HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_06_02 Town Board Regular Minutes r3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JUNE 2nd, 1971, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Faiola Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Absent Also Present: Councilman Nagel Mr. Gronberg - Mrs. Brewer - Mr. Johnston - Mr. Aitchison - Mr. Altieri - Mr. Paonessa - Mr. Widulski - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Town Attorney Highway Superintendent Comptroller Building and Plumbing Inspector Town Engineer The minutes of the regular meeting of May 5th, 1971 were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. OPENING OF BIDS - Curbing, Old White Plains Road The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for Bids for the record, and opened and read aloud the following bids reporting receipt of the correct bid check or bond and the non-collusive statement signed in each case: Bidder Bid Per Ft Total Bilotta Construction Company $ 5.50 $ 6,600. Salvatore Micelli 13.25 15,900. Felix Contracting Corp. 5.83 6,996. Joseph Carducci, Inc. 6.25 7,500. Michael J. Rossi Contracting Corp. 6.20 7,440. Whereupon Councilman Faiola recommended that the usual pro- cedure in the award of bids be followed and on his motion, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid of the low bidder, to-wit that of Bilotta - 1 - 74 Construction Company, in the amount of $6,600. for construction of new curbing on portions of Old White Plains Road, in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Notice for Bids, provided that upon examination by the Engineer, Attorney, Highway Superintendent and Comptroller, said bid is found to be satisfactory in all re- spects; and be it further RESOLVED, the Clerk be and he hereby is directed to return the bid checks or bid bonds to all except the successful bidder. PUBLIC HEARING - Application for Special Permit Auto Glass & Repair Shop 2430 Boston Post Road On motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Hearing for the record and read into the record the report submitted by the Planning Board under date of May 18th, 1971: "The Planning Board having reviewed the site and the plans of the proposed structure recommends the granting of a Special Permit for the proposed building with the following conditions : 1. That an easement be granted by the applicant to the Town for drainage lines located on the property. 2. That a six (6) foot stockade fence with 6' high evergreen planting be established along the rear property line. 3. That no dead storage of vehicles or parts or other refuse be stored on the premises except within the structure. 4. That the building be air conditioned so that summer work is within the enclosed structure." The Supervisor asked the Board whether there were any questions or comments and since there were not, stated that first those in favor, then those opposed to the application would be heard. Mr. Joseph A. Minniti -- 100 Mamaroneck Avenue Mr. Minniti addressed the Board stating that he was an attorney representing the applicant Mr. Ritacco. He recounted that his client and he had appeared on two occasions before the Planning Board and had revised the - 2 - 03 plans for the proposed structure so as to meet the objections raised by that Board. He then described in some detail the area on the Boston Post Road surrounding his client's site particularly referring to the size and topography of the plot which was well below grade and to the fact that the structure has been designed especially to conform with this topography. The Supervisor advised Mr. Minniti that the members of the Board had personally visited the site and were well acquainted with its location and size and with the nature of the surround- ing area. Mr. Minniti then stated that the proposed two-level building was to be constructed of glass and aluminum and that as his client's present operation consisted of 60% glass work with the balance in collision repair, the new structure had been planned so that the repair work would be conducted on the lower level. He further called to attention a petition pre- sented to the Board by Mr. G. Perrault of 65 Sherwood Drive. At the second hearing before the Planning Board he stated that his client had met with Mr. Perrault and the several homeowners who had signed the petition in order to discuss and devise ways of meeting their objections mainly based on noise, fumes and the possibility of unsightly conditions caused by the storage of wrecked automobiles and junk. He called to attention that his client had agreed with all of the conditions set forth by the Planning Board in order to meet the aforesaid objections even though all of the signers of the petition except the Perraults who were the nearest to the subject property would not be affected in any way by the proposed operation due to the topography of the site and the construction of a 6-foot fence with hemlock screening which would completely eliminate any unsightliness. Mr. Minniti further pointed out that in the past as a special service to the Village of Larchmont and sometimes the Town, his client had picked up dead automobiles and had disposed of them in accordance with an arrangement made with the Village. He emphasized that his client was not in the towing or stor- age business and that at no time would this be a part of his business operation. At this second meeting with the Planning Board, Mr. Minniti said that Mr. Perrault had agreed that the application should be granted provided the conditions set forth by that Board were met since the objections to the fumes and noise had been alleviated due to the location of the repair work on the lower level in addition to the fact that today body repair work was not conducted as it formerly had been due to it now being cheaper to replace damaged parts of cars with new parts than to pound out and restore them. He also stressed the fact that the proposed business would not increase the already heavy traffic created by the bowling alley and gas stations in the vicinity, and emphasized the fact that this was a five-day week business with no night or weekend operations, and he therefore respectfully requested that the special permit be issued adding that if anyone had any question, he or his client would be very happy to try to answer them. The Supervisor said she had one question which was -- was she correct in understanding that all work would be conducted with- in the building on a year-round basis? - 3 - Mr. Minniti replied, "definitely yes" Since upon the Chair's query there were no further questions from the Board, the Supervisor invited those who wished to be heard to address the Board, whereupon the following persons were heard: Mrs. Mary Telesco - 3 Dillon Road Mrs. Telesco, with the Chair's permission, inquired of Mr. Minniti whether his client had six employees and where their cars would be parked? In reply Mr. Minniti stated that there were five employees and that their cars would be parked on the property, not on the street. Mrs. Telesco then after stating that she was worried about Dillon Road, inquired about whether there would be a retain- ing wall to hold back loose dirt, etc. , explaining that she was speaking on behalf of the Perraults who were va- cationing in Switzerland. In reply to this question, Mr. Paonessa, the Building Inspector, stated that a retaining wall would be constructed alongside the burned out structure as shown on the revised plans. Mrs. Telesco next inquired about the five-day week, asking whether there would be any Saturday morning work? To this question Mr. Ritacco replied that if there were any Saturday work at all, it would be only administrative. Mrs. Telesco then asked where damaged cars, if they were picked up, would be placed? In reply, Mr. Ritacco reiter- ated his attorney's former statements that this was not a towing or storage operation and that in the main damaged cars were brought to him for repair and that only those cars waiting to get in or out of the premises would ever be in view. Councilman Bloom inquired what would happen to a car if it were still driveable but its repair were found to be too high to make it feasible to repair it? In reply, Mr. Ritacco stated that he did not have storage and that any such car would be removed by the agency that had delivered it to him. The Supervisor inquired how many parking spaces there were for cars on the premises to which Mr. Paonessa replied about 80 places located at the rear of the property. Mrs. Telesco then inquired about the driveways -- whether there would be one or two, and where they would be located, to which Mr. Ritacco replied that there would be only one driveway into the premises from the Boston Post Road which would serve for both ingress and egress. The Supervisor then asked if there were any further questions or objections and since there were none, on motion by Council- man Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. The Supervisor then thanked Mr. Minniti, Mr. Ritacco and Mrs. Telesco and thereupon inquired whether the Board was - 4 - ready for the question? aa�r� Councilman Faiola after stating that in view of the applicant's cooperation and revision of plans so as to meet the conditions requested, said he thought it would be an-asset to have something on that presently unattractive looking property as well as a benefit for the Town to have it on the roll and accordingly moved that the application be granted. -- Councilman Bloom seconded the motion with an expression of thanks to Mr. Minniti for the way that he had handled the matter, particularly in meeting and talking with the persons concerned, and thereupon the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, Councilman Nagel being absent and therefore not voting: WHEREAS, Donald Ritacco of 2369 Boston Post Road, Larchmont has applied to this Board for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck to construct a new building to be used as an Auto Glass and Collision Repair Shop on the property located on the north side of Boston Post Road (No. 2430) and more definitively known as Block 503, Parcel 421 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Board referred the matter of the application to the Planning Board for report pursuant to Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board after considering the application made and submitted its report to this Board; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by this Board on this date, following publication of due Notice as provided in Section 432 of the Zoning Ordinance and the Town Law, at which all persons who appeared were afforded an opportunity to be heard, at which Counsel and applicant were heard; and WHEREAS, this Board has considered the matter and studied and reviewed all of the information re- lating to the granting of this application and finds as follows: 1. That the additional standards as set forth in Section 432 - 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been met; 2. That the proposed use as an Auto Glass and Collision Repair Shop constitutes an improve- ment harmonious with the appropriate and orderly development of the area in which it is located; - 5 - S 3. That the applicant has met all objections presented in petition of objection filed with this Board by (neighboring or nearby) property owners; 4. That the applicant has revised plans and rider annexed to the application for the proposed building so as to conform with all conditions set forth and required by the Planning Board and Building Inspector; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a permit is hereby granted to Donald Ritacco pursuant to Section 432 of the Zoning Ordin- ance of the Town of Mamaroneck, to construct a new building to be used as an Auto Glass and Collision Repair Shop, as shown on the revised plan filed with the application, provided that said permit is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. That an easement be granted by the applicant to the Town for drainage lines located on the property; 2. That a six (6) foot stockade fence with 6' high evergreen planting be established along the rear property line; 3. That no dead storage of vehicles or parts or other refuse be stored on the premises except within the structure; 4. That the building be air conditioned so that summer work is within the enclosed structure; and be it further RESOLVED, that permit is obtained within a period of three months from the date of the adoption of this resolution, or by September 2nd, 1971, that construction is started within a period of six months or by December 2nd, 1971, and completed within a period of one year or by June 2nd, 1972. THE SUPERVISOR The Supervisor with the Board's consent next took up item 1 under Communications. 1. Petition - Kentucky Fried Chicken Mr. Augustine W. DiFiore - 18 Winthrop Avenue Mr. DiFiore addressed the Board in reference to his communication of May 31st asking whether he should read it at this time. The Supervisor replied that each member of the Board had been furnished a copy, stating she believed the request was for this Board to take such steps as needed immediately to make Winthrop Avenue a deadend street "to save the children residing on that avenue and Plymouth Road from harm or possible death due to the increased traffic dangers which would be created by the existence of Kentucky Fried Chicken". The Supervisor further stated that the studies requested - 6 - from the State and Automobile Association had not yet been received. These, she explained, the Board would need prior to being able to take any action on the request, pointing out that a municipality could not deadend any street having access to a State highway without State permission. Since both the Boston Post Road and Weaver Street were State highways, the Town, as a local municipality, did not have the power to grant the request. Further, she pointed out that the Highway Department and certainly both the Police and Fire Departments would have to be consulted as to their ability to perform vital and emergency services were Winthrop Avenue to be deadended. Councilman Faiola suggested that the Supervisor be empowered to contact the State and necessary local departments, and then act for the Board since it did not meet again until July 7th. Councilman Bloom seconded the motion which was thereupon unanimously so ordered. The Supervisor addressed Mr. DiFiore stating that the Board would welcome the group's recommendations and information which would be of help in its endeavors to do whatever might be possible to better traffic conditions in the area and asked whether they would be willing to work with the Board? Mr. DiFiore replied that they would be glad to do so, and added that Mr. Pisani had written to the State of New York Transportation Department in response to his wife's letter and that he had understood that that Department was to - make a study. Mrs. DiFiore then asked the Chair whether it was correct that the State Department of Transportation had jurisdiction over the creation of deadend streets which the Supervisor said was correct when the local street had access to a State Highway. In reply to a question as to whether the Board was aware of the "no left turn" restriction, the Supervisor stated that it was, and that she believed this was a prohibition resultant from a former petition submitted by this group which, Mr. DiFiore stated to be the case. Following further,dimussion during which Mr. DiFiore reiter- ated that the group would be happy to work with the Board toward solving these problems, and that he personally as an Engineer employed by the State would do all he could to help, the Supervisor thanked all present for coming this evening and assured them that the Board would keep them advised of any developments. RETURN TO AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1. Report on Country Road Mr. Widulski reported orally that the piping in this area had been started as of last Wednesday and was expected to be completed by this coming Friday. - 7 - Councilman Bloom inquired whether any other contributory factors had been corrected, to which the Supervisor replied that the County Board of Health was conducting tests the results of which were pending as of this date. Mr. Theodore Utz - 8 Park Hill Lane Mr. Utz, upon recognition, again inquired about conditions on Park Hill Lane reminding the Board that at its meeting two weeks ago it had promised action on this matter. After some discussion on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Attorney to take such action as necessary to rectify Park Hill Lane with the developer and/or Bonding Company. NEW BUSINESS 1. Bond Issue for new Police Station-Court House The Supervisor stated that she understood the Board had three resolutions to adopt in connection with the pro- posed Bond Issue for the Police Station-Court House and called upon the Town Attorney who stated that this was correct and that the Board must adopt first a resolution authorizing the construction of the new facility at a total cost of $1,261,500. The Supervisor asked whether she was correct that this total figure reflected the cost less the purchase price of the land, which Mr. Johnston said was correct. Second, the Attorney said, was a resolution calling for a special Town election to be held on June 29th from 12 noon to 9:00 p.m., for which there would be central registration in White Plains pursuant to a new State Law which does not allow special registration to be held at local level. He also stated that only residents of the Unincorporated Area could vote and that there could not be any military or absentee ballots. And third, that a resolution naming the polling places and designating the Election Inspectors must also be adopted at this time. The Clerk noted for the record that each Party was represented by the Election Inspectors. Whereupon in response to the Chair's query as to the Board's pleasure on the adoption of these resolutions, the follow- ing resolution was offered by Councilman Vandernoot, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Faiola, to-wit: BOND AND CAPITAL NOTE RESOLUTION DATED JUNE 2nd, 1971. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF =4ARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, OF A BUILDING TO PROVIDE SPACE FOR THE TOWN - 8 - POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND A PUBLIC MEETING-COURT ROOM, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $1,261,500, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,198,000 SERIAL BONDS AND $63,500 CAPITAL NOTES OF SAID TOWN TO PAY THE COST THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows : Section 1. The construction of a building in and for the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, to be located on the site heretofore acquired therefor adjacent to the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street, to provide space for the headquarters of the Town Police Department and a combination public meeting-court room, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus required for the purposes for which such building will be used, and the grading and improvement of the site thereof, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $1,261,500. Section 2. The plan for the financing of such maximum estimated cost is as follows : a) By the issuance of $1,198,000 serial bonds of said Town, hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law; and b) By the issuance of $63,500 capital notes of said Town, hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law. Such capital notes shall be sold at private sale and all further powers in connection with the details and the sale thereof are hereby delegated to the Supervisor in accord- ance with the Local Finance Law. Pursuant to Section 107.00 of the Local Finance Law, the proceeds from the sale of such capital notes will be provided prior to the issuance of the bonds herein authorized or bond antici- pation notes. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years, pursuant to subdivision 11(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maxi- mum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 893 of the Laws of 1970, an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said obligations shall annually be assessed, levied and collected, in the first instance, from the several lots and parcels of land in said Town outside of any village in the same manner and at the same time as other Town - 9 - charges, but if not paid from such source, all of the taxable real property within said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity of such bonds and capital notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publi- cation, or 3) Such Section 7. Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in full in The Daily Times, the official newspaper, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 8. This resolution is adopted subject to the approval of a proposition therefor at a special Town election to be held in the area of the said Town outside of any village. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows : Councilman Faiola Voting Aye Councilman Vandernoot Voting Aye Councilman Bloom Voting Aye Supervisor Helwig Voting Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. And thereupon the following resolution was offered by Councilman Faiola, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Bloom, to-wit: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck, Westchester County, New York, has hereto- fore at this meeting duly adopted a bond and capital note resolution subject to approval by the qualified voters of said Town residing in - 10 - !3 r1 the area of said Town outside of any village; and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has prepared an abstract of said resolution with the advice of the Town Attorney and has transmitted to this Town Board a form of proposition for the approval of such resolution; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a special election for the submission of said proposition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck, Westchester County, New York, as follows : Section 1. At a special election of the qualified voters of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, residing in the area of said Town outside of any village, shall be held on the 29th day of June 1971, for the purpose of voting upon a propo- sition for the approval of the bond and capital note resolution referred to in the preambles hereof. Voting shall be by voting machine, and the polls at such special election shall be kept open between the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon and 9:00 o'clock p.m. , Eastern Daylight Saving Time. The places at which the qualified voters of each election district in said Town outside of any village shall vote are fixed as follows : Election District No. Polling Place 11 Chatsworth Gardens Apartments, 14 No. Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont, New York 12 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 13 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 14 Central School, Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, New York 15 School of Sts. John & Paul, Weaver Street, Larchmont, New York 16 Mamaroneck High School, West Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 18 Hampshire House, 3 Washington Square, Larchmont New York 19 Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Larchmont New York 20 School of Sts. John & Paul, Weaver Street, Larchmont, New York 21 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 24 Mamaroneck Avenue School, Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York 25 Montessori School, Lorenzen Street & Boston Post Road, Larchmont, New York Section 2. The Town Clerk of said Town is hereby auth- orized and directed to give notice of such special election by publication thereof in The Daily Times, the - 11 - 4 official newspaper of said Town, the first publication of such notice to be made at least ten days prior to the time of such special election. In addition, the Town Clerk shall cause copies of such notice to be posted on the Town Clerk's sign board in said Town, at least ten days prior to such election. Said notice and proposition shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special Town election of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, will be held in the area of said Town outside of the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont, on the 29th day of June, 1971, at which the polls will be kept open for the purpose of voting between the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon and 9:00 o'clock p.m. , Eastern Daylight Saving Time, for the purpose of submitting the following proposition, to-wit: Shall the bond and capital note resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on June 2, 1971, authorizing the construction and equipment of a building to provide space for the Town Police Department headquarters and a public meeting-court room, to be located on Town-owned property, at a maximum estimated cost of $1,261,500; author- izing the issuance of $1,198,000 serial bonds and $63,500 capital notes of said Town to pay the cost thereof; determin- ing that the period of probable usefulness thereof is thirty years and that the maximum maturity of said bonds will ex- ceed five years; pledging the faith and credit of said Town for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds; providing that such principal and interest shall be payable in the first instance from a tax levy on real property outside of any village, but if not paid from such source, all of the taxable real property within the Town will be subject to the levy of a tax therefor; delegat- ing the power to authorize and sell bond anticipation notes; and containing an estoppel clause and providing for the publication of an estoppel notice, be approved? Voting at said special election will be conducted by voting machine. A copy of the bond and capital note resolution described in the foregoing proposition is on file at the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, located at 740 West Post Road, in Mamaroneck, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during regular business hours. Any person shall be entitled to vote at said special election provided he or she is an elector of said Town, is a resident of an election district located outside of any village, and has been duly registered in the election district of his or her residence. The polling places at which the qualified voters of each election district in said Town outside of any village shall vote are as follows : - 12 - i�6-art CJN Election District No. Polling Place 11 Chatsworth Gardens Apartments, 14 N. Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, New York 12 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 13 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 14 Central School, Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, New York 15 School of Sts. John & Paul, Weaver Street, Larchmont, New York 16 Mamaroneck High School, West Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 18 Hampshire House, 3 Washington Square, Larchmont, New York 19 Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Larchmont, New York 20 School of Sts. John & Paul, Weaver Street, Larchmont, New York 21 Murray Avenue School, Daymon Terrace, Larchmont, New York 24 Mamaroneck Avenue School, Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York 25 Montessori School, Lorenzen Street & Boston Post Road, Larchmont, New York Dated: Mamaroneck, New York June 2nd, 1971 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK S/By Charles J. Grouberg Town Clerk Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows : Councilman Faiola Voting Aye Councilman Vandernoot Voting Aye Councilman Bloom Voting Aye Supervisor Helwig Voting Aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, Councilman Nagel being absent and therefore not voting: WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore adopted a resolution calling a special election to authorize the expenditure of $1,400,000. for the construction of a new Police Station- Court House; q i.1 WHEREAS, the Board heretofore adopted a resolution calling for said special election to be held on the aforesaid proposition on June 29th, 1971, and specified each polling - 13 - 3S place for said election; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that for the purposes of holding said special election which the qualified voters of each election district in said Town outside of any village shall vote, the following named persons shall serve as Election Inspectors: Election District No. Election Inspectors 11 Marion L. Coughlin - Mary Wilson 12 Jeanne M. Pacifici - Beatrice 0. Ridley William H. Fernschild - Mary A. Carpino 13 Winifred Pierce - Helen McDonough Gladys Aslanian 14 Josephine Fazio - Ruth S. Nelson Mary D. Sansone - Marie Owens 15 Arthur M. Brown - Charlotte Snyder 16 Yola Greene - Helen C. Tierney Anna Higbee 18 Jane Downey - Norah Peters 19 Vincent Ciardullo - Toby Friedlander 20 Barbara L. McAleer - Maxine K. Steffens 21 Marion Mangels - Elsie Stein 24 Eugenie L. O'Brien - Laura Dimando 25 Irene Bonderenko - Anna P. Doherty For the purposes of the record, the Supervisor noted that all of the usual polling places would be used at this special election. 2. Authorization - Holiday Compensation a) Police Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of May 25th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of holiday compensation on July 14th, 1971 and December 29th, 1971, as set forth on the list herein inserted on the following page, all being Officers of the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department: (over) - 14 - SCHEDULE I TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPUTATION OF HOLIDAY COMPENSATION 1971 JAN./JULY JULY/DEC. NAME TITLE ANNUAL UNIT BASIS 5 DAYS 5 DAYS SALARY - - - PER DAY DAYS .AMOUNT DAYS_ AMOUNT J. O'Brien Chief $ 16,260. $61.54 5 $ 312.70 5 $ 312. 70 J. Staropoli Lieutenant 13,700. 5239 5 263.45 5 263,45 C. Loveley Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 222.80 5 22200 E. Bakker. Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 222.80 5 222. 80 D. McClintock Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 22240 5 222.80 F. Silvestri, Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 222,80 5 222.80 W, Federice Sergeant 11,585. 44.56 5 222.80 5 222,80 G. 'Mulcahy Detective 11,000, 42. 31 5 211.55 5 21135 E. Agnessanto Patrolman 10,485, 40.33 4 161.32 - - N. Ciacomo Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201,65 5 201.65 A. Lifrierl, Patrol:mau 10,485. 40.33 5 20'•.,65 5 201.65 W, O'Rorke Patrolman (1/1 -4/7/71) 10,485. 40.33 3 Sergeant (4/8 - 12/31) 11,585, 44.56 2 210, 11 5 222,80 R. Win.ckler. Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 4 161,32 - -- J. Costello Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201.65 5 201.65 P. Diamond Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 201.65 5 201„65 R. Perritano Detective 11,000. 42.31 5 211 .55 5 211,55 A, Ambrosovitch Patrolman 10,485. 4003 5 20135 5 201.65 R. Barascb Sergean.t(1/l - 4/7/71) 11,585, 4436 3 Det. Sgt. (4/8 - 12/31) 12, 100. 46.54 2 226.76 5 232.70 A. Leviness Patrolman 10,485. 40.33 5 201.65 5 20135 T. Vitro Patrolman 10,485, 4003 5 201,65 5 201.65 F. DeVico Patrolman 10,485. 40,33 5 201,65 5 201.6.5 W. Coy Patrolman 10,485. 4003 5 201.65 5 201.65 V. Garrison Patrolman 10;485, 40.33 5 201.65 5 201.65 C. Baumblatt Patr.olman(1/l - 7/14/71) 10,182„ 39,16 5 195.80 (7/15-12/311/71) 10,485. 40.33 5 20135 R, Fuller Patrolman (1/1 - 7/28/71)10,182. 39. 16 5 1,95.80 (7/29-12/31) 10,485. 40,33 5 201.65 P. Adamo Patrolman (1/1 -•10/6/71) 10,18`L. 39. 16 5 19520 1 (10/7 - 12/31) 10,485. 4003 4 200,48 T. Mahoney Detective (1/1 - 8/11/71)10,697. 41, 14 5 205. 70 (8/12-12/31) 11,000. 42.31 5 211.55 SCHEDULE I (CONY'D Z JAN./JULY JULY/DEC. NAME TITLE ANNUAL, UNIT BASIS 5, DAYS 5, DAYS SALARY PER DAY DAYS AMOUNT DAYS AMOUNT J. Greenstein Patrolman(1/1-3/10/71) $ 9,879. 1T$38,0O�_F _3 (3/11 - 12/31) 10, 182. 39.16 2 $ 192132 5 $ 195,80 J. Anderson Patrolman (1/1 - 4/7/71) 9,819, 38.00 3 (4/8 _ 12/31) 10,182. 39.16 2 192.32 5 195.80 R, Hutcheon Patrolman (1/1 - 11/3/71) 9,1379, 38.00 5 190.00 2 (11/4 - 12/31) 10, 182. 39,16 3 193.48 C. Catapano Patrolman (1/1 d 12/15/'71) 9,879. 38.00 5 190.00 4 (12/16 - 12/31) 10,182. 39.16 1 191.16 P. Gerardi Patrolman (1/1 ,r 8/11/71) 9,576. 3603 5 184.15 (8/12 - 12/31) 9,879, 38,00 5 190.00 L. Mosiell.o Patrolman (1/1 _. 12/15/71) 9,576, 36,83 5 184,15 4 (12/16 a 12/31) 9,879, 38,00 1 185,32 & Ge,race Patrolman 9,576. 36.83 5 1811. 15 5 184. 15 ' J. Paonessa Detective (1/1 - 4/1/71) 11,000. 42.31 3 126.93 _ -- R. Knox Patrolman (1/1 - 7/11 /71) 9,273. 35,66 5 17800 _ (7/15 12/31) 9,576, 36.83 5 184.15 J. Pas8a.£ume Patrolman (1/1 s 10/20/71) 9,273. 3006 5 17£300 2 (10/21 m 12/31) 9;576, 36.83 3 18101. M. Naydelli Patrolman (1 /1 10/20/71) 9,273. 35.66 5 178.30 2 . (10/21 r 12/31) 9,576, 36.83 3 187„81 P. Munch Patrolman 9,273. 35.66 2 71.32 5 178.30 $7,73210 $7,462,36 HOLIDAYS _ 10 TOTAL PAYMENT. JULY 11 1971 5: PAYMENT DECEMBER 29 1971 _151 January 1, 1971 September. 6, 1971 February 12, 1971 October 12, 1971 February 22, 1971 November 11, 1971 May 30, 1971 November 25, 1971 July 4, 1971 December 25, 1971 Note: Baser] on 260 working clays per year to conform with other municipalities. SCHEDULE I TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPUTATION OF HOLIDAY COMPENSATION 1971 JAN,/JULY ,JULY/DEC, NAME TITLE ANNUAL UNIT BASIS 5 DAYS 5 DAYS SALARY � PER DAY DAYS �AMOUNT- DAYS---AMOUNT L. Testa Lieuteaont $11,585, $42,43 5 212, 15 5 $ 212, 15 N. Soriano Lieutenant 10,750. 39.38 5 196.90 5 19600 C. Mirande Lieutenant 10,750, 39.38 5 196,90 5 196,90 F, Felice Fireman(1/1 a 1/13/71) 10,485. 38.41 1 Lieutenant 11/14-.1:2/31) 10,750. 39, 38 4 195,93 5 19600 J. Garofalo Fireman. 10,485. 35,41 5 192.05 5 1992.05 F. Carpin.o Fireman 10,485, 38. 1, 5 19235 5 192.05 J. Laverty Fireman 10,485, 38.41 5 . 192.05 5 192:05 S. Garofalo Fireman 10,485. 38.41 5 192.05 5 192.05 DT. Wilson Fireman 10,485. 38,41, 5 192,05 5 192.05 K. Valle Fireman (1/1 -• 4/21) 10, 182. 37.30 3 (4/22 - 12/31) 10,485. 38,41 2 188.72 5 192.05 H. Newman Fireman (1/1 m 6/30) 9,576. 35.08 4 (7/1 - 12/31) 9,1379. 36. 19 1 176.51 5 18005 R. Baron Fireman (1/1 - 5/19) 9,273. 3308 3 (5/20 12/31) 9,576. 35,08 2 172. 10 5 175,40 M, Rappaport Fireman (1/28 - 12/31) 9,273. 33.98 4 13502 5 169,90 B. Callahan Fireman (1/28 - 12/31) 9,273. 3308 4 13.5,9_2_ 5 16900 $2,571,30 $2,651.30 HOLIDAYS - 10 TOTAL PAYMENT SULLYY,w14, 19715) PAYMENT DECEMBER 297 1971 (5) January 1, 1971 September 6, 1971 February 12, 1971 October 12, 1971 February 22, 1971 November 11, 1971 May 30, 1971 November 25, 1971 July 4, 1971 December 25, 1971 Note! Based on 273 working days per year to conform with other municipalities. b) Fire Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief, dated May 25th, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of holiday compensation on July 14th and December 29th, 1971, to the members of the Fire Department as set forth on the list inserted herebelow: - 16 - R<.} 3. Salary Authorizations a) Summer Recreation Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation Cormission and the Superintendent of Recreation, this Board hereby authorizes the following salary expenditures to the persons named on the list herebelow inserted, for the terms of employment and at the rate of compensation for each as set forth thereon: (next page) - 17 - Program Director William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $160.00 Flint Park John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 130.00 Margaret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 60.00 Central School Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 120.00 William Celestino Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 75.00 Kay Francis Richards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 125.00 Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00 Murray Avenue School Johanna Bloch Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 110.00 Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 80.00 Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 65.00 - -Kenneth Huepper Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 60.00 Memorial Park Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 65.00 Sailing Instruction Leonard Lipton Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 135.00 Steve Madey Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 100.00 - Nina Gelband Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 65.00 Sharon Drexler Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks 80.00 Chatsworth Avenue Pre School Jean Santoro Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 55.00 Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00 Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 36.00 Darcy Paige Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Mary Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Carole King Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Tennis Instruction Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 75.00 Kerin McTeigue Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00 Central School Pre School Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $50.00 Maureen Cumming Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 45;00 Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Michelle Licea Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33,00 Patricia Vallieri Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Mary Wilson Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Cathy O'Keefe Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Kathleen Gray Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Carol Ann Mirandi Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Patricia Chapin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks 33.00 Special Education Sr. Rec. Leader 6 Weeks 100.00 Nancy Wilson Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55.00 Jerry Zell Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 55,00 Sue Fallar Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00 Sara Sonet Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60,00 Nella Briotta Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00 Joann Myers Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00 Rita Marsella Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42,00 Nora Mazzone Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 42.00 Patricia Kohourt Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 48.00 Kim Hardingham Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 60.00 Art Workshop Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 65.00 Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks 45.00 Music Workshop Julian Spencer Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 135.00 Margret Santoro Rec. Specialistc 6 Weeks 55.00 James Forger Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 55.00 Philip Sussman Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 55.00 Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 35.00 Rec, Specialist 6 Weeks 35.00 Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 35.00 Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00 Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00 Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 30.00 Mamaroneck Avenue School Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 900.00 TOTAL Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks 710.00 TOTAL Basketball & Fitness Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $50.00 Gymnastics Richard Owen Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 125.00 Vicki Kaunitz Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks 125.00 Arthur Mannix Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00 Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00 Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks 50.00 3� b) Conservation Pursuant to memorandum of P. T. Leddy under date of June 2nd, 1971, herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the engagement of the following persons by the Conservation and Recreation Departments to be employed for the periods stated and authorizes their compensation at the hourly rates stated herebelow: James Cowen 6/17-8/11 Recreation $ 2.25 per hour Paul Giacomo 6/3 -6/16 It " it " 6/17-8/11 Conservation IT it " John Eney 6/5 -6/16 Recreation of " 6/17-8/11 Conservation if Kim Purcell 6/17-8/11 Sen. Rec. Attendant 2.50 4. Town Acceptance of Lundy Lane and Part of Iselin Terrace Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways under date of June 2nd, 1971 recommending acceptance of the improvements for the subdivision known as Lundy Lane Sections I and II, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts as public streets or highways of the Town of - Mamaroneck the subdivision known as Lundy Lane Sections I and II comprising 0.17 miles and part of Iselin Terrace comprising 0.06 miles, said roads running west of Harrison Drive as shown on Maps 1 and 2, Numbers 14956 and 14957, filed in the office of the County Clerk, Division of Land Records, of Westchester County, New York, on September 14th, 1966. Not on Agenda 5. Stoppage in Murray Avenue Sewer At the Supervisor's request the Engineer presented a memorandum addressed to the Board under date of June 2nd, 1971 describing a stoppage in the section of the Murray Avenue sewer between Maplewood Street and Maple Hill Drive as an emergency and therefore requesting that it be so authorized by the Board so that informal bids for the needed repairs could be taken and returned to the Super- visor immediately upon preparation of the plans and specifications. Whereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommend- ation of the Town Engineer as presented in writ- ten statement dated June 2nd, 1971 and herein received and filed as part of the record of this 19 - 'T- _-A2 meeting, this Board hereby declares the present condition of the Murray Avenue sewer between Maplewdod Street and Maple Hill Drive to be an emergency situation; and be it further RESOLVED, that accordingly the Town Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to prepare plans and speci- fications for such work as needed immediately with informal bids taken to be returned to the office of the Supervisor at the earliest possible date. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Petition - Kentucky Fried Chicken Previously discussed. 2. Letter, Automobile Club of New York 3-Year Award For the Board's information the Clerk read into the record a letter addressed to the Supervisor by Gilbert B. Phillips of the Automobile Club of New York under date of May 20th, 1971, which read as follows : "We are pleased to announce that the Board of Judges of the American Automobile Association's Pedestrian Safety Inventory Program has awarded your community a Pedestrian Safety Citation for achieving a record of having no pedestrian fatal- ities in the last three years. In recognition of this fine achievement, we are pleased to invite you to a luncheon to be held on Wednesday, June 2nd, at Tavern-on-the-Green, Central Park West at 67th Street in Central Park, New York City, to honor your community and other award-winning communities in this area. Our special guest, the Honorable Vincent L. Tofany, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, will present the awards. A pre-luncheon reception will begin at 11: 30 a.m. Free parking is available. We hope you will be able to join us on this day. Please let me know whether you, or an alternate you may wish to designate, will attend. I should like to take this opportunity to extend to you my personal congratulations for your fine efforts in safeguarding pedestrians in your community and I look forward to seeing you on June 2nd." The Supervisor advised the Board that Chief O'Brien had attended this event today on behalf of the Town. - 20 - 3. Resolution - County Legislature - Committee on External Affairs The Supervisor presented a resolution adopted by the County Legislature's Committee on External Affairs under date of May 5th, 1971, a copy of which was directed to be forwarded to the Highway Superintendent, Town Engineer and each member of the Board. - 4. Letter re: Summer Hours The Clerk read into the record a letter addressed to the Board by William Paonessa for the Town Office Staff requesting reconsideration of a petition presented at the last meeting of the Board carrying the signatures of a majority of the office staff and requesting that the office hours during the months of June, July and August be 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Following discussion by the members of the Board, it was unanimously agreed that reconsideration of this matter would be entertained were those employees who had signed the original petition to indicate to the Board their preference for summer hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered received and filed: Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments for the month of May 1971. Annual report of the Supervisor for the year ended December 31st, 1970. Affidavit of Publication of the Notice for roadway improvements on Old White Plains Road. Affidavit of Publication of the Annual report of the Supervisor for the year ended December 31st, 1970. Report of the Westchester Shore Humane Society for the month of May 1971. Report of the Municipal Dog Patrol for the month of May 1971. The Supervisor -- 1. Letter, C.A.P. For the record the Supervisor read the following letter addressed to her on May 25th, 1971 by Mrs. Selena M. Grissom, Chairman of C.A.P. : "The Board of the Greater Mamaroneck Community - 21 - <1 Action Program has asked me to express their appreciation for the Town's funding of a co- ordinator for the Narcotics Guidance Council's walk-in-clinic. We are all aware of the serious need for a person in this position, and congrat- ulate you upon your swift and commendable action. " Mrs. Helwig commented that certainly a large part of the credit in this matter went to Councilman Vandernoot. Not on Agenda Amendment of Rules and Regulations Pursuant to the Supervisor's request that the Board formally amend the Rules and Regulations for Town of Mamaroneck personnel adopted December 15th, 1965,in accordance with the memorandum addressed to the Highway, Sanitation and Park Departments by her for the Town Board on November 5th, 1970, on motion by Councilman Faiola, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Rules and Regulations for Town of Mamaroneck Personnel, adopted on December 15th, 1965, be amended so as to read as follows : HIGHWAY AND SANITATION DEPARTMENTS 2. Vacations Vacations are granted as follows : (Scheduled by Highway Superintendent) -- 6 months or more employment - 1 week 1 year of more employment - 2 weeks 10 years or more employment - 3 weeks 15 years of more employment - 4 weeks (When a legal holiday falls within an employee's vacation, an additional day is granted. ) The Councilmen -- Mr. Vandernoot -- 1. Appointments - Narcotics Guidance Council Councilman Vandernoot stated that there were several resignations on the Narcotics Guidance Council so that it was necessary to make some additional appointments at this time. He presented resumes of Dr. Frederick J. Feuerbach, Jr. , commenting that Dr. Feuerbach had been very responsible in setting up the Narcotics Guidance Council and the anti- drug program, Reverend Gary Hall, serving as Assistant Minister in the Larchmont Avenue Church and Joseph A. Notaro, an Attorney residing in the Village of Mamaroneck. He called to attention that this was a joint operation conducted by the Town and two Villages and that the appoint- ments were made subject to their approval. - 22 - And thereupon on his motion, seconded by Councilman Faiola, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Dr. Frederick J. Feuerbach, Jr. , Reverend Gary W. Hall and Joseph A. Notaro be and they hereby are appointed members of the Narcotics Guidance Council, effective immedi- ately and to serve at the pleasure of the Boards of Trustees of the two Villages and this Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that letters of welcome be addressed to each of the new members and letters of apprecia- tion and thanks to each of those resigning from the Council. 2. Renewal Bond Anticipation Note Premium River Project For the Board's information, Councilman Vandernoot reported that renewal borrowing of the Bond Anticipation Note in the amount of $72,000. for the Premium River Project had been purchased by the County Trust Company at 2.85%. Not on Agenda Mrs. William Snyder, President of Larchmont League of Women Voters Mrs. Snyder, upon recognition by the Chair, addressed the - Board inquiring on the status of the Joint Municipal Survey report? The Supervisor advised Mrs. Snyder that a meeting had been held last Saturday and that all three municipalities were working toward the release of a report in the near future. Not on Agenda Councilman Faiola -- 1. Radio Equipment for Highway Councilman Faiola advised the Board that since it had authorized advertising for bids for the necessary radio equipment for the Highway cars at the last meeting, he had learned that it was possible to lease such equipment which he understood became the property of the lessee upon the expiration of a certain rental period. Since the specifi- cations for such equipment necessary for bids had been found to be extremely complicated, he requested authorization for rental thereof subject to the Attorney's approval. Councilman Bloom asked whether he was correct in understand- ing that after leasing such equipment for a certain period of time, it became the property of the lessee? Councilman Faiola replied that this was what he had been told but would defer to the Attorney for further information about the - 23 - proposed rental. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Irving Scharf - 334 Richbell Road Mr. Scharf, upon recognition, addressed the Board inquiring whether the Mamaroneck High School Band was asked to partici- pate in the Memorial Day Parade? The Supervisor replied that she was not at all certain but that she did know that the rainy weather in Mamaroneck on the day of the scheduled parade had prohibited some of the participants from marching. Mr. Augustine W. Di Fiore - 18 Winthrop Avenue Mr. Di Fiore, upon recognition, inquired of the Board whether any recommendations had been received from the Zoning Board concerning particular conditions for the issuance of special permits? Mrs. Helwig replied that the Board had not received these as yet but it was understood that such recommendations were presently being drawn up. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:35 p.m. , to reconvene on July 7th, 1971. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner Faiola and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Fire Department claims be and they hereby are approved, and the Supervisor and Comptroller authorized to pay the same out of the Fire Department budget: Best Uniform Co. , Inc. $ 130.90 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 39.00 Exterminating Services Corp. 7.00 Franklin Cleaners 262.10 I & T. Plumbing & Heating Co.Inc. 33.25 Motorola C. & E. , Inc. 1,150.00 - 24 - New York Telephone $ 10.92 Robert's 607.60 Wesco Fire Equipment & Service, Inc. 39.00 Wesco Fire Equipment & Service, Inc. 95.25 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,375.02 2. Report Commissioner Faiola presented the Fire Report for the month of May 1971, which was ordered received and filed for the record. 3. Other Business The Fire Chief announced that the Annual Firemen's Ball would be held on May 29th, 1971 and expressed the hope that all who could would be present at that affair. He also informed the Commission that the new truck would be shown at the New York State Firemen's Convention on June 26th, 1971. 4. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:40 p.m. , to reconvene on July 7th, 1971. o Cr - 25 -