HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_07_07 Town Board Regular Minutes 8
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meetings of May 19th and June 2nd,
1971 were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded,
approved as submitted.
OPENING OF BIDS - Highway Radio Equipment
The Supervisor reported that the Clerk had before him the
bids for Highway radio equipment returnable at this meeting
in accordance with the Notice published therefor and stated
that, on advice of the Town Attorney, the said bids would
be returned unopened due to an illegal area-limit clause
set forth in the specifications. She further stated that
it would be necessary to readvertise for such bids to be
returnable at the August 4th meeting and inquired the
Board's pleasure.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Vandernoot, it was unanimously
— RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to
- 1 -
be returnable August 4th, 1971, and opened and
read aloud at a regular meeting of this Board
at 8:15 p.m. on that date, for a Highway Radio
System in accordance with the specifications
set forth in the Notice for Bids.
REPORT ON BIDS - Murray Avenue
Emergency Sewer Reconstruction
At the Supervisor's request, the Clerk read the following
report of the bids opened at 11:00 o'clock this morning
in the Supervisor's office:
Calcagni Construction Co. , Inc. $37,602.00
Salvatore Micelli 87,755.00
Felix Contracting Corp. 49,235.00
The Supervisor inquired whether the Board wished to follow
the usual course in awarding this bid, whereupon the Town
Attorney called to the Board's attention that the low
bidder must agree to waive the extra work section of the
specifications prior to any award of contract.
And thereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the low bidder, to-wit that of Calcagni
Construction Co. , Inc., in the amount of
$37,602.00, for installation of approximately
200 linear feet of sewer to replace an existing
sewer line on Murray Avenue between Maplewood
Street and Maple Hill Drive in the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, in
accordance with the specifications set forth in
the Notice for Bids, provided that said bidder,
namely, Calcagni Construction Co. , Inc., agrees
to waive the item captioned "extra work" on
page 9 of the specifications, and provided that
upon examination by the Engineer, Attorney,
Highway Superintendent and Comptroller, said
bid is found to be satisfactory in all respects;
and be it further
RESOLVED, the Clerk be and he hereby is directed
to return the bid checks or bid bonds to all
except the successful bidder.
For the record, it was noted that the correct bid check
or bond and the non-collusive statement was signed by
each bidder.
1. Winthrop-Plymouth Dead-end
The Supervisor explained that a petition had been received
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at the last meeting of the Board from certain of the residents
on Winthrop Avenue and Plymouth Road requesting that Winthrop
Avenue be dead-ended.
She further stated that at a meeting on the site attended by
Department Heads, State Department of Transportation officials,
and some residents of the area, the State had indicated it
would not object to the proposal, and therefore the Engineer-
ing Department had started its work to implement the request.
She then asked the Attorney what legal steps were involved
in such a procedure, whereupon he advised that a public
hearing must be held and the Board then determine whether or
not it would be in the best interest of the health, welfare
and safety of the community to dead-end the street.
He further recounted that compensatory awards would have to
be made to any persons suffering property diminuition, adding
that he had met this afternoon with the Title Guaranty in
order to institute the necessary title searches on the affected
properties. In addition, he stated, it would probably also
be necessary to have appraisals made of the aforesaid affected
The Supervisor then inquired whether all of these steps could
be taken prior to the August 4th meeting, to which Mr. Johnston
replied there was some question inasmuch as the Title Guaranty
was unable to give him any definite assurance that it could
complete all of this work within that time.
Councilman Faiola questioned the Attorney's statement that
compensatory awards must be made, asking whether this would
not depend on the results of the title searches and determin-
ations made -- which the Attorney said was so.
The Supervisor then asked whether there were any further
questions from the Board and since not, recognized Mr. and
Mrs. DiFiore, Mr. Fuhrmann, and other residents of the area
who were present inquiring whether anyone wished to address
the Board at this time?
Mr. Fuhrmann asked where the proposed plan could be reviewed,
whereupon Mrs. Helwig explained that the plan had not been
finished until 5 o'clock thus prohibiting duplication for
this meeting. However, she continued, copies would be
made and forwarded to the residents.
And thereupon since there were no further questions, the Chair
inquired the Board's pleasure in fixing a date for the public
hearing, whereupon on a motion offered by Councilman Nagel
and seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held
before this Board at its next regular meeting on
Wednesday evening, August 4th, 1971, in the Council
Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, at 8:15 p.m of
that day, for the purpose of considering the re-
quest to dead-end Winthrop Avenue;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
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authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
Notice of such Hearing as required by law.
2. Authorization for Additional Costs -
Leatherstocking Trail
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of July 6th, 1971 herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted on May 19th,
1971, is amended so as to read as follows :
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
an expenditure not to exceed the amount
of $5,100. for pipe (approximation 500 feet
at $4.00 per foot) and rental of crawler or
track type machine for three days at $275.
per day, plus $100. transportation cost
for draining Leatherstocking Trails, which
work shall be expedited in every way pos-
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1971 Budget and Surplus Funds :
General Fund - Townwide - Appropriation -
- Miscellaneous
(Contingency Fund A/C 1990.0) $5,100.00
General Fund - Townwide - Appropriation -
Community Beautification
A/C 8510.4 $5,100.00
3. Curbing Extension - Old White Plains Road
The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by
the Town Engineer under date of July 6th, 1971 which was
herewith ordered received and filed, requesting author-
ization for additional costs in curbing on Old White Plains
Pursuant thereto, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of the sum of $770. to cover the cost
of 140 linear feet of additional curbing on
Old White Plains Road, based on the unit
price of $5.50 per foot.
4. Report - Bicycle Licensing Program
The Clerk read into the record the following report addressed
to the Board by Thomas Mahoney, Youth Officer, under today's
4- -
"Since the new Ordinance became effective on
June 1st, 1971, more than 1300 bicycles have
been registered.
Tests have been conducted and registrations
issued in cooperation with Roy O'Neil at
various schools. Following close of school,
tests were conducted at Hommocks School on
Saturday mornings and approximately 100
additional bicycles registered.
Residents wishing to obtain registration
stickers can now come into the Police
Station individually."
5. Adoption of Capital Note Resolution
(Purchase of Garbage Truck)
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller under date of July 7th, 1971 herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, the following
resolution was offered by Councilman Faiola, who moved its
adoption, seconded by Councilman Nagel, to-wit:
WHEREAS, by proceedings heretofore had and taken
pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law, the
Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, has conducted a public hearing
on the question of the purchase of a new garbage
disposal truck for Garbage District No. 1 in said
WHEREAS, said Town Board hereby finds and determines
that the purchase of such truck is in the public
interest based upon the evidence given at said
public hearing;
WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financ-
ing of the purchase of such truck;
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, Westchester County, New York, as follows :
Section 1. The specific object or purpose to be
financed, in part, pursuant to this resolution is
the purchase by the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, for and on behalf of Garbage
District No. 1 in said Town, of a 1971 GMC truck
with loadmaster packer for use as a garbage dis-
posal truck.
5 -
Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of such
specific object or purpose is $14,785. and the plan
for the financing thereof consists of the issuance
of $13,974. capital notes of said Town, hereby
authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the
Local Finance Law, with the balance, in the amount
of $811. to be provided by a trade-in of used
equipment. All further powers in connection with
the details and sale of said capital notes are
hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief
fiscal officer of said Town.
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the
period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid
specific object or purpose is five years, pursuant
to subdivision 28 of paragraph a of Section 11.00
of the Local Finance Law.
Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, are hereby
irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal
of and interest on such notes as the same respectively
become due and payable.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilman Faiola Voting Aye
Councilman Nagel Aye
Councilman Vandernoot " Aye
Councilman Bloom " Aye
Supervisor Helwig " Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
6. Report on Special Election -
Mr. Gronberg
The Clerk noted for the record the receipt of the Affidavit
of Publication of the Notice for the special election on
June 15th, 1971 and reported the result of the June 29th
election as follows:
Yes 390
No 1402
This report was hereby ordered received and filed as part
of the record of this meeting.
7. Transfer of Funds - Police Station Expense
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller addressed to the
Board under date of July 6th, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1971 Budget and Surplus Funds :
- 6 -
General Fund - Town Outside Villages -
Appropriation Miscellaneous
(Contingency Fund A/C B9490.0) $1,200.00
General Fund - Town Outside Villages -
Appropriation Miscellaneous
(Police Station and Court House
Projects A/C 9206.0) $1,200.00
1. Proposed Ordinance - Sale of Air Guns,
Spring Guns and Slingshots
The Supervisor read the text of the proposed Ordinance
prohibiting the sale of air guns, spring guns, slingshots or
other such instruments propelling a missile, stating that each
member of the Board had been furnished a copy. She also
noted the existing Ordinance regarding discharge of firearms,
and pointed out the differences between the proposed Ordinance
and the existing one.
She further stated that a question regarding the proposed
Ordinance had been raised by one member of the Board who
had asked why an Ordinance identical to that of Larchmont
Village could not be adopted by the Town, explaining that
the Village Ordinance did not cover the purpose of the pro-
posed Ordinance as shown by the underlined material which
was new.
Upon recognition, Mrs. Rhoda Krell, President of the Central
School Parent-Teacher Association, addressed the Board stat-
ing that they had been made aware of this need from windows
broken by shooting pellets from slingshots at the Central
School, aid that they had tracked down where these were sold
finding that they could be bought in only one store in the
entire community with that particular store located in the
Unincorporated Area, adding that they were indeed happy that
this Ordinance was before the Board so promptly.
Mr. Richard J. Martinetti of 8 Winthrop Avenue, upon recogni-
tion, addressed the Board observing that the Town had an
Ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms and whether,
if the proposed Ordinance were adopted, it would be the same
as the Gun Control Act meaning that a permit would have to
be issued to possess such weapons?
Councilman Bloom observed that he thought something needed
to be done about the wording since if permits were necessary,
there were no provisions for their issuance incorporated in
the text of this Ordinance as submitted.
Councilman Nagel suggested that the proposed Ordinance be
tabled in favor of further study, adding that he would very
much like to see the same Ordinance adopted in the Town as
existed in the Village of Larchmont.
The Supervisor pointed out that since the Larchmont Ordinance
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did not contain certain wording needed for the Town, its
Ordinance would have to be amended to make it applicable to
the Town's situation, adding that she did not like to delay
the hearing past the next meeting of the Board since this
might defer action past school opening.
Councilman Faiola stated that he did not wish to have the Board
rush into this and that he agreed with Councilman Nagel that
the matter be tabled, whereupon Councilman Nagel moved that
this be tabled until the next meeting of the Board with an
immediate conference set up with the Village of Larchmont.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Faiola.
Mrs. Krell, upon recognition by the Chair, spoke to this
motion reminding the Board that Larchmont Village did not
have this problem which existed only in the Town, and there-
fore urging that action be taken before the reopening of school.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Krell and since there were no
further comments, inquired whether the Board was ready for
the question, whereupon the following resolution was offered.
RESOLVED, that the matter of the adoption of the
proposed Ordinance which prohibits the storage,
possession, sale, use or discharge of airguns,
spring guns, slingshots or instruments or
weapons which propel a missile be tabled until
the next meeting of the Board on August 4th,
1971, pending further study and conference with the
Village of Larchmont re adoption of an identical
Ordinance for the Town and that Village.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by majority vote of the
Board with Councilmen Nagel, Faiola, Vandernoot and Bloom
voting Aye, and Supervisor Helwig voting naye.
2. Authorization - Expenses Fire Chief's
Annual Convention
Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief, dated June 7th,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for
the record, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Council-
man Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permission
to the Fire Chief and the Deputy Fire Chief to
attend the New York State Fire Chief's Association
Convention, at the Concord Hotel, Monticello, New
York, June 20th through June 23rd, 1971, with expenses
to be paid from the proper item in the Fire Department
budget not to exceed the sum of $525.
3. Salary Authorizations for:
a) Summer Recreation Personnel
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, dated July 6th,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Nagel,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission and the Superintendent of Recreation,
this Board hereby authorizes the following revised
- 8 -
salary expenditures to the persons named on the
list herebelow inserted, for the terms of employ-
ment and at the rate of compensation for each as
set forth thereon:
(next page)
9 -
Program Director
William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $160.00
Flint Park
John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 130.00
Maragret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks (PT) 60.00
Central School
Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 120.00
Kay Francis Richards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 125.00
William Celestino Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 75.00
Regina Poccia Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00
Murray Avenue
Johanna Bloch Sr. Rec. Leaden 7 Weeks 110.00
Albert Banda Sr. Rec. Leader _ 6 Weeks 80.00
Kenneth Huepper Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00
Susan Guberman Rec. Assistant 1 Week 65.00
Gail Bongiovanni Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks 65.00
Memorial-Park .
Debra Paonessa Rec. Assistant 2 Weeks 50.00
Inesa,Ferraro Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks 50.00
Leonard Lipton Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 135.00
Steve Madey Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 100.00
Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 80.00
Nina Gelband Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 65.00
James Cowen Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 65.00
Chatsworth Pre School
Jean Ann Santoro Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 55.00
Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Mary Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Weekb 36.00
Irene Reisman Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Carole King Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Kathy Megroz Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Rosemary Dellapina Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 50.00
Bertha Batzanian Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Nature Study
Susan Bloch Rec.CSpecialist & 7 Weeks 60.00
-- Central Pre School
Maureen Cumming Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $55.00
Mary Jill Fisher Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Michelle Licea Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Patricia Vallieri Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Carol Ann Mirande Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Patricia Chapin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Kathleen Gray Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Beth Levine Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Maev Brennan Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Special Education
Nancy Wilson Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 70.00
Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 75.00
Jerry Zell Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55.00
Sue Faller Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00
Nella Briotta Rec. Assistant _ 6 Weeks 48.00
Joann Myers Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00
Rita Marsella Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00
Nora Mazzone Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00
Music Workshop
Julian Spencer Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 135.00
Margaret Santoro Rec. Specialist 6 ,Weeks 60.00
Phil Sussman Rec. Specialist 1 Week- 55,00
Paulette Ensigh Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 60.00
James Rubinger Rec, Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
Brendan O'Keefe Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 33.00
David Boal Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
- Marcia Sussman Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
Barbara Yu Rec. Specialist 3 Weeks 30.00
Tennis Instruction
Kerin McTeigue Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00
Claude Estwick Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 60.00
Art Workshop
Margot Howe Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00
Marcy Fitz Maurice Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 45.00
Basketball & Fitness
Ralph Bilbao Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 50.00
Richard Owen Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $125.00
Vicki Kaunitz Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 125.00
Dorothy Mancini Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Arthur Mannix Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Shelly DeBramo Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Mamaroneck Avenue
Barbara Ryan Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 750.00 TOTAL
Ellen LoGuidice Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 500.00 TOTAL
Amy Franklin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 360.00 TOTAL
b) Recreation - Pool Personnel
Pursuant to memoranda of the Superintendent of Recreation
under dates of June 9th, 16th, 18th, 30th and July 1st, 1971,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that the
following pool personnel be engaged and compensated
as set forth below:
Name Title Date Salary
William Ackerman Life Guard P.T. 6-1-71 $ 2.25 per hour
Douglas Greene " if " " " it "
Patricia Baragwanath " if "
Jean Emerich
Mary Feni.ch
Patricia Spencer
Leonard Lipton Rec. Spec. 5-17-71 3.50 !'
Steve Meday " " " "
Nina Gelband " 2.00 "
Tom Authterlonie Pool Director 6-17-71 4500.00 per annum
Mark Sherman Life Guard 6-14-71 2.00 per hour
Linda Williams Rec. Attendant " 1.95 " "
Gary Williams " " " " " "
Patrick McEvily it if 7-5-71 1.85
c) Police Patrolman
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of June 23rd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Police Chief,
this Board hereby authorizes that John J. Thompson
be and he hereby is appointed Police Patrolman of
the Town of Mamaroneck effective as of June 17th,
1971 and to be compensated at the rate of $9,273.
per annum.
d) Highway Laborers
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways under
date of June 28th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Roger W. Kessinger, be and he hereby is engaged
as Highway Laborer, effective June 28th, 1971,
and to be compensated at the rate of $3.08 per
and be it further
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Charles H. Reilling, be and he hereby is engaged,
subject to physical re-examination in 6 months,
- 11 -
as Highway Laborer, effective June 21st, 1971, and to
be compensated at the rate of $3.08 per hour.
e) Sanitation Men
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways
under date of June 22nd, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Paul D. Yizar, Jr. and John A. Patterson, be
and they hereby are engaged as Sanitation Men,
each subject to physical re-examination in six
months, effective June 21st and June 28th, 1971
respectively, and each to be compensated at the
rate of $6,430. per annum.
4. Retirement - Helen Kirvin
The Supervisor announced that Mrs. Helen Kirvin, Switchboard
Operator of the Town of Mamaroneck since July 1968, had
retired as of the 30th of June. She complimented Mrs. Kirvin
on her faithful discharge of duty and loyalty to the Town
during her employment, suggesting that a resolution be placed
on the record expressing the Town's appreciation for her
service and best wishes for the future.
And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
- Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted.
WHEREAS, Mrs. Helen Kirvin, Telephone Operator
of the Town of Mamaroneck from July 1968, retired
from office on June 30th, 1971;
WHEREAS, during her tenure of office, she was
untiring in the performance of her duties
which were discharged always with diligence
and competence;
WHEREAS, she dedicated herself at all times to
serving the best interests of the Town of Mamaro-
RESOLVED, that the Board hereby adopts this
resolution to be spread upon the minutes of
this meeting in appreciation to her;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to her with the sincere thanks of
this Board and the Town of Mamaroneck staff.
- 12 -
5. Authorize Supervisor to Sign
Premium River Condemnation Petition
The Supervisor explained that the Board was now ready to
proceed with the condemnation petition on the Premium River
Lands whereby an authorization for the Supervisor to sign
the petition was needed, whereupon on motion by Councilman
Nagel, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
-- RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to execute on behalf of this Board,
the petition of condemnation for certain Premium
Point lands as set forth therein.
6. Application for Special Permit for
Caddy and Golf Cart Enclosure - Bonnie Briar
The Clerk presented the application of the Bonnie Briar
Country Club, Inc. for a Special Permit to extend and
replace the existing caddy enclosure so as to provide
outdoor storage for golf carts at the westerly and southerly
side of the Golf Pro Shop, on the property located on the
west side of Weaver Street and known as Block 225, Parcel 1,
on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, together
with memorandum addressed to the Board by the Building Inspector
under date of June 15th, 1971 pertaining thereto, which were
herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of
this meeting.
In the expediency of time the Supervisor advised the Board
that the Chairman of the Planning Board along with three of
its members, Messers. Rigano, Blair and Cibulay, had conducted
a special field inspection and interviewed the affected neigh-
boring property owners, reporting their recommendations to the
Board so that the date for the required public hearing thereon
could be fixed at this time if this were the Board's pleasure.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held before
this Board at its next regular meeting on Wednesday
evening, August 4th, 1971, in the Council Room or
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver
Street, Town of Mamaroneck, on the application
of Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc. for a Special
Permit to extend and replace the existing caddy
enclosure so as to provide outdoor storage for
golf carts at the westerly and southerly side of
the Golf Pro Shop, on the property located on the
west side of Weaver Street and known as Block 225,
Parcel 1, on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
-- authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
Notice of such Hearing as required by law. .
13 -
7. Approval of Claim - Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc.
The Clerk referred to the communication addressed to him
by Knox, Lent and Tucker, Inc. under date of June 28th,
1971 requesting reimbursement in the amount of $50. for
an insurance claim.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of claim of Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc. ,
in connection with settlement of claim of
Helen A. Higgens, under Town Policy #RLU467166
with Royal Indemnity Company, containing a
$50.00 deductible property damage clause.
8. Authorization - Purchase of Motor Scooter
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Conservation Department under date of July 2nd, 1971,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
purchase of a motor scooter to be used by the
Conservation Department for spraying drains and
manholes in connection with the joint Mosquito
Control Program, from the Village of Mamaroneck
for the sum of $100. , said funds being available
in the 1971 Conservation budget.
At this time the Chair recognized Mrs. Ann Hockman who, she
remarked, was responsible for the inauguration of the joint
Mosquito Control Program and whom she felt should be highly
commended at this time.
Mrs. Hockman thanked the Supervisor and congratulated the
Board on its acquisition of this equipment for the Town's
implementation of its Mosquito Control Program.
9. New York State Police Chiefs ' Conference
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission, dated
June 16th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Chief O'Brien to attend the Annual Conference
of the New York State Chiefs of Police to be
held in Rochester, New York from July 25th,
1971 through July 29th, 1971, with expenses
not to exceed the sum of $275. to be paid by
the Town, and Car #5 to be used for trans-
10. Advertise for Bids - Fuel Oil
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of June 23rd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
- 14 -
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to be
returnable August 4th, 1971, and opened and read
aloud at a regular meeting of this Board at 8:15
-- p.m. on that date, for Fuel Oil and Servicing Oil
Burners, in accordance with the specifications set
forth in the Notice, provided that the said speci-
fications have been approved by the Town Attorney
Prior to the publication of the aforesaid Notice
for Bids.
1. C.E.Q. Petition
re: Municipal Collection of Paper
The Supervisor stated that all members of the Board had
received a copy of the communication addressed to her
by Citizens for Environmental Quality, dated June 24th,
1971, herewith ordered received and filed, regarding the
installation of a newspaper recycling program.
She stated further that the Board would be very glad to
recognize anyone present who was interested in speaking
on this, whereupon Mrs. Hockman, speaking for Walter Coupe
Chairman of C.E.Q. , asked what the Board was going to do
and when?
The Supervisor referred the question to the Highway Super-
intendent, Mr. Aitchison, who stated that he was working
with Mr. Kellogg of the Village of Larchmont and it was
hoped a once-a-month collection could be started some time
next month.
Mrs. Hockman explained why the paper collection had been
requested and said that members of C.E.Q. would be very
glad to assist the program in any way possible.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Hockman and said that she thought
that C. E. Q. could be of invaluable help by conducting an
educational program.
Councilman Bloom asked how residents would be notified, to
which the Supervioor replied that she believed that notices
could be sent by the Highway Department (just as they had
always been on collection information) and through the press.
Mr. Bloom said that he felt strongly that fliers hand-delivered
by the Sanitation men would certainly be needed prior to begin-
ning such a program.
Mr. Herbert Golden recited that there were presently some
eight municipalities engaged in separate pickups and that
it was felt the degree of success in each case depended on
how much communication took place, reciting as an example
New Rochelle where the program was very feeble possibly
- 15 -
due to its publication only by fliers distributed by high
school students and the press -- adding that certainly
C.E.Q. would do whatever possible to assist in publicizing
the Town program.
In reply to a question as to where the paper would be sold
Mr. Aitchison stated that he believed the market had to be
found but he thought the closest one at present was in
-- The Supervisor closed the discussion by stating that the
Board would keep in touch with C.E.Q. and expressing its
thanks and appreciation to that organization for its offer
of help.
2. Announcement - Office for Local Government
Regional Meetings, White Plains City Hall,
July 16th, 1971
The Supervisor stated that all members of the Board had
been furnished copies of the meeting schedule and expressed
the hope that any of the Board members who could would
attend the July 16th session in White Plains along with
the Assessor, Comptroller and herself.
Not on Agenda
3. Letter from Lee P. Gagliardi,
Chairman Board of Police Commissioners
The Supervisor explained that Mr. Lee P. Gagliardi's report
on the I.A.C.P. Study had been received late this afternoon
thus prohibiting its inclusion on the agenda, directing that
it be presented and thereupon received and filed as part of
the record of this meeting.
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed.
Report of the Town Clerk for the months of
May and June 1971.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of June 1971.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the months of May and June 1971.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society
for the month of June 1971.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month
of June 1971.
- 16 -
J. O'Brien Chief: $ 16,260. $62.54 5 $ 312,70 5 $ 312.70
J. 3taropoli Li.eu.tenant 13,700. 52,69 5 263,4+5 5 263.45
C. Lovveley Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 222,80 5 222.80
E. Bakker Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 22200 5 222. 80
D. McClintock Sergeant 11,585. 44,56 5 22220 5 222.80
F. Silvestri, Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 :i 222,80 5 222.80
W. Federi.ce Sergeant 11,585. 44,56 5 222.80 5 22200
0. Mulcahy Detective 11,000. 42.31 5 21105 5 211,55
E. Agnessanto Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 4 161.32
N. Giacomo Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201,65 5 201.65
A. Lii'rierl. Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 201,65 5 201.65
W. O'Rorke Patrolman (1/1 -4/7/71) 10,485, 40.33 3
Sergeant (4/8 - 12/31) 11,585, 44.56 2 210, 11 5 222,80
R. Winckler Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 4 161, 32 --
J. Costello Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201,65 5 201.65
P. Diamond Patrolman 10,485, 40,33 5 20135 5 201.65
R. Perr.i.tano Detective 11,000. 4201 5 21105 5 21105
A, Ambrosovitch Patrolman 10,485. 4003 5 201.65 5 201.65
R. Barasch Sergean..t:(1/l - 4/7/71) 11,585, 4436 3
Det. Sgt. (4/8 -- 12/31) !2, 100. 46.54 2 226.76 5 232. 70
A. Leviness Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 201.65 5 201,65
T. Vitro Patrolman 10,485. 4003 5 201, 65 5 201.65
F. DeVico Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 20105 5 201.65
W. Coy Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201.65 5 201.65
V. Garrison Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 201,65 5 201.65
C. Baumblatt Patrolman.(1/l - 7/14/71) 10,182, 39.16 5 19520
(7/15-12/31/71) 10,485. 40.33 5 20135
R. Fuller Patrolman (1/1 - 7/28/71)10,182, 39.16 5 195. 80
(7/29-12/31) 10,485. 40,33 5 201.65
P. Adams Patrolman (1/1 -10/6/71) 10,182, 39,16 5 19530 1
(1017 - 12/31) 10,485. 40,33 4 200.48
T. Mahoney Detective (1/1 - 8/11/71)10,697. 41, 14 5 205.70
(8/12-12/31) 11,000. 42.31 5 211.55
J. Greenstein Patrolman(1/1-3/10/71) $ 9,879. $38.00 3
(3/11 - 12/31) 10, 182. 39. 1.6 2 $ 192.32 5 $ 195.30
J. Anderson Patrolman (1/1 - 4/7/71) 9,879. 38.00 3
(4/8 - 12/31) 10,182. 39.16 2 192.32 5 195.230
R. H.utebeon. Patrolman (1/1 - 11/3/71) 9,37% 38.00 5 190.00 2
(11/4 -: 12/31) 10,182. 39.16 3 193.48
C. Catapano Patrolman (1/1 - 12/15/71) 9,879, 38.00 5 190.00 4
(12/16 - 12/31) 10,182, 39.16 1 191. 16
P. Gexardi Patrolman (1/1 r 8/11/71) 9,576. 3603 5 184.15
(8/12 - 12/31) 9,879. 38.00 5 190.00
L. Mosiello Patrolman (IJI - 12/15/71) 9,575, 36.83 5 184,13 4
(12/16 - 12/31) 9,879, 38.00 1 185,32 �
A, Gerace Patrolman 9,576. 36.83 5 184.15 5 184. 15
J. Paonessa Detective (1/1 - 4/1/71) 11,000, 42.31 3 126.93 - --
R, Knox Patrolman (1{1. - 7/14/71) 9,273, 35.66 5 178.30
(7/15 - 12/31) 9,576. 3623 5 184.15
J, Passafume Patrolman (1/1 - 10/20/71) 9,27:3. 35.56 5 178.30 2
(10/21 - 12/31) 9;576, 36.83 3 181.81
M. Narde'lli Patrolman (1/1 - 10/20/71) 9,273, 35.66 5 175.30 2
. (10/21 - 12/31) 9,576, 36.83 3 181,81
P. Munch Patrolman 9,273. 35.66 2 71.:32 5 178.30
$7,732760 $7746206
January 1, 1971 September 6, 1971
February 12, .1971 October 12, 1971
February 22, 1971 November 11, 1971
May 30, 1971 November 25, 1971
July 4, 1971. December 25, 1971
Note: Based on 260 working days per year to conform with other municipalities.
1;. Testa Lieutenant $11,585. $42.43 5 212. 15 5 $ 212. 15
N. Soriano Lieutenant 10,750. 39.38 5 196.90 5 196,90
C. Miranda Lieutenant 10,750. 3908 5 196.90 5 196.90
F. Felice Fireman(1/l - 1/13/71) 10,485 38.41 1
Lieutenant (1/14,_1:2/31) 10,750, 39.38 4 195,,93 5 19630
J. Garofalo Fireman 10,485, 38.41 5 192.05 5 1992.05
F. Carpino Fireman 10,485. 38,41, 5 192,05 5 192,05
J. Laverty Fireman 10,485. 38, 1 5 . 192.05 5 192,05
S. Garofalo Fireman!. 10,485. 38.41 5 19245 5 192.05
N. Wilson Fireman 10,05, 35,41 5 192.05 5 192.05
N, Valle Fireman (1/1 - 4/21) 10, 182 37.30 3
(4/22 -- 12!31) 10,435. 38.41. 2 188.72 5 192.05
H, Newman Fireman (1/1 ° 6/30) 9,575, 35.08 4
(7/1 - 12/31) 9,879.. ._ .--:36. 19 1 176.51 5 18005
R. Baron Fireman (1/1 .- , 5/19) 9,273. 3308 3
(5/20 _ 12/31) 99576. 35.08 2 172, 10 5 175,40
M, Rappoport. Fireman (1/28 -• 12/31) 9,273, 33.98 4 13532 5 169.90
B. Ca.11ahAn Fireman (1/28 - 12/31) 9,273. 33.98 4 135,92 5 169.90
$2,571.30 $2,651..30
PAYMENT JJLY_l4y_ 1971. (,5) PATENT DECEMBER 29, 1971 ,11
January 1, 1971 September 6, 1971
February 12, 1971 October 12, 1971
February 22, 1971 November 11, 1971
May 30, 1971 November 25, 1971
July 4, 1971 December 25, 1971
Note! Based on 273 working days per year to conform with other municipalities.
b) Fire
Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief, dated May 25th,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed
for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of holiday compensation on July 14th
and December 29th, 1971, to the members of the
Fire Department as set forth on the list inserted
16 -
3, Salary Authorizations
a) Summer Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission and the Superintendent of Recreation,
this Board hereby authorizes the following salary
expenditures to the persons named on the list
herebelow inserted, for the terms of employment
and at the rate of compensation for each as set
forth thereon:
(next page)
17 -
Program Director
8 Weeks $160.00-
William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader
Flint Park
Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 60.00
John Nagel 7 Weeks
Margaret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader
Central 1_ School
6 Weeks 120.00
Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 75.00
William Celestino Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 125.00
Sr. Rec. Leader
Kay Francis Richards 6 Weeks 60.00
Rec. Assistant
Murray Avenue School
7 Weeks 110.00
Johanna Bloch Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 80.00
Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 65.00
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00
Kenneth Huepper Rec. Assistant
Memorial a k
Rec. Assistant
7 Weeks 65.00
Sailing Instruction
8 Weeks 135.00
Leonard Lipton Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 100.00
Steve Madey Rec. Specialist, 8 Weeks 65.00
Rec. Specialist 80.00
Nina Gelband 8 Weeks
Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist
Chatsworth Avenue Pre School 55.00
Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 36.00
Jean Santoro 7 Weeks
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Darcy Paige Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Mary Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 33.00
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Carole King Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks
Tennis Instruction 75.00
Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00
Kerin McTeigue
Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks
Central School Pre School $50.00
7 Weeks 45;00
Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 38,00
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33,00
Maureen Cumming gec. Assistant 7 Weeks
Rec. Assistant 33.00
7 Weeks 33,00
Michelle Licea Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 33.00
Patricia Vallieri Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks Mary Wilson Rec. Assistant 33.00
Cathy O`Keefe 7 Weeks 33.00
Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Kathleen Cray Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks
Carol Ann Mirandi Rec. Assistant
Patricia Chapin
Special Education 100.00
6 Weeks 55.00
Sr. Rec. a 6 Weeks 55.00
Wilson 6 Weeks 48,00 Rec. Assissttannt t
Nancy Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks
3erry Zell Rec, Assistant 60.00
6 Weeks 48,00
Sue Fallar
Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 4g,00
Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks
Neils Briotta Rec. Assistant 42.00
6 Weeks 42,00
Joann Myers Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks
Rita Marsella Rec. Assistant 48.00
6 Weeks 60.00
Nora Mazzone Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks
Patricia Kohourt Rec. Assistant
Kim Hardingham
Art W_ or_ k_ s_hop 65.00
Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 45.00 7 Weeks
Rec. Specialist
Music WO_ r�°P 135.00
Rec. Specialist 6 Wee 6 Weeks Weeks 55,00
Julian Spencer Rec Specialists 55.00
Margret Santoro Rec. Specialist
-- 6 Weeks 6 Weeks 55.00
Sames Forger Rec. Specialist 35.00
Philip Sussman Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 35.00
Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 35,00
6 Weeks
Rec. Specialist 30.00
Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00 6 Weeks
Rec. Specialist 30.00
Rec. Specialist
6 Weeks
Mamaroneck Avenue School 7 Weeks 900.00 TOTAL
Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 710.00 TOTAL
Sr. Rec. Leader
Basketball & Fitness 7 Weeks
Sr, Rec. Leader
cs 125.00
6 Weeks 125.00
Rec. Specialist 6 weeks 50.00
Richard Owen Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks
Vicki Raunitz 50.00
Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Arthur Maanix Rec, Assistant 6 Weeks
Rec. Assistant
b) Conservation
Pursuant to memorandum of P. T. Leddy under date of June 2nd,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
engagement of the following persons by the
Conservation and Recreation Departments to be
employed for the periods stated and authorizes
their compensation at the hourly rates stated
James Cowen 6/17-8/11 Recreation $ 2.25 per hour
Paul Giacomo 6/3 -6/16 if " " "
6/17-8/11 Conservation if it "
John Eney 6/5 -6/16 Recreation " if "
6/17-8/11 Conservation it
Kim Purcell 6/17-8/11 Sen. Rec. Attendant 2.50
4 Town Acceptance of Lundy Lane
and Part of Iselin Terrace
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town
Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways under date of
June 2nd, 1971 recommending acceptance of the improvements
for the subdivision known as Lundy Lane Sections I and II,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts as
public streets or highways of the Town of
Mamaroneck the subdivision known as Lundy
Lane Sections I and II comprising 0.17 miles
and part of Iselin Terrace comprising 0.06
miles, said roads running west of Harrison
Drive as shown on Maps 1 and 2, Numbers 14956
and 14957, filed in the office of the County
Clerk, Division of Land Records, of Westchester
County, New York, on September 14th, 1966.
Not on Agenda
5. Stoppage in Murray Avenue Sewer
At the Supervisor's request the Engineer presented a
memorandum addressed to the Board under date of June 2nd,
1971 describing a stoppage in the section of the Murray
Avenue sewer between Maplewood Street and Maple Hill
Drive as an emergency and therefore requesting that it be
so authorized by the Board so that informal bids for the
needed repairs could be taken and returned to the Super-
visor immediately upon preparation of the plans and
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommend-
ation of the Town Engineer as presented in writ-
ten statement dated June 2nd,, 1971 and herein
received and filed as part of the record of this
- 19 -
meeting, this Board hereby declares the present
condition of the Murray Avenue sewer between
Maplewood Street and Maple Hill Drive to be an
emergency situation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that accordingly the Town Engineer be and
he hereby is authorized to prepare plans and speci-
fications for such work as needed immediately with
informal bids taken to be returned to the office
of the Supervisor at the earliest possible date.
1. Petition - Kentucky Fried Chicken
Previously discussed.
2. Letter, Automobile Club of New York
3-Year Award
For the Board's information the Clerk read into the record
a letter addressed to the Supervisor by Gilbert B. Phillips
of the Automobile Club of New York under date of May 20th,
1971, which read as follows :
"We are pleased to announce that the Board of
Judges of the American Automobile Association's
Pedestrian Safety Inventory Program has awarded
your community a Pedestrian Safety Citation for
achieving a record of having no pedestrian fatal-
ities in the last three years.
In recognition of this fine achievement, we are
pleased to invite you to a luncheon to be held
on Wednesday, June 2nd, at Tavern-on-the-Green,
Central Park West at 67th Street in Central Park,
New York City, to honor your community and other
award-winning communities in this area. Our special
guest, the Honorable Vincent L. Tofany, Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles, will present the awards.
A pre-luncheon reception will begin at 11:30 a.m.
Free parking is available.
We hope you will be able to join us on this day.
Please let me know whether you, or an alternate
you may wish to designate, will attend.
I should like to take this opportunity to extend
to you my personal congratulations for your fine
efforts in safeguarding pedestrians in your
community and I look forward to seeing you on
June 2nd,"
The Supervisor advised the Board that Chief O'Brien had
attended this event today on behalf of the Town.
- 20 -
3. Resolution - County Legislature -
Committee on External Affairs
The Supervisor presented a resolution adopted by the
County Legislature's Committee on External Affairs under
date of May 5th, 1971, a copy of which was directed to be
forwarded to the Highway Superintendent, Town Engineer and
each member of the Board.
-- 4. Letter re: Summer Hours
The Clerk read into the record a letter addressed to the
Board by William Paonessa for the Town Office Staff
requesting reconsideration of a petition presented at the
last meeting of the Board carrying the signatures of a
majority of the office staff and requesting that the office
hours during the months of June, July and August be 9:00 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Following discussion by the members of the Board, it was
unanimously agreed that reconsideration of this matter
would be entertained were those employees who had signed
the original petition to indicate to the Board their
preference for summer hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
or 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of May 1971.
Annual report of the Supervisor for the year
ended December 31st, 1970.
Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for
roadway improvements on Old White Plains Road.
Affidavit of Publication of the Annual report
of the Supervisor for the year ended December
31st, 1970.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society
for the month of May 1971.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month
of May 1971.
The Supervisor --
1. Letter, C.A.P.
For the record the Supervisor read the following letter
addressed to her on May 25th, 1971 by Mrs. Selena M.
Grissom, Chairman of C.A.P. :
"The Board of the Greater Mamaroneck Community
- 21 -
Action Program has asked me to express their
appreciation for the Town's funding of a co-
ordinator for the Narcotics Guidance Council's
walk-in-clinic. We are all aware of the serious
need for a person in this position, and congrat-
ulate you upon your swift and commendable action."
Mrs. Helwig commented that certainly a large part of the
credit in this matter went to Councilman Vandernoot.
Not on Agenda
Amendment of Rules and Regulations
Pursuant to the Supervisor's request that the Board formally
amend the Rules and Regulations for Town of Mamaroneck
personnel adopted December 15th, 1965,in accordance with the
memorandum addressed to the Highway, Sanitation and Park
Departments by her for the Town Board on November 5th, 1970,
on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman
Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Rules and Regulations for Town
of Mamaroneck Personnel, adopted on December 15th,
1965, be amended so as to read as follows:
2. Vacations
Vacations are granted as follows : (Scheduled by Highway
--- 6 months or more employment - 1 week
1 year or more employment - 2 weeks
10 years or more employment - 3 weeks
15 years or more employment - 4 weeks
(When a legal holiday falls within an employee's
vacation, an additional day is granted. )
The Councilmen --
Mr. Vandernoot --
1. Appointments - Narcotics Guidance Council
Councilman Vandernoot stated that there were several
resignations on the Narcotics Guidance Council so that it
was necessary to make some additional appointments at this
time. He presented resumes of Dr, Frederick J. Feuerbach,
Jr. , commenting that Dr. Feuerbach had been very responsible
in setting up the Narcotics Guidance Council and the anti-
drug program, Reverend Gary Hall, serving as Assistant
Minister in the Larchmont Avenue Church and Joseph A. Notaro,
an Attorney residing in the Village of Mamaroneck.
He called to attention that this was a joint operation
conducted by the Town and two Villages and that the appoint-
ments were made subject to their approval.
22 -
And thereupon on his motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Dr. Frederick J. Feuerbach, Jr. ,
Reverend Gary W. Hall and Joseph A. Notaro be
and they hereby are appointed members of the
Narcotics Guidance Council, effective immedi-
ately and to serve at the pleasure of the
Boards of Trustees of the two Villages and
this Board;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that letters of welcome be addressed to
each of the new members and letters of apprecia-
tion and thanks to each of those resigning from
the Council.
2. Renewal Bond Anticipation Note
Premium River Project
For the Board's information, Councilman Vandernoot reported
that renewal borrowing of the Bond Anticipation Note in the
amount of $72,000. for the Premium River Project had been
purchased by the County Trust Company at 2.85%.
Not on Agenda
Mrs. William Snyder, President of Larchmont League
of Women Voters
Mrs. Snyder, upon recognition by the Chair, addressed the
Board inquiring on the status of the Joint Municipal Survey
The Supervisor advised Mrs. Snyder that a meeting had been
held last Saturday and that all three municipalities were
working toward the release of a report in the near future.
Not on Agenda
Councilman Faiola --
1. Radio Equipment for Highway
Councilman Faiola advised the Board that since it had
authorized advertising for bids for the necessary radio
equipment for the Highway cars at the last meeting, he had
learned that it was possible to lease such equipment which
he understood became the property of the lessee upon the
expiration of a certain rental period. Since the specifi-
cations for such equipment necessary for bids had been
found to be extremely complicated, he requested authorization
for rental thereof subject to the Attorney's approval.
Councilman Bloom asked whether he was correct in understand-
ing that after leasing such equipment for a certain period
of time, it became the property of the lessee? Councilman
Faiola replied that this was what he had been told but would
defer to the Attorney for further information about the
- 23 -
proposed rental.
Mr. Irving Scharf - 334 Richbell Road
Mr. Scharf, upon recognition, addressed the Board inquiring
whether the Mamaroneck High School Band was asked to partici-
pate in the Memorial Day Parade?
The Supervisor replied that she was not at all certain but
that she did know that the rainy weather in Mamaroneck
on the day of the scheduled parade had prohibited some of
the participants from marching.
Mr. Augustine W. Di Fiore - 18 Winthrop Avenue
Mr. Di Fiore, upon recognition, inquired of the Board
whether any recommendations had been received from the
Zoning Board concerning particular conditions for the
issuance of special permits?
Mrs. Helwig replied that the Board had not received these
as yet but it was understood that such recommendations
were presently being drawn up.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:35 p.m. , to reconvene on July 7th, 1971.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Vandernoot,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
claims be and they hereby are approved, and the
Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the
same out of the Fire Department budget:
Best Uniform Co. , Inc. $ 130.90
Excelsior Garage &
Machine Works, Inc. 39.00
Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00
Franklin Cleaners 262.10
I & T. Plumbing & Heating Co.Inc. 33.25
Motorola C. & E. , Inc. 1,150.00
- 24 -
New York Telephone $ 10.92
Robert's 607.60
Wesco Fire Equipment &
Service, Inc. 39.00
Wesco Fire Equipment &
Service, Inc. 95.25
Total. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,375.02
2. Report
Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month
of May 1971, which was ordered received and filed for the
3. Other Business
The Fire Chief announced that the Annual Firemen's Ball
would be held on May 29th, 1971 and expressed the hope that
all who could would be present at that affair. He also
informed the Commission that the new truck would be shown
at the New York State Firemen's Convention on June 26th, 1971.
4. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:40 p.m. , to reconvene on July 7th, 1971.
o Cl k
25 -
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Faiola
Councilman Nagel
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Altieri - Comptroller
Mr. Widulski - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meetings of May 19th and June 2nd,
1971 were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded,
approved as submitted.
OPENING OF BIDS - Highway Radio Equipment
The Supervisor reported that the Clerk had before him the
bids for Highway radio equipment returnable at this meeting
in accordance with the Notice published therefor and stated
that, on advice of the Town Attorney, the said bids would
be returned unopened due to an illegal area-limit clause
set forth in the specifications. She further stated that
it would be necessary to readvertise for such bids to be
returnable at the August 4th meeting and inquired the
Board's pleasure.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Vandernoot, it was unanimously
— RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to
1 -
be returnable August 4th, 1971, and opened and
read aloud at a regular meeting of this Board
at 8:15 p.m. on that date, for a Highway Radio
System in accordance with the specifications
set forth in the Notice for Bids.
REPORT ON BIDS - Murray Avenue
Emergency Sewer Reconstruction
At the Supervisor's request, the Clerk read the following
report of the bids opened at 11:00 o'clock this morning
in the Supervisor's office:
Calcagni Construction Co. , Inc. $37,602.00
Salvatore Micelli 87,755.00
Felix Contracting Corp. 49,235.00
The Supervisor inquired whether the Board wished to follow
the usual course in awarding this bid, whereupon the Town
Attorney called to the Board's attention that the low
bidder must agree to waive the extra work section of the
specifications prior to any award of contract.
And thereupon on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the low bidder, to-wit that of Calcagni
Construction Co. , Inc., in the amount of
$37,602.00, for installation of approximately
200 linear feet of sewer to replace an existing
sewer line on Murray Avenue between Maplewood
Street and Maple Hill Drive in the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, in
accordance with the specifications set forth in
the Notice for Bids, provided that said bidder,
namely, Calcagni Construction Co. , Inc., agrees
to waive the item captioned "extra work" on
page 9 of the specifications, and provided that
upon examination by the Engineer, Attorney,
Highway Superintendent and Comptroller, said
bid is found to be satisfactory in all respects;
and be it further
RESOLVED, the Clerk be and he hereby is directed
to return the bid checks or bid bonds to all
except the successful bidder.
For the record, it was noted that the correct bid check
or bond and the non-collusive statement was signed by
each bidder.
1. Winthrop-Plymouth Dead-end
The Supervisor explained that a petition had been received
- 2 -
at the last meeting of the Board from certain of the residents
on Winthrop Avenue and Plymouth Road requesting that Winthrop
Avenue be dead-ended.
She further stated that at a meeting on the site attended by
Department Heads, State Department of Transportation officials,
and some residents of the area, the State had indicated it
would not object to the proposal, and therefore the Engineer-
ing Department had started its work to implement the request.
She then asked the Attorney what legal steps were involved
in such a procedure, whereupon he advised that a public
hearing must be held and the Board then determine whether or
not it would be in the best interest of the health, welfare
and safety of the community to dead-end the street.
He further recounted that compensatory awards would have to
be made to any persons suffering property diminuition, adding
that he had met this afternoon with the Title Guaranty in
order to institute the necessary title searches on the affected
properties. In addition, he stated, it would probably also
be necessary to have appraisals made of the aforesaid affected
The Supervisor then inquired whether all of these steps could
be taken prior to the August 4th meeting, to which Mr. Johnston
replied there was some question inasmuch as the Title Guaranty
was unable to give him any definite assurance that it could
complete all of this work within that time.
Councilman Faiola questioned the Attorney's statement that
compensatory awards must be made, asking whether this would
not depend on the results of the title searches and determin-
ations made -- which the Attorney said was so.
The Supervisor then asked whether there were any further
questions from the Board and since not, recognized Mr. and
Mrs. DiFiore, Mr. Fuhrmann, and other residents of the area
who were present inquiring whether anyone wished to address
the Board at this time?
Mr. Fuhrmann asked where the proposed plan could be reviewed,
whereupon Mrs. Helwig explained that the plan had not been
finished until 5 o'clock thus prohibiting duplication for
this meeting. However, she continued, copies would be
made and forwarded to the residents.
And thereupon since there were no further questions, the Chair
inquired the Board's pleasure in fixing a date for the public
hearing, whereupon on a motion offered by Councilman Nagel
and seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held
before this Board at its next regular meeting on
Wednesday evening, August 4th, 1971, in the Council
Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, at 8:15 p.m of
that day, for the purpose of considering the re-
quest to dead-end Winthrop Avenue;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
- 3 -
authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
Notice of such Hearing as required by law.
2. Authorization for Additional Costs -
Leatherstocking Trail
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of July 6th, 1971 herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded
by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted on May 19th,
1971, is amended so as to read as follows :
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
an expenditure not to exceed the amount
of $5,100. for pipe (approximation 500 feet
at $4.00 per foot) and rental of crawler or
track type machine for three days at $275.
per day, plus $100. transportation cost
for draining Leatherstocking Trails, which
work shall be expedited in every way pos-
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1971 Budget and Surplus Funds:
General Fund - Townwide - Appropriation -
(Contingency Fund A/C 1990.0) $5,100.00
General Fund - Townwide - Appropriation -
Community Beautification
A/C 8510.4 $5,100.00
3. Curbing Extension - Old White Plains Road
The Clerk presented a memorandum addressed to the Board by
the Town Engineer under date of July 6th, 1971 which was
herewith ordered received and filed, requesting author-
ization for additional costs in curbing on Old White Plains
Pursuant thereto, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of the sum of $770. to cover the cost
of 140 linear feet of additional curbing on
Old White Plains Road, based on the unit
price of $5.50 per foot.
4. Report - Bicycle Licensing Program
The Clerk read into the record the following report addressed
to the Board by Thomas Mahoney, Youth Officer, under today's
4. -
"Since the new Ordinance became effective on
June lst, 1971, more than 1300 bicycles have
been registered.
Tests have been conducted and registrations
issued in cooperation with Roy O'Neil at
various schools. Following close of school,
tests were conducted at Hommocks School on
Saturday mornings and approximately 100
additional bicycles registered.
Residents wishing to obtain registration
stickers can now come into the Police
Station individually."
5. Adoption of Capital Note Resolution
(Purchase of Garbage Truck)
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller under date of July 7th, 1971 herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, the following
resolution was offered by Councilman Faiola, who moved its
adoption, seconded by Councilman Nagel, to-wit:
WHEREAS, by proceedings heretofore had and taken
pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law, the
Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, has conducted a public hearing
on the question of the purchase of a new garbage
disposal truck for Garbage District No. 1 in said
WHEREAS, said Town Board hereby finds and determines
that the purchase of such truck is in the public
interest based upon the evidence given at said
public hearing;
WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financ-
ing of the purchase of such truck;
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, Westchester County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. The specific object or purpose to be
financed, in part, pursuant to this resolution is
the purchase by the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, for and on behalf of Garbage
District No. 1 in said Town, of a 1971 GMC truck
with loadmaster packer for use as a garbage dis-
posal truck.
5 -
Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of such
specific object or purpose is $14,785, and the plan
for the financing thereof consists of the issuance
of $13,974. capital notes of said Town, hereby
authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the
Local Finance Law, with the balance, in the amount
of $811. to be provided by a trade-in of used
equipment. All further powers in connection with
the details and sale of said capital notes are
hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief
- fiscal officer of said Town.
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the
period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid
specific object or purpose is five years, pursuant
to subdivision 28 of paragraph a of Section 11.00
of the Local Finance Law.
Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, are hereby
irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal
of and interest on such notes as the same respectively
become due and payable.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilman Faiola Voting Aye
Councilman Nagel " Aye
Councilman Vandernoot " Aye
Councilman Bloom " Aye
Supervisor Helwig " Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
6. Report on Special Election -
Mr. Gronberg
The Clerk noted for the record the receipt of the Affidavit
of Publication of the Notice for the special election on
June 15th, 1971 and reported the result of the June 29th
election as follows :
Yes 390
No 1402
This report was hereby ordered received and filed as part
of the record of this meeting.
7. Transfer of Funds - Police Station Expense
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller addressed to the
Board under date of July 6th, 1971, -herewith presented and
ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1971 Budget and Surplus Funds :
- 6 -
General Fund - Town Outside Villages -
Appropriation Miscellaneous
(Contingency Fund A/C B9490.0) $1,200.00
General Fund - Town Outside Villages -
Appropriation Miscellaneous
(Police Station and Court House
Projects A/C 9206.0) $1,200.00
1. Proposed Ordinance - Sale of Air Guns,
Spring Guns and Slingshots
The Supervisor read the text of the proposed Ordinance
prohibiting the sale of air guns, spring guns, slingshots or
other such instruments propelling a missile, stating that each
member of the Board had been furnished a copy. She also
noted the existing Ordinance regarding discharge of firearms,
and pointed out the differences between the proposed Ordinance
and the existing one.
She further stated that a question regarding the proposed
Ordinance had been raised by one member of the Board who
had asked why an Ordinance identical to that of Larchmont
Village could not be adopted by the Town, explaining that
the Village Ordinance did not cover the purpose of the pro-
posed Ordinance as shown by the underlined material which
was new.
Upon recognition, Mrs. Rhoda Krell, President of the Central
School Parent-Teacher Association, addressed the Board stat-
ing that they had been made aware of this need from windows
broken by shooting pellets from slingshots at the Central
School, aid that they had tracked down where these were sold
finding that they could be bought in only one store in the
entire community with that particular store located in the
Unincorporated Area, adding that they were indeed happy that
this Ordinance was before the Board so promptly.
Mr. Richard J. Martinetti of 8 Winthrop Avenue, upon recogni-
tion, addressed the Board observing that the Town had an
Ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms and whether,
if the proposed Ordinance were adopted, it would be the same
as the Gun Control Act meaning that a permit would have to
be issued to possess such weapons?
Councilman Bloom observed that he thought something needed
to be done about the wording since if permits were necessary,
there were no provisions for their issuance incorporated in
the text of this Ordinance as submitted.
Councilman Nagel suggested that the proposed Ordinance be
tabled in favor of further study, adding that he would very
much like to see the same Ordinance adopted in the Town as
existed in the Village of Larchmont.
The Supervisor pointed out that since the Larchmont Ordinance
- 7 -
did not contain certain wording needed for the Town, its
Ordinance would have to be amended to make it applicable to
the Town's situation, adding that she did not like to delay
the hearing past the next meeting of the Board since this
might defer action past school opening.
Councilman Faiola stated that he did not wish to have the Board
rush into this and that he agreed with Councilman Nagel that
the matter be tabled, whereupon Councilman Nagel moved that
this be tabled until the next meeting of the Board with an
immediate conference set up with the Village of Larchmont.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Faiola.
Mrs. Krell, upon recognition by the Chair, spoke to this
motion reminding the Board that Larchmont Village did not
have this problem which existed only in the Town, and there-
fore urging that action be taken before the reopening of school.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Krell and since there were no
further comments, inquired whether the Board was ready for
the question, whereupon the following resolution was offered.
RESOLVED, that the matter of the adoption of the
proposed Ordinance which prohibits the storage,
possession, sale, use or discharge of airguns,
spring guns, slingshots or instruments or
weapons which propel a missile be tabled until
the next meeting of the Board on August 4th,
1971, pending further study and conference with the
Village of Larchmont re adoption of an identical
Ordinance for the Town and that Village.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by majority vote of the
Board with Councilmen Nagel, Faiola, Vandernoot and Bloom
voting Aye, and Supervisor Helwig voting naye.
2. Authorization - Expenses Fire Chief's
Annual Convention
Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief, dated June 7th,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for
the record, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Council-
man Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants permission
to the Fire Chief and the Deputy Fire Chief to
attend the New York State Fire Chief's Association
Convention, at the Concord Hotel, Monticello, New
York, June 20th through June 23rd, 1971, with expenses
to be paid from the proper item in the Fire Department
budget not to exceed the sum of $525.
3. Salary Authorizations for:
a) Summer Recreation Personnel
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, dated July 6th,
1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Nagel,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission and the Superintendent of Recreation,
this Board hereby authorizes the following revised
- 8 -
salary expenditures to the persons named on the
list herebelow inserted, for the terms of employ-
ment and at the rate of compensation for each as
set forth thereon:
(next page)
9 -
Program Director
William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $160.00
Flint Park
John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 130.00
Maragret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks (PT) 60.00
Central School
Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 120.00
Kay Francis Richards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 125.00
William Celestino Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 75.00
Regina Poccia Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00
Murray Avenue
Johanna Bloch Sr. Rec. Leaders 7 Weeks 110.00
Albert Banda Sr. Rec. Leader. 6 Weeks 80.00
Kenneth Huepper Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00
Susan Guberman Rec. Assistant 1 Week 65.00
Gail Bongiovanni Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks 65.00
Debra Paonessa Rec. Assistant 2 Weeks 50.00
Inesa;Ferraro Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks 50.00
Leonard Lipton Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 135.00
Steve Madey Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 100.00
Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 80.00
Nina Gelband Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 65.00
James Coven Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 65.00
Chatsworth Pre School
Jean Ann Santoro Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 55.00
Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Mary Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Week's 36.00
Irene Reisman Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Carole King Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Kathy Megroz Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Rosemary Dellapina Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 50.00
Bertha Batzanian Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Nature Study
Susan Bloch Rec.-'Specialist & 7 Weeks 60.00
Central Pre School
Maureen Cumming Sr. Rec, Leader 7 Weeks $55.00
Mary Jill Fisher Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Michelle Licea Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Patricia Vallieri Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Carol Ann Mirande Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33,00
Patricia Chapin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Kathleen Gray Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Beth Levine Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00
Maev Brennan Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00
Special Education
Nancy Wilson Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 70.00
Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 75.00
Jerry Zell Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55.00
Sue Faller Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00
Nella Briotta Rec. Assistant_ 6 Weeks 48.00
Joann Myers Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00
Rita Marsella Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42,00
Nora Mazzone Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00
Music Workshop
Julian Spencer Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 135.00
Margaret Santoro Rec. Specialist 6 ,Weeks 60.00
Phil Sussman Rec. Specialist 1 Week- 55.00
Paulette Ensigh Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 60.00
James Rubinger Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
Brendan O'Keefe Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 33.00
David Boal Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
Marcia Sussman Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00
Barbara $u Rec. Specialist 3 Weeks 30.00
Tennis Instruction
Kerin McTeigue Rec, Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00
Claude Estwick Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 60.00
Art Workshop
Margot Howe Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00
Marcy Fitz Maurice Rec. Specialist- 7 Weeks 45.00
Basketball & Fitness
Ralph Bilbao Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 50.00
Richard Owen Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $125.00
Vicki Kaunitz Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 125.00
Dorothy Mancini Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Arthur Mannix Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Shelly DeBramo Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00
Mamaroneck Avenue
Barbara Ryan Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 750.00 TOTAL
Ellen LoGuidice Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 500.00 TOTAL
Amy Franklin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 360.00 TOTAL
yi f
b) Recreation - Pool Personnel
Pursuant to memoranda of the Superintendent of Recreation
under dates of June 9th, 16th, 18th, 30th and July 1st, 1971,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that the
following pool personnel be engaged and compensated
as set forth below:
Name Title Date Salary
William Ackerman Life Guard P.T. 6-1-71 $ 2.25 per hour
Douglas Greene " if if if " if If
Patricia Baragwanath if " !' !' if
Jean Emerich " " " " If " "
Mary Fenich " " if " " !' it
Patricia Spencer " " " " if !'
Leonard Lipton Rec. Spec. 5-17-71 3.50
Steve Meday if if " it
Nina Gelband if If if 2.00
Tom Authterlonie Pool Director 6-17-71 4500.00 per annum
Mark Sherman Life Guard 6-14-71 2.00 per hour
Linda Williams Rec. Attendant " 1.95 " "
Gary Williams " n u it " If
Patrick McEvily " 7-5-71 1.85 " if
c) Police Patrolman
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of June 23rd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Police Chief,
this Board hereby authorizes that John J. Thompson
be and he hereby is appointed Police Patrolman of
the Town of Mamaroneck effective as of June 17th,
1971 and to be compensated at the rate of $9,273.
per annum.
d) Highway Laborers
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways under
date of June 28th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Roger W. Kessinger, be and he hereby is engaged
as Highway Laborer, effective June 28th, 1971,
and to be compensated at the rate of $3.08 per
and be it further
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Charles H. Reilling, be and he hereby is engaged,
subject to physical re-examination in 6 months,
- 11 -
J ! ;�
Jl_' '
as Highway Laborer, effective June 21st, 1971, and to
be compensated at the rate of $3.08 per hour.
e) Sanitation Men
Pursuant to memorandum of the Superintendent of Highways
under date of June 22nd, 1971, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that pursuant to recommendation of
William Aitchison, Superintendent of Highways,
Paul D. Yizar, Jr. and John A. Patterson, be
and they hereby are engaged as Sanitation Men,
each subject to physical re-examination in six
months, effective June 21st and June 28th, 1971
respectively, and each to be compensated at the
rate of $6,430. per annum.
4. Retirement - Helen Kirvin
The Supervisor announced that Mrs. Helen Kirvin, Switchboard
Operator of the Town of Mamaroneck since July 1968, had
retired as of the 30th of June. She complimented Mrs. Kirvin
on her faithful discharge of duty and loyalty to the Town
during her employment, suggesting that a resolution be placed
on the record expressing the Town's appreciation for her
service and best wishes for the future.
And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted.
WHEREAS, Mrs. Helen Kirvin, Telephone Operator
of the Town of Mamaroneck from July 1968, retired
from office on June 30th, 1971;
WHEREAS, during her tenure of office, she was
untiring in the performance of her duties
which were discharged always with diligence
and competence;
WHEREAS, she dedicated herself at all times to
serving the best interests of the Town of Mamaro-
RESOLVED, that the Board hereby adopts this
resolution to be spread upon the minutes of
this meeting in appreciation to her;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to her with the sincere thanks of
this Board and the Town of Mamaroneck staff.
- 12 -
5. Authorize Supervisor to Sign
Premium River Condemnation Petition
The Supervisor explained that the Board was now ready to
proceed with the condemnation petition on the Premium River
Lands whereby an authorization for the Supervisor to sign
the petition was needed, whereupon on motion by Councilman
Nagel, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to execute on behalf of this Board,
the petition of condemnation for certain Premium
Point lands as set forth therein.
6. Application for Special Permit for
Caddy and Golf Cart Enclosure - Bonnie Briar
The Clerk presented the application of the Bonnie Briar
Country Club, Inc. for a Special Permit to extend and
replace the existing caddy enclosure so as to provide
outdoor storage for golf carts at the westerly and southerly
side of the Golf Pro Shop, on the property located on the
west side of Weaver Street and known as Block 225, Parcel 1,
on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, together
with memorandum addressed to the Board by the Building Inspector
under date of June 15th, 1971 pertaining thereto, which were
herewith ordered received and filed as part of the record of
this meeting.
In the expediency of time the Supervisor advised the Board
that the Chairman of the Planning Board along with three of
its members, Messers. Rigano, Blair and Cibulay, had conducted
a special field inspection and interviewed the affected neigh-
boring property owners, reporting their recommendations to the
Board so that the date for the required public hearing thereon
could be fixed at this time if this were the Board's pleasure.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be held before
this Board at its next regular meeting on Wednesday
evening, August 4th, 1971, in the Council Room or
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver
Street, Town of Mamaroneck, on the application
of Bonnie Briar Country Club, Inc, for a Special
Permit to extend and replace the existing caddy
enclosure so as to provide outdoor storage for
golf carts at the westerly and southerly side of
the Golf Pro Shop, on the property located on the
west side of Weaver Street and known as Block 225,
Parcel 1, on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is
--- authorized to publish in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times",
Notice of such Hearing as required by law. .
- 13 -
7. Approval of Claim - Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc.
The Clerk referred to the communication addressed to him
by Knox, Lent and Tucker, Inc, under date of June 28th,
1971 requesting reimbursement in the amount of $50. for
an insurance claim.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of claim of Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc. ,
in connection with settlement of claim of
Helen A. Higgens, under Town Policy #RLU467166
with Royal Indemnity Company, containing a
$50.00 deductible property damage clause.
8. Authorization - Purchase of Motor Scooter
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Conservation Department under date of July 2nd, 1971,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
purchase of a motor scooter to be used by the
Conservation Department for spraying drains and
manholes in connection with the joint Mosquito
Control Program, from the Village of Mamaroneck
for the sum of $100., said funds being available
in the 1971 Conservation budget.
At this time the Chair recognized Mrs. Ann Hockman who, she
remarked, was responsible for the inauguration of the joint
Mosquito Control Program and whom she felt should be highly
commended at this time.
Mrs. Hockman thanked the Supervisor and congratulated the
Board on its acquisition of this equipment for the Town's
implementation of its Mosquito Control Program.
9. New York State Police Chiefs ' Conference
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission, dated
June 16th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Chief O'Brien to attend the Annual Conference
of the New York State Chiefs of Police to be
held in Rochester, New York from July 25th,
1971 through July 29th, 1971, with expenses
not to exceed the sum of $275. to be paid by
the Town, and Car #5 to be used for trans-
10. Advertise for Bids - Fuel Oil
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller
under date of June 23rd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered
- 14 -
received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman
Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to be
returnable August 4th, 1971, and opened and read
aloud at a regular meeting of this Board at 8:15
- p.m. on that date, for Fuel Oil and Servicing Oil
Burners, in accordance with the specifications set
forth in the Notice, provided that the said speci-
fications have been approved by the Town Attorney
Prior to the publication of the aforesaid Notice
for Bids.
1. C.E.Q. Petition
re: Municipal Collection of Paper
The Supervisor stated that all members of the Board had
received a copy of the communication addressed to her
by Citizens for Environmental Quality, dated June 24th,
1971, herewith ordered received and filed, regarding the
installation of a newspaper recycling program.
She stated further that the Board would be very glad to
recognize anyone present who was interested in speaking
on this, whereupon Mrs. Hockman, speaking for Walter Coupe
Chairman of C.E.Q. , asked what the Board was going to do
and when?
The Supervisor referred the question to the Highway Super-
intendent, Mr. Aitchison, who stated that he was working
with Mr. Kellogg of the Village of Larchmont and it was
hoped a once-a-month collection could be started some time
next month.
Mrs. Hockman explained why the paper collection had been
requested and said that members of C.E.Q. would be very
glad to assist the program in any way possible.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Hockman and said that she thought
that C. E. Q. could be of invaluable help by conducting an
educational program.
Councilman Bloom asked how residents would be notified, to
which the Superviosr replied that she believed that notices
could be sent by the Highway Department (just as they had
always been on collection information) and through the press.
Mr. Bloom said that he felt strongly that fliers hand-delivered
by the Sanitation men would certainly be needed prior to begin-
ning such a program.
Mr. Herbert Golden recited that there were presently some
eight municipalities engaged in separate pickups and that
it was felt the degree of success in each case depended on
how much communication took place, reciting as an example
New Rochelle where the program was very feeble possibly
- 15 -
due to its publication only by fliers distributed by high
school students and the press -- adding that certainly
C.E.Q. would do whatever possible to assist in publicizing
the Town program.
In reply to a question as to where the paper would be sold
Mr. Aitchison stated that he believed the market had to be
found but he thought the closest one at present was in
- The Supervisor closed the discussion by stating that the
Board would keep in touch with C.E.Q. and expressing its
thanks and appreciation to that organization for its offer
of help.
2. Announcement - Office for Local Government
Regional Meetings, White Plains City Hall,
July 16th, 1971
The Supervisor stated that all members of the Board had
been furnished copies of the meeting schedule and expressed
the hope that any of the Board members who could would
attend the July 16th session in White Plains along with
the Assessor, Comptroller and herself.
Not on Agenda
3. Letter from Lee P. Gagliardi,
Chairman Board of Police Commissioners
The Supervisor explained that Mr. Lee P. Gagliardi's report
on the I.A.C.P. Study had been received late this afternoon
thus prohibiting its inclusion on the agenda, directing that
it be presented and thereupon received and filed as part of
the record of this meeting.
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed.
Report of the Town Clerk for the months of
May and June 1971.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of June 1971.
Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the months of May and June 1971.
Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society
for the month of June 1971.
Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month
of June 1971.
- 16 -
The Supervisor --
1. Presentation of Flag - Mrs. Louise Tait
The Supervisor presented the flag given to the Town Board
by Mrs. Louise Tait to be displayed in the Council Room
during all Town Board meetings.
The Board expressed its sincere appreciation for Mrs. Tait's
gift with Councilman Faiola remarking that this was just
one more wonderful thing that Bill had done and that it
would indeed be an honor and a great privilege for this
Board to have the flag which had covered his casket on
2. Letter from Dr. Norwood
Safety Problems
The Supervisor reviewed a letter addressed to her by
Dr. Norwood, Superintendent of Schools, under date of
June 28th, 1971 requesting the appointment of a member of
the Town's staff who could work with representatives of the
school staff and a representative of both Villages to set
up consistent safety measures in the vicinities of all six
schools, stating that she thought this was indeed a fine
suggestion and that she had spoken to Mr. Gagliardi about
appointing one of the Police Commissioners to so serve.
The only problem being - when the appointee could start since
Commissioner Welty, who had been devoting a large amount of
time to traffic situations and who was probably the person
who would be appointed, was presently out of town and would
not return until the latter part of the summer.
The Supervisor asked Mrs. Krell whether she had any informa-
tion as to when this proposed committee was to start working?
Mrs. Krell replied that she did not even know of this letter,
inquiring about a letter concerning safety problems addressed
to the Supervisor some time ago by the Central School P.T.A.
Mrs. Helwig advised Mrs. Krell that that letter had been
referred to the State and that the Town was awaiting its
Mrs. DiFiore advised the Chair she had just accepted the
Presidency of Sts. John and Paul Parent-Teacher Association
and that she would like to have a representative of that
school on the proposed committee with which suggestion the
Supervisor wholeheartedly agreed.
Councilman Faiola suggested that the Fire Chief be included
in such a committee remarking on the problems at Central
School. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Faiola for his thought-
fulness, remarking that this was also an excellent recommenda-
3. Authorization - Attend Local
Environmental Conservation Workshop
Pursuant to the Supervisor's request for authorization for
two persons and herself to attend Speaker Duryea's Local
Environmental Conservation Workshop in Albany on July 13th,
1971, on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman
- 17 -
Faiola, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and two other persons
be and they hereby are authorized to attend the
Local Environmental Conservation Workshop in Albany,
New York, on July 13th, 1971, with expenses not to
exceed the sum of $250.
4. Testimony - Wagner Committee
The Supervisor called to the Board's attention that a copy
of her testimony at the Hearing chaired by Robert Wagner
before the Temporary Commission on the Powers of Local
Government, held in White Plains, New York on June 21st,
1971 had been placed in each of their folders for their
She further said that the meeting had been a good one and
that all of the Towns had spoken to the same main point --
the concern of local government about the ever increasing
load on property taxes.
The Councilmen --
Mr. Faiola --
1. Authorization to Advertise for Bids
Painting Exterior of Firehouse
Pursuant to Councilman Faiola's request and on his motion,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the Town
Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish
in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, "The Daily Times", a Notice for Bids, to
be returnable on August 4th, 1971, and opened
and read aloud at a regular meeting of this
Board at 8:15 p.m. on that date for painting
the exterior of the Firehouse, in accordance
with the specifications set forth in the Notice,
provided that the said specifications have been
approved by the Town Attorney prior to the publi-
cation of the aforesaid Notice for Bids.
Not on Agenda
2. Proposed Additional Parking Lot
Councilman Faiola referred to the proposed creation of
Municipal Parking Lot No. 4 on Town-owned property in back
of 2222 Boston Post Road, presently under study in response
to a petition of the residents of Alden House Apartments
protesting the recent ticketing of cars parked illegally on
streets in the area.
He asked the Attorney whether the Board could legally designate
this site since it was lighted and improved? The Attorney
replied that it could do so and that no public hearing was
Mrs. William Meister of 9 Hawthorne Road addressed the Board
18 -
in objection to the proposal stating that children from
the area pass the site on route to three schools and would
be endangered by parkers leaving the lot during the morning
rush hour. She stated further that many children use the
lot as a shortcut to school.
Mrs. Krell joined and supported Mrs. Meister in her objections.
Councilmen Faiola and Vandernoot assured both Mrs. Meister and
Mrs. Krell that crossing guards and other safety measures
would be used to protect the children.
The Board then agreed with Councilman Bloom's suggestion
that a questionnaire be sent to apartment dwellers to ascertain
how many car owners would use the parking lot and the time that
most of them would leave it.
The Supervisor explained that Mr. Flynn, the owner of the afore-
said property, had been contacted in regard to providing a walk
to the lot and that she felt once all the details were worked
out that an acceptable solution to a very difficult problem
would be reached on the 4th of August when it was hoped the
additional lot would become an actuality.
Mr. Nagel --
1. Resignation of Stanley Zimmerman
Library Board of Trustees
Councilman Nagel presented a letter addressed to the Board
by Stanley E. Zimmerman under date of July 2nd, 1971,
tendering his resignation as a Trustee of the Larchmont
Library due to his acceptance of a new position and consequent
moving from the community.
He paid great tribute to Mr. Zimmerman for his strength and
planning during his association with the Library Board and
expressed regret both personal and for the remainder of that
Board over its loss.
Since, he said, this Board has no alternative other than to
accept the resignation, on his motion, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board with great regret, reluctantly
accepts the resignation of Stanley E. Zimmerman as a
Trustee of the Larchmont Library, effective July 2nd,
1971, and expresses to him its great thanks and
appreciation for the contribution he rendered to
the Library and the community during his associ-
ation with the Board of Trustees;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a letter be directed to Mr. Zimmerman
expressing the Board's sincere appreciation of his
fine service on the Larchmont Library Board.
Mr. Vandernoot --
1. Letter of Dr. Bernstein -
Narcotics Guidance Council
For the Board's information Councilman Vandernoot read a
- 19 -
letter addressed to the Board by Dr. Margery Bernstein re-
garding the receipt of the State funds, which was herewith
ordered received and filed for the record.
2. Reports - Bond Borrowings
a) Election Machines
For the Board's information, Councilman Vandernoot reported
that renewal borrowing of the Bond Anticipation Note in the
amount of $6,000. for election machines had been purchased
by the First National City Bank at 2.74%.
b) Incinerator Equipment
Also for the Board's information, Councilman Vandernoot
reported that renewal borrowing of the Bond Anticipation
Note in the amount of $26,841. for incinerator equipment
had been purchased by the First National City Bank at 2.74%.
Not on Agenda
3. Firemen's Parade
Councilman Vandernoot remarked on the excellence of the
Village of Mamaroneck Firemen's Parade which all members of
the Board had attended just prior to this meeting, calling
attention to the balloons contributed to this meeting as
souvenir of the event.
Mr. Bloom --
1. Resignation of Mrs. Reid Morris
Commission of Human Rights
Councilman Bloom presented a letter addressed to the Supervisor
by Mrs. Reid F. Morris under date of June 8th, 1971, tender-
ing her resignation from the Town of Mamaroneck Human Rights
Commission, due to her moving from the community.
He paid high tribute to Mrs. Morris for her interest and
sincere concern in this field and for the time and talent she
gave to the Commission during the period of her association
with it.
And thereupon, after simply saying that he seconded all of the
sentiments expressed by Councilman Nagel, on his motion, sec-
onded by Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board with great regret,
reluctantly accepts the resignation of Mrs. Reid
Morris from the Town of Mamaroneck Human Rights
Commission, effective June 8th, 1971, and ex-
presses to her its thanks and appreciation for
the contribution she rendered to the community
during her association with this Commission;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a letter be directed to Mrs. Morris
- 20 -
expressing the Board's sincere appreciation of
her fine service on the Commission of Human
2. Appointment of UN Day Chairman
Mr. Bloom stated that at this time of the year it was
customary to submit recommendations for a UN Day Chair-
man and placed in nomination for that appointment the
name of Dr. Stephen H. Tolins. He recounted Dr. Tolins '
particular experience and background so aptly fitting
him for this appointment and thereupon with great pleasure,
placed his name in nomination and moved his appointment.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Nagel and thereupon
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Dr. Stephen H. Tolins of
4 Mayhew Avenue, Larchmont, be and he hereby
is appointed to serve as UN Day Chairman for
the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1971;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Dr. Tolins be notified of
his appointment with an expression of the
Board's gratitude and appreciation that
he was willing to serve in this post.
Town Attorney --
1. Request of Felix Contracting Corporation
Re Surety Bond
The Attorney presented a letter addressed to the Board by
Felix Contracting Corporation under date of June 18th, 1971,
requesting that the bond on the subdivision property known
as Saxon Glen purchased by Felix Contracting Corporation
from Saxon Development Corporation in 1968 and still in that
name, be cancelled and that a bond of Felix Contracting
Corporation be substituted in a reduced amount to be fixed
by this Board since much of the work in the subdivision had
been completed as of this date.
The Town Attorney and Mr. Feinberg, Attorney for Felix Con-
tracting Corporation whom he introduced at this time, then
recited and reviewed in some detail the peculiar circumstances
leading to this request with the Town Attorney stressing in
concluding these remarks that he felt the whole Board should
rule in this instance in view of its back history and also
since it seemed there might be some question as to subdivision
Councilman Bloom stated that he felt a survey was needed
- before any determination could be made in order to ascertain
the amount of work actually completed, that still to be
done, etc. , which would certainly be necessary information
to have relative to fixing the amount of a bond. When
questioned as to when the work yet to be done could be
completed, Mr. Feinberg stated that he could not say how
long, but that he would say a reasonable time since it was
the company's intention to move right in and go right ahead
with the completion of all of the improvements.
21 -
Councilman Faiola then observed that in view of some of
the past distressing experiences the Town had had with
builders and in view of the fact that far more information
was needed than was available this evening, he would suggest
that the entire matter be turned over to the Town Attorney
and Town Engineer for study, report and recommendation to
this Board, which he thereupon so moved.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Bloom and unanimously
so ordered.
2. Settlement - Certiorari Proceedings
a) Washington Square Apartments
Pursuant to the Attorney's request and in accordance with
his recommendation and that of the Assessor, on motion
by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Nagel, the
following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the
Board, all members thereof being present and voting aye:
WHEREAS, heretofore writs of certiorari were
obtained by Washington Square Apartments,
owners of property known and described as
Block 133, Parcel 449 on the Tax Assessment
Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of
Mamaroneck, for the following years : 1968 for
taxes of 1969, 1969 for taxes of 1970, 1970
for taxes of 1971 and 1971 for taxes of 1972;
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney recommends to this
Board that the proceedings be settled and
discontinued upon the reduction of certain of
these assessments;
RESOLVED, that the assessments for the years 1968
for taxes of 1969, 1969 for taxes of 1970, 1970
for taxes of 1971 and 1971 for taxes of 1972, upon
property owned by Washington Square Apartments
and described upon the Assessment Map and Assess-
ment Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 133,
Parcel 449, be reduced as follows:
Assm't. Tax
Year Year Land Imp. Total
1968 1969 $ 78,700. $ 953,700. $ 1,032,400.
1969 1970 78,700. 953,700. 1,032,400.
1970 1971 78,700. 953,700. 1,032,400.
1971 1972 78,700. 953,700. 1,032,400.
Assm't. Tax
Year Year Land Imp. Total
1968 1969 $ 78,700. $ 825,300. $ 904,000.
1969 1970 78,700. 807,220. 885,920.
1970 1971 78,700. 807,220. 885,920.
1971 1972 78,700. 789,200. 867,900
22 -
provided the certiorari proceedings now pending in
the name of Washington Square Apartments for the
years 1968 for taxes of 1969, 1969 for taxes of
1970, 1970 for taxes of 1971 and 1971 for taxes of
1972 inclusive, be discontinued without costs as
against either party;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all refunds of taxes due by reason
of such reductions be paid without interest;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby author-
ized and directed to sign the necessary stipula-
tions to obtain an order of the Supreme Court pro-
viding for such reductions.
b) Larchmont Gables Apartments
Pursuant to the Attorney's request and in accordance with his
recommendation and that of the Assessor and Board of Review,
on motion by Councilman Nagel, seconded by Councilman Vander-
noot, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote
of the Board, all members being present and voting aye:
WHEREAS, heretofore writs of certiorari were
obtained by Larchmont Gables Apartments, ow-
ners of property known and described as
Block 409, Parcel 453 on the Tax Assessment
Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of Ma-
maroneck for the following year: 1971 for
taxes of 1972;
- and
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney recommends to this
Board that the proceedings be settled and dis-
continued upon the reduction of certain of
these assessments;
RESOLVED, that the assessments for the year
1971 for taxes of 1972, upon property owned by
Larchmont Gables and described on the Assess-
ment Map and Assessment Roll of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 409, Parcel 453, be
reduced as follows :
Assm't. Tax
Year Year Land IMP. Total
1971 1972 $52,700. $94,800. $147,500.
Year Year Land Imp. Total
1971 1972 $52,700. $57,300. $110,000.
providing the certiorari proceedings now Pend-
ing in the name of Larchmont Gables Apartments
- 23 -
for the year 1971 for taxes of 1972 be discontinued
without costs as against either party;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all refunds of taxes due by reason
of such reductions be paid without interest;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby author-
ized and directed to sign the necessary stipula-
tions to obtain an order of the Supreme Court
providing for such reductions.
It was noted that the Attorney and Assessor, after consultation,
concurred in recommending that the lower figures be stipulated
before the court in these two proceedings so as to avoid the
expenses of a trial.
At this time, Mr. Donald Chapin of 14 Dimitri Place, upon
recognition by the Chair, asked the Attorney if rent control
entered into the lower valuation of these properties?
Mr. Johnston replied that it did play a part in the valuation
of Larchmont Gables where some apartments still were controlled
and cited, as an example, a five-room apartment with garage
privileges now renting for $87.50 a month under rent control.
The Washington Square Apartments, however, he said, were not
under control and the complex was presently in the process of
becoming cooperative, apartments being offered for sale as
leases expired.
In reply to Mr. Chapin's next question as to whether it was
within the power of the Board to limit or control rents in the
community or to modify them so as to eliminate injustices
both to owners of apartments and to private homeowners, Mr. John-
ston said that the Board could implement vacancy decontrol which
was already in effect. Further, he stated, the Town could im-
plement decontrol but only on an all-or-nothing basis since
State Law prohibits any partial decontrol.
Councilman Bloom then observed that he believed this to be
the most important area in which the Town and Village must
work together, particularly after his review of Larchmont's
experience, and Councilman Vandernoot then stated that he
was now working with Neal Doyle, the Assessor, to make an
investigation of the number of people who would be affected and
what the impact of rent decontrol would be. He said he hoped
he would be ready to present a recommendation to the Council
3. Agreements to Connect
with Prince Willows Sewer
The Attorney explained that the Agreements between the resi-
- 24 -
dents of Stonewall Lane whose properties lay partly in
the Town and partly in the Village of Scarsdale, to
connect with the Prince Willows Sewer were ready and
requested the Board to authorize the Supervisor to
execute them for the Town.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman Nagel, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby auth-
orizes the Supervisor to execute on
behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck the
Agreements as herewith presented by the
Town Attorney, drawn between the Town,
the Village of Scarsdale, and the resi-
dents on Stonewall Lane whose properties
lay partly in the Town and partly in that
Village, which enable such residents to
connect with the Prince Willow Sewer, in
accordance with the terms and conditions
set forth in the aforesaid Agreements.
There being no further business to come before the meet-
_ _ ing, on motion duly made and seconded it was declared
adjourned at 9:55 p.m. , to reconvene on August 4th, 1971.
(see next page)
25 -
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Vandernoot,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department
claims be and they hereby are approved, and the
Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the
same out of the Fire Department budget:
Atlantic Service Center $ 95.25
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 58.07
Byron Electric Company, Inc. 32.00
Con Edison 164.35
Con Edison 5.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 212.21
Excelsior Garage & Machine
Works, Inc. 449.94
" " 75.44
if 118.12
Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00
Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan
of Westchester 50.00
Frank's Fuel Service 60.00
House of Flowers, Inc. 60.00
Sound Tire & Supply Co. , Inc. 81.60
I. & T. Plumbing & Heating Co, Inc. 13.50
if if n n n n 20.50
The Larchmont Print 12.50
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 10.00
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 10.00
Mamaroneck Tire Co. 393.06
New Rochelle Water Co. 78.54
New York Telephone Co. 118.95
S. & S. Power Equipment Co. 90.00
Suburban Communications, Inc. 19.05
Village Paint Supply 31.44
Ward La France Truck Corp. 138.35
Whiffen Electric Co., Inc. 27.61
Rocco Zavaglia 190.50
Total $2;622.98
2. Report
Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month
of June 1971, which was ordered received and filed for the
- record.
3. Other Business
For the record, Commissioner Faiola reported on the inspection
of multiple dwellings made by First Deputy Joseph Santoro,
adding that the use of the second car in his performance of
this work alone has more than paid off.
26 -
4. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 10:00 p.m. , to reconvene on August 4th, 1971.
C1 k
27 -