HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973_11_21 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Absent: Councilman McMillan
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg
Mrs. Brewer
Mr. Johnston
Mr. DeLuca
Mr. Elfreich
1 . Television Inspection and Cleaning - Sewer Lines
Pursuant to a memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Town Engineer under today's date reciting the two bids re-
ceived and opened and read aloud at 10 o'clock this morn-
ing in the Town Clerk's office and recommending award of
bid to the low bidder, on a motion by Councilman Vander-
noot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the bid for Television Inspec-
tion and Cleaning of Sewer Lines be and it here-
by is awarded to the low bidder, to-wit - The
New England Pipe Cleaning Co. in the amount of
$3,640.00, provided that upon examination by
the Town Engineer, Superintendent of Highways,
Attorney and Comptroller, said bid conforms
with the specifications set forth in the Notice
for Bids and is satisfactory in all respects;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby au-
thorized and directed to return the bid check or
bond to the unsuccessful bidder.
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2. Air Structure and Related Facilities
at Hommocks
A memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer
under today's date and co-signed by the Clerk and Attorney
which recited that the only bid for the aforesaid had been re-
ceived at 11 :45 this morning and therefore not opened was
herewith presented and ordered received and filed.
Since this bid had not been submitted in accordance with the
requirements of the Legal Notice, the Engineer had recom-
mended that it be rejected - and in reply to the Chair's ques-
tion as to whether there were any questions or comments, the
following persons addressed the Board.
Mr. David Stone --
Mr. Stone raised two questions -- 1) the reduction of hours
for the holders of tennis permits -- and.2) what would happen
were the proposed facility not to pay for itself as projected?
In reply to the first question, Councilman White stated that it
now looked "like no bubble at all" -- and Mrs. Helwig and Mr.
Bloom reviewing the present tennis fees, which, they said,
were low compared to those of neighboring municipalities,
and the projected fee structure for the bubble, on which it
had been projected that the cost of building and operating the
facility would be paid by its users.
Councilman White stated that he would be dreadfully remiss
if he did not make a statement at this time. He said he had
done everything possible to get the bubble up this winter and
that he was most disappointed at losing a whole season.
Mrs. Peggy Snyder --
Mrs. Snyder stated that she believed the residents would be
willing to pay more for tennis permits -- that this was not
the issue. What we are agitated about, she said, is that we
will lose May and September for outdoor tennis. She fur-
ther stated that she was sure the Board would recall that
this had been an issue in the campaign and that she had had
many calls.
Mrs. Helwig said she was sorry the figures on use in April
and May were not here this evening as they had not showed
any large usage -- and again pointed out that there would be
more time for use of the courts when they were covered.
The Supervisor then said she believed the Board would have
to reject all bids and start again in the spring -- inquiring
as to its pleasure in the matter?
Councilman Bloom, stating that he saw no choice, moved
that the bids be rejected and all bid checks returned with
an explanation, which was thereupon unanimously so
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1. Report - Automatic Accounting Equipment
(Authorization to Readvertise)
Mr. DeLuca reported briefly on the bids received, recom-
mending that they be rejected because of the non-conform-
ity with the specifications set forth in the Notice and
that new bids be obtained. He further requested in order
to allow time for detailed study and examination, that the
bids be returnable to the Town Clerk's Office at 10.00 a.m.
on December 5th and opened and read aloud at that time in
the presence of the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Comptroller
with the Clerk authorized to award the bid to the low bidder
subject to approval by the Town Board at its next meeting on
December 12th, which on motion by Councilman Vandernoot,
seconded by Councilman White, was unanimously so ordered.
1. Adoption of the 1974 Preliminary Budget
The Supervisor presented a recommendation for the adoption
of the Preliminary Budget for 1974 with a total appropriation
of $3,836,625, a tax levy increase of $2,747,025. and a tax
rate of $36.78 per thousand, reflecting an increase of $2.52
per thousand over the 1973 rate and an increase of 12c per
thousand over that shown in the Tentative Budget.
These changes reflect in the General Town Budget increases of
$4,215. in the Supervisor's budget ($4,000. for Deputy Super-
visor), $2,650. in the Town Clerk's office due to the addition
of one (1) part-time person, $4,000. in Community Beautification
for a Consultant for the Natural Resource Inventory and in the
Part Town, a $10,000, increase in the local Police Retirement
Fund and a $5,300. increase in available balances in Highway.
A total of $42,000;, $10,000. for M.T.A. pipe lines and $32,000.
for the purchase of 2 Dump Trucks and 1 Pick-up Truck was re-
moved from Federal Revenue Sharing since these items would be
financed by Capitol Notes rather than from Federal Revenue Shar-
ing Funds.
Mrs. Helwig further stated that additional study of Recreation
fees, the purchase of cars and the Fire Department Budget had
been requested and that if the Preliminary Budget was adopted
as recommended, it would be ready on December 3rd prior to the
hearing on December 12th, thus affording all interested consid-
erable time for study of the document.
Councilman Bloom asked whether the changes reflected a 26¢ per
$1,000. increase over-all -- which Mrs. Helwig said was correct.
Mr. Bloom also commented that with this shift in Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds there was more balance between the Unincorporated
Area and the Villages.
Mrs. Maris Russell, upon recognition, called to attention the
fact that the Town of Greenburgh used all of its Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds for the Town, none at all for the Villages - and
further that if used for the Villages, more should be allocated -
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A uavy
to the Village of Mamaroneck due to the existance of greater
need in that Village.
And thereupon since there were no further comments or questions
in reply to the Supervisor's query as to the Board's pleasure,
on a motion offered by Councilman Vandernoot and seconded by
Councilman Bloom, the following resolution approving the tenta-
tive budget (Departmental Requests) as the Preliminary Budget
for 1974 and Public Hearing to be held thereon was adopted by
unanimous vote of the Board, all members thereof being present
and voting aye:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby
approve as the Preliminary Budget of this
Town for the fiscal year beginning on the
first day of January 1974, the itemized
statement of estina ted revenues and expen-
ditures hereto attached and made a part
of this resolution;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that such Preliminary Budget
shall be filed in the office of the Town
Clerk, where it shall be available for
inspection by any interested person at
all reasonable hours;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give Notice
of public hearing in the manner provided
in Section 108 of the Town Law, and that
Notice be published and posted in substan-
tially the following form:
Public Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary
Budget of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York,
consisting of the estimated revenues and ex-
penditures for the year 1974, has been com-
pleted and filed in the Office of the Town
Clerk of said Town, where the same may be
examined by any person interested therein,
and that a public hearing thereon will be
held by and before the Town Board of said
Town on Wednesday evening, December 12th,
at 8:15 o'clock in the Auditorium of the
Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street,
Town of Mamaroneck, New York, at which
time and place all those who appear and
are interested will be given an opportu-
nity to be heard with respect to said Pre-
liminary Budget, or any part or item thereof.
Please take further notice, that the proposed
salaries of the members of the Town Board are
- as follows: Supervisor - $12,000. ; Deputy
Supervisor - $4,000. ; Town Councilmen (4) -
$3,000, each; and that the proposed salary
of the Town Clerk is $15,945.
By Order of the Town Board
Charles J. Gronberg
Town Clerk
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and be it further
RESOLVED, that Notice shall be published
in the following newspaper having general
circulation within the Town: The Mamaro-
neck Daily Times, on November 30th, 1973.
2. Fixing Date of Public Hearing on 1974 Preliminary Budget
In accordance with the Supervisor's suggestion that the Public
Hearing on the adoption of the Preliminary Budget as the Annual
Budget for 1974 be held on Wednesday, December 12th, and accord-
ingly that the date of the first regular meeting of that month,
December 5th be changed to the 12th, on motion by Councilman
Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the date of the first
regular meeting in December be changed
from Wednesday, December 5th, and that
the public hearing on the adoption of
the Preliminary Budget as the Annual
Budget for 1974 be held on that date.
3. Resolution - Snow Removal - State Highways
Upon presentation of the Agreement for the control of snow and
ice on State Highways and request for its execution, on motion
by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, the
following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board:
Whereas, Sect. 12 of the Highway Law, as
amended by Chapter 305 of the Laws of 1946,
provides that if the removal of snow and
ice from the State Highways is taken over
by the County, the County can arrange with
the Town Superintendents or Village Street
Commissioners of the various towns/villages
in the County of Westchester and the Villages
therein for the removal of the snow and ice
from such State Highways as are within their
municipal boundaries and the entire cost of
such work will be reimbursed by the State;
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck under date
of November 8, 1946 entered into a contract
with the County of Westchester for the re-
moval of snow and ice from the State High-
ways within the said Town in accordance with
the provisions of Sect. 12 of the Highway Law
as amended, and under date of October 20, 1971
extended the said contract for the 1973-1974
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck extends
the above-mentioned contract with the County
of Westchester for an additional year;
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and be it further
RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this
resolution be forwarded to the Westchester
County Commissioner of Public Works.
4. Resolution Authorizing Sale of Bonds
Councilman Vandernoot explained that this item was on tonight's
agenda since the Board had thought the Bond Resolution which
must be prepared by the Bonding Attorneys and adopted by the
Board authorizing the $518,500 Bond Sale would be ready for
this meeting. However, he said it had not been received and
consequently the item would have to be carried over to the next
meeting on December 12th, which was thereupon so ordered.
1. Letter Armand Gianunzio re Reimbursement--Guarding
Voting Machines
Pursuant to a communication addressed to the Supervisor by Mr.
Gianunzio, Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck, under
date of November 19th herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, and following some discussion, on motion by Council-
man Bloom, seconded by Councilman White with the remark that
this expense though unanticipated was unavoidable, it was unan-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
request of the Village of Mamaroneck and author-
izes that the costs of the Police Service for
guarding the impounded voting machines from
November 7th through November 13th, 1973, be
charged to the Election Budget and appropriated
from General Town Contingency in the 1973 budget.
2. P.S.C. Notice - Con Ed Elmsford, White Plains,
Harrison Transmission Facility
Upon the Attorney's advice that the foregoing Notice was simply
a continuation of general information, it was herewith ordered
received and filed.
3. I.C.C. Notice of Correction Penn Central Finance
Docket No. 26241
Upon the Attorney's report that the foregoing Notice simply
recited the correction of one word, it was herewith ordered
received and filed.
4. P.S.C. Notice of Hearing - Western Union
The Attorney reported receipt today of the foregoing Notice of
hearing to be held on December 11th, 1973 in Albany on a re-
quested Western Union rate change, which was thereupon ordered
received and filed.
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5. Larchmont Board of Appeals Notice of Meeting
This Notice of Meeting being held this evening and forwarded -
because of being within 500' of the Town line, was presented
and thereupon ordered received and filed.
Not on Agenda --
At this time the following persons addressed the Board:
Mrs. Maria Russell --
Mrs. Russell inquired about the status of the Guadagnola suit
which question was referred to the attorney.
Mr. Johnston reported that Judge Gorman had rendered an Opinion
on Monday of this week remanding hearing before the Zoning Board
of Appeals and in answering her further Mr. Johnston briefly re-
viewed the opinion.
Mrs. Margaret Shultz --
In reply to a question by Mrs. Shultz, Mr. Johnston stated that
the Zoning Board could indeed hold hearings and that the only
appeal from decision of that Board was to the Court as was also
the case with the Planning Board.
Mr. Ronald Kleicksman --
Mr. Kleicksman stated that he had been requested by persons he
did not wish to name before the Board to appear this evening to
protest the building of the proposed Tennis Bubble and Ice Skat-
ing Rink at Hommocks, which protest the Board stated would be
noted for the record.
The Town Clerk---
Report from New York State Commission of Correction, dated Nov-
ember 14, 1973 re Town Lockup herewith presented and upon the
Clerk's advice that the recommendation would be taken care of,
ordered received and filed with the Board's direction that the
Clerk reply accordingly.
The Supervisor --
1. Modified Parking Regulations - Richbell & Dillon
The Supervisor reported that the Police Commission had adopted
new regulations for parking on Richbell and Dillon Roads as
follows and which it was hoped would ease the parking problems
of residents in those areas.
On Richbell Road permitting parking from 3:00 a.m.
to 6:00 a.m. on the west side of Richbell Road with
the exception of no parking on the east side of Rich-
bell Road on Wednesdays and the west side on Thursdays
from 9:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon for purposes of street
7 _
On Dillon Road permitting parking from 3:00 a.m.
to 6:00 a.m. on the east side in front of No. 1
and No. 3 Dillon Road.
Mr. Irving Scharf a resident of Richbell Road, upon recognition,
speaking on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Tenants
Association as well as for himself, expressed the Association's
and his thanks to the Board and Police Commission for the action
taken and taken so promptly.
2. Report - Energy Program
The Supervisor presented a written report on every conservation
which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record.
She stated that she had also requested further study of possible
ways and means to conserve energy by both the Highway Superinten-
dent and the Town Engineer.
3. Report. - Topics Program
Mrs. Helwig reported receipt of a letter addressed to her by
Mr. M. N. Sinacori, Regional Director of the New York State De-
partment of Transportation, under date of November 16th, 1973
advising that the request of the Town and two Villages for a
TOPICS Program could not be granted because the proposed area
was not large enough to warrant such program, which was herewith
ordered received and filed with the Board's expression of regret.
The Councilmen --
Mr. Vandernoot --
1. Apportionment
Upon presentation of the following apportionments, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the follow-
ing resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a
petition for the correction of the assess-
ment roll for certain years pursuant to
the provisions of Section 557, Article 16
of the Westchester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration this
Board finds it desirable to grant said
petition for the correction of said assess-
ment roll;
RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1972-1973,
taxes of 1973, which shows property now appear-
ing on the roll as follows :
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
341 16 Damon Polcini & $8,600. -- $8,600.00
Dorothea Baselice
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be corrected as follows in accordance with
the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
341 16 Damon Polcini & $2,100. -- $2,100.
Dorothea Baselice
341 40 " " $3,900. -- $3,900.
341 58 if it $2,600. -- $2,600.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1972-1973,
taxes of 1973, which shows property now appear-
ing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
926 215 Gregory Masone Bldg. $17,300. $100. $17,400.
be corrected as follows in accordance with
the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
926 215 Gregory Masone Bldg. $5,000. $100. $5,100.
926 225 " " $4,300. -- $4,300.
926 235 $3,900. -- $3,900.
926 254 " " $4,100. -- $4,100.
2. Appointments to C.A.P. - Mrs. Selena M. Grissom
- Mr. Fredric Don Cuneo
Following a brief resume of Mrs. Grissom's and Mr. Cuneo's partic-
ular qualifications for this singular service to the C.A.P. organ-
ization, he moved their appointment as members of the Board of
Directors of C.A.P.
Councilman Bloom stated that it was indeed his pleasure to second
this motion since he had the pleasure of working personally with
Mrs. Grissom and Mr. Cuneo both of whom were indeed dedicated and
capable, and thereupon the following resolution was adopted by un-
animous vote of the Board:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Mrs.
Selena M. Grissom of 126 Richbell Road, Mamaro-
neck and Mr. Fredric Don Cuneo of 80 Garden Road
West, Larchmont, as members of the Board of Dir-
ectors of C.A.P. effective immediately and to
serve the coming year.
3. Authorization Subscription Municipal Information Services ,
Inc. Newsletter
Mr. Vandernoot stated that he would like to have the Board's
approval of a subscription for the Fall and Winter Editions
from Municipal Information Services, Inc. at a cost of $250. 00
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WHEREAS, said Conservation Advisory Committee
is a tri-municipal body including in
its membership residents of the Village of Larch-
wont and of the Village of Mamaroneck designated
for such service by the Boards of Trustees of
said Villages; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 691 of the Laws of 1967 of the
State of New York, codified as Section
64-b of the Town Law, provided for the establish-
ment by Towns of Conservation Advisory Councils
for purposes similar to those for which the
Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Com-
mittee was established; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 901 of the Laws repealed said
Section 64-b of the Town Law and en-
acted Section 239-X of the General Municipal Law
setting forth with greater specificity the powers
and duties of Municipal Conservation Advisory
Councils, and designating Town Conservation Ad-
visory Councils as serving the Unincorporated
Areas of Towns; and
WHEREAS, various public and private grants of
funds are available to Conservation
Advisory Councils and other municipal Conserva-
tion bodies having the same or similar responsi-
bilities and authority;
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the
Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck that:
a. The Conservation Advisory Committee of
the Town of Mamaroneck shall hereafter
be known as the Town of Mamaroneck
Conservation Advisory Commission, here-
inafter called the Commission.
b. The Commission shall have all of the powers
and duties provided for Conservation Ad-
visory Councils created pursuant to Section
239-X of Article 12-F of the General Munic-
ipal Law, while remaining a tri-municipal
body as presently constituted and to the
extent consistent with such character, and
shall carry out such other duties as the
Town Board may from time to time see fit
to assign including those heretofore as-
signed to the Conservation Advisory Com-
mittee and shall carry out such other duties
as are provided or may be provided in the
future for Conservation Advisory Councils
created pursuant to Section 239-X, Article
12-F, of the General Municipal Law.
- 11 -
per year so as to have on hand current information on contracts
etc. , in all municipalities throughout the County.
Mr. DeLuca advised the Board that the Village Board had asked
if the Town took this subscription whether it might pay one-
half of the cost with the Town paying the other half which offer
was accepted by the Board with grateful thanks.
And thereupon on his motion, seconded by Mr. White, it was un-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
a subscription for the Fall and Winter
Editions from Municipal Information Services,
Inc. at an annual cost of $250.00, said cost
to be shared equally by the Town and Village
of Larchmont.
Mr. Bloom --
1. Appointment and Salary Authorization - Frank J. Multari
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to him by the Fire Chief under
date of November 19, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by him and seconded by Councilman Vandernoot,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves
the provisional appointment of Frank J.
Multari as a Firefighter in the Town of
Mamaroneck Fire Department and authorizes
that he be compensated at the rate of
$10,360.00 per annum, effective as of
December 13th, 1973.
Mr. Bloom noted for the record that the addition of Mr. Multari
should certainly resolve the overtime problem provided the rest
of the Firefighters kept healthy.
2. Resolution - Powers and Duties of Conservation Advisory
Following a brief review of the establishment and history of
the Conservation Advisory Committee and its request to become
a Commission rather than a Committee so as to be legally eligible
to receive Foundation Grants, Councilman Bloom presented the fol-
lowing resolution; as it had been amended and thereupon moved its
The motion was seconded by Councilman White and the resolution
thereupon unanimously adopted as amended as follows:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, by resolution adopted
August 5, 1964, established and appointed
the Conservation Advisory Committee to assist
said Town Board in its planning for the ac-
quisition, development, maintenance and use
of conservation areas and in the development
and implementation of conservation programs
for the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, said Conservation Areas have been
acquired and maintained as Town-
wide facilities and expenditures in connec-
tion therewith have been charged against
General Town appropriations; and
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Not on Agenda
3. Fix Date for Public Hearing Local Law No.2-1973
Pursuant to Mr. Bloom's request and on his motion, seconded by
Councilman White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby fixes
as the date for holding a Public Hear-
ing on the adoption of Local Law No.2-
1973 (Garage and Yard Sales) the date
of the second regular meeting in Decem-
ber, December 19th, 1973, and authorizes
Publication of Notice of Hearing in the
official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, The Daily Times, as required by law.
4. Report - American Field Service Reception
Mr. Bloom reported his attendance at the delightful American
Field Service Reception at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gruman
at which he had been requested to convey its thanks to the
Board for American Field Service week.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:30 p.m. , to reconvene on December 12th, 1973.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Vandernoot and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner White,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
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v —sad
R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 42.11
Con Edison of New York, Inc. West-
chester 207.94
Elgene Chemicals, Inc. 100.50
Exxon Company, U.S.A. 108.88
Franklin Cleaners 170.50
Larchmont Glass & Mirror Co. 10.00
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 240.41
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 95.00
Total. . . . . .$975.34
There being no further business to come before the meeting
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:35 p.m. , to reconvene on December 12th, 1973.
Town erk
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