HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1953_11/5/1952PROPOSED T�.X BUDGET F O R 1 9 5 3 T OWN OF M—": M:.R 0 N E C K NE17 Y 0 R K SUPERVISOR (hmn .'.. Mandeville C OUNC ILT�IEN David Embury Peter F. Vane, Jr. John T. McKeever Jeremiah C. Waterman TOWN CLERK Charles J. Gronberg 1 1P SUPERVISOR OWEN A. MANDEVILLE COUNCILMEN DAVID A. EMBURY LEGISLATION POLICE PENSION FUND PARKS J.THOMAS McKEEVER ASSESSMENTS DRAINAGE SEWERS JEREMIAH C. WATERMAN RECREATION CIVILIAN DEFENSE WATER SUPPLY PETER F. KANE, JR. INCINERATION VETERAN'S SERVICE TOWN CLERK CHARLES J. GRONBERG FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 1661 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WESTCHESTER COUNTY. N. Y. TOWN OFFICES 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. November 5, 1952 Yembers of the Totem Board, f I TEL. MAMARONECK 9-1 BOO HENRY R. DILLON RECEIVER OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS JOHN L. DELIUS ATTORNEY LEO N. ORSINO COMPTROLLER THOMAS J. McEVOY ASSESSOR BUILDING AND PLUMBING INSPECTOR FRANK R. O'BRIEN SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Presented herewith are recommendations covering the 1953 budget requests. The total gross budget is decreased by `'A,915., but actual operating costs increase '')45,670., the difference being re- presented by a decrease in debt service requirements of 50, 51013. The increase of "'45,670. can be broken down as follows operating costs increase h',25,933., and salary increases and increments in the amount of t>19,736. The problem of salary increases has received serious attention. Each of the various positions have been evaluated individually. The duties, responsibilities and other factors involving each class of position has received careful consideration. The majority of our employees have been with the Tot-,,m for many years and have proven in that period that they serve the citizens of this Town in a highly efficient manners Like everyone else, the Town must raise its maintenance items to meet the continually increasing costs of supplies and ser- vices, and these increases are reflected in the budget recom- mendations. In addition, there is also included the following: `t20,000. repre senting one-third of the estimated cost of con- struction of the new Fenimore Road Sewer and Pump Station; 7,750. covering additional cost of street lighting for both 1952 and 1953; '',3,200. for a brush grinder; �'1,000. for new power mower for the Park Department; and 0"4,000. for resur- facin and pruning in our Parks. i -2- It is reco:amenCed for the sixth successive Tear that the general Toirrn tax be eliminated by the use o{' available cash surplus leavinf only Special District taxes uhich are paid only b J, the taxpayers of the Unincorporated area. The estimated tax rate for the Unincorporated taxpayers is r>16.1.5 per Y, an increase of 'ifty-six cents. The details are shoTm in the attached schedule on Page 35. There is also included schedules covering recommended salaries increments due during 1953, and bonded indebtedness. The assessed value of taxable properties :in the Town has again increased and is fixed at ">89,488,091., an increase of �41,733,236. over the 1052 Assessment Roll. Our outstanding bonded indebtedness It is not,.,T 10 years since any bonds templated in the near future. Respectfully submitted, C,v!en Y . A andeville Supervisor oam^c has been reduced. to >1,832,500. were issued and none are con - SUMVL',RY OF PROPOSED T:A BUDGET ........ ESTI11'.TED REVENUES .................... GENE, R1'.L TOWN Depar mont of Town Offices ............ Department of Supervisor . ............ Dcpartmont of Comptroller ............. Department of Town Clork .......... Dcpartmcnt of Elcctions ............... Department of Recci_vcr of Taxes Dcpartmont of :.ssessor................ , Dcpartmcnt of Lai- .................... Department of Justice of the Peacc .... Contributions & Donations ............. Department of Board of ,'.ppoals ........ Department of Engineer . RuildinC and Plumbing Dcpartmcnt...... Department of Highimy-s ................ 1.,iscollanoous Expcnditures ........ Debt Servicc Tl'.BLE OF CONTENTS 1 to FIRE DISTRICT ITO. 1 Firc Dcpartmont ...................... 5,6 Hydrant Rental ........................ 8 9 10 11 12 13 1-^- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 OUTSIDE, Oh VILL_GES Police Dcpartmcnt .,.. Nisccllancous Lxpcndituros 25 Debt Service .............. Department of Highways ................ 27 G�:RB_GE DISTRICT NO. 1 Gar age Depar mcnt .. 28 Garbage Incineration .................. 29 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Stroet Lighting ........................ VL' TER DI_STF_ICT NO. 1 Capital Construction .................. Debt Snrvi r+.n _ _ P:: �K DISTRICT ITO. 1 Dcpartmont of Parks Dn ht Snrvi nn SE'VER_DISTRICT �?0. 1 Scicr Dcpartmcnt .......... ....... Debt Servico .......................... 30, 31 32 32 32 32 33 3-,r 35 36 MIt CELL:.NEOUS Salary Schedule • 37,38,39 Schcdulc of OutstandingBonds ......... l-0 Coriparison of :.sscssmcnts & Tax Ratcs .. 41 r2 b- TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUI!MRl OF PROPOSED T A.X BUDGET FOR 1953 GENERAL TOS�IT_T Toi,m Offices Superv_sor ...................... Comptroller ..................... Town C1er.Ic ...................... Elections ....................... Receiver of Taxes Assessor ........................ Late ............................. Justices of the Peace „ Contributions & Donations ....... Board of i-ppeals ................ Engineer ........................ Building; Plumbing Department Highway - General 'Form .......... TvIiscellaneous -Expenditures ...... Debt Service .................... Gross Total Less! Revenues ............. 1952 Budget Approp. r; 17, 780.00 3,600.00 11250,00 8,120 , 00 9.9261.00 12,110.00 13,420.00 8.1815,00 6,942.00 1.9600.00 640.00 7,^10.00 1.9750,00 40,280.00 28,320.00 5L4251.75 215, 649.,75 215,9649.75 1953 Budget Request 25,4CO.00 3.9600.00 1,350,,00 8.1735.50 79450.00 13,106.00 13.670.00 9,215z00 7.9590.00 1,600.00 640,00 6, 720.00 5,950,00 30,290.00 31,370.00 7,990 75 175,268a25 175,268.25 Recom- mended 25,400.00 3,600.00 1, 630.00 6.9800.00 73450.00 12.9620,00 13,670.00 8,955.,00 7,490..00 1,600.00 25.00 5,800.00 1,550.00 23,490.00 31,870.00 7,990.75 160, 0- f 1-60. 030.75 Allowed 25,490.00 3,60000 1,630.00 6,800.00 7,450.00 12.9620.00 13,670.00 8, 955.00 7,4.90.00 1.1600.00 25.00 5,800.00 1,550,00 23.1490.00 31,870.00 7,990.75 160.9030,75' 160,030,75 1. OUTSIDE 01" VILL.'.GES TO'M OF 1!iAMARONECK SUPI.U= OF PROPOSED rAa BUDGET FOR 1953 (Continued) 1952 1953 Budget Budget A�prop. Request Police Department �140,381.14 Miscellaneous 22,475„00 Debt Serv..ce 62702,.50 Gross Total `';169,558�54 Less? Revenues ............ 2�300,00 Net Levy TIIGI-F,-" "r DISTRICT �V Hi`hway Department ............. . 83.9000,00 GARP«GE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Collection ............. 45.0369.00 Garbage Incineration 14,000:00 Net Levy ............ d' 59,3GJ,'00 159,952.92 17,080,00 3.447.50 183,480.42 133,430.- 92,306.00 50,420,00 14,150,00 64, 570.00 Re c om- mended. 156,952.92 17.1030,00 6,447.50 180, 480.42 30, 80.42 72,000�00 52,300�00 14j000 1, 00 66,500,•00 r,llowed 156,952.92 17,080:00 6,44i;50 130.9480,42 180,480.U� 72,000.00 52,300,00 14 , 000 _00 66,300;00 2. 3. TOIUN OF TILMARONECI, SUI I�= OF PROPOSED T;A BUDGET FOR 1953 (Continued) 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 '.pprop. Request mended Mowed Fire Department ...............:... `> 47,837.63 52,180,00 52,140,00 520140.00 Hydrant Rental .................... 9,945.00 10,225.00 10i225.00 10 225.00 Net Levy 782.63 62,405.00 62,365.b0 62,365.00 LIGIiTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights ..................... 170550.00 25,300.00 25,300.00 25$00.00 ' W—TER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Capital Construction & Equipment... 50000.00 42800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 Debt Service ...................... 419041.50 4-13 W).00 40,009.00 40,009.00 Gross Total .................. 46,041-50 44,309.00 44,809.00 44,809.00 Less: Revenues ............... 41,041.50 40,009.00 40,009.00 40,009.00 Net Levy ............... 5,000.00 4,800.00 4,300.00 4,8�0.00 TO'r:N OF M.'.M;RONECK - GENER.L TOWN 1953 BUDGET REt JIREMENTS DEP�`_RTKEM OF JUSTICE3 OF THE PE'CE 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- COPIPEI�TS aTION -drop. Request mended 4.11owed Justices of the Peas ro 5, 040.00 5. 600.,00 5; 600.00 5, 600.00 Clerical .assistance .............. 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 Stenographic Ch4r,ges .,....,........ 150..00 150,00 150,00 150.00 OTIE-1R EXPENSES Rent ...o.....-,:................... 480,00 580.00 1) 480, 00 480,00 Telephone .............. 60.00 48,00 48.00 48,00 LiCht ............ .............. Supplies 3-2,00 12.00 12,,00 12.00 ......... .............,.. 150.00 150.00 150.00 150 00 6,9 2,00 7$90.00 7, 4 90.00 7,490..00 1. Includes �>100, for repainting Justice's Court. 15. TONTIT, OF M"A'.RONECK - G,,?NER'.L TO!':2T 1953 BUDGET REQUI -3ENEENTS CONTRIBUTIONS & DO J:.TIONS 1952 1953 Budget Budget «ppro�. Request Ltri.otic Darts Observances ......... v1,000.00 12000.00 Ac.Intenance of Post Quarters fr,rican Legion, 2 Posts ........... 4:00.00 400.00 v,i.t''1. 1 Post 200.00 200.00 >1,�00.00 1,600.00 Re c om- mended 1200C.00 400.00 200.00 1,600.00 :.11ocred 1)000.00 400.00 200.00 1,600.00 16. TOWN OF M;k11t%RONECK - rENEFUM TOVIN 19 _ , ; ice_ BUILDING i'.ND PLUi,:BIN 7 DEP1A'.RT1TENT 1952 1953 B .zdge t Budge t Re c om— COMPENS«TION Ikr. ep� Request mended .11ovied Building & Plumbing Inspector (P.T.)..... 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1.9000.00 � ,ss�t Bldg. & Plbg. Inspector ........... Examining Boatd of Plumbers ............. - 150.00 1r,200.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Exponses ............... 150,00 250.00 150,00 250.00 150.00 250,00 150,00 250.00 Traveling E_-penses ...................... {� 1,750.00 50950.00 1,550.00 1,550.00 19. TOWN OF MI,M;,RONEC11. - GENJJR;L TOWN 1953 BUDGET RE UIRE 1IIEh -'S DEP.'=1.IE1\TT OF HIGH hi:.Y:j 1952 1953 Budget Budge; t I.pprop. ��equ St Bridge Fund, Item IJ. ............ r;> 4,000.00 500, j-) Mar',inory Fund, Ttc-r;. :II ........ 201P500.00 1310560, JC Misc. Ftz- m IV al: xrintondent 'grays ...... 4,240.00 4,240.,.i:' lil-m Removal Tc-,,hways ..<... 7#500.00 7,500,�)C� collancous ..... , , ..... 4 O,r0.00 4 Lr90, ". AO, 280.00 301,290, .?v i. gage M 1,068.00 Tirr), Ts.-op egpt, otc. 2,000,00 ='opairs 40800.00 3i-oo.n k1ia t,; ' E; 1, 500.00 machine 3 200.00 12� , 560, 00 ;;d cash 8, 560.00 rails 5' 200.00 M iat.. ro--).ir & replace - signs, etc. 750,00 CLttt: nj, w ;e3s & grass 1.500.00 2,450.00 Recom- mended.11otr 500 00 500 ` -I, 560.00 8, 51 : , 4,480.00 4,48.:, .) i , 500.00 7.500 .:;n (2) 2,450.00 2`45C 1090,00 23,490..' TOVIN OF MI,'3/.'.RONECK - GEITEILL TOWN 1953 IMDGET RE UIREP;1 J'NTS MISCELL-NEOUS EXPENDI-LURES 1952 1953 Budget 3udget Recom- �:pprop. Request mended t:llowed Auditing Services ...............6 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOWN BO:,RD � Traveling 8. othor expenses .... 500.00 l00.00 400,00 400,00 Publishing Notices & Reports... 850.00 800.00 300.00 800.00 Salaries 2 11: Councilmen ....... 4.9800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 410800.00 Bond &- Coupon Servicing ......... 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Insurance 8.- Surety Bonds ........ 8$550,00 8.9600.00 8.9600,00 8,6001�00 Care of Town Cemetery ........... 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 �'Asociation of Tov,,ns Dues ....... 120,00 120,00 120.00 120.00 Taxes on Municipal Properties ... 500.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 Retirement Fund Contributions.... 8,100.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 7.9400.00 Recreation .. . ................. 11500.00 1p500.00 1.9500.00 110500.00 Civil Defense ................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 11000.00 Shade Tree Fund ................. - 2 500.00 in2 500.00 2 500.00 Humane Society Contract ......... - 10500.00 ::19500.00 ly500oOO Fees Dog Enumerator ..........:.. - 225.00 :; 225.00 225,00 x 28,320.00 31,870.00 31,870.00 31,870.00 ::Transferred in accordance with State l.izditors Report. 21. TUHN or_JL:ru.RO_NECK - GENER..L T_0_':_�VN 1953 BUDGET REOUIREVIENTS DEBT SERVICE 1952 Budget _,Erna- :.mortization of Highway improve- ment and General Bonds .. 52,000.00 Interest on Hishvlay Improve- mcnt and General Bonds ........... 2,9351.75 5,1, 351.75 1953 Budget Pe nest Recom- mended ,_llowcd 7,000.00 7.0000.00 7,000.00 990.75 990.75 990.75 7, 990.75 , 9� 7, 990.75 22. TOWN OF A `3VN RONECK = OUTSIDE OF VILL_.,GES 1953 BUDGET RE UIREI�T,NTS POLICE 15ET7RT-1 T 23. 1952 1953 COMPENSi:TION Budget Budget Recom- prop. Re uest mended _ i.11owod Police Chief ................... Lieutenant ! 60140.00 6,700.00 6 700 00 6,700.00 ............... Sergeants " " .. 5,140.00 5,420.00 5,420� 00 51420.00 ..................... Detective 18.0600.00 19,720.00 19,720.00 19,720.00 ...................... Patrolmen ...................... �=,420.00 �r 700.00 00 Custodian (P.T.) 72,306.00 82,559.17 (1) 82.9559.1177 82700,00 .4559.17 ............... Stonographer (P.T.) 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 ............ 750.00 93.75 (2) 93.75 93.75 OTHER EXPENSES Telephono ...................... Traffic Signals & Signs....,.... 1,850.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 Insurance ...................... 1 000.00 ' t,500.00 (3) 1,500.00 1,500.00 Water, Light & Gas 50000.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 ..,.,.,,,, Miscellaneous 325.00 25.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 .................. Building Supplies 300.00 300.00 300.00 .............. Traveling Expensos ............. 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Ropairs to Headquarters ........ �r00.00 300.OQ 300.00 300.00 Fuel Oil ....................... 900.00 �t ( ) Gasoline and Oil 450.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 ............... Office Supplies 20500.00 2,800.00 (5) 2,800.00 21800.00 ...............a Equipment .....................6 500,00 600,00 600.00 600.00 Clothing .....0,q,,,.6.......... 250.00 250.00 20000.00 21*500.00 (5) 21500.00 21P500100 (more) TOWIT OF Ni.P-, .RONECK - OTJTSID' OF V_ILL:XTES 24 1953 BUDGET RE QUIREYENTS POLICE DEPi.RTP l'ITT _y (Continued) 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- OTT R EXPENSES j'1prop. Rcquest mended �.11owcd Repairs & P:aint. __utomotive Eqpt..... ,> 20500,00 3,000,00 (5) 3.9000.00 3,000.00 Fingerprint & Camcra Equipment ...... 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 Range Supplies ...................... 350,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Radio liaint. & Equipment ............ 700.00 800.00 800,00 800.00 Membership National Safety Council, 35.00 35,00 35.00 35.00 Rctiremcnt System Contribution ...... 111300.00 50100.00 (6) 50100.00 5,100.00 Police Pension Fund ................. 2.9000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Purchase NowCars & Motorcycles ... 3, 760.00 5, 500.00 ('7 ) 5, 500.00 55500.00 :.dvanee from General Fund ........... 2�255.14 - %) 11-0, 381.141 159, 952.92 156, 952.92 156, 952.92 1. Includes provision for. 1 additional patrolman. 2. Position to be abolished 2--15-53. 3. '3000. requested for traffic light - Richbell & Palmer :,ve. r. Includes `'500. now garage doors and installation. 5. Increased costs. 6. Based on 9' of estimated payroll of ?`56,500. 7. Three (3) patrol cars and tiro (2) now motorcycles with radios. TOWN OF IT JU. RONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILL:.GES 1953 BUDGET RE�UIRET-,IENTS =0ELL.,NEOUS— EXPEi DI —TURFS 1952 1953 Budget Budget _pprop. Request Caro of _-nimals ................ e; 1,500.00 Public Library l�r .9300.00 Public Health Nurso (P.T.)...... 1790.00 Shade True Fund ... 2' ,500.00 Fees for Vital Statistics ...... 50.00 Foos for. Dog Enumerator ........ 210.00 Printing & Publishing Notices... 2125,00 22 '� 75-.00 Recom- mended �.11owod (1) 15,050.00 (2) 15,050.00 1,980.00 1,980.00 (1) 50.00 50:00 17, 080. 00 60 1. Transferred together with revenues to General Town Section in accordance Frith State auditors Report. 2. r7lo of estimated 1953 Library Bud -rot. 15,050.00 10980.00 50.00 080.00 25. TOWN OF Plli'XLRONECK - OUTS_IDE OF VILL".GES 1953 BUDGET REQUIRE ",ANT 3 DEBT SERVICE 1952 1953 Budget Budget Rocom- -,pprop . Roquost mended ;,llovrcd :,mortization of II hway and Dra ina �,e 3onds ............... `;> 5, 000.00 5J,000.00 5,000.00 5, 000.00 Interest on I3ighway and Drainarsc Bonds ............... 1z 702.50 _ 1 �rr7.50 �_ 1 zr•',7.50 � Z 447.50 , ?� o,702.50 6, r<�-7.50 6,,',117.50 6,,1,17.50 26. TOUN OF N,�.T,,I;,RONECK - OUTSIDE OF-IILI,�,GES �~ 1953 BUDGET =' UIRELIEITTS DE ,RTNLEN"in OF HIGIRTL.YS 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- ^.pprop. Rec�ucst mended I.11owed Repairs &, Improvements to Highways and Drains ........... ell 8,1000.00 93,306.00 (1) 85,000.00 85,000.00 LESS. Estimat:)d State :_id ............. 1.9000.00 19000,00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Cash .vailable ........>........ - - 12 000.00 12 000.00 "> 83,000.00 92,306.00 72,000.00 T2 000.00 1. Seal coating program VvraCc s Materials for repairs and repaving 22,000.00 16,000.00 17,000.00 111.3 85, 000, 00 27. MIN OF Y�,Wd RONECK yBUDCET - GI.RB.:GE DISTRICT NO. 1 1953 RE )UIRET,jE-TTS G.'.RB-'.GE DEP IRTMENT i 1952 1953 COP+iPENS._.TION Budget Budget Recom- l pprop. Request mended iUlovied Salaries &I'lagos .................. Rubbish & Refuse Collection 11 34,900,00 38,�r80,00 (1) 38;260.00 38,260.00 .. .,.. c0000.00 4,000.00 OTHER EXPENSES Insurance ........................ Retirement Fund Contributions ..... 1,700,00 1,275.00 1,700.00 10850.00 1,700.00 1,850.00 1,700.00 Gas and Oil .. .................... Truck Repairs 1..500.00 1,500.00 1,500,00 1,850.00 1,500.00 ..................... Rat Control at Dumps 110200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1$200.00 .............. Equipment and Supplies ............ 300.00 �9 300.00 ZIIDO.00 300.00 300.00 Dump Vaintenance Tutorials ........ .00 3'500.00 2,500.00 (2) 490.00 21000.00 1..90.00 21$000.00 Equipment Rental - Dump ........... 500.00 _?300.00 (3) 1.000.00 1 000.00 �r5,369,00 50,zr20.00 5 300.00 52 300.00 1. 7 salaried collectors t3260. 22,820.00 per diem 3260. 131 0-110.00 Vacation, sic?i leave extra help on collections 2-r00.00 38,260.00 2. Labor included in compensation figure. The 6:3000. item represents estimated cost of fill for coverinT refuse. 3. Bulldozer rental. 28. TOWN OF_'MA,u�RO_N_ECY - G:.RB:.GE DISTRICT YO. 1 1953 3U�OET REUIREP- TTS �+ G�,PB..GE INC IT,TERLTION 1952 1953 Budget Budget l,Ear op. Request Recom- mended l,llowcd Toti°m Share Incinerator Operation ... �' 14, 000.00 1-1-,150.00 14, 000.00 1/s, 000. 00 47% of Estimated 1953 Budget >30,100.00. 29. TOWN OF YllilLRONECK_ - FIFE -DISTRICT NO. 1 31. 1953 3U-7-07T -P,7 ?T IRE?�9EIVTTS FIRE DEP�'-RT11E11T (Continued) 1. (Insurance Increase) Volunteer Firemen 650.00 Comp. P.L. & P.D. 2 yrs. 275.00 Fire (3 years) 425.00 Contingency 150.00 1,500.00 2. To replace discarded hose. 3. Novi heat installation on apparatus floor. Materials for exterior painting and general maintenance of building. TO".T1 OF P:u'JU-ROTTECK - FIRE DI_S^1RICT NO. 1 1953 BUDGET REQUI-�ZEP41-TNTS ITYDRU.Nm, RENT_1L 1952 1953 Budget Budget Reeom- Lppro�. LgiL o s t mcnded .'.11o.-icd Rental of Fire Hydrants ........... 9,9,15.00 10,225,00 100225,00 I01225.00 1953 BUDGET REQUIT]ITTS STREET LIGHTING Rental of Street Lights ........... 16,925.00 25,000.00(1)25,000.00 253000.00 Installation of Strect Lights .... 625,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1;> YrT, 550.00 25, 300.00 25, 300.00 25,300.00 1. 1952 Deficit 3,250,00 1953 Lighting Cost 21:.j 750.00 rj 25, 000.OJ 1953 BUDGET REgTJIlE1,2'NTS d`I:TER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Capital Construction t,vater Dist. S stem Extension Costs �'' :� 5$000.00 r,,800.00 Z r,800.00 ..,800.00 1953 BUDGET REQUI-RE :MYTS W6TER DISTRICT DEBT' SERVICE .mortization of '"rater Bonds...... 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 Interest on Water Bonds 18,0411.50 17 009,00 1_7 �009.00 17,009.00 11 Ar 1, 0 1 50 0, 009.00 r 0, 009.00 .f o 009.00 32. TOFJN OF 11!: W,RONECK - P:.RK DISTRICT NO. 1 1953 BUDGET RE,-?UIREPr ?NTS _ ` DEP:�RTIMNT Or' T,*.- 3 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- 4°.pprop. Request mended i.11ovied ' C OMPEN& .T I ON Pare Foreman ....................... lssistant Park Foreman 1..1 200.00 4,500.00 1,500,00 li,500.00 .......... Laborers 3,/.r20.00 3,600.00 3,660.00 3 660. 00 ........................... Senior Stenographer (P.T.).......... 7,650 00 8,Zt00.00 (1) 8,/r00.00 8,Zr00.00 360.00 360.00 (2) _ OTHER EXPE17SES Light, po'vior & Leases ........... Water 70.00 70.00 70.00 70,00 .............................. Insurance Zr00.00 �200.00 �t00.00 �r00.00 .......................... Retirement Fund Contributions ...... 750,00 350„00 550.00 Ir00.00 550.00 �s00.00 550.00 Office Supplies ..............�,,. Gas & Oil 15.00 15.00 15.00 �r00.Q0 15.00 ........... ........ Materials, Shrubs & Supplies ....... 175,,00 1000,00 .9 200.00 1.9500.00 200.00 (3) 13500,00 200.00 1,500.00 General equipment .................. Repairs to Building Zr00.00 11"t00.00 ("r) 1,`00o00 1,400.00 ...... Repairs to Equipment 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 ............... Capital Improvements & Replacements. 150,00 7 132.00 150.00 Z. 000.00 150.00 5 nr 150.00 '.,26,222.00 25,695.00 25$95.00 25,395.00 1. To increase wage rate 10�- per hour. 2. Transferred to Tovrn Offices budget. 3. Increase for better type material for flower beds at Station and shrubs in New 75" various Parr; areas. Mower replacement. 5. a. Resurface Park area Myrtle b. Blvd. & Station ;lay y 3,000. Pruning, bracing & cabling trees in Park 1 000 t ^i, 000. 33. TOWN OF M:JU. RONECK - P .RK DISTRICT N0. 1 1953 BUDGET REQUIRETIENTS 1952 1953 Budget Budget Recom- i,pprop. Request monded .'.mortization of Park District Bonds, 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 Intcrost on Park Dis- trict Bonds ...................... 9,,--10.50 8,917.50 _8,917.50 1;3 20,�,10.50 19,91 .50 19,917.50 i.11owod 110000.00 8l917.50 19,�I17.50 34. TOVIN OF ltt'.W.RONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1953 BUDGET RL UIREI.S'1 NTS SEVIER DEP:.RTDU:NT '- 1952 Budget C OMPENS:.T ION :,pprop . Services of Tom Engineer ............... .. 700.00 Waj;os................................... 4,000.00 OTHER EXPENSES Power, Vlator c'^. Tclophonc ................ 200.00 Insurance 200.00 Loaso Rentals ........................... 50.00 Rotiromont Fund Contributions ........... 75.00 Ilatorials, Supplies & Othor Exponses 500.00 Pump Station Maint. & Expenses .......... 300.00 Capital Construction - 6, �2 0 1. Includes additional cost of operation nov! Pump Station - Fonimore Road. 2. One-third cost of now Fonimore Road Sovior & Pump Station. Balance to be included in 195z, & 1955 budgets. 1953 Budget Pe 9 nest 700.00 5.9200.00 (1) Recom- mended ^11owe d 1r9800.00 111800.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 50'.00 50.00 90.00 90.00 11290.00 700.00 (1) 500.00 20 000.00 (2) 20�000.00 77 7- 0 261 5 0.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 90.00 700.00 500.00 20.000.00 20, 5"10.00 35. T(T4N OF M-`JD _ROT ECK - S NVER DISTRICT INTO. 1 1953 BI7DGET ICE UI-I�ZllE NTS _ SE --BIER DE P_:,RT IVE NT 1952 19W Budget Budget I.pprop.. Request .,'.mortization on Sowcr Dis- Recom- mended I.11owod trict Bonds .................. ? 55,500..00 55$00.00 55,500.00 55,500.00 Interest on Sewer District Bonds ........................ 53252.37 50808.12 50 808.12 50 808.12 108 -92� 106 308.12 106,30�.12 lOG,308.12 36. SCHEDULE OF COMIP .IL'.TIVE Si.L«R=S Name Uilhelmina Schroeder Jean Corbia i.loxandor Finson Margaret Barnes Owen 11anddville Charles J. Gronberg Henry R. Dillon Leo N. Orsi_no Thomas J. McEvoy Frances Riley Charles Kane John L. Delius Charles I:. Baxter ITunn Brover Donna Wiedemann William Paonessa David �, Embury Peter F. Kane, Jr. Jeremiah C. Waterman John T. McKeever Paul ... Yerick Francis T,Yaterbury Eugene DeVeau Philip Millheiser William Cunningham Chauncey Smith Joseph Paonessa John Gronan John. Caputo Janos Knox Lar• rence rlc�',llister Christopher Loveley James Mancusi James Staropoli George Mulcahy John E . Rol::an Louis Turco Edward Barker James O'Brien John Y'.. Leonard Richard Winckler David r"cClintock Paid Esti- in mated Titlo 1952 1953 Telephone Operator & Deputy Clerk 2860. 2860. Int. -.cct Clerk & Steno. 3020. 3260. Tovm .'.ccountant 5380. 6000. Senior Stenographer 3020. 3260. Supervisor 3600. 3600. Tovm Clerh 5380. 6000. Receiver of Taxes 5580. 6000. Sr. :.cct. Clerk & Compt. 5380. 6000. .assessor Building & Plumbing Insp. 5430. 6000. Senior Typist 3020. 3260. i.sscssment Clerk 2920. 3160. Tovm �.ttorney 6840. 7080. Justice of the Peace 2520. 2800. Justice of the Peace 2520. 2800. Int. i.ccount Clerk 2760. 3120 Jr. Engineering .id 271"C0. 3600. Councilman 1200. 1200. Councilman 1200. 1200. Councilman 1200. 1200. Councilman 1200. 1200. Police Chief 61,10. 6700. Lieutenant 5140. 5420. Sergeant 4.620. 4.900. Sergeant 4620. 1900. Sergeant /.r620. /.900. Sergeant -Detective 17,10. 5020. Detective 4,1120. 1700. Patrolman 4220. 1500. Patrolman 4220. 4500. Patrolman 4220. 4500. Patrolman 4220. 4500. Patrolman i220. 4500. Patrolman /1220. 4500. Patrolman .r220. 4500. Patrolman 1220. 1-500. Patrolman i220. 4500. Patrolman 4220. 4500. Patrolman 4220. 4500. Patrolman 3920. ::,1500. Patrolman 3920. *,1500. Patrolman 3920. */,500. Patrolman 3920. *z.500. (1) SCI-1E'DULE OF COMP�;R;"TIVE S.:L'.RIES (Continued) Name John Welsh Lugenc �',gncssanto ,Jilliam Cclestino Yar j oric V. McCulloch John Scufcrt Thomas P:=. ..itchison ,.rthur Johnson Michael Gallagher Ili-chael Harrington Louis Testa Joscph filler -1fred 1'oll Earl Yeller L'dy,ard Muller Nicholas Soriano George Burton Paul Fortuna Curtiss Major _nthony Cugliari r':attheSr Halley David Lyde Roscoe Paysoure Dominic!,, Loiaconi Pearl E . deGrau 1`7inifrcd 0. Taylor Frank O'Brien George Osborne Joseph Donohue Title Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman Int. Steno. (P.T.) Custodian Park Foreman ��ssft Park Foreman Fire; Lieutenant Fire Lieutenant Firc Lieutenant Fire Truck Driver Fire Truck Driver Fire TruclC Driver Fire Truck Driver Fire Truck Driver Fire Inspector 1,1otor Eqpt. Operator Sanitation Man Sanitation Dian Sanitation Man Sanitation Man Sanitation Man Sanitation Plan Clerk (P.T.) Health Nurse (P.T.) Supt. of Highways General Repairman :.utomotive Mechanic Paid in 1952 3720. 3720. 3520. 750. 2860. r200. 3i.-20. 3820. 3820. 3820. 3680. 3680. 3680. 3680. 3110. 960. 3020. 3020. 3020. 3020. 3020. 3020. 3020. 750. 1830. � 2, 0. 3,r 6 0. 1020. Includes Increment. 1. Presently in Service - Discharge anticipated about June lst. 2. Position to be abolished 2-15-53. Esti- mated 1953 :,4200. i200. * .r 000. 93.75 (2) 2360. 4500. 3660. .1100. Zt100. /r100. 3960. 3960. 3960. 3960. ,:3510. 960. 3260. 3260. 3260. 3260. 3260. 3260. 3260. 750. 1980. Z '80. 3700. W w TU',11I OF Y!,'JILROIECK SCHED r l v E3 DUE_ TO INCREFENTS DI1RI7'?G 1,)53 James 0' Brien ......... t `200. to i-1-53; �,;p�r500. to 12-31-53 John 1.. Leonard ....... 4200. to G-1-53° 4.500. to 12-31-53 Richard Vrincklcr....... 4200. to 6-15-53; �'500. to 12-31-53 David PRcClintock ...... 1200. to 7-11-53- .500. to 12-31-53 Eugone Ggnessanto ..... 4000. to 9-1-53; e.200. to 12-31-53 John '?clsh ............ 4000. to 9-1-53; �r200. to 12-31-53 1Ti17_iar? Cclestino ..... 3800. to -15-53' �.r000. to 12-31-53 Nicholas Soriano ...... 3390. to 3-1-53; 3510. to 12-31-53 39. TOWN OF 11L' M .RONECK YE:.RLY INTl RLST CH.,'.RCES UP : _ _ IS_O8 ,S OF J.`M.',PY 1, 1953 Year :'.mortization Interest Total 1953 r'; 101,500.00 79,172.37 180,672.87 195,_- 99, 500.00 741-, 762.12 171r, 262.12 1955 99.4500.00 70,396.37 169,896.37 1953 99,500.00 66.9030,62 165,530.62 1957 96, 500.00 61, 6611-.87 158,1641.87 1958 92,500.00 57,r63.37 1�r9,9G3.37 1959 92,500.00 53.4328,62 1,15,828.62 1960 92,500.00 �9,193.87 141,693.87 1901 90.9500.00 115JO80.32 1351$580.62 1962 88,500.00 4r10099.37 129,599.87 1963 890500.00 371P157.37 12(3,657.87 193111C 89,500,00 33,1911,G2 122,69,.r.62 1965 85.9500,00 29,231,37 11/1,731.37 1966 85,500.00 25,<i38.12 110,938.12 1967 81,500.00 21,723,62 103,223,62 1968 7,-,500.00 18,357.87 924857.87 1969 70,500.00 15,11r,62 85,61%,62 1970 6,1, 000.00 12,10, .50 76410.r . 50 1971 57,000.00 98237,50 66$237.50 1972 50,000.00 6,885.00 569885.00 1973 /19,000.00 4,772.50 53,772.50 1974 1t0)000.00 2,853.50 12)853,50 1975 27, 000.00 1,4.23,00 2819,123.00 1976 11,000.00 602,50 11,602.50 1977 5J 000.00 237,50 5,237,50 1,832,500.00 816,52 2,6i9,027.29 General Town Bonds 32 # 009.00 Outside Vill^be Bonds 29,000.00 Water District Bonds 387,000.00 Parr District Bonds 20z.1000.00 Sevier District Bonds 131180.$500.00 r)1,832,500,00 40. COPIIPLRISON OF 1'.SSESS1,1ENI'S T�.X R..TES I.ssessed Valuation 1952 1953 General Toxin 871751i, 855 89."188, 091 Outside Villages 36,396,838 371276,739 Outside Villages Highway District 361P396,838 37.9276.9739 Garbage District 36,396,833 37,276,739 Fire District 36,396,838 37,276,739 Lighting & Water District 360399,838 37,279,739 Parr, District 3�. 7"10,.501 35161L9,587 Sovior District 32,zy95, 553 33, 28-1, 699 Mamaroneck Valley Sower District 6517-::81932 67,217,782 Nov! Rochollc Sanitary Sourer District 28,227, 028 28, 522, 76,- 1952 1953 Increase Dccrcasc Tex Rates Lctual Estimated over 1952 from 1952 Gonoral Tov.-n Outsido Villages `.G0 Highway - Outside Villages 2,28 1,93 .35 Garbage District 1,63 1,78 .15 Fire District 1.59 1.67 .08 Lighting 8.- Vlater District .62 .80 .18 Park District 1.3" 1.13 .21 Sowor District 3.53 r,00 .4.7 1�.59 16.15 1.12 .56 SU U,,' ",RY BY I.RELS Village of 11amaronock _ Village of Larchmont - Unincorporated .rea 15,59 16,15 .56 COMP RISOIT OF 1'.SSESSIMINTS & TEA IL.TES (Continued) TI^A Ri.TES i'.SSESSMEYTS Ycar Tovm Countv School 1g53 (Est.) 16.15 1952 15,59 10.25 18.81 c 87,754,000 1951 15.59 10.2,- 17.87 85, i�r5, 000 1950 14.37 10.5•r 16.9,y 83.9939,000 19l-9 izz"71 10,76 17.33 81,011,500 191"-8 14.a13 10.10 15.99 78,602,000 19z17 15.76 10.63 16.6": 77,G27,000 1916 16,91 9.21 13.,19 75,688,000 19,15 16.78 7,92 12.37 75,3700000 19-1I1 17.0` 8,52 11.73 77,719,000 19,°C3 1G.62 9,02 10.69 790zr90,000 • 42. T n ,