HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaorneck 2/4/1942 /1 ffeoy I ZONING ORDINANCE of the UNINCORPORATED PART OF THE Town of Mamaroneck Westchester County NEW YORK 04, 44 1;Ai4 . sp a As Amended To February 4, 1942 Price, 50 Cents ZONING ORDINANCE of the UNINCORPORATED PART OF THE Town of Mamaroneck Westchester County NEW YORK 04 6S1G�M'4 a \®4S a As Amended To February 4, 1942 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, AT A MEETING HELD ON JUNE 21st, 1922, AND ALL ADDITIONS TO AND AMENDMENTS i) THEREOF, BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER VESTED IN SAID TOWN BOARD UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 62 OF THE CON- SOLIDATED LAWS KNOWN AS THE TOWN LAW, AS AMENDED, TO ESTABLISH BUILDING LINES ON ANY PROPERTY FRONTING ON OR ADJOINING ANY PUBLIC/STREETS AND TO REQUIRE ALL BUILDINGS HEREAFTER ERECTED TO BE WITHIN SUCH LINES; TO REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STOR- IES AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES: THE PERCENTAGE OF LOT THAT MAY BE OCCUPIED; THE SIZE OF YARDS, COURTS, AND OTHER OPEN SPACES; THE DENSITY OF POPULATION AND THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, CONTENTS STRUCTURES AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PURPOSES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE Article I Definitions Page 3 COMMUNITY AND TO ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES OF DIS- TR1CTS FOR THE SAID PURPOSES AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES Article II Use Districts Page 5 FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS. Article III Area Districts Page 9 ARTICLE I Article IV Height Districts Page 12 Definitions Article V Permits and Certificates of Occupancy Page 14 SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. Certain words in this Ordinance are de- fined for the purpose thereof as follows: Article VI Board of Appeals Page 15 (a) Words used in the preient tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the word "lot" Article VII General and Administrative Page 16 includes the word "plot"; the word "building" includes the word "struct- ure". (b) A "structure" shall mean any building, sign, wall, fence, stand Residential Districts A, A-2....Article II, Section 3.__. Page 5 or other form of construction, whether assembled or constructed within or without the limits of this district, to be built, erected or placed above Residential Districts B, B-2....Article II, Section 3___. Page 5 or below ground within the district. (c) A "non-conforming building or use" is one that does not conform Business Districts C Article II, Section 4_... Page 6 with the regulations of the use district in which it is situated. (d) A "lot" is a parcel. of land occupied or to be occupied by one Industrial Districts D Article II, Section $.... Page 6 building and the accessory buildings or uses customarily incident to it Certificate of Town Clerk Page 18 including such open spaces as are required by this ordinance. (e) A "corner lot" is a parcel of land at the junction of and fronting Rules and Regulations—Zoning Board of Appeals ._ Page 19 on two intersecting streets. (f) An "interior lot" is a lot other than a corner lot. (g) The "depth of a lot" is the mean distance from the street line of General Index Pa e 21 the lot to its rear line measured in the general direction of the side lines g of the lot. Zoning Map Inside back cover (h) The `street line" is the dividing line between the street and the• lot. (i) A "rear yard" is the open unoccupied space, on the same lot with a building, between the rear line of the building and the rear line of the ' lot. (j) A "side yard" is an open unoccupied space, on the same lot with a building situated between the building and the side line of the lot and extending through from the street to the rear yard, or where no rear yard is required, to the rear line of the lot. (k) An "enclosed court" is an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, not extending to either the street or the rear yard. (1) An "open court" is an open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, extending to either the street or the rear yard. (m) The "building area" is the maximum horizontal projected area of a building, and its accessories. 2 3 _- , (n) The "least dimension" of a court or yard is the least of the ment used in the business or for the private use of such person, firm or horizontal dimensions of such court or yard. corporation. (o) The "length of an open court" is the horizontal distance between (aa) A "Public Livery or Boarding Stable" is a place used to care for the end opening on a street or rear yard and the end opposite such street and maintain horses or mules and their harness, and vehicles for hire. or rear yard. , (p) The "height of a court or yard" is the vertical distance between ARTICLE II the lowest level of such court or yard to the highest point of any bound- Use Districts ing wall. Where there is no gable, mansard or dormer, the height shall be measured to the eaves; where there is a gable, the height shall be SECTION 2. CLASSES OF USE DISTRICTS. For the purpose of measured to the peak of the gable and where there is a mansard or dormer regulating and restricting the location of trades and industries and the the height shall be measured to the eaves, gable, mansard or dormer. In location of buildings designed for specified uses the unincorporated part any given case the height of a court or yard shall be measured to the of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into six classes of dis- eaves, gable, mansard or dormer giving it the maximum height. tricts; first A—Residence Districts, second A-2—Residence Districts, (q) The "height of a building" is the vertical distance measured, in • third B—Residence Districts, fourth B-2—Residence Districts, fifth C— the case of flat roofs, from the curb level to the highest point of the roof Business Districts, sixth D—Industrial Districts as shown on the amend- beams adjacent to the street wall, and in the case of pitched roof, from ed Use District Map which accompanies this Ordinance and which is the curb level to the average height of gable, provided, however, that a hereby declared to be and is made a part thereof. The Use Districts coping, firewall, parapet or cornice, above the roof beams, shall not designated on said map are hereby established. The District Map desig- exceed 5 feet in height. In the case of both flat roofs and pitched roofs, nations which accompany the Use District Map are hereby declared to the measurement shall be made through the centre of the street facade. be a part thereof. No building or premises shall be erected, altered or Where no roof beams exist or there are structures wholly or partly above used for any purpose other than a purpose permitted in the Use District the roof, the height shall be measured from the curb level to the highest in which said building or premises is located, except as herein provided. point of the building. Where the walls of a building do not adjoin the SECTION 3. RESIDENCN: DISTRICTS. Classes A, A-2, B and B-2. street the average level of the ground adjoining the walls of the building may be taken in measuring its height instead of the curb level. Where In a residence District designated A on the map mentioned in this no curb exists the height of a building shall be measured by the centre Ordinance, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be of the road bed, the grade of which shall be established or approved by erected, which is arranged, intended or designed to be used as a house or the Town Board. dwelling for more than one family. (r) A "family" is any number of persons living together as a single In the districts designated A-2 on the map mentioned in this Ordin- family or household unit and using all living, cooking and housekeeping ance, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be facilities in common. erected which is arranged, intended or designed to be used as a house (s) A "Multiple Dwelling" is any building which is occupied as a or dwelling for more than two families. home or residence for three or more families living independently of each In the districts designated B on the map mentioned in this Ordinance, other, and including apartment houses and other buildings so occupied. no building or premises shall be erected which is arranged, intended or (t) A "Boarding House" is a house in which one or more paying designed to be used in whole or in part for any purpose except the fol- guests, not to exceed seven, are accommodated. lowing: (u) A "Hotel" is a house in which eight or more paying guests are accommodated. (a) Any use permitted in residence A and A-2 districts. (v) A "Trailer Camp" is any lot, piece or parcel of ground, (other (b) Multiple dwellings as described in Section 17 of this Ordinance, or hotels. than land lying within a public highway or street) whereon three or In districts designated B-2 on the map mentioned in this Ordinance more house trailers, house cars, or automobile trailers equipped with no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected sleeping or living quarters, are located or parked otherwise than for the which is arranged, intended or designed to be used in whole or in part purpose of loading, unloading or discharge or entrance of occupants or for any purpose except the following: passengers. (a) Any use permitted in Residence A, A-2 and B. Districts. (w) A "Tourist Camp" is any lot, piece or parcel of ground whereon (b) Multiple Dwellings as described in Section 18 of this Ordinance, are located or placed one or more camp cottages, tent houses, cabins or boarding houses or hotels. other buildings designed for living quarters or sleeping quarters for ten Nothing contained in this section shall prevent a use for one or more or more persons, including children, other than houses, buildings and/or of the following purposes: structures regulated under the building code and zoning Ordinance of 1. Dwelling, including the office of a physician, surgeon or dentist. the Town of Mamaroneck. � when situated in the same dwelling or used by such person as his s (x) A "Commercial Garage' 'is a place for the storage of one or more private dwelling. business automobiles or commercial trucks or other self-propelling ve- 2. Churches. hides owned or used by not more than one person, firm or corporation. 3. Clubs, excepting clubs the chief activity of which is a service cus- (y) A "Public Automobile Garage" or "Gasoline Service Station" is tomarily carried on as a business. a place used for the sale of oil and gasoline and the servicing and/or stor- 4. Farming, truck gardening, nurseries and greenhouses, except when age of automobiles. carried on or conducted for commercial purposes. (z) A "Commercial Stable" is a place for the care and maintenance 5. Railroad passenger stations. of one or more horses or mules owned and used by not more than one 6. Schools, libraries or public museums. person, firm or corporation, together with the trucks, vehicles and equip- 7. Accessory uses customarily incident to the above uses, the term 4 5 i "accessory use," however, not including a business or any building 20. Printing ink manufacture. or use not located on the same lot with the building or use to 21. Pyroxoline plastic manufacture or manufacture of articles there- which it is accessory. A garage or stable shall be permitted as from. per section 7 of this Ordinance. 22. Raw hides or skins-storage, curing or tanning. 23. Rubber manufacture from crude material. SECTION 4. BUSINESS DISTRICTS-Class C. In a business dis- 24. Slaughtering of animals. trict,no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erect- 25. Smelting of iron. ed which is arranged, intended or designed to be used for any of the 26. Soap manufacture. following specified trades, industries or uses: 27. Starch, glucose or dextrine manufacture. 1 1. Bag cleaning establishment. 28. Stock yards. 2. Blacksmith shop or horseshoeing establishment. 29. Stone crushing except for municipal purposes. 3. Bottling or distributing stations. 30. Storage or manufacture of explosives except as permitted by law. 4. Car barns or bus terminals. 31. Sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric or hydrochloric acid manufacture. 5. Carousels, roller-coasters, whirligigs, merry-go-rounds, skating 32. Tallow, grease or lard manufacture. rinks, ferris wheels or similar amusement devices. 33. Tar distillation. 6. Dry cleaning establishment or laundry employing more than four 34. Tar roofing or waterproofing manufacture. persons. 35. Any other trade industry or use, which in the opinion of the Board 1 7. Commercial garages and commercial stables, except as permitted of Appeals is noxious or offensive by reason of odor, dust, smoke, by Section 7 hereof. gas, noise, vibration or other cause. 8. Public livery or boarding stables, public automobile garages or No use permitted in a residence district by Section 3 or in a business gasoline service stations except as permitted by Section 7 hereof. district by Section 4, shall be excluded from an industrial district. 9. Ice plant. 10. Stone yards. SECTION 6. NON-CONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES. Any ' 11. Storage or baling of scrap papers, rags, metal or junk of all non-conforming use, existing at the time of the passage of this Ordin- kinds. ance, may be continued and any existing building designed, arranged, in- 12. Automobile wrecking and storage of used automobiles and trucks tended for or devoted to a non-conforming use, may be reconstructed or and parts thereof and the storage of new or used building mater- structurally altered, and the non-conforming use therein changed, subject ials. to the following regulations: 13. Any kind of manufacturing other than the manufacture of pro- 1. The structural alteration made in such a building shall in no case ducts sold at retail on the premises to the ultimate consumer. exceed twenty-five percent of its assessed value nor shall the build- 14. Any trade, industry or use prohibited by Section 6 in an indus- ing be enlarged, unless the use therein is changed to a conforming trial district. use. 15. Trailer and Tourist Camps. 2. No non-conforming use shall be extended at the expense of a con- No use permitted in a residential district by Section 3 shall be ex- forming use. eluded from a business district. 3. Any non-conforming use of land or structures that have not been used as such for a period of three or more years, shall be deemed ISECTION 5. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS - Class D. In an to be abandoned and shall not be continued or used for any non- industrial district, no building or premises shall be used and no building conforming use without the concurring vote of four members of the shall be erected, which is arranged intended or designed to be used for Board of Appeals. any of the following specified trades, industries or uses: 4. In a residence district no building or premises devoted to a use 1. Ammonia, chlorine, or bleaching powder manufacture. permitted in a business district shall be changed into a use excluded 2. Asphalt manufacture or refining. from a business district. 3. Assaying, other than gold or silver. 5. In a residence or business district no building or premises devoted 4. Boiler works. l to a use permitted in an industrial district shall be changed into 5. Brick, tile or terra cotta manufacture. a use excluded from an industrial district. 6. Cemetery. 6. In a residence, business, or industrial district, no building devoted 7. Crematory. to a use excluded from an industrial district, shall be structurally 8. Creosote treatment or manufacture, altered, if its use shall have been changed since the time of the 9. Distillation of coal, wood or bones. passage of this Ordinance to another use, also excluded from an 10. Fat rendering. I industrial district. A change of use, for the purpose of this sub- 11. Fertilizer manufacture. division, shall be deemed to include any change from a use included 's 12. Garbage, reduction of, or offal, dead animals or refuse except in an enumerated subdivision of Section 5. to a use included in when used for municipal purposes another enumerated subdivision of Section 5. 13. Glue, size or gelatine manufacture. 7. In a residence, business or industrial district, no building devoted 14. Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry or works. to a use excluded from an industrial district, shall have its use 15. Lamp black manufacture. changed to another use which is also excluded from an industrial 16. Lime, cement or plaster of paris manufacture. district, if the building shall have been structurally altered since 17. Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture. the time of the passage of this Ordinance. A change of use, for 18. Paint, oil, varnish or turpentine manufacture. the purpose of this subdivision shall be deemed to include any 19. Petroleum refining. change from a use included in an enumerated subdivision of See- 6 7 tion 5. to a use included in another enumerated subdivision of Sec- ARTICLE III tion.5. Area Districts SECTION 7. GARAGES AND STABLES. A private garage for SECTION 8. AREA DISTRICTS. For the purpose of regulating not more than three automobiles owned and used exclusively by an and determining the area of yards, courts and percentage of lot which individual resident the unincorporated part of the Town of Mamar- may be occupied by buildings hereafter erected or enlarged, the unincor- oneck for his private use, shall be permitted in residential districts if erected at least 75 feet from the front property line, unless said garage porated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into six area is made part of the main dwelling or in case of severe topographical con- districts, namely A, A-2, B, B-2, C and D as shown on the ditions, or where a lot is less than 100 feet in depth, the distance may be amended area district map, which together with the designations shown less than 75 feet upon the concurring vote of four members of the thereon, is hereby declared to be and is hereby made a part of this Ordin- Board of Appeals. On corner lots, a garage shall also be set back at ance and the area districts designated on said map are hereby establish- least 30 feet from a side street unless upon the concurring vote of four ed. Except, as hereinafter provided, no building shall be erected, nor shall members of the Board of Appeals a less set-back restriction be permitted. an existing building be structurally altered, enlarged or rebuilt, except in conformity with these regulations. No lot area shall be so reduced or A garage for more than three motor vehicles may be permitted in ' diminished in area that the yards, courts or open spaces shall be smaller, a Class B and B-2 residential district for the exclusive use of the nor the number of families occupying a given area be greater, than pre- occupants of an apartment house if erected on the same lot or plot of scribed by these regulations. land with such apartment house building, upon the concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals. SECTION 9. AREA DISTRICTS — Classes A and A-2. In these area districts the set-back and minimum dimensions of yards and courts A commercial garage may be permitted in business districts upon the and the maximum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows: concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals. SET-BACK: No part of any building shall be built within 30 feet of public automobile garage or gasoline service station shall be any street line, except that on corner lots such buildings may be set back permitted in. industrial districts, and may be permitted in business dis- a less distance from the side street, upon the concurring vote of four tricts, only after the proposed location of the same has first been ap- members of the Board of Appeals. proved by the Board of Appeals, by the concurring vote of four mem- REAR YARDS: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less here thereof. than fifteen per cent of depth of the lot. This yard need not exceed b• ��Tnder no circumstances shall a permit be issued for the erection or •1 twenty-five feet in depth, provided it has a depth of not less than five enlargement of a garage for more than three motor vehicles, a group of inches for each foot of building height. garages for more than three motor vehicles, or for a gasoline service SIDE YARDS: Two side yards shall be provided at the curb level of L station or for the conversion of any premises, not so used, to be used for every lot. The least dimensions of each yard shall be six feet. , such purposes in any district whether it be a business or industrial dis- OPEN COURTS: An open court shall be not less than five feet wide, trict if any part of the lot or plot in question is situated within a radius nor less than two and one-half inches wide for each foot of height of such of two hundred feet of, or within any portion of a street between two court, nor less than two and one-half inches wide for each foot of length intersecting streets in which portion there exists: of such court from the closed end. ENCLOSED COURTS: An enclosed court shall be not less than six 1. A church, or feet wide, nor less than three inches wide for each foot of height of such 2. A hospital maintained as a charitable institution, or court, nor shall its area be less than twice the square of its required 3. A public library, or least dimension. 4. A duly organized school, other than a public school conducted for PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building with its access- children under sixteen years of age and giving regular instruction, at ory buildings, shall occupy in excess of forty percent of the area of an least five days a week, for eight or more months a year, or interior lot, nor in excess of fifty per cent of a corner lot. 5. A public school, or 6. A theatre containing at least 300 seats. SECTION 10. AREA DISTRICTS. Class B. In these districts No exceptions to the provisions of this section shall be made except the set-back and minimum dimensions of yards and courts and the maxi- upon a concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals. mum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows: A private stable for one or more horses owned and used exclusively SET-BACK: All parts of a building shall he set back as follows: by an individual resident' of the unincorporated part of the Town of four stories or 46 feet or less in height, 30 feet; five stories or 58 feet Mamaroneck for his private use, may be permitted in residential in height, 35 feet; six stories or 70 feet in height, 40 feet, from the street districts, if erected at least seventy-five feet from the front property line on each street on which it faces, except that on corner lots such line. Upon corner lots, said stable shall he set back at least twenty-five • buildings may be set-back a less distance from the side street, upon the feet from a side street, unless upon special consent of the Board of concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals. Appeals, a lesser distance be permitted. • REAR YARDS: A rear yard is required on each lot. Such rear yard A commercial stable may be permitted in business districts upon the shall be at least 20 feet deep behind a building or rear projection three concurring vote of four members of the Board of Appeals. stories or more in height and at least 15 feet deep behind a building less than three stories in height. Where a lot is less than 100 feet deep at the A public livery or boarding stable shall be permitted in industrial time of the passage of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or Regu- districts, andmay be permitted in business districts only after the pro- lation, one-half of the diminution in depth of the lot, below 100 feet, shall posed location of same has first been approved upon the concurring vote be subtracted from the prescribed depth of the rear yard, provided that of four members of the Board of Appeals. • no rear yard shall be less than 15 feet in depth. 8 9 T • SIDE YARDS: A side yard is required along each sidelot line not a any street line and on corner lots such building shall also be set back at street line. No wall of any building or accessory building shall be within least 10 feet from the side street. less than 15 feet from any side lot line. Open spaces between parts of REAR YARDS: On corner lots there shall be a rear yard having a buildings on the same plot shall be not less than 20 feet in width in the depth of not less than five per cent of the depth of the lot, which yard case of buildings 21/2 stories or less in height; not less than 25 feet in need not exceed ten feet in depth, provided it has a depth of not less than width, with respect to a three story building; and not less than 30 feet in three inches for each foot of building height. On interior lots there shall width with respect to a building more than three stories in height wher- be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten per cent of the depth of ever such intervening open spaces are the sole means of bringing adequate the lot, which yard need not exceed fifteen feet in depth, provided it has exterior light and air to windows of a living or sleeping room. An access- a depth of not less than three inches for each foot of building height. ory building over 60 feet from any street line and not over two stories in SIDE YARDS: There shall be two side yards, each not less than five height may be within not less than three feet from any lot line inter- feet wide, nor less than one and one-half inches for each foot of building secting such street. No cornice shall project more than one-quarter of height, nor less than one inch for each foot of building length. the width of the open space nor more than three feet in any case but may OPEN COURTS: An open court shall be not less than five feet wide, project one foot in any case. Chimneys may be erected within a side nor less than two inches wide for each foot of height of such court, nor yard provided they do not exceed 10 square feet in horizontal external less than two inches wide for each foot of length of such court from the cross section and do not obstruct free ventilation. closed end. A fire escape or an outside stairway, or a balcony to a fire tower may ENCLOSED COURTS: An enclosed court shall be not less than six project not more than five feet into the side yard. feet wide, nor less than two inches wide for each foot of height of such Within the limits of a side yard no fence or wall (except a retaining court, nor shall its area be less than twice the square of its required wall) shall be more than four feet high unless the part above such height least dimension. For a building used for dwelling purposes, an enclosed be not more than one-quarter solid in which case the total height shall court shall be not less than two and one-half inches wide for each foot not exceed ten feet. of height of such court. COURTS: An open space to be called a "court" and conforming to PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building, with its access- the provisions of this Section shall be provided wherever any room in ory buildings, shall occupy in excess of seventy-five per cent of the area which persons live, sleep or congregate, cannot be adequately lighted or of an interior lot, nor in excess of ninety percent of the area of a corner ventilated from the street or yard. lot. The minimum width and areas of courts shall conform to the follow- SECTION 12. AREA DISTRICTS—Classes C and D. In these die- ing: tricts, the minimum dimensions of yards and courts and the maximum For a building four or more stories, minimum width 30 feet, minimum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows: area 1800 sq. feet. REAR YARDS: On interior lots there shall be a rear yard above the For a building three stories, minimum width 25 feet, minimum area horizontal plane, twenty feet above the curb level, having a depth of not 1250 sq. feet. less than ten per cent of the depth of the lot, which yard need not exceed For a building two and one-half stories or less,minimum width 20 feet, fifteen feet in depth, provided it has a depth of not less than two inches minimum area 800 sq. feet. for each foot of building height. No fence or wall (except a retaining wall) more than four feet high SIDE YARDS: A side yard, if any, shall be not less than five feet unless one-quarter solid above such height, shall exist within the limits wide, nor less than one inch wide for each foot of building length. of any required lot line court where such fence or wall is distant less than OPEN COURTS: An open court shall be not less than five feet wide, two and one-half feet from any lot line provided the total height of such not less than one and one-half inches wide for each foot of height of such wall does not exceed 10 feet. court, not less than one and one-half inches wide for each foot of length PERCENTAGE OF IAT OCCUPANCY: The following limitations of such court from the closed end. shall govern together with the restrictions for set backs, front, rear and side yards and courts as set forth in this section: ENCLOSED COURTS: An enclosed court shall be not less than six (a) a building occupying not more than 371/2% of the lot area may be feet wide, nor less than two and one-half inches wide for each foot of erected to a height not to exceed six stories but not in excess of 70 feet. height of such court, nor shall its area be less than twice the square of (b) a building occupying not more than 40% of the lot area may be i its required least dimensions. erected to a height not to exceed five stories but not in excess of 58 feet. PERCENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPANCY: No building, with its access- (c) a building occupying more than 40% of the lot area shall not be ' ory buildings, shall occupy in excess of ninety per cent of an interior lot. erected to a height greater than four stories nor more than 46 feet. This limit shall apply above the horizontal plane, twenty feet above the (d) No building shall occupy more than 45% of the lot area. Any curb level. The entire area of corner lots may be occupied, provided all building or part of a building which is arranged, intended or designed to regulations relative to light and ventilation are complied with. be used as a house for not more than two families hereafter erected or Any building or part of a building, used as a dwelling or multiple structurally altered in the B area district shall conform to the regula- dwelling hereafter erected or structurally altered in the C and D area tions of the A and A-2. Area districts as provided in Article III, Sec- districts, shall conform to the regulations of the B-2 area district. tion 9. SECTION 13. AREA DISTRICT EXCEPTIONS: The foregoing SECTION 11. AREA DISTRICTS. — Class B-2. In these districts requirements of the area districts B-2, C and D shall be subject to the the set-back and minimum dimensions of yards and courts and the maxi- following exceptions and regulations. mum percentage of lot occupancy shall be as follows: 1. In computing the percentage of lot occupancy for any building on SET-BACK: No part of any building shall be built within 15 feet of a lot which has an alley on one or more sides, one-half of the area of 10 I 11 I I • such alley or alleys, immediately adjacent to such lot, may be assumed A and A-2, (The forty foot height districts.) to be a portion of such lot. B, (The graduated height districts.) 2. A building upon an interior lot running through the block from B-2, C and D, (The seventy foot height districts). street to street, may not require a rear yard when complying with the The unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divid- percentage of lot occupancy requirements; provided, however, that when ed into the six districts aforesaid, and the boundaries of such such a building is located between lots requiring rear yards, on either or districts are shown upon the amended zoning map attached hereto and both sides, such building, on a through lot, shall provide a court on the made a part of this Ordinance, and except, as specifically provided, no side or sides on which the adjoining lots are required to provide a rear building shall be altered, constructed or raised, so as to exceed the height yard. hereby established for the district wherein such building is located, and 3. In computing the depth of a rear yard or the width of a side yard said map and all the notations, references and other items shown there- or open court, for any building where such yard or court opens upon an in, shall be`as such, a part of this Ordinance as though the matters and alley or street, one-half of such alley or street abutting on said lot may items set forth by said map were all fully described herein. The height of be assumed to be a portion of the yard or court. such buildings is the vertical distance from the level of the curb opposite 4. Every part of a required court shall be open from its lowest point the middle of the front of the building to the top of the enclosure wall or to the sky, unobstructed, except for the ordinary projections of skylights to the highest point of the roof, provided in case of a building located on above the bottom of such court, and except for the projections of sills, a terrace, the height of the curb level may be increased by the amount belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not to exceed four. inches; equal to the height of the terrace above the same curl) level, but not to provided, that open or lattice enclosed fire escapes, fire proof outside exceed five feet, and provided further that where the level of the land, stairways and solid floor balconies opening upon fire towers, projecting according to the Town survey is above the level of the curb, the vertical into a yard not more than five feet or into a court not more than three height of such building shall be measured from the first floor door sill. and one-half feet, and the ordinary projections or chimneys and flues, Where no curb exists the height of a building shall be measured by the may be permitted, by the inspector of buildings where so placed as not to center of the roadbed, the grade of which shall be established or approv- obstruct the light and ventilation. ed by the Town Board. 5. Shafts for bath rooms, toilets, hallways or stairways, may be of The forty foot height districts as outlined on said map shall be known smaller dimensions than specified herein for courts, in which case they as height districts A and A-2. will not be considered as open spaces in computing the percentage of lot occupancy. The graduated height districts as outlined on said map shall be 6. On lots having only an alley frontage and for a depth of not exceed- known as height districts B. ing twenty-five feet,and on lots which form all or part of a space entirely The seventy foot height districts as outlined on said map shall be . surrounded by alleys, the area requirements of these regulations shall known as height district B-2, C and D. . not apply. SECTION 16. FORTY FOOT HEIGHT DISTRICTS. — A and A-2. SECTION 14. NUMBER OF FAMILIES HOUSED PER ACRE. In the forty foot height districts no building shall be erected or altered In A and A-2 districts no dwelling shall hereafter be erected or altered to to exceed forty feet or three stories and basement in height except as accommodate or make provision for more than ten families on an acre of hereinafter provided. land, nor more than a proportional number of families on a proportional acre of land. The maximum number of families which may hereafter SECTION 17. GRADUATED HEIGHT DISTRICTS-B. In all be housed on any plot of ground shall not exceed the integral number B residence districts no building shall be erected in eight to exceed the obtained by multiplying the acreage of such plot, exclusive of the area following: within the street line by ten. The limitations imposed by this section, (a.) A building occupying no more than 37%% of the lot area may be shall, however, not prohibit the erection of a one family house on any erected to a height not to exceed six (6) stories, but not in excess plot which is an owner's entire contiguous holding, containing, at the time of 70 feet. of the passage of this Ordinance, an area of less than one-tenth of an (b.) A building occupying no more than 40% of the lot area may be acre. erected to a height not to exceed five (5) stories but not in excess In the B, B-2, C and D districts, no dwelling or multiple dwelling of 58 feet. - shall hereafter be erected or altered to accommodate or make provisions (c.) A building occupying more than 40% of the lot area shall riot be for More than eighty families on any acre of land, nor more than a pro- erected to a height greater than four (4) stories nor more than 46 portional number of families on a fractional part of any acre of land. ' feet. The maximum number of families which may hereafter be housed on any plot of ground shall not exceed the integral number obtained by multiply- 1 SECTION 18. SEVENTY FOOT HEIGHT DISTRICTS — B-2, C ing the acreage of such plot, exclusive of the area within the street line, and D. In the seventy foot height districts no building shall be erected by eighty. - or altered to exceed seventy feet or six stories and basement, in height ARTICLE IV except as hereinafter provided. • Height Districts SECTION 19. HEIGHT DISTRICT EXCEPTIONS. The fore- going requirements in the height districts shall be subject to the follow • - • -SECTION 15. HEIGHT DISTRICTS REGULATIONS. For the - ing exceptions and regulations: purpose of regulating and limiting the height of buildings, the unincor- First: In height districts A and A-2 such public buildings as are per- porated part of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby divided into height mitted in an A and A-2 use district, churches or schools may be erected districts of which there shall be six known as follows: to a height not exceeding fifty-five feet, provided such structure shall ' 12 13 have set-back, side yards and rear yards, complying with the area regu- alteration complies with the regulations contained in the Ordinance is to i' lations of this Ordinance. be given as may be required by the Building Inspector. A proper record Second: One family or two family dwellings in height district A and of such applications and plans shall be kept in the office of the Building A-2 may be increased in height by not more than seven feet when Inspector. No yard, court or other open spaces provided for in this Or- two side yards of not less than fifteen feet each are provided, or by not dinance about any building, shall be used as a yard, court or open space more than 14 feet when no part of said building is built within 50 feet for any other building. of any boundary line. Public buildings or institutions-of monumental character may exceed Third: In height districts A and A-2 churches, cathedrals, temples the height regulations for the district in which such buildings are to be and other places of public worship may be erected as to height, in accord- located when set back from the building lines as established in this Or- ance with this Ordinance, provided however, that any such structure dinance one foot for each foot of excess height. shall set back from the street line not less than 50 feet, and shall have a yard on each side of not less than 20 feet in width and shall comply in all ARTICLE VI other respects with the area restrictions of this Ordinance. Board of Appeals Fourth: Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the projection of a cornice beyond the street wall to an extent of not more than four feet. SECTION 22. MEMBERSHIP. A.Board of Appeals is hereby es- Nothing in these regulations shall prevent the erection above the height I * tablished. The words "the Board" when used in this article refer limit of the parapet wall or a cornice extending above such limit not more to said Board. The Board shall consist of five (5) members all of than five feet. whom shall be residents and Owners of record of real property in the unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck and shall be SECTION 20. EXCEPTIONS AS TO SPIRES, ETC. — The provis- appointed by the Town Board of such Town. The Chairman of the ions of these regulations shall not apply to the erection of church spires, i hoard shall be designated by the Supervisor. Of the members of the Board belfries,chimneys, flues,grain elevators,scenery lofts and wireless towers. first appointed,one shall hold office for the term of one (1) year; one for The provisions of these regulations moreover shall not apply to bulkheads, the term of two (2) years; one for the term of three (3) years; one for elevator enclosures or water tanks occupying on the aggregate, less than the term of four (4) years; and one for the term of five (5) years from ten (10%) per cent of the area of the roof on which they are located. No and after his appointment. Their successors shall he appointed for the tower or other structure shall be erected in any district embraced by this term of five (5) years from and after the expiration of the term of their Ordinance, having a height of more than 50 feet from the level of the predecessors in office. If a vacancy shall occur otherwise than by expir- ground surrounding the base or foundation of such structure without the ation of term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. consent of the Board of Appeals. The Town Board shall have the power to remove any member of the Board for cause and after public hearing. The members of the Board ARTICLE V shall receive no compensation for their services. Permits and Certificates of Occupancy SECTION 23. MEETINGS. All meetings of the Board shall be SECTION 21. No land shall be occupied or used and no building held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Board hereafter erected or altered shall be occupied or used in whole or in part may determine. Such a chairman, or in his absence, the acting chairman, for any purpose whatsoever until a certificate of occupancy shall have may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meet- been issued by the Building Inspector stating that the premises or build- Ings of the Board shall be open to the public. Such Board shall keep min- ing complies with all the provisions of this Ordinances utes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon every ques- No change or extension of use and no alterations shall be made in a tion,or if absent or failing to vote indicating such fact and shall also keep non-conforming use or premises without a certificate of occupancy, having records of its examinations and other official actions. Every rule, regu- first been issued by the Building Inspector that such change, extension latiou, every amendment or repeal thereof and every order, requirement. or alteration is in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance. decision or determination of the Board shall immediately be filed in the Certificates of occupancy shall be applied for at the same time that office of the Board and shall be a public record. the building permit is applied for and shall he issued within ten days SECTION 24. APPEALS An appeal may be taken to the Board of after the erection or alteration of the building shall have been completed. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Build- 1Appeals by any person aggrieved, or by au officer, department, board, or ing Inspector and copies shall be furnished upon request to any persons bureau of the town. Such appeal shall be taken within such time as shall having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected. A fee be prescribed by the Board of Appeals by general rule, by filing with the of two dollars shall be charged for each original certificate and one dol- I officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Appeals a lar for each copy thereof. notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer from whom No permit for excavation or for the erection or alteration of the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board all the papers any building shall be issued before application has been made for a cer- constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. tificate of occupancy. No building or premises may be occupied until An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed such certificate shall have been issued. from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to All applications for building permits shall he accompanied by a plan the Board of Appeals, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with or duplicate drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions and compass him, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would in his bearings of the recorded lot to be built upon. All buildings existing upon opinion cause imminent peril to life or property in which case proceedings said lot the size of the buildings to be erected, and such otherinformation shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be as may be necessary to determine whether the proposed construction or granted by the Board of Appeals, or by a Court of record on application, 14 15 R,1 on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck or in the office of the Register of the shown. County of Westchester. The Board of Appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of The owner or general agent of a building or premises where a viola- the appeal or other matter referred to it and give public notice thereof tion of any provision of this Ordinance has been committed, or shall exist, as well as due notice thereof to the parties in interest and decide the same or the lessee or tenant of an entire building or entire premises where within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in such violation has been committed or shall exist, or the owner, general person or by agent or by attorney. agent, lessee or tenant of any part of the building or premises in which such violation has been committed or shall exist, or the general agent, SECTION 25. JURISDICTION. The Board of Appeals may hear architect, builder contractor or any other person who commits, takes part and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision or or assists in any such violation or who maintains any building or prem- determination made by an administrative official charged with the en- ices or any part thereof in which any violation shall exist shall be guilty forcement of this Ordinance and all matters referred to it thereunder or of a misdemeanor. upon which it is required to pass. Any such person who, having been served with an order to remove The Board of Appeals may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may such violation, shall fail to comply with said order within ten days after modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from such service or shall continue to violate any provision of this Ordinance and shall make such order, requirement, decision or determination as in *in the respect named in such order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. its opinion ought to be made in the premises and to that end shall have 0 In addition to the foregoing, such violation shall also subject any all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken. Where such person to a penalty in the sum of $50. recoverable in a civil action there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships In the way of brought by or in behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck and when a viola- carrying out the strict letter of this Ordinance the Board of Appeals shall tion of any of the provisions of this Ordinance is continuous, each twen- have the power in passing upon appeals, to vary or modify the applica- • ty-four hours thereof shall constitute a separate and distinct violation. { tion of any of the regulations or provisions of this Ordinance relating to In addition to the foregoing remedies,'the Town of Mamaroneck may the use, construction or alteration of buildings or structures, or the use maintain an action for an injunction to restrain any violation of this of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance shall be observed, public safety Ordinance as provided by the Town Law. and welfare secured and substantial justice done. SECTION 25. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. The district boundar- . ARTICLE VII ies are, unless otherwise indicated on the map accompanying this Ordin- ance either street lines or lines drawn parallel to and one hundred feet General and Administrative back from one or more of the street lines bounding the block. Where two or more districts' designations are shown within a block the bound- SECTION 26. INTERPRETATION: PURPOSE. In their inter- ary of the less restricted district shall he deemed one hundred feet back pretation and application, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be held from its street line. to be the minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the pub- SECTION 29. CHANGE IN BOUNDARIES. If any area is lic health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience and general welfare of hereafter transferred to another district by a change in district bound- the community. It is not intended by this Ordinance to repeal, abrogate, aries by an amendment, the provision of this Ordinance in regard to annul or in any way impair or interfere with any existing provisions of buildings or premises existing at the time of the passage of this Ordin- law or Ordinance or in any rules, regulations or permits previously ance shall apply to buildings or premises existing at the time of the adopted or issued, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law passage of such amendment in such transferred areas. relating to the use of buildings or premises; nor is it intended by this Ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, coven- SECTION 30. RESTORATION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS, Noth- ants or other agreements between parties; provided, however, that where ing in this Ordinance shall prevent the restoration of a building this Ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings, destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God or act of the public greater setbac)s, or requires larger or more yards, courts or other open enemy, to the extent of not more than fifty per cent (50%) of its assess- spaces than are imposed or required by such existing provisions of law ed value or prevent the continuance of the use of such building or part or Ordinance or by such rules, regulations or permits or by such ease- thereof. Any building destroyed in the manner aforesaid to an extent ments, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this Ordinance shallexceeding fifty per cent (50%) of its assessed value at the time of such f control. destruction may be reconstructed and thereafter used only in such a manner as to conform to all the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 27. ENFORCEMENT, LEGAL PROCEDURE, PEN- SECTION 31. AMENDMENTS. This Ordinance may be amended ALTIES. This Ordinance shall be enforced by the Building Inspector of as provided by law. the Town of Mamaroneck under the provisions of the Building Code or Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. The Board of Appeals is here- SECTION 32. VALIDITY OF ORDINANCE: If any article, section, by empowered to order in writing the remedying of any condition found paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid such adjudication shall apply only to the article. section. to exist in or at any building, structure, place or premises in violation of any provisions of this Ordinance. Such order may be served personally paragraph, sub-division, clause or provision so adjudged and the rest of or by registered mail and if by mail, may be addressed to the owner or this Ordinance shall remain valid and effective. occupant of the premises at the address given by him upon any applica- SECTION 33. WHEN EFFECTIVE. The Zoning Ordinance of the tion for any permit required under the provisions of the Building or Town of Mamaroneck adopted the 21st day of June, 1922, and all amend- Plumbing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck or to the last known address ments thereto, are hereby declared to be amended and superseded by this of the owner as shown by the records in the office of the Receiver of ordinance which shall take effect immediately. 16 17 111, State of New York RULES AND REGULATIONS County of Westchester: ss. of the Town of Mamaroneck ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK I, ROBERT D. PAYNE, Town Clerk of the Town of 1. Stated meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be held month- Mamaroneck, do hereby certify, that I have compared the fore- ly on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Weaver Street Police going ordinance with the original on file in my office, together Station or such other place designated by the Chairman, at 8:30 o'clock with all additions thereto and amendments thereof, and that in the evening unless such day is a legal holiday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the next day thereafter which is not a legal the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole holiday. thereof, which was duly adopted by the Town Board of the 2. Special meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals may be held at the Town of Mamaroneck on June 21, 1922, amended on Febru- call of the Chairman or at such time as the Board may determine. ary 18, 1930, to conform the same with the provisions of Chap- * 3. Stated or special meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals may be ter 714 of the Laws of 1926, and containing all amendments continued on any adjourned date publicly announced at any stated up to an including February 4, 1942. or properly convened Special Meeting. 4. Any regularly scheduled, stated or special meeting of the Zoning IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Board of Appeals may be adjourned if four members of the Board and affixed the Seal of said Town the 1st day of March, 1942. are not present thereat, after the lapse of thirty minutes past the time for which such meeting is called. In such event, notice of the time ROBERT D. PAYNE, and place of the adjourned, stated or special meeting shall forthwith (SEAL) Town Clerk be mailed to all members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and to the parties interested in matters before the Board by the Secretary of the Board or in his absence by any member present designated for that purpose. 5. Every appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be brought before the Board by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Zoning Board of Appeals, a notice of Appeal specifying the grounds thereof within sixty days from the making of the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. Such notice of Appeal shall be distinctly addressed to the Zoning Board of Ap- peals and shall be filed in the office of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Each notice of Appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the decision • of the Building Inspector, or other Officer from which appeal is tak- en, which copy shall be certified by the Building Inspector or other Officer to be a correct and true copy of such decision and where practical shall be accompanied by a plan or diagram drawn to scale. • 6. All applications for the location of public garages, gasoline service stations or public livery stables within the boundaries of Business • Districts "C" shall be made in writing and filed in the same place and manner as notices of appeal. 7. All notices of appeal and applications to the Zoning Board of Appeals must be brought on for hearing at a stated meeting thereof, unless the Zoning Board of Appeals through its Chairman shall otherwise direct. Thereafter hearings of said Appeals or applications may be continued or adjourned for lack of time or other cause to subsequent stated or special meetings of the Board. 8. All notices of appeal and applications must be filed on or before 12:00 o'clock of the 5th day of the Calendar month in order to come before the stated meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals for that month. 18 19 • 9. Notice of the initial hearing of all appeals and applications shall be INDEX given by publication thereof once in each week for two weeks im- mediately preceding the hearing in one newspaper published or cir- Administrative Article VII Section 26 Page 16 culated in the Unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck or Alleys, Districts Class B-2,C, D, Article III Section 13 Page 11-12 by posting thereof in at least four conspicuous places in the unincor- Alterations Article II Section 2 Page 5 porated part of the Town of Mamaroneck at least ten days before Article II Section 6 Page 7 the hearing. Article V Section 21 Page 14 10. A complete record of the meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals Amendments Article VII Section 31 Page 17 showing the members of the Board present thereat and their re- Appeals Article VI Section 24 Page 15 spective votes on each and every resolution shall be kept by the Area Districts Article III Section 8 Page 9 Secretary of the Board. Class A, A-2, Residential Article III Section 9 Page 9 Set Back Article III Section 9 Page 9 11. A certified copy of the final disposition of every rule, regulation, re- Rear Yards Article III Section 9 Page 9 quirement, decision or determination of the Zoning Board of Appeals Side Yards Article III Section 9 Page 9 shall immediately be filed in the office of the Town Clerk by the Open Courts Article III Section 9 Page 9 Secretary of the Board and shall be a public record; and immediate- * Enclosed Courts Article III Section 9 Page 9 ly thereafter the secretary shall also transmit a copy thereof to the Percentage of Lot Occupancy Article III Section 9 Page 9 Building Inspector, or other Officer from whose rule, regulation or requirement, decision or determination the appeal was taken. Class B, Residential Article III Section 10 Page 9 Set Back Article III Section 10 Page 9 Dated: April 1, 1942 Rear Yards Article III Section 10 Page 9 Side Yards Article III Section 10 Page 10 Courts Article III Section 10 Page 10 Percentage of Lot Occupancy Article III Section 10 Page 10 Class B-2, Residential Article III Section 11 Page 10 Set Back Article III Section 11 Page 10 Rear Yards Article III Section 11 Page 11 Side Yards Article III Section 11 Page 11 Open Courts Article III Section 11 Page 11 Enclosed Courts Article III Section 11 Page 11 Percentage of Lot Occupancy Article III Section 11 Page 11 Area District Exceptions Article III Section 13 Page 11 Class C, D, Bus. and In. Article III Section 12 Page 11 Rear Yards Article III Section 12 Page 11 Side Yards Article III Section 12 Page 11 Open Courts Article III Section 12 Page 11 Enclosed Courts Article III Section 12 Page 11 Percentage of Lot Occupancy Article III Section 12 Page 11 Area District Exceptions Article III Section 13 Page 11 Balconies Article III Section 13 Page 12 Board of Appeals Article VI Section 22 Page 15 Membership Article VI Section 22 Page 15 Jurisdiction Article VI Section 25 Page 16 Meetings Article VI Section 23 Page 15 a Appeals Article VI Section 24 Page 15 Power to vary and modify Article VI Section 25 Page 16 Appeal Stays Proceedings Article VI Section 24 Page 15 Boarding Houses Article II Section 3 Page 5 Building Inspector Article III Section 13 Page 11-12 " Article V Section 21 Page 14-15 Article VII Section 27 Page 16 Business Districts, Class C Article II Section 4 Page 6 Camps Article II Section 4 Page 6 Certificates of Occupancy Article V Section 21 Page 14 Certification of Town Clerk Page 18 Change of Class. or Boundaries Article VII Section 29 Page 17 Chimneys, Districts Class B Article III Section 10 Page 10 20 21 a Cornices Set Back Districts Class B Article III Section 10 Page 10 Districts Class A, A-2 Article III Section 9 Page 9 Districts Class B-2, C, D Article III Section 13 Page 12 Districts Class B Article III Section 10 Page 9 Districts Class B-2 Article III Section 11 Page 10 Courts Shafts Article III Section 13 Page 12 Class A, A-2 Article III Section 9 Page 9 Spires Article IV Section 20 Page 14 Class B Article III Section 10 Page 9 Stables Article II Section 3,4 Page 6 Class B-2 Article III Section 11 Page 10 Article II Section 7 Page 8 Class C, D Article III Section 12 Page 11 Towers Article IV Section 20 Page 14 Definitions Article I Section 1 Page 3 Two-Family Houses Article II Section 3 Page 5 Disposition of Cases Article VI Section 23 Page 15 District Boundaries Article VII Section 28 Page 17 Use Districts Article II Section 2 Page 5 Effective Date Article VII Section 33 Page 17 Validity of Ordinance Article VII Section 32 Page 17 Enforcement Article VII Section 27 Page 16 Violations Article VII Section 27 Page 16-17 Exceptions Walls Article III Section 10 Page 10 Area Districts B-2, C, D Article III Section 13 Page 11 , As to Towers, Spires, etc. Article IV Section 20 Page 14 Yards Page 12 Districts Class A, A-2 Article III Section 9 Page 9 Families Housed Per Acre Article III Section 14 Pa B Districts Class B Article III Section 10 Page 9-10 Fences Article III Section 10 Page 10 Districts Class B-2 Article III Section 11 Page 11 Fire Escapes Districts Class C, D Article III Section 12 Page 11 1 Districts Class B Article III Section 10 Page 10 Districts Class B-2, C, D Article III Section 13 Page 12 Garages Article II Section 3,4 Page 6 Article II Section 7 Page 8 Gasoline Service Stations Article II Section 7 Page 8 Height Districts' Regulations Article IV Section 15 Page 12 Forty-foot Height Dis. A, A-2 Article IV Sec. 15,16 Page 13 Graduated Height Districts B Article IV Sec. 15, 17 Page 13 Seventy-ft. Hgt. Dis. B-2, C,D Article IV Sec. 15, 18 Page 13 Height District Exceptions Article IV Section 19 Page 13 Hotels Article II Section 3 Page 5 Industrial Districts Class D Article II Section 5 Page 6 Injunction Article VII Section 27 Page 17 Interpretation, Purpose Article VII Section 26 Page 16 Jurisdiction of Board of Appeals Article VI Section 25 Page 16 Meetings of Board of Appeals Article VI Section 23 Page 15 Membership of Board of Appeals Article VI Section 22 Page 15 Multiple Dwellings Districts Class A, A-2, B, B-2 Article II Section 3 Page 5 Districts Class B, B-2, C, D Article III Section 14 Page 12 Non-Conforming Bldgs and Uses Article II Section 6 Page 7 Notices of Board of Appeals Article VI Section 24 Page 16 4 Ordinance Takes Effect Article VII Section 33 Page 17 1 Occupancy and Compliance Article V Section 21 Page 14 Parapet Walls Article V Section 19 Page 14 Penalties . Article VII Section 27 Page 16-17 Permits Article V Section 21 Page 14 Powers of Board of Appeals Article VI Section 25 Page 16 Procedure of Board of Appeals Article VII Section 27 Page 16 Public Buildings Article V Section 21 Page 15 Quorum of Board of Appeals See Rules and Regulations Page 19 Res. Dis., Class A, A-2, B, B-2 Article II Section 3 Page 5 Restoration of Existing Bldgs. Article VII Section 30 Page 17 Rules And Regulations of the Zoning Board of Appeals Page 19 22 23 r� .. /' ._ OO j7:7/. ri /; ''''''''''''''CP„.''''',, q �l ez. \ :c 4000, \ �Z 3 0 x 0 W, ro0T : C It.. ,'t'-., ' — ,;,-.:' _,• , : ..--.: :•'.. _..-• r tb :,,,o_BONNKBituACIXMurCl1AIhl�' �, A ♦•PPPA A A ® ,y, vL �� &j '4IMIppry 17/AL- :,:;,-, _.l',,,„-cowl,•'' - '',‘,. '- 1111111111 A ta-o' • 'Mae" ..:,''',.11.--- ,,-,_, rtso _. '••40,),N 14-6 441/1P <S44e7- /11( Z‘:/ ,' '(\j \, 0\ -----\+ it I P J ' - ,,,%' vir */ .°4 ''' fr fi A f 41. ill '-',,,, .7 . 00e: .,.. . ,,,likoi c) ,..: pjoto. 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MULTIPLE o:: ' i:DWELLING / -r;ii Ii;:.'; RESIDENTIAL B2 •:-. ;;;1 FIREPROOF "� '' APARTMENTS I i ,1� y C 111 111` BUSINESS Pi ZONINGMAP D INDUSTRIAL • 1® of the ttt'''''' ...'''::: UNINCORPORATED PART OF THE The designation A-A2, B-E2, C and D, indi- cate the use, area and Height Districts as TOWN OF MAMAROI�ECK. established in Zoning Ordinance as amended i,as crt o o ,cK.k ribw rk,ox k�.ee��v Mrry by resolution of the Town Board as adopt- ' ' '«e Town or ed February 4, 1942, Mamoroneck N.Y. AdapledonJune Z/w/7ZZ,and Ame m is WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. therek,to 1-.‘bra..”-..y 942 SHOWING USE,AREA AND HEIGHT DISTRICTS Air”..re Nsyd.e.O*'EN.w► Amended by Resolution of the Town Boatdrw460... Adopted February 4, 1042