HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1968_12/6/1967rr:C(r-)e.cci e-r a4 �4k u cs 1 T O W N O F M A M A R O N E C K BUDGET II 1 9 6 8 I - I 1. ' 3.r. ,'r7 / Y 444 ,V �g.7 +pr\ 4 r .s'9IC.ys� �/ .4,17„:41).,,,ik _....,..„...i, ? s 1��� 1 -t - - ,...-.. i -11 i....... . .._'I � t - 1 / / �.�ie -9 ' 11 1 =: t r A 1 I I III 'I 'tr." -ie 4/ .Viiirk 1 Id•Zoilitiro7:11;sitiloemilav 4104414, A f=tmg:t)-0444itiairtow.. Irrell We 4$41/4‘, SO* .4 r iIllife, AVil itfl: e • i 4* 11 \0" 1 *...fig, �� Kt"K _ 31# 440 1 1 V - 4, --u ADOPTED OK I )'. DECEMBER 6, 1967 111 jc? I IDecember 1967 7 To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- - IThe Preliminary Budget for the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1968 as approved on November 15th, 1967 totals $2, 088- 828. 00 - - or $121,893. 00 more than that of the current 1 year. Total appropriations for 1968 will be found on page 1. I- The increases and decreases in the tax rates and in the assessed valuations of the General Town, Part-Town, Part- Town Highway and Special Districts are summarized on page la. I The total taxable valuation for 1968 does not reflect the present study of properties being made by Valuation Asso- ciates. Changes in taxable valuations resulting from the IRevaluation program will be reflected in 1969. For residents of the unincorporated area this budget indi- I cafes an overall tax rate of $25. 36 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation - - an increase of $2. 08 per thousand over 1967. IFor residents of the villages this budget indicates a tax rate of $1.83 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation - - II an increase of 65c per thousand over 1967 for their share of the cost of operation of the General Town government. I In the 1968 budget, the increases in salaries and fringe benefits for employees total $130, 533. 00. All other items . of operating expense increase by $15, 626. 00. There is an '' off-setting decrease of $24,266. 00 in capital improvements and new equipment. To assist you in studying the budget, the Board calls your attention particularly to the follow- . I ing: Salary Increases IIn 1967 Barrington and Company made a study for the Town which included job classifications and responsibilities I for all personnel except Police, Fire and part-time em- ployees and a comparison of our compensation plan with 1967 salary schedules in neighboring municipalities and Ilocal businesses. I II T page two - - In the 1968 budget, salary adjustments have been made for all positions covered by the Barrington study by placing all em- ' ployees in proper classifications and adjusting each to his proper step on the 1967 schedule as recommended in the report. The entire schedule was then raised by 3% to reflect 1967 tcost-of-living increases. The Police and Fire Departments adjustments were based on de- tailed studies made by the Police Commission and the Fire Council. Patrolmen and Firemen were given a flat increase of $640. 00 with corresponding percentage increases for officers. ' The salary schedule will be found on pages 41 through 47. Personnel Increases To maintain proper services for the increasing population in the unincorporated area, the following personnel will be ' added: four (4) laborers in the Highway Department and one (1) patrolman in the Police Department. The Board also calls to your particular attention the follow- ing details on increases or decreases in the '68 budget. In general, no comment is made where the increases result sole- ly from salary adjustments. Under General Town 1r Town Justices - page 3 - The increases reflect the added duties mandated under the State Law effective September 1st, 1967 and the creation of a new Traffic Bureau to relieve the Police of routine work in con- nection with traffic violations. ' Elections - page 10 - The increase of $8, 149, 090 covers the purchase of three (3) new voting machines for 1968 and a uniform map as required by I - the Board of Elections. Recreation - pages 14 and 15 - The gross budget of $88, 998. is offset by increased revenues estimated at $34, 788. 00 resulting in a net budget of $54,210. 00, or an increase in the net budget of $2, 317. 00 over 1967. The increases of both appropriations and revenues reflect four-months ' operation of the pool at the Middle School. 1 I .!ree -- - I Sheidrake - page 17 - The increase of $5, 770. 00 in this budget I results from the purchase (over two years) of a Wood Chipper which will not only provide chips for the Trails but will reduce the problem of disposing of brush and I ', cod collected from residents. An additional $1, 800. 00 is appro- priated for part-time summer labor to work in all Conservation . areas in the Town and Villages. ItMiscellaneous (Account 507)_ - page 18 - The Contingency Fund is increased by II $18, 000. to provide necessary sidewalks for safety of children attending the Middle School. I Miscellaneous (Account 509) - page 18 - Improvement of Hammocks Area - although this item shows an apparent decrease of $50, 568. 00, it actually pro- , vides for bonding of an estimated $184, 000. 00 for draining, grading, topsoil and seeding to complete basic physical improve- ments of the area. ' Miscellaneous (Account 544) - page 18 - The sum of $10, 000. 00 is provided to cover I .he preliminary costs of new facilities needed for the Town. ill Under Part-Town Police - page 29 - A new patrolman will bring the department - Iforce to thirty-three (33) men. Miscellaneous - Account 501 - page 23 - The Public Library II- contract is increased by $6, 964. 00. $2 ,072. 00 is the Town ' s share of the cost of the IIplans for the contemplated addition. IUnder Highway Fund . Item I -- page 27 - The increase of $34 , 155. 00 provides for four (4) additional laborers and an allowance for Ithe rental of uniforms. Also included is the resurfacing of a section of Myrtle Boulevard and a new drain required on Vine Road. IItem III - page 27 - Under this Item the Town will purchase a new pick-up truck equipped with small plow, I three (3) larger plows and four (4) new dump trucks. The latter will be financed by two-year Capital Notes with the first payment in the 1969 budget. page four - -- Under Highway Fund (continued) Item V - page 27 - The sum of $15,000. 00 is provided in this Item for an addition to the Town Garage. Under Special Districts Garbage - Account 407 - page 29 - The increase in this Item is due to costs of opera- tion. Funds are available in the 1967 budget for plans and specifications for a new Incinerator so that bids can be taken early in 1968. Street Li hg ting - page 31 - The net decrease of $3, 600. 00 is ' due to savings effected by new lighting program. Sewer - page 32 - Although this District shows a decrease of ' $8,030. 00, Account #403 includes $3,855. 00 for final payment on the Griffen Avenue sewer, $12 , 500. 00 for the new Prince Willows sewer, and $12, 700. 00 for reconstructing the sewer on Bonnie Way, and. other projects totalling $5, 945. 00. All of the appropriations proposed in this budget have been care_. fully reviewed and studied by the Town Board. The Board has exerted every effort to employ taxpayers ' money economically and efficiently to maintain and improve the services rendered to all the people of our community. The Preliminary Budget for 1968 as approved and herewith present- ed encompasses the thinking and judgment not only of the members of the Town Board but of our highly competent staff, our Boards and Commissions, and various civic groups and organizations. To all of them, we are grateful. ' spectfully submitted, - Peter F. Kane ' Supervisor For the Town Board I 1 ITOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET I1968 II ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND IITown Wide Schedules 1 & 3 550,626.00 308,337.00 242,289.00 IIPart Town Schedules 2 & 4 556,466.00 30,762.00 525,704.00 IHIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Schedules 5 & 6 279,215.00 34,600.00 244,615.00 II Sn CIAL DISTRICTS IGarbage Schedule 7 213,920.00 - - 213,920.00 water Schedule 8 75,814.00 72,000.00 3 ,814.00 I Street Lighting Schedule 9 27,500.00 3,500.00 24,000.00 IISewer Schedule 10 110,712.00 38,000.00 72,712.00 Park Schedule 11 86,070.00 6,370.00 79,700.00 IIFire Schedule 12 188 505.00 6940.00 181,565.00 IITOTAL 2,088,828.00 500,509.00 1,588x319.00 1 1 II 1 -1- II IICOMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS ITOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1967 1968 General Town 130,996,235. 132,658,271. IIPart Town 56,397,523. 57,711,496. IIPart Town - Highway 56,397,523. 57,711,496. Garbage District 56,397,523. 57,711,496. IIWater District 56,403,523. 57,717,496. • Street Lighting District 56,403,523. 57,717,496. IISewer District 50,843,723. 52,139,896. IIPark District 54,086,373. 55,341,946. Fire District 56,397,523. 57,711,496. 1 ' 1967 1968 ICOMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town 1.18 1.83 .65 IIPart Town 8.27 9.11 .84 Part Town - Highway . 3.69 4.24 .55 IGarbage District 3.40 3.71 .31 1 Water District .14 .07 .07 Street Lighting District .49 .42 .07 ISewer District 1.61 1.39 .22 Park District 1.37 1.44 .07 IFire District 3.13 3,15 .02 II23.28 25.36 2.44 .36 1967 1968 ISUMMARY BY AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1.18 1.83 . .65 IIVillage of Larchmont 1.18 1.83 .65 Unincorporated Area 23.28 25.36 2.08 I -1a- II SCHEDULE 1 IAPPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative II Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IIGENERAL GOVERNMENT ISUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES !, 101 Supervisor 8000. 8000. 8000. 102 Deputy Supervisor 600. 600. 600. 103 Confidential Secretary 11 & Executive Assistant 7200. 7574. 8510, 104 Intermediate Steno. 3621, 4140, 4635. ' 19421. 20314. 21745, I200 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter 441, - - - - 202 Furniture 300. - - - - II 741. - - - - I400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other IExpenses 978. 810. 7002 978. 810. 700, I TOTAL 21140. 211241 22445. II II II II I II -2- I II I SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Justices of the Peace (2) 7400. 7784. 8500. 102 Court Clerks (2) 1950. 2052, 4500. 9350. 9836, 13000, ' 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 922. 1200, 1975. 922. 1200. 1975. ' TOTAL 10272. 11036. 14975. i I -3- 1 I I SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget II1966 1967 1968 Adopted TM i EOARD ,- ! PERSONAL SERVICES 01 Councilmen (4) 11844, 12000. 12000. 11844. 12000, 12000. fl i EQUIPMENT File Cabinets - - . 180. - - - - 180. - - 40 OTHER EXPENSES Al Publishing Notices, Reports, etc. 1374. 1098. 900. /")2 Travel, & Convention 436. 700. 600. 1810. 1798. 1500. 1 TOTAL 13654. 13978. 13500. -4- III , 11 I ISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) IBudget As Tentative, Expended Modified Budget II 1966 1967 168 Adopted ':J,T ;LEAK J1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 10000. 10520. 11500. II102 Intermediate Typist 4390. 4820. 5490. 14390. 15340. 16990. II 4-C1 OTHER EXPENSES I 01 Supplies & Other Expenses 677. Ilk 7.050 765. II 677. _ T . 765. _ TOTAL 15067. 1614 17755. I IF I I I -5- il I II II ISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) I Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 _ 1967 1968 Adopted I JES,`0R li '.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 9300. 10000. 1150 . 102 Assessment Clerk 5300. 5576. 689 . II 103 Assessment Clerk 6000, 6312. 344 .* 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk 2650. 2788. 463 . 105 Sr. Engineering Aide - - 3200. 344 .** 106 Board of Review 750. IN 900. 1809. 24000..y r 28776. 31720 II00 EQUIPMENT ,")1 New Automobile - - - - 2500. 1 II - F - - 2500. 1 _4 G( 0 OTHER EXPENSES I _>> Supplies & Other Expenses Q39. 675. 1000. II 2 Travel & Car Expenses 714. 450. 450. Y,3 Appraisals, Certs. , II etc. 726. 3000. 3000. Tax Maps 531, 750. 750. M 1 2110. 4 4875, 5200. TOTAL 26110. 33651. 39420. I * Assessor's Dept. (1/2) and Receiver of Taxes Dept. (1/2) 11 ** Assessor's Dept. (1/2) and Engineering Dept. (1/2) 11 1 -6- 1 II SCHEDULE 1, - (con'd) 11 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES I 101 Receiver of Taxes 10600, 11151. 11500. 102 Intermediate A/C Clerk 4888. 5996, 4960, 103 Assessment Clerk 2650. 2788, 3448.* II18138. 19935. 19908. II400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2646, 2850, 3000. ' 2646, 2850, 3000. TOTAL 20784 22785. 22908. *Receiver of Taxes Dept. (1/2) and Assessor's Dept. (1/2) 1 I -7- I II I ISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) I Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted I7,"—IT, ATTORNEY ' 00 PERSONAL SERVICES II101 Town Attorney 8750. 9205. 12000. i'-'.� Stenographic Svces. 3600, 3600, 4000. g ra P II12350. 12805. 16000. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 11 '101 Supplies & Other . Expenses 556. 630. 700. I 'lQ2 Travel Expenses 61, 200. 100. 617. 830. 800. I 12967. 13635. 16800. )TAE _ II I_ II II II I II -8- II II SCHEDULE 1 - (could) IIBudget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted 1- II NCIN TR II- 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 161. Town Engineer 11130, 13150, 14245. II 102 Sr. Eng. Aide 2499. 3200, 3442.* 103 Sr. Stenographer 2340, 2555. 2755.** I15969, 18905. 20442, ...v 2 00 EQUIPMENT I ?'. l Drafting Board - - -250. :202 New Automobile 2184. II 2184. 250. - - , OTHER EXPENSES I 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 991. 900. 900, 991, 900. 900. w 7.`0TAL 19144. 20055. 21342. if IEngineer's Dept. (1/2) & Assessor's Dept. (1/2) Engineer's Dept. (1/2) & Building & Plumbing Dept. (1/2) 1 1 II -9- II I II II SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) IBudget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IIf FOOT_ONS 100 .PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 790. 600. 700. II 102 Wages 785. 1160, 1300. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 11152. 11025. 12345. I12727. 12785. 14345. ,. 0 EQUIPMENT II (11 Voting Machines & Election Booths - - - - 4974. ;_) . New Election Map - - - - 1000. - - - 5974. IOTHER EXPENSES ''11 Supplies & Other _ ' Expenses 793. 400. 550. 02 Rental Polling Places 860, 1035. 1300. '03 Transportation of Equipment 1621. 1500. 1700. I3274. 2935. 3550. ITOTAL 16001. 15720. 23869. I I I II -10- I II II II SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) II Budget As Tentative II Expended Modified budget 1966 1967 6.1968 Adopted COMPTROLLER II100 PERSONAL SERVICES s01 Comptroller 11000. 12000. 1210, 102 Senior Account Clerk 5470. 6000. 6590. 03 Intermediate A/C IClerk & Typist 3437. 4420, 960. 19907. 22420. 24760. I •,a EQUIPMENT Typewriter - - - - 500. I 02 Adding Machine 295. -300. - - - -3 Furniture 300. I595. 300. 500. OTHER EXPENSES ' ;01 Supplies & Other Expenses 417. 360. 450 _. 417, 360. 450. II ':?':.'AL 20919. 23080. 25710, II II ` II II 11 -11- II II SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) IIBudget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget I1966 1967 1968 Adopted ;ACES , ERS0NAL SERVICES . ?1 Cleaner 1580. 1665. 1600. I1580. 1665. 1600. II .00 EQUIPMENT 231 Alterations, Office I Equipment, etc. 3476. 100. 1175. ''.O2 Electronic Accounting Machine - - 12000. - - I3476 12100. 1175. _ \.) OTHER EXPENSES Supplies & Other Expenses 2795. 2250. 2800. I 502 Stationery & Postage 117 1500. 1600. C3 Telephone 4094. 3500. 4200. 40 Light 654. 700. 700. Rent 5850. 6000. 6000. I (: Independent Audit 2700. 3000. 3000. S ;7 Association of Towns Dues 250. 250 250. _. II17519. 17200. 18550. '0TAL 22575. 30965. 21325. 1 OTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 198633. 222134. 240049. II II II II -12- II II I I SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) II Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget IF1966 ...e 1967 1968 Adopted " ' ' SAFETY II L I rENSE EQUIPMENT II Radio Communications 215. 300. 300. );" Sirens 1500. 760, II 225. 1800. 1060. , OTHER EXPENSES II U . Supplies & Othe# Expenses 571. 675. 200. I 2 Repairs, Replatements & Tools - Radio 32. 500. 300. II 603. 1175. 500. II , , LIVIL DEFWNSE 828. 2975. 1560.* gr of Larchmont fl/2) and Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) II L ).BLIC SAFETY - I Oog EnumegWtor 281. 300. Humane Sogiety Contract 9139, 9139. 300. 9139. OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 9420. 9439. 9439. A PUBLIC SAFETY 10248. 12414, 10999. II . II II -13- 11 IISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) I I Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Ado ted 11 RECREATION IF '_;`-.,'<2R1 'L RECREATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1.''1 Superintendent 10000. 10520. 11500. r2 Commission Secretary 200. 200. 200. 103 Recreation Attendant 2773. 5200. 5510. I 104 Senior Stenographer 4140. 4530. 5150. 105 Memorial Park Attendants 2621. 3300. 3300. 106 Head Life Guard - - - - 2300. 07 Assistant Life Guard 108 - - - - 2165 '8 Life Guards - - - - 1816. ?.09 Pool Maintenance _ - - 2830, I19734. 23750. 34771. EQUIPMENT I II Memorial Park & Playground 585. 800. 800. 02 Office Furniture - - - - 75. I 03 Station Wagon - - - - 2400. New Sails (Six Little Bears) - - 1050. - - Public Address System - - 225. I li 236 Snow Brush - Ice Rink 500. - - - 207 Bleachers (Cargill II Field) 640. - - - - 0; Tender Motor (New) 900. - - _ '29 Poloroid I.D. System (Lease) - - - - 452. II210 Baldwin Hills Project - - - - 4800. 2625. 2075. 8527. II 400 OTHER EXPENSES ' ' 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4079. 4500. 6800. 402 Planning Services - Hommocks Improvement Area - - 2750. - - 4079. 7250. 6800. -14- II Ili II II SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) II Budget As Tentative 1 Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IRECREATION (coned) -TH RECREATION II )G Personal Services 21078, 25003. 25446. Other Expenses & Supplies 7097. 6763. 6913. II28175. 31766. 32359. .T hECREATION Personal Services 2658. 3450. 3360. Other. Expenses & IISupplies 2431. 2720. 3181. 5089. 6170. 6541. TOTAL L 59702. 71011. 889__98 88998. ___________ II I NTJES (See Page 25) II 'Estimated State Aid 2518. 4028. stimated Fees 16600, 30760. TOTAL 19118. 34788. I Ni— APPROPRIATION 51893. 54210. IINET INCREASE FOR 1968 2317. 1 r ' -15- I II II II IISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative I Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IENTERPRISES A:Ki.'::s FIELDS II4C, OTHER EXPENSES Supplies & Other II Expenses (Parking Field #1) 4556. 2500. 1000. Lease - County of IIWestchester 4701, 5300. 5500, 9257. 7800. 6500. I i Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Fiel.d #2) - - - - 500, I - - - - 500. IIFRIES +) OTHER EXPENSES I91 Supplies & Other N. Expenses 371, 450, 300. II 371. 450, 300, I 'AL ENTERPRISES 9628. 8250. 7300. UJ,, -.:EDUCTION NOTES Capital and Bond IAnticipation Notes 3000, 8000, 3000. 3000. 8000. 3000. 1 II -16- II II 1 II SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative II Expended 1966 Modified Budget 1967 1968 Adopted 11- 1IFTDKE RIVER PROJECT Oi PERSONAL SERVICES IIConsultant 1000. 1000. 1000. (_, . Conservation Foreman 469. 6700. 7270. II I0 Laborers 3990. 1000. 2800. IA Secretary 174. 200. 200. ' ' , Jr. Naturalist - - . - 250. 5633. 8900. 11520. EQUIPMENT I 'i Equipment Rental & Operation 218. 100. 700. II :[)2 Wood Chipper (1/2) - - - - 2100. 218. 100. 2800. OTHER EXPENSES Supplies & Other 11 Expenses 1352. 1600. 2050. 1352. 1600. 2050. II '0TAL 7203. 10600. 16370. I I II I -17- 11 ISCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) I Expended Budget As Tentative Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IM ,CELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organization II Rooms 600. 600. 900. 501 Patriotic Days Obser- vances 886. 1000. 1000. II 502 Shade Tree Fund 1757. 2200. 2200. 503 Bond & Coupon Service Fees 158. 275. 275. 504 Real Estate Taxes 578. 1050. • 1000. It 505 Payment to Employees' Retirement System 19359. 23900. 26985. 506 Social Security Tax 5640. 6480. 9710. 507 Contingency Fund - - 5750.* 27000. 508 Interest on Notes, etc. 956. 2.500. 5400. 509 Improvement of Hommocks Area 3697. 88803. 38235. II 510 Street Signs 425. 600. 600. 511 Revaluation Program - 29500. 35000. 512 Supt. of Highways - - 8000. 10240. ' 513 Secretary-Town Hall Committee 25. 200. - - 7,i.! Town Hall Project - - - - 10000. II34081, 170858. 168545. T P•. URANCE II ,00 Workmen's Compensation 633. 900. 1250. 301 Official Bonds & I Undertakings 861. 1000. 1000. 60'2 Fire, Auto Liability, etc. 9093. 8800. 9800. II603 Group Health 2724. 3255. 3315. 13311. 13955. 15365. IITOTAL MISCELLANEOUS & INSURANCE 47392. 184813. 183910, IIGRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 335806. 517222. 550626. I 9000. * Budget Before Modifications Less Transfers: I Revaluation Program $ 500. Planning Services (Hommocks Improvement Area) 2750. 1 Transfers prior to 12/31/67 5750. 9000_ . -____:.2:_. II -18- IISCHEDULE 2 IIAPPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget I 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IIPT"'SONAL SERVICES It i Officers 251750. 3170, 271500. 298090. ? Cleaner 3332. 3120. ' S School Guards 8416. 8880. 12950. Court Clerk - - 3000. 2600. IF263336. 286712. 316760. I ` EQUIPMENT Automotive 5735. 9400. 8000. II Uniforms, etc. 3795. 3800. 4500. ',:adios 2022. 1500. 3000. Other 1080. 1600. 2400. Emergency Ambulance II & Equipment - - 1931, - - 12632. 18231. 17900. 1 -- OTHER EXPENSES IBuilding Operation 2540. 3500. 1500, Telephone 3389. 3000. 3200. Light, Gas & Water 648. 650. 650. Y . Gas and Oil 3705. 3400. 3800. I H 3 Equipment Operation 5763, 4000, 5200, 06 Supplies 4145. 3400. 4000. ( 7 Traffic Signals & Signs 3153. 5900. 8000. I C08 Compensation and Liability Insurance 6792. 6600. 7100. 409 Group Health Insurance 3806. 3960. 4455. 410 Employees' Retirement System 40767. 44150. 44610. ! .'. Police Pension Fund 24179. 24179. 31100. 2 Social Security Taxes 9037. 11160. 15295. II !- 13 Travel Expenses 595. 725. 1000. 414 Miscellaneous 82. 200. 300. II108601. 114824. 130210. TOTAL 384569. 419767. 464870. II 1 -19- 1 1 1 SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) IBudget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted i Ti BOARD IP .RSONAL SERVICES IISecretary 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 1 , R EXPENSES I Supplies & Other Expenses 148. 250. 300. Master Plan and I Planning Services Sec - - 4886. - - retary - Joint Economy Study Comm. 50. - - 200.* /;- Supplies & Other I Expenses - Joint Economy Study Comm. 295. - - 100.* I493. 5136. 600. 693. 5336. 800. I ------ IIJae of Larchmont (1/2) & Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) 1 I I II -20- I 1 II II SCHEDULE 2 - (coned) 1 I Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adop er__ PG & PLUMBING IF , PERSONAL SERVICES ;Inspector 1O000. 10520. 11500. 'Sr. Engineering Aide 2499. - - Sr. . Stenographer 2340. 2555. 2755.* Examining Board of IIPlumbers 150. 180. 180. _.-.,_. ^ 13255. 14435. I14989. 1 EQUIPMENT II ;1 New Automobile - - 2000. - - ._____ _- - - 2000. - - I ' 'i+i OTHER EXPENSES 3-01 Supplies & Other 1 Expenses 586. 450. 450. _ 586. 450. 450. II TOTAL 15575. 15705. 14885. II ding & Plumbing Dept. (1/2) & Engineering (1/2) II 1 I -21- 1 ' SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) ' Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1.968 Adopted ',P PEALS ' PL RSONAL SERVICES Secretary 200. 200. 200. ' 200. 200. 200. iOTHER EXPENSES Ii Supplies & Other Expenses 288. 310, 360. 288. 310. 360. —. -�uf J 488, 5100 560. 1 I 1 -22- 1 ISCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) II Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted II MISCELLANEOUS 501 Public Library Contract 45364. 47692. 54656. * II 502 Registrar of Vital Statistics 20. 65. 65. 503 Employees ' Retirement IF System 2363, 3520. 2615. 504 Social Security Taxes 764. 850. 740. 505 Contingency Fund - - 2125. ** 8000. II 506 Thruway Noise Abatement 34. 100. 100. 507 Group Health Insurance 157. 175. 225. 508 Compensation and Liabil- ity Insurance 200. 400. 400. 1 509 Dutch Elm Disease Program 572. 500, 400. 51.0 Miscellaneous 147. 150. 150. 511. Codification of Town I Ordinances - - 4616. 4250. .12 Parking Meters (Maxwell Street) - - 2500. 250. I ` 13 Refuse Collection - - 3000. - - 514 Classification & Salary Plan - - 3000. I49621, 68693. 71851. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 49621. 68693, 71851. 1 • DEBT REDUCTION NOTES II300 Bond Anticipation Notes - - - - 3000. - - - - 3000.. 1 Operation & Maintenance $52,584. I Preliminary architectural plans & appraisal re contemplated addition. 2,072. $54,656. II ** Budget Before Modifications $ 6,500. Less Transfers: I Classification & Salary Plan $3 ,000. Premium River Project 1,375. Transfers Prior to 12/31/67 2,125. 6,500. -0- 1 I -23- 1 I SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative I Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IF B , HEALTH 1 )t, PERSONAL SERVICES Public Health Nurse 7200. - - ' 7200. - - _ - IIOT'HER EXPENSES ,01 Supplies & Other ' Expenses - - 2200. 500.E - - 2200. 500. ,OTAL 7200. 2200. 500. S. lary of Public Health Nurse to be paid by Westchester County Department of Health oportionate share of operating expenses Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Mama-<os TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 458146. 512211. 556466. I -24- IISCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND IOTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative II Collected Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted - a � A.id. - Per Capita 107691. 109145. 109145. .. .. Aid - Mortgage Tax 47750, 45000, 40000. I ;,c : e Aid - Youth Bureau 2518. 2518. 4028. , .. e Aid - Railroads 1851. 1830. 1843. II159810. 158493 . 155016. '`. ;'.R_E.A: AND PENALTIES ON TAXES 15935. 17000. 19500. 15935. 17000. 19500. 1 :, :r s` ES AND PERMITS Licenses 2141. 2200. 2250. II 2141. 2200. 2250. IID ' ;.TMENTAL EARNINGS i_erk's Fees 1221. 1200. 1100. Iu;i.on Fees 19118, 16600. 30760. ces' Fees 8045. 6600. 8200. Inspection Fees 520. 550. 650. i.ng Meter Receipts "1) 11869. 13000. 13000. . 40773. 37950. 53710. _ REVENUES Defense Refunds 403 . 1488. 780. II ' - ., rt.y Rentals 1422. 1422. 1422. c i.neer.ing Charge . .ci.a1 District 3750. 4380. 4745. II }.terest on Deposits Investments 35445. 25000. 36000. 1ci.ng Meter Receipts I , .0r 1/2) - - - - 3600. ;'1 Available 44000. 115450. 31314. 85020. 147740. 77861. 1 .; TOTAL - GENERAL FUND ;T RATED REVENUES 303679 363383. 308337. II -25- II II 1 SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND II PART TOWN OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES II Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Ado.ted IF ,_I AID Aid - Per Capita 25027. . 25332. 25332. I_. 25027. 25332. 25332. II t : ' ,'.rYL NTAL EARNINGS I , ce Department Fees 604. 500. 500. 1ng Board Fees 308. 150. 180. (T of Appeals Fees 480. 400. 400. .ding & Plumbing Fees 4486. 3200. 3000. r_ -�_4r ,ig Meter Receipts - - 1 : 3) - 1200. __ a ,It Economy Study Comm. 150. I5878. 4250. 5430. ,f PARNINGS IAvailable 4000. 16438. - - • 4000. 16438. - - Y._ 1 II tai 1D TOTAL - GENERAL FUND I Ir FART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 34905. 46020. 30762. 1 I i I I II -26- II IISCLIEDULL 5 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND r Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IIr 1 Repairs 99354. 126840. 159320. t .iees' Retirement System 14953. 19920. 19380. I _;c i_ Security Taxes c 2991. 4410. 6150. .P. as->tion Insurance 2222. 2750. 2750. c :;_. H alth Insurance 2202. 2295. 2770. IF121722. 156215. 190370. _I_._ . %n_ n3nce & Repairs r r_ 80. 300. 300 :-itls 77. 1000, 500. 157. 1300. 800. II E r . se 24618. 2724. 32800. 13750. 5500. 4000. 2536. 2100. 2500. Oil 4088. 5000. 5500. I ;. :;f:i.ve Mechanic 5720. 6011, 6895. 39686. 51411. 32645. r I . & Miscellaneous - Irj - Superintendent 8317. - - - - 1 x_o.1 of Ice & Snow 14944. 15000. 20000. Ling Weeds & Brush 2434, 2000. 3000. r Miscellaneous 764. 850. 3350. r26459, 17850. 26350. 1 v=," V rGarage Construction ::ruction Costs (Addition) - - - - 15000. , rpti.on of Bonds 10000. 10000. 10000. r ' rest on Bonds 4650. 4350. 4050. 14650. 14350. . 29050. II ;_',;,iii; TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND 202674. 241126. 279215. II -27- J I 1 SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES IIHIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative I Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted ti> :,r3':e Aid 5170.00 2666.00 5200,00 lol oei1aneous 1850.00 2400.00 200.00 IiJnexpended Balance 8500.00 19862.00 22000.00 15520,00 24928.00 27400.00 IF T,M JI ilaneous 155.00 'L ice - - - ; -Npended Balance 200.00 400.00 500.00 355.00 400,00 500.00 1er:y II &;& Oil Refunds, etc. 4210.00 5000.00 5000.00 expended Balance - - 1000.00 - - II4210.00 6000.00 5000.00 - rV II ,- & Miscellaneous , low Removal. Refunds 1490.00 1500.00 1700.00 IT expended Balance - - - - - - 1490.00 1500.00 1700.00 II Ix _. Garage Construction % ::axpended Balance 79.00 .36 - - II79.00 .36 - - . TOTAL II ,.._ - AY FUND REVENUES 21654.00 32828.36 34600.00 II -28- II II ISCHEDULE 7 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS I GARBAGE DISTRICT it1 ' Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IIk1 'RC PRIATIONS IF 00 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 89757. 96860. 103480. 1 89757. 96860. 103480. 00 EQUIPMENT II201 New Garbage Loadpackers (1) 1967 - (1) 1968 10830. 22047. 12000. II10830. 22047. 12000. 0J OTHER EXPENSES ' 401 Equipment Operation 3012. 3666. 4950. 402 Supplies & Other II Expenses 1028. 800, 2460. 403 Employees' Retirement System 7434. 9181. 10625. 404 Social Security Taxes 3790. 4002. 5175. 405 Group Health Insurance 1123. 1350. 1350. 406 Compensation & Lia- bility Insurance 3557. 3880. 3880. 407 Incinerator Operation 46424, 67316. 70000. 66368. 90195. 98440. TOTAL 166955. 209102, 213920. REVENUES Cash Available 13300. 17260, - - ITOTAL 13300. 17260. - - (;Y3AGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 191842 213920. 11 -29- 1 II II II SCHEDULE 8 IAPPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS IIWATER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative II Expended 1966 Modified Budget 1967 1968 Adopted IFR ;sRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES 1 I M Water District System Capital Costs 7877. 29644. 34500. Redemption of Bonds I and Notes 37500. 33500. 26500. '; i Interest on Bonds and Notes 17244. 15650. 14814. 11 Refunds - Water Mains 1540. 1147. - - _.__ 64161. 79941. 75814. ' I . .=- - Revenues (Net) 54000. 55500. 49000, Line Rentals 4044. 3600. 4000. Available 10200. 12944. 19000. ITOTAL 68244. 72044. 72000. IJTER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 7897, 3814. r II 1 II -30- II 1 IISCHEDULE 9 IAPPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 IIBudget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget I1966 1967 1968 Adopted �RLkTIONS IFPERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 300. 2500. 3000. li 300. 2500. 3000. IEQUIPMENT Utility Body and IIAerial Device 9046. 2500. _ - 9046. 2500. - - ' OTHER EXPENSES s. Supplies & Other I Expenses - - - - 500. 18 Operation (Energy) 20968, 18600. 18000. Installations 2475. 4000. 6000. II23443. 22600. 24500. TAL 32789. 27600. 27500. II. .ii.ri_,:rUES II ;. a =.r7 Available 3000. - - 3500. TOTAL 3000. - - 3500. IISTREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - - 27600. 24000. II I -31- II 1 SCHEDULE 10 IIAPPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative II Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted II A 'PRCPRTATLONS 1.00 PERSONAL SERVICES IF101 Salaries and Wages 1801. 2200. 1945. 1801. 2200. 1945. '' Du EQUIPMENT II 20?. SeweRodeR - - - 4800. -- 4800. I ?i0 OTHER EXPENSES . -, J1 Supplies & Other I Expenses Compensation and 408. 1500. 1300. 02. Liability Insurance 137, 300. 300. I ;03 Sewer Construction Costs 22336. 45213 . 35000. '1.04 Redemption of Debt 51500, 51500. 51500. 405 Interest on Notes and Bonds 19203. 16929. 14767. F0 Maintenance - Two Sewer Pump Stations 315. 1100. 1100. __ II93899. 116542. 103967. _. 'OTAL 95700, 118742. 110712. R;`VENUE S I .1 :1, Available 35000. 36833. 38000. TOTAL 35000. 36833. 38000. r [''::'dER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 81909. 72712. II II I -32- II SCHEDULE 11 ' APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget II1966 1967 1968 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS I100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 General Foreman 9500. 9500. 9860. li 102 Assistant Foreman 6850. 7200. 7690, 103 Laborers 26590. 31951, 33275. 104 Secretary 171, 200. 200. '- 43111, 48851. 51025, ' :61 EQUIPMENT Al Rotary Power Mowers - - 190. - - 02 Gravely Spray Rig ' Attachment - - - - -250. ..13 Gravely Aerator 93, I93. 190. 250, OTHER EXPENSES I !- Supplies & Other Expenses 2828. 2375. 2745. . !2 Building Operation 1117. 1250. 1160, I ':x.13 Equipment and Operating Costs 802. 900. 1000. c `0l Employees ' Retirement II System 6224, 8010. 820, 'f Group Health Insurance 739, 750, 160. ch Compensation and Liability Insurance 1752. 1900. 1900. I -::7 Social Security Taxes 1671. 1925. 2630. `18 Redemption of Debt 10000. 10000. 10000. / 09 Interest on Bonds 2745 • 2295. 1845. 1 410 Landscaping New Section Murray Ave.-N.Chatsworth 1431. 4080. 1545. x& 1.1 Resurfacing Park Walks & 1 Installing New Benches - - 1795. 3000, 29299, 34�iO0. 34795. 1 t -33- '1 1 1 ' SCHEDULE 11 - (coned) ' Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted '''ARK DISTRICT #1 - (coned) IITOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 72503. 83641. 86070. REVENUES c.: s. Available 7000. 9300. 6370. TOTAL 7000. 9300, 6370. 1 DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 74341. 79700. 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 -34- 1 i I I II SCHEDULE 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS IFIRE DISTRICT #1 I Expended Budget As Tentative Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted IAPPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES ISalaries 88405. 100380. 110250. II88405. 100380. 110250. '3 EQUIPMENT Chief's Automobile (Radio) 2233. - - 650. Th2 Utility Pickup Truck 3965. - - - - 3 Clothing 1105. 1700. 2000. :'04 - Radio - New Truck 650. - - c.Yi Aerial Ladder (Part) - - 7500. 7500. 7303, 9850, 10150. • j.i OTHER EXPENSES I4JL Equipment Operation 3767. 3000. 5000. 402 Building Operation 2641. 11000, 7000. II ' 03 Supplies & Other Expenses 1782. 3750. 3750. 404 Gas, Light, Water and Heat 2402. 1900. 2100. II 403 Inspection & Travel 2125. 2600. 2600, 06 Telephone & Alarm 1370. 1500. 1500. 407 Employees' Retirement II System 15465. 16410. 17165. 08 Social Security Taxes 3326. 3630. 5465. '09 Group Health Insurance 1212. 1330. 1325. :{•1O Compensation and. Lia- bility Insurance 8972. 9000. 9200. I 411 Hydrant Rental 12258. 13000. 13000. 1 55320. 67120. 68105. II -35- I I SCHEDULE 12 - (con'd) I Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1966 1967 1968 Adopted I : : DISTRICT #1 - (coned) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS PPRQ RIATIONS 15102$ 177350 188505. REVENUES Cash Available 1000. 1000, 6940, TWIT,L REVENUES 1000 1000 6940. I -F T,H DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 176350. 181565, I i i I I V I I I -36- II SCHEDULE 13 IITAX RATES YEAR TOWN COUNTY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT II1968 25.36 132,658,271 1967 23.28 13 .24 43,86 130,996,235 I1966 22.09 12.72 40.14 128,303,420 II1.965 20.41 11.94 37.19 125,807,224 1964 19.03 11.64 35.30 125,370,203 IF1963 19.40 11.67 33.30 120,950,660 1962 18.25 11.65 29.32 117,319,554 II1961 17.55 11.67 28.53 114,813 ,216 1960 17.56 11.34 27.90 111,233 ,241 1 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108,606,448 1 1958 15.97 10.82 25.86 106,729,722 1957 15.85 10.66 24.32 103 ,369,000 1 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000 1955 16.38 11.13 21.45 95,095,000 1 1954 16.06 11.01 18.87 91.,702,000 II1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000 1952 15.59 10.25 18.81 87,754,000 II1951 15.59 10.24 17.87 85,445,000 3.950 14.37 10.54 16.94 83,939,000 1 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000 I1948 14.43 10.10 15.99 78,602,000 1947 15.76 10.63 16.64 77 ,627,000 11 1946 16.91 9.21 13.49 75,688,000 1945. 16.78 7.92 12.37 76,370,000 1 1944 17.04 8.52 11.78 77,719,000 II 1943 16.62 9.02 10.69 79,490,000 II -37- II ISCHEDULE 14 II TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1968 1 YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL II 1968 $ 94,500.00 $ 35,007.87 $ 129,507.87 1969 90,500.00 31,064.62 121,564.62 1970 89,000.00 27,254.50 116,254.50 II 1971 82,000.00 23 ,487.50 105,487.50 1972 75,000.00 20,235.00 95,235.00 1973 74,000.00 17,222.50 91,222.50 II 1974 65,000.00 14,403.50 79,403.50 1975 52,000.00 12,073.00 64,073.00 1.976 36,000.00 10,352.50 46,352.50 1977 30,000.00 9,087.50 39,087.50 II 1978 25,000.00 7,950.00 32,950.00 1979 25,000.00 7,050.00 32,050.00 1980 25,000.00 6,150.00 31,150.00 II 1981 25,000.00 5,250.00 30,250.00 1982. 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 15,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 1984 15,000.00 3,300.00 18,300.00 t1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17 ,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 II 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000.00 300.00 15,300.00 II $908,000.00 $245,788.49 $1,153 ,788.49 IIRECAPITULATION: II Water District Bonds $ 362,000.00 Park District Bonds 46,000.00 Sewer District Bonds 360,000.00 Highway District Bonds 140,000.00 1 $ 908,000.00 11 II II —38- i I I ,_,C;dEDULE 14 (continued) IWATER DISTRICT BONDS IIYEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1968 $ 23,000.00 $ 14,346.00 $ 37,346.00 1969 23,000.00 13,349.50 36,349.50 I 1970 24,000.00 12,343 .00 36,343.00 1971 19,000.00 11,326.50 30,326.50 1972 17,000.00 10,584.50 27,584.50 II 1973 16,000.00 9,932.50 25,932.50 1974 15,000.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 1975 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 II 1976 15,000.00 8,100.00 23 ,100.00 1977 15,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900.00 1979 15,000.00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 15,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 1981 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 I 1983 15,000.00 15,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 1984 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 II 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000,00 300,00 15,300.00 II $362,000.00 $148,682.00 $510,682.00 PARK DISTRICT BONDS • 1968 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,845.00 $ 11,845.00 1969 6,000.00 1,485.00 7 ,485.00 1970 6,000.00 1,215.00 7,215.00 I 1971 6,000.00 945.00 6,945.00 1972 6,000.00 675.00 6,675.00 1973 6,000.00 405.00 6,405.00 II1974 6,000.00 135.00 6,135.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 6,705.00 $ 52,705.00 I II 1 -39- i 1 II ISCHEDULE 14 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS IYEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1968 $ 51,500.00 $ 14,766.87 $ 66,266.87 I L969 51,500.00 12,480.12 63 ,980.12 1970 49,000.00 10,246.50 59,246.50 1971. 47,000.00 8,066.00 55,066.00 II 1972 42,000.00 6,125.50 48,125.50 1973 42,000.00 4,335.00 46,335.00 1974 34,000.00 2,718.50 36,718.50 II 1975 27,000.00 1,423.00 28,423.00 1876 11,000.00 602.50 11,602.50 1977 5,000.00 237.50 5,237.50 11 $360,000.00 $61,001.49 $421,001.49 IHIGHWAY DISTRICT BONDS 1968 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,050.00 $ 14,050.00 1969 10,000.00 3,750.00 13,750.00 1970 10,000.00 3,450.00 13,450.00 1971. 10,000.00 3,150.00 13 ,150.00 1972 10,000.00 2,850.00 12,850.00 1973 10,000.00 2,550.00 12,550.00 2 250.00 12,250.00 1 10 000.00 , i I 974 , 1975 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,95 0.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10 000.00 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10 000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 10,000.00 750.00 10,750.00 . I 1980 10,000.00 450.00 10,450.00 1981 10,000.00 150.00 10,150.00 II• $140,000.00 $29,400.00 $169,400.00 I II 1 II II -40- II 1 II SCHEDULE 15 ilSCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS IRATE OF TOTAL i 1.TLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPfIAI I cisor P.T. 1 8000. Supervisor P.T. 1 600, idential Secretary ::.-eutive Assistant I 8510. It c _,:::mediate Stenographer 1 4635. TOTAL 21745. s OF THE PEACE l P,T, 2 4250. 8500. _ rks P.T. 2 1 @ 3500, - I @ 1000, 4500. 1 TOTAL 13000 ___.1..--...11 ?.id 1 mC.;.i P,T, 4 3000. 12000. II . r�. 1 11500. _ -r ediate Typist 1 5490. 1 TOTAL 16990. or 1 11500. 1 sment Clerk 1 6895. essment Clerk (1/2) 1 3447. 3447. [receiver of Taxes 3448. W Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 3443. 3443 . 1 ngineering Dept. 3442. .Ln miedlate A/C Clerk 1 4635. Ooa rd of aeview S 3 1800. . ITOTAL 31720. _ ' R OF TAXES r of Taxes 1 11500. .' . ediate A/C Clerk 1 4960. I . :mediate ssment Clerk (1/2) 1 3448. 34/+8. ,or's Office 3447. II TOTAL I9 -41- IISCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) IRATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATIO:, 11 RNEY ALLorney P.T. 1 1200C. I . Services P.T. 1 4000 TOTAL 16000. ! - ! I _ : ... • , leer 1 ' t.! Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 3442. 14245. 3442. ssor's Office 3443. 1 : )r Stenographer (1/2) 1 2755. 2755. 11 .111ding & Plumbing Dept. 2755. TOTAL 20442. ■••••■*■••■■•..-. I . - -,: 2 350. 700. I 1.,s . y Employees J300. Officials 100 12345. ITOTAL 14345. . ., ER Itroller 1 13210. A/C Clerk & Typist 1 4960. . il ')' for Account Clerk 1 6590, TOTAL 24760. . II _, OFFICES - 1 aner P.T. 1 1600. 1 II ! R:'...li\i',\TION II 1 _ - ;.pc't.-Lni:E'ndarit 1 11500. H2!ftior Stenographer , 1 5150. Commission Secretary P.T. 1 200. . I k2creation Attendant 1 Ycmorial Park Attendants P.T. 2 1650. 5510. 3300. -H -16 Life Guard P.T. (4 Mos.) 1 2300. II . _! ,istant Head Life Guard (4 Mos.) 1 2165. Guards P.T. (4 Mos.) 1816. Maintenance P.T. (4 Mos.) 2830. I !-,! )orary Summer Employees 28806. TOTAL 63577. 11 -42- II _ _ ISCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) II RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION IU TAR PROJECT at P.T. 1 1000, Foreman 1 72 70. IL:ion 2800. _<_I-., P.T. 1 200. it;uralists P.T. 2 250. IITOTAL 11520. ,kNEOUS - GENERAL TOWN J,_-.Cntendent of Highways 1 10240. I II 1 12840. ' Want 1 10340. Lye Sergeant 1 9940. ua.s: 4 9545. 38180. II ,tc- 1 9055, r� 25 Wage scale 7640.- 8640. plus 217735. 8 additional man-days - holiday compensation. 1 • Jerk P.T. 1 2600. Cuard.s 7 10.00 per day 12950. P.T. 1 3120. il TOTAL 316760. II P:,, G BOARD ._ nary P.T. 1 200. II -. _;`ING & PLUMBING I sn.spector 1 11500. Senior Stenographer (1/2) 1 2755. 2755. Engineering Dept. 2755. ':x;.amining Board of Plumbers 3 180. ITOTAL 14435. II 30 ;',,, OF APPEALS ,..tary P.T. 1 200. II 11 -43- ISCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) I RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION IForeman 1. 8510. c.rc�,,;an 2 6895. 137 90. II .. :i ve Mechanic 1 6895. quipment Operators 10 5150. - 6490. 59780. rs - Skilled 2 6230. - 6590. 12820. I Lac ctu_s; 8 Wage Scale 6290.. plus 18220. overtime. TOTAL `* 120015. I/ - Total of $152960. (Highway Dept.) apportioned to Highway, Garbage, Sewer and Street Lighting. I GARBAGE DISTRICT I Collectors (Sanitation Men) 12 6290. 75480. Laborers (See Highway) 28000. ITOTAL 103480. PARIS. DISTRICT I General. Park Foreman 1 9860. Assistant Park Foreman 1 7690. Laborers 5 Wage Scale 5945.-6290. plus 33275. II overtime and additional. Secretary PST. 1 200. 1 TOTAL 51025. . SEWER DISTRICT ILaborers (See Highway) 1945. S' 'iLET LIGHTING DISTRICT I -ers (See Highway) 3000, II _. STRICT nant 1 9545. . I - Charge of Shift 3 Wage Scale 8555.-8640. 25835. 9 Wage Scale 7390.-8390. 73910. :ec.t.or P.T. 1 960. ITOTAL 110250. Er::_lloye s recommended for reclassification - necessary to pass Civil Service examinations in IIol:Hef to attain new titles - reclassified on probationary basis. -44- i 1 r SCHEDULE 16 IIRECOMMENDED SALARY STRUCTURE I .. ca.OUP MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIMUM INCREMENT $ 3770. $ 4040. $ 4310. $ 4580. $ 4850. $ 270. ILI 3990. 4270. 4550. 4830. 5110. 280. LI:I 4290. 4590. 4890. 5190. 5490. 300. IIi 4635. 4960. 5285. 5610. 5935. 325. v" 4910. 5255. 5600. 5945. 6290. 345. I i 5150. 5510. 5870. 6230. 6590, 360. II \'IT 5395. 5770. 6145. 6520, 6895. 375. VIII 5700. 6095. 6490. 6885. 7280. 395. ' IX 6010. 6430. 6850. 7270. 7690. 420. 6650. 7115, 7580. 8045. 8510. 465. IIXI 7700. 8240. 8780. 9320. 9860. 540. IIXII 8980. 9610. 10240. 10870. 11500. 630. xl .I 10330. 11050. 11770. 12490. 13210. 720. I11770. . 12595. 13420. 14245. 15070. 825. 13300. 14230. 15160, 16090. 17020. 930. II II II II I II I 11 -45- P SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) ILIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP IJob Group I ($3770-$4850) Job Group II ($3990-$5110) IJob Group III ($4290-$5490) j Intermediate Typist 1 II oh Group IV ($4635-$5935) Intermediate Account Clerk Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist 1 Intermediate Stenographer Job Group V ($4910-$6290) Laborer Sanitation Man Senior Typist Job Group VI ($5100-$6590) Laborer - Skilled Motor Equipment Operator I Recreation Assistant Senior Account Clerk Senior Stenographer I job Group VII ($5395-$6895) Assessment Clerk Automotive Mechanic II Labor Foreman Job Group VIII ($5700-$7280) IISenior Engineering Aide Job Group IX ($6010-$7690) Naturalist (Conservation Foreman) IPark Foreman (Assistant) job Group X ($6650-$8510) II Confidential Secretary to Town Supervisor General Foreman (Highway) Job Group XI ($7700-$9860) ISuperintendent of Parks (General Park Foreman) Job Group XII ($8980-$11500) • I Assessor Building and Plumbing Inspector II Receiver of Taxes and Assessments I Superintendent of Highways Superintendent of Recreation Town Clerk I job Group XIII ($10330-$13210) Comptroller 1 II -46- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP 1 Job Group XIV 011770415070) Town Engineer Ilh Group XV ($13300-$17020) III I 1 I r II -47- J