HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976_10_06 Town Board Regular Minutes 365
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Councilman DeMaio
Councilman Perone
Absent: None
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mrs. Rents. - Deputy Clerk
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meeting of December 3, 1975 were pre-
sented and on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, approved as submitted, with Councilman DeMaio and Councilman
Perone abstaining from the vote since neither were members of the
Board at the time of the meeting.
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 1, 1976 were pre-
sented and on motion by Councilman DeMaio, seconded by Councilman
Perone, approved as submitted.
1. Set Date for Public Hearing - Application - Cook's Restaurant
The Supervisor presented a memorandum addressed to the Town Board
by Fred L. Maggini, Chairman of the Planning Board under date of
September 22, 1976 relative to the request for a special permit for
Cook's Restaurant to install a refrigerator building, which was
herewith ordered received and filed as a part of the record of this
meeting. The request had been referred to the Planning Board for
its study and recommendation at the Town Board Meeting of September 1,
Since the Planning Board at its regular meeting on September 8, 1976
recommended that this request be approved, subject to the condition
that the applicant provide adequate screening, Mr. Vandernoot stated
it was in order for this Board to set a date for a public hearing
relative to the aforementioned application.
Thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Council-
man DeMaio, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby fixes the
date of October 20, 1976, the second regu-
lar meeting in October, for holding a Public
Hearing on the request for a Special Permit
by Cook's Restaurant for the installation
of a refrigerator building on Block 412 Parcel
449 - 1265 Boston Post Road;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she
hereby is authorized to publish in the
official newspaper of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, The Daily Times, the Notice of said
hearing as required by law.
1. Set Date for Public Hearing - Taxi Fares
Supervisor Vandernoot explained that it had come to the Board's
attention that the section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck
relative to taxi fares is considerably out of date and after citing
examples, emphasized the need for updating and recommended that
a public hearing date be set.
Whereupon, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
DeMaio, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that a public hearing will be
held by this Board at its next regular
meeting on Wednesday evening, October 20th,
1976 in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaro-
neck, for the purpose of considering amend-
ing the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she hereby
is authorized to publish in the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The
Daily Times, the Notice for said hearing as
required by law.
2. Set Date for Public Hearing - Local Law No. 2-1976
The Supervisor gave a brief explanation as to the importance of
enacting Local Law No. 2-1976 due to the permissiveness of the
recently passed State Real Property Tax Law, which allows busi-
nesses to obtain exemptions of up to 50% if any new construction
or improvements over $10,000 are made, and thereupon on motion
by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held
on Wednesday evening, October 20, 1976
in the Auditorium of the Weaver Street
Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mama-
roneck, for the purpose of considering
adoption of Local Law No. 2-1976 - Tax
Exemption Reduction Law
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and she
hereby is authorized to publish in the
official newspaper of the Town of Mama-
roneck, The Daily Times, the Notice for
said hearing as required by law.
3. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Superin-
tendent of Recreation under date of September 22, 1976, here-
with presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the
Recreation Commission, this Board here-
by authorizes the persons listed here-
below be compensated in the amount
stated and effective on the date specified
for each:
Compensation Effective
Name Position Rate Date
William Reilly Sr. Rec. Leader
Men's Phys.Fitness $24 /session 9-27-76
Michael Yans Sr. Rec. Leader
Tennis Program $8.00 per hr. 10-12-76
Ann Grinnell Rec. Assistant
Tennis Program $3.00 per hr. 10-12-76
Ingrid Miemis Sr. Rec. Leader
Women's Phys.Fitness$24 /session 9-29-76
Barbara O'Donnell Rec. Assistant
Women's Phys.Fitness$18 /session 9-29-76
William Reilly Sr. Rec. Leader
Open House Program $30 /session 9-24-76
Richard Owen Rec. Assistant
Open House Program $24 /session 9-24-76
Richard Rella " $24 /session 9-24-76
Margaret Sollazzo " " $12 /session 9-24-76
Mercedes Yans Rec.Assistant
Special Ed.Program $20 /session 10-2-76
Joseph Villarosa Rec.Assistant
Gymnastics Program $25 /session 10-16-76
Sarah Moore it $25 /session 10-16-76
Laurie Solzberg " " $25 /session 10-16-76
1. Letter, Department of Housing and Urban Development
A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Joseph Monticciolo,
Director for the New York Area of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment, under date of September 20th, 1976, was herewith presented
and ordered received and filed.
Supervisor Vandernoot explained that the Town and Village of
Larchmont had applied on July 22nd, 1976, for rent subsidies
for 150 units under Section 8 of the Housing Program and has
been allocated subsidy for 75 units. The Supervisor continued
by stating that along with said approval an annual contribution
in the about of $199,884.00 has been reserved and that a tremen-
dous amount of work has yet to be accomplished since detailed forms
must be completed and submitted to HUD before the money is received.
Some discussion followed in which Nicholas Sparkman, 172 Myrtle
Boulevard, Town and Peggy Snyder, 31 Seton Road, Town, queried
the Board about the future role of the Tenants Advisory Council
and specifics about the Rent Subsidy Program.
2. Letter, Lawrence C. Salley, Urban County Program Administrator
A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Lawrence C. Salley under
date of September 23, 1976 was herewith presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed as part of the record of this meeting. Mr. Vandernoot
explained that Westchester County has been designated an Urban County
and as such Mr. Salley was indicating that the application made by
the Town and Village of Mamaroneck for the sensor valve project at
the Larchmont Reservoir has been approved at a cost of $20,000. It
was further noted that once an environmental assessment is completed
and if the County decides that a full environmental impact statement
is not needed, there will be a 35-day working delay before final
approval of funding.
3. Letter, Robert W. Huntington, Solid Waste Management
A communication received from the Westchester County Department
of Public Works under date of October 4, 1976 was herewith presented
by the Supervisor and ordered filed as part of the record of this
meeting. -
Supervisor Vandernoot advised the Board that effective January 1,
1977 the fee for disposal of solid waste at Croton Point Sanitary
Landfill will be increased from $8.20 to $9.75 per ton which could
possibly cost the Town up to $18,000. more than the amount allocated
in the budget for solid waste disposal.
Both Mrs. Paula Willey and Mrs. Peggy Snyder, residents of the
Unincorporated Area urged the Board to consider collecting paper
more often and increasing the glass recycling efforts in order
to offset the impact of these new rates.
4. Notice - Larchmont Village Zoning Board of Appeals
A Public Notice of the Larchmont Village Zoning Board of Appeals
was herewith presented and ordered received and filed.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:.
Reports of the Town Clerk for the months
of August & September 1976.
Reports of the Building & Plumbing Inspector
for the months of August and September 1976.
1. Report on Bond Sale
Supervisor Vandernoot referred to the Board's decision to go
to permanent financing for certain sewer improvements and the
Hommocks Bubble totalling $585,000 in bonds, and announced with
pleasure that said bonds were sold at five per cent. He stated
that he was quite pleased to have received seven (7) bids, three
(3) of which were for five percent.
At this point, on behalf of the Board, Mr. Perone thanked Super-
visor Vandernoot for his handling of the bonding matter.
2. Report on Recycling in Westchester County
"Recycling in Westchester County: September 1976", a study prepared
for the Westchester County Solid Waste Management Division by Craig A.
Masback was presented by Supervisor Vandernoot who complimented the
Town and Village of Larchmont, C.A.C. and L.I.F.E. since it was noted
in the report that seven (7) of the total 35 tons of glass recycled
in the County each week are collected by the Town.
Mrs. Paula Willey reiterated her statements made earlier in the meeting
regarding recycling and suggested that consideration be given to the
collection of glass similar to that of newspapers.
The Supervisor explained the difficulties involved in glass collection
and stated that this would require further study.
3. Application to N.Y.S. Power Authority
The Supervisor reported on his attendance at a meeting relative to
the Town's application to PASNY and announced that the contracts will
be sent to the Governor for signing within the next two weeks. In
reply to a question from the floor, Mr. Vandernoot stated that the
Town expects about a $12,000. savings.
4. Proclamation - Volunteer Ambulance Week
Gratitude was expressed by Supervisor Vandernoot for the dedication
and skill of the men and women who make up our very active and efficient
volunteer ambulance corps. In turn, the Councilmen individually praised
the corps expressing their thanks for the excellent service
rendered by the corps and with unanimous consent of the Board,
the Supervisor issued the following proclamation:
Town of Mamaroneck
The dedicated men and women who make up the
Volunteer Ambulance Squads in New York State
save hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives
every year. Doing their work without recom-
pense, these skilled volunteers effectively
provide split-second support that often means
the difference between life and death.
The men and women volunteers serving in our
Volunteer Ambulance Corps are a vital benefit
to the lives of all local residents. These
volunteers will make approximately 600 ambu-
lance runs this year and perform countless
acts of heroism. It is fitting we honor them
and give due recognition to the life-saving
role they play in our community.
Now, Therefore, I, Joseph F. Vandernoot,
Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, do
hereby proclaim October 24-30, 1976, as
Volunteer Ambulance Week
in the Town of Mamaroneck.
Councilmen Bloom and DeMaio issued a plea for community support
of V.A.C. and asked residents to give as much as they can to
their most worthy cause.
5. Proclamation - United Nations Day
The Supervisor acknowledged receipt of a letter addressed to him
by Mrs. Christine K. Helwig, former Supervisor which was herewith
ordered received and filed, in which she requested the issuance
of a proclamation relative to the above captioned.
Councilman Bloom announced that October 24th is United Nations
Day and added that former Supervisor Christine Helwig is the local
United Nations Association Chairman and he made informative comments
relative to the functions of the U.N.
Thereupon with the unanimous consent of the Board, the Super-
visor issued the following proclamation:
October 24 , 1976
Each year the peoples of the world celebrate
October 24 as United Nations Day, recalling
the date in 1945 when the United Nations Charter
came into force. This is an appropriate occasion
for people everywhere to renew their commitment
to the Charter ideals of peace and human rights
and their determination to promote economic and
social progress and a greater measure of justice
and freedom for all. These are the same prin-
ciples and goals on which our government was
founded 200 years ago.
In reexamining our past we have found guidelines
for the future. The same need for mutual under-
standing and cooperation which drew the 13 colonies
together in 1776 is drawing the nations of the
world together in 1976. Interdependence is no
longer a theory, it is the central fact of contem-
porary life. We can now sense the promise of a
more peaceful world and the opportunity for new
strides in international cooperation.
Now, Therefore, I, Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor
of the Town of Mamaroneck, do hereby proclaim Sunday,
October 24, 1976 as United Nations Day and call upon
all the citizens of the Town of Mamaroneck to observe
that day in the spirit of common purpose expressed
in the United Nations Charter. I urge everyone,
groups or individuals, to participate in programs
and activities designed to develop an understanding
of the problems and potentials of the United Nations
and to stimulate discussions of ways to make the
United Nations into a more effective organization.
I ask all citizens to observe United Nations Day
with a sense of rededication to the high truths
which we in the United States hold to be self-evident,
as expressed for us in the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights, and for all the world in the Charter of
the United Nations.
6. Proclamation - United Way Week
Upon Supervisor Vandernoot's acknowledgement of receipt of a letter
addressed to him by Theodore D. Eisler, Campaign Chairman of the
United Way of Larchmont, the aforementioned being herewith ordered
filed, And pursuant to his comments about the worthiness of the
cause, with the unanimous consent of the Board, he issued
the following proclamation:
United Way
WHEREAS, the United Way of Westchester serves
as the major voluntary funding source
for 82 human resource agencies in our
community and county;
WHEREAS, member agencies of the United Way of
Westchester serve one out of every four
families in our county;
WHEREAS, the annual campaign for the United Way
of Westchester represents a combined fund-
raising effort for community health care
and social service agencies, thereby,
eliminating duplication of campaigns;
WHEREAS, the United Way of Westchester annual campaign,
fosters a philosophy of voluntary support of
community needs;
WHEREAS, the United Way of Westchester campaign con-
tinues to warrant the support of all people
throughout our community, both public and
RESOLVED, that I, Joseph F. Vandernoot, Supervisor of
the Town of Mamaroneck do proclaim the week
of October 1 - October 11, 1976 as
United Way Week
in the Town of Mamaroneck and urge all the
citizens of this community to respond gener-
ously to this voluntary campaign to improve
the life and health of our community.
7. Report - Inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools and Equipment
A letter addressed to the County Department of Public Works by
the Superintendent of Highways under date of October 1,1976 sub-
mitting the inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools and Equipment
as of September 26, 1976 was herewith presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the condition of certain pieces
of equipment named in the inventory and Councilmen DeMaio and Perone
queried the Town Engineer about the road work being done on Weaver
Street between Bonnie Briar Lane and the Scarsdale line and referred
specifically to pedestrian and vehicle safety in the area of the
Mr. Bloom
1. Apportionment
Upon Mr. Bloom's presentation of the following apportionment and
on his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petition
- for the correction of the assessment roll for
certain years pursuant to the provisions of -
Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester
County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this Board
finds it desirable to grant said petition for
the correction of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1975-76
school taxes of 1976, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
963 20 Benjamin Levy & W. $50,500. $45,300. $95,800.
be apportioned as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557 :
963 20 Benjamin Levy & W. $19,800. ------- $19,800.
963 34 Riccardo Giuliano &W.30,700. $45,300. $76,000.
Mr. Perone
1. Report - Meeting with County Executive
Councilman Perone reported on the meeting he attended at the request
of the Supervisor, and noted that common problems shared by this
and other communities were discussed. He further stated that the
main topics of discussion were sewer projects, garbage disposal and
insurance rates.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:16 P.M. to reconvene on October 20th, 1976.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization for payment by Commissioner
Bloom and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner DeMaio, it
- was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims as approved by
the Fire Chief and audited by the Comp-
troller's Office:
Michael Acocella, Jr. $ 19.24
Best Uniform Co. , Inc. 27.81
R. G. Brewer, Inc. 6.11
Dri-Chem Extinguisher 132.95
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works 81.70
Exterminating Services Co. 17.34
Exxon Company, U.S.A. 173.60
Gironda's Auto Body 120.00
Knox, Lent & Tucker, Inc. 689.00
The Larchmont Print, Inc. 39.50
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 40.00
National Fire Protection Assoc. 65.18
The New Rochelle Water Company 118.16
New York Telephone Company 309.93
New York Telephone Company 15.24
Office Essentials, Inc. 11.05
Peter Pergola 100.00
Quick Chemical Co. 216.85 -
R & F Trophies 19.85
Wm. Smith Supplies, Inc. 155.45
Sound Tire & Supply Co. , Inc. 205.50
Suburban Communicaitons, Inc. 45.85
Westchester Joint Water Works 124.37
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:17 P.M. , to reconvene on October 20th, 1976.
To Clerk