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Adopted Budget_1947_10/21/1946
A PROPOSED TAX BUDGET F O R 1 9 4 7 TOWN OF MAMARONECK N E III Y 0 R K SUPERVISOR Owen A. Mandeville C OUNC ILP/iEN David A, Embury Munroe Stiner Edward F. Y,1atson George E. Mills, Jr. Iff TOWN CLERK Charles J. Gronberg !M TEL. MAMARONECK 1800 SUPERVISOR WEN A. MANDEVILLE OE COUNCILMEN EDWARD F. WATSON ASSESSMENTS INCINERATION RECREATION GEORGE E. MILLS, JR. FIRE PROTECTION VETERANS• SERVICE DAVID A. EMBURY LEGISLATION POLICE PENSION FUND WELFARE AND PARKS MUNROE STINER PERSONNEL DRAINAGE SANITATION TOWN CLERK CHARLES J. GRONBERG FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 1697 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WESTCHESTER COUNTY. N. Y. TOWN OFFICES 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. Members of the Town Board: HENRY R. DILLON RECEIVER OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS JOHN L. DELIUS ATTORNEY LEO N. ORSINO COMPTROLLER JAMES M. SMITH ASSESSOR A. J. FOOTE HIGHWAY SUPT. AND TOWN ENGINEER BUILDING AND PLUMBING INSPECTOR JOHN T. McKEEVER ASSISTANT I am enclosing the recommended 1947 budget for the Town of Mamaroneck for your consideration. The net levy for 1947 is lower by $79,391.45 than the 1946 budget, despite the fact that our estimate for operating costs is ;$24,918.80 higher. As you know, our floating indebtedness is completely paid and no provision for payment of tax lien notes is included. This proposed budget includes salary increases and adjustments, some of which were granted in July, 1946, to bring the Town salary schedule on an equalized and equitable basis. In addition, the increased cos t of supplies has received consideration. Credit for the estimated unexpended appropriations and for the Public Welfare surplus is given under the heading "Cash Available", and, in addition, the Town's estimated share under the new Moore Plan appears for the first time in place of State shared taxes. Vle have operated during the past years with a minimum of equip- ment and improvements, but the time has come when these expen- ditures should no longer be postponed. Non -recurring items included in the recommendations include the following: 1. Duplicate assessment cards for Tax Commission (One-half cost 1,000. 2. New Brockway Truck 5,500. 3. Curb & Corner Roller 1,500. 4, Tractor 2,500. 5. Steam Cleaning Machine 600, 6. Cleaning Sheldrake River Bed 500. 7. Althea Lane Sewer 3,000. 8. Balance for Garbage Trucks 6,000.- 9. Dodge Pumper purchased from U.S. 1,80" 10., Honor Roll 5 000. �2�• 14 Members of the Torn Dc a:rd In addition, the highway budget provides for sea]. coating and resurfacing of 27 streets at an estimated cost of $15,500. The County takes over the administration of Public Welfare on January 1, 1947. The costs will be apportioned to the municipal- ities in the County budget on an equalized assessment basis. Under the Ostertag Law the Town may appoint a service officer, and it is recommended that this be done as the need for such an officer will be absolutely necessary in view of the change in welfare administration. We have at present a surplus of approximately $100,000. and the advisability of keeping this intact has been demonstrated this year by the use of surplus funds instead of the issuance of a temporary certificate for the payment to the County of the balance of the 1946 levy. By using this surplus as a revolving fund tht effect is the same as a credit in the budgt,, as the necessity for temporary borrowing and an appropriation in the budget for its repayment is eliminated. The tax rates based on the recommended l'iguros indicate a decrease of $1.21 per thousand in the tax rate cf the unincorporated area and $1,29 in the villages. This, ho.yever, does not take into consideration the rate for the Slate and �cunty tax which is expected to be higher than in 1945; by reason of increased salaries and costs, expanded services, the absorption of public welfare costs, and a general "pay-as-you-go" basis for improvements. Ver�r truly yours, Owen A. Mandeville Supervisor Dated: October 21, 1946 r INDEX SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET............. 1 to 4 FIRE, LIGHT & WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT N0. 1 { ESTIT.IATED REVENUES ......................... 5116 Fire Department.,................ 27 �• ..... Street Lighting......................... 28 GENERAL TONN Hydrant dental 28 Department of Town Offices................. 7 Department of Supervisor................... 8 WATER DISTRICT 28 Department of Town Clerk................... 9 ............. 'Department of Comptroller............ ... ee. 9 PARK DISTRICT �-')artr:ent of Elections ... ••••••• •• •••••• 10 Department of Parks ..................... 29 F.,Tpartment oi' Receiver of Taxes............ 11 Debt Service............ 30 ;)ep.�l•tment of Assessor ..................... 12 !,epartment of ........ 13 SEWER DISTRICT NO, 1 Certiorari Proceedings & Foreclosures...... 13 Sewer Departr.:ent........................ 31 ')6partment of Justices of the Peace........ 14 Debt Service ............................ 31 tributions and Donations ................ 15 Department of Board of Appeals ............. 15 SPECIAL ASSESSIviENT . ,Epartrient of Engineer............. ...... 16 DEBT SERVICE,.................�......... 32 ;"kil,ing Plumbing Department ............. 17 7:1-Ipartment of Highways. . o. . 18 MISCELLAINEOUS • 'Department of Public Welfare ............... 19 Comparison of Assessments............. 33 isiiscellaneous Expenditures ................. 20 Comparison of Tax Rates...........,..... 33 Debt Servics,.,........,...................... 21 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Department of Highways.......... ... 22 Debt Service ............................... 23 Police Department .......................... 23 Miscellaneous Expenditures ................. 24 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Department......................... 25 Garbage Incineration ....................... 26 Debt Service.. ............................. 26 TOVIN OF MAHARONECK S—UMILRY OF PROPOSED Tr,X BUDGET_ FOR 1947 GE, NE RA L TOWN Town Offices....................... Supervisor ......................... Tovrn Clerk ......................... Comptroller ........................ Elections. ......................... Receiver of Taxes .................. Assessor T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foreclosure & Certiorari Costs..... Justices of the Peace .............. Contributions & Donations.......... Board of Appeals................... Engineer ........................... Building & Plumbing Dept........... Highway - General Town ............. Public Welfare ..................... P;"iscellaneous Expenditures......... Debt Service ....................... Gross Total ................ Less: Revenues.... Net Levy............. 1946 Budget mop • ? 11, 670.00 5,350.00 4.9625.00 1,100.00 4,419,00 8,655.00 7.9710.00 8,625.00 7.9400.00 5.9072,00 1,400.00 325.00 3,000.00 2.1135,00 17,000.00) 28, 5,15.00 240450.00 164,707.75 306.1188,75 120,584.00 8-5,604. 7 5 1947 Budget 'jequest 13.9950.00 5,350.00 5,100.00 1,350.00 4,736.00 913�'z0.00 10,020.00 8,875.00 4,000.00 5,072o00 1,400.00 375.00 5,010.00 2,710.00 33,637.00 4,850,00 26,200.00 94 764.00 2�, 79 00 142, 350.00 94,429.00 Recom- mended 13.9950.00 5,350.00 5,100.00 1,100.00 11,736,00 9,230.00 10,020.00 8,875.00 4,000.00 5. , 072.00 1,400,00 375.00 5,010:00 21710,00 30,500.00 4,850.00 26,200.00 94,764.00 233,292,00 142,350.00 90, 91L2.00 Allowed 13,950.00 5, 350.00 5,100-00 1, 10c) - rj0 4,766.00 9,230..00 10,020.00 8,875.00 4,000 00 5,072 00 1,400.00 37 5, 00 5, O1G„00 2,710,00 29,500..00) 4,850.00 26,200.00 942764.00 232,292.00 142,350.00 89, 9T2.00 1. 2. T OWIT OF T AMLAROITIE CK SU131ARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1947 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1946 1947 Budget Budget Approp. Request Highway Department ...............�rk29,000.00 Debt Service..................... 53,416.50 Police Department ................ 78,325.00 Miscellaneous. a .................. 12 335.00 Gross Tota1..............1 076.50 Less: Revenues........... 3� 250:00 Net Levy...... ... .5?169,826.,50 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Collection ............. 24,128.00 Garbage Incineration........... 6,000.00 Debt Service ................... 6_,608.50 Net Levy......... ' 3z, 7-3; :50 30, 000,00 48,406.50 88,875.00 14,299,BO 181,581.30 2,300.00 179,281,30 33,010.00 61500.00 6)499,00 ,009.00 (Continued) Recom- mended 30,000,00 48,406,50 88,875.00 14,299.80 181,581,30 _ 2,9300,00 179,231.30 28,610.00 61500.00 6,499.00 41,609 CO Allowed 31,000,00 46,405,50 88,875.00 14,599.80 182,881.30 2,300.00 loci, 581;30 28,610.00 7,000.00 6 499.00 10 0, 00 FI?E, LIGHT & HATER SUPPLY DISTRICT 1,10. 1 Fire Department ................ 30,405.00 41,090.00 33,515.00 35,415.00 Street Lighting................ 15,500.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000,00 Hydrant Rental................ 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 Net Levy......... 55,405.00 66,590.00 59,015.00 60,915.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUIUJARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1947 1946 1947 Budget Budget WATER DISTRICT Approp. Request Debt Service .....................', 46.9034,00 4,5,046,50 Less: Revenues ............. 46,034.00 -15,_046.50 PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Operating....................... 161755,00 19.9655,00 Debt Service .................... 24,409.75 23,889.25 Gross Total ................ 41,164.75 43,544,25 Less: Revenues ............. 1,800.00 2,000.00 39.1364.75 -11,5,14,25 SEILR DISTRICT NO. 1 Operating......... ........ ..... 5,570.00 8,560,00 Debt Service .................... 121,717.37 119,213.62 Gross Total ................ 127.9287.87 127,773.62 Less: Revenues............. 900,00 1,,000.00 Net Levy ............. $126,387.87 126.9773,62 (Continued) Recom— mended 45,046,50 45,046.50 Allowed 45,046,50 45,046.50 19,530.00 19,530.00 23,889.25 23,889,25 43,419.25 43,419.25 2,000.00 1,500,00 41J419,25 41,919,25 81560,00 81560,00 119,213.62 119,213.62 127,773.62 127,773,62 1,000.00 1,000.00 126,773*62 126,773,62 3, 40 TOWN OF MA14ARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1947 (Continued) 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Regdest mended Allowed 'qPECIAL ASSESM','ENT DEBT SERVICE Iv`i,J le Hills Part II............. 5,106.25 - - -• SiA41MARY o Total Operating................. 368,999.00 409,504,80 393,917.80 396,617,81 Debt Sergice.................... 422 000,62 337 818.87 337;818.87 337�816.-87 Gross 7903999,62 4',32 ,67 731,736,67 734,436,6'1 Less: Revenues............. 172,568.00 192,696.50 192,696.50 1.92,196,50 Net Levy.*..,,.*,,.,. 618 ,431. 62 554.9627.17 539, 040.1'7 542, 240.,.Lr! GE, NE RAL T OVE N TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET FOR 1947 SUT,UYARY OF ESTI1,1ATED REVEti'�ES 1946 1947 Budget Budget Request Request Interest & Penalties on Taxes..... �!�12,000.00 10,00,00 JusticesFines and Tees.......... 400.00 800.00 JncoMe Tax.......... .............. 50,000.00(1) - Beverage Tax.. .................... 28.1000,00(1) - `,own Cler'_rts Fees................. 700.00 850,00 i.0i'{gage Tax...................... 7,000.00 74000,00 �, %7"•_t11e &Manufacturing Taxes.. 3,000.00(1) - cvailable.................... 9,500.GC(2)23,000.00 7.1600.00 - � Welfare Salary Refunds. 12 981- . 00 - ,aA--l-1-ng & Plumbing Pen7'its ....... 400.00 700,00 c i Car)ita Assistance for the .import of local Government.... (4-)100,000.00 5'12 ,584.00 142,350.00 �JTTISIM- OF VILLAGES ``og Licenses ...................... 1, 700, 00 1, 700.00 Franchise Tax ..................... G50.U0 600.00 Highway State Aid ................. 900.00 - 3,250.00 2,300.00 ,HATER DISTRICT .ester Revenues .................... 461034,00 45,046,50 Recom- mended 101000,00 800.00 850.00 7.9000,00 23.9000,00 700.00 Allowed 10,000,00 800,00 850,00 7,000.00 23,000.00 700,00 100,000.00 100,000.00 142,350.00 1 22.9350.00 13700.00 600.00 24300.00 1.9700,00 600.00 2.9300.00 45.1046.50 45904-6.50 5. i TOWN OF 1lAItARONECK BUDGET FOR 1947 SUMDIARY OF ESTDIATED REVEIMES — (Continued) 1946 1947 Budget Budget Re c orr.- Request Request mended PARK DISTT.ICT NO. 1 Cash Av.i'_able..................... 1:800.00 2:000.00 22000.00 SE'l",ER DISTRICT ADO. 1 Cash Available..................... 900.00 1,000.00 11-000,00 i1) Now shown as State local assistance. (2) Unexpended appropriation and welfare surplus. (3) State aid payable directly to Highway Fund. (4) Per capita payment in place of State shared taxes. Allowed 1,500.00 1,000.00 6. T OVIN OF MAMARONECK - GET'ERAL T OV'y N 1947 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTIENT OF TOWN OFFICES 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- 0011PENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed o.-J Caretaker.. ....................... Telephone Operator (P.T.)......... w 900.00 720.00 - 970,00 - 970,00 - 970,00 &.• 'int. Accyt Clerk & Stenographer... 19800.00 2,170.00 2,170.00 21170,00 0.3 Accountant ........................ 39600.00 3P800.00 3p800.00 3,800100 (�,4 Junior Stenographer............... Intermediate Account Clerk........ 12200,00 - - 1,810.00 - 1P810.00 - 1,810.00 OTHER EXPENSES a-' Rent .............................. 2,100,00 21V100.00 2$100.00 2.9100,00 13-� Light ............................. 200,00 250.00 250,00 250.00 3-3 Telephone ......................... 700.00 1,400.00 (1) 1,400.00 1.7400,00 3-� Office Supplies & Other Expenses.. 450.00 550,00 550,00 550.00 Janitor Service................... - 900.00 900,00 900,00 �111$670.00 13P950.00 139950.00 13,950.00 (1) Combined in 1947 from Public Welfare and Town Offices. 7. N.. 8. TOIVIN OF MAMAROIIECK - GENERAL T(YVN 1947 BUDGET REQUIREYIENi'S DEPARTIv1ENT OF SUPERVISJ R 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Alloyed C : "YiPFI1 SAT I ON `;u . _visor ................. '� ...... � 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 to Supervisor.............. 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 12500.00 -TIER EXPENSES g-1 °.i.blishing Annual Report......... 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 5,350.00 5.4350,00 5,350.00 5,350.00 800.00 TOWN OF PvAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REgUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOVIN CLERK 1946 Budget COMPENSATION Approp. Tov,m Clerk.......« ................ 3,600.00 Glerical Assistant (P.T.)......... 900.00 OTIER EXPENSES Office Supplies ................... 125,00 4�625,00 1947 Budget Recom- Request mended Allowed 41000,00 4.9000,00 4.4000.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 5.1100,00 5,10000. 5,100.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROLLER COMPENSATION cam. I Comptroller.. ............... OTIER EXPEI\TSES it-i Office Supplies ................... 300.00 0 1,100.00 12000.00 350.00 1,350.00 500.00 B00.00 300.00 300.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 9. TOWN OF MA''MAROTi'ECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REQUIRE11ENTS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS C OITENSAT I ON ' Custodians (2) .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . n Inspectors and Poll Clerl�:s.......... D.--struction Meeting................. p._,l Labor - Temporary ................... OTHER EXPENSES -I rent of Polling Places .............. 1�-,/ Transportation of Equipment......... 3.3 New Equipment & Supplies............ ►a-4 publishing Notices .................. %3-t Re -canvass of Voting Machines ....... 15-` Special Elections***.*.*...** ... a.*. 1946 Budget Approp . 200.00 2,972.00 128.00 1961100 1947 Budget Request 200,00 3,024,00 128.00 263,00 Recom- Eended 200.00 3.9024.00 128.00 263.00 Allowed 200,00 3,024.00 128.00 263.00 208,00 256,00 256.00 256.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 500,00 150.00 150.00 150,00 150,00 175.00 175.00 175.00 175.00 40.00 40,00 40.00 40,00 50.00 50.00 50,00 50,00 4,419.00 4,786.00 4,786,00 41786.00 10. ' T017N OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOVIIN 1947 BUDGET REgUIMIENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- -)M Approp.Request mended Allowed a--► Fe^elver of Taxes and Assessments... �4,125.00 4.0500.00 41500,00 4$00.00 o.--/ '-cr0,.or Acc,junt Clerk............ .... 2.9800.00 3,000.00 3.9000.00 33000,00 (111HER EX".'ENSES %�-► :)ffj-,; Supplies..................... 1,700.00 10300.00 1,700.00 1,700,00 �.� lu":!.fishing Notices... ............... 30.00 30.00 30.00 30,00 ' y�8.0655.00 9,330,00 9,230.00 9,230.00 11. CI•�--I/ TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REQUIRELIENTS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSOR COMPENSATION T ,,n Assessor......... ............. ? I� s.iessment Clerk (P.T.) ............. Typist........ .............. . rjoard of Revievi,..0.0...0........... :?'_ T'R EXPENSES { f� ....ice Supplies..................... traveling Expenses ............... see -� "ublishing Notices........ ......... 0 t3 Deed & 1,1ortgage Abstractd........... New Maps ............................ P,-b Duplicate Assessment Cards.......... 1946 Budget Approp• 3,960.00 550,00 1$860.00 500.00 150.00 250,00 15,00 325,00 100,00 $ 7,710.00 1947 Budget Request 4,350.00 660.00 2,170.00 750,00 Re c om- mended 4,350,00 660.00 2,170.00 750,00 350,00 350,00 250.00 250,00 15,00 15.00 3t5.00 325.00 150.00 150.00 1,000.00 (1) 1,000.00 10,020.00 10,020.00 (1) Required to be done by County Tax Equalization Corrmlittee. This represents one-half the cost, Balance to be done in 1948. Allowed 4,350.00 660.00 2,170.00 750.00 350,00 250,00 15,00 325.00 150.00 1.000,00 10,020.00 12. 13. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REgUI I'MENTO DEPARTMENT OE LAW 1946 1947 Budget Budget Re c om- COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed 1'.-)wn Attorney ...................... 6,600.00 6:600,00 6,600,00 6,600100 a" ce-,ior Stenographer................ 1,500.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 ;Does not include ?'420. compen- sation for services to Park De- partment and Board of Appeals) O'ITiT'R EXPENSES :t'gaveling........................... 200,00 200,00 200.00 200,00 i'�•� :=-pplies, stationery, title searches, etc................... 325.00 325,00 325,00 325.00 $ 8,625.00 8,875.00 82875.00 8,875.00 CERTIORARI PROCEEDINGS & FORECLOSURES Legal Assistance & Tax Lien Fore- closure Costs.. ................. $ 4,400,00 2,000,00 2.9000.00 21$000.00 Certiorari Costs.................... 3,000.00 2,000.00 22000.00 2,1000.00 7,400.00 4,000.00 4.9000.00 4,000.00 14. TOVIN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOIVN 1947 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- CCMPENSATION A ro Re nest mended Allowed a-1 Tvsticfs of the Peace (2).......... ti 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600,00 3,600.00 0•.-./C*Lerical Assistance. ............... 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 0-3"t -nographer Charges............... 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ,"T HER EXPENSES Relit ............................... 300,00 300,00 300.00 300.00 1.4 F-.ephone .......................... 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 ' �,.I "might .............................. 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 h.J, Pupplies ........................... 90.00 _ 90.00 90.00 90.00 5,072.00 53072.00 5,072.00 5,072.00 15. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOti'M 1947 BUDGET REgUIREIIENTU CONTRIBUTIONS & 1 7,YATIONS 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- AEP_ro-p, Re j st mended Allowed Patriotic Days Observances �-�-� American Legion, 1 Post.......... 500.00 500.00 500.00 500,00 06-'/ eterans of Foreign Wars......... 500,00 500.00 500,00 500,00 ?Maintenance of Post Quarters �•� American Legion, 1 Post.......... 200.00 200.00 200,00 200,00 �• Veterans of Foreign 'Tars......... 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 • ],400.00 1,400,00 1,400.00 1,400.00 TO"IN OF MAIvAROITECK - GENERAL TO,i1N 1 DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS C OMITENSAT I ON Senior Stenographer (P.T.)....... 250.00 250,00 250,00 250.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies...... ....... 96 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 (�•� Publishing Notices. .............. 50.00 100,00 100.00 100,00 325,00 375,00 375,00 375,00 TOWN OF i`Y;AINUiRMECIi - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET RE-JUIREKENTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINTEEER 1946 Budge t OMPENSATION Amrop. -t Toti^.m Engineer (P.T.)................... $1,200.00 (Doec not include $700. compen- sation for services to Sewer De- partment) 0.- Kssi-tant Tom. Engineer ................ 300.00 "er_ior Engineering Aid ................. �_3 ,TIER EXPENSES OfTice P-z Engineering Expenses.......... 1,500.00 $3,000.00 1947 Budget Recom- Request mended Allowed 12500.00 1$500.00 12500.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 5,O10.00 5,010000 5.9010.00 16. TOWN OF YMIARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REQUIREIIENTS BUILDING AND PLL71,'BING U.�1 T. 1946 1047 Budget Budget Recom- CO'f�.PENSATION Appro . Re quest mended Allowed Building; & Plumbing Inspector...... $1,800.00 300,00 2.4000,00 300.00 2,000.00 300.00 2,000.00 G.•Y a-3 Assit Bldk. & Plbg. Inspector...... Examining Board of Plumbers........ 150,00 150.00 150.00 150.00 OT_Eg,'R EXPENSES 6.1 "aDlj_ sh3_ng i��otices................ . 10.00 75,00 25.00 200,00 25.GO 200,00 25.00 200.00 f3-y I'r^veling El..penses................. 100.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 13.3 - Pplies.................... 'Ifice Su $2,135.00 2,710.00 2,710.00 2,710.00 0 17, TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL T9,7N 1947 BUDGET REQUIREI. ENTS DEPARTLIENT OF HIGHWAYS >eidge Fund, Item II............. '''Iachinery Fund, Item III......... snow ',I:isc. Fund, Item IV Supt. of Highways (P.T.)....... Snow Removal................... Insurance........... ........... Miscellaneous.. ................ 1946 Budget Approp. 500.00 72300.00 2$600.00 3,500,00 2,100.00 1.000.00 $17$000.00 Includes purchase of following equipment: (1) New Truck Tractor, Monrer & Sweeper Curb Roller New Garage Tools &- Equipment 1947 3udget Request 500.00 19,137.00 3,000.00 4$000.00 2P400.00 4.300.00 33.P337.00 Recom- mended 500.00 (1)179500.00 3,000.00 4.9000.00 2.9400.00 3,100,00 30,500.00 Allowed 500.00 17.9500.00 3,000.00 4$000.00 2,400.00 2.100.00 29,500.00 is. _ TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GEIERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REQUIREWENTS DEPARTIMEi'T OF PUBLIC tir7ELFARE 1946 Budget C OIV PENSATI'jN Appr op . Welfare officer................... �To.^m 21000,00 Izlterme.diate Stenographer.............. 11300.00 720.00 Gust�aian.............................. 2�1u0.00 Social Case cork Surervisor............ 13500.00 G.•I Ir.6. Account Clerk (P.T•)•............ • A-•V"Service Officer. ....................... C` 11ER EXPENSES V� 65.00. T,i.ght................................. 400,00 Fuel .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 700,00 Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Water .....................•...•........ 75.00 Central Index ............... ..•••••:o:� 400.00 1% Offi-ce Supplies.................... 100,00 Repairs to Building..... ........ ••••••• 100.00 A '- .. Expenses.......••••••••.•.••• Traveling RELIEF 18,000.00 Home Relief .............•••..•.•....••• 000.00 Veteran Relief .......................•• G-1 Emergency Relief.......•••••••••••••••• 28,545.00 1947 Budget Recom- Rea,uest mended Allowed 700.00 700,00 700.00 22000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 22 000. 00 2,000.00 2 , (MO.00 4)850.00 4.9850,00 42850.00 19. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1947 BUDGET REQUIREDMUTS MISCELLAI,IEOUS EXPENDITURES 1946 Budget Approp . 1947 Budget Re clue s t tk. Auditing Services...................d 1Y200.00 1p200,OO Town Board Reports, traveling, etc ............. %''�.'ublishing Notices .................. r4-3 aala-ries (4) Councilmen, ............ n.J Bank Services..... ..... 6,4"' Legal, Opinions, Forms, etc......... 6,4 Insurance & Surety Bonds............ 6-7 Care of Town Cemetery............... i3-Sr Association of Towns Dues........... Taxes on Tozrm-oimed Properties...... 13-.#o Retirement Fund Contributions....... 6,ji Contingent Purposes........ .... 000*0 100.00 500,00 4.4800.00 450,00 300.00 700.00 100.00 100.00 6,000.00 5,200.00 5.9000.00 100.00 500.00 41800.00 400,00 100.00 900.00 100.00 100.00 2,000.00 6$000.00 5.0000,00 Recreation Bureau (As provided for by Chapter 557 of Laws of 1945)... 5,000.00 24-,450.00 26, 200.00 (1) Reduction caused by sale of Town properties. Recom- mended 1,200.00 100.00 500.00' 4.9800:00 400.00 100.00 900,00 100.00 100.00 (1) 2.9000.00 6,000.00 5.9000,00 Allowed 1.9200,00 100.00 500.00 4,800.00 400.00 100.00 900,00 100.00 100.00 2,000.00 60000.00 5$000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 26,200.00 26,200.00 20. TOWN OF TlI1"iMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 194- 7 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1946 1947 Budget Budget Approp. Request I-.,;iortization of Hienwa.y Improvement & General Bonds Ta.aturing in 1947- 077,900.00 lni,;erest on Highway Improvement & General Bonds due in 1947........ 18,307.75 ?a7ment on Tax Lien Certificates... 67,000.00 Tnterest on Temporary Loans...... 1,500.00 $164,707.75 79$000.00 15.0264.00 500.00 94.1764,00 Re c om- mende d 79.9000,00 15,264.00 500.00 94.9764,00 Allowed 79.9000,00 159264.00 500,00 940764.00 2L TOWN OF MA.N1100.17ICK - OUTSIDE OF VILUGES _l_9_zr'lB—J`�aE— DEtPART14ENT OF H1GHAFi!Y3 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom-- Lpp:?cA, egLue_st mend-_;d All.owed & Improvements to ffis]h�Yays &- Drains ................ P29,000.00 30JP000.00 30.0000.00 31,000.00 TOIJN OF I�MARONRCK OUTSIDE_OF VI -,%GES 1946 1947 Budget Budget A-opro . Request �. fir. ortization of Hi-h..Yays & Drainage Bonds maturing in 1947.......................... $45,000.00 42,000.00 {� Interest on Highways & Drainage Bonds in 1947........... 8,416.50 6,406.50 532,=16.50 48,406.50 Re c om.-- mended Al1c,,.-ed 429000,00 42,000.00 6,406.50 3j40G.50 48.9406,50 48,406e50 22 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1947 BTTDG.ET REO�UIRE JIENTS POLICE DEPARTME''NT . 1946 1947 CCMPETISATION Budget Budget Recom-- Approp. Retest mended Allowed volice Chief........... w 4,250.00 43800,00 4r800,.00 4,800l00 a.� rolice Lieutenant.............. � „ 3,650.00 4y200,00 4,200,00 4,200,00 -3 : "-)lice Sergeants (3)...,.....,,.,,,, 9,750.00 10,t�-)0.00 10p800,00 10,800,00 • a-� rtc.l1ce Patrolmen (16)............... 442950,00 52.000:00(17) 52,000,00 52000.00 a-x' ustbdian ........................... 1,200.00 1,450,00 1,150,00 , 1,450.00 c--4 ;`f:iiographer (P.T.)................. 400,00 400,00 400,00 400.00 `iIR EXPENSES r3-)`Zelephone........>.................. (3-V 1p600.00 1.9700,00 1.9700.00 1,700,00 Traffic Signals. .................... ' 13.3 i:,71.surance........................... 650.00 700.00 700.,00 700,00 -./'T;^'er, Light & Gas.................. 1.9650,00 1.98001,00 1,800�00 1,800,00 cellane ous...............0....... 325,00 500,00 325-00 700.,00 325--00 700,00 325„00 _-?.-pairs to Headquarters............. 600.00 200,00 200.00 700,00 200,00 t?--? F`;zel Oil ............................. 450.00 500,00 500-,00 500.,00 6_j Gasoline & Oil ...................... Office Supplies....... 1.9200,00 1,500.00 1p500.00 1 500,,00 �300,00 300.00 300.00 300.00 �(3•�uFquiprrent ...............��,���.� •» Clothing 50,00 200.00 200.00 200,00 ............................ A-)y Repairs & Maint. of Eqpt. Incl.Tires 21P000.00 1,200,00 2,000.00 2,000,00 2.0000,00 1,800.00 2,000,00 1,.800.00 6-0 Fingerprint Equipment ............... /3-j*ARange Supplies....... 100,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 ............... /W Radio Maintenance.....,...... r3�6Traffic 200,00 1,200.00 300.00 19000.00 300.00 19000.00 300.00 1,000.00 SafetT.....,,o,��.�.�.�.� S 617 Purchase of cars & motorcycles...... 50,00 19500,00 50,00 800.00 50,00 1,000.00 50.00 4)& Retirement System Contributions..... 550.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1000.00 � 1.000.00 78,325.00 889875,00 88.9875,00 88,875.00 23. TOWN OF MAMARONECK a. 1946 Budget Approp. Cave of Animalsii.................... $11200&00 Public Library Larchmont Public Library.........,. 8,100.00 Public Health Nurses....•............ 1,800.00 Shade Tree Fund...................... 1,000.00 Fees for Vital Statistics............ 50,00 Fees for Dog Enumerators............. 185.00 $12,335.00 S 1947 Budget Recom-A Request mended AI -owed 1,200.00 1,200.00 1)500;00 811764.80 8,764,80 8,764.80 3.9100,00 3,100.00 3,100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 12000.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 185,00 185_00 185.00 14)299.80 14,299#60 14,599.80 244 25. TOWN OF IVIAMARONECK - GARBAGE DISTRICT NO 1947 BUDGET REQUIREE!,1E T3 ' GARBAGE DEYtiR`lNEITZ l 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- Ap ro . Request mended Allowed ".)mpensa}ion, salaries and wages of motor operators, sanitation men, temporary help, etc. Men (7)...... $162428.00(10)232060.00 (7) 182360.00 180360.00 0-`her Expenses Insurance ..... ................... .. 1.9100.00 1,100.00 1,100,00 1,100,00 Retirement Fund Contributions...... 850.00 1,05G.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 0.3 Gas &: Oil .......................... 675,00 675.00 675.00 675.00 6.w 'Truck Repairs...................... 300.00 300.00 100.00 600.00 13,S Rat Control at Dumps............... 225.00 225.00 225,00 225.00 6- b Equipment .......................... 4,150.00 200.00 200,00 200,00 4,i Dump Maintenance ................... 400.00 400.00 400.00 400,00 Loan from General, Fund ............. - 6,000.00 (1) 6,000.00 62000.00 $24,128.00 33,010.00 28,610.00 28,610.00 (�) Advance to pay in full for two garbage trucks for which approximately half was included in 1946 Budget. 26. 'e TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GARBLGE DISTRICT NO. 1 1947 BUDGET REQVIREIZNTS ' GI,.RBll.GE INCINERATION 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed �.� Share 6f Incineration............p 6,000.00 6,500,00 6,500,00 7 000,00 DEBT SERVICE nortization of Garbage District Sonds Maturing in 1947........ 6,000.00 6.9000,00 6,000.00 8,000.00 '.nt%;rest on Garbage District C 'ends due in 1947..................... 608,50 499.00 499.00 499.00 68608,50 62499,00 6,499.00 6099.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER DI3TRICT NO. 1 t 1947 BUDGET REQUIREI ENTS FIItE DEPPEIi;ENT 19-4 6 1947 Budget Budget Recom- COTJIPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed a--, i i,--e Truck Drivers (8) ........... $19P500.00 22,750.00 211P250.00 21,250.00 CT=1? FX. ENSES ' ' �: €;h'r• +- « ..................... 300,00 300.00 300,00 300. 00 y ru_ 650,00 775,00 650.00 7501,00 `�at�.r„:................«.«.«...«« 50,00 50.00 50.00 50,00 :Ire s z� ��ncE ....................... 1 900,00 s 2 960.00 � (1) 2 960.00 a 2� 960.00 3�Tel;phone & Alarm System......... 620,00 720.00 720.00 720;00 �l?et-irement Fund Contribution..... 1,350.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400100 Office Supplies .................. 75,00 75,00 75.00 75,00 $ Gas & Oil ........................ 325,00 375.00 375,00 375,00 apt'iscellaneous .................... 85,00 85.00 85,00 85,00 `aterials, Including 650,00 800,00) joFlose ............................. 650.00 800,00) 1,000.00 1,300,00 Equiprrient (new) .................. 1,000.00 21800,00 (2) 1,800000 2$600.00 I�Clotl�ing......................... 400,00 29900,00 (3) 1�200,00 1�200,00 t3kRepairs to Bul.lding.............. 600.00 1,200.00 600.00 600,00 Repairs to Equipment ............. 800,00 800.00 � viodern.ization.«.................. 700,00 700,00 300,00 1,000.00 iYFire Inspection Expenses......... 500.00 650,00 500,00 500.00 ,Convention Expenses, Chiefs & Dept .................. 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 Dues Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan.. 50,00 50,00 50,00 50.00 Drilling & Training Firemen ..... - 200,00 - Auxiliary Fire Whistle........... - 500.00 - - $30,405.00 41,090,00 33,515900 35,415,00 (1) Includes premium on volunteer firemen which was written on a 3-year basis in 1946 and payment for 2 years to be included in 1947 Budget. (2) Covers payment for Dodge pumper acquired from U.S. fund advanced and to be included in 1947 Budget. (3) Includes uniforms for volunteer firemen. 27. s- ' TOWN OF MAMARONECK - FIRE, LIGHT AND WATER DISTRICT NO. 1 1947 BUDGET RE UIRET:ENTS ' STREET LIGHTING 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recon. - Approp. Request mended Allowed ental of Street Lights............ $15,500.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000,100 HYDRANT RENTLL '_iZtal of Fire Hydrants............ � 9,500.00 9,500,00 9,500.00 9,500,00 VihTER DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE limortization of Water Bonds due in 1947.................0 �22.0000,00 222000.00 Interest on Water Bonds due in 1947.................. 24,034,00 23,046,50 $46,034.00 450046.50 22.9000,00 23,046.50 45,046.50 22,000.00 23,046.50 45,046.50 28. I T017N OF 1VIAlUiROIECK - P1'RK DISTRICT NO. 1 1947 BUDGET RFQUIREkENTS DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 1946 1947 COMPENSATION Budget Budget . " Recom- --- Approp• Request mended Alloyed a-� Parl: Foreman..... ...............,, Q.--4 Senior Stenographer (P.T.)........ w6 2,700,00 3,000.OU 3,000.00 3,000.00 a-3 Assistant Part; Foreman........... 170,00 l,£300.00 170,00 2,400.00 170.00 170.00 t.�lPark Groundsman & Laborer ........ • q-,700.00 6,400.00 2,400.00 2,4G0.00 6,400.00 6.1400,00 Other Expenses Light, Power Leases........... �/ i7ater ........... • • 70.00 70,00 7,0".00 70.00 •••.....•.•.•.•.•• 3 Insurance.:-.......,••.�.�•.•.•.••• 400.00 400.00 400,00 400,00 Q Retirement Fend Contributions..... 400.00 400.00 05.00 5CG.00 �75.00 475.00 ' iOffice Supplies 500.00 �s 00,00 400,00 ...... be ........ ��� 6 Gas, Oil & Repairs.......,,•o•, 15000 15,00 15.00 ee.*00 ` '�PJtaterials, Shrubs, etc........... 150,00 150,00 150.00 150.00 General Eq-uipment.........0...0.. 450,00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Repairs to Building......,..., 250.00 250.00 250.00 250,00 .0. jo Repairs to EquipnIent 150.00 150.00 150.00 150, 00 .............. 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 t-+ Honor Roll Less: !mount on hand fro?n 1946 Budget ................. 5,000.00 16,755.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 19*655.00 59000,00 19.0530,00 5:000.00 19,530.00 29. TOWN OF WiMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1946 1947 Budget Budget Approp. Request amortization of Park District Bonds maturing in 1947............... $fi12*000.00 12,000.00 Interest on Park District Bonds due in 19,17.................... 12,409.75 11,889.25 $240409.75 23$889.25 Recom- mended Allowed 12,000.00 12,000.00 11.889.25 11.889.25 23,889.25 23,889,25 30, I r t i TOWN OF N1!iMkRONECK - SEII�JER DISTRICT NO. 1 ` 1947 BUDGET R.EQUIREIMENTS SE' JT R DEP1=1,1ENT 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENS«TION hpprop. Request mended Allowed 0•-1 Services of Town Engineer............ 700.00 700,00 700,00 700.00 Q'y Supervising Foreman (P.T.)........... 1,200.00 1,200,00 1p200,OO 1.9200.00 0.3 Sewer Maintenance...... .............. 2.0500.00 2,500.00 2.0500,00 2$00,00 Other Expenses ................................ 60.00 60,00 60.00 60.00 y Insurance ............................ 260.00 225.00 225,00 225,00 3 Lease Rentals ........................ 50,00 50.00 50,00 50,00 y Retirement Fund Contributions........ 200,00 225,00 225,00 225,00 Gas & Oil........ .................... 75.00 75,00 75,00 75,00 b Materials ............................ 500,00 500,00 500.00 500.00 ? Clothing .................. .......... 25.00 25,00 25.00 25,00 Althea Lane Server Construction....... - 319000,00 3,000.00 3;Q00:00 5.9570,00 8.4560,00 8.9560.00 81560,00 SELrER DISTRICT NO. 1 - DEBT SERVICE Amortization on Sewer District Bonds maturing in 1947.............. �53,500.00 53.9500,00 53,500.00 53.V500,OO �. Interest on Sewer District Bonds due in 1947......................... 683217,87 65,1713.62 65,713,62 65,713.62 0121.9717,87 119,213.62 1190213.62 119,213.62 31. TOWN OF rd1 iMARONECK 19,17 BUDGET REQUIREl, NTS • SPECIAL ASSESSLUINT DEBT SERV E 1946 1947 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Amortization & Interest on Maple hills Part II Street Im- provement Bonds due in 1947 $5,106.25 - - Allowed 32 0A. Assessed ''aluation Ganera.'` Totem Outs,. Le Villages Secaar �r�-•e Light & Water r_>_rba.ge Di.stri_ct 11o, 1 C �1ie:, a1 Town , t: de Villages ,11" r J."t -e, Light Pc Water Garbage SM11i',t, RL B-' AREAS Unincorporated l,rea Village of PYaruaroneck Village of Larchmont COMPARISON OF ASSES-3'MENTS 1946 19.17 750688,203 77,677,871 30,798,889 32.9473,,392 29 ,134 ,138 30, 554, 241 27,3927032 28,376,399 30,80,�,889 32,253.392 30,79U,989 321247,392 COMP 1-K15 ON OF TAX 1U.TES 1946 1947 Increase Actual Estimated over 1946 2.4519 1.1579, 5.5082 5.5609 .05?7 1,3512 1.3719 .0207 1.6141 4.4208 1.7986 1.8886 .0900 1.1928 1.3058 .1130 Decrease over 1946 �1.21 1,29 1.29 1947 Estimated Tat- is based on the allowed figures. Decrease over 1946 1.2940 .1933 33, .. w YEARLY AMORTIZATION hl4` �(,;\r ALL BOND ISSUES Year Amc?rtlz^.}i_rn i?1GPr8�c Total 1946 221., 4 Tj, GG a.32 ,1.00', Or- 3J500.62 1947 21-4, 0 i CO 12 :.; 81. +, �?'; ' 37 , 338.87 1948 2010.-C-0 i13,84:'2.3'' 31.5.322.37 1949 1��9,;LJ ),00 J-050800,',:, 2.641900,62 1950 16? , SJ `.: CC 98 h62 � 5'> 261 s 182.37 1951 150;500100 91.,6'1*2.,62 242172.62 1952 1 �L.3. %C )00,1CC a 4,748362 231,2, 8,62 1953 iGl,500100 79,162.87 180,662,87 1954 y9lb.)U,00 7'r,752.12 174,252.12 1955 99,1--00100 70J386,37 169,886.37 1956 99,500;,00 65,030,62 165,530,62 1957 96; 500.00 61.,F64,37 158,164.87 1958 92;3OGr00 7Z,7,463,37 1.49,9C3�37 1959 92,5()Oi,OJ 5328�6? 145,828,62 1960 92,5-00,06 40.1,?t,18; 14,1,F93,67 1961 90,500 0`i a�3,0'0.1�2 135. 80.,62 1962 68, 5CO,C O 41, 099.81.1 i29, 599.87 1963 89,500,00 3Y7,157,,87 126a657.87 1964 89,50C.00 33,1.54;,62 122,694,62 1965 85,500,G0 22,231.37 114,731,37 1966 851500,00 25,438..12 1101,938,12 1967 81.9500,00 21�723.,62 103.9223.62 1968 74,500.00 18,357,87 92,857.87 1969 70,500.00 15,114.62 851614,62 1970 64,000.00 12,104„50 76,104.50 1971 57,000.00 9,237,,50 663237.50 1972 502000,00 6,885.00 56,885,00 1973 '19,000.00 4,772.50 53,772.50 1974 40,000.00 23853.50 42,853.50 1975 271F000.00 13423.00 28:423,00 1976 11,000.00 602.50 113602,50 1977 52000.00 237,50 5,327.50 $3,088,500.00 4,p'1,566,143.38 $4,654,643.38 16, 4 Nk f