DeLeonardo Sr. Rec. Leader 10/9/71 $18.00 per session
Tom Krawczyk " if if " 20.00 "
Richard Owen Rec. Specialist " "
Tom Auchterlonie " " " "
Charlene Auchterlonie IF "
Vicky Kaunitz " "
Paula Summit it
William Reilly Sr. Rec. Leader 10/8/71 18.00
- Richard Owen IF It " IF " "
Tom Auchterlonie 11 " " "
Richard Rello " if "
James Renkins n " IF it n
William Reilly " " 10/18/71 18.00 " IF
Carolyn Cooke " " 10/20/71 IF " if
Pat Baragwanath " " if 15.00 " "
Sally Williams Rec. Assistant 10/16/71 1.85 per hour
b) Fire Lieutenants (3)
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
on October 13th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to resolution adopted by
the Board of Fire Commissioners on October 6th,
1971 appointing Frank J. Felice, Santo G. Garofalo
and Joseph A. Garofalo Fire Lieutenants of the Town
of Mamaroneck arid, in accordance with the recommenda-
tion of the Fire Council, this Board hereby author-
', izes each to be compensated in the amount of $11,585.
per annum, effective October 7th, 1971.
The Supervisor explained for the benefit of all present
that salary increases could be paid only in the case of
promotion since the period of the freeze inaugurated on
August 15th, 1971.
3. Transfer of Funds
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller under date of
October 20th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola,
seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1971 Budget and Surplus Funds:
A/C 501 - General Fund - $2,500.00
Town Wide Surplus
A/C 601 - General Town Wide Appropriation
(A/C 8510.2 - Bulldozer 2,500.00
Rental - 203)
A/C 501 - General Fund - 12,910.00
Town Wide Surplus
A/C 601 - Misc.General Fund - 11,000.00
Town Wide Appropriation
A/C 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes
A/C 9730.7 Interest Bond 1,910.00
Anticipation Notes
- 5 -
A/C 501 - General Fund - Town Wide Surplus $25,504.01
A/C 601 - General Town Wide Appropriation 25,504.01
(General Recreation - A7180.4
Pool - Town's Share)
Special District Surplus - 3,274.01
(Lighting District iklA/C503)
Lighting District #1 Appro. A/C 606 3,274.01
(Street Lighting 5182.4 A/C 402 -
Operation (Energy)
Mrs. Maria Russell inquired what the $2,500. transfer for
the bulldozer rental was for and was answered by the Super-
visor that this amount was transferred for the purpose of
setting up an appropriation for community beautification.
4. Authorization to Advertise for Bids for:
a) Passenger Car
Following the Supervisor's explanation that the specifica-
tions for the purchase of a 1972 passenger car had been
prepared, and in reply to her inquiry as to the Board's
pleasure in advertising for bids therefor, on motion by
Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was
-- RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to
be returnable at the next regular meeting of this
Board, and opened and read aloud on that date, for
a 1972 Passenger Car, in accordance with the speci-
fications set forth in the Notice, provided that the
said specifications have been approved by the Town
Attorney prior to the publication of the aforesaid
Notice for Bids.
b) Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Eng-
ineer under date of October 19th, 1971, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman
Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to
be returnable at the next regular meeting of this
Board, and opened and read aloud on that date, for
sidewalk repairs and replacement in various locations
in the Town, in accordance with the specifications set
forth in the Notice, provided that the said speci-
fications have been approved by the Town Attorney
6 _
prior to the publication of the aforesaid
Notice for Bids.
5. Authorization for Purchase
of Jury Room Chairs
The Supervisor briefly explained the request of the Town
Justices for the purchase of six Jury Room chairs at this
date with payment to be made in next year's budget, in-
quiring the Board's pleasure.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the purchase of six Jury Room chairs for the sum
of $298. , payable January 1st, 1972.
6. Snow Removal 1971-72
a) County Roads
Pursuant to communication of the Administrative Assistant
of the Westchester County Department of Public Works under
date of October 8th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to sign the Agreement with the
County of Westchester for the removal of snow
and ice on County Roads within the unincorpor-
ated area of the Town of Mamaroneck, at a flat
rate of $300.00 per mile for the 1971-1972
winter season.
b) State Highways
Pursuant to communication of the Westchester County Commis-
sioner of Public Works under date of October 7th, 1971,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous
vote of the Board, all members thereof being present and
WHEREAS, Sect. 12 of the Highway Law, as amended
by Chapter 305 of the Laws of 1946, provides that
if the removal of snow and ice from the State
Highways is taken over by the County, the County
can arrange with the Town Superintendents or
Village Street Commissioners of the various towns/
villages in the County of Westchester and the Vil-
lages therein for the removal of the snow and ice
from such State Highways as are within their muni-
cipal boundaries and the entire cost of such work
will be reimbursed by the State;
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck under date of
- 7 -
November 8, 1946 entered into a contract with
the County of Westchester for the removal of
snow and ice from the State Highways within
the said Town in accordance with the provisions
of Sect. 12 of the Highway Law as amended, and
under date of October 21st, 1970 extended the said
contract for the 1971-1972 season;
-- RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck extend
the above-mentioned contract with the County of
Westchester for an additional year;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution
be forwarded to the Westchester County Commissioner
of Public Works.
7. Request of Monterey Realty Corp. -
Engagement of Fire Expert
A communication addressed to the Building Inspector by
Judge Munn Brewer for Monterey Realty Corp, under date of
October 14th, 1971 and memorandum addressed to the Board
by Mr. Paonessa on October 19th relating thereto were
presented and herewith ordered received and filed for the
Councilman Faiola stated that he would like to recommend
that this matter be referred to the Fire Council for recom-
mendation to this Board. The Supervisor asked in the inter-
est of time whether it would not be possible to have the
Board act on this proposal this evening subject to the approval
of the Fire Council, with which suggestion, the members of the
Board were unanimously in agreement.
Further, Councilman Bloom expressed some concern about the
language of Judge Brewer's communication and Mr. Paonessa's
memorandum, and suggested that the last paragraph of the
memorandum be amended prior to the adoption of any resolu-
tion by the Board so as to read as follows which accordingly
was unanimously directed:
"Therefore, it is respectfully requested that the
Town accept the services of Gage, Babcock and Associ-
ates, Inc. and that their report and findings include
any recommendations necessary for adequate and reason-
able fire protection for the occupants thereof."
And thereupon on Councilman Faiola's motion, which was seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that subject to approval of the Fire
Council of the Town of Mamaroneck, this Board
hereby approves the proposal of Monterey Realty
Corp. , namely that Clarence J. Winquist, Profes-
sional Engineer and Vice President of Gage, Bab-
cock and Associates, Inc. , be engaged as the fire
safety expert to determine the accessibility of
fire apparatus into the interior court of Building B,
Chatsworth Gardens Apartments (now 16 North Chatsworth
Avenue) , said expert to be compensated in full by
8 -
Monterey Realty Corp.
8. Change of Date Town Board Meeting -
November 3 to November 10
Pursuant to the Supervisor's suggestion that the first
meeting in November be postponed to November 10th due
to the mandated dates for budget this year which she
explained were presentation of the preliminary budget
on November 10th and budget hearing on or before Decem-
ber 20th, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the first regular meeting in
November be postponed from Wednesday, Novem-
ber 3rd to Wednesday, November 10th, 1971.
1. Notice of Meeting -
Larchmont Village Board of Appeals
The Clerk reported on a Notice of meeting before the Larch-
wont Village Zoning Board of Appeals this evening which had
been referred to the Attorney, and since it required no
action by this Board, was ordered received and filed for the
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were
ordered received and filed:
Report of the Town Clerk for the month of
September 1971.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the month of September 1971.
Affidavit of Publication of the 1971 list of
Town of Mamaroneck Polling Places.
The Supervisor --
1. Report - Recreation Coordinating Committee
The Supervisor briefly reported on a meeting held in Dr. Nor-
wood's office regarding the formation of a Recreation Coordin-
ating Committee and on the subsequent rough draft forwarded
by Dr. Norwood and Mr. DaBramo on October 4th, 1971, out-
lining a proposed Commission to the said Committee. She highly
endorsed the creation of this group and added that while there
were no definite recommendations from the Recreation Commission
as yet, both John Stahr and Jim Kronenberger felt that the
- 9 -
formation of this Committee was a gigantic step forward in
planning for recreational activity.
Councilman Faiola stated that he would certainly be in favor
of going in on a joint program but thought that perhaps some
more study should be made for the expending of funds --who
picks up the tabs and in what share?
The Supervisor explained that this Coordinating Committee,
as she understood it, would not be empowered to expend money.
She requested that any changes that any member of the Board
might wish to have made be submitted so that a reply to
this draft could be formulated and forwarded in the
near future.
2. Memo of Police Chief -
re: Full Stop Sign
The Supervisor presented a memorandum addressed to her by
the Police Chief under date of October 19th, 1971 request-
ing the installation of a "Full Stop" sign on the driveway
of Dunkin Donuts exiting on to Rockridge Road and the erec-
tion of a temporary stanchion, as described in the memo-
randum, at the intersection of Forest and North Chatsworth
Avenues, which was herewith ordered received and filed for
the record and upon Councilman Faiola's suggestion, referred
to the Police Commission for recommendations in accordance
with the usual custom.
3. Letter, Police Chief Lifrieri
At the request of the Supervisor a letter addressed to her
on October 19th, 1971 by Police Chief Louis Lifrieri of
the Village of Mamaroneck was read and, upon her advising
the Board that a copy had been forwarded to the Police
Commission, it was decided that a copy be filed with the
minutes of this meeting.
Mrs. Helwig and the members of the Board joined in express-
ing their thanks and appreciation to Police Chief Lifrieri
for his letter highly complimenting Detective Ralph Perritano
and other members of the Department on their fine performance
in the discharge of their duties.
The Councilmen --
Mr. Faiola --
1. Letter, Dr. Roth
re: Use of Garage at 1201 Palmer
In accordance with Mr. Faiola's request, the Clerk read a
- letter addressed to the Supervisor by Dr. Joseph M. Roth
under date of October 14th, 1971, requesting permission for
the Volunteer Ambulance Corps to house their ambulance in
the garage on the Town Court property at 1201 Palmer Avenue
and the use of a small room in the building for an office.
This note also extended an invitation to the Supervisor and
members of the Board to attend a meeting of the Volunteer
Ambulance Corps on Friday evening, October 22nd at 8 P.M.
- 10 -
at the Weaver Street Firehouse.
Councilman Faiola, in speaking to the request, said that he
and the members of the Citizen Corps had made a study of several
nearby highly successful volunteer units which had been in-
corporated and proceeded independent of any government or politi-
cal agency. He commended Dr. Roth highly on his indefatigable
— efforts in working on this project and advised the Board of
Dr. Norton's approval and his offer of the use of certain
hospital facilities for some of the group training. When the
— training involved was completed, Mr. Faiola said, those persons
so trained would be "paramedics", adding that he would like
to recommend to the Board that it help this dedicated group
by granting the requests in Dr. Roth's letter, which he there-
upon so moved.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nagel and following
Councilman Vandernoot's question of whether the garage was
large enough and Mr. Faiolds reply that it was long enough
but it might have to have new doors, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permission
to the Volunteer Ambulance Corps to use the garage
at the Court House at 1201 Palmer Avenue as a
temporary facility to house the ambulance and a
room in the building for an office.
Not on Agenda
Mr. Nagel --
1. Questionnaire - Winthrop and Plymouth Streets
Mr. Nagel stated that certainly all were aware of the time
this Board had given the Winthrop Street-Plymouth Road and
Kentucky Fried Chicken problem and said he would like to
compliment Madam Supervisor on the very fine questionnaire
she had developed and mailed to each resident of these two
streets requesting their wishes on the items set forth therein
concerning this matter. He expressed the hope that the resi-
dents would respond -- thus letting the Board know where
they stood -- and further expressed the hope that this type
of questionnaire would serve as a model for future problems
of this kind, a model which certainly earned a credo for
the Supervisor.
Mr. Vandernoot
1. Letter - Narcotics Guidance Council
and Request for "Hot Line" on
Town Envelopes
Councilman Vandernoot presented a letter addressed to the
Supervisor by the Narcotics Guidance Council under date of
October 14th, 1971 reporting the engagement of Mr. John
Whitlock of Mount Vernon as Projects Coordinator, together
with a request for the "Hot Line" number to be stamped on
all Town of Mamaroneck envelopes which were herewith ordered
received and filed for the record.
He commented on the fact that there had been a lot of talk
about what the Council could do -- and what it couldn't do--
- 11 -
G'r y
remarking that our Council was one of the newest in the
State and that it was experiencing growing pains during
this period which certainly was to be expected.
He observed further that only one of the original members
of the Council was still serving and Mr. Vandernoot compli-
mented most highly the fine work those original members
had done as well as the terrific job performed by Dr. Margery
Bernstein while she served as Chairman. He also called at-
tention to the fact that the amount of money allotted to
this Council by the State was second only to that allotted
Yonkers, and concluded his remarks by observing that he
personally believed that tangible results of the work of
this Council would be clearly seen in the near future as
the Council proceeded under the guidance and leadership of
its new Chairman, Dr. Feuerbach, who already visited and
met with each of the Council's various sections.
As to Mrs. Donnelly's request for use of the "Hot Line"
number on all Town envelopes, after stating that he could
see no objection thereto, Mr. Vandernoot recommended it
be granted which he then so moved. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Nagel and it was thereupon so ordered by unani-
mous vote of the Board.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
_ on motion duly made and seconded it was declared adjourned
at 9:05 p.m. , to reconvene on November 10th, 1971.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Nagel, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims
be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor
and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of
the Fire Department budget:
R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 78.73
Dri Chem Extinguisher Co. 635.05
Frank's Fuel, Inc. 18.00
The Larchmont Print 28.50
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 15.00
New York Telephone Company 135.67
Suburban Communications, Inc. 77.50
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 988.45
2. Communications
a) Councilman Faiola reviewed a letter addressed to
the Supervisor by Robert F. Duonola of R.D.Y13, Nichols
- 12 -
Street, Carmel, New York, complimenting and highly commend-
ing Mr. James Laverty on his assistance to Mr. Duonola and
his family when his car became disabled on the Thruway
and following that at his own home on the very rainy Sunday
afternoon of October 10th, which was herewith ordered re-
ceived and filed as part of the record of this meeting.
All of the members of the Board expressed their individual
comments stating that Mr. Laverty should be congratulated
and that he was an asset to the Fire Department and to the
3. Other Business
a) The Fire Chief --
Chief Forti called attention to tomorrow night's Annual
Fire Inspection, expressing the hope that all would be pres-
ent on this auspicious and happy occasion.
4. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:10 P.M. , to reconvene on November 10th, 1971.
Tov Cle
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