HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1951_11/1/1950• PROPOSED T,,X BUDG3T F O R 1 9 5 1 T 0 W N OF Mt, RI1,I1 )N :. C K NE:J Y 0 R K SUPEi{VISOR Oven A. Mandeville C OUli C Ii1c, K David I,. Emburg John T. McI.eever Jeremiah C. Ilaterman Edward F. "'atson WET CLERK Charles J. Gronberg SUPERVISOR OWEN A. MANDEVILLE COUNCILMEN DAVID A. EMBURY LEGISLATION POLICE PENSION FUND PARKS J. THOMAS McKEEVER DRAINAGE SEWERS WATER SUPPLY JEREMIAH C. WATERMAN RECREATION VETERANS' SERVICE EDWARD F. WATSON ASSESSMENTS INCINERATION FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 1661 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WESTCHESTER COUNTY. N. Y. TEL. MAMARONECK•9-1800 HENRY R. DILLON RECEIVER OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS JOHN L. DELIUS ATTORNEY LEO N. ORSINO COMPTROLLER JAMES M. SMITH ASSESSOR A. J. FOOTE HIGHWAY SUPT. AND TOWN ENGINEER BUILDING AND PLUMBING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK TOWN OFFICES CHARLES J. GRONSERG 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. November 1, 1950 Members of the Town Board: There is presented herewith for your consideration, the 1951 Do- partmental Budget requests together with ray recommendations. The problems which we face in these days, when no one can accur- ately forsee the future, should be met as they arise, and post- ponement will only impair the services rendered to our citizens and eventually will be more costly. We must properly maintain our investment in our roads, highways, parks and sewers. Our employees must be compensated fairly in order that we may demand and receive their best efforts. Our equipment must be properly maintained and replaced where neces- sary. The gross budget has been increased by $570400. The net budget is hither by r51,Dfl,, of which �22,000. is accounted for by the change in distribution of the so-called "Moore Plan Revenues" in Westchester County, which reduces the amount to be received by the Town. The two Villases will receive greater amounts than has been the case in the past because of this adiustrnent made by the County Board of Supervisors. The General Town surplus on November 1, 1950 amounted to $245,186.00, and it is recornoended that $105,300. be used to again eliminate the 1951 General Town taxes. The tax in the Unincor- porated area for police, highways, library, garbage, sewer and park purposes will be increased by t1.17 per thousand, due to the followin,S additional costs. An increase of "180. per year to each employee,necessary to meet their increased cost of living, is recommended and is included in the budget. The total increase in compensation amounts to $14,125, of which 02,275. represents annual increments to various employees. In addition, the pay- as-you-zo basis is continued and all capital improvements, addi- tions and replacements are included in this budget, Members of the Town Board -2- November 1, 1950 Capital equipment included in this budget is estimated to cost �32,433., which are-. Election. Two (2) new Votin,-;i!'Iachines - $2,400, Chairs and Tables 13350. Receiver of Taxes: Tax Receiptin, Machine 3,200. iosler Safe Cabinets 1,055. Highway: Two (2) Sand Spreaders .935. Street Sweeper 7,964 Police: Four (4) New Cars and One (1) Motorcycle 4,721. Fire: Hose 2,125. Balance Fire Truck 8,772. For the first time, an appropriation must be made to the local Police Pension Fund to meet pension payments for 1951. An amount of $4,000. is included in the Police Department budget for this purpose and it will be a recurring item for many years to come. The appropriation for the Public Library is increased as the annual Town share of the new addition is estimated at ',,2,400. for ten years. The Park Department request for ',2,150. to resurface walks and reseed some of the small parks is provided for as any further delay would be both dangerous and costly. Durin- 1950, the Board authorized the building of a now Pump Sta- tion at Colonial and Murray Avenues, at a cost of $4,000. This was made necessary at that time by the failure of the existing Station and the necessity of replacing the obsolete and unrepair- able equipment it contained. The cost of this Station is included in the Sewer Department budget. The largest sin -'le increase is in the budget for the Highway De- partment for the repairs and maintenance of highway throughout the Unincorporated area. The investrrent of the Town in these hiLh- ways is great and failure to properly maintain tnem would be a very shortsighted policy. .acadam roads must be sealcoated, holes patched and sidewalks repaired. Drains must be kept clean and re- paired where necessary. In addition, our streets and gutters must be kept clean, and certain replacements, resurfacing and new work dc , durinS the year, as the need arises. Costs of road materials are rising and our hourly employees must also receive an increase to compensate for the increased cost of living. Because of the general situation in regard to heavy equipment, and because of Members of the Town Board -3- November 1, 1950 rising costs, a dump truck, pickup truck, and car, were purchased during the latter part of 1950 at e ccst of 66,100., and payment made from Surplus funds. The request of this Department has al- ready been reduced by p22,000., not because the request was high, but because the 'add.itionaU -work -can be postponed without incurring any great hardship. Last, but certcinly not least, is the Garbage Department. The in- creased population and tonnage of refuse have necessitated the use of a third truck on a full time basis. The 1951 budget contemplates the use of 3 collectors for EarbaSe, and 2 men for the collection of ashes, apart­ient 'zous ; refuse, and rubbish collection. All during 1950, seven of these taen were compensated on an annual salary and the others on a per diem basis. For 1951, it is proposed that they all be placed on an annual salary. It has been estimated that a garbage truck motor actually runs at the rate of over 100,000 miles per year, as it is running c*nstantly, and our trucks have been in operation over 4 years. For this rea- son, a new motor has to be installed in one of the Load Packer car- bage trucks, at a cost of �800. Our dump problem can be solved, but as has been pointed out in the past, it is a costly procedures but one t'_Zat must be faced. The Incinerator is now ten "ears old and the furnaces and dampers re- quire extensive repairs. The cost of these repairs are reflected in the increased budget for Garbage Incineration. To recapitulate, the•r=major increases in the estimated cost of operations for 1951, are as f allows; Salary Incroases 14,125.00 New Equipment 32,443.00 Local Pension Appropriation 4,000.00 Public Library 2,400.00 Park Improvements 2,150.00 Sewer Pumpinv Station Certificate 4,000.00 Highway Maintenance 21,000.00 Garbage Collection & Disposal 40800.00 Incinerator Costs 1.300,00 Tottl „>862218.00 Members of the Town Board -4- Novembar 1, 1950 In addition, the only major change in revenues is a reduction in the receipt by the Town of 522,000. ef State Aid under the "Moore Plan." The outstandin` bonded indebtedness as of January 1, 1951 amounts to Q,129p500., as reflected on Paga N5. 1here have been no bonds issued by the Town of Ma waroneck since June 1, 1943. Respectfully submitted, Owen A. Mandeville Supervisor oam/jn INDEX SMUMY OF PROPOSED T;a BUDGET........ 1 to L ESTIItu',TED RIVElJUES.................... 5 GENER�,L TOydN Department of Tovm Offices............ 6 Department of Supervisor .............. 7 Department of Comptroller ............. 8 Department of Town Clerk..........,... 9 Dcpartricnt of Elections ............... 10 Departrent of Receiver of Taxes....... 11 Department of :assessor................ 12 Department Department of of Latir................ . . ... Justices of the Peace... 13 1�r Contributions e- Donations ............. 15 Department of Board of a,ppoals........ 16 Department of Engineer ................ 17 Building and Plumbing Department...... 18 Department of Highways................ 19 Miscellaneous Expenditures............ 20 Debt Service.......................... 21 OUTSIDE OF VILL iGES Debt Service 22 Police Department ..................... 231? 24 Miscellaneous Expenditures............ 25 Department of Highways ................ 26 Gi,RB4*►GE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Department.........,-,-,,,,,.. 27 Garbage Incineration & Debt Service, 28 FIIE DISTRICT NO. 1 Fire Department...... .... 6,04.60-01 29 Hydrant Rental...... ..................... 30 STREET LIG�ITING DISTiICT Street Lighting.......................... 30 ', �aTER DISTRICT NO. 1 Debt Service ............................. 30 Ri' IRK DI 3T1,1CT NO, 1 Dopartn;nt of Parks...................... 31 Debt Se:, -vice ....... ...................... 32 SE'.IER DISTRICT IvO. 1 Sewer Department..... 33 ......... ......... Debt Servicc ............................. &.1 P:IISCLLL.'sl_MOUS Salary SchEdulc .......................... 35-6 37-8-9 Schedule of Outstandin Bonds............ .�O-1 Comparison of :,ssossmonts...... . ... . . . . . ,s2 Con,p.arison of Tax Rates r2 T 0`.7N OF PU,P4 ,R OITI C K SUPYIIU.RY OF PIZOPOSED T1 ,X BUDGET FOR 1951 GEHER,.L Tg..'T1 Town Offices ...................... Supervisor..,......�............... Comp t r o l l c r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *I . . . . . . Tovin Clerk ......................... Elections......... ................. Receiver of Taxes.................. Justices of the Peace.....:........ Contributions & Donations.......... Board of a,p p e a l ✓ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enoinecr ...............>........... Building 2- P1unbin- Departricnt ..... Hi ;ht,ay - Gencral Toim............ . Miscellancous Expenditures......... Debt Service ....................... Gross Total ................... Lesso Revenues................ Bict Lc vy................ 1950 Budget ;, r o . t 16.9810.00 3, 600,00 14250,00 71750,00 7,23 ,00 11,370.00 11,560,00 9,975,00 6,872,00 1,600,00 %50,00 10.9385.00 3.0000.00 33,.M,00 17,910.00 6-- 375,00 n 207,611.00 207,611.00 1951 Budget request 16,690,00 3,500,00 1,250,00 7,, 50,00 10,786,00 15, 520,00 13Y990.00 91975,00 6,072.00 1,600.00 Ir50,00 9,385600 3:675,00 52, 5<<3.00 21,760,00 55,831.50 232,377,50 232,377,50 Recom- ricndc d 161690000 3.4500,00 1.0250,00 7,720*00 10,766,00 15,9•�'5,00 12,850,00 9,975*00 61932,00 1.0600.00 •1 50.00 9,190.00 3.4680.00 30,860*00 21,760,00 _56,331.50 216,119,50 216.119,50 Allowed 162600.00 3,S00,00 1,250.00 7,810.00 10,786,00 15, 9,15.00 12.1850.00 9,975.00 6,932,00 10600.00 150,00 9,190,00 3,680.00 36,860.00 21,760,00 56,831,50 216,119.50 216,119.50 l: TOVIN OF I41IX,R011ECK SUT,7P,u,HY OF PROPOSED T1,X BUDG]T FOR 1951 OUTSIDE OF VILL:,GES Debt Service ........ .............. • Police Depl-rtrient.................. Miscellaneous ...................... Gross Total...............0 Less Rovcnucs................ Uct Levy ................ HIGH:;i,Y DISTRICT _ 0/V Ilighuay Dcp«rtr.ont................. G:,i"I ,,G7L DISTRICT 110. 1 Garbage Collection ................. Garbage Incineration............... Debt Service ....................... Gross Total................... Less: Revenues..* ... 0*0000*000 Not Levy ................ �4 C 1950 Budgct j, r o 16,106.00 11,19365.00 161712,60 1i7ipi!83 —G0 2.650,00 $ 833. 60 0 500600.00 1951 Budget Rem 6,957.50 126,115,75 19,805900 ].52,968.25 2.500.00 150,•:,68.25 103*500,00 (Continued) Recom- mcndod 6.9957,50 130,�r37„00 19,895.00 157,289,50 2.F00.00 154.0 769. 50 811700oOO Al 1 owe d 6,957-50 130,13700 19489500 157,289,50 2,500.00 15`�,789.50 810700.00 ?> 35,855.00 x7,5�JG.00 �2,9�3.Q0 r2,9r3.00 10,670.00 1,026.60 12,000.00 12,000.00 5,192,50 i .105.00 6.,105 a 00 6,105,00 yi 51.0717,50 67,727,60 61,Or8.00 61,0�8,00 51,717.50 67,727.G0 6110A.8.00 G1,0118.00 2. TO?'.R,T OF TG,.`UJiONECK SM/a,U,RY OF PR011 1;D T,X B- DGET FOR 1951 FIM DISTRICT NO.--1 Fire Dopartr__ient.................... Hydrant Rental ..................... Net Levy ................... LIGIITIITG DISTRICT ITO. 1 Strcct Lights ...................... W ,TFR SUPPLY DISTRICT 110. 1 1950 Budget !, r o l•9,4:20,00 9,700.,00 y 59,120.00 16,600.00 Debt Service .....................•. ? 12,08i.00 Less: Revenues ................ '.2,08�r,00 ITot Levy ................ P�,RK DISTRICT ITO. 1 1951 Budget Request 523367.58 15,380,00 67, 7,17.50 20,975.00 '12,076.00 ,12.076A00 (Continued) Re c om- mended 51,827.58 9,700,,00 610527.58 17,600000 ,12,076oOO •12 076.00 3� Allowed 51,827,58 9 .700 t; 00 011527,58 17,600.00 12,076.00 ,12.076.00 Operating .......................... 20.9705,00 19,s70.00 19,290.00 19,29 0.00 Debt Service ....................... 21,396.50 20.903.50 20,903.50 20.903.,50 Gross Total................... `"� "12,101.50 11110,373.50 /.0,193.50 Z10,193.50 Less: Rovcnuos................ 1,500.00 , �t0..601.50 - 14r0,373.50 -0,193050 d0,193.50 Net Levy ............... TUUN OF 1J,'Xi' ROITECK SUMMUlY OF' PROPOSED lTia 3UDGET FOR 1951 SE" IE i D-ISTILiICT 110. 1 Operating ........................ Debt Service ..................... Trot LevJT.............. SUP TUIRY Total Operating.................. Debt Service..................... Gross Total ................. Less: itevenues.............. Net Lcvy.............. 1950 Budget I,ppr op . 9,290.00 111,,738, 37 121,028.37 y 477.*153,GD 261y192=37 y� 738.3,15 , 9 7 253.8i,5,0D 48,500 97 1951 Budget Request 10,025,00 1093309„12 119133r.12 604. o 896,93 21_2.1.82 62 811 , 079, 55, 55 2'76 t 953350 570,126.05 (Continued) Recon— mended 91975,00 109.309 12 119,281r,12 55<<, 655 58 2,--2 ,182 ,,62 796, 836,20 260,695,50 53611,12.70 Allowed 90975,00 109Q309.12 119 , 2 8•1.12 55-.! , 655 , 58 2L2,,�82, 62 796,838,20 260.-95,50 536,12.70 '4, 1951 BUDGET RE�UIwzi.. . NTS +, +0k, SUP,2n"UY OF ESTIMj TED REVE11 UES 1950 1951 Budget Budget Recon- GE NER:',L TO�::'N Approp. PC',quo 3t mended 1,1lov1ed Interest &. Penalties on Taxes........ . 7,000.00 e,000.00 8,000.00 81000,;00 Justices' Fincs and Foos ............. 3.0000.00 3,000.00 3.1000.00 3.0000.00 To-vm Clork's Fees.................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 14200,00 Mortgage Tax........ ................. 7.9000,00 7.9000,00 7:000.00 7,000,x0 Cash,vailablo....................... 76,261,00 121,577.50 105.9319650 105,319.50 Fees Building & Plumbing Inspector... 11000,00 1,2,00.00 1,200,00 1p2004OO Per Capita Lssistance for support of Local Government .............. 112, 000,00 90Pz.--00.00 90,%00100 90,400.00 Foes Zoning Board of dl.ppoals......... 150.00(1) 207,611.OJ _ 2322377,50 216,119.50 216,119.50 (1) Combined with Building & Plumbing Inspector's Fccs. OUTSIDE OF VILL.'.GES Dog Licenses..................... Franchise Payments................... 1,650,00 12 lj600*OO 1,600..100 1,600,00 000,00 900.00 900.00 900,00 f 2.9650,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2.$500.-00 IATER DISTRICT NO. l ',':rater Rcvenues.............,,,..� �; �t2,0811100 121076,00 -122076*00 z,2,076.00 Pl,R1L' DISTRICT N0. 1 Cash:availablo....................... e 10500.00 5, TOWN OF MU,P✓ARONECK GENERAL TOWN 1951 BUDGET RE(,,UIREILINTTS DEP4`4.RTn,NT OF JUSTICES OF THL FEiXE C OMPENSI,T I ON Justices of the Peace (2)...................... Clerical 1'.ssistunce ............................ Stenographic Charges ........................... OTHER EXPENTSES Rent ........................................... Telephone ...................................... Light................. ......................... Supplies ....................................... Nevi Furniture.................................. (1) 26 Theatre type seats for Court Room. 1950 Budget Approp . 1951 Budget Request > 4.9680.00 4.9680,00 900.00 900.00 150.00 150.00 480.00 480.00 60,00 60.00 12.00 12.00 90.00 90.00 500.00 500.00 � 6,872.00 6,872.00 Recom- mended Alld6ed 4,800100 4$800.00 990.00 990.00 150.00 150.00 480.00 480.00 60.00 60.00 12.00 12.00 90,00 90,100 350.00 (1) 350.00 6,932.00 6,932.00 15. t TOWN OF MAILRONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1951 BUDGET �� JUIRLI + N a CONTRIBUTIONS u DONLTIONS 1950 1951 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed Patriotic Days Observances...., .............. 1,000.00 1.9000.00 11000,00 10000.00 Maintenance of Post Quarters I.merican Legion, 2 Posts........ ............. 400,00 400.00 400,00 400.00 V.F.I^1, 1 I'ost ............................••• 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 10600.00 1,600.00 10600.00 10600.00 TOWN OF YUSI MNECK - G3NER iL TOWN 1951 BUDGE U111TINENTS DEPi,RTIENT OF BO;.RD OF :&PPE..LS 1950 Budget !,pprop. C OMPENSi.T I ON Senior Stenographer (P.T.)................... 400.00 OTHER E.XPLNSES Offico Supplies & Expenses ................... 50.00 ` 450.00 16. 1951 Budget Roeom- Rcqucst mended Allowed 400.00 400.00 400.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 450.00 450.00 450eOO 17. TOIUN OF MI,1114RONECK - GENERI,L TOWN 1951 BUDGET RE4UIfwLENTS DL PiaRTIk LNT OF LNGINEi:.R 1950 1951 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Re ucst mended Allowdd C 01rIPLNS. ION Town Engineer (P.T.).................... 1,740.00 1,7,10.00 1,280.00 1,280,00 I,ssistan+ Tc;m Engineer (i.T.).......... 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 Junior 7ngineering ."Ad .................. 2,500.00 2,620.00 2-680.00 2,680,00 Junior.Tj-4ngincoring I'Ad.................. 2,065.00 2$00.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Intermediate account Clerk .............. 780.00 625.00 630.00 630,00. Special engineering Consultant.......... 10200.CO - - - OTHER EXPENSLS Office & Engineering Supplies and Expenses .......................... 500.00 500.00 500.00 500,00 P 10$85.00 90365.00 9,190.00 9,190.00 M T0',J'N OF MLMGRONECY - GELTER.LL TOWN 1951 BUDGET RE�6'JIRET`AENTS BUILDING i,I`ID PLUVIBING DLPT. 1950 1951 Budget Budget Rocom- .,',,-pprop. Request mended AlloAd C OMPEIT31,T I ON Building & Plumbing Inspector (P.T.)....... 550.00 550.00 550,00 550.00 �,ss't Building & Plumbing Insp. (P.T.)..... 2,200.00 20200.00 2,200.00 20200,00 �150000 Examining Board of Plumbers ................ 150.00 150.00 150,00 Interriediate l,ccount Clerk (P.T.).......... - (1) 625.00 630,00 630.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Expenses ................. 100.00 150.00 150,00 150.gO $ 39000,00 3,675.00 3,680.00 30680,00 (1) Transfered from Town Offices budget. TOWN OF N,1,ivu,RONECK - sENERt,L TOIr,'N 1951 BUDGET RE( UI EMCNTS DEi i,RTP.ENT OF HIGI-R-d >YS 1950 Budgct k.pprop . Bridge Fund Item II ...................... 12000.00 P4achincry Fund, Item III ................. 16,820.00 Snow & Misc, Fund. Item IV S ep t , of Highways ( 1 . T . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 3 6 0 . 0 0 Lss't Supt, of Highways (P.T.)........... 610,00 Snow Romoval Tovrn Highways............... 5,500.00 Insuranco....................... ......... 3*400,00 Miscollancous ............................ 2,780.00 330470,00 (1) Ma intonanco & operation of Garago Salaries, wages and parts for repairs to Eqpt. Tools, shop equipment and tires Swapper Two (2) spreaders (2) Transfcred to General Insuranco budget as per recommendation of State l,uditors. (3) Maintenance & replacement Guard Rails and Street signs 400.00 1/2 salary Int. account Clerk 1,260.00 Cutting grass & viceds on Tovm High- ways and Miscellanoous 1 390.00 ,0� 50.00 1951 Budget Recom- Request monded 500,00 500.00 35,623.00 (1) 22,520.00 3.1360,00 610,00 6.0000,00 3,,100.00 (2) 3,050.00 (3) 52, 51r3.00 1,130.00 9,590,00 3,000.00 7,964.00 836,00 2 , 52`0 : M 4,000.00 790.00 6.9000,00 3,050.00 36,860.00 Allo*ed 500100 229500*,00 40000,00 790,00 60000,00 3.050.00 36,860.00 11 r TO, N OF W Mi,RONECK - GENERitL TNT 1951 BUDGET REi UIREP!MNTS Y,TSC'ELL;MOUS EXPENDITURES 1950 Budget l,,pprop. Auditing So rviccs......................... V;' 1.0500,00 T OU'N BOi,RD Traveling & othor oxpenses.............. Publishing Notices & Reports............ Salaries - (z.) Councilmen ............... Bond & Coupon Servicing................... Insuranco & Suroty Bonds .................. Care of Town Cemetery..... ................ Associa tion of Tor,ns Ducs................ Taxes on Municipal properties ............. Retirement Fund Contributions............. Recreation....... ......................... Civilian Defense .......................... 20. 1951 Budget Recom- , Request mended Allowed 1,500.00 1.9500.00 ls500.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 700.00 700,00 700.00 700.00 4,800.00 -r,800.00 40800.00 49800000 350.00 350.00 350.00 350,00 850.00 Zr,600.00 (1) 4,600.00 48600900 100,00 100.00 100.00 100,00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 550.00 550.00 �550.00 .550,00 6-250.00 6,250,00 6,250,00 6;250.00 2,500.00 1.9500.00 1;500.00 1;500.00 - 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000000 17,910.00 210760.00 21,760.00 21,760.00 (1) In accordance with recommendation of State Auditors, insurance item fornorly carried in "iighYvay Department budget now included in this amount. TOXIN OF M,MI.RONECK - GENERi L TOWN 1951 BUDGET REgUIREMENTS DLBT SERVICE 1950 Budget Lmortization of Highway Improvc- mont and Gcncral Bonds ................... 670000.00 Interest on Hight -:ay Improve- ment and Goncral Bonds..,... ............. 7,375.00 vP 640375.00 A 21. 1951 Budget Reguest Rccom- mended Allo6d 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00 4,831.50 4,831.50 4,831,50 560831.50 560831.50 56,831.50 TOWN OF N,f,PL:RONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLI.GES 1951 BUDGET R.E4'UII ELIENTS DEBT SERVICE ICE 1950 Budget ,pprop. .:mort i zat i on of Highways and Drainage Bonds..................... 140000,00 Interest on Highways and Drainage Bonds........... .... * ..... 2,406.00 16,406.00 22, .I 1951 Budget Reeom- Request mended &llavied 5,000.00 5.9000.00 5,000.00 1,957.50 1,957.50 1,957Q50 62957.50 6.9957.50 6,957.50 u TOI,;N OF MI,M .,ROPIECK - OUTSIDE OF VILUGES 1951 i'TjDGE'm h'k,Q.LF'- ,'Mr-,:NTS POLICE LL+1,i�=ZIhIT C OMPLNS,'A,T I ON Police Chief .............................. Police Lieutenant ......................... Police Sergeants ............... 0.09.0000.0 Police DCtCCtiVC�..•..•••••.....•.•...•..• Police r--trolmon .......................... Custodian(!',T.).......................... Stenographer (i.T.).,..................... OTHER EXPENSES Telephone .............................,... Traffic Signals Maintenance............... Novi Traffic Signals..........•.,,.....,... Insurance. . . . . . . . . . f . • . • . , • . . • • . • • • • . • . • . . ;dater, Light & Gas ........................ Miscollanoous Building Supplies ......................... Traveling Expenses..... .... Repairs to Headquarters................... Fuel Oil•.....••......• .... .............. Gasoline and Oil.......................... Office Supplies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•, Equipment .............. . ................. . Clothing........... ...................,... Repairs & Maintenance & Roplacemont Of Automotive Equipment................. 1950 Budget Approp. 5,560,00 4,600,00 120600,00 80000.00 580340.00 10740.00 600,00 1,750,00 10300,00 1,200,00 2,600.00 325,00 200,00 200,00 300,00 400,00 600.00 20000,00 400,00 250,00 2,500,00 2,000.00 1951 Budget Request 50700.00 40600.00 12,9600.00 8.000,00 64,050.75 1,740.00 600.00 10850,00 10000.00 - 2,600.00 325,00 200.00 200,00 300.00 400.00 600.00 2,000.00 400,00 250.00 28500.00 2,000.00 (1) (Continuod) Rccom- mendod 5;900.00 41780.00 13;140.00 8,360.00 670290.75 1,830.00 690.00 1- 850.00 1:000.00 20600.00 325,00 200.00 200.00 500.00 400.00 600.00 2,000.00 400,00 250.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 23, . A 5,000.00 4,780,00 13,140,,00 8.33c.00 67;290.75 1,830,00 690.00 1#850,00 1P000,00 2, 600.00 325*00 200,00 200,00 300,00 400,00 800.00 2,000.00 400.00 250,00 20500.00 2 $ 500, 00 TOVIN OF WAI,RONECK - OUTSIDE: OF VILLhGES 1951 BUDGET REQUIERLIENT3 'OLICE DEPaRTIgMMT 1950 Budget �Ipp r o OTHER EXPENSES Fingerprint Equipment ..................... 0 150,00 Rnnrro Supplies............ ................ 150,00 Radio rLaintenancc & Novi Equipriont......... 300,00 Traffic Safety and Signs .................. � 50.00 Purchase of Cars & Motorcycics............. 4,400.00 Rotirerient System Contributions........... 1,850.00 tolicc icnsion Fund ....................... - L.dvance from Genera ' 1 Fund ................. $ 114,365.00 (1) Includes cost of Sirens, Spotlights and Lettoring on new cars. i 24. 4 (Continued) 1951 Budget Rococo - Request mended Allowed 350.00 350.00 350,00 250,00 250,00 250.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5,600.00 - _ 3,111,50000 (2) 30450.00 39450.00 4.9 000 , 00 ( 3 ) 11- 000. 00 4 000.00 t9721.25 4,721.25 126,115.75 130,437.00 130,437,00 (2) 1ppropriation to cover Tom share of Ponsion payments to llcir� York State Retirement System. 1.11 policemen appointed since January 1, 1940 must become meribors of this System. (3) appropriation to root anticipatod deficit in local Pension Fund. :.11 police officers appointed prior to January 1, 1940 arc members of this Ponsion Fund. (�_) :,dvanco to cover purchase of 4 now patrol cars and 1 Motorcycle. Cost to be included in 1951 budget. 25. TMJN OF IU M1,ROVECK — OUTSIDE OF 'iII.Lti.GES 1950 1951 Budgot Budget Rocom-• 1sTJ�. Rogtaost m nded Care ofl.nimals..•....................... x 1,500000 10:907.60 1,500,00 140000,00 1p500.00 (1)140000.00 10500.00 14,000000 Public Library.........,............... Public Health Nurse (P.T.).............. 1,54--5.00 1,635.00 1,635.00 1,635.00 Shade Tree Fund....................•.••. 210500,00 2j,500.00 21500*00 210500.00 Fees for Vital Statistics............... 50.00 210.00 50.00 210.00 50.00 210.00 50eO0 210,00 Fees for Dog Enumerator ................. 16,712,60 19,895000 19,895.00 190895000 (1) Includes '~2,400. for Tovin's annual share of cost of nev addition. TOWN OF W,.Mi,RONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLI,GES 1951 BUDGET RE 4UIRENMNTS D PA,RTMENT Or HIGH+-.'7- S 1950 1951 Budget Budget i,pprop. Request Recom- mended Repairs ! Improvements to 1'500.00(1) 82700,00HiChways and Drains................ , , Less° estimated State :.id............ 1,000,00 1.000.00 1,000.00 50,600,00 103,500,00 810700,00 (1) Seal Coat, Repair Materials and Resurfacing 40,900.00 Labor 39*000.00 Gas and Oil 1,800.00 Rag z"?cod 12OOC.00 82,700,00 1.000.00 61,700,00 26, TOWN OF 1,UJLi.RONECK - Gi,RBi,GE DISTRICT NO 1951 BUDGET RE ',UIREIENTS Gi,RBi,GE DE P ,RT:J' i NT 1950 1951 Budget Budget i,n�. Request C OMPE NS:,T I ON Salaries & ''aes of motor operators and sanitation men.................... 18,200.004° 26,r00.00 Wages — Laborers... • . 0. .. 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OTEER EXPEESES Insurance ............................... Retirement Ind Contributions........... Gas and Oil ............................. Truck Repairs ........................... Rat Control at Dumps .................... Equipment and Supplies.................. Dump Haintenancc........................ Loan from General Fund to cover operational doficit................... Dquipment Rental - Dump ................. Nc'.% Equipment.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . 0. 0. Recom- mended 27,800,00 27 4 Gllowed 27,800.00 -:I-* G,930.00 1.4663,00 1,GG3.00 1,663.00 1,900.00 13900.00 2P030.00 2,030.00 850400 850,00 850,00 850.00 1,200.00 1,250.00 1p250oOO 1*250,00 10000.00 11200.00(1) 2P000000 2,000.00 225,00 200900 200.00 200.00 250.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 21000,00 22500,00 21500*00 20500.00 30300.00 20500,00 2.9500.00 2#500.00 - 11P800,00 (2) 1,800.00 10800.00 6,983.00 - 35,855.00 �--7,596.00 2,9,13.00 412,9-0,00 (1) Includes cost of now motor for 1 Truck. (2) Bulldozer rental to be used in covering Dump. Seven ( 7 ) t;en. -;.t Ten (10) Tien. n f TOWN OF M;,YU RONECK - G;,RBI'M DISTRICT NO. 1 1951 BUDGET I'LEgUIREKENTS G1:RBi,GE INCIT EM',TION 1950 1951 Budget Budget Rccom- =;pprop. Ile guc,st mended Torn Share of Incineration........... ? 10,670.00 11,026.60 (1) 12.4000,00 (1) Includes Tovm ' s share of costs of relining furnaco.. DEBT SERVICE I,mortization of Garbage District Bonds....... ................ 5,000.00 Interest on Garbage District Bonds.. .................... 192,50 5,192.50 (1) Final l,mortization. 63000.00 (1) 61P000.00 1_._, 05.00 105.00 6pl05.00 6,105.00 k1l orie d 12.9000.00 62000.00 105.00 6,105.00 OWN OF MiMWA.RONECK - FIHE DISTRICT NO 1950 1951 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSATION bpprop. Request mended Allowed Fire Lieutenants ....................... 10,200.00 10,980.00 10-740.00 10,740.00 Fire Truck Drivers ..................... 15,420,00 16,990.00 16,510,00 160510.00 Fire Inspector (P.T.).................. 700.00 700.00 880.00 880.00 OTHER EXPENSES Light .................................. 350.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 Fuel...... ............................. 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 tiRJater.................................. 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 Insurance .............................. 2,700.00 2,475.00 2.9475,00 2;475.00 Telephone & Alarm Systerp...,........... 800.00 11*000.00 10000.00 1$000.00 Retirement Fund Contributions.......... 2t000.00 2,0700;00 2.2.00800 24100*00 Office Supplies ........................ 75.00 175.00 75,00 75.00 Gas and Oil ............................ 250.00 225.00 225.00 225,00 Miscellaneous.......................... -125,00 �175.00 �175.00 .175000 Materials: Supplies & Equipment........ 1*750,00 1,600.00 11600,00 1.9600,00 Clothing ..........................,...• e96600 875.00 875.00 875.00 Repairs & Maintenance of Building...... 900.00 •750,00 750.00 750.00 Fire Inspection & Convention Expenses.. 1;000000 10000.00 119000,00 1P000000 Repairs to Equ ipment ................... 10100.00 900.00 900000 -9( 4. M Dues Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan......., 50.00 W." 50.00 50.00 Clerk .................................. 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 New Fire Truck ......................... 100000.00 - - - Ldvance from General Fund.............. - 8,772.58 (1) 8;772.58 82772.58 Hose............ ....................... - 2.125.00 (2) 2,125.00 2,125.00 490420.00 520367.58 51,827.58 51,827.58 (1) :amount advanced from General Fund to cover balance of cost of now Fire Truck which had been deferred as noted in 1950 Budget. (2) Cost of 1100 foot of new Hose. 29. TOWN OF NL'.W RONECK .- FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 1951 BUDGET�UIRED HYDRI,NT RE, TLI 1950 1951 Budget Budget !,pprop. Request Rental of Fire Hydrants................ 9j700.O0 15,380.00 Standby Rental - 242 Hydrants. T017N OF IyI M.",RONECK - STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Ro c om- mondod Rental of Street Lights ................ h 16,350.00 17,600.00 16,750,00 Installation of Strect Lights.......... 250.00 3,375.00 (1 850.00 164600,00 20,975.00 172600.00 (1) Includes $600, to cover costs of installation now lights during latter part of 1950 as recommended by Police Department. TOT-uN OF %-"JA;,RONECK - VIIJER DISTRICT NO. 1 1.mortization of '`,later Bonds........ . . . . Interest on 1'Jatcr Bonds................ w 22,000.00 23,000.00 23,000,00 20 08.00 19 076,00 19-3076,00 42.� , 0 .00 2076:0Z �r2 s076.00 ;.l l owo d 9,700.00 162750.00 850,00 173600.00 23,000.00 19 076.00 12,076.00 50. TOWN OF MlJh ,.RONECK - Pi RK DISTRICT NO. 1 1951 Rtn)rET RS��?,Ullj,- IENTS DEP77TiEEI T--OF PJJzKS 1950 1951 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSLTION Lpprop. Reg-uest mended ;,,lloived ._ Park Foreman ......................... 3..660.00 410000.00 3,84 0,00 3,8410.00 Senior Stenographer (P.T.)........... 260,C0 260,00 260.,00 -260,.00 hssistant Park Foreman............... 3,000,00 3,200,00 3,180.00 3-180.00 Park Groundsmen & Laborers........... 617000.00 63600.00 (1) 6.1600.00 6,60MO OTHER EXPENSES Light, Pnro r & Lcascs................ 70.00 70.00 70.00 70,00 14Tater................................ `-00„CO rOC,00 'i00.1Go 4CO,00 Insurance ............... 625,00 600,100 600,,00 600.00 Retirement Fund Contributions........ 300,00 1 _ 300,00 300,00 Office Supplies. ..................... 15.00 15,00 15,00 15,00 Gas, Oil & Repairs...............0... 175,00 1751,00 -175�00 175,00 Matorials, Shrubs, Supplies.......... 800.00 1,000,00 1,000�00 1,000.00 General Equipment .................... 800,00 400.00 <100.00 400.00 Repairs to Building. ............ 0.... 150;,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 Repairs to Equipment ................. •150.00 150,00 150.00 150.00 Gardens Lake Shoreline Repairs....... 4,300.00 - - - Capital Repairs & Replacements....... - 2J50r00 (2) 2,150,00 2�150,.00 0 20.9705.00 19,1t70.G0 19.9290,00 19.9290,00 (1) Extra help earlier in Spring; also increase from .41.05 to $1.10 per hour. (2) Planting & Reseeding - P.RK - Lookout Circle $150,00 if I ','leaver & Palmer 11,410,00 Resurface walks - Lake 1000.,00 Myrtle Blvd. at Station 700.00 Repair vialk 1A1est of Station 160.00 1-2150. 00 OF Prll'Jelj,ROITECK - P:,RK DISTRICT NO DEBT SERVICE 1950 Budgot ,, pro 1951 Budget Request Recom- mended 1.mortization of Park District Bonds.... .................. `� 110000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 Interest on Park District Bonds..... 10,396.50 9,903.50 9,903.50 21,396.50 20,903.50 20,903.50 kl l ov,Tc d 11,000.00 9,903.50 20,903.50 32• 33. TOWN OF Mi M1,RONECK n .STRI:CT NO. 1 S1-•l 1�j`.lal J'd::a .lY 1'4 y1a1 1950 1951 Budget Budget Rocom- L a prod. Rcoucst mended Alloyed C OMPEIv S; ION Services of Town Engineer........... -700.00 700.00 700.00 700�00 Salaries & !Vages - Sewer raintenance 3.6600,00 31650,00 3,600.00 3,600,C) OTHER 'Py--TTc+1^ t'ovicr... . .... .. . ... .. ...... .. . e . . .. . 90,00 150, C;v 150X0 V�u - _ J Insurance.........................0. 275.00 300.00 325.00 325.00 Lease Rentals....................... 50,00 50.00 50.00 50-00 Retirement Fund Contributions....... 75.00 125.00 125,00 125.00 Gas, Oil and Repairs ................ 200.00 200.00 200.00 2000-00 Materials, Supplies & Other Expenses 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Clothing ............................ 50,00 50,00 25,00 25.00 Sackc-t Drive & I,lthoa Lane Sower.,. 30400.00 - - - Pumping Station Maintcnanco......... 350.00 -300600 300.00 .300.00 Certificate of Indebtedness......... 4,000.00 (1) 4,000900 4,000.00 9,290.00 100025,00 90975.00 9,975.00 (1) Certificate hold by Genoral Fund. Proceeds used to rebuild Ilurra y & Colonial Pumping Station -as an emergency project during 1950. TORN OF A'1<'AILROMCK - SEVIER DISTIIICT I;G. 1 1951 BUDGET RE ,UIHEhT,, NT3 DEBT SERVICE 1950 1951 Budget Budget EM0 Roquest I,mortization on Sc,;ror District Bonds ... 53,500,00 53,500.00 Interest on Sovicr District Bonds.... 58,238.37 55,809.12 ?,All,738.37 1090309.12 Recom- mended 53,500.00 55,809.12 109,309.12 3<< . I,llov od 53,500.00 55,809.12 109,309.12 Name Wilhelrnina Schroeder Jean Corbia Alexander Finson Donna i,liedernann Owen A. T1.andeville Charles J. Gronberg Henry R. Dillon Leo 1". Ors ino James M. Smith Frances Riley John L. Delius Margaret Barnes Charles M. Baxter Ilunn Brewer A. J. Foote Thorne s J. McEvoy Williarn Paonessa James Derina SCHEDULt: OF C OMPARA^1 rV E SALARIES Title Telephone Operator & Deputy Clerk Int. Acct. Clerk & Stenographer Town Accountant Int. Account Clerk Supervisor Town Clerk Receiver of Taxes Comptroller 1000. Sr. Account Clerk 3960 Assessor Senior Typist Town Attorney Senior Stenographer Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Town En`ineer Supt. of Highways Bldg. & Plbg. Insp. Ass't. Town En(,inoot Ass't. Supt. Highways Ass't. Bldo. & Plbg. Insp. Deputy Assessor (PT) Jr. En,ineerino Aid Jr. E zgino gyring ' Lid Paid Yearly in Increment Est:bmated 1950 & Increase 1951 2440 180 2520 2600 180 2780 4960 180 5140 2340 180 2520 3600 - 3300 4960 180 5140 5150 180 5340 1000 4960 180 4140 5140 5160 180 5340 2600 180 2780 6600 - 6500 2600 180 2780 2340 (PT) 60 2400 2340 (PT) 60 2400 6350 180 6530 5010 180 510,0 2500 180 2500 ::2320 160 2500 35. 36.1 SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES (Continued) Paid Yearly in Increment Estimated Name Title 1950 & Increase 1951 Charles Kane Intermediate Clerk A2500 180 2680 Edward F. Watson Councilman 1200 - 1200 John T. McKeever Councilman 1200 - 1200 David A. Erabury Councilman 1200 - 1200 J. C. Waterman Councilman 1200 - 1200 Paul A. Yerick Police Chief 5700 200 5900 Vacant Police Lieutenant 4600 180 4780 Philip Millheiser Sergeant 4200 180 4380 Francis irdaterbury Sergeant 4200 180 4380 Eugene DeVeau Sergeant 4200 180 4380 Joseph Paonessa Detective 4000 190 41BO Chauncey Smith Detective 4000 180 4180 John Grcnan Patrolman 3800 180 3980 John Caputo P,%trolrnan 3800 180 39BO William Cunningham Patrolman 3300 180 3980 James Knox Patrolman 3800 180 3980 Lawrence McAllister P«trolman 3800 180 3980 Christopher Loveley Patrolman 3800 180 3980 James Pllaneusi Patrolman 3800 180 3980 James Staropoli Patrolman 3800 18O 3980 George Mulcahy Patrolman 3800 180 3980 Louis Turco Patrolman 3500 (1) 355 3980 Eduard A. Bakker, Jr. Patrolman 3500 (1) 355 3980 James J. O'Brien Patrolman 2970 (1) 465 3480 John U. Leonard Patrolman 2970 (1) 435 3480 Richard Winckler P,-:trolman 2970 (1) 427.50 3480 John Welsh Patrolman 2700 (1) 413.33 3280 Eugene Aunessanto Patrolman 2700 (1) 413,33 3280 David McClintock Patrolman 2970 (1) 412.50 3480 John E. Rowan Patrolman 3500 (1) 379,09 3980 John Seufert Custodian 2440 180 2620 Narjorie V. McCulloch Int. Stenographer 600 90 690 37. SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES (Continued) Paid Yearly in Increment Estimated Name Title 1950 & Increase 1951 Thos. M. Aitchison Park Foreman 3660 180 3840 Arthur Johnson Ass't, Park Foreman 3000 180 31BO Michael Gallagher Fire Lieutenant 3400 180 3580 Michael Harrington. Fire Lieutenant 3400 180 3580 Louis Testa Fire Lieutenant 3400 180 3580 Joseph IMillor Firc Truck Driver 3340 100 3440 Alfred Moll Fire Truck Driver 3260 180 3440 Earl Mellor Fire Truck Driver 3260 180 3440 Edward Muller Fire Truck Driver 5140 (1) I'll x 3440 Nicholas Soriano Fire Truck Driver 2450 (1) 300 2750 George v"!, Burton Fire Inspector 700 180 880 Paul Fortunc. Motor Eqpt, Operator 2600. 180 2780 Curtiss Major Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 Anthony Cugliari Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 Matthew Halley Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 David Lode Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 Alfred Joli.nson Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 Dominick Loiaconi Sanitation Man 2600 180 2780 Vacant *2600 180 2780 Vacant *2600 180 2780 Vacant *2600 180 27BO i 380 SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES (Continued) . Paid Yearly in Increment Estimated % Name Title 1950 & Increase 1951 Pearl E, de!Grau Clerk (P.T. ) 600 90 690 Joseph Donohue Automotive Mechanic 3600 180 3780 George Osborne General Repairman 3040 180 3220 Winifred 0. Taylor Pub. Health Nurse (P. T. ) 1545 90 1635 $239855 14125.75 254955 ,. Increases 11,850.00 Increments 2,275,75 14,125.75 Represents total estimated compensation during 1950 paid to these employees on per d-Jorn basis. (1) Includes increase of M)180. payable 1-1-51. Balance annual increment as per Compensation Plan and payable at various dates during year in accordance with date of appointment as per attached. 39. TOWN OF NMU RONECK SCHEDULE OF Sl= R CHbNGES DUE 0INCREMENTS DURING 1951 Louis Turco ................... $3830 to 11-1-51; Edward Bakker ................. 3830 to 11-1-51; John E. Rowan ................. 3830 to 8-20-51; James O'Brien 3300 to 4-1-51; John M. Leonard ............... 3300 to 6-1-51; Richard Winckler 3300 to 6-15-51; David McClintock .........,.... 3300 to 7-15-51; Eugene Lgnessanto 2880 to 3-1-51; John Welsh 2880 to 3-1-51; 3980 to 12-31-51 3980 to 12-31-51 3980 to 12•-31-51 3480 to 12-31-51 3480 to 12-31-51 3480 to 12-31-51 3480 to 12-31-51 3080 to 9- 1-�51 3290 to 12-31-51 3080 to 9- 1-51 3280 to 12-31-51 Edward Muller 3440 to 12-31-51 Nicholas Soriano .............. 2630 to 2- 1-51; 2750 to 12-31-50 Year Amortization Interest Total 40. 1951 150p500.00 $ 91,682*62 242p182*62 1952 146*500.00 34,758.02 231,258*62 1953 141,500.00 790172.87 180r672.87 1954 990500.00 74,752.12 174,262.12 1955 992500.00 70,396,37 1590896*37 1956 99,500*00 S60030462 165,530*62 1957 960500.00 510664487 158#164*87 1958 9$,600oOO 57,463*37 149*963*3 7 1959 92p500*00 53,328,62 145*828,62 1960 920500*00 49*193*87 141,693.87 1961 900500*00 45,080.62 1350580*62 1962 830500*00 410099*87 129#599*87 1963 89,v500,00 37s157.87 1260657987 1964 89,500.00 33p194.62 122#694o62 1965 85#500*00 9 ,231.37 ll4p731a37 1966 85,500000 25j438-*12 110,9938.12 1967 81*500.000 21,723.62 1030223462 1968 74p500.00 160357987 920857*87 1969 70p500.00 15p114.62 85#614*62 1970 640000.00 12jp104.50 760104950 1971 570000.00 90237&50 66v237.50 1972 508000.00 60885000 56,885.00 Year 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 General Town Bonds Outside Village Bonds Garbage District Bonds Water District Bonds Park District Bonds Sewer District Bonds TOWN OF MAMARONECK A Amortization 490000.00 40#000000 27,000,00 11,000.00 5,000.00 $2,1290500.00 T CHARGES (continued) Interest $ 4,772.50 20853950 1,423.00 602.50 237.50 992#968.53 $136,000.00 39,000.00 6,000.QO 433,000.00 226,000.00 1.289.50000 $2,129,500.00 Total 53,772.50 42,853,50 280423,00 11,602950 5.237.50 $3,122,468.53 v COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS Assessed Valuation 1950 1951 General Town 83,939,489 85j631,314 Outside Villages & Highway District 34,8770191 3506090332 Garbage District 3408779191 35,6092332 Fire District 34,8770191 35p6090332 Lighting & Water District 34,8802191 3506120332 Park District 33,2048804 3309360845 Sewer District 3101490746 31,7620692 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer 63,0940901 64,440s004 COMPARISON r OF TAX RATES 1950 1951 Increase Decrease Tax District Actual Estimated over 1950 from 1950 General Town Outside of Villages 4.15 4.34 119 Highway - Outside Villages 1.45 2,30 .85 .. Garbage District 1.48 1.71 .23 Fire District 1.69 1.73 .04 Lighting & Water District .47 .49 .02 Park District 1.22 1.18 904 Sewer District 3.88 3.76 - ,12 . T6 Summary by Areas Village of Mamaroneck - - Village of Larchmont - - Unincorporated Area 14.34 15.51 1.17 42. ,. 0 4